任何曾经在计算机上工作过的人都希望在处理 PC 上的文件和文件夹时变得更有效率。我们大多数人都满足于默认的文件管理器 Windows 文件资源管理器(File Manager Windows File Explorer)。但是,如果您想要更多选择,是时候寻找替代文件管理器(File Manager)了。有许多适用于Windows的第三方最佳免费文件管理器(File Manager),可以让您成为处理文件的专家。这些第三方文件管理器(File Manager)提供的特性和功能可能看起来有点复杂,但是在使用和了解它们之后,你就会忘记系统默认的文件管理器(File Manager)。适用于Windows 10的一些最佳免费文件管理器(File Manager)下面列出了它们及其功能,以帮助您更好地管理文件。
适用于 Windows 10 PC 的 19 个最佳免费文件管理器
(19 Best Free File Manager for Windows 10 PCs
Windows 系统有一个内置的文件管理器(File Manager),可以为您管理文件。然而,市场上还有其他几种文件管理器可以与(File Manager)Windows 文件资源管理器(Windows File Explorer)竞争并以某种方式流行。以下是第三方文件管理器(File Manager)可以掩盖系统上默认文件资源管理(File Explorer)器的一些原因。与文件资源管理器(File Explorer)不同,第三方文件管理器(File Manager)包含以下功能:
- 重命名和过滤文件批次。
- 只需几个简单的步骤即可复制和粘贴文件(Copy and paste files)。
- 使用几个键盘快捷键。
- 以任何格式隐藏(Covert)您的文件和文档。
- 对文件进行颜色编码(Color-code)以改进识别。
第三方文件管理器为其文件管理器(Third-party File Manager)提供其他众多功能(File Manager)。现在,进一步阅读以了解这些文件管理器(File Manager)及其详细功能。
1.自由指挥官(1. Free Commander)
Free Commander被认为是(Free Commander)Windows上最好的免费文件管理器(File Manager)之一。
Free Commander 是一个 简单 (simple )快速 的应用(fast) 程序。
它具有 双窗格界面(a dual-pane interface)。
它使您能够 拆分(split) 或 合并(merge) 文件并 添加(add) 文件夹选项卡。
- 内置文件查看器(in-built file viewer)可以查看十六进制、二进制、图像和文本格式
的 文件。
Free Commander 允许您 在两个文件夹之间
复制 (copy )或 移动( move) 文件 。(files )
您可以设置 自定义的键盘快捷键(customised keyboard shortcuts)。
它可以构建和验证 校验和(checksum)。
它使用 DOS 命令行界面(DOS command-line interface) 并允许 压缩(zipping)、 解压缩(unzipping) 文件和档案。
- 您可以使用此文件管理器
轻松访问 Windows 上下文菜单。(Windows Context Menu)
它允许您 粉碎或删除文件(shred or delete files) 并重 命名批次(rename batches)。
它可以直接打开 网络文件(network files)。
您无需安装任何 硬件(hardware) 即可使用此程序。
XYplorer是另一个适用于Windows 10的最佳免费文件管理器(File Manager)。由于以下原因,它也被认为是最好的 Windows资源管理器替代品之一:(Explorer)
- XYplorer 允许您直接从地址栏(address bar)
搜索文件和文件夹 。
它 消耗更少的系统内存(consumes less system memory) ,是一个非常 紧凑(compact)的 软件。
该软件的界面 左侧
提供了一个树形文件夹选项,可在各种路径和目录之间提供流畅的导航。(a tree folder)
它具有 正则表达式(regular expressions) 和 模糊匹配(fuzzy matching) ,同时保持自身定期更新。
它允许 在多个位置进行内容搜索(content search at multiple locations)。
此外,它使您能够 将 颜色、图标和评级等
指标附加到单个文件。(attach indicators)
它支持 高级模板、可定制的字体和图案(advanced templates, customizable fonts and patterns)。
此外,它还提供 多语言支持 (multilingual support )并提供 布尔逻辑(Boolean logic) 。
它是一个 便携式(portable) 应用程序。
XYplorer 提供 30 天免费试用(30-days free trial),您可以从 39.95 美元起升级到付费版本。
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3. 目录作品(3. Directory Opus)
Directory Opus是适用于Windows 10的最古老的免费使用(Windows 10)文件管理器软件(File Manager software)之一,并在最佳文件管理器(Manager)列表中名列前茅。
Directory Opus 有一个 简单而整洁的(simple and clutter-free) 用户界面。
它具有 可调整的工具栏(adjustable toolbars) 并提供 多种键盘快捷键(multiple keyboard shortcuts)。
它为用户提供了一个搜索选项(search option),以便在目录之间轻松 切换(switch between directories)。
您可以 使用此文件管理器轻松(File Manager)检查(checkmark)文件。
它允许您使用(with) 颜色、图标和评级等
指标(indicators) 过滤单个文件。( filter individual files)
它包含 一个图像上传器(an image uploader)。
它有一个 图像转换器 (image converter ),可以将文档从一种文件类型(file type)转换为另一种文件类型。
Directory Opus允许您访问 元数据(metadata) ,提供有关文件数据的快速信息,而无需打开它。
它允许 批量重命名(batch renaming) 文件并具有 内置的 FTP 支持(inbuilt FTP support)。
此外,它支持 文件转换器(file converters) ,可以将文件保存为 zip、rar 等格式。
4.总指挥官(4. Total Commander)
Total Commander是一款经典且可靠的文件管理器软件(File Manager software),已经存在了很长时间。以前称为File Commander,它是最好的 Windows文件资源管理器(File Explorer)替代品之一。
Total Commander 有一个 内置的 FTP(in-built FTP) 即文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol),以允许传输大量文件
它提供了 使用经典用户界面和双窗格界面布局(use both the classic user interface and the dual-pane interface layout)的灵活性。
您可以随时 开始、停止、恢复和检查(start, stop, resume and check)文件传输(file transfer) 的进度。
它可以 拆分或合并(split or merge) 文件的内容。
此外,它具有 速度控制(speed control)。
它支持 文件同步(file synchronization)。
该软件允许您同时使用 多名称功能(multi-name feature)重命名文件 。
Total Commander 具有 可自定义的键盘快捷键(customizable keyboard shortcuts)。
它还有 云存储服务(cloud storage services)。
Total Commander 提供替代 实用工具(utility tools)。
它有一个 带位图显示
的快速查看面板。(quick view panel)
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5. Q-目录(5. Q-Dir)
Q-Dir是一个功能丰富的文件管理器软件(File Manager software),在我们的 Windows最佳免费文件管理器列表中。(File Manager)
Q-Dir 是 免费使用的(free to use) 文件管理软件。
它有一个 四窗格显示(four-pane display) 用户界面(User interface),因此被命名为“Quad Explorer”。而(Whereas)大多数其他文件管理器(File Manager)仅包含双窗格用户界面(User interface)作为选项。
它是 完全可定制(fully customizable) 的,可让您更改窗格的数量。
此文件管理器(File Manager)允许您组织这些窗格并在其中保存文件和文件夹(save files and folders) 。
您可以 将(arrange) 这些窗格排列在任何垂直和水平位置,以获得自然的外观。
此外,它允许您同时在每个窗格中创建和管理 多个文件夹选项卡(multiple folder tabs) ,以便于工作。
Q-Dir 还使您能够 保存特定排列(save a specific arrangement) 的窗格。
它使用了 彩色滤光片(color filters)。
它是 轻量级(lightweight)的 并提供 Unicode 支持(Unicode support)。
6. 一名指挥官(6. One Commander)
One Commander是(One Commander)Windows 10最佳免费文件管理器(File Manager)列表中的下一个。
它是 免费使用的(free to use) 文件管理程序。
One Commander简单快速,具有 简约的( minimalistic) 用户界面 (user interface ),提供 双窗口 (double window )和 多列查看( multi-column viewing)。
它允许您同时处理 各种目录(various directories) 。
它包含一个 地址(address) 栏(bar) ,用于显示和检查当前目录中的 所有子文件夹( all the sub-folders) 。
您可以灵活地在 白色、深色和浅色主题(white, dark and light themes)之间进行选择。
一个Commander 用户(Commander user)界面允许使用 右侧
的历史面板轻松导航文件和文件夹。(history panel)
这个文件管理器(File Manager)令人印象深刻的设计显示了 所有视频、文本和音频文件
的集成视图。(integrated view)
它建立在 图标菜单(icon menu) 主题上的工作。
它的高级功能和快捷方式使其 与大多数 Windows 操作系统
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7. Explorer ++
Explorer++是另一款专为Windows 10设计的免费(Windows 10)文件管理器(File Manager),可提供大量功能。
Explorer++ 是 开源(open-source) 软件,不需要安装在您的 PC 上。
它结构紧凑,可以在 32 位和 64 位 (32 bit and 64-bit )系统上轻松下载。
- Explorer++
的 书签文件夹选项卡 (bookmarks folder tabs )帮助我们组织所有信息。
它提供了一个显示窗口(display window),使您能够 预览所有文件和文件夹(preview all your files and folders)。
它具有 OneDrive 集成(a OneDrive integration) 功能,使您可以随时访问、共享和存储所有文件和文件夹,即使您处于离线状态。
Explorer++具有广泛的基本文件功能,例如 移动、排序和过滤(moving, sorting, and filtering) 所有文件和文件夹。
它是完全可定制的,允许您 修改文件的日期和属性(modify the dates and attributes) 。
双 窗格(dual-pane)、易于使用的用户界面使您能够以闪电般的速度浏览文件和文件夹。
它是免费使用的软件,可让您 保存目录列表(save directory listings)。
8. Xplorer²
Xplorer² 文件管理器(File Manager)具有被认为是Windows上最好的免费文件管理器之一的功能和灵活性。(File Manager)
Xplorer² 有 两个版本(two versions) ,包含 双窗格(dual-pane) 界面。
- 软件设计(software design)允许
从功能区式 (ribbon-style )用户界面或 标准常规 (standard conventional )菜单栏中
灵活选择 。
它有 一个颜色代码选项(a color code option) ,可以让您一目了然
地识别文件或文件夹。(file or folder)
它使您可以一次选择 多个文件(multiple files) 。
此外,它允许轻松添加 选项卡和子目录(tabs and subdirectories),从而可以批量重命名文件。
它具有同时 复制和移动文件(copy and move files)的功能, 提供即时文件传输(file transfer)。
- 与同类软件相比,
该软件提供 更快的工作速度。(faster working speed)
它提供了 为期三周的免费试用(three-week free trial)以了解其功能,但之后,您必须支付 29.95 美元的价格才能使用其升级版。
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WinDirStat 文件管理器(File Manager)值得考虑成为适用于Windows 10和文件资源管理器替代品的最佳免费(File Explorer Alternatives)文件管理器(File Manager)之一。
WinDirStat 是 一个开源 (an open-source )和 免费使用的(free-to-use) 程序。
它为您提供有关 每日空间使用统计信息、正在使用的(daily space usage statistics,)磁盘空间(disk space) 量以及它的用途的完整信息。
- 它通过根据它们占用的空间 为每种文件类型(file type)分配 颜色代码(color codes)来
分析您选择的驱动器或目录。(drive or directory)它估计哪个文件占用的空间最多。例如,在您的驱动器或目录(drive or directory)中占用最大空间的文件将显示为蓝色。
此空间使用功能成为管理文件的便捷 清理工具(clean-up tool) 。它无需使用回收站(Recycle Bin)即可自动删除文件,帮助您 优化(optimum) 磁盘空间节省(disk space-saving) 和 使用(usage)。
10. 文件和文件夹精简版(10. Files&Folders Lite)
Files&Folders Lite由(Files&Folders Lite)Torrex的开发商空软件开发商(software developer)开发。由于以下功能,它被评为最好的免费文件管理器 Windows 10之一。(File Manager Windows 10)
Files&Folders Lite 具有设计精美、 免费使用的(free-to-use) 用户界面(User Interface),让您可以非常轻松地访问文件和文件夹。
它 在用户界面(User Interface) 左侧有一个可扩展的导航窗口(expandable navigation window),可帮助您轻松找到重要文件。
此文件管理器(File Manager)允许使用文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol) 和 OneDrive。
- 它允许您使用其内置的媒体播放器(built-in media player)
访问您的视频和照片 。
它使您可以灵活地以 多种格式( multiple formats)添加更多文件夹。
此外,它支持 云服务(cloud services) ,并包含文件 压缩和解压缩(compression and decompression) 功能。
它 与大多数 Windows 设备
您可以 从系统图库(system gallery)或从 Internet 下载的
自定义系统背景。(customize the system background)
它不断地 自动改变主题(changing themes automatically)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)前 15 名最佳免费 IPTV 播放器
11. 多指挥官(11. Multi Commander)
(Multi Commander) 由于下面详述的各种功能, Windows 的Multi Commander文件管理器软件(File Manager software)是最好的 Windows文件资源管理器替代品之一。(File Explorer)
Multi Commander 提供 带有各种工具和插件
的双窗格视图。(a Dual-Pane view)
此文件管理器包含默认文件夹的快捷方式(shortcuts) ,可确保轻松访问各种文件,例如 Documents、Libraries和Desktop。
它具有 高度可定制的软件(highly customizable software) ,具有开箱即用的功能,为图像和视频提供多种工具。
此外,Multi Commander为 每种文件类型(file type)提供基于过滤器的 颜色代码(color codes),以便于识别。
它允许访问 HKEY_CURRENT_USER 分支来存储当前用户特定的偏好,以便在他们的程序中使用。
它还提供 便携式版本(portable version) ,因此您可以随身携带和使用它。
12.文件航海者(12. File Voyager)
File Voyager是Windows最佳免费文件管理器列表中的下一个,因为它具有如下所述的许多显着功能:(File Manager)
它具有 大量功能(huge collection of features) ,如重命名、复制和移动、链接、删除和回收文件等,有助于简化工作(work easy)。
- 免费使用的 (free-to-use )
可 调节界面提供 双窗格( dual-pane) 视图。
它提供 不同(different display modes) 的显示模式,如报告或缩略图模式,在每个条目旁边显示文件或文件夹的大小。
File Voyager 允许使用 快捷方式(shortcuts) 来传真或通过电子邮件发送必要的文件,并提供文件压缩工具。
它使您能够在记事本( notepad)中编辑文件和文件夹。
它还具有 便携式版本 (portable version ),可让您随时随地轻松工作。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复文件资源管理器在(Fix File Explorer)Windows 10中无响应
ExplorerMax是一款具有大量功能的软件,它是最好的免费文件管理器(File Manager)列表中的下一个:
ExplorerMax 具有 现代、易于使用且高效的(modern, easy-to-use, and efficient) 用户界面,支持五种不同的语言。
它允许 快速搜索 (quick search ),使您能够仅查看您想要的那些特定文件、图像和文档。
ExplorerMax 用户(ExplorerMax user)界面允许使用 双窗格视图( dual-pane view) ,从而更有效地帮助您轻松找到重要文件和文件夹。
此文件管理器具有批量重命名(a batch rename) 功能,可以批量重命名文件。
此外,它还具有文件 zip/unzip feature ,可使用更少的存储空间,并可将文件和文件夹快速传输到其他系统。
它支持 明暗模式(light and dark modes)。
14. 转换器(14. Konvertor)
Konvertor是一个免费的文件管理器(File Manager),具有双窗格和多选项卡文件管理器功能(File Manager capability)。
Konvertor 可以转换超过 3400 种不同的文件类型( 3400 distinct file types)。
除了JPG(JPGs)、PNG(PNGs)和GIF(GIFs),它还支持 2,034 种图片文件格式、795 种音频、230 部电影、102 种 3D、Office 文档( 2,034 picture file formats, 795 audio, 230 movies, 102 3D, Office documents)以及更多基本文件类型。
它的 布局(layout) 类似于 Explorer。
使用此程序,您可以 快速选择(quickly choose the alternatives) 要处理的替代方案。
它包含 40 多种滤镜(over 40 filters),包括缩放、模糊、噪点、木炭和其他滤镜,适合那些希望更改和增强照片或图片(photographs or pictures)的人。
您可以 通过调整亮度、对比度和颜色以及添加剪裁、旋转和减少红眼等特殊效果来
微调照片。(fine-tune photographs)
它具有多种功能,包括同时 打开多个选项卡(open numerous tabs)的能力 。
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15. Tablacus Explorer
Tablacus Explorer是一个免费的便携式应用程序,可让您打开多个选项卡并以各种方式组织它们。
此文件管理器程序 不需要安装(does not require installation)。
您可以将此软件的默认布局更改为(default layout) 其他十种可用布局之一( ten others layouts available)。
除了选项卡式窗口外,它还支持 附加组件(add-ons) 。
它 通过添加使搜索文件更容易的附加功能来
改进文件资源管理器的外观。(improves the appearance of File Explorer)
它的设计受到文件资源管理器(File Explorer)的强烈影响,但它包含了几个必要 的文件管理改进(file management improvements)。
16. 虚幻指挥官(16. Unreal Commander)
Unreal Commander是一个免费的Windows 文件管理器(Windows File Manager),可以成功处理您的系统数据。如果您厌倦了使用旧的文件资源管理器(File Explorer),请尝试这款具有漂亮用户界面(user interface)且易于使用的软件。
它是一个 两窗格的文件管理(two-pane file organizer) 器,可让您更轻松地管理文件和目录。
Unreal Commander可以打开多种格式的档案,包括 ZIP、RAR、ACE、TAR 和 CAB(ZIP, RAR, ACE, TAR, and CAB)。
一旦您使用规则建立了命名模式(naming pattern),它就允许您 一次重命名多个文件(rename many files at once)。
它允许您快速上传文件到 FTP 服务器(FTP server rapidly)。
包括一个 两面板的用户界面(two-panel user interface) 。
它预装了几个基本功能和首 选项(pre-installed)。
此文件管理器包含所有 基本文件管理功能 ( fundamental file management functions ),如复制、移动、删除和重命名(delete and rename)。
它还具有 拖放( drag-and-drop) 功能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 种最佳 Mininova 替代品
17. 阿尔塔普蝾螈(17. Altap Salamander)
Altap Salamander是(Altap Salamander)Windows 文件资源管理器(Windows File Explorer)的第一个替代品,它强调网络功能。
支持所有网络协议(All network protocols are supported),包括FTP、FTPS、SCP和SFTP。
它 简化了(simplifies the process of sharing data) 通过互联网共享数据的过程。
与其竞争对手相比,该软件 支持更多的存档文件格式(supports more archive file formats)。
您可以 通过此文件管理器(File Manager)解压缩(decompress) ZIP、RAR、7-Zip、ISO和UDF文件。
Altap Salamander 有一个 内置的密码管理器(built-in password manager),这是一种独一无二的功能。
安全加密技术(Secure encryption techniques) 用于保护敏感或个人资料,防止它们落入坏人之手。
它拥有 最具成本效益的高级(the most cost-effective premium) 软件 (software )之一,价格约为 27 美元。
18. 护卫舰3(18. Frigate3)
(Frigate3)如果您正在寻找一个易于使用但功能强大且最好的免费Windows文件管理器, (File Manager)Frigate3可能是最佳选择。
它支持 多种文件压缩和加密格式(variety of file compression and encryption formats),包括zip、arj、rar、jar、ace、ha、lha、zoo、limit和hyper,以及 网络连接(network connectivity) 和 FTP文件管理 (FTP file management )(包括SFTP和FTPS协议(SFTP and FTPS protocols))。
Frigate3 提供了一个 程序排序工具(program-sorting tool) ,允许用户快速有效地对硬盘和外部存储上的媒体文件进行排序。
多 线程应用引擎(multithreaded application engine) 可以处理多个并发文件(concurrent file)任务,包括复制、下载、移动、搜索、提取、压缩和上传文件。
它的其他基本功能是 文件夹比较(folder comparison) 和 大小管理系统(size management systems)、强大的搜索引擎(search engine)、内置MP3 标签(MP3 tag)、文本编辑器等等。
任何人都可以使用它,因为它带有 详细的安装 (detailed installation )和 卸载说明( uninstallation instructions)。
它使用简单, 不需要技术技能(requires no technical skills)。
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19. 艾瑞泽探险家(19. Aerize Explorer)
Aerize Explorer是(Aerize Explorer)Microsoft Store上最受欢迎的文件管理(file management)应用程序之一。
它提供 高级文件管理 (premium file management )工具,例如密码锁(passcode lock)、可配置的背景、各种尺寸、布局和独特的图标等。
虽然它是免费的文件管理(file organizer)器,但它是 受广告支持的(ad-supported)。
文件、文件夹和存储卡都可以 快速 (fast )轻松 地(easily)进行管理。
它 简化了文件操作(simplifies file operations) ,例如剪切、复制和粘贴。
Aerize Explorer 允许您 管理手机 内存 ( internal memory )以及 SD 卡上的( an SD card)文件和文件夹 (manage files and folders )。
它可以 根据您的要求
重命名和删除(rename and delete)存储内存(storage memory)中 的文件。
它可以 在手机内存和SD卡之间(memory and SD card)传输文件(transfer files),也可以通过NFC、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、电子邮件等方式进行共享。
Aerize Explorer(Aerize Explorer)用户界面简单但 美观(aesthetically pleasing)。
它 没有崩溃(no crashes)、 没有延迟(no latency)和其他问题。
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我们列出了适用于 Windows 10 PC 的最有效、最方便使用和最好的免费文件管理器(best free File Manager for Windows 10 PCs)。我们希望以上列表能帮助您在Windows PC上管理文件时做出正确的选择。在下面的评论部分写下(Write)任何建议或疑问。
19 Best Free File Manager for Windows 2022
Αnyone who has ever worked on a computer would want to become mоre efficient while working on the files and fоlders on his PС. Most of us are content with the default Fіle Manager Windows File Explorer. But if you want more options, it’s time to look for an alternative File Manager. There are lots of third-party best free File Manager for Windows that can make you an expert in working with fіles. The features and functionalities offered by these thіrd-pаrty File Managers may appear a bit complex, but after using and understanding them, you will forget the default File Manager of your sуstem. Some of the best freе Filе Manager for Windows 10 are listed belоw, along with their featυres, to help you manage your files better.
19 Best Free File Manager for Windows 10 PCs
Windows systems have an in-built File Manager that does the job for you to manage the files. Yet there are several other File Manager available in the market competing with Windows File Explorer and somehow prevailing. Here are some reasons why third-party File Manager can overshadow the default File Explorer on your system. Third-party File Manager contain the following features, unlike File Explorer:
- Rename and filter file batches.
- Copy and paste files in simple and few steps.
- Several keyboard shortcuts to use.
- Covert your files and documents in any format.
- Color-code your files for improved identification.
Third-party File Manager provide other numerous features for their File Manager. Now, read further to know those File Manager and their detailed features.
1. Free Commander
Free Commander is considered one of the best free File Manager for Windows.
Free Commander is a simple and fast application.
It features a dual-pane interface.
It enables you to split or merge files and add folder tabs.
The in-built file viewer enables viewing of files in hex, binary, image and text format.
Free Commander allows you to copy or move files between the two folders.
You can set customised keyboard shortcuts.
It can build and validate checksum.
It uses DOS command-line interface and allows zipping, unzipping of files and archives.
You can easily access Windows Context Menu with this File Manager.
It allows you to shred or delete files and rename batches.
It can directly open network files.
You don’t need to install any hardware to use this program.
2. XYplorer
XYplorer is another best free File Manager for Windows 10. It is also considered to be one of the best Windows Explorer alternatives due to the following reasons:
XYplorer allows you to search for files and folders straight from the address bar.
It consumes less system memory and is a very compact software.
The interface of this software offers a tree folder option on the left side, providing smooth navigation between various paths and directories.
It features regular expressions and fuzzy matching while keeping itself regularly updated.
It allows content search at multiple locations.
Moreover, it enables you to attach indicators like colors, icons, and ratings to individual files.
It supports advanced templates, customizable fonts and patterns.
Besides, it provides multilingual support and offers Boolean logic as well.
It is a portable application.
XYplorer provides a 30-days free trial, and you can upgrade to the paid version starting from $39.95.
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3. Directory Opus
Directory Opus is one of the oldest free to use File Manager software for Windows 10 and rated high in the list of the best File Manager.
Directory Opus has a simple and clutter-free User Interface.
It has adjustable toolbars and provides multiple keyboard shortcuts.
It provides a search option for the user to easily switch between directories.
You can checkmark files with this File Manager with ease.
It allows you to filter individual files with indicators like colors, icons, and ratings.
It contains an image uploader.
It has an image converter that converts a document from one file type to another.
Directory Opus allows you to access metadata providing quick information about the file data without opening it.
It allows batch renaming of files and has inbuilt FTP support.
Furthermore, it supports file converters and can save the files in formats like zip, rar, and many more.
4. Total Commander
Total Commander is a classic and reliable File Manager software that has been around a long time. Formerly called File Commander, it is among the best Windows File Explorer alternatives.
Total Commander has an in-built FTP i.e., File Transfer Protocol, to allow the transfer of a large number of files
It gives the flexibility to use both the classic user interface and the dual-pane interface layout.
You can start, stop, resume and check the progress of the file transfer whenever you want.
It can split or merge the content of a file.
Furthermore, it has speed control.
It supports file synchronization.
This software allows you to rename files using the multi-name feature simultaneously.
Total Commander features customizable keyboard shortcuts.
It also has cloud storage services.
Total Commander offers alternate utility tools.
It supports multiple formats that include ZIP, 7ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE and many more.
It has a quick view panel with a bitmap display.
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5. Q-Dir
Q-Dir is a feature-packed File Manager software next in our list of the best free File Manager for windows.
Q-Dir is free to use file management software.
It has a four-pane display User interface and is therefore named ‘Quad Explorer’. Whereas most of the other File Manager only contain a dual-pane User interface as an option.
It is fully customizable and lets you change the number of panes.
This File Manager allows you to organize these panes and save files and folders in them.
You can arrange these panes in any vertical and horizontal position for a natural look.
Moreover, it allows you to create and manage multiple folder tabs in each pane at the same time for ease of work.
Q-Dir also enables you to save a specific arrangement of panes.
It makes use of color filters.
It is lightweight and offers Unicode support.
6. One Commander
One Commander is next on the list of best free File Manager for Windows 10.
It is free to use file management program.
One Commander is simple and fast, with a minimalistic user interface that provides double window and multi-column viewing.
It allows you to work with various directories at the same time.
It contains an address bar that displays and checks all the sub-folders in the present directory.
You have the flexibility to choose between white, dark and light themes.
One Commander user interface allows easy navigation of files and folders with the use of a history panel on its right side.
The impressive design of this File Manager displays an integrated view of all your video, text and audio files.
It establishes its work on the icon menu theme.
Its advanced features and shortcuts make it compatible with most of the Windows OS.
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7. Explorer ++
Explorer++ is another free File Manager designed for Windows 10 that has a vast list of features to offer.
Explorer++ is open-source software and does not require to be installed on your PC.
It is compact and can be downloaded easily on both 32 bit and 64-bit systems.
The bookmarks folder tabs of Explorer++ help us in organizing all the information.
It offers a display window that enables you to preview all your files and folders.
It has a OneDrive integration feature that enables you to access, share and store all your files and folders anytime, even when you are offline.
Explorer++ features a wide range of basic file functions like moving, sorting, and filtering all your files and folders.
It is fully customizable and allows you to modify the dates and attributes of files.
The dual-pane, easy to use user interface enables you to browse through the files and folders at lightning-fast speeds.
It is free-to-use software that enables you to save directory listings.
8. Xplorer²
Xplorer² File Manager has the features and flexibility to be considered one of the best free File Manager for windows.
Xplorer² is available in two versions containing a dual-pane interface.
The software design allows the flexibility to choose from the ribbon-style user interface or the standard conventional menu bar.
It has a color code option to make it easy to identify a file or folder in a single glance.
It enables you to select multiple files at one time.
Moreover, it allows easy addition of tabs and subdirectories, enabling bulk renaming of files.
It has a feature to copy and move files at the same time providing instant file transfer.
This software offers a faster working speed in comparison to similar software in its category.
It offers a three-week free trial to understand its functions, but afterward, you have to pay a price of $29.95 to use its upgraded version.
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9. WinDirStat
WinDirStat File Manager is worth the consideration to be one of the best free File Manager for Windows 10 and also File Explorer Alternatives.
WinDirStat is an open-source and free-to-use program.
It provides you with complete information on daily space usage statistics, the amount of disk space in use, and what is it being used for.
It analyses your selected drive or directory by assigning color codes to each file type depending on the space consumed by them. It estimates which file consumes the most space. For example, the file taking up maximum space in your drive or directory will be colored blue.
This space usage feature becomes a handy clean-up tool for managing your files. It automatically removes files without using Recycle Bin, helping you at optimum disk space-saving and usage.
10. Files&Folders Lite
Files&Folders Lite is developed by null software developer, the developer of Torrex. It is rated as one of the best free File Manager Windows 10 due to the following features.
Files&Folders Lite has an amazingly designed, free-to-use User Interface that makes it super-easy to access your files and folders.
It has an expandable navigation window on the left of the User Interface that helps you easily locate your vital files.
This File Manager allows the use of File Transfer Protocol and OneDrive.
It allows you access to your videos and photos using its built-in media player.
It gives you the flexibility to add more folders in multiple formats.
Moreover, it supports cloud services and contains file compression and decompression feature.
It is compatible with most Windows devices.
You can customize the system background from the system gallery or downloaded ones from the internet.
It keeps on changing themes automatically.
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11. Multi Commander
Multi Commander File Manager software for windows is one of the best Windows File Explorer Alternatives due to the various features detailed below.
Multi Commander offers a Dual-Pane view with a variety of tools and Plug-ins.
This File Manager contains shortcuts to default folders, ensuring easy access to various files such as Documents, Libraries, and Desktop.
It has highly customizable software with out-of-the-box functions offering multiple tools for images and videos.
Moreover, Multi Commander offers filter-based color codes to each file type for ease of identification.
It enables access to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER branch to store current user-specific preferences to be used within their program.
It also is available in a portable version so that you can carry and use it wherever you go.
12. File Voyager
File Voyager is next in the list of the best free File Manager for windows due to a host of remarkable functions as mentioned below:
It has a huge collection of features like renaming, copying and moving, linking, deleting and recycling files, etc., that help make work easy.
The free-to-use adjustable interface provides a dual-pane view.
It offers different display modes like the report or thumbnail modes that display the size of a file or a folder next to each entry.
File Voyager allows the use of shortcuts to fax or email necessary documents and offers the file compressing tool.
It enables you to edit the files and folders in a notepad.
It also has a portable version enabling on-the-move, hassle-free working wherever you go.
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13. ExplorerMax
ExplorerMax is a software with a vast set of features, and it is next on the list of the best free File Manager:
ExplorerMax has a modern, easy-to-use, and efficient user interface that supports five different languages.
It allows quick search enabling you to view only those particular files, images, and documents that you want.
ExplorerMax user interface allows the use of a dual-pane view that makes it more effective to help you locate your important files and folders easily.
This File Manager has a batch rename feature enabling bulk renaming of files.
Further, it has a file zip/unzip feature that uses less storage space and enables the quick transfer of files and folders to other systems.
It supports light and dark modes.
14. Konvertor
Konvertor is a free File Manager with a dual-pane and multi-tabbed File Manager capability.
Konvertor can convert over 3400 distinct file types.
In addition to JPGs, PNGs, and GIFs, it supports 2,034 picture file formats, 795 audio, 230 movies, 102 3D, Office documents, and many more fundamental file types.
Its layout is similar to Explorer.
Using this program, you can quickly choose the alternatives you wish to handle.
It contains over 40 filters, including scaling, blur, noise, charcoal, and others for those who wish to change and enhance their photographs or pictures.
You can fine-tune photographs by adjusting brightness, contrast, and colors, as well as adding special effects such as cropping, rotating, and minimizing red-eye.
It comes with a plethora of capabilities, including the ability to open numerous tabs at the same time.
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15. Tablacus Explorer
Tablacus Explorer is a free and portable application that lets you open several tabs and organize them in various ways.
This File Manager program does not require installation.
You can change the default layout of this software to one of the ten others layouts available.
It supports add-ons in addition to tabbed windows.
It improves the appearance of File Explorer by adding additional features that make searching for files easier.
Its design is strongly influenced by File Explorer, but it incorporates several necessary file management improvements.
16. Unreal Commander
Unreal Commander is a free Windows File Manager that successfully handles your system data. If you’re tired of using the old File Explorer, try this software which has a beautiful user interface and is simple to use.
It is a two-pane file organizer that lets you manage your files and directories more easily.
Unreal Commander can open archives in a variety of formats, including ZIP, RAR, ACE, TAR, and CAB.
Once you’ve established a naming pattern using rules, it allows you to rename many files at once.
It allows you to upload files to an FTP server rapidly.
A two-panel user interface is included.
It comes with several essential features and preferences pre-installed.
This File Manager contains all the fundamental file management functions such as copy, move, delete and rename are supported.
It also has the drag-and-drop feature.
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17. Altap Salamander
Altap Salamander is the first alternative to Windows File Explorer that emphasizes networking functionality.
All network protocols are supported, including FTP, FTPS, SCP, and SFTP.
It simplifies the process of sharing data via the internet.
In comparison to its competitors, the software supports more archive file formats.
You can decompress ZIP, RAR, 7-Zip, ISO, and UDF files through this File Manager.
Altap Salamander has a built-in password manager, which is a one-of-a-kind feature.
Secure encryption techniques are used to protect sensitive or personal material, preventing them from getting into the wrong hands.
It has one of the most cost-effective premium software with a price tag of roughly $27.
18. Frigate3
Frigate3 could be the best option if you’re looking for a simple-to-use yet powerful and best free File Manager for windows.
It supports a variety of file compression and encryption formats, including zip, arj, rar, jar, ace, ha, lha, zoo, limit, and hyper, as well as network connectivity and FTP file management (including SFTP and FTPS protocols).
Frigate3 offers a program-sorting tool that allows users to swiftly and efficiently sort through media files on hard discs and external storage.
The multithreaded application engine can handle several concurrent file tasks, including copying, downloading, moving, searching, extracting, compressing, and uploading files.
Its other essential features are folder comparison and size management systems, a strong search engine, built-in MP3 tag, text editors, and many more.
Anyone can use it as it comes with detailed installation and uninstallation instructions.
It is simple to use and requires no technical skills.
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19. Aerize Explorer
Aerize Explorer is one of the most popular file management applications on the Microsoft Store.
It provides premium file management facilities such as passcode lock, configurable backdrops, various sizes, layouts, and distinctive icons, among others.
Although it is a free file organizer, it is ad-supported.
Files, folders, and storage cards can all be managed fast and easily.
It simplifies file operations such as cut, copy, and paste.
Aerize Explorer allows you to manage files and folders on the phone’s internal memory as well as an SD card.
It can rename and delete files from the storage memory as per your requirement.
It can transfer files between the phone’s memory and SD card as well as share them via NFC, Bluetooth, email, and other means.
The Aerize Explorer user interface is simple though aesthetically pleasing.
It has no crashes, no latency, and other issues.
We have listed the most effective, handy to use, and best free File Manager for Windows 10 PCs. We hope that the above list will help you make the right choice for managing your files on Windows PC. Write any suggestions or queries in the comments section below.