如今,复古游戏(Retro gaming)风靡一时。似乎每个人都在出售带有多年前经典游戏的迷你游戏机。Sega 和 Nintendo 的SNES和NES迷你游戏机的产品特别适合作为进入游戏令人惊叹的优质游戏历史的门户。
然而,来自Commodore 64和ZX Spectrum等系统的复古电脑游戏也开始受到应有的关注。随着以他们的游戏为特色的迷你游戏机也看到了曙光。与购买原始硬件和软件(hardware and software)相比,玩这些游戏肯定是更便宜、更容易的途径。
话虽如此,有一种有趣甚至更简单的方法可以从比任何人都了解该主题的人那里了解复古游戏。您需要做的就是查看这些优秀的 YouTube 频道,其中包含网络上最好的复古电脑游戏内容(retro computer game content)。
请记住,我们正在寻找与复古电脑(computer )游戏相关的内容的频道。可悲的是,专注于复古控制台游戏(console gaming)的频道将不得不等待另一篇文章。
该频道自 2006 年以来一直存在,并已成为YouTube 上(YouTube)复古电脑游戏(retro computer game)中最知名的名称之一。他的真名是Jason Lindsey,与众多朋友一起(variety crew),您会发现各种创意复古电脑游戏(retro computer game)主题可供探索。
虽然Metal Jesus拥有丰富的视频游戏机内容(game console content),但他是 PC 游戏的忠实收藏家,尤其是经典的大盒游戏。更棒的是,Jason是Sierra On-Line 的前雇员(Sierra On-Line employee),这让他成为了经典的 PC 游戏皇室成员。演出本身就具有 90 年代的风格,从俗气的尴尬(cheesy awkwardness)到车库乐队的金属介绍(garage band metal intro),这一切都非常完美。
杰森(Jason)本人是一个脚踏实地的家伙,他看起来像我们都希望我们长大的那个友好的书呆子朋友。他是复古游戏界的罗杰斯先生吗?(Mister Rogers)我们不是说他不是(not)。
要获得 Metal Jesus 复古电脑游戏的最佳内容(computer game content),我们建议您直接前往Classic PC Gaming 播放列表(Classic PC Gaming playlist)。
将Angry Video Game Nerd(Angry Video Game Nerd)的故乡Cinemasacre(Cinemassacre)列入复古电脑游戏(computer game)频道列表似乎有点奇怪。虽然他们确实主要处理主机游戏,但有大量视频将写作、制作和幽默标准(production and humour standards)应用到经典电脑游戏(computer game)Angry Video Game Nerd的著名作品中。
除了主要吸引人的AVGN剧集之外, (AVGN)Cinemassacre的人们在经典视频游戏方面也提出了一些非常有创意的角度。AVGN : Bad Video Game Art就是一个显着的例子,你会发现Commodore 64、ZX Spectrum以及所有常见的控制台嫌疑人对游戏的盒子艺术进行了有趣的删除。
如果你处于愤世嫉俗、讽刺和有点阴暗的情绪中,没有什么(s nothing)比一剂AVGN更能真正扭转局面的了。我们建议您使用AVGN 播放列表(AVGN playlist)来帮助您入门。
好的,这个条目有点作弊,因为DF Retro实际上是作为更大的Digital Foundry 频道(Digital Foundry channel)的一部分而存在的一个系列。Digital Foundry是一个 YouTube 频道,我们之前曾将其作为网站上重要的技术目的地(technology destination)。
DF Retro将相同的技术细节应用于过去的游戏。这里有很多以控制台为中心的剧集,但他们工作中最好的部分之一是跨平台比较。这意味着,如果一款游戏同时在电脑和主机(computer and console)上发布,您将看到令人着迷的差异细分。
还有很多关于经典PC 游戏(PC gaming)和各个时代技术的剧集。该系列是DF 员工(DF staffer) John Linneman的创意,他为复古电脑游戏(retro computer game)爱好者制作了一些出色的镜头。(standout footage)
我们建议大家从(everyone start)真人快打功能(Mortal Kombat feature)开始。这(Which)很可能是 DF Retro 迄今为止最好的作品。
Gaming Historian为其他复古(Gaming Historian)电脑游戏(computer game)频道带来了根本性的变化。剧集的发布间隔要长得多,通常相隔数月。然而,这在很大程度上是一个质量而不是数量的问题,因为每个视频都是一部完整的纪录片,充满了创作者诺曼·卡鲁索(Norman Caruso)的深入研究、出色的编辑和精彩的旁白。
正如您所料,许多剧集都围绕复古控制台游戏(console gaming)展开,但由于这些都是历史纪录片,即使这些视频也将当时的当代电脑游戏作为一种背景形式。还有一些剧集关注复古电脑游戏系列(retro computer game series),如德军总部(Wolfenstein)和关键人物,如史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs),以及他们在游戏史上的角色。
如果您对主机游戏也不感兴趣,那么许多纪录片对您来说并不是那么有趣,但这仍然会留下大量剧集,让前往诺曼附近的旅行非常值得。我们建议从德军总部的历史(History of Wolfenstein)三部分开始。它是计算机游戏历史的重要组成部分。
是的,这是 8-Bit 家伙第二次出现在我们的 YouTube 名单之一上,但理由很充分。这个频道的特色是冷酷、悠闲的演示,并简单地解释了过去的技术是如何工作的。它属于此列表,因为大量内容专用于经典计算机硬件(computer hardware)和在该硬件上运行的游戏。
我们建议您从“老式计算机和游戏的工作原理(How Old School Computers and Games Work)”播放列表开始。它将解开CGA图形的奥秘以及经典(CGA)Apple 计算机(Apple computer)图形幕后真正发生的事情。这只是一个美好的时光!
如果您还不知道,这有点奇怪。在撰写本文时,Classic Game Room已经完成了大约四年的YouTube 视频内容创作。(YouTube video)这就是一家出版公司(publishing company)的方式,它仍然将处理经典视频游戏(video gaming)的书籍作为其投资组合的重要组成部分。
在此之前,CHR是(如果不是)(THE)第一个在线视频游戏评论(video game review)节目之一。这意味着他们的许多评论现在可能被认为是复古的,但在制作时却是当代的。
上面标题中的主要链接将带你到CGRundertow,它有数百个活跃年份的视频,但你也可以前往80s Comics,这是他们的活跃品牌,也承载了许多CGR 视频(CGR videos)。我们建议您从PC/Mac Review播放列表开始。
RetroManCave让一切回归基础。如果您只想查看原始硬件和游戏(hardware and games)的实际运行情况,那么这里就是您的最佳选择。必要时也有很好的仿真措施,但很少有渠道展示复古(showcase retro) 电脑游戏硬件(computer game hardware)以及RetroManCave。
我们不能只坚持推荐一个特定的列表或剪辑(list or clip)。BBC Micro上有内容(s content),正在构建新的 Amiga(new Amiga)和Amstrad Mega PC。这实际上只是冰山一角,任何复古电脑游戏迷(computer game fan)都会发现该频道上的几乎所有视频都值得一看(channel worth)。制作质量(production quality)很漂亮,演示文稿非常冷静。这绝对是要支持的!
这位作者对Lazy Game Review(Lazy Game Reviews)情有独钟,而不仅仅是因为主机和创作者(host and creator)做了一个刻薄的Duke Nukem 模仿(Duke Nukem impersonation)。该频道几乎完全专注于经典PC 游戏(PC gaming)。主要在DOS和早期的Windows机器上。
它是 YouTube 上最大的频道之一,拥有超过一百万的订阅者,但这些视频从未改变其自制基调或失去任何魅力。
老实说,很难只选择一个地方来开始提供所有内容。硬件(hardware)、恢复(restoration)和DOS 游戏(DOS game)播放列表很可能会让您对这个频道的内容有最好的了解。如果您是从IBM PC 时代(IBM PC era)开始的复古电脑游戏的粉丝,那么几乎没有比这个更好的支持渠道了。
你好(Hello)!是的,Guru Larry有自己的标语,频道的其他部分也同样充满个性。不是每个人都会接受这个频道的特殊幽默感和风格(humor and style),但没有人认为小拉里邦迪是(Larry Bundy Jr)YouTube 上(YouTube)的真正原创者,并且发布了一些软木塞内容。
我们绝对建议您从Fact Hunt开始,其中包含视频游戏历史(game history)中一些最有趣的事实和琐事,其中很多都与复古电脑游戏有关。
我们以特别高调的怀旧书呆子(Nostalgia Nerd)结束本综述。该频道作为一个整体来看复古的硬件(retro hardware)、软件、玩具甚至杂志。散落(Scattered)在一般复古风格中的是复古电脑(retro computer)游戏中一些真正有趣的作品。例如,Amiga Computers 的 Demoscene 内容(Demoscene content for Amiga Computers)存档。还有谁会想到收集它?
然后是审查各种系统的最高级视频集合。(superlative collection of videos)这些视频不仅仅着眼于电脑和游戏机本身。您还将获得适当的历史叙述以及您需要了解所有大惊小怪的所有背景。怀旧书呆子(Nostalgia Nerd)是一个真正的宝库,而且……你现在正在看它。好,可以。
It’s Like, Only Your Opinion Man!
这些是YouTube 上最好的(YouTube)复古电脑游戏(retro computer game)频道吗?这位作者是这么认为的,但是还有很多其他值得的YouTube rs 制作一流的复古电脑游戏内容(retro computer game content)。
The 10 Best YouTube Channels For Retro Computer Games
Retro gaming iѕ all the rage these days. Everyone’s sеllіng a mini-console with classic games from years gone by, it seems. The offerings from Sega and Nintendо’s SNES and NES mini consoles are particularly good as a gateway into gaming’s amazing history of quality titles.
However, retro computer games from systems like the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum are also starting to get the attention they deserve. With mini consoles featuring their games also seeing the light of day. It’s certainly a cheaper and easier path to playing these games compared to buying the original hardware and software.
That being said, there’s a fun and even simpler way to learn about retro gaming from people who know more than anyone about the subject. All you need to do is check out these excellent YouTube channels packed with the best retro computer game content on the web.
Just remember, we’re looking at channels that have content related to retro computer games. Sadly channels that focus exclusively on retro console gaming will have to wait for another article.
This channel has been around since 2006 and has become one of the best-known names in retro computer games on YouTube. His real name is Jason Lindsey, and along with a variety crew of friends you’ll find a variety of creative retro computer game topics to explore.
Although Metal Jesus has plenty of video game console content, he’s a big collector of PC games, especially the classic big-box variety. Even better, Jason is a former Sierra On-Line employee, effectively making him classic PC gaming royalty. The show itself has that schlocky 90s vibe, from the cheesy awkwardness to the garage band metal intro, it’s all just so perfect.
Jason himself is a down to earth dude who seems like that friendly nerd friend we all wish we had growing up. Is he the Mister Rogers of retro gaming? We’re not saying he’s not.
For the best of Metal Jesus’ retro computer game content, we recommend heading straight to the Classic PC Gaming playlist.
It might seem a little strange to have Cinemassacre, home of the Angry Video Game Nerd, on a list of retro computer game channels. While it is true that they deal primarily with console gaming, there’s a healthy number of videos that apply the writing, production and humour standards to takedowns of classic computer games the Angry Video Game Nerd is famous for.
Apart from the AVGN episodes, which are the main draw, the folks over at Cinemassacre have come up with some really creative angles when it comes to classic video games. The AVGN: Bad Video Game Art is a notable example, and you’ll find hilarious takedowns of box art for games on the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, along with all the usual console suspects.
If you’re in a cynical, sarcastic and somewhat darker mood there’s nothing better than a dose of AVGN to really twist the knife. We recommend the AVGN playlist to get you started.
OK, this entry is cheating just a little bit since DF Retro is actually a series that exists as part of the larger Digital Foundry channel. Digital Foundry is a YouTube channel that we’ve featured before as an essential technology destination on the site.
DF Retro applies the same technical detail to the games of yore. There’s plenty of console-centric episodes here, but one of the best parts of their work is cross-platform comparison. Which means that if a game was released on both computer and console, you’ll get to see a fascinating breakdown of the differences.
There are also a good number of episodes dealing with classic PC gaming and the technologies of the various eras. The series is the brainchild of DF staffer John Linneman, who has made some standout footage for the pleasure of retro computer game enthusiasts.
We recommend everyone start with the Mortal Kombat feature. Which is quite possibly DF Retro’s finest work yet.
The Gaming Historian offers a radical change of pace to other retro computer game channels. Episodes are released at much longer intervals, usually months apart. However, this is very much a question of quality over quantity, as each video is a full-blown documentary filled with deep research, excellent editing and great narration by creator Norman Caruso.
As you would expect, many of the episodes center around retro console gaming, but since these are historical documentaries, even those videos touch on contemporary computer games of the time as a form of context. There are also episodes focusing on retro computer game series such as Wolfenstein and pivotal figures such as Steve Jobs and their role in the history of gaming.
If you aren’t also interested in console gaming, many of the documentaries won’t be all that interesting to you, but that still leaves a substantial number of episodes that make the trip over to Norman’s neighbourhood more than worth it. We suggest starting with the History of Wolfenstein three-parter. It’s an essential part of computer gaming history.
Yes, this is the second time the 8-Bit guy has featured on one of our YouTube lists, but for very good reason. This channel features chill, laid-back presentation with simple explanations of how the technology of yesteryear works. It belongs on this list because a significant amount of content is dedicated to classic computer hardware and the games that ran on that hardware.
From a series outlining the history of Commodore computers to fascinating restorations of busted classic computers, if you love retro computer games you’ll find something to love here.
We suggest you get started with the “How Old School Computers and Games Work” playlist. It will unravel the mysteries of CGA graphics and what’s really happening behind the scenes of classic Apple computer graphics. It’s just a good time all around!
This is a bit of a weird one if you don’t know about it already. At the time of writing, Classic Game Room has been done with creating YouTube video content for about four years. It is how a publishing company, which still makes books that deal with classic video gaming as a significant part of their portfolio.
Before that, CHR as the distinction of being one of (if not THE) first online video game review shows. Which means that plenty of their reviews may be considered retro now, but were contemporary when they were made.
The main link in the title above will take you to CGRundertow, which has hundreds of videos from their active years, but you can also head over to 80s Comics which is their active brand and also hosts many of the CGR videos. We suggest you start with the PC/Mac Review playlist.
RetroManCave takes it all back to basics. If you just want to see the original hardware and games in action this is the place to be. There’s also a good measure of emulation when warranted, but there are few channels that showcase retro computer game hardware as well as RetroManCave.
We can’t just stick with recommending one particular list or clip. There’s content on the BBC Micro, building a new Amiga and the Amstrad Mega PC. That’s really just the tip of the iceberg and any retro computer game fan will find just about every video on this channel worth watching. The production quality is beautiful and the presentation is wonderfully chilled out. This is definitely one to support!
This author has a big soft spot for Lazy Game Reviews and not just because the host and creator does a mean Duke Nukem impersonation. This channel is almost entirely dedicated to classic PC gaming. Mainly on DOS and early Windows machines.
It’s one of the largest channels on YouTube with well over a million subscribers, but the videos have never changed their home-made tone or lost any of their charm.
Honestly, it’s hard to pick just one place to start off with all the content on offer. The hardware, restoration and DOS game playlists will most likely give you the best idea of what this channel is about. If you’re a fan of retro computer games from the IBM PC era onwards, there’s hardly a better channel for you to support than this one.
Hello you! Yes, Guru Larry has his own catchphrase and the rest of the channel is similarly packed with personality. Not everyone is going to get along with this channel’s particular sense of humor and style, but there’s not arguing that Larry Bundy Jr is a true original on YouTube and puts out some corking content.
We absolutely recommend you get started with the Fact Hunt which contains some of the most interesting facts and trivia from video game history, plenty of which pertain to retro computer games.
We end this roundup on a particularly high note with Nostalgia Nerd. The channel as a whole takes a look at retro hardware, software, toys and even magazines. Scattered amongst the general retro-ness are some truly interesting pieces on retro computer games. For example, there’s this archive of Demoscene content for Amiga Computers. Who else would have thought to collect that?
Then there’s the superlative collection of videos reviewing various systems. These videos don’t only look at the computers and consoles themselves. You also get a proper historical recounting and all the context you’ll need to understand what all the fuss was about. Nostalgia Nerd is a proper treasure trove and…you’re watching it right now. OK, fair enough.
It’s Like, Only Your Opinion Man!
Are these the best retro computer game channels on YouTube? This author thinks so, but there are plenty of other worthy YouTubers making top-notch retro computer game content.
So here’s your chance to highlight who you think everyone else should give a shot. Sound off in the comments and share the hidden gem channels with the world. Whether established or up-and-coming, we’d love to know about them!