了解您的笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑的品牌和型号在各种情况下都有用。在为您的设备搜索正确的驱动程序、想要升级其某些硬件组件、联系技术支持时,甚至当您决定出售它时,您可能需要它。您知道您的Windows 10 PC、笔记本电脑或平板电脑是什么型号吗?好吧,有八种不同的方法可以解决这个问题。事不宜迟,阅读本文以获得“如何在Windows 10中找到我的笔记本电脑型号?”的答案。问题。
1. 我的笔记本电脑是什么型号的?使用系统(System)信息查找
使用Windows(Windows)发现笔记本电脑或类似设备型号的最简单方法之一是使用默认的系统信息(System Information)工具。使用搜索或您喜欢的任何其他方法来启动它(launch it)。

在Windows 10中打开系统信息(System Information)
在“系统信息(System Information)”窗口中,确保在左侧栏中选择了“系统摘要”。(System Summary)然后,查看右侧面板中的详细信息,找到您的笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑的系统型号。(System Model)

系统型号(System Model)显示在Windows 10的系统(System)信息中
如上图所示,我们使用的是联想 80WK(Lenovo 80WK)笔记本电脑。
2. 我有什么样的电脑?使用 PowerShell(Use PowerShell)查找其模型
找出您拥有的笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑型号的另一种快速方法是在PowerShell中运行命令。打开 PowerShell(Open PowerShell),键入Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem,然后按键盘上的Enter 。除其他几件事外,此命令还告诉您 Windows 10 设备的型号(Model)和制造商。(Manufacturer)

(Find)在PowerShell中(PowerShell)查找PC 型号:Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem
3. 如何找到您的笔记本电脑、电脑或平板电脑的型号?使用命令提示符(Use Command Prompt)
同样,在Windows 10中,您也可以使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)来查找笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑的型号。打开 cmd(Open cmd)并使用它来执行命令wmic csproduct get name,vendor。

(Find)在命令提示符中(Command Prompt)查找笔记本电脑型号:wmic csproduct get name,vendor
4. 如何查看您的笔记本电脑型号?使用(Use)dxdiag(DirectX 诊断工具(DirectX Diagnostic Tool))
Microsoft 的DirectX 诊断工具是(DirectX Diagnostic Tool)Windows 10中的另一个工具,可以帮助您找到您的计算机的型号。

在 Windows 10 中打开 dxdiag
在dxdiag的(dxdiag)系统(System)选项卡上,您应该在系统信息(System Information)列表中找到您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑的系统型号。(System Model)

系统模型(System Model)显示在Windows 10的 dxdiag
5. 如何找到戴尔(Dell)、联想(Lenovo)、惠普的型号(等)?使用捆绑软件
为了找到您的 Windows 10 设备的型号,您还可以使用其上的捆绑软件。大多数制造商默认安装此类应用程序,它们通常会提供有关您的笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑的信息。不幸的是,每个供应商都有自己的应用程序,所以情况有很大不同。在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到我们在哪里找到联想(Lenovo)制造的笔记本电脑型号的示例。您应该在其他人(HP、 Dell(Dell)、ASUS等)捆绑的应用程序中获得类似的工具和信息。

正如您在上面的屏幕截图中所见,捆绑的应用程序更具体地说明了您拥有的Windows 10笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑的型号。联想的应用程序说我们的笔记本电脑型号是 Y520-15IKBN,而不是更通用的 80WK,让我们更容易找到合适的驱动程序和故障排除工具。
6. 我的笔记本电脑、电脑或平板电脑是什么型号?使用网络浏览器访问设备的制造商支持网站
许多Windows 10笔记本电脑、计算机和平板电脑制造商还提供小工具,帮助您了解您的设备型号。
要为您的设备获取该工具,您必须启动 Web 浏览器并访问设备制造商的支持网站。在那里,寻找检测产品(Detect Product)或自动检测(Automatically detect)链接或按钮,然后单击或点击它。

然后,Web 浏览器应要求您下载并运行该工具。允许它并等待它识别您的 Windows 10 计算机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑型号。

如果产品检测成功,那么支持网站应该能够告诉您笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑的确切型号。

7. 如何找到我的笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑的型号?检查BIOS
您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑、计算机或平板电脑的BIOS 或 UEFI也可以告诉您您的设备是什么型号。(BIOS or UEFI)进入 BIOS(Enter the BIOS)并查找信息(Information)页面。在其上,查找Product Name、Product Model或类似内容。那是您设备的型号。

8. 我的 Windows 10 设备是什么型号?查看笔记本电脑、PC 或平板电脑上的产品标签和贴纸
您还可以在设备本身或装运它的包装盒上找到作为产品名称列出的 PC、平板电脑或笔记本电脑型号及其产品和序列号。(product and serial number)确保(Make)检查标签以下地点:
- 在笔记本电脑、平板电脑或计算机的背面
- 电池下方,如果你的笔记本有可拆卸电池
- PC、笔记本电脑或平板电脑的包装盒(包装)上

您知道查找Windows 10 PC、笔记本电脑或平板电脑型号的其他方法吗?
What model is my Windows 10 PC, laptop, or tablet? 8 ways to find out -
Knowing the make and mоdel of your laptop, cоmputer, or tablet cаn be useful in a variety of situations. You might need it when searching for the right drivers for your device, when you want to upgrade some of its hardware components, when you contact technicаl support, or еven when уou decide to sell it. Do you know what mоdеl your Windоws 10 PC, laptop, or tablet is? Well, there are eight different methods to figurе it out. Without further ado, read this article to get an answer to the “How do I find the model of my laptoр in Windowѕ 10?” queѕtion.
1. What model is my laptop? Find out using System Information
One of the easiest ways to discover the model of your laptop or similar device with Windows is to use the default System Information tool. Use the search or any other method you prefer to launch it.

Opening System Information in Windows 10
In the System Information window, make sure that the System Summary is selected on the left sidebar. Then, look through the details in the right-side panel to find the System Model of your laptop, PC, or tablet.

The System Model is displayed in Windows 10's System Information
As you can see in the picture above, we are using a Lenovo 80WK laptop.
2. What kind of computer do I have? Use PowerShell to find its model
Another fast way to find out what model of laptop, computer, or tablet you own is to run a command in PowerShell. Open PowerShell, type Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem, and press Enter on your keyboard. Among a few other things, this command also tells you the Model and Manufacturer of your Windows 10 device.

Find PC model in PowerShell: Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem
3. How to find out the model of your laptop, computer, or tablet? Use Command Prompt
Similarly, in Windows 10, you can also use Command Prompt to find out the model of your laptop, PC, or tablet. Open cmd and use it to execute the command wmic csproduct get name,vendor.

Find laptop model in Command Prompt: wmic csproduct get name,vendor
4. How to find out the model of your laptop? Use dxdiag (DirectX Diagnostic Tool)
Microsoft’s DirectX Diagnostic Tool is yet another tool from Windows 10 that can help you find what model your computer is.
The fastest way to launch it is to use the search field on your taskbar to look for dxdiag.

Opening dxdiag in Windows 10
On the System tab from dxdiag, you should find the System Model of your Windows 10 laptop, computer, or tablet in the System Information list.

System Model is shown in Windows 10's dxdiag
5. How to find the Dell, Lenovo, HP model number (etc.)? Use the bundled software
In order to find the model of your Windows 10 device, you can also use the bundled software on it. Most manufacturers install by default such apps, and they usually offer information about your laptop, computer, or tablet. Unfortunately, each vendor has its own apps, so things differ a lot. In the screenshot below, you can see an example of where we found the model of a laptop made by Lenovo. You should get similar tools and information in the apps bundled by others (HP, Dell, ASUS, etc.).

Laptop model is usually displayed by the device's bundled managing software
As you can see in the screenshot above, the bundled apps are more specific about the model of Windows 10 laptop, PC, or tablet that you have. Lenovo’s app said that our laptop is model Y520-15IKBN instead of the more generic 80WK, making it easier for us to find the appropriate drivers and troubleshooting tools for it.
6. What model is my laptop, computer, or tablet? Use a web browser to visit the device’s manufacturer support website
Many Windows 10 laptop, computer, and tablet manufacturers also offer small tools that help you find out what model your device is.
To get that tool for your device, you must launch a web browser and visit your device’s manufacturer’s support website. There, look for a Detect Product or Automatically detect link or button, and click or tap on it.

Detect product on your device's support website
Then, the web browser should ask you to download and run the tool. Allow it and wait for it to identify your Windows 10 computer, tablet, or laptop model.

Running the detection tool provided by your device's manufacturer
If the product detection was successful, the support website should then be able to tell the exact model of your laptop, PC, or tablet.

The support webpage of a laptop identified its model
Here are the links to some of the most popular computer, laptop, and tablet manufacturers: Lenovo, HP, Dell, Acer.
7. How do I find the model of my laptop, PC, or tablet? Check the BIOS
The BIOS or UEFI of your Windows 10 laptop, computer, or tablet can also tell you what model your device is. Enter the BIOS and look for an Information page. On it, look for Product Name, Product Model, or something similar. That’s the model of your device.

How to find the model of a laptop using BIOS
8. What model is my Windows 10 device? Look at the product label and stickers on your laptop, PC, or tablet
You can also find your PC, tablet, or laptop model listed as the product name, together with its product and serial number, either on the device itself or on the box in which it was shipped in. Make sure that you check for stickers in the following locations:
- On the rear of the laptop, tablet, or computer
- Under the battery, if your notebook has a detachable battery
- On the box (package) of the PC, laptop, or tablet

Where to find the model of a laptop: it's possible to be printed on its back
That’s it! It’s a long list of methods, isn’t it?
Do you know other ways of finding what model a Windows 10 PC, laptop, or tablet is?
Now you know how to find the model of your laptop, computer, or tablet, using not one or two, but eight different ways. Do you know others too? Let us know in the comments section and, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.