世界已经远离大自然的宁静。然而,无论好坏,我们人类还没有进化到更喜欢我们现在周围的噪音和频率。(noise and frequency)不过值得庆幸的是,技术已经进步,可以模仿曾经是大自然送给我们的甜美舒缓的声音。当您只想休息时,为什么还要忍受混乱?下载一个(Download one)或多个最好的白噪声应用程序(noise apps),让大自然再次为您所用。
适用于Windows 10的免费白噪声应用程序(White Noise apps)
白噪声(White Noise)是在不同频率上具有相同强度的随机信号,使其具有恒定的功率谱密度。这给听众带来了舒缓的效果。
以下列出了 10 大白噪声应用程序(noise apps),它们可以帮助您放松或睡个好觉,如果幸运的话,甚至可以帮助您解决焦虑问题。除了某些应用程序上的一些应用程序内购买外,它们是免费的。因此,您可以根据需要尝试任意数量,并为自己选择最好的。所以,我们开始吧。
- 泰迪睡觉的声音
- 睡眠虫
- 睡眠机
- 婴儿安抚奶嘴
- 放松的旋律
- 放松——雨声
- 5 分钟放松
- 冥想音乐
- 白噪声发生器
- 自然之声精简版。
(Teddy Sleep Sounds)ClipinMedia的(ClipinMedia)Teddy Sleep Sounds是一款白噪声应用软件(noise application software),致力于帮助成人和儿童的睡眠。在所需的 98MB 存储空间内,您将获得帮助您入睡或让宝宝入睡所需的所有自然声音。它也可以帮助失眠的人。这个应用程序的特别之处在于它提供了自然声音的实际录音,而不是许多人不满意的合成复制。到目前为止,对于Windows用户,此应用程序的评分为 4.1(Windows)检查(Check)该应用程序适合您自己使用,如果您觉得它有用,请告诉您的朋友。由于某些高级功能,此应用程序的用户并不多。这个应用程序唯一的缺点是免费版没有太多选择,但这笔钱是值得的。Teddy Sleep Sounds可在此处的Microsoft Store中获得。(Microsoft Store)
Sleep Bug是迄今为止Windows上最流行的白噪声生成软件。这个Panzertax 应用程序(Panzertax app)获得 4,013 名用户的 4.5 分。占用大约 334MB 的设备存储空间(device storage),Sleep Bug带有 24 种风景以及 83 种不同的舒缓音效。您可以根据自己的心情选择 300 多种不同的声音。Sleep Bug适用于PC 和移动设备(PC and mobile)。
这个应用程序是一个带有内置声音发生器(sound generator)的环境声音,可提供自然的声音。Sleep Bug有助于安抚成人并使婴儿保持忙碌。它可以帮助疲倦和忙碌的人睡个安宁的小睡,甚至帮助一个濒临失眠(borderline insomniac)的人平静地打瞌睡。当您想工作或只是放松而不打瞌睡时,您也可以使用Sleep Bug 。如果您将其插入,它将消除所有外部噪音,并在不到四分之一小时内消除您的压力。从 这里(here)下载这个令人难以置信的白噪声应用程序(noise app)。
Sleep Machine是最灵活的白噪声应用程序(noise apps)之一,您可以自定义环境声音以满足您的品味和要求(taste and requirement)。您还可以选择专业掌握(Mastered)您的声音。当然,您可以自定义音量、音高、声音和平衡,为自己编译最舒缓的声音。您会听到大多数自然元素的声音,例如雨、海浪、鸟类等。您可以通过一个Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)在最多 10 台设备上安装该应用程序。
如果您进入最放松的睡眠太深,请不要担心。借助该软件随附的 15 种舒缓的闹钟声音,您可以在不破坏宁静睡眠的情况下唤醒自己。您可以调整每个声音和曲调(sound and tune)的音量、音高和平衡。除了 7种预设(preset sound)混音之外,您还可以选择制作自己的混音。您可以在不到 130MB 的时间内获得所有这些。由SleepSoft LLC出版,Sleep Machine致力于满足您的打盹需求。这个应用程序应该得到 4.4 的评级,未来可能会进行一些调整。请(Please)查看Sleep Machine 应用程序(Sleep Machine app)的网站了解 更多详情(more details)。
4] 婴儿安抚奶嘴
这是关于免费版的。与大多数其他白噪声应用不同,(noise apps)婴儿安抚奶嘴(Baby Soother)属于“儿童和家庭”类别,而不是“健康和健身” 。在不到 11.5MB 的存储空间(storage space)中,婴儿(Baby Soother)安抚奶嘴将确保您的宝宝安然入睡,不会一觉醒来胡思乱想。婴儿(Baby Soother)安抚奶嘴有摇篮曲供您在用完时使用。这些声音带有各种低频选项,以免刺激或刺激婴儿。有13个低频声音。您不仅会收到白噪音,还会收到粉红噪音和棕色噪音,这样您就可以弄清楚宝宝喜欢打瞌睡什么。由 apply-now 发布,到目前为止,婴儿安抚奶嘴在(Baby Soother)Windows上已拥有 255名用户, 评分为 4.0。那些照顾他们的孩子的人可能会考虑从这里(here)下载这个应用程序。
Relax Melodies是(Relax Melodies)Ipnos Software最受欢迎的应用程序之一。这个 7MB 的应用程序仅拥有 2846 个Microsoft用户。评分高达4.7。让我们找出是什么让放松旋律(Relax Melodies)如此出色。您可以自定义混合最好的声音。您可以从 41 种不同的选项中进行选择。您还可以获得两个双耳节拍频率来帮助您的脑电波稳定下来。混音功能非常方便,因此您可以制作任意数量的自定义混音,而不会开始厌倦它。只需轻点几下,您就可以做出完美的混音,而且您似乎永远不会用尽选项。Relax Melodies非常适合失眠症患者获得最安宁的睡眠。它还有助于专注于冥想并防止发作(meditation and prevent bouts)如果你能及时看到它来调整你最喜欢的舒缓曲调,你就会感到焦虑。这个惊人的应用程序可以从这里(here)下载。
Virege 的Relaxiness(Virege)是一个 29.35MB 的白噪声应用程序(noise app),专门用于处理与雨有关的各种声音。如果你是一个雨爱好者(rain lover),使用这个应用程序,你可以让自己在一年中的任何时候都感觉外面正在下雨。这个应用程序最好的地方是有很多声音略有变化,你会发现每种情况下的混音(sound mix)。无论您是需要睡觉、小睡片刻,或者只是在重新开始工作之前放松一小会儿,还是做功课,甚至是冥想,您总能找到适合各种情况的混音(sound mix)。选择是无止境的。该应用程序有 1,621微软(Microsoft)用户和评分为 4.0。您可以在免费应用程序中获得足够的声音选项。您还可以获得夜间模式(Night Mode)、睡眠定时器(Sleep Timer)、平滑循环引擎(Smooth Loop Engine)和壁纸等功能。高级版带来更多好处。您可能也想投资高级套餐。如果您没有,免费版本有足够的选项来帮助您。从这里(here)下载后,让雨声舒缓您。
7] 5分钟放松
这款来自Olson Applications(Olson Applications)的 35.5MB 应用程序提供舒缓的音乐、悦耳的声音和宁静的声乐指南,帮助您随时随地放松身心。顾名思义,该应用程序专门用于您一天中需要多次进行的短暂小睡或放松会议。声音中的每个会话都长达几分钟。如果您不容易入睡,您也可以使用它来打瞌睡。现在,如果您没有睡眠问题(trouble sleeping),为什么还需要该应用程序?好吧,当您签收一天时,让舒缓的声音消除外面的噪音会有所帮助。试试这个应用程序,第二天早上醒来时,你一定会感受到比其他日子更放松、更有活力的不同。该应用程序有 442微软(Microsoft)到目前为止,用户评分为 4.3,并且它也可用于 PC。从这里(here)下载后,使用此应用程序改善您的健康。
由Peaksel DOO出版。NIS , Meditation Music是一个只有 3.04MB 的非常小的应用程序。该应用只有 19 名注册微软(Microsoft)用户,但从 4.7 的评分来看,他们似乎对该应用感到满意。当更多的人发现它时,也许该应用程序会变得更受欢迎。类别放置(category placement)可能是一个问题,因为人们正在寻找可以冥想的音乐,可能是在“健康与健身”类别而不是放置此应用程序的“音乐”类别中寻找。如果你想冥想和平静你的神经,但冥想的尝试让你更加不安,这对你来说可能是一个非常好的应用程序。虽然该应用程序在全球范围内不可用,但如果在您所在的地区可用,您可以从此处(here)下载。
Relaxio的这款应用是Android上最受欢迎的白噪声应用(noise apps)之一。它绝对是最高评分,来自 16,000 多名用户的评分为 4.8。该应用程序在Google Play(Google Play)上的下载量已超过 500 万次。您将获得高清晰度的声音,再现了雨、雷声、微风、沙沙作响的树叶、森林、海洋中的动物群和风等自然旋律。(fauna and wind)当您打盹时,您一定会喜欢听这些在后台播放的声音。您还可以听到汽车、火车、咖啡馆和粉丝的独特而悦耳的声音。使用此应用程序,您会同时获得白噪声和褐噪声。任你选。白噪声发生器应用程序(White Noise Generator app)可以从这里(here)下载。
10] 自然之声精简版
这是一个不太受欢迎的应用程序,但更多的人需要尝试这个。这个应用程序带有由白色和粉色噪音创造的 11 种自然舒缓氛围。该应用程序与移动和PC兼容。你可能是第一个从Zainylabidovizat正式评价这个应用程序的人。该应用程序大约需要 160MB,并被归类为“健康与健身”。它有英语(English)、法语(French)、西班牙语(Spanish)、葡萄牙语(Portuguese)、荷兰语(Dutch)、土耳其语(Turkish)和其他 14 种语言版本。这个惊人的应用程序可以从这里(here)采购。
有了这个产生白噪声的应用软件(application software)的多功能列表,您可以选择最适合您的手机或桌面(mobile or desktop)的应用程序,并找到新的平静。
Best free White Noise apps for Windows 10
The world has come a long way from the tranquility of nаture. Hоwever, for better or for worse, we humans haven’t evolνed to prefеr the noіse and frequency we surround ourselves with nоw. Thankfully though, technology has advanced to imitate the sweеt and ѕoothing sounds that usеd to be nature’s gift to us. Why suffer the chaos when you are only trying to rest? Download оne or more of the best white noise apps and have nature back at your disposal again.
Free White Noise apps for Windows 10
White Noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density. This gives a soothing effect to the listener.
Here is a list of the top 10 white noise apps that will help you relax or have a sound sleep and even help with your anxiety issues if you are lucky. They are free apart from some in-app purchases on some of the apps. So, you can try as many of them as you want and choose the best one for yourself. So, here we go.
- Teddy Sleep Sounds
- Sleep Bug
- Sleep Machine
- Baby Soother
- Relax Melodies
- Relaxiness- Rain Sounds
- 5 Minute Relaxation
- Meditation Music
- White Noise Generator
- Sounds of Nature Lite.
Let us take a look at them.
1] Teddy Sleep Sounds
Teddy Sleep Sounds from ClipinMedia is a white noise application software dedicated to assisting sleep in both, adults and children. Within the 98MB storage it takes, you will get all the natural sounds you might need to help you fall asleep or get your baby to go to sleep. It helps people with insomnia as well. What’s special about this app is that it offers actual recordings of natural sounds instead of synthetic replications that many aren’t satisfied with. With Windows users so far, this app is rated at 4.1 Check the app out for yourself and let your friends know if you found it useful. There aren’t many users for this app because of some of the premium features. The only shortcoming of this app is that the free version does not have many options, but the money will be worth it. Teddy Sleep Sounds are available in the Microsoft Store here.
2] Sleep Bug
Sleep Bug is by far the most popular white noise generating software on Windows. This Panzertax app stands at a 4.5 rating from 4,013 users. Taking about 334MB of your device storage, Sleep Bug comes with 24 sceneries to go with the 83 different soothing sound effects. There are over 300 individual sounds that you can choose from depending on your mood. Sleep Bug is available for both, PC and mobile.
This app is an ambient sound with an inbuilt sound generator to offer naturalistic sounds. Sleep Bug helps soothe adults and keep babies busy. It helps a tired and busy person take a restful nap or even a borderline insomniac doze off peacefully. You can also use Sleep Bug when you want to work or just relax without dozing off. It will cut out all external noise if you plug it in and will take away your stress in less than a fourth of an hour. Download this incredible white noise app from here.
3] Sleep Machine
Sleep Machine is one of the most flexible white noise apps in the sense you can customize the ambient sounds to suit your taste and requirement. You also get an option to have your sounds Professionally Mastered. You can customize the volume, pitch, sounds of course, and the balance to compile the most soothing sound for yourself. You get the sounds of most natural elements such as rain, waves, birds, and more. You can install the app on up to 10 devices from a single Microsoft account.
Don’t worry if you are way too deep into the most relaxing slumber. You can wake yourself up without ruining your restful sleep with the help of 15 soothing alarm sounds that come with the software. You get to adjust the volume, pitch, and balance of every sound and tune. In addition to 7 preset sound mixes, you get the option to make your own mixes. You get all that in less than 130MB. Published by SleepSoft LLC, Sleep Machine is dedicated to your snoozing requirements. This app deserves the 4.4 rating and maybe higher with some tweaks in the future. Please check the Sleep Machine app’s website for more details.
4] Baby Soother
This is about the Free version. Baby Soother belongs to the ‘Kids and Family’ category instead of ‘Health and Fitness’, unlike most other white noise apps. In less than 11.5MB of storage space, Baby Soother will ensure your baby sleeps peacefully and does not wake up all cranky. Baby Soother has lullabies in store for when you run out of yours. The sounds come with various low-frequency options so as to not agitate or excite the baby. There are 13 low-frequency sounds. You don’t only get white noise, but also pink noise and brown noise so you can figure out what your baby likes to doze off to. Published by apply-now, Baby Soother has 255 takers so far on Windows, with a rating of 4.0. Those who care for their babies might consider downloading this app from here.
5] Relax Melodies
Relax Melodies is one of the most popular apps from Ipnos Software. This 7MB app has 2846 Microsoft users alone. The rating stands at a whopping 4.7. Let’s find out what makes Relax Melodies that good. You get to custom mix the best sounds. You get to choose from 41 different options. You also get two binaural beat frequencies to help your brainwaves settle down. The mixing features are very handy, so you can make as many custom mixes you want without starting to get tired of it. You get to make the perfect mix with just a few taps, and you never seem to run out of options. Relax Melodies is perfect for the most restful sleep even for insomniacs. It also helps focus on meditation and prevent bouts of anxiety if you can see it coming in time to tune on your favorite soothing tunes. This amazing app could be downloaded from here.
6] Relaxiness- Rain Sounds
Relaxiness from Virege is a 29.35MB white noise app dedicated to various kinds of sounds all related to rain. If you are a rain lover, with this app you can make yourself feel like it’s raining outside, any time of the year. The best thing about this app is there are so many sounds with slight variations that you will find a sound mix for every situation. Whether you need to sleep, or take a short nap, or just relax for a short time before getting back to work again, or to do your homework, or even to meditate, you will always find a suitable sound mix for every situation. The choices are endless. The app has 1,621 Microsoft users and a rating of 4.0. You get enough sound options in the free app. You also get features like Night Mode, Sleep Timer, Smooth Loop Engine, and wallpapers. The premium version brings more perks. You might just feel like investing in the premium package as well. In case you don’t the free version has enough options to help you. Let rain sounds soothe you once you download it from here.
7] 5 Minute Relaxation
This 35.5MB app from Olson Applications offers soothing music, pleasant sounds, and a serene vocal guide to help you relax at any time and any place. As the name suggests, the app is dedicated to the short naps or relaxation sessions you need several times throughout the day. Each of the sessions in the sounds is minutes long. You could use this to doze off as well if you don’t have trouble falling asleep easily. Now, why would you need the app if you don’t have trouble sleeping? Well, it helps to have soothing sounds cut out the noise outside when you are signing off for the day. Try the app, and you will definitely feel the difference the next morning when you wake up more relaxed and energized than other days. The app has 442 Microsoft users so far with a rating of 4.3, and it is available for PC as well. Improve your health with this app once you download it from here.
8] Meditation Music
Published by Peaksel D.O.O. NIS, Meditation Music is a very small app of just 3.04MB. The app has just 19 registered Microsoft users, but from the 4.7 rating, it looks like they are satisfied with the app. Maybe the app will gain more popularity when more people find out about it. The category placement could be a problem because people are looking for music to meditate to are probably looking in the ‘Health and Fitness’ category instead of the ‘Music’ category where this app is placed. If you want to meditate and calm your nerves down, but the very attempt at meditation makes you more restless, this could be a very good app for you. While the app is not available throughout the globe, if it is available in your region, you could download it from here.
9] White Noise Generator
This app from Relaxio is one of the most popular white noise apps for Android. It is definitely the highest rated with a rating of 4.8 from over 16,000 users. The app has had over 5 million downloads on Google Play. You get high definition sounds replicating the natural melodies of the rain, thunder, gushing breeze, rustling leaves, the fauna and wind in forests, oceans, and more. You will definitely love listening to these sounds playing in the background while you are taking your much-valued nap. You also get unique yet pleasant sounds of cars, trains, cafes, and fans. You get both white noise and brown noise with this app. Take your pick. The White Noise Generator app could be downloaded from here.
10] Sounds of Nature Lite
This one is a lesser popular app but more people need to try this one out. This app comes with 11 natural soothing atmospheres created by white and pink noise. The app is compatible with both mobile and PC. You could be the first one to officially rate this app from Zainylabidovizat. The app takes about 160MB and is categorized under ‘Health and Fitness’. It is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish, and 14 other languages. This amazing app could be procured from here.
With this versatile list of white noise generating application software, you can choose the most suitable app for your mobile or desktop and find renewed peace.