复仇色情(Revenge porn)是一种在网络(Web)上呈上升趋势的现象。每年都有越来越多的人成为受害者,其中大多数是女性。许多受害者对于如何删除未经他们同意而发布的内容知之甚少。为了提供帮助,我们发布了一系列教程,分享如何从Google、Microsoft、Facebook 和 Twitter(Facebook and Twitter)提供的多个在线服务中报告和删除此类内容。今天,我们想比较一下这些公司对报复色情(revenge porn)的做法以及他们的方法在解决这个问题方面的有效性。我们有一些有趣的数据要与您分享,让我们开始吧:
复仇色情(Revenge porn),也称为非自愿色情,是指有人在网上分发您的裸露或露骨色情材料。某人可能是你的前男友、前女友或任何其他与你有裸照或视频并想用它们来敲诈或羞辱你的人。复仇色情(Revenge porn)是最恶劣的在线行为之一,如果你成为它的牺牲品,它会在多个层面上影响你,包括个人和职业,有时甚至会产生毁灭性的影响。
CCRI 在2012 年 8 月(August 2012)和2013 年12 月(December 2013)期间在其EndRevengePorn.com网站上进行了一项调查。然后他们发布了一个制作精良的信息图,展示了一些关于复仇色情(revenge porn)的非常有趣的事实。这并不像您想象的那么罕见:
- “十分之一的前伴侣威胁说,他们会在网上曝光前任的下流照片。”("1 in 10 ex-partners have threatened that they would expose risque photos of their ex online.")
- “60% 的威胁要曝光亲密照片的人最终兑现了他们的威胁。除了露骨的图片,肇事者还会发布其他识别信息 [...] 导致对受害者的骚扰。”("60 percent of those who threatened to expose intimate photos followed through on their threats. In addition to explicit images, perpetrators post other identifying information [...] resulting in harassment of victims.")
- “90% 的非自愿色情受害者 [...] 是女性。93% [...] 遭受严重的情绪困扰 [...]。49% [...] 曾在网上被看到的用户骚扰或跟踪他们的材料。”("90 percent of non consensual porn victims [...] were women. 93 percent [...] suffered significant emotional distress [...]. 49 percent [...] have been harassed or stalked online by users who saw their material.")
从End Revenge Porn(End Revenge Porn)嵌入
互联网(Internet respond)如何应对复仇色情?
好消息来自互联网本身:(Internet)世界(World)上最大的 IT 公司决定自己解决这个问题。经营两个最大搜索引擎(谷歌和必(Google and Bing)应)的谷歌和微软,以及经营最大社交媒体网络的(Google and Microsoft)Facebook 和 Twitter(Facebook and Twitter),都已承诺打击报复色情(revenge porn)。
互联网(Internet)公司如何打击报复色情(revenge porn)?
让我们看看一些最重要的互联网公司在打击报复色情(revenge porn)方面提供了哪些工具:
2015 年6 月 19(June 19th)日,谷歌(Google)是第一个决定是时候更积极地打击复仇色情的互联网主要参与者。(Internet)你可以在这里阅读他们的博客文章(blog post):“复仇色情”和搜索("Revenge porn" and Search)。
“[...] 报复色情图片对个人和情感造成极大伤害,只会贬低受害者——主要是女性。因此,展望未来,我们将尊重人们的要求,删除未经他们同意而分享的裸体或露骨色情图片谷歌搜索结果 [...]"("[...] revenge porn images are intensely personal and emotionally damaging, and serve only to degrade the victims—predominantly women. So going forward, we'll honor requests from people to remove nude or sexually explicit images shared without their consent from Google Search results [...]")
自2015 年7 月 9(July 9)日起,Google提供了一个专用的网络表单(web form),您可以使用它来提交报复色情内容(revenge porn)删除请求。我们在这里介绍了有关如何使用此表单的所有详细信息:如何向Google报告(Google)复仇色情(revenge porn)。
2015 年7 月 22(July 22nd)日,微软(Microsoft)发布了一篇(blog post)关于他们反对复仇色情(revenge porn)的博客文章,您可以在此处找到该文章:“复仇色情”:让受害者重新获得控制权('Revenge porn': Putting victims back in control)。
“[...] 我们希望帮助受害者重新控制他们的图像和隐私。这就是为什么微软将从 Bing 的搜索结果中删除指向照片和视频的链接,并在 OneDrive 或Xbox Live [...]”("[...] we want to help put victims back in control of their images and their privacy. That's why Microsoft will remove links to photos and videos from search results in Bing, and remove access to the content itself when shared on OneDrive or Xbox Live [...]")
从那时起,微软(Microsoft)还提供了一个新的复仇色情(revenge porn)报道网页。您将在此处找到有关如何使用它向 Microsoft 报告复仇色情的所有详细信息:如何(Microsoft)向(revenge porn)Microsoft和Bing报告(Microsoft and Bing)复仇色情(revenge porn)。
Facebook 从来都不是任何虐待行为的朋友,这显然包括复仇色情(revenge porn)。你可以在这里找到他们的政策:社区标准(Community Standards)。
“[...] 我们删除了威胁或宣扬性暴力或性剥削的内容。[...] 我们还删除了描述性暴力事件的照片或视频,以及为报复或未经图像中的人许可而共享的图像。我们的性剥削的定义包括招揽性材料、涉及未成年人的任何性内容、威胁分享亲密图像以及提供性服务。在适当的情况下,我们将此内容提交给执法部门。[...]”("[...] We remove content that threatens or promotes sexual violence or exploitation. [...] we also remove photographs or videos depicting incidents of sexual violence and images shared in revenge or without permissions from the people in the images. Our definition of sexual exploitation includes solicitation of sexual material, any sexual content involving minors, threats to share intimate images, and offers of sexual services. Where appropriate, we refer this content to law enforcement. [...]")
在Facebook 上(Facebook)报告任何类型的不当或冒犯性内容非常简单,只需点击几下即可。您可以在此处找到有关如何操作的详细信息:如何向Facebook举报(Facebook)报复色情内容(revenge porn)。
Twitter 是世界(World)上最受欢迎的社交网络之一。他们也加入了打击报复色情(revenge porn)的斗争,即使他们对此有些“犹豫”。这是他们在社交网络上发布的关于私人信息的官方政策:(official policy)
“[...] 当我们收到一份完整且有效的报告表明私人信息已在 Twitter 上发布时,我们将调查该帐户和所报告的推文。我们将审查信息在何处(如果有)在何处公开,然后再采取对帐户或推文采取行动。如果您报告的信息之前发布在互联网上的其他地方,则不违反我们的政策,我们不会采取行动。[...]”("[...] When we receive a complete and valid report that private information has been posted on Twitter, we'll investigate the account and Tweets reported. We will review where, if anywhere, the information has been made publicly available before taking action on the account or Tweets. If the information you reported was previously posted elsewhere on the Internet, it is not a violation of our policy and we will not take action. [...]")
如果您发现自己需要举报报复色情内容(revenge porn content),您可以使用Twitter的公开私人信息网络表单(information web form)。如需进一步的帮助和指导(help and guidance),请查看我们的文章:如何向Twitter举报(Twitter)报复色情内容(revenge porn)。
比较微软(Microsoft)、谷歌(Google)、Facebook和Twitter(Facebook & Twitter)对报复色情的做法(revenge porn)
由于这四家 IT 公司控制着我们在Web(Web)上的大部分在线活动,我们不禁对它们进行比较。以下是他们打击复仇色情(revenge porn)的不同之处:
如果你仔细看看上面的表格,很明显,打击报复色情(revenge porn)的最佳方法是微软和 Facebook(Microsoft and Facebook)。
谷歌和推特(Google and Twitter)也有政策和战斗机制,但是:
- 谷歌只从(Google)谷歌搜索(Google search)结果中删除复仇色情(revenge porn)材料。他们应该对存储在Google Drive(Google Drive)、Blogger等上的(Blogger)报复色情(revenge porn)文件做同样的事情。谷歌(Google)拥有许多在线服务,他们应该为所有这些服务提供工具来打击报复色情(revenge porn),而不仅仅是他们的搜索引擎(search engine)。如果微软(Microsoft)能做到这一点,谷歌(Google)也能做到。
- 对于在其社交平台上发布的私人信息, Twitter(Twitter)的政策乏善可陈。如果您向他们报告复仇色情内容,他们将删除包含该内容的推文,并阻止用于发布内容的帐户,但前提是这些复仇色情图像或视频以前未出现在Internet上的其他地方。因此,如果有人发推文报复存储在OneDrive 或 Google Drive(OneDrive or Google Drive)上的色情内容,Twitter可能不会采取任何措施来阻止它在Twitter 上(Twitter)分发。
我们对这些公司如何处理复仇色情片的看法(revenge porn)
很高兴看到IT 界的一些知名人士决定与(IT world)复仇色情(revenge porn)作斗争。毕竟,它们对网络(Web)以及在线内容的分发方式有着巨大的影响。如果他们让复仇色情(revenge porn)传播而他们不采取任何措施来阻止它,就好像他们在支持恐怖行为。大多数人都同意这句话:“一个公民的自由在另一个公民的自由开始的地方结束”(" The liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins")。简单地说,复仇色情(Revenge porn)是一种以强大方式伤害他人的恐怖行为。
我们认为,目前可用的工具是一个不错的开始,但还不够。虽然我们很欣赏微软和 Facebook(Microsoft and Facebook)正在做的事情,但谷歌和 Twitter(Google and Twitter)应该做得更多。特别是推特(Twitter)。此外,其他在线公司和服务也应该效仿,并提供易于使用的工具来删除此类内容。
您如何看待互联网(Internet)公司处理复仇色情(way revenge porn)的方式?
我们在这个主题上写了很多,现在我们已经结束了我们的系列。在你走之前,不要犹豫与我们分享你对复仇色情(revenge porn)问题的看法以及可用于删除它的工具。你认为它们有效吗?公司还能做些什么来帮助受害者?在下面留下您的评论,让我们开始讨论。
What do Internet companies do against revenge porn? Which has the best approach?
Revenge pоrn is a phenomenon that is on the rise on the Web. Each year more аnd more people are victіms, moѕt of them women. And many victims have limited knowledge of what they can do to remove the content that was posted without thеir consent. In order to help, we published a series of tutorials thаt shares how to report аnd remove such content from several online services that are offered bу Google, Microѕoft, Facebook and Twitter. Today, we would like to comрare what these companiеs do against rеvеnge pоrn and how effective their apрroach is in solving this problem. We have quite some interesting data to share with you, so let's get stаrted:
What is revenge porn?
Revenge porn, otherwise known as non-consensual pornography, is when someone distributes nude or sexually explicit materials of you, online. That someone can be your ex-boyfriend, your ex-girlfriend or any other person who has naked pictures or videos with you and wants to use them to blackmail or shame you. Revenge porn is one of the nastiest online behaviors and, if you fall prey to it, it can affect you on multiple levels, both personally and professionally, sometimes with devastating effects.
CCRI ran a survey on their EndRevengePorn.com website during August 2012 and December 2013 . They then published a really wellmade infographic, that shows some very interesting facts about revenge porn. It's not as uncommon as you might think:
- "1 in 10 ex-partners have threatened that they would expose risque photos of their ex online."
- "60 percent of those who threatened to expose intimate photos followed through on their threats. In addition to explicit images, perpetrators post other identifying information [...] resulting in harassment of victims."
- "90 percent of non consensual porn victims [...] were women. 93 percent [...] suffered significant emotional distress [...]. 49 percent [...] have been harassed or stalked online by users who saw their material."
Embedded from End Revenge Porn
How does the Internet respond to revenge porn?
Sadly, the Internet is the perfect means for sharing revenge porn content. Some countries and states are taking slow steps in creating laws that address this problem and it will take a couple of years until we have worldwide legislation that's effective in doing something about this problem.
The good news comes from the Internet itself: the largest IT companies in the World decided to take this problem in their own hands. Google and Microsoft, who operate the two largest search engines (Google and Bing), as well as Facebook and Twitter, who run the largest social media networks, have all pledged to fight against revenge porn.
What do Internet companies do against revenge porn?
Let's see what tools are offered by some of the most important Internet companies, in the fight against revenge porn:
Google on revenge porn issues
On June 19th, 2015, Google was the first major player from the Internet who decided it is time to fight revenge porn more aggressively. You can read their blog post, here: "Revenge porn" and Search.
"[...] revenge porn images are intensely personal and emotionally damaging, and serve only to degrade the victims—predominantly women. So going forward, we'll honor requests from people to remove nude or sexually explicit images shared without their consent from Google Search results [...]"
As of July 9, 2015, Google offers a dedicated web form which you can use to submit revenge porn removal requests. We covered all the details on how to use this form, here: How to report revenge porn to Google.
Microsoft on revenge porn issues
On July 22nd, 2015, Microsoft published a blog post about their stand against revenge porn, which you can find here: 'Revenge porn': Putting victims back in control.
"[...] we want to help put victims back in control of their images and their privacy. That's why Microsoft will remove links to photos and videos from search results in Bing, and remove access to the content itself when shared on OneDrive or Xbox Live [...]"
Starting then, Microsoft also offers a new revenge porn reporting web page. You will find all the details on how to use it to report revenge porn to Microsoft, here: How to report revenge porn to Microsoft and Bing.
Facebook on revenge porn issues
Facebook has never been a friend of any kinds of abuses, and that obviously includes revenge porn. You can find their policy here: Community Standards.
"[...] We remove content that threatens or promotes sexual violence or exploitation. [...] we also remove photographs or videos depicting incidents of sexual violence and images shared in revenge or without permissions from the people in the images. Our definition of sexual exploitation includes solicitation of sexual material, any sexual content involving minors, threats to share intimate images, and offers of sexual services. Where appropriate, we refer this content to law enforcement. [...]"
Reporting any kind of inappropriate or offensive content on Facebook is very easy and involves only a few clicks. You can find detailed information on how to do it, here: How to report revenge porn to Facebook.
Twitter on revenge porn issues
Twitter is one of the most popular social networks in the World. They have also joined the fight against revenge porn, even if they are slightly "hesitant" about it. Here's their official policy on private information posted on their social network:
"[...] When we receive a complete and valid report that private information has been posted on Twitter, we'll investigate the account and Tweets reported. We will review where, if anywhere, the information has been made publicly available before taking action on the account or Tweets. If the information you reported was previously posted elsewhere on the Internet, it is not a violation of our policy and we will not take action. [...]"
If you find yourself in need of reporting revenge porn content, you can use Twitter's exposed private information web form. For further help and guidance, check our article: How to report revenge porn to Twitter.
Comparing what Microsoft, Google, Facebook & Twitter do against revenge porn
Since these four IT companies control most of our online activities on the Web, we couldn't help comparing them. Here's what's different about their approach to fighting revenge porn:
If you'll take a close look at the table above, it's obvious that the best approach to fighting revenge porn is that of Microsoft and Facebook.
Google and Twitter also have policies and fighting mechanisms, but:
- Google removes revenge porn materials only from Google search results. They should do the same thing for revenge porn files that are stored on Google Drive, Blogger and so on. Google owns many online services and they should provide the tools to fight revenge porn on all of them, not only their search engine. If Microsoft can do this, Google can too.
- Twitter has a lackluster policy when it comes to private information tweeted on their social platform. If you report revenge porn to them, they will delete the tweets containing it and they will block the accounts that were used to tweet the content, but only if those revenge porn images or videos didn't previously appear somewhere else on the Internet. Therefore, if someone tweets revenge porn content stored on OneDrive or Google Drive, Twitter will probably do nothing to prevent it from being distributed on Twitter.
Our view on how these companies handle revenge porn
It's good to see that some of the biggest names in the IT world have decided to fight against revenge porn. After all, they have a huge influence on the Web and how content is distributed online. If they let revenge porn spread and they do nothing to stop it, it's as if they are supporting acts of terror . Most people agree with the saying: " The liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins". Revenge porn is, simply put, an act of terror that harms others in powerful ways.
We believe that the tools that are currently available are a decent start but they are not enough. While we appreciate what Microsoft and Facebook are doing, Google and Twitter should do more. Especially Twitter. Also, other online companies and services should follow suit and offers easy to use tools for removing such content.
A good approach is for the Internet largest companies to unite on this issue and offer a common platform for reporting and dealing with revenge porn materials. It would make the life of victims a lot easier.
What do you think about they way revenge porn is handled by Internet companies?
We wrote a lot on this subject and now we have concluded our series. Before you go, don't hesitate to share with us your view on the matter of revenge porn and the tools that are available to remove it. Do you think that they are effective? What else could companies do to help victims? Leave your comments below and let's start a discussion.