华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)采用黑色塑料制成的硬壳,设计简约优雅。这有点不合常规,因为它实际上是一个包含所有组件的包装器。它上面印有金色的智能手机名称,仅此而已。
从这个包装纸中,您可以滑出两个组件:另一个装有P8max及其配件的塑料盒,以及一个内部装有智能盖的较小(plastic box)纸板箱(cardboard box)。这是一个罕见且非常受欢迎的景象,因为很少有智能手机在盒子里有一个盖子,所以我们真的很高兴看到这个。这是一款皮革翻盖(leather flip cover),具有一些非常简洁的功能,但我们稍后会讨论这些。
塑料盒(plastic box)有一个可以取下的盖子,在下面我们可以看到一个类似于车载CD播放器的设计:这里(car CD player)是智能手机滑出的一个小缝隙,看起来就像一张正在弹出的CD。取出智能手机后,您必须滑动另一块塑料以露出另外两个插槽,每个插槽内部都有一个纸板箱(cardboard box)。其中一个包含智能手机的配件(充电器头(charger head)、microUSB 数据线、耳机和(microUSB cable)SIM 托盘(SIM tray)的小针),而另一个则可以找到文档和保修文件。
取出智能手机后,名称中出现“max”一词的原因立即变得显而易见:因为它非常巨大。我个人每天都使用一加一加(Oneplus One)智能手机和Nexus 7 平板电脑(tablet everyday),它们都不是小设备,但华为P8max(Huawei P8max)比我的智能手机大得多,比平板电脑小一点。看到这巨大的体积,我们不禁笑了起来,想着我们怎么能用这样的设备打电话。
除了它的大小,我们必须注意到第一印象通常是有利的,因为P8max是一款设计简单的一体式智能手机。它有三种颜色可供选择:奢华金(Gold)、神秘香槟和钛灰(Mystic Champagne and Titanium Grey),后者是三种颜色中最保守的一种,可以吸引大多数买家。我们有一个用于测试的 Luxurious Gold 设备(Gold device),有趣的是,在这种情况下,它不像其他制造商那样华丽、炫耀的颜色。
规格方面,华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)拥有一块巨大的 6.8 英寸LTPS IPS LCD 触摸屏(LTPS IPS LCD touchscreen),分辨率为 1920x1080 像素,像素密度为 326 ppi,并有康宁大猩猩玻璃 3(Corning Gorilla Glass 3)涂层保护。无需解释,在这种情况下巨大的尺寸,P8max 更像(P8max)是一台平板电脑而不是简单的智能手机,因此是平板设备类别(phablet category)的完美代表。单手使用它并不容易(尽管有软件解决方案可以帮助您这样做) ),因为它高 7.19 英寸或 182.7毫米(mm tall),宽 3.66 英寸或 93 毫米,但它仍然非常纤薄,只有 0.27 英寸或 6.8毫米厚(mm thick). 当然它很重,更准确地说是 8.04 盎司或 228 克,所以你很可能不会把它放在衬衫口袋里(shirt pocket)。你甚至可能想忘记你的裤子口袋:即使它合身,你也不能真正上下楼梯,因为它会伤到你的腿,或者你可能会弄坏智能手机。
在内部,这个大宝贝的核心是华为(Huawei)自己的海思麒麟 935(HiSilicon Kirin 935)芯片组,它由两个四核Cortex-A53 CPU组成,其中一个时钟频率为 2.2 GHz,另一个时钟速度(clock speed)为 1.5千兆赫(GHz)。图形由具有OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1 *、DirectX 9/11、OpenCL 1.1 Full Profile 和 Google RenderScript 支持的(Full Profile and Google RenderScript support)ARM Mali-T628 MP4处理。P8max配备(P8max)3GB RAM和 64GB 闪存空间(storage space),可通过microSD 卡扩展(microSD card) 高达 64GB 的大小。很高兴知道如果您想使用microSD 卡(microSD card),您必须放弃双SIM 卡功能(SIM capability),因为microSD 卡(microSD card)将占用第二个 nano-SIM 插槽。
正如我们已经提到的,P8max是一款双SIM 卡设备(SIM device),带有一个 micro SIM 和一个 nano - SIM插槽。它们在双待机模式下(standby mode)工作,这意味着当您使用一张SIM 卡通(SIM card)话时,另一张处于待机状态,无法接听电话。两个SIM 卡(SIM)插槽都支持 4G,但一次只能连接到这些高速网络。
该设备具有 4360 mAh锂聚合物(Li-Polymer),无法更换 - 这是一种相当普遍的做法,尽管不受欢迎,但现在主要用于高端型号。尽管P8max 更像(P8max)是顶级的中档竞争对手(mid-range competitor),但它仍然没有可更换的电池。
智能手机的主要后置摄像头具有 13 MP 的分辨率、f/2.0 的光圈大小(aperture size)、自动对焦、光学图像稳定和双 LED(image stabilization and dual-LED)(双色调)闪光灯,并且可以以 30fps 的速度录制 1080p 视频,而在前面我们有一个 5 MP 辅助摄像头。
在连接性方面,P8max支持从 2G 到LTE的所有网络类型,但(LTE)其在线规格(its online specifications)中并未提及具体频率。然而,我们确实知道,在LTE上,我们的理论最大下载速度(maximum download speed)为 300 Mbit/s(支持带内连续载波聚合(Carrier Aggregation),取决于运营商网络(carrier network dependent))和50 Mbit/s下载速度(download speed),而在DC-HSDPA+下载和上传(download and upload)的理论最大值为42 Mbit/s和 5.76 Mbit/s分别。
当然,智能手机也支持WiFi网络(在 2.4 和 5 GHz频率上使用(GHz)IEEE 802.11ac/a/b/g/n标准),具有带A2DP的 4.0蓝牙芯片(Bluetooth chip)(向后兼容蓝牙 3.0(Bluetooth 3.0)和 2.1 +EDR)、GPS/A-GPS/Glonass/BDS(取决于国家/地区)定位和导航(location and navigation)支持、microUSB 2.0端口和 FM 收音机支持(port and FM Radio support),可与插入 3.5毫米插孔端口(mm jack port)的耳机配合使用。
完整的硬件规格可以在这里找到:华为 P8max 规格(Huawei P8max specifications)。
根据其技术规格,华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)是一款大型平板型中端智能手机,具有该类别的大部分通用特征。它的尺寸是它与其他手机区别开来的最重要的特征之一,在做出购买决定(purchasing decision)时,它肯定是首先要考虑的事情。
P8max继承了其兄弟华为 P8 的设计原则:(P8max)这(Huawei P8)意味着一款一体式智能手机(unibody smartphone),设计简约而优雅,没有太多引人注目的功能,因此保持低调的外观。当然,平板手机最突出的特点是它的屏幕:6.8 英寸的巨大触摸屏非常大,让您在使用它时永远不会缺少空间。
在显示屏上方,您可以看到 5 MP 辅助摄像头、扬声器和光传感器。前置摄像头没有闪光灯,智能手机正面唯一的其他功能是制造商的名称,就在屏幕下方。默认Android(Android)键没有单独的可见行- 它们在打开时出现在屏幕上。
在设备的顶部边缘,您可以看到两个连接器:一个 3.5毫米插孔(mm jack)和一个microUSB 2.0端口,可用于为设备充电和将其连接到计算机以进行数据传输。至于音频插孔,P8max随附一套耳机,音质一般,也可用作FM 收音机(FM radio)的天线。
底部边缘(bottom edge)仅容纳麦克风和扬声器,而左侧边缘(left edge)基本上是空的。智能手机的右侧还有更多功能,从顶部的音量键开始。它们的正(Right)下方是电源键(power key),这是将它放在如此大的设备上的最佳位置。再往下一点可以看到两个SIM卡槽:底部的一个是使用 micro SIM的主插槽,而顶部的插槽是 nano SIM插槽,或者它也可以用于 microSD 卡以扩展智能手机的存储容量(storage capacity)。
背板是一块光滑的金属,它最重要的特点是左上角(left corner)的 13 MP 主摄像头和靠近它的双色LED 。(LED right)在后面板的中央我们还可以看到华为的标志(Huawei logo),而底部是一条黑色条纹,由与面板其余部分不同的材料制成。
构建质量相当好,但我们必须注意,在后面板上使用不那么滑的材料是个好主意。由于华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)真的很大很重,它可能会从你的手中掉下来。实际上很难抓住它,更不用说您可能必须用双手握住它才能正确使用它。
屏幕对比度很好,即使在明亮的阳光下也很容易阅读,虽然很明显像素密度(pixel density)不是很高——你不会看到像素或模糊的边缘,但这并不是绝对的最高质量。Gorilla Glass 3涂层可以保护它免受刮擦,但指纹会是一个问题——看起来屏幕没有疏油涂层。
我们用于测试的设备带有智能外壳,这很可能是华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)可能发生的最好的事情。它是一款由优质棕色皮革(high-quality brown leather)制成的翻盖保护套,不仅可以保护智能手机免受物理伤害,还可以使其看起来凉爽且易于握持。它有一个点阵正面,让它变得聪明:在翻盖(flip cover)关闭的情况下,您仍然可以看到时间和天气信息(time and weather information)以及来电 - 您甚至可以接听它们,华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)也可以通过外壳识别触摸。
尽管如此,智能保护套也有其共同的问题:当智能手机在保护套中时,一些应用程序的通知根本没有声音。Gmail 和 WhatsApp(Gmail and WhatsApp)就是这种情况,但一些用户也报告了(reported the same problem)其他应用程序的相同问题。这似乎是一个软件错误(software bug),因为电话和短信通知没有问题,但它仍然很烦人。我们只能希望在不久的将来通过软件更新(software update)解决这个问题——在我们测试智能手机的时候,没有可用的软件更新(software update)。
华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)是一款大型智能手机:既是平板电脑又是智能手机,它肯定只针对一小部分用户。许多人可能会被这么大的设备推迟,但有时它确实会派上用场。它的设计非常优雅,并且由相当优质的材料制成,因此除了尺寸之外,没有任何破坏交易的功能。智能封面是一个很好的补充,即使它有一些错误。
华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)上的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
根据它的价格、硬件和它提供的功能,可以肯定地说华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)是一款中端智能手机——不要被它的大尺寸误导——这并不一定意味着这是其中之一最昂贵的手机使用。
正如我们已经提到的,显示器的质量非常好,唯一明显的缺陷是像素密度(pixel density)较低。虽然它拥有 1080x1920 像素的全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution),但由于屏幕大,像素密度(pixel density)仅为 326 ppi。单独使用时,几乎看不到这一点,但如果与高端智能手机相比,华为P8max显然(Huawei P8max)是一款中端屏幕的中端设备。
在速度方面,华为 P8max(Huawei P8max)表现相当不错。日常任务执行没有延迟,我们没有遇到任何严重的减速。尽管如此,操作系统(operating system)有时还是有点滞后,这在浏览网页时最为明显。这远非令人沮丧,但总有一种感觉,一切都可以快一点。幸运的是,没有滚动延迟或屏幕撕裂,只是加载时间比高端智能手机长。
我们对音频质量的第一次体验是在智能手机第一次响起时——它非常响亮。强烈建议您微调铃声音量(ringtone volume),因为它会变得非常可怕。否则扬声器的质量是平庸的:你可以听音乐,但不要抱太大的期望。由于屏幕很大,在床上看电影是个不错的选择,但你可能要使用一个好的耳机或耳机(earphone or headphone)。在通话过程中,音质非常出色,没有什么可抱怨的。
P8max与我们的移动网络完美配合(P8max),完全没有失去连接,请记住,如果您有 nano SIM卡,您也可以将其用作您的SIM 卡(SIM),并拥有 4G 访问权限,但在这种情况下,您可以不要安装 microSD 卡。
不幸的是,我们用于测试的P8max有一个关于WiFi 连接(WiFi connectivity)的严重错误。当智能手机移出它所连接的WiFi 网络(WiFi network)范围时,它无法检测(也无法连接到)其他WiFi 网络(WiFi network),除非它的WiFi 模块(WiFi module)被关闭并重新打开。
因此,例如,您在家,连接到您的家庭WiFi,然后去上班。P8max不会(P8max)看到工作场所的WiFi(即使它之前已连接到它),而是会向您显示家庭WiFi和那里范围内的任何其他网络。当然,只需轻点几下即可关闭和打开 WiFi(WiFi off)。这不仅令人讨厌,而且还会让您在数据计划上花钱。我们认为这是一个重大错误,应该尽快(ASAP)修复。
导航(Navigation)在 P8max 上完美运行:GPS 模块(GPS module)快速连接到卫星并且连接稳定。鉴于真正的大屏幕,智能手机可以成为一流的汽车导航设备(car navigation device)。
智能手机的规格没有列出华为 P8max的预期(Huawei P8max)通话时间(talk time),但考虑到 4360 mAh 电池(mAh battery),我们期待一些非常令人印象深刻的数字。当然,大屏幕耗电(power drain)大,但设备还能坚持两天多,这是一个非常好的结果。它也有自己的省电功能,但即使有自动亮度、始终开启的WiFi、禁用的蓝牙(Bluetooth)、位置设置为省电模式以及平均电话、消息、主动推送电子邮件(push email)数量以及相当多的篡改配合网页浏览器(web browser),两天续航(battery life)真的很好。
鉴于充电时间不会超过两个小时,可以肯定地说,电池寿命(battery life)和待机时间并不是您真正关心的问题之一,除非您当然倾向于每两分钟检查一次智能手机。
除了其不同寻常的尺寸和令人印象深刻的电池寿命(battery life)之外,它的所有其他功能都是中档手机的特征。如果您需要中档平板手机,这当然没问题。(Which)然而,它的软件错误不仅令人讨厌,而且甚至会花费你的钱——除非这些错误得到修复,否则它们会让你的生活更加困难。
The Huawei P8max review - A giant smartphone that walks amongst us
They say that tablets are done for: more and more tеchnology professionals forecast a quick end for thesе devices, as theіr popularity is on the decline. One of the main reasons for this is the appearance of phablets - smartphonеs with sizes comparable to tablets. These larger hаndhelds are basiсallу two-in-one devicеs that make tаblets redundant. Huawei's own Р8max is оne suсh smartphonе: іt's definitely big and it can rерlace a tablet. Read our review to find more about all its other features:
Hardware specifications and packaging
The Huawei P8max arrived in a hard case made from black plastic, with a minimalistic and elegant design. It is a bit unconventional, as it is in fact a wrapper that has every component inside. It has the smartphone's name printed in gold on it and that's about it.
From this wrapper you can slide out two components: another plastic box that holds the P8max and its accessories, and a smaller cardboard box that has a smart cover inside. It is a rare and very welcome sight to see, as very few smartphones come with a cover inside the box, so we were genuinely happy about this one. It is a leather flip cover that has some really neat features, but we'll talk about these a bit later.
The plastic box has a lid that can be taken off, and underneath we can see a design similar to a car CD player: t here is a small gap from which the smartphone slides ou t, which looks like a CD being ejected. After taking out the smartphone, you have to slide another piece of plastic in order to reveal two other slots, which each have a cardboard box inside. One of them holds the smartphone's accessories (charger head, microUSB cable, headset and a small pin for the SIM tray), while in the other you can find the documentation and the warranty papers.
Upon taking out the smartphone, it becomes immediately obvious why the word "max" is present in its name: because it is shockingly huge. I personally use a Oneplus One smartphone and a Nexus 7 tablet everyday, neither of which are small devices, but the Huawei P8max is much bigger than my smartphone and just a bit smaller than the tablet. Seeing this gigantic size we couldn't help but laugh at first, thinking about how we could make phone calls with such a device.
Apart from its size we must note that the first impression is generally favourable, as the P8max is a unibody smartphone that is designed with simplicity in mind. It is available in three colors: Luxurious Gold, Mystic Champagne and Titanium Grey, the latter being the most conservative of the three colors that could appeal to most of the buyers. We had a Luxurious Gold device for testing and, interestingly, in this case this isn't such a flashy, show-off color like at other manufacturers.
As for its specifications, the Huawei P8max has a gigantic, 6.8" LTPS IPS LCD touchscreen with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and a pixel density of 326 ppi, this being protected with a Corning Gorilla Glass 3 coating. No need to explain, at such a huge size, the P8max is much more of a tablet than a simple smartphone, thus being a perfect representation of the phablet category of devices. It's not easy to use it with a single hand (although there are software solutions that help you do so), as it is 7.19 inches or 182.7 mm tall, 3.66 inches or 93 mm wide, but it's still quite slim, being just 0.27 inches or 6.8 mm thick. Of course it weighs quite a lot, more precisely 8.04 oz or 228 grams, so you will most probably not keep it in your shirt pocket. You might even want to forget your pants pocket as well: even if it fits, you won't really be able to walk up or down the stairs, as it will hurt your legs, or you might break the smartphone.
On the inside, the heart of this big baby is Huawei's own HiSilicon Kirin 935 chipset that comprises of two quad-core Cortex-A53 CPU's, one of them ticking at 2.2 GHz, while the other has a clock speed of 1.5 GHz. The graphics are handled by an ARM Mali-T628 MP4 with OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.1*, DirectX 9/11, OpenCL 1.1 Full Profile and Google RenderScript support. The P8max is equipped with 3GB of RAM and has 64GB of flash storage space, which can be extended with a microSD card of up to 64GB in size. It is good to know that if you wish to use a microSD card, you have to give up the dual SIM capability, as the microSD card will take up the second, nano-SIM slot.
As we have already mentioned, the P8max is a dual SIM device, with a micro and a nano-SIM slot. These work in dual standby mode, meaning that while you're talking on one SIM card, the other one is in standby, not able to receive calls. Both SIM slots have 4G support, although only one can connect to these high-speed networks at a time.
The device has a 4360 mAh Li-Polymer, which cannot be replaced - this is rather common, albeit unwelcome, practice nowadays, mostly in high-end models. Although the P8max is more of a top mid-range competitor, it still doesn't have a replaceable battery.
The smartphone's primary, rear-facing camera has a resolution of 13 MP, an aperture size of f/2.0, autofocus, optical image stabilization and dual-LED (dual tone) flash and can record 1080p videos at 30fps, while on the front we have a 5 MP secondary camera.
In terms of connectivity the P8max supports all network types from 2G to LTE, although the specific frequencies are not mentioned in its online specifications. We do know however, that on LTE we have a theoretical maximum download speed of 300 Mbit/s (with support for intra-band contiguous Carrier Aggregation, carrier network dependent) and a download speed of 50 Mbit/s, while on DC-HSDPA+ the theoretical maximums are 42 Mbit/s and 5.76 Mbit/s for download and upload respectively.
Of course the smartphone supports WiFi networks as well (using the IEEE 802.11ac/a/b/g/n standards on the 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies), has a 4.0 Bluetooth chip with A2DP (which is backwards compatible with Bluetooth 3.0 and 2.1+EDR), GPS/A-GPS/Glonass/BDS (country-dependent) support for location and navigation, a microUSB 2.0 port and FM Radio support that works with a headset plugged in the 3.5 mm jack port.
The full set of hardware specifications can be found here: Huawei P8max specifications.
Based on its technical specifications, the Huawei P8max is a large, phablet-type, mid-range smartphone, with most of the category's generic traits being present. Its size is one of its most important features that set it apart from other handsets, and it is surely the first thing to consider about it when making a purchasing decision.
Design and build quality
The P8max inherits the design principles from its brother, the Huawei P8: this means a unibody smartphone with a simplistic, yet elegant design, that doesn't have many noticeable features, thus maintaining a low-key outlook. Of course the most prominent feature of the phablet is its screen: the gigantic, 6.8 inches touchscreen is extremely large, so you will never be short of space when working with it.
Just above the display you can see the 5 MP secondary camera, the speaker and a light sensor. The frontal camera has no flash, the only other feature on the front of the smartphone is the manufacturer's name, right below the screen. There is no separate, visible row for the default Android keys - they appear on the screen when it is turned on.
On the device's top edge you can see the two connectors: a 3.5 mm jack and a microUSB 2.0 port, that can be used for both charging the device and connecting it to a computer for data transfer. As for the audio jack, the P8max comes bundled with a set of earphones that have an average audio quality and are also used as an antenna for the FM radio.
The bottom edge houses just the microphone and the loudspeaker, while the left edge is basically empty. The right side of the smartphone has many more features, starting with the volume keys on the top. Right below them there is the power key, which is the best place to place it on such a large device. A bit lower you can see the two SIM slots: the one on the bottom is the primary slot that uses a microSIM, while the top slot is a nanoSIM slot, or it can also be used for a microSD card to extend the smartphone's storage capacity.
The back panel is a smooth piece of metal, its most important feature being the 13 MP main camera in the top left corner and the dual-tone LED right near it. In the center of the back panel we can also see the Huawei logo, while the bottom part is a black stripe, made of a different material than the rest of the panel.
The build quality is rather good, although we must note that it would have been a good idea to use a less slippery material on the back panel. As the Huawei P8max is really large and heavy, it can fall from your hands. It's actually quite hard to get a good grip on it, not to mention that you will probably have to hold it with both your hands to be able to properly use it.
The screen has good contrast and it's easy to read even in bright sunlight, although it's obvious that the pixel density is not very high - you won't see pixels or fuzzy edges, but it's not the absolute highest quality. The Gorilla Glass 3 coating will protect it from scratches, but fingerprints will be a problem - it looks like the screen doesn't have oleophobic coating.
The device we had for testing came with a smart cover that is quite possibly the best thing that can happen to the Huawei P8max. It is a flip case made out of high-quality brown leather that not only protects the smartphone from physical harm, but also makes it look cool and easy to hold. It has a dot-matrix front, which makes it smart: with the flip cover closed you can still see time and weather information, as well as incoming calls - you can even answer them, the Huawei P8max recognizes touches through the case as well.
Still, the smart cover has its share of problems too: when the smartphone is in the cover, some apps' notifications have no sound at all. This was the case for Gmail and WhatsApp, but some users have reported the same problem with other apps as well. It seems to be a software bug, as calls and text message notifications have no problem, but it is still very annoying. We can only hope that this issue will be fixed with a software update in the near future - during the time when we tested the smartphone, there were no software updates available.
The Huawei P8max is one big smartphone: being as much of a tablet as it is a smartphone, it surely targets only a small segment of users. Many can be put off by such a large device, but there are times when it does come in handy. Its design is very elegant and it is made of rather high quality materials so, apart from its size, there are no deal-breaker features. The smart cover is a nice addition, even with its share of bugs.
The smartphone experience on the Huawei P8max
Based on its price, the hardware and the features it offers, it is safe to say that Huawei P8max is a mid-range smartphone - do not let yourself be misled by its large size - it doesn't necessarily mean that this is one of the most expensive phones to use.
As we have already mentioned, the display's quality is quite good, the only noticeable flaw is the lower pixel density. Although it has a Full HD resolution of 1080x1920 pixels, due to the large screen, the pixel density is of only 326 ppi. When using the device on its own, one can barely notice this, but if it is compared to a high-end smartphone, it becomes quite clear that the Huawei P8max is a mid-range device with a mid-range screen.
In terms of speed the Huawei P8max fared quite well. Everyday tasks carried out without delays, we didn't experience any major slowdowns. Still, the operating system lagged a bit sometimes, which was mostly noticeable when browsing the web. It is far from being frustrating, but there is a constant feeling that everything could be just a bit faster. Fortunately there were no scrolling lags or screen tears, only the loading times are longer than in the case of higher end smartphones.
Our first experience with audio quality was when the smartphone first rang - and it was extremely loud. It is highly recommended that you fine-tune the ringtone volume, as it can get quite scary. Otherwise the loudspeaker's quality is mediocre: you can listen to music, but don't have any high expectations. Since the screen is large, it can be a good choice to watch movies in bed, but you might want to use a good earphone or headphone. During calls, sound quality was exceptional, there is nothing to complain about.
The P8max worked flawlessly with our mobile network, it didn't lose connection at all, and remember that if you have a nanoSIM card, you can use that as your SIM as well, and have 4G access, but in that case you can't install a microSD card.
Unfortunately the P8max we had for testing had a nasty bug regarding WiFi connectivity. When the smartphone was moved out of range of a WiFi network it was connected to, it couldn't detect ( and couldn't connect to) other WiFi networks, unless its WiFi module was turned off and on again.
So, for example, you are at home, connected to your home WiFi and then go to work. The P8max won't see the workplace WiFi (even if it had been previously connected to it), instead it will still show you the home WiFi and any other networks that were in range back there. Of course, it only takes a couple of taps to turn the WiFi off and on. This is not only annoying but can also cost you money on your data plan. We think this is a major bug, that should be fixed ASAP.
Navigation worked perfectly on the P8max: the GPS module connected rapidly to the satellites and had a stable connection. Given the really large screen, the smartphone can be a top-notch car navigation device.
The smartphone's specifications don't list the expected talk time for the Huawei P8max, but given the 4360 mAh battery we were expecting some really impressive numbers. Of course, the large screen can be a big power drain, but the device still managed to stay on for over two days, which is a very good result. It has its own power saving features as well, but even with automatic brightness, always-on WiFi, disabled Bluetooth, location set to battery saving mode and an average number of phone calls, messages, active push email, and quite a lot of tampering with the web browser, the two-day battery life is really good.
Given the fact that charging doesn't take much more than two hours, it is safe to say that battery life and standby time won't really be one of your concerns, unless of course you tend to check your smartphone every two minutes.
Besides its unusual size and impressive battery life, all of its other features are characteristics of mid-range phones. Which is of course no problem, if you need a mid-range phablet. Its software bugs, however, are not only annoying, but can even cost you money - until these are fixed, they can make your life more difficult.