威刚(ADATA)的游戏硬件(gaming hardware)系列以XPG的名字命名,就像在Extreme Performance Gear中一样。该系列的最新组件之一是DDR4 内存(DDR4 memory)模块套件,带有RGB 照明(RGB lighting),称为SPECTRIX D60G。我们收到了这些内存模块进行测试,在使用了几周并玩了几款游戏后,我们想分享一下我们的意见。如果您正在寻找带有RGB 照明的(RGB lighting)DDR4 RAM的优惠价格,请阅读此评论并了解您是否应该购买ADATA的XPG SPECTRIX D60G :
- 需要快速DDR4 RAM(DDR4 RAM)的游戏玩家和内容创作者
- 希望以合理的价格获得出色性能的人
- 它们提供一流的性能、出色的速度和延迟
- 散热器设计精美,带有RGB灯
- 灯光效果可与其他制造商的其他硬件组件同步
- 他们的价格是合理的
- 它们提供终身保修
我们尚未发现使用此内存套件(memory kit)的任何缺点。
当您查看ADATA的XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块时,您甚至可以在将它们安装到 PC 之前看到对细节的关注。我们喜欢他们的钻石切割灵感设计和RGB 照明(RGB lighting),我们相信您也会这样做。他们的性能是一流的,威刚(ADATA)要的价格也很合理。这些内存模块对于追求速度和美观(speed and beauty)的人来说是一个不错的选择,而且价格公道。我们向所有读者推荐ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块,包括游戏玩家或内容创作者。
ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块装在小盒子里。它们有黑色背景和正面的内存模块大图片。(memory module)您还可以在框中看到内存模块(memory module)的全名,它们的容量以及RAM模块的数量。(RAM)还宣传的一个简洁功能是它们与华硕(ASUS)、技嘉(GIGABYTE)、微星(MSI)等的RGB照明系统兼容。
打开盒子,您会发现内存模块位于透明塑料支架(plastic support)内。
拆箱 ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存模块是一种简单的体验。(Unboxing the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules is a straightforward experience.)
ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)以两个 8GB 模块成对出售。我们收到了用于测试四个这样的RAM模块,总计 32 GB。
当您安装ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块时,首先让您印象深刻的是它们具有大面积的 RGB 发光表面积(RGB-lit surface)。模组表面设计(module surface design)采用长条双RGB灯(RGB light)带,RGB照明(RGB lighting)占模组总表面积(module surface area)的60%以上。那是 9497 平方毫米或 14,72 英寸 2。根据威刚(ADATA)的说法,这是世界上任何内存模块上最大的(memory module)RGB 灯(RGB light)表面,所以如果你是RGB 灯(RGB light)的粉丝,你会喜欢这个细节的。
这些内存模块上的RGB照明可以调整并与您的其他RGB照明硬件(-lit hardware)组件和外围设备同步,因为这些内存模块支持来自不同制造商的多个RGB照明系统: (RGB)ASUS AURA SYNC、GIGABYTE RGB FUSION、MSI MYSTIC LIGHT SYNC、和华擎 RGB LED(ASRock RGB LED)。
D60G 内存(D60G memory)模块的形式也很有趣:它们的形状灵感来自切割钻石,具有多面和锐角。然而,RGB表面不仅仅是为了看起来漂亮,还有助于内存模块散热。
ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块有几个不同的版本,每个都有自己的规格:
- DDR4-3000:速度 PC4-24000(Speed PC4-24000),大小 8GB(Size 8GB) x 2,延迟 CL16-18-18(Latency CL16-18-18),电压 1.35V(Voltage 1.35V)
- DDR4-3200:速度PC4-25600,大小 8GB(Size 8GB) x 2,延迟 CL16-18-18(Latency CL16-18-18),电压 1.35V(Voltage 1.35V)
- DDR4-3600:速度PC4-28800,大小 8GB(Size 8GB) x 2,延迟 CL17-18-18(Latency CL17-18-18),电压 1.35V(Voltage 1.35V)
- DDR4-4133:速度 PC4-33000(Speed PC4-33000),大小 8GB(Size 8GB) x 2,延迟 CL19-19-19(Latency CL19-19-19),电压 1.4V(Voltage 1.4V)
所有四个版本都支持Intel Extreme Memory Profile ( XMP ) 2.0,因此您可以轻松调整和超频您的RAM模块。
如果您想了解有关这些内存模块规格的更多详细信息,请访问XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB。
ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存模块在任何台式计算机中看起来都很漂亮。此外,它们有四种不同的版本可供选择,并且它们都具有一流的硬件规格,应该可以取悦任何游戏玩家。(The ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules look beautiful in any desktop computer. Also, they are available in four different versions, and all of them have top-notch hardware specifications that should please any gamer.)
我们将ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块插入具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer):基础频率为 3200MHz的AMD Ryzen 7 2700 处理器、 (AMD Ryzen 7)ASUS Crosshair VII Hero ( Wi-Fi ) 主板、ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1660 Ti Gaming OC显卡,6GB 内存,XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD也由威刚(ADATA)制造。您可以在下面的屏幕截图中看到有关它的更多详细信息。
我们测试并使用了额定为PC4-24000、延迟为CL16-18-18、电压为 1.35V的DDR4-3000 内存(DDR4-3000 memory)模块。正如我们之前提到的,我们有两包内存模块:8GB x 4 (32GB)。
在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),我们发现D60G 内存(D60G memory)模块可以完美运行。Windows 10 正确识别了它们,并且在我们使用它们的两周内,我们从未遇到任何与内存相关的崩溃。尽管我们有 32GB 的RAM,但在浏览 Internet 或使用Office 应用程序时,(Office apps)操作系统(operating system)的运行从来不需要超过 9 或 10GB 的空间。玩游戏时,它使用得更多,但事实是,即使对于现代游戏来说,32GB 也太过分了。对于大多数游戏来说,16GB 可能就足够了。但是,如果您是一名视频编辑人员(video editor),或者您使用需要大量内存才能快速工作的虚拟化解决方案,那么您会很高兴购买两个以上的 8GB 内存模块。
我们还玩了很多游戏并在我们的测试计算机(test computer)上运行了很多基准测试,我们在上面安装了D60G 内存(D60G memory)模块。我们玩过Z 世界大战(World War Z)、星际控制(Star Control):起源、战地 V(Battlefield V)、孤岛惊魂新黎明(Far Cry New Dawn)、古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)、汤姆克兰西(Tom Clancy)全境封锁2(Division 2)、地铁(Metro Exodus)离去、堡垒之夜(Fortnite)、Apex 传奇(Apex Legends)和(Legends)英雄联盟(League),我们运行 3DMark 和Unigine SuperPosition几乎每天。可以说,内存模块与所有这些游戏和基准测试应用程序配合得非常好,并提供了出色的性能。
我们对 ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存模块在日常活动以及游戏和基准测试中提供的性能感到非常满意。(We're very pleased with the performance offered by the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules, both in regular daily activities, as well as in games and benchmarks.)
为了验证这些内存模块的官方规格是否属实,我们还运行了一些基准测试。第一个是AIDA64提供的Cache & Memory Benchmark。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的,D60G 内存(D60G memory)模块在带宽方面取得了出色的速度:读取速度(Read speed)为 45615 MB/s,写入速度(Write speed)为 44443 MB/s,复制速度(Copy speed)为 44420 MB/s。测得的延迟(Latency)为 81.5 纳秒,考虑到这些内存模块的速度,这也是一个不错的值。
然后,我们使用PassMark PerformanceTest并运行它的Memory Mark 基准测试(Memory Mark benchmarks)。我们获得的分数是 2144,与使用与我们相同的处理器和类似DDR4 RAM(DDR4 RAM)模块的系统相比,这是一个很好的分数。
最后,我们运行的第三个基准测试来自UserBenchmark。我们的D60G 内存(D60G memory)模块获得了102% 的基准分数(Bench score),这意味着它们的性能在我们的系统中非常出色。此外,基准测试结果与我们使用AIDA64(AIDA64)获得的结果非常相似。
我们运行的基准测试告诉我们,我们在使用测试 PC 时注意到的同样的事情:ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存模块的性能令人钦佩,对于任何想要速度的人来说,无论是游戏玩家还是内容创作者,它都是一个不错的选择。(The benchmarks that we have run tell us the same thing that we noticed while using our test PC: the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules perform admirably and are a great choice for anyone who wants speed, both for gamers and content creators.)
现在您知道我们对ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB 内存(ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory)模块的看法了。您还知道它们在现实生活中的表现和基准(life and benchmarks)。您是否已经拥有一些这些快速内存模块,或者您打算在不久的将来购买一些?如果你已经有了这个工具包,你喜欢它们吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Reviewing the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules
The lіneup of ΑDATA's gaming hardware bears the name of XPG, as in Extreme Perfоrmance Gear. One of the newest сomponents of this lineup is a kit of DDR4 memory modules, with RGB lighting, called SPECTRIX D60G. We received these memory mоdules for testing, and after a couple of weeks of using them, and playing several games, we would like to share our opinion. If уou are looking for a good deal on DDR4 RAM with RGB lighting, read this reνiew and find out if ADAΤA's XPG SPECTRIX D60G are the ones you shoυld buy:
ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB: Who is it good for?
These memory modules are a great choice for:
- Gamers and content creators who need fast DDR4 RAM
- People who want excellent performance at a reasonable price
- Those who like RGB lighting and want memory modules that are compatible with various lighting systems (including ASUS AURA SYNC, GIGABYTE RGB FUSION, MSI MYSTIC LIGHT SYNC, and ASRock RGB LED)
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB:
- They offer top-notch performance, excellent speeds and latency
- The heat sinks have a nice design, with RGB lights
- The lighting effects can be synchronized with other hardware components from other manufacturers
- Their price is reasonable
- They come with a lifetime warranty
We have not identified any downsides to using this memory kit.
When you look at ADATA's XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules, you can see the attention to detail even before you mount them in your PC. We love their Diamant-cut inspired design and the RGB lighting, and we are sure that you will do too. Their performance is top-notch, and the price that ADATA asks is reasonable. These memory modules are a good choice for anyone who desires speed and beauty, at a fair price. We recommend the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules to all our readers, including those who are gamers or content creators.
Unboxing the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules
The ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules come in small boxes. They have a black background and a large picture of a memory module on their front. You can also see the full name of the memory modules, their capacity, and the number of RAM modules in the box. A neat feature that is also advertised is that they are compatible with RGB lighting systems from ASUS, GIGABYTE, MSI, and others.
On the back of the box, you can see the memory modules through two small cutouts, as well as other information, including some of the essential technical specs, serial numbers, and contact details for ADATA.
Open the box, and you find the memory modules sitting inside a transparent plastic support.
Unboxing the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules is a straightforward experience.
Design and hardware specifications
The ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory is sold in pairs of two 8GB modules. We received for testing four such RAM modules, totaling 32 GB.
The first thing that strikes you when you mount the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules is the fact that they have large RGB-lit surface areas on them. The module surface design features a long and dual RGB light strip, and the RGB lighting is over 60% of the total module surface area. That's 9497 mm2 or 14,72 inches2. According to ADATA, this is the largest RGB lighted surface on any memory module in the world, so if you're a fan of RGB lights, you are going to appreciate this detail.
The RGB lighting on these memory modules can be adjusted and synced with your other RGB-lit hardware components and peripherals because the memory modules offer support for multiple RGB lighting systems from various manufacturers: ASUS AURA SYNC, GIGABYTE RGB FUSION, MSI MYSTIC LIGHT SYNC, and ASRock RGB LED.
The form of the D60G memory modules is also quite interesting: their shape is inspired by cut diamonds, with multi-faceted surfaces and sharp angles. However, the RGB surfaces are not there just to look beautiful, but also to help the memory modules dissipate heat.
The ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules are available in a few different versions, each with its own specifications:
- DDR4-3000: Speed PC4-24000, Size 8GB x 2, Latency CL16-18-18, Voltage 1.35V
- DDR4-3200: Speed PC4-25600, Size 8GB x 2, Latency CL16-18-18, Voltage 1.35V
- DDR4-3600: Speed PC4-28800, Size 8GB x 2, Latency CL17-18-18, Voltage 1.35V
- DDR4-4133: Speed PC4-33000, Size 8GB x 2, Latency CL19-19-19, Voltage 1.4V
All the four versions support Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP) 2.0, so you can easily adjust and overclock your RAM modules.
If you would like to read more details about the specifications of these memory modules, visit XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB.
The ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules look beautiful in any desktop computer. Also, they are available in four different versions, and all of them have top-notch hardware specifications that should please any gamer.
Using the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules
We plugged the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules in a desktop computer with the following configuration: an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 processor with a base frequency of 3200MHz, an ASUS Crosshair VII Hero (Wi-Fi) motherboard, an ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1660 Ti Gaming OC video card with 6GB of memory, and an XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD also made by ADATA. You can see more details about it in the screenshot below.
We tested and used the DDR4-3000 memory modules that are rated PC4-24000, work on a latency of CL16-18-18, and a voltage of 1.35V. As we previously mentioned, we had two packs of memory modules: 8GB x 4 (32GB).
On our test computer, we found the D60G memory modules to work flawlessly. Windows 10 correctly identified them and, during the two weeks in which we used them, we never encountered any crash related to the memory. Although we had 32GB of RAM, the operating system never needed more than 9 or 10GB to run while browsing the internet or using Office apps. When gaming, it used more, but the truth is that 32GB is overkill even for modern games. 16GB is probably enough for most games. However, if you are a video editor or you work with virtualization solutions that require a lot of memory to work fast, you are going to appreciate buying more than just two 8GB memory modules.
We also played many games and ran quite a few benchmarks on our test computer, on which we have the D60G memory modules installed. We've played World War Z, Star Control: Origins, Battlefield V, Far Cry New Dawn, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Tom Clancy's The Division 2, Metro Exodus, Fortnite, Apex Legends, and League of Legends, and we run 3DMark and Unigine SuperPosition almost daily. Suffice to say, the memory modules worked wonderfully with all of these games and benchmarking apps, and offered excellent performance.
We're very pleased with the performance offered by the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules, both in regular daily activities, as well as in games and benchmarks.
Performance in benchmarks
To verify if the official specifications of these memory modules were true, we also ran a few benchmarks. The first one was the Cache & Memory Benchmark offered by AIDA64. As you can see in the screenshot below, the D60G memory modules achieved excellent speed regarding its bandwidth: a Read speed of 45615 MB/s, a Write speed of 44443 MB/s, and a Copy speed of 44420 MB/s. The measured Latency was of 81.5 nanoseconds, which is also a good value considering the speed of these memory modules.
Then, we used PassMark PerformanceTest and ran its Memory Mark benchmarks. The score we obtained was 2144, which is an excellent score compared to systems that are using the same processor as us and similar DDR4 RAM modules.
Finally, the third benchmark that we ran came from UserBenchmark. Our D60G memory modules received a Bench score of 102%, which means that their performance is excellent in our system. Also, the benchmark results are fairly similar to the ones we obtained with AIDA64.
The benchmarks that we have run tell us the same thing that we noticed while using our test PC: the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules perform admirably and are a great choice for anyone who wants speed, both for gamers and content creators.
Do you intend to buy some ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules?
Now you know our opinion about the ADATA XPG SPECTRIX D60G DDR4 RGB memory modules. You also know how they perform in real life and benchmarks. Do you already own a few of these fast memory modules, or do you intend to buy some in the near future? If you already have this kit, how do you like them? Comment below and let's discuss.