Fitbit Charge 系列(Fitbit Charge line-up)一直是健身追踪器市场上最好的产品之一。新的Fitbit Charge 4采用了已经非常出色的产品并增加了新功能,例如Spotify 支持(Spotify support)、GPS 跟踪和 Fitbit Pay(GPS-tracking and Fitbit Pay)。我们很想测试新型号,看看它是否是Fitbit Charge 3的升级版。如果您正在寻找可以帮助您保持比赛状态的健康和健身乐队,请阅读此评论:(health and fitness band)
Fitbit Charge 4:它对谁有好处?
这款健身手环(fitness band)是以下人士的绝佳选择:
- 想要出色的健康和健身追踪(health and fitness tracking)的爱好者
- 想要分析和改善睡眠模式的人
- 需要一些基本智能手表功能和通知的用户
- 人们正在寻找具有GPS跟踪功能的健身手环(fitness band)
Fitbit Charge 4有很多优点:
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- 宜人的设计
- 它体积小、重量轻、佩戴舒适
- 具有精确跟踪的内置 GPS
- 有用的睡眠跟踪
- 良好的电池寿命
- 出色的健康和健身功能
- 触摸屏和感应按钮可能有点滞后
- 有时,通知是错误的,并且在被清除后会重复出现
- Spotify 集成(Spotify integration)的用处有限
Fitbit Charge 4是一款先进的健康和健身追踪器(health and fitness tracker),可通过同类设备提供您所需的一切。如果您正在寻找市场上最好的,Charge 4是值得购买的设备。GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking)和活动区域分钟数等(Active Zone Minutes)新(New)功能使其比其前身值得升级,后者已经是同类产品中最好的设备之一。我们向认真监测和改善健康状况(health and fitness)的任何人推荐Fitbit Charge 4。
拆箱 Fitbit Charge 4
Charge 4使用的包装与其他Fitbit产品的包装相似。健身手(fitness band)环采用白色包装盒,封面(front cover)上印有设备图片。在侧面,您可以找到许多有关其功能的多种语言的信息。
当您打开包装盒时,您会看到Charge 4包装精美且安全折叠,因此在运输过程中不会损坏。您还会被指示安装Fitbit移动应用程序以开始使用。
在包装内,您可以找到Fitbit Charge 4及其腕带(包括小号和大号)、专有充电线以及带有(charging cable)产品信息(product information)、设置说明和保修信息的传单。小腕带适合周长 5.5 - 7.1 英寸或 140 - 180 毫米的手腕。它非常适合许多女士和青少年。大腕带适合周长为 7.1 - 8.7 英寸或 180 - 220 毫米的手腕。
Fitbit Charge 4 的拆箱体验令人愉悦。在包装内,您可以获得入门所需的一切。但是,您可能需要在设置之前为 Charge 4 充电。我们收到的时候已经出院了。(The unboxing experience for the Fitbit Charge 4 is pleasant. Inside the package, you get everything you need to get started. However, you may need to charge the Charge 4 before setting it up. Ours was discharged when we received it.)
Fitbit Charge 4沿用其前身Charge 3的纤巧设计。它甚至可以与Charge 3的表带一起使用——如果您从旧型号升级,这是一个有用的功能。新型号有一种尺寸和四种颜色可供选择:黑色(Black)、玫瑰木(Rosewood)色、风暴蓝(Storm Blue)和花岗岩反光女(Granite Reflective Women)款。后者是一个稍微贵一点的特别版,并配有一条由回收材料制成的额外编织表带。(woven strap)所有颜色款式的经典表带均由柔韧的轻质塑料制成,类似于许多运动手表中使用的表带。
Charge 4由一个小型跟踪器模块(tracker module)组成,该模块可以通过专有连接器连接到各种带子。跟踪器的长x 宽(x width)x 高为 1.4 (x height)x 0.9 x 0.5 英寸或 35.8 x 22.7 x 12.55 毫米。它也很轻,不带腕带时重约 29 克,戴上大腕带时重约 60 克。
在微型跟踪器内部,有很多组件。最大的新奇之处在于Fitbit Charge 4内置GPS用于测量速度和距离(pace and distance)。还有一个光学心率监测器,可在(heart rate monitor)运动跟踪(exercise tracking)期间以 1 秒为间隔测量心率(heart rate)数据,其余时间以 5 秒为间隔测量心率数据。Fitbit还配备了SpO2 传感器(SpO2 sensor),可以使用红光和红外光跟踪血氧饱和度。(oxygen saturation)您还可以找到一个 3 轴加速度计、一个振动电机(vibration motor)、一个高度计和一个NFC 芯片(NFC chip)。内置存储保存7天详细资料运动和心率数据(motion and heart rate data),一分钟一分钟。它保存过去 30 天的每日总数。一个不错的特点是它的防水深度可达 50 米,您可以在淋浴、游泳池或在海边进行一些轻度游泳时佩戴它。
Fitbit Charge 4有一个单色OLED 1 英寸显示屏,足够大,可以显示通知和活动统计信息,同时还允许您用手指进行导航。锂聚合物电池为追踪器供电,Fitbit声称它可以持续长达 7 天,或 5 小时的连续GPS 追踪(GPS tracking)。
Fitbit Charge 4使用蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)发送和接收数据,它适用于 macOS 12.2 或更高版本、iPhone 5S及更高版本、iPad 5 及更高版本以及Android 7或更高版本。它可以在-4° 和 -140° 华氏度或 -20°(-4°and -140° Fahrenheit or -20°)和 60°摄氏度(Celsius)之间变化的温度下使用。最大工作高度(operating altitude)为 28000 英尺或 8535 米。
要了解更多关于这款智能手表的功能和规格,请访问其官方网页:Fitbit Charge 4。
设置和使用Fitbit Charge 4
要使用Fitbit Charge 4,请下载并安装适用于Android或iOS的(iOS)Fitbit 应用程序(Fitbit app),创建一个帐户,然后将其与您的智能手机配对。应在您的智能手机上激活蓝牙。(Bluetooth)如果您想从最新的修复和改进中受益,最好阅读设置向导中显示的(setup wizard)产品保养(product care)提示并更新固件。
Fitbit 应用程序(Fitbit app)非常出色且易于使用。一打开它,您就会看到所有基本指标,Charge 4会在后台自动同步。该界面分为多个逻辑部分,可让您访问不同的功能和数据。您还可以根据您的特定需求对其进行个性化设置,使用可以移动甚至关闭的“图块”。
Fitbit Charge 4类似于智能手表,因为它有几个内置应用程序,如闹钟(Alarms)、Spotify、放松(Relax)、议程(Agenda)或天气(Weather)。它还有一组可以下载和使用的钟面。然而,可用的应用程序相当基本,而且Spotify 的集成(Spotify integration)令人印象深刻。您必须拥有Spotify Premium 帐户(Spotify Premium account),您所能做的就是通过Fitbit Charge 4控制手机上的音频播放。此外,该应用程序对您的点击响应很慢,并且在尝试了三四次之后,我就停止了使用它。
屏幕的户外能见度是合理的,但是当阳光充足,手出汗时,与屏幕交互可能会有点挑战。Charge 4左侧的感应式按钮用于导航,我们有时会觉得按下它很挑剔。
如果您是想要与所有更新保持联系的人,Fitbit Charge 4上的通知会很有用。但是,它们很快就会变得烦人,因此我们建议您只为对您重要的应用程序启用通知。否则,您可能最终无法完成任何工作,因为您的健身手(fitness band)环每隔几分钟就会振动一次。您可以直接回复从Fitbit Charge 4收到的消息。您会收到五个预定义的快速回复(Quick Replies),您可以根据需要自定义它们。通知的一个小缺点是有时它们似乎是错误的,因为在同一个通知被发送多次,即使它已经被看到一次。很可能,这个问题将在未来的固件更新(future firmware update)中得到解决。总体而言, Charge 4(Charge 4)上类似智能手表的体验可能是有益的,但也比真正的智能手表更慢且吸引力更低。我们在Fitbit Versa 2(Fitbit Versa 2)上更加欣赏它。
我们得到的电池续航时间不是(battery life)Fitbit宣传的 7 天,而是大约 5 天零几个小时。此外,使用GPS时,您可以获得 4 到 5 小时的自主权。如果你想让它延长到 7 天,你很可能需要关闭心率监测,不使用GPS,并禁用定期将Charge 4与智能手机同步的“始终连接(Always Connected)”功能。幸运的是,电池的充电时间(charge time)并不算长:将这款健身手(fitness band)环从 0% 充电到 100% 需要两个小时。
无论是在锻炼时还是在睡觉时,佩戴Fitbit Charge 4都是一种舒适的体验。但是,您可能会觉得需要将其取下一段时间,每隔几天一次。如果您希望它记录所有内容,则可以不时换手并完全避免将其取下。
我发现移动提醒(Reminders to Move)非常有用。我花了很多时间在我的电脑前,在最近的大流行造成的封锁期间,我很想长时间坐着工作,没有任何体力活动。Fitbit Charge 4定期提醒我应该更加活跃。全天卡路里消耗(All-Day Calorie Burn)数据也有助于激励我关注自己的饮食量,并将其与 MyFitnessPal 提供的食物记录相结合,(MyFitnessPal)可以轻松坚持健康的饮食习惯。如果您愿意,您还可以使用Fitbit应用程序记录您的食物和水摄入量(food and water intake),而不是使用第三方服务。
Fitbit Charge 4 是您喜欢使用的健身手环,它提供有用的数据和通知。您需要每 5 或 6 天充电一次,两小时即可充满电,这是一个很大的优势。(Fitbit Charge 4 is a fitness band that you enjoy using, it provides useful data and notifications. You need to charge it once every 5 or 6 days, and it gets fully charged in two hours, so that is a big plus.)
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Fitbit Charge 4的健康和健身功能(health and fitness features)
您的所有健康和健身数据(health and fitness data)都可在Fitbit应用程序和(Fitbit)Fitbit.com在线仪表板中获得。该应用程序首先会显示您每天所走的步数。您还可以看到您步行了多长时间、燃烧了多少卡路里以及您每天活动了多少分钟。这些数据可以与 MyFitnessPal 等食物记录应用程序或Runkeeper(MyFitnessPal)或 Endomondo(Runkeeper or Endomondo)等健身应用程序集成。Fitbit Charge 4中的一项新功能是活动区分钟数,(Active Zone Minutes,)它测量在脂肪燃烧区、有氧运动区或峰值心率区所花费的时间。在有氧运动区或峰值心率区每花费一分钟,您将获得两个活动区分钟数(Active Zone Minutes). 心率区根据您的健康水平和年龄(fitness level and age)进行个性化设置。
在锁定期间,我很高兴看到我设法保持了通常的指标(例如每日步数),但我在Active Zone Minutes指标中表现不佳。结果,我慢慢开始在家做更多的锻炼,并调整了我的习惯以避免这方面的问题。Active Zone Minutes现在仅适用于Charge 4,今年晚些时候将推广到Fitbit Versa、Fitbit Versa 2、Fitbit Versa Lite和Fitbit Ionic,但不适用于其他健身追踪器。最有可能的是,Fitbit选择了这种策略来确定年龄较大的Fitbit 健身用户(Fitbit fitness)跟踪器升级到新模型。
Fitbit Charge 4记录您的静息心率(heart rate),跟踪一段时间内的心率趋势。(heart rate)它还会向您显示过去 30 天的静息心率(heart rate)日志,并将您的心肺健康状况与您的(cardio fitness)年龄和性别(age and gender)的其他人进行比较。
另一个新功能是GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking),它补充了您在锻炼期间获得的数据。Fitbit Charge 4使用内置GPS共享实时配速和距离指标(pace & distance metrics)。它很好地补充了内置的心率(heart rate)跟踪功能,并且在锻炼时获取有关您的心脏区域的数据是一项有用的功能。心率读数(heart rate reading)显示您所处的心率区间(heart rate zone),例如有氧运动、峰值或脂肪燃烧。Fitbit还会向您显示过去 30 天的静息心率(heart rate)日志,并将您的心肺健康状况与您的(cardio fitness)年龄和性别(age and gender)的其他人进行比较.
对我来说,另一个重要功能是睡眠跟踪功能。Fitbit 在这方面做得非常出色。每天晚上,它都会计算一个睡眠分数(Sleep Score),该分数会考虑您醒着、不安的时间以及您在每个睡眠阶段停留的时间:浅睡眠、快速眼动睡眠(REM sleep)和深睡眠。如果您想检查您的睡眠模式(sleep pattern)是否有所改善,它甚至可以为您提供 30 天的数据比较。最近添加的是估计的氧气变化,它可以帮助您使用(Estimated Oxygen Variation)SpO2 脉搏(SpO2 pulse) 血氧仪传感器(oximeter sensor)收集的数据发现呼吸问题。我注意到我的睡眠分数之间存在直接相关性(Sleep Score),氧气变化,以及我每天早上感觉如何休息。所有这些数据都非常好,它可以帮助人们关注睡眠模式并随着时间的推移而改善它们。
一些用户会喜欢SmartTrack 自动运动识别(SmartTrack Automatic Exercise Recognition)。Fitbit Charge 4可以自动检测您何时跑步。因此,如果您在开始跑步前忘记选择并开始一项活动,Charge 4会在检测到运动后为您启动一项。还有一个自动暂停功能,如果它感觉到您已经停止,它会自动启动。
如果您想要更多数据和图表,我们建议您购买高级订阅(Premium subscription)。有了它,您可以访问引导程序、高级见解(更详细、更有用)、高级睡眠工具和动态锻炼。不幸的是,订阅价格(subscription price)相当高(79.99 美元/年),我们认为Fitbit应该降低它。幸运的是,在锁定期间,您可以获得 90 天的免费测试服务,并在购买之前确定它是否足够有用。
如果您对统计数据、图表和详细数据充满热情,我们建议您登录Fitbit.com并访问那里提供的网络仪表板。结合Fitbit Premium 订阅,当您想要获得关于自己的最佳(Fitbit Premium subscription)健身和健康数据(fitness and health data)时,这里就是您的去处。
Fitbit Charge 4 是对健康和健身感兴趣的人的终极追踪器,它提供了许多有用的数据和功能。(Fitbit Charge 4 is the ultimate tracker for people interested in health and fitness, and it provides lots of helpful data and features.)
你会买 Fitbit Charge 4 吗?
现在您知道我们喜欢和不喜欢Fitbit Charge 4的什么。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对这款健身和健康追踪器(fitness and health tracker)的看法。你喜欢它所提供的吗?你觉得有用吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Fitbit Charge 4 review: Excellent health and fitness tracking!
The Fitbit Chargе line-up has always been one of the best in the market оf fitness trackers. The new Fitbit Charge 4 takеs what was already an excellent product and adds new features, like Spotify support, GPS-trаcking and Fitbit Pay. We were curious to test the new model and ѕee whether it is an uрgrade from the Fitbit Chаrge 3. If you are on the lookout for a health and fitness band that can help you stay up on your game, read this review:
Fitbit Charge 4: Who is it good for?
This fitness band is an excellent choice for:
- Enthusiasts who want excellent health and fitness tracking
- People who want to analyze and improve their sleep patterns
- Users who need some basic smartwatch features and notifications
- People looking for a fitness band with GPS tracking
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the Fitbit Charge 4:
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- Pleasant design
- It is small, light, and comfortable to wear
- Built-in GPS with accurate tracking
- Useful sleep tracking
- Good battery life
- Excellent health & fitness features
There are some downsides too:
- The touchscreen and the inductive button can be a bit laggy
- Sometimes, notifications are buggy, and they repeat themselves after being cleared
- The Spotify integration has limited usefulness
Fitbit Charge 4 is an advanced health and fitness tracker that offers everything you need from a device of its type. If you are looking for the best on the market, Charge 4 is the device to buy. New features like GPS tracking and Active Zone Minutes make it a worthy upgrade over its predecessor, which was already one of the best devices of its kind. We recommend Fitbit Charge 4 to anyone serious about monitoring and improving their health and fitness.
Unboxing the Fitbit Charge 4
The packaging used for Charge 4 is similar to that of other Fitbit products. The fitness band comes in a white box, featuring a picture of the device on the front cover. On the sides, you find lots of information about its features in several languages.
When you open the box, you see the Charge 4 nicely packaged and safely tucked so that it doesn't get damaged during shipping. You are also instructed to install the Fitbit mobile app to get started.
Inside the packaging, you find the Fitbit Charge 4 with its wristbands (both small and large), the proprietary charging cable, and leaflets with product information, setup instructions, and warranty information. The small wristband fits wrists that are 5.5 - 7.1 inches or 140 - 180 mm in circumference. It is a good fit for many ladies and teenagers. The large wristband fits wrists that are 7.1 - 8.7" or 180 - 220 mm in circumference.
The unboxing experience for the Fitbit Charge 4 is pleasant. Inside the package, you get everything you need to get started. However, you may need to charge the Charge 4 before setting it up. Ours was discharged when we received it.
Design and hardware specifications
Fitbit Charge 4 follows the svelte design of its predecessor - the Charge 3. It even works with the straps from the Charge 3 - a useful feature if you are upgrading from the older model. The new model is available in one size and four color variants: Black, Rosewood, Storm Blue, and Granite Reflective Women. The latter is a special edition that is slightly more expensive, and it comes with an additional woven strap made from recycled materials. The classic strap on all the color variants is made of flexible, light plastic, similar to that used in many sports watches.
The Charge 4 is made up of a small tracker module that can connect to a variety of straps with a proprietary connector. The tracker has 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.5 inches or 35.8 x 22.7 x 12.55 mm in length x width x height. It is also very light, weighing about 29 grams without the wristband, and about 60 grams with the large wristband on.
Inside the tiny tracker, there are lots of components. The big novelty is that Fitbit Charge 4 has built-in GPS for measuring both pace and distance. There is also an optical heart rate monitor that measures the heart rate data at 1-second intervals during exercise tracking and at 5-second intervals the rest of the time. Fitbit has packed in a SpO2 sensor too, that can track oxygen saturation using red and infrared light. You also find a 3-axis accelerometer, a vibration motor, an altimeter, and an NFC chip. The built-in storage saves 7 days of detailed motion and heart rate data, minute by minute. It saves daily totals for the past 30 days. One nice feature is that it is water-resistant up to 50 meters, and you can wear it in the shower, the pool, or when doing some light swimming at the seaside.
Fitbit Charge 4 has a monochrome OLED 1-inch display that's big enough to show notifications and activity stats, while also allowing you to navigate it with your finger. A lithium-polymer battery powers the tracker, and Fitbit claims that it can last up to seven days, or five hours of continuous GPS tracking.
Fitbit Charge 4 uses Bluetooth 4.0 to send and receive data, and it works with macOS 12.2 or newer, iPhone 5S and later, iPad 5 and later, and Android 7 or newer. It can be used at temperatures that vary between -4°and -140° Fahrenheit or -20° and 60° Celsius. The maximum operating altitude is 28000 feet or 8535 meters.
To learn more about the features and specifications of this smartwatch, visit its official web page: Fitbit Charge 4.
Setting up and using the Fitbit Charge 4
To use the Fitbit Charge 4, download and install the Fitbit app for Android or iOS, create an account, and then pair it with your smartphone. Bluetooth should be activated on your smartphone. It is a good idea to read the product care tips shown during the setup wizard and also to update the firmware, if you want to benefit from the latest fixes and improvements.
The Fitbit app is excellent and easy to use. You are shown all the essential metrics as soon as you open it, and the Charge 4 syncs automatically in the background. The interface is divided into logical sections, which give you access to different features and data. You can also personalize it to suit your particular needs, with "tiles" that can be moved around or even dismissed.
Fitbit Charge 4 is smartwatch-like in the sense that it has a couple of built-in apps like Alarms, Spotify, Relax, Agenda, or Weather. It also has a collection of clock faces that can be downloaded and used. However, the apps available are rather basic, and the Spotify integration is underwhelming. You must have a Spotify Premium account, and all you can do is control the audio playback on your phone, from the Fitbit Charge 4. Also, the app is slow to respond to your taps, and, after trying it out three or four times, I just stopped using it.
The outdoor visibility of the screen is reasonable, but when there's lots of sun, and your hands are sweaty, interacting with the screen can be a bit challenging. The inductive button on the left side of the Charge 4 is used for navigation, and we sometimes found it finicky to press.
The notifications on the Fitbit Charge 4 can be useful if you are the type of person who wants to stay in touch with all the updates. However, they can quickly become annoying, so we recommend that you only enable notifications for the apps that are important to you. Otherwise, you might end up not getting any work done because your fitness band vibrates every few minutes. You can reply to the messages you receive straight from the Fitbit Charge 4. You get five predefined Quick Replies, and you can customize them as you wish. A minor downside to the notifications is that sometimes they seem to be buggy, as in the same notification is sent several times, even after it has been seen once. Most probably, this problem is going to be fixed in a future firmware update. Overall, the smartwatch-like experience on Charge 4 can be beneficial but is also slower and less appealing than on real smartwatches. We appreciated it more on the Fitbit Versa 2.
The battery life that we got was not the 7 days advertised by Fitbit, but around 5 days and a few hours. Also, when using the GPS, you get somewhere between 4 and 5 hours of autonomy. If you want it to stretch to 7 days, you most probably need to turn off the heart-rate monitoring, not use GPS, and disable the Always Connected feature that regularly syncs the Charge 4 with your smartphone. Luckily, the charge time of the battery is not too long: it takes two hours to charge this fitness band from 0 to 100%.
Wearing the Fitbit Charge 4 was a comfortable experience, both when exercising, and when sleeping. However, you may feel the need to take it off for a while, once every few days. If you want it to log everything, you can switch hands from time to time and avoid taking it off at all.
I found the Reminders to Move quite useful. I spend a lot of time in front of my PC, and during the lockdown caused by the recent pandemic, it is tempting to sit and work for long hours without any physical activity. Fitbit Charge 4 regularly reminded me that I should be more active. The All-Day Calorie Burn data was also helpful in motivating me to pay attention to how much I eat, and integrating it with the food-logging offered by MyFitnessPal makes it easy to stick to healthy eating habits. If you want to, you can also use the Fitbit app to log both your food and water intake, instead of third-party services.
The Fitbit app can also be used to log your weight for a complete overview of your evolution. Ladies can use the app to log their period, record symptoms, and compare their cycle against other health stats like sleep, activity, and weight.
Fitbit Charge 4 is a fitness band that you enjoy using, it provides useful data and notifications. You need to charge it once every 5 or 6 days, and it gets fully charged in two hours, so that is a big plus.
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The health and fitness features of the Fitbit Charge 4
All your health and fitness data is available both in the Fitbit app and in a dashboard found online at The app first shows you the number of steps you take each day. You also see how long you walk, how many calories you burn, and how many minutes you are active each day. This data can be integrated with food-logging apps such as MyFitnessPal or fitness apps like Runkeeper or Endomondo. A new feature in Fitbit Charge 4 is Active Zone Minutes, which measures the time spent in the fat burn, cardio, or peak heart-rate zones. For each minute spent in cardio or peak heart-rate zones, you earn two Active Zone Minutes. Heart-rate zones are personalized based on your fitness level and age.
While in lockdown, I was happy to see that I managed to keep the usual metrics (e.g. number of daily steps) up, but I was doing poorly in the Active Zone Minutes metric. As a result, I slowly started doing more workouts at home and adjusted my habits to avoid problems in this area. Active Zone Minutes is now available only for Charge 4, later this year it will be rolled out to the Fitbit Versa, Fitbit Versa 2, Fitbit Versa Lite, and Fitbit Ionic, but not to its other fitness trackers. Most probably, Fitbit has chosen this strategy to determine users of older Fitbit fitness trackers to upgrade to the new model.
Fitbit Charge 4 records your resting heart rate, tracking heart rate trends over time. It also shows you a log of your resting heart rate for the last 30 days and gives you a comparison of your cardio fitness with other people of your age and gender.
Another new feature is the GPS tracking, which supplements the data you get during workouts. Fitbit Charge 4 shares real-time pace & distance metrics, using the built-in GPS. It complements the built-in heart rate tracking well, and getting data about your heart zones while exercising is a useful feature. The heart rate reading shows you what heart rate zone you are in, such as cardio, peak, or fat burn. Fitbit also shows you a log of your resting heart rate for the last 30 days and gives you a comparison of your cardio fitness with other people of your age and gender.
Another essential feature for me is the sleep tracking one. Fitbit does an excellent job in this regard. Each night it calculates a Sleep Score that takes into consideration how long you're awake, restless, and how long you remain in each sleep stage: light sleep, REM sleep, and deep sleep. It even gives you a comparison of 30 days' worth of data if you want to check whether your sleep pattern has improved. A recent addition is the Estimated Oxygen Variation that can help you spot breathing issues using the data collected by the SpO2 pulse oximeter sensor. I noticed a direct correlation between my Sleep Score, oxygen variations, and how rested I felt each morning. All this data is excellent, and it helps people pay attention to sleep patterns and improve them over time.
Some users are going to appreciate the SmartTrack Automatic Exercise Recognition. Fitbit Charge 4 can automatically detect when you go for a run. Therefore, if you forget to select and start an activity before you begin to run, Charge 4 starts one for you after detecting the exercise. There's also an auto-pause that automatically kicks in if it senses you've stopped.
If you want even more data and graphs, we recommend purchasing the Premium subscription. With it, you get access to guided programs, advanced insights, which are even more detailed and helpful, advanced sleep tools, and dynamic workouts. Unfortunately, the subscription price is quite high ($79.99/year), and we believe that Fitbit should lower it. Luckily, during the lockdown, you get 90-days free to test the service and decide whether it is useful enough before purchasing it.
If you are passionate about stats, graphs, and detailed data, we recommend logging in to and accessing the web dashboard available there. Combined with a Fitbit Premium subscription, this is the place to go when you want the best possible fitness and health data about yourself.
Fitbit Charge 4 is the ultimate tracker for people interested in health and fitness, and it provides lots of helpful data and features.
Would you buy the Fitbit Charge 4?
Now you know both what we like and what we don't like about the Fitbit Charge 4. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about this fitness and health tracker. Do you like what it has to offer? Do you consider it useful? Comment below and let's discuss.