您是否在多台计算机和设备上打字?您是否希望办公桌上的电缆更少并且更喜欢使用无线键盘和鼠标(keyboard and mouse)?然后,您应该考虑罗技 MK850 Performance 无线键盘和鼠标套件(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse kit)。该组合的超能力在于您可以使用蓝牙或 Wi-Fi(Bluetooth or Wi-Fi)以无线方式将它与多达三个不同的设备一起使用。如果您对此套件感到好奇,并且想了解Logitech MK850 Performance是否适合您,请阅读此评论:
罗技 MK850 性能(Logitech MK850 Performance):它对谁有好处?
这款键盘和鼠标套件(keyboard and mouse kit)是以下人群的绝佳选择:
- 想要(Want)更少的电缆并更喜欢无线配件
- 需要在不同的计算机或设备之间快速工作和切换
- 想要一个符合人体工程学的键盘和质量好的鼠标
- 需要个性化的鼠标和键盘(mouse and keyboard)
罗技 MK850 性能套件(Logitech MK850 Performance kit)具有以下优势:
- 您可以在三种不同的设备之间轻松切换
- 它适用于Windows、Mac、Chrome OS、iOS 和 Android(iOS and Android)
- 它同时支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)和 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)连接
- 该套件采用简约设计,大多数用户都会喜欢
- 建造质量高于平均水平
- 键盘和鼠标均采用符合人体工程学的形状
- 即使长时间工作也能舒适使用
- 鼠标和键盘均可个性化
- 键盘上的按键感觉很软(keyboard feel squishy)
- 该套件比其他品牌的套件更昂贵
- 腕托不可拆卸
- 键盘没有背光
罗技 MK850 Performance(Logitech MK850 Performance)是一款多功能套件,适用于在办公桌上使用多台计算机和设备的企业用户。它具有您期望的所有功能,包括同时使用多达三台 PC 或设备的选项。唯一缺少的重要功能是键盘的背光。构建质量高于平均水平,鼠标和键盘都使用舒适。如果您不介意该套件的价格,您将对它所提供的内容感到满意。
罗技 MK850 Performance 无线键盘和鼠标组合(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo)开箱
罗技 MK850 Performance(Logitech MK850 Performance)采用优质纸板制成的盒子。背景颜色(background color)为深哑光灰色(matte gray),在包装的上侧,您可以看到键盘和鼠标的大图,印有光泽颜色。
在盒子的背面和侧面,您可以阅读有关(back and sides)键盘和鼠标(keyboard and mouse)的规格和主要功能的更多详细信息,包括它们都兼容Windows、Mac、Chrome OS和Android的事实。该键盘还正式兼容 iOS 5 或更高版本。
在盒子里面,有一个塑料袋包裹的键盘,一个(plastic bag)塑料盖(plastic cover)下的鼠标,一个罗技统一(Logitech unifying)接收器,如果你想通过Wi-Fi而不是蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接设备,你可以使用它,USB 延长(USB extender)线,以及包含安全说明和保修详细信息的文件。在键盘下方,您还可以找到有关如何将键盘和鼠标(keyboard and mouse)连接到计算机和设备的说明。
开箱体验很愉快。包装的外观和感觉都做得很好。在包装盒内,您拥有使用该套件所需的所有配件。(The unboxing experience is pleasant. The package looks and feels well made. Inside the box, you have all the accessories you need for using the kit.)
罗技MK850 Performance 无线(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless)键盘和鼠标套件包括罗技 K850 键盘(Logitech K850 keyboard)和罗技 M720 铁人三项鼠标(Logitech M720 Triathlon mouse)。键盘具有薄膜按键和符合人体工程学的设计。它重 1.62 磅(733 克),厚 0.98 英寸(25 毫米),长 17 英寸(430 毫米),宽 8.27 英寸(210 毫米)。
罗技 M720 铁人三项鼠标(Logitech M720 Triathlon mouse)相当小:高 x 宽 x 深 2.0 英寸(45 毫米)x 3.0 英寸(74 毫米)x 5.0 英寸(115毫米(height x width) )(x depth)。但是,它的重量是可观的:4.7 盎司或 135 克 - 对于桌面鼠标(desktop mouse)来说不算多,但比普通笔记本电脑鼠标重。
鼠标的有趣功能包括 1000 dpi 的传感器分辨率、光学传感器和 8 个可个性化按钮。
鼠标和键盘(keyboard connect)均通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)或 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)连接进行连接,最大范围为 32 英尺或 10 米。如果您打算使用Wi-Fi将它们连接到您的计算机或设备,则需要使用捆绑的 2.4 GHz统一接收器或从(GHz)罗技(Logitech)购买额外的接收器。
键盘最长可使用 36 个月,鼠标最长可使用 24 个月。两节 AA 电池为键盘供电,一节AAA 电池(AAA battery)为鼠标供电。所有必需的电池都已插入,它们由Duracell制造。
如果您想了解有关罗技 MK850 Performance 无线键盘和鼠标组合(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo)的所有功能和技术方面的更多信息,请查看其网页(check its web page)。
MK850 键盘和鼠标组合的硬件规格是您对无线套件的期望。与其他品牌的同类产品相比,它们并不突出。(The hardware specs of the MK850 keyboard and mouse combo are what you would expect from a wireless kit. They do not stand out when compared with similar products from other brands.)
使用Logitech M720 Triathlon 多设备(Logitech M720 Triathlon multi-device)鼠标
罗技 M720 Triathlon(Logitech M720 Triathlon)是一款中等大小的鼠标,比大多数鼠标都高。它的大小应该适合任何类型的手。此外,鼠标的高背使您的手保持在舒适的位置,从而帮助您在需要时长时间工作。
罗技 M720 铁人三项(Logitech M720 Triathlon)鼠标上有八个按钮,这让我们有些意外,因为我们通常希望在游戏鼠标上看到这么多按钮。除了左右两个单击按钮外,还有滚轮(scroll wheel),滚轮下方的第三个按钮,左侧还有四个附加按钮,三个在拇指顶部,一个在底部。
默认情况下,左侧按钮(side button)s 用于前进和后退功能,以及切换已配对的计算机或设备(computer or device)。在Windows 10中,底部的侧边按钮(side button)用于显示时间轴(Timeline),但您可以使用Logitech Options软件更改与其关联的操作。
滚轮(scroll wheel)看起来像是铝制的,而且效果很好,但我们认为罗技(Logitech)犯了一个错误:它没有明确记录滚轮(scroll wheel)有两种工作方式。它可以在HyperFast 模式(HyperFast mode)或常规模式下工作,两者之间的切换是通过按下其下方的中间按钮来完成的。如果你想笑就笑吧,但我们没想到HyperFast 模式(HyperFast mode)会出现奇怪且有时有趣的副作用。
鼠标点击反馈(mouse click feedback)很好,点击噪音(clicking noise)很好,我们没有遇到任何错过或意外点击。1000 dpi 光学传感器提供的精度很好,尽管它无法与游戏鼠标相比。罗技 M720 铁人三项会(Logitech M720 Triathlon)遵循您的命令,不会跳跃或滞后。但是,我们只在 1080p 屏幕上使用它,其中 1000 dpi 就足够了。如果您打算在 4K 屏幕上使用它,传感器可能不够快,无法达到您想要的准确度。
罗技 M720 Triathlon 是一款精心打造的鼠标,可长时间舒适地使用。(The Logitech M720 Triathlon is a well-built mouse that's comfortable to use for long periods of time.)
使用Logitech K850 Performance 无线(Logitech K850 Performance wireless)键盘
罗技 K850 键盘(Logitech K850 keyboard)使用橡胶圆顶开关,这意味着它是静音的。你周围的人不应该被你在这个键盘上打字所困扰。然而,尽管我们喜欢它在游戏中的反馈和响应(feedback and response),但我们不能对打字说同样的话,我们在Digital Citizen做了很多这样的事情。不幸的是,按键有一种明显的松软感觉(squishy feel),尤其是在快速打字时,这种感觉并不令人愉快。
但是,即使长时间使用键盘(keyboard use),您的手和手腕也应该感觉良好。这是键盘符合人体工程学的凸起形状及其内置腕垫(wrist pad)的积极结果。说到这一点,它触感舒适,质地柔软,也能很好地帮助你的手不出汗。稍微不那么积极的部分是腕垫(wrist pad)不可拆卸,这对于拥有小桌子并希望节省每一寸空间的人来说可能是个问题。
在键盘的背面,我们很欣赏在后边缘(back edge)的每一侧都有两对橡胶脚的事实。它们允许您在两个不同的级别上调整键盘的高度,以符合您的喜好。在查看键盘背面时,我们还注意到,我们最初认为是螺丝孔的一些实际上是简单的孔,旨在排出意外溢出的液体,这是一个很好的细节。
键盘在我们使用时工作完美,在三个配对设备之间切换既快速又简单。我们使用Lenovo Legion Y520 笔记本电脑(Lenovo Legion Y520 laptop)、台式 PC 和Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)进行了尝试。它与所有人完美配合,从一个到另一个的移动速度很快:只需按下白色的 1、2、3 键。
我们喜欢使用罗技 K850 键盘。尽管它有一些缺点,例如按键松软的感觉或无法拆卸腕垫的事实,但它运行良好,并且其制造质量优于平均水平。(We enjoyed using the Logitech K850 keyboard. Although it has a few drawbacks like the squishy feeling you get from its keys or the fact that you can't detach the wrist pad, it works well, and its build quality is better than the average.)
在Windows中,当(Windows)操作系统(operating system)下载并安装套件所需的驱动程序时,您会自动获得Logitech Options软件。当你打开它时,你应该会看到你的两个外围设备,如下所示:
对于鼠标,Logitech Options软件可让您自定义与其按钮相关的操作、配置您想要使用的手势、设置指针速度(pointer speed)以及调整滚轮(scroll wheel)的工作方式。
此外,Logitech Options还允许您通过将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到屏幕边缘以跳转到下一台计算机来在计算机之间切换。它称之为Logitech Flow,您只需在要使用它的所有计算机上安装Logitech Options,并确保它们都连接到同一个网络。
对于Logitech K850 Performance 键盘(Logitech K850 Performance keyboard),Logitech Options软件可让您将各种操作分配给某些功能键,并查看它与哪些计算机或设备配对。
Logitech Options 软件看起来专业而精致,并提供键盘和鼠标的所有基本设置。(The Logitech Options software looks professional and polished and offers all the basic settings for the keyboard and mouse.)
您喜欢罗技 MK850 Performance 无线键盘和鼠标组合(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo)吗?
现在您知道我们对罗技 MK850 Performance 无线键盘和鼠标组合(Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo)的看法了。在您离开之前,我们也想知道您对这个套件的看法。您认为它具有良好的性价比(money ratio)吗?
Review Logitech MK850 Performance: Good quality multi-device peripherals!
Do you typе on multiple computers and devices? Do you want fewer cables on your desk and prefer υsing a wireless keyboard and mouse? Then, you should consider the Logitech MK850 Performance wirelesѕ keyboard and mousе kit. Τhis combo's superpower is that you can use it with up to three different devices wirelesѕly, using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. If you are curious about this kit, and you want to see whether the Logitech MK850 Performance is a good buy for you, read this review:
Logitech MK850 Performance: Who is it good for?
This keyboard and mouse kit is an excellent choice for people who:
- Want fewer cables and prefer wireless accessories
- Need to work and switch fast between different computers or devices
- Want an ergonomic keyboard and a mouse of good quality
- Need a personalizable mouse and keyboard
Pros and cons
The Logitech MK850 Performance kit has the following strengths:
- You can easily switch among three different devices
- It works with Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, iOS and Android
- It supports both Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz wireless connections
- The kit has a minimalistic design which most users are going to appreciate
- The build quality is above average
- Both the keyboard and the mouse are ergonomically shaped
- Comfortable to use even for longer work sessions
- Both the mouse and the keyboard are personalizable
There are some negatives to consider too:
- The keys on the keyboard feel squishy
- The kit is pricier than others from other brands
- The wrist rest is not detachable
- No backlight for the keyboard
Logitech MK850 Performance is a versatile kit for business users who use multiple computers and devices on their desks. It has all the features you would expect, including the option to work with up to three PCs or devices simultaneously. The only important missing feature is the backlight for the keyboard. The build quality is above average, and both the mouse and the keyboard are comfortable to use. If you do not mind the price of this kit, you are going to be satisfied with what it has to offer.
Unboxing the Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo
Logitech MK850 Performance arrives in a box made of premium cardboard. The background color is dark matte gray and, on the upper side of the package, you can see a large picture of the keyboard and the mouse, printed in glossy colors.
On the back and sides of the box, you can read more details about the specifications and main features of the keyboard and mouse, including the fact that both of them are compatible with Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, and Android. The keyboard is also officially compatible with iOS 5 or later.
Inside the box, there's the keyboard wrapped in a plastic bag, the mouse tucked under a plastic cover, a Logitech unifying receiver, which you can use if you want to connect the devices via Wi-Fi instead of Bluetooth, a USB extender cable, and a document with safety instructions and warranty details. Underneath the keyboard, you also find instructions for how to connect the keyboard and mouse to your computers and devices.
The unboxing experience is pleasant. The package looks and feels well made. Inside the box, you have all the accessories you need for using the kit.
Hardware specifications
The Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse kit includes the Logitech K850 keyboard and the Logitech M720 Triathlon mouse. The keyboard has membrane keys and an ergonomic design. It weighs 1.62 lbs (733 grams) and is 0.98 inches (25 mm) thick, 17 inches (430 mm) long, and 8.27 inches (210 mm) wide.
The Logitech M720 Triathlon mouse is rather small: 2.0 inches (45 mm) x 3.0 inches (74 mm) x 5.0 inches (115 mm) in height x width x depth. However, its weight is respectable: 4.7 ounces or 135 grams - not too much for a desktop mouse, but heavier than a regular laptop mouse.
Among the interesting features of the mouse, are the sensor resolution of 1000 dpi, the fact that it has an optical sensor, and 8 personalizable buttons.
Both the mouse and the keyboard connect via Bluetooth or a 2.4 GHz wireless connection, at a maximum range of 32 feet or 10 meters. If you intend to connect them to your computers or devices using Wi-Fi, you need to use the bundled 2.4 GHz unifying receiver or buy an additional receiver from Logitech.
The keyboard has an autonomy of up to 36 months and the mouse of up to 24 months. Two AA batteries provide the energy for the keyboard and one AAA battery for the mouse. All the required batteries are already inserted, and they're made by Duracell.
If you want to read more about all the features and technical aspects of the Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo, check its web page.
The hardware specs of the MK850 keyboard and mouse combo are what you would expect from a wireless kit. They do not stand out when compared with similar products from other brands.
Using the Logitech M720 Triathlon multi-device mouse
The Logitech M720 Triathlon is an average sized mouse that is taller than most mice. Its size should fit any type of hand. Furthermore, the tall back of the mouse keeps your hand in a comfortable position, thus helping you work for long hours if you need to.
The back of the mouse is covered in a rubberized coating that feels silky to the touch. While using this mouse, we appreciated the fact that the coating managed to keep our hands dry, not dripping sweat. 🙂
The Logitech M720 Triathlon mouse has eight buttons on it, which took us a little by surprise as we generally expect to see so many buttons only on gaming mice. Besides the two left and right click buttons, there's the scroll wheel, a third button beneath the wheel, and four additional buttons on the left side, three at the top of your thumb and one at the bottom.
By default, the left side buttons are used for the forward and back functions, and for switching the paired computer or device. In Windows 10, the side button from the bottom is used to show the Timeline, but you can change the action associated with it using the Logitech Options software.
The scroll wheel looks like it's made of aluminum, and it works great, but Logitech made a mistake in our opinion: it did not clearly document that the scroll wheel has two modes for how it works. It can work in HyperFast mode or regular mode, and switching between the two is done by pressing the middle button beneath it. Laugh if you want, but we did not expect the weird and sometimes funny side effects of the HyperFast mode.
The mouse click feedback is good, the clicking noise is nice, and we did not encounter any missed or accidental clicks. The precision offered by the 1000 dpi optical sensor was good, even though it doesn't compare with that of gaming mice. The Logitech M720 Triathlon follows your commands without jumping or lagging. However, we only used it on 1080p screens, where 1000 dpi is enough. If you intend to use it on 4K screens, the sensor might not be fast enough to be as accurate as you'd like it.
The Logitech M720 Triathlon is a well-built mouse that's comfortable to use for long periods of time.
Using the Logitech K850 Performance wireless keyboard
The first thing you notice about the keyboard is that it has an ergonomic shape. It is not as twisted as typical ergonomic keyboards, but it does have a hump on its middle region.
The keys have low profiles, which might please some people but might deter others. The keys are not as low-profile as the ones on laptop keyboards, but they are more undersized than the traditional full-height keys.
The Logitech K850 keyboard uses rubber dome switches, and that means that it is silent. People around you shouldn't be bothered by your typing on this keyboard. However, although we liked its feedback and response in games, we can't say the same thing about typing, and we do a lot of that here at Digital Citizen. Unfortunately, the keys have a pronounced squishy feel, that is not pleasant especially when typing fast.
However, your hands and wrists should feel good even after prolonged hours of keyboard use. This is a positive consequence of the ergonomically raised shape of the keyboard and its built-in wrist pad. Speaking of which, it is pleasant to the touch, with a soft texture that also does great at helping your hands not sweat. The slightly not-so-positive part is that the wrist pad is not detachable, which can be an issue for people who have small desks and want to save every inch possible.
On the back of the keyboard, we appreciated the fact that there are two pairs of rubber feet on each side of the back edge. They allow you to adjust the height of the keyboard on two different levels, to match your preferences. While looking at the back of the keyboard, we also noticed that some of what we thought initially to be screw holes are actually simple holes, designed to drain accidentally spilled liquids, which is a nice detail.
The keyboard worked flawlessly while we used it, and switching between the three paired devices was fast and easy. We tried it with a Lenovo Legion Y520 laptop, with a desktop PC, and with an Android smartphone. It worked flawlessly with all of them and moving from one to the other was fast: just a press of white 1, 2, 3 keys.
We enjoyed using the Logitech K850 keyboard. Although it has a few drawbacks like the squishy feeling you get from its keys or the fact that you can't detach the wrist pad, it works well, and its build quality is better than the average.
The Logitech Options software
In Windows, you automatically get the Logitech Options software when the operating system downloads and installs the required drivers for the kit. When you open it, you should see your two peripherals, like this:
For the mouse, the Logitech Options software lets you customize the actions associated with its buttons, configure the gestures you want to use, set the pointer speed, and adjust how the scroll wheel works.
Additionally, Logitech Options also lets you switch between computers by moving your mouse cursor to the edge of your screen to jump on the next one. It calls it Logitech Flow and all you need to make it work is to install Logitech Options on all the computers on which you want to use it and make sure that they are all connected to the same network.
For the Logitech K850 Performance keyboard, the Logitech Options software lets you assign various actions to some of the function keys, and see with which computers or devices it is paired.
The Logitech Options software looks professional and polished and offers all the basic settings for the keyboard and mouse.
Do you like the Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo?
Now you know what we think about the Logitech MK850 Performance wireless keyboard and mouse combo. Before you leave, we would like to know your opinions too about this kit. Do you believe that it has a good value for money ratio?