如今,您可以在市场上找到各种便携式显示器。它们非常适合提高您在旅途中的工作效率,但如果您想为台式电脑创建双屏设置,它们也非常适合您的家庭办公室。在过去的几周里,我是世界上第一个测试和使用华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP的科技博主,这是(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)华硕(ASUS)的最新型号。它是一款带有IPS面板、内置扬声器、有线和无线连接的便携式显示器,您甚至可以安装在三脚架上。如果您想了解有关它的更多信息以及它是否是您的绝佳选择,请阅读此评论:
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP):它适合谁?
如果满足以下条件,华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)是一个绝佳的选择:
- 您想在旅途中使用双屏设置
- 您喜欢拥有一台可以轻松随身携带的显示器的想法
- 您需要具有丰富连接选项的便携式显示器
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)有很多好话要说:
- 它看起来很漂亮,并且由优质组件制成
- 它既便携又纤薄,你可以把它塞进笔记本电脑的包里
- 它使用IPS面板,可提供出色的图像质量和亮度
- 它有一个内置支架和一个三脚架
- 您可以通过有线和无线方式将其连接到您拥有的任何设备(台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机)
- 它的内置扬声器听起来比大多数笔记本电脑更好
- 它的嵌入式电池可以让它运行大约四个小时

我喜欢使用华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)便携式显示器。我发现它是我工具包的一个很好的补充,我特别感谢我在旅行时手头的更大屏幕空间。图像质量非常好,可用的连接选项也非常丰富,让您可以在任何类型的设备上使用它,无论是台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑,甚至是智能手机。如果您正在寻找便携式显示器,我认为华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)是您能买到的最好的显示器之一。
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)拆箱
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP 装(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)在一个相对较大的盒子里,用于便携式显示器。它由厚纸板制成,您在上面看到的唯一内容是显示器的名称以及它的屏幕对角线为 15.6 英寸。但是,在侧面,您可以了解有关该设备的更多信息,因为它的一些规格和细节印在几个贴纸上。

华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)的包装
在包装盒内,ZenScreen Go显示器及其配件均由大型减震元件保护。便携式显示器随附USB Type-C电缆、HDMI到 mini - HDMI适配器、显示器三脚架安装的小塑料盖、电源适配器、保修文件和用户手册。华硕(ASUS)还包括一个漂亮的包,对于那些旅行并想随身携带便携式显示器的人来说非常有用。

华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)的包装盒内有什么
拆箱 ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP 是一种很好的体验。包里有你需要的一切,对细节的关注是显而易见的。(Unboxing the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is a fine experience. The package has everything you need, and the care for details is obvious.)
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)是一款纤薄且相对轻巧的便携式显示器(厚度仅为 11.5 毫米,重量为 1.09 公斤),配备 15.6 英寸无眩光屏幕。它使用标准的 16:9 纵横比并具有全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)(1920 x 1080 像素)。该显示器采用IPS(平面内切换)(IPS (In-Plane Switching))面板制成,可确保良好的对比度 (1200:1) 并提供 250 cd/m 2的最大亮度,我们的测量结果证实了这一点。正如预期的那样,色彩还原非常出色,视角非常大(水平和垂直均为 178°)。

无线使用华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)
除了提供的图像质量外,华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)便携式显示器的连接选项令人印象深刻。它可以通过USB Type-C(USB Type-C)和迷你 HDMI(mini HDMI)端口连接到您的计算机(台式机或笔记本电脑),您还可以从几乎任何设备进行无线投影。
该显示器支持通过WiFi(WiFi)、Miracast和AirPlay从笔记本电脑、平板电脑或智能手机进行无线镜像。虽然通过HDMI(HDMI)或USB-C连接时它拥有 60赫兹(Hertz)的刷新率,但当我切换到无线投影时,刷新率被限制为 30赫兹(Hertz)。哦,顺便说一句,显示器甚至有两个嵌入式 1 瓦扬声器和一个耳机插孔。

华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)上的连接端口
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)的典型功耗为 7.6瓦(Watts),而且,令人惊讶的是,它具有嵌入式电池!容量为 7800 毫安时,华硕(ASUS)承诺长达四个小时的自主权。通过专用的USB Type-C 端口(USB Type-C port)以 5 伏特和 3 安培为显示器充电。
如果您想查看ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP的所有规格和功能,请访问此页面:ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP 技术规格(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP Tech Specs)。
华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP 的硬件规格优于大多数笔记本电脑。它提供了出色的屏幕、许多连接选项,甚至还有内置电池。继续阅读以了解在现实生活中使用它的感觉。(The hardware specifications of the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP are better than what you would get from most laptops. It offers an excellent screen, many connectivity options, and even a built-in battery. Read on to see what it’s like using it in real life.)
使用华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP
当我看到这款便携式显示器时,即使它仍然处于关闭状态,我也不禁惊叹华硕(ASUS)如何做到如此纤薄,边框非常薄,同时内部还装有电池。当然,我们之前都见过非常纤薄的平板电脑,但我们在这里谈论的是 15.6 英寸的电脑屏幕,这并不相同,因为平板电脑的屏幕通常要小得多。同样,即使是更大的屏幕,显示器的尺寸也与普通笔记本电脑的尺寸相似。因此,在笔记本电脑的包或背包中找到放置它的位置不会有任何问题。即使您没有 - 也许您拥有更小的超极本甚至是工作平板电脑 - 您从华硕获得的保护套(ASUS)与显示器是相当不错和有用的。无论哪种方式,我向您保证,旅行时随身携带ZenScreen Go MB16AWP不会成为问题。

华硕 ZenScreen(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP) MB16AWP使用IPS面板
当我拿到华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)便携式显示器时,让我印象深刻的另一件事是它的设计。那是在我真正开始使用它之前。这台显示器是一个漂亮的设备:它感觉很时尚,它的金属外壳看起来很棒。

华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP 背面(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)有一个三脚架和一个内置支架
在可用性方面,毫无疑问,我不得不承认,有一个可用的辅助屏幕很有用,特别是如果你是作家,比如Digital Citizen的我们、软件开发人员,或者即使你只是沉迷于看Netflix . 🙂 当我拥有它时,这款便携式显示器绝对让我的生活更轻松。在周末,我倾向于离开家去探望父亲或与其他城市的朋友见面。但是,即便如此,我仍然每天坚持写几个小时。当我随身携带 ZenScreen Go(ZenScreen Go)并连接到我的笔记本电脑时,我能够将我的桌面分成两个独立的区域。我在笔记本电脑的屏幕上看到了我的Google Docs文章,而在便携式显示器上,我保留了Slack,Skype和Spotify。我不再需要使用Alt-Tab来获取最新消息:只需快速查看左侧,它们就在那里。我不知道其他人,但对我来说,这是我喜欢的东西。

在我的笔记本电脑上使用华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)
连接方面,显示器很丰富,有线和无线 - 如果你讨厌电缆。🙂 虽然当我用它来编写和浏览网页时它在无线上运行得非常好,但我更喜欢使用USB-C和 mini-HDMI 连接来观看视频。与我的笔记本电脑和显示器之间建立的Miracast 连接相比,电缆(Miracast connection)HDMI(HDMI one)允许一个完整的 60赫兹(Hertz)刷新率,这在Netflix上感觉要好得多。

华硕 ZenScreen MB16AWP 透视(ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP)图
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我想告诉你显示器在使用电池时的自主性。如您所知,华硕(ASUS)表示它可以持续长达四个小时。我检查过:充满电,通过Miracast无线连接到我的笔记本电脑,亮度设置为 80%,显示器确实持续了 4 小时 6 分钟。我能说什么?干得好,(Great)华硕(ASUS)!
在我看来,华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP 是我计算工具箱的绝佳补充。这是我喜欢使用的一款出色的便携式显示器,我觉得它让我在旅途中更有效率。如果我还没有大型 32 英寸桌面显示器,我可能会在家里说同样的话。因此,如果您主要在笔记本电脑上工作,或者拥有小型或中等尺寸的台式显示器,那么这样的便携式屏幕会让您感到高兴,这是毫无疑问的。(In my opinion, the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is an excellent addition to my computing toolbox. It’s a great portable monitor that I love using, and I feel it makes me more productive on the go. I probably would’ve said the same thing at home if I didn’t already have a large 32” desktop monitor. So, if you’re working mainly on your laptop or have a small or average-sized desktop monitor, a portable screen like this will make you happy, there’s no question about it.)
您对华硕 ZenScreen Go MB16AWP(ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP)有何看法?
我非常喜欢ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP,我觉得它对于希望在两个屏幕上工作的人来说是一个绝佳的选择,尤其是在旅行时,而且在他们的家庭办公室。你也这么认为吗?您有兴趣购买像这样的便携式显示器吗?请在下面的评论部分告诉我。
ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP review: A feature-rich portable monitor
Nowadays, you can find all kinds of portable monitors on the market. They’re great for boosting your productivity on the go but can also be a good match for your home office if you want to create a dual-screen setup for your desktop PC. During the last few weеkѕ, I was the first tech blogger іn the world tо test and use the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP, the latest model from ASUS. It is a portable monitor wіth an IРS panel, built-in speakers, wired and wireless connectivity, and that you can even mount on a tripod. If you want to find out more about it and whether іt would be an excellent choice for you, rеad this review:
ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP: Who is it good for?
The ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is an excellent choice if:
- You want to work on a dual-screen setup while on the go
- You like the idea of having a monitor that you can easily carry with you
- You want a portable monitor with rich connectivity options
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP:
- It looks beautiful, and it’s made of premium components
- It’s portable and so slim that you can tuck it in your laptop’s bag
- It uses an IPS panel that offers excellent image quality and brightness
- It has a built-in stand and a tripod mount
- You can connect it both wired and wirelessly to any device you own (desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone)
- Its built-in speakers sound better than most laptops
- Its embedded battery can keep it running for about four hours
The only drawback I identified is that the monitor doesn’t support touch.

I love using the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP portable monitor. I find it to be an excellent addition to my toolkit, and I especially appreciate the larger screen estate I have at hand while traveling. The image quality is great, and the connectivity options available are more than generous, enabling you to use it with any kind of device, be that your desktop PC, your laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone. If you’re looking for a portable monitor, in my opinion, the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is one of the best you could get.
Unboxing the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP
The ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP comes in a relatively large box for a portable monitor. It’s manufactured from thick cardboard, and the only things you see on it are the name of the monitor and the fact that its screen is 15.6 inches in diagonal. However, on the sides, you can learn more about the device, as some of its specs and details are printed on a couple of stickers.

The package of the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP
Inside the box, the ZenScreen Go monitor and its accessories are all protected by large shock-absorbing elements. The portable monitor is accompanied by a USB Type-C cable, an HDMI to mini-HDMI adapter, a small plastic cover for the monitor’s tripod mount, its power adapter, warranty documents, and its user manual. ASUS also included a nice-looking bag useful for those who travel and want to take their portable monitor with them.

What's inside the box of the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP
Unboxing the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is a fine experience. The package has everything you need, and the care for details is obvious.
Hardware specifications
The ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is a slim and relatively light portable monitor (measuring just 11.5mm in thickness and weighing 1.09kg) with a non-glare 15.6-inch screen. It uses the standard 16:9 aspect ratio and features Full HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels). The monitor is built with an IPS (In-Plane Switching) panel that ensures good contrast (1200:1) and offers a maximum brightness of 250 cd/m2, confirmed by our measurements. The color reproduction is excellent, and viewing angles are very generous, as expected (178° both horizontally and vertically).

Using the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP wirelessly
In addition to the image quality offered, the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP portable monitor impresses with its connectivity options. It can connect to your computer (desktop or laptop) via USB Type-C and mini HDMI ports, and you can also project wirelessly from practically any device.
The monitor supports wireless mirroring from laptops, tablets, or smartphones via WiFi, Miracast, and AirPlay. While it boasts a 60 Hertz refresh rate when connected via HDMI or USB-C, when I switched to wireless projection, the refresh rate was limited to 30 Hertz. Oh, and by the way, the monitor even has two embedded 1-watt speakers and an earphone jack.

Connection ports on the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP
The ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP has a typical power consumption of 7.6 Watts, and, surprise, it has an embedded battery! With a capacity of 7800 mAh, ASUS promises an autonomy of up to four hours. Charging the monitor is done via a dedicated USB Type-C port at 5 Volts and 3 Amperes.
If you want to see all the specifications and features for the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP, visit this page: ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP Tech Specs.
The hardware specifications of the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP are better than what you would get from most laptops. It offers an excellent screen, many connectivity options, and even a built-in battery. Read on to see what it’s like using it in real life.
Using the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP
When I looked at this portable monitor, even if it was still turned off, I couldn’t help myself from marveling at how ASUS managed to make it so slim, with incredibly thin bezels, and stuff a battery inside at the same time. Sure, we’ve all seen incredibly slim tablets before, but we’re talking about a 15.6-inch computer screen here, which is not the same, as tablets usually have much smaller screens. On the same note, even if it’s a larger screen, the monitor’s dimensions are similar to those of a regular laptop. So, you won’t have any issues finding a place for it in your laptop’s bag or backpack. And even if you don’t - maybe you own a smaller ultrabook or even a work tablet - the sleeve you get from ASUS with the monitor is quite nice and useful. Either way, I promise you that carrying around the ZenScreen Go MB16AWP with you when you travel won’t be an issue.

The ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP uses an IPS panel
Another thing that impressed me when I got the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP portable monitor was its design. That was even before I actually started using it. This monitor is a beautiful device: it feels stylish, and its metallic case looks great.
And on top of the excellent build quality, two other physical features make it stand out from the crowd: its built-in stand and the presence of a tripod socket. The stand is adjustable and easy to use, and if you want even more freedom in positioning the monitor on any surface, you can simply attach any regular tripod (like the one you might already have for your digital camera) to the back of the screen.

On its back, the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP has a tripod mount and a built-in stand
On the usability side of things, I unquestionably have to admit that having a secondary screen available is useful, especially if you’re a writer, like us at Digital Citizen, a software developer, or even if you’re simply addicted to watching Netflix. 🙂 While I had it, this portable monitor definitely made my life easier. During weekends, I tend to leave home and visit my father or meet with friends in other cities. But, even then, I still keep on writing for a few hours a day. And when I had the ZenScreen Go with me, connected to my laptop, I was able to split my desktop into two separate areas. I had my Google Docs article on the laptop's screen, while on the portable monitor, I kept Slack, Skype, and Spotify. No longer did I have to Alt-Tab to get to the latest messages: just a quick look on the left, and there they were. I don’t know about others, but for me, that’s something I love.

Using the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP with my laptop
Connectivity-wise, the monitor is rich, both wired and wirelessly - if you hate cables. 🙂 Though it worked perfectly fine wirelessly when I used it for writing and browsing the web, I preferred using the USB-C and the mini-HDMI connections for watching videos. Compared to the Miracast connection established between my laptop and the monitor, the cable HDMI one allowed for a full 60 Hertz refresh rate, which felt much better on Netflix.

Perspective of the ASUS ZenScreen MB16AWP
And, last but not least, I’d like to tell you about the monitor’s autonomy when on battery. As you know, ASUS says it can last up to four hours. I’ve checked: fully charged, connected wirelessly via Miracast to my laptop, and with its brightness set at 80 percent, the monitor lasted indeed exactly four hours and six minutes. What can I say? Great job, ASUS!
In my opinion, the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP is an excellent addition to my computing toolbox. It’s a great portable monitor that I love using, and I feel it makes me more productive on the go. I probably would’ve said the same thing at home if I didn’t already have a large 32” desktop monitor. So, if you’re working mainly on your laptop or have a small or average-sized desktop monitor, a portable screen like this will make you happy, there’s no question about it.
What’s your opinion about the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP?
I like the ASUS ZenScreen Go MB16AWP a lot, and I feel that it’s an excellent choice for anyone who’s looking to work on two screens, especially while traveling, but also at their home office. Do you think the same? Are you interested in buying a portable monitor like this one? Let me know in the comments section below.