你(Are)喜欢骑自行车吗?你经常骑自行车吗?您是否考虑过购买GPS 设备(GPS device)来跟踪您的行程并获取有关如何去一个或另一个地方的说明?您想要一个可以安装在自行车上并用于(bike and use)在自行车道上导航的设备吗?如果你这样做了,那么你无疑遇到了像Mio Cyclo 200这样的产品,它承诺提供最好的自行车导航(bicycle navigation)体验。我们对这个设备进行了大约一周的测试,骑了几次自行车,这就是我们要说的:
Mio Cyclo 200 拆箱
Mio Cyclo 200采用白色包装盒,正面为设备图片,背面为主要功能说明。
在包装盒内您会找到Mio Cyclo 200 自行车导航设备(bicycle navigation device)、电源适配器(power adapter)、电源线(power cable)、自行车安装套件(bike mount kit)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修。
不幸的是,关于Mio Cyclo 200(Mio Cyclo 200)内部的详细信息很少。官网谈了很多关于这款设备的软件功能,很少谈硬件。我们知道它有一个 3.5 英寸的触摸屏,分辨率为 320x480 像素。该处理器是一个运行频率为 900 MHz的四核 Cortex-A7 CPU(CPU running),它也用于为流行的Raspberry Pi 2微型计算机供电。可用的总存储空间(storage space)为 4GB。我们对RAM(RAM)的数量或操作系统(operating system)一无所知在此设备及其版本上使用。电池容量未知,应该可以使用长达 10 小时。该设备也是防水的。但是,当我们这么说的时候,不要想着和它一起游泳。如果您将Mio Cyclo 200(Mio Cyclo 200)安装在自行车上并且下雨,则可以。但是,如果你带着它游泳或把它丢在马桶里,它可能就不行了。
在尺寸方面,Mio Cyclo 200并不是很大:宽度为 2.67 英寸或 68 毫米,高度为 4.48 英寸或 114 毫米,深度为 0.73 英寸或 18.6 毫米。此外,它仅重 5.15 盎司或 146 克。
您可以在此处找到其官方规格:Mio Cyclo 200 规格(Mio Cyclo 200 Specifications)。
使用 Mio Cyclo 200
在开始使用Mio Cyclo 200之前,我们强烈建议您阅读手册并熟悉设备及其工作原理。您必须采取的第一步是在第一次开始使用之前为其充电至少 8 小时。然后,在MioShare 网站(MioShare website)上创建一个帐户,为您的 PC下载CycloAgent并将设备连接到 PC。
CycloAgent应用程序(CycloAgent application)对于获得Mio Cyclo 200的良好体验至关重要。在您使用MioShare 帐户(MioShare account)登录后,该应用程序会检测您的设备并开始寻找更新。当我们第一次使用它时,我们必须下载 2GB 的软件和地图更新(software and map updates)。
可以想象,下载和安装它们需要一段时间。完成后,您可以使用该应用程序来管理您的设备、在线同步数据等。我们收到的测试版本有以下国家的地图:奥地利(Austria)、保加利亚(Bulgaria)、克罗地亚(Croatia)、捷克共和国(Czech Republic)、丹麦(Denmark)、爱沙尼亚(Estonia)、德国(Germany)、希腊(Greece)、匈牙利(Hungary)、意大利(Italy)、拉脱维亚(Latvia)、立陶宛(Lithuania)、波兰(Poland)、罗马尼亚(Romania)、塞尔维亚(Serbia)、斯洛伐克(Slovakia)、斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)、土耳其(Turkey)、乌克兰和梵蒂冈城(Ukraine and Vatican City)。该设备在不同地区销售的不同版本具有不同的可用地图列表。在购买Mio Cyclo 200之前,请确保您检查它是否有您感兴趣的国家/地区的地图。
软件体验(software experience)的另一个重要部分是MioShare 网站(MioShare website)。在那里,您可以查看和查找曲目、上传您自己的曲目、与他人分享您的曲目并详细了解您的骑行历史。
设备充电并更新软件后,您应该继续将其安装在自行车上。在此之前,请确保您阅读了手册,以便您了解自行车安装套件(bike mount kit)以及如何使用它。
您会发现它不是很大,但足够大,可以在骑自行车时看到屏幕上显示的内容。此外,户外的能见度很好,除非太阳很强。然后,您会在查看屏幕上的内容时遇到一些问题,除非您将亮度调到最大,这反过来又会缩短设备的电池寿命(battery life)。
用户界面(user interface)使用易于按下的大按钮。此外,它支持 32 种语言,这意味着多语言支持非常好。
您可以使用Mio Cyclo 200导航到特定地址、兴趣点或(interest or point)地图上的点。您还可以加载使用CycloAgent上传的曲目并将其用于导航。这对于需要在没有标记的山间小道上进行山地自行车骑行的人来说特别有用。
您可以使用该设备做的其他事情是查看您的骑行历史,访问带有时间、速度、距离、总上升和下降(ascent and descent)、卡路里消耗(calorie consumption)等测量值的仪表板。
如果您查看Mio Cyclo 200的价格,您可能会认为它是一款提供语音导航(voice navigation)的现代设备,它还可以通过蓝牙连接到您的(Bluetooth)智能手机或耳机(smartphone or headset)。不幸的是,事实并非如此。您无法通过随附的USB 电缆将(USB cable)Mio Cyclo 200与计算机以外的任何其他设备连接。此外,从音频通信的角度来看(communication perspective),Mio Cyclo 200仅通过哔声与用户交流。当即将转弯或您走错路时,您会听到哔哔声。但是,为了了解您必须做什么,您必须查看它。如果你在一个繁忙的城市,在一个你不知道的地方,你将不得不经常停下来,这样你才能看到你必须去的地方。这降低了骑自行车的乐趣和该设备的实用性。就个人而言,我会很感激一些音频说明,尤其是在我不熟悉的地方骑自行车时。
该设备的自治时间介于 7 到 10 小时之间,具体取决于您使用Mio Cyclo 200的方式以及设置屏幕亮度的方式。自主性很好,除非你必须骑一整天。缺点是充电时间(charging time)很长:还记得第一次使用之前建议您为设备充电的 8 小时吗?不幸的是,该建议是基于该设备需要大量时间充电的事实。似乎充电时间(charging time)几乎等于放电时间(discharging time),这意味着我们正在处理低质量的电池。今天,我们拥有快速充电的智能手机。对于这么小的设备,等待 8 小时实在令人沮丧。
现在......(Now…)回到骑自行车,更具体地说是在城市骑自行车:骑自行车与(bike versus)开车相比的优势之一是您可以使用人行道旁的公共道路、自行车道、人行道、公园等。例如,我总是喜欢绕过一个挤满汽车和行人的繁忙十字路口,然后绕着附近的公园小而快地绕道,尤其是当人们忙于上班时。骑马穿过公园是一种更愉快的体验,它节省了我宝贵的时间。不幸的是,除非您使用公共道路,否则Mio Cyclo 200无法提供导航说明。一些用户不会喜欢这样,因为这会降低他们骑自行车时的乐趣。他们会觉得自己被当作一个汽车司机(car driver),而不是骑自行车的人,对于如何穿越繁忙的城市有很多选择。
在我的测试中,我发现Mio Cyclo 200设备主要对经常在城市和公共道路上骑行的人有用。如果您喜欢山地自行车(mountain biking),您可能无法使用该设备来发现您所在地区的小径并骑行(area and ride),正如您所预料的那样。您必须在家中使用Bike Map等服务进行研究,下载路线,将其上传到MioShare 网站(MioShare website),将其下载到带有CycloAgent的(CycloAgent)Mio Cyclo 200上,然后使用该设备导航路线。这整个过程太繁琐了,你会用你的智能手机和好的自行车应用程序(cycling app)更快地完成事情。
Mio Cyclo 200使用来自(Mio Cyclo 200)OpenStreetMap的地图数据,这对于查找地址来说是可以的,但如果您想导航到兴趣点,则不是那么好。至少在罗马尼亚(Romania)这里,OpenStreetMap没有太多关于您周围事物的上下文数据。因此,在某些国家/地区,您将无法使用Mio Cyclo 200导航到特定的兴趣点。您必须提前进行研究,并知道您想去的确切地址。
Mio Cyclo 200不能很好地处理非 Unicode 字符
Mio Cyclo 200最大的问题是带有地址的数据库以及它处理非 unicode 字符的方式。许多非英语语言使用拉丁字母以外的字符(L atin)。例如,在罗马尼亚语中,我们有像 ș 这样的字符。通常,软件应用程序将非 unicode 字符转换为它们的 unicode 等效字符。在我们的示例中,ș 将变成 s。人们习惯了这种替换,并且在任何现代GPS 导航(GPS navigation)应用程序中,如果您的地址包含 ș 字符,并且使用 s 代替 ș,您将找到该地址并能够导航到该地址。
不幸的是,Mio Cyclo 200上的软件没有进行这种替换。因此,如果您居住在字母表中使用特殊字符的国家/地区,您会看到此设备上的地址拼写错误。举个例子,Mio Cyclo 200将(Mio Cyclo 200)地址 Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai Nr 9(address Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai Nr 9) , Bucureşti(București)(英文(English)为:Gheorghe Sincai Boulevard , Nr 9 , Bucharest)存储为Bulevardul Gheorghe incai Nr 9 , Bucureti。基本上(Basically),它完全跳过了非 unicode 字符,使产品难以使用。
在罗马尼亚(Romania),有许多城市和地址具有非 unicode 字符,例如字母 ș。(letter ș.)我已经尝试了多次搜索三个城市中具有此字符的地址,但它总是丢失。
还有许多其他语言使用非 unicode 字符,这个错误意味着Mio Cyclo 200对于那些语言使用拉丁字母以外的字母(中文、阿拉伯语(Arabic)、俄语(Russian)、罗马尼亚语或希伯来语(Romanian or Hebrew)是想到的几个例子)。
Mio Cyclo 200是一款充满对比的设备,它具有以下优点:
- 设备上的用户界面易于使用
- 用户界面(user interface)支持 32 种语言
- 自主性很好
- 除非太阳很强,否则户外能见度很好
- 它所提供的东西非常昂贵
- 该软件不能很好地处理非 unicode 字符,这意味着地址最终在使用拉丁字母以外字符的国家/地区不正确(L atin)
- Mio Cyclo 200将骑自行车的人视为必须坚持在公共道路上行驶的汽车司机
- 除了提示您走错路或即将转弯的哔哔声外,不提供音频说明
- 在包装内的USB 电缆(USB cable)之外没有提供蓝牙连接(Bluetooth connectivity)或任何其他连接
- 如果您喜欢山地自行车(mountain biking),添加步道和使用Mio Cyclo 200进行导航的过程非常繁琐
- 电池充电时间长
Mio Cyclo 200是一款小众设备(niche device),易于使用,具有良好的电池寿命(battery life)和多种多语言支持,但实用性非常有限。第一的(First)最重要的是,它并不适合所有骑自行车的人:它主要对经常在城市和公共道路上骑行的人有用。对于山地车手来说,这绝对不是一个好的选择。此外,该设备倾向于将骑自行车的人视为应该坚持在公共道路上行驶的汽车司机。骑自行车的美妙之处在于您不必这样做。与汽车相比,您可以穿越公园和更多种类的道路。它的要价也非常高,而且它不提供音频指令,并且您无法将其连接到除 PC 之外的其他设备。考虑到电池的充电时间很长,您就会理解我们给这个设备的低评级。(return policy)
Review Mio Cyclo 200 - Is it the best in bicycle navigation?
Are you intо cycling? Dо you ride your bike frequently? Have you considered purchasing a GРS device for tracking your rides and getting instructions on how to go to one рlace or anothеr? Do уou want a device that you can mount оn your bike and use to navigate through cуcling trails? If you do, then you've no doubt encountered products like Mio Cyclo 200, which promises the bеst experience in bicуcle navigation. We tested this devіce for about а week, on several bike rides and, this is what wе have to say about it:
Unboxing the Mio Cyclo 200
Mio Cyclo 200 comes in a white box with a picture of the device on the front and a description of its main features on the back.
Inside the box you will find the Mio Cyclo 200 bicycle navigation device, the power adapter, a power cable, the bike mount kit, the quick start guide and the warranty.
Now that you know what you get inside the box, let's see what this device has to offer in terms of hardware.
Hardware specifications
Unfortunately there's very little detailed information available about what's inside the Mio Cyclo 200. The official website talks a lot about the software features of this device and very little about the hardware. We know that it has a 3.5 inch touch display with a resolution of 320x480 pixels. The processor is a quad-core Cortex-A7 CPU running at 900 MHz, which is also used to power the popular Raspberry Pi 2 micro-computer. The total storage space available is of 4GB. We don't know anything about the amount of RAM or the operating system used on this device and its version. The battery has an unknown capacity and it should be lasting up to 10 hours. The device is also water resistant. But, when we say this, don't think about swimming with it. Mio Cyclo 200 is okay if you have it mounted on your bike and it rains on it. However, it won't probably be OK if you swim with it or drop it in the toilet.
In terms of size, Mio Cyclo 200 is not very big: it has a width of 2.67 inches or 68 mm, a height of 4.48 inches or 114 mm and a depth of 0.73 inches or 18.6 mm. Also, it weighs only 5.15 ounces or 146 grams.
You can find its official specifications here: Mio Cyclo 200 Specifications.
Using the Mio Cyclo 200
Before you start using the Mio Cyclo 200 we highly recommend that you read the manual and get yourself familiarized with the device and how it works. The first step you must take is to charge it for at least 8 hours before you start using it for the very first time. Then, create an account on the MioShare website , download the CycloAgent for your PC and connect the device to the PC.
The CycloAgent application is crucial to a good experience with the Mio Cyclo 200. After you log in with your MioShare account, the app detects your device and starts looking for updates. When we first used it, we had to download 2GB worth of software and map updates.
As you can imagine, downloading and installing them took a while. Once they are done, you can use the application to manage your device, sync data online and so on. The version we received for testing had maps for the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine and Vatican City. There are different versions of this device sold in different regions with a different list of maps made available. Before buying Mio Cyclo 200, make sure that you check whether it has the maps for the countries that interest you.
Another important part of the software experience is the MioShare website. There you can view and find tracks, upload your own tracks, share your tracks with others and get a detailed view of your cycling history.
Once the device is charged and the software is updated, then you should go ahead and mount it on your bike. Before doing that, make sure that you read the manual, so that you understand the bike mount kit and how it should be used.
You will appreciate that it is not very large, yet it is large enough to see what is displayed on the screen, when riding your bike. Also, the visibility when outdoors is good, unless the sun is very strong. Then you will have some issues seeing what is on the screen, unless you turn the brightness to the maximum which, in turn , reduces the battery life of the device.
The user interface uses large buttons which are easy to press. Also, it is available in 32 languages, which means that the multilingual support is very good.
You can use Mio Cyclo 200 to navigate to a specific address, to a point of interest or point on the map. You can also load tracks that you have uploaded with the CycloAgent and use them for navigation. This is especially useful to people who do mountainbiking who need to navigate unmarked mountain trails.
Other things that you can do with the device is to view your cycling history, access a dashboard with measurements like time, speed, distance, total ascent and descent, calorie consumption and more.
If you look at the price of the Mio Cyclo 200, you might expect it to be a modern device that provides voice navigation and it can also connect to your smartphone or headset via Bluetooth. Unfortunately that is not the case. You can't connect the Mio Cyclo 200 with any other device except your computer, through the USB cable that is provided. Also, from an audio communication perspective, Mio Cyclo 200 communicates with users only through beeps. You get a beep when a turn is coming soon or when you are going the wrong way. However, in order to understand what you have to do, you must look at it. If you are in a busy city, in a place you don't know, you will have to stop often, so that you can see where you have to go. This diminishes the fun of riding a bike and the usefulness of this device. Personally, I would have appreciated some audio instructions, especially when cycling through places that I am not familiar with.
The autonomy of the device is somewhere between 7 and 10 hours, depending on how you use the Mio Cyclo 200 and how you set the brightness of the screen. The autonomy is good, unless you have to ride the whole day. The downside is the fact that the charging time is very long: remember those 8 hours that you are recommended to charge the device before using it for the first time? Unfortunately, that recommendation is based on the fact that this device takes a lot of time to charge. It seems that the charging time is almost equal to the discharging time, which means that we are dealing with a low-quality battery. Today we have fast-charging smartphones. Waiting 8 hours is just frustrating, for a device this small.
Now… getting back to cycling, more specifically cycling in cities: one of the advantages of riding a bike versus driving a car is that you can use public roads alongside sidewalks, cycling lanes, pedestrian roads, parks and so on. For example, I always prefer to bypass a busy intersection that's filled with cars and pedestrians and take a small but fast detour through a park nearby, especially when people are busy getting to work. Riding through the park is a more pleasurable experience and it saves me precious time. Unfortunately, Mio Cyclo 200 is not able to provide navigation instructions unless you are using a public road. Some users won't like that as it diminishes the fun they have when riding their bike. They will feel that they are treated like a car driver, not a cyclist with many choices about how to go through a busy city.
During my testing, I have found the Mio Cyclo 200 device useful mostly to people who ride a lot in cities and on public roads. If you are into mountain biking, you can't use the device to discover trails in your area and ride, as you might have expected. You must do your research at home, using a service like Bike Map, download a track, upload it to the MioShare website, download it onto the Mio Cyclo 200 with CycloAgent and then use the device to navigate the trail. This whole process is too cumbersome and you will get things done faster with your smartphone and good cycling app.
Mio Cyclo 200 uses map data from OpenStreetMap which is OK for finding addresses but not that great if you want to navigate to points of interest. At least here in Romania, OpenStreetMap doesn't have much in terms of contextual data for what is around you. Therefore, in certain countries, you won't be able to use Mio Cyclo 200 to navigate to specific points of interest . You must do your research ahead of time and know the address of where exactly you want to go.
Regarding addresses, there's a very big issue that we discovered, which deserves its own separate discussion, in the next section of this review.
Mio Cyclo 200 doesn't handle non-unicode characters well
The biggest issue of the Mio Cyclo 200 is the database with addresses and the way it handles non-unicode characters. Many non-English languages use characters outside of L atin alphabet. For example, in the Romanian language we have characters like ș. Typically, software applications translate non-unicode characters into their unicode equivalent. In our example, ș would turn into s. People are used to this replacement and, in any modern GPS navigation applications, if you have an address which includes the ș character, and you use s instead of ș, you will find that address and be able to navigate to it.
Unfortunately, the software on the Mio Cyclo 200 doesn't do this replacement. Therefore, if you live in a country which uses special characters in their alphabet, you will see that addresses are misspelled on this device. To give you an example, the address Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai Nr 9, București (in English this would be: Gheorghe Sincai Boulevard, Nr 9, Bucharest), is stored by Mio Cyclo 200 as Bulevardul Gheorghe incai Nr 9, Bucureti. Basically, it skips non-unicode characters altogether, making the product difficult to use.
In Romania there are many cities and addresses which have non-unicode characters like the letter ș. I have tried several searches for addresses in three cities which have this character and it's always missing.
There are many other languages which use non-unicode characters and this bug means that Mio Cyclo 200 is not a good choice for people whose languages use letters in their alphabet outside of the latin spectrum (Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Romanian or Hebrew are a few examples that come to mind).
Pros and cons
Mio Cyclo 200 is a device full of contrasts, which has the following pluses:
- The user interface on the device is easy to use
- The user interface is available in 32 languages
- The autonomy is good
- Outdoors visibility is good unless the sun is very strong
Unfortunately there are many downsides to this device:
- It's very expensive for what it has to offer
- The software doesn't handle well non-unicode characters, meaning that addresses end up being incorrect in countries which use characters outside of L atin alphabet
- Mio Cyclo 200 treats cyclists like car drivers who have to stick to public roads
- No audio instructions are offered except beeps which indicate that you went the wrong way or a turn is coming soon
- There's no Bluetooth connectivity or any other connectivity offered outside the USB cable that's inside the package
- If you are into mountain biking, the process for adding trails and using the Mio Cyclo 200 for navigation is very cumbersome
- A long battery charging time
Mio Cyclo 200 is a niche device, that's easy to use, with good battery life and with diverse multilingual support but with very limited usefulness. First of all, it's not for all cyclists: it's useful mostly to people that ride a lot in cities and on public roads. It's definitely not a good choice for mountain bikers. Also, the device tends to treat cyclists like car drivers who should stick to public roads. The beauty of riding a bike is that you don't have to do that. You can ride through parks and more kinds of roads than a car does. The asking price for it is also very high and it doesn't offer audio instructions and you can't connect it to other devices except for your PC. Consider the very long charging time for the battery and you will understand the low rating that we give this device. We advise you to purchase it only from stores with a good return policy and only if you fit the niche of cyclists who ride a lot in cities and on public roads.