我们收到了测试由摩托罗拉(Motorola)制造的预算Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),称为Moto G6 Play。该公司以不到 200 美元的价格出售它,并承诺提供大屏幕、优质设计(quality design)和 4000 mAh 的大容量电池。为了使所有这些都符合您的预算,智能手机做出了一些妥协,例如使用 720p分辨率显示屏(resolution display)、塑料机身(plastic body)和入门级处理器。但是,如果您的预算紧张,它可能是您下一部智能手机的不错选择。在使用并测试一周后,以下是我们对Moto G6 Play的看法:
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play):它对谁有好处?
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)是人们的绝佳选择:
- 在他们的下一部智能手机上花费的预算有限
- 谁想要一款屏幕大于平均水平的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)
- 谁想要一款看起来不便宜的漂亮智能手机(虽然它是)🙂
关于摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play),我们有好话要说:
- 这是一个便宜的设备,只需 200 美元
- 可靠的制造质量(build quality),即使它使用的材料不时尚
- 它带有Android 8 Oreo
- 它有一个指纹读取器
- 它有一个双 SIM 卡版本
- 它的电池很大,可以持续一天以上
- 此智能手机上没有预装垃圾软件
- 相机相当弱,虽然它可以在良好的照明条件下拍出不错的照片
- 图形芯片令人印象深刻,只能以低视觉细节和低帧率运行游戏
- 指纹读取器(fingerprint reader)错误率高(error rate)
- 显示器很大,但它的分辨率不是,而且像素很明显
- 不含耳机
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)的电池、声音设计和无垃圾软件的用户体验(user experience)给我们留下了深刻的印象。如果您还考虑到小要价(asking price),我们相信这是一笔划算的交易。市场上有更好的智能手机,但它们的成本往往更高。我们仅向预算紧张、想要最新的 Android 8 Oreo 体验(Oreo experience)、大屏幕和大电池的用户推荐摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 。(Motorola Moto G6 Play)
拆箱摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)采用绿色和灰色色调的硬纸盒包装。(cardboard box)在其上方,您可以看到摩托罗拉的名称和徽标(Motorola name and logo),以及智能手机的名称:Moto G6 Play。
盒子(box show)的背面和底部向您展示了有关智能手机的更多详细信息。例如,您可以从一开始就发现摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)拥有 4000 mAh 电池(mAh battery)、5.7 英寸屏幕、13 MP 摄像头(MP camera)和八核 1.4 GHz 处理器(GHz processor)。
打开包装盒,您会看到您的全新摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)以及随附的附件和文档。您将获得一个USB 电源(USB power)适配器和一根可拆卸的微型USB 电缆(USB cable)、一个SIM 托盘(SIM tray)针、一个用于保护的软硅胶外壳、(silicon case)用户指南(user guide)和保修卡。不幸的是,包装中没有耳机。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 的拆箱体验令人愉悦。该捆绑包包括必需品,但不幸的是,您没有获得任何耳机。(The unboxing experience for the Motorola Moto G6 Play is pleasant. The bundle includes the essentials, but unfortunately, you do not get any headphones with it.)
根据您居住的地区,您可以购买不同颜色的摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play :(Motorola Moto G6 Play)深靛蓝(Deep Indigo)、银色(Silver)、闪灰(Flash Gray)和金色(Gold)。我们测试的是Deep Indigo,这也是您在美国唯一能买到(United) 的颜色(America)。(States)
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)是一款外观不错的智能手机。与任何其他智能手机一样,它具有矩形形状,但具有圆角和边缘。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)的正面是一个 5.7 英寸对角线的大显示屏。显示器的侧面有明显的边框,但是当它关闭时,您根本不会注意到它们。屏幕顶部是前置摄像头、耳机和闪光灯,应该会让自拍爱好者满意。
顶部边缘有一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔和一个小麦克风孔(microphone hole),底部边缘(bottom edge)有一个微型USB 端口(USB port)和另一个麦克风孔(microphone hole),所有物理按钮都在右侧。电源按钮(power button)具有粗犷的质感,而音量键(volume rocker)则没有。即使您不看它们,也很容易识别出哪个是哪个。不幸的是,音量(volume rocker)键在智能手机上的位置太远了,没有长手指的人很容易够到。
在摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)的左侧,您唯一能找到的就是SIM 卡托(SIM tray)。您可以使用智能手机包装盒中的顶针或任何普通(ejector pin)回形针(paper clip)将其取出。
智能手机的背面是相机及其闪光灯的所在地,它们都位于略微突出的中央圆形区域内。在它们附近,有一个圆形的 M(来自摩托罗拉(Motorola))标志,是智能手机的指纹识别器(fingerprint reader)。无需查看指纹读取器(fingerprint reader)即可轻松找到它,这是一件好事,因为它在外壳内略微凹陷。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)看起来制作精良,该公司表示它有防水涂层,因此应该防止水溅或小雨。但是,您应该知道,这款智能手机没有防水或防尘(water or dust damage)IP 认证。此外,虽然该公司没有在他们的网站上具体说明这一点,但看起来Moto G6 Play在其屏幕上使用了钢化玻璃,而不是 Gorilla Glass(not Gorilla Glass)。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 是一款外观不错的智能手机。我们喜欢它背面的反射和指纹读取器的位置。但是,音量摇杆可以放置在更容易触及的位置。虽然智能手机没有任何 IP 认证,但 Moto G6 Play 承诺可以承受意外的水溅,这很好。即使其显示屏上的玻璃不是大猩猩玻璃,它也应该能够抵抗灰尘和表面划痕。(The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a smartphone that looks nice. We like the reflections on its back and the positioning of the fingerprint reader. However, the volume rocker could have been placed in a more reachable position. Although the smartphone does not have any IP certification, the Moto G6 Play promises to withstand accidental water splashes, which is good. Even if the glass on its display is not Gorilla Glass, it should be able to resist dust and superficial scratches.)
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)配备 5.7 英寸IPS LCD,分辨率为 720 x 1440 像素,像素密度为 282 ppi(ppi pixel density)。屏幕使用钢化玻璃,虽然不是大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass),但应该提供一些防刮擦保护。
如果您在美国购买,(USA)高通 MSM8920 Snapdragon 427(Qualcomm MSM8920 Snapdragon 427)芯片组为智能手机供电,如果您从世界其他任何地方购买,则为高通 MSM8937 Snapdragon 430 。(Qualcomm MSM8937 Snapdragon 430)Snapdragon 427芯片组配备四核 1.4 GHz Cortex A53 处理器(GHz Cortex A53 processor),Snapdragon 430配备八核 1.4 GHz Cortex A53 处理器(GHz Cortex A53 processor)。
至于视频,智能手机在美国版使用高通 Adreno 308(Qualcomm Adreno 308)图形处理单元,在世界其他地方使用Adreno 505 。根据维基百科(According to Wikipedia),Adreno 308支持OpenGL ES 3.0、OpenGL 3.1、OpenCL 1.1和DirectX 11,而Adreno 505支持OpenGL ES 3.2、OpenGL 3.1、OpenCL 2.0、DirectX 11和Vulkan 1.0。我们测试了欧洲版本。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)配备 32GB 内部存储空间(storage space)和 3GB内存(RAM),或者配备 16GB 内部存储和 2GB内存(RAM)。我们测试的模型配备了 3GB 的RAM和 32GB 的内部闪存。如果要扩大存储空间(storage space),还可以使用专用卡槽(card slot)添加最大 128GB的 MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play )的自主性是由不可拆卸的 4000mAh 锂离子电池提供的,该公司表示,一次充电最多可以使用 36 小时。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play )的背面配备了具有 13 兆像素和 f/2.0 光圈的主摄像头。它具有相位检测自动对焦(detection autofocus)和LED 闪光灯(LED flash)。在它的正面,它在美国版智能手机上配备了一个 5 兆像素的摄像头,在世界其他地方配备了 8 兆像素的摄像头。
关于连接性,摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)提供单SIM 卡(SIM)配置或双SIM(SIM one)卡配置。无论哪种方式,它都只使用 Nano- SIM卡。双卡(SIM)版使用双卡双待实现(SIM Dual Standby implementation),这意味着即使两张SIM卡在您不使用时都处于活动状态,一旦您在其中一个上接听电话,另一个就会变为非活动状态。摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)有一个带有微型USB 连接器(USB connector)、蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)和NFC的USB 2.0端口(USB 2.0)(仅在欧洲版本中)。美国版智能手机为802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4GHz和 5 GHz网络提供双频无线支持。(dual-band wireless support)在世界其他地区销售的版本也提供对Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n 的支持,但仅限于 2.4 GHz网络。
智能手机还受益于它从内置传感器收集的信息:指纹(在手机背面)、加速度计、陀螺仪和接近传感器(proximity sensor)。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)是一款大型智能手机,但它也比较轻:长 6.08 英寸(154.4 毫米)、宽 2.84 英寸(72.2 毫米)、厚 0.35 英寸(9 毫米),重量约为 6.17 盎司(175 克)。
有关摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 的(Motorola Moto G6 Play's)硬件规格和功能的更多详细信息,请访问其官方网页:摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 规格(Motorola Moto G6 Play Specs)。
摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play 是一款售价不到 200 美元的智能手机,对于这个价格,它的硬件规格看起来很可靠。(The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a smartphone that costs less than 200 US dollars, and for this price, its hardware specifications look solid.)
查看下一页,了解有关摩托罗拉 Moto G6 Play(Motorola Moto G6 Play)提供的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)、其相机、捆绑应用程序以及基准测试性能的更多信息。
Review Motorola Moto G6 Play: An Android smartphone for tight budgets
We received for testing a budget Android smartphone manufaсtured by Motorola, called the Moto G6 Play. The comрany sells it for less than 200 US dollars and promises to offer a large screen, a qualitу design аnd a masѕive battery of 4000 mAh. For all of that to fit in your budget, the smаrtphonе haѕ made a few compromises like using a 720p resolution display, a plastic bodу, аnd an entry-levеl processоr. However, if yоur budget is tight, it could be a good option for your next smartphone. After using it and testing it for a week, here is our oрiniоn about Moto G6 Play:
Motorola Moto G6 Play: Who is it good for?
The Motorola Moto G6 Play is an excellent choice for people:
- With a limited budget to spend on their next smartphone
- Who want an Android smartphone with a larger than average display
- Who desire a good-looking smartphone that does not look cheap (although it is) 🙂
Pros and cons
We have good things to say about the Motorola Moto G6 Play:
- It is an inexpensive device which cost only 200 US dollars
- Reliable build quality, even if the materials used on it are not fashionable
- It comes with Android 8 Oreo
- It has a fingerprint reader
- It has a Dual SIM version
- Its battery is massive and can last you for more than a day
- There is no crapware preinstalled on this smartphone
On the other hand:
- The camera is rather weak, although it can take decent photos in good lighting conditions
- The graphics chip is underwhelming and can run games only at low visual details and low framerates
- The fingerprint reader has a high error rate
- The display is large, but its resolution is not, and the pixels are noticeable
- No headphones included
The Motorola Moto G6 Play managed to impress us with its battery, sound design, and crapware-free user experience. If you also take into consideration the small asking price, we believe it is a good deal. There are better smartphones on the market, but they tend to cost just a bit more. We recommend Motorola Moto G6 Play only for users on a tight budget, who want the latest Android 8 Oreo experience, a large screen, and a big battery.
Unboxing the Motorola Moto G6 Play
The Motorola Moto G6 Play comes in a cardboard box colored in shades of green and gray. On its upper side, you can see the Motorola name and logo, and the name of the smartphone: Moto G6 Play.
The rear sides and the bottom of the box show you more details about the smartphone. For instance, you can find out right from the start that the Motorola Moto G6 Play has a 4000 mAh battery, a 5.7-inch screen, a 13 MP camera and an octa-core 1.4 GHz processor.
Open the box, and you get to see your new Motorola Moto G6 Play, together with its bundled accessories and documents. You get a USB power adapter and a detachable micro USB cable, a SIM tray needle, a soft silicon case for protection, the user guide, and warranty card. Unfortunately, there are no headphones in the package.
The unboxing experience for the Motorola Moto G6 Play is pleasant. The bundle includes the essentials, but unfortunately, you do not get any headphones with it.
Design and build quality
Depending on the part of the world you live in, you can buy the Motorola Moto G6 Play in different color variations: Deep Indigo, Silver, Flash Gray, and Gold. The one that we tested is the Deep Indigo, which is also the only color you can get in the United States of America.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a smartphone that looks nice. Like any other smartphone, it has a rectangle shape but with rounded corners and edges.
The back of the smartphone is made of plastic, but it is not conventional plastic. It has some reflective properties that make it resemble glass, and it feels solid. It does not bend, and it does not make any sound when you press it.
The front of the Motorola Moto G6 Play is home to a large display, 5.7 inches in diagonal. The display has noticeable bezels on its sides, but when it is turned off, you do not notice them at all. On the top of the screen, are the front camera, the ear speaker and a flash, which should please selfie lovers.
On the bottom of the screen, there are no buttons or anything else except a Motorola logo to fill the space.
There is a 3.5 mm audio jack and a small microphone hole on the top edge, a micro USB port and another microphone hole on the bottom edge, and all the physical buttons are found on the right. The power button has a rugged texture, while the volume rocker does not. It is easy to identify which is which even if you do not look at them. Unfortunately, the volume rocker is positioned too far away on the smartphone to be easy to reach by someone without long fingers.
On the left side of the Motorola Moto G6 Play, the only thing you find is the SIM tray. You can take it out using the ejector pin from the smartphone's box, or by using any regular paper clip.
The back of the smartphone is home to the camera and its flash, which are both found inside a central circular area that is slightly protruding. Near them, there is a circular M (from Motorola) logo that is the smartphone's fingerprint reader. It is good that you can easily find the fingerprint reader without having to look at it because it is slightly sunken inside the case.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play seems well built, and the company says it has a water-repellent coating, so it should be protected from water splashes or light rain. However, you should know that this smartphone has no IP certifications against water or dust damage. Also, although the company does not specify this on their website, it looks like the Moto G6 Play uses tempered glass on its screen, but not Gorilla Glass.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a smartphone that looks nice. We like the reflections on its back and the positioning of the fingerprint reader. However, the volume rocker could have been placed in a more reachable position. Although the smartphone does not have any IP certification, the Moto G6 Play promises to withstand accidental water splashes, which is good. Even if the glass on its display is not Gorilla Glass, it should be able to resist dust and superficial scratches.
Hardware specifications
The Motorola Moto G6 Play features a 5.7 inch IPS LCD with a resolution of 720 x 1440 pixels at 282 ppi pixel density. The screen uses tempered glass which, although it is not Gorilla Glass, should provide some protection against scratches.
A Qualcomm MSM8920 Snapdragon 427 chipset powers the smartphone if you buy it in the USA, or a Qualcomm MSM8937 Snapdragon 430 if you buy it from anywhere else in the world. The Snapdragon 427 chipset features a quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex A53 processor and the Snapdragon 430 features an octa-core 1.4 GHz Cortex A53 processor.
As for the video, the smartphone uses a Qualcomm Adreno 308 graphics processing unit for the American version and an Adreno 505 for the rest of the world. According to Wikipedia, the Adreno 308 supports OpenGL ES 3.0, OpenGL 3.1, OpenCL 1.1 and DirectX 11, while the Adreno 505 supports OpenGL ES 3.2, OpenGL 3.1, OpenCL 2.0, DirectX 11, and Vulkan 1.0. We tested the European version.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play comes with 32GB of internal storage space and 3GB of RAM, or with 16GB of internal storage and 2GB of RAM. The model that we tested was equipped with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal flash memory. If you want to expand the storage space, you can also add a MicroSD card of up to 128GB, using the dedicated card slot.
The autonomy of the Motorola Moto G6 Play is provided by a non-removable Li-Ion 4000mAh battery that the company says it can last for up to 36 hours on a charge.
On its back, the Motorola Moto G6 Play features its main camera with 13 megapixels and f/2.0 aperture. It has phase detection autofocus, and an LED flash. On its front side, it comes with a 5 megapixels camera on the American version of the smartphone, and with 8 megapixels in the rest of the world.
Regarding connectivity, the Motorola Moto G6 Play is available in a Single-SIM configuration or a Dual SIM one. Either way, it uses only Nano-SIM cards. The Dual-SIM version uses a Dual SIM Dual Standby implementation, which means that even if both SIM cards are active when you are not using them, once you take a call on one of them, the other becomes inactive. The Motorola Moto G6 Play has a USB 2.0 port with a micro USB connector, Bluetooth 4.2, and NFC (in the European version only). The American version of the smartphone offers dual-band wireless support for the 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4 GHz and 5GHz networks. The versions sold in the other parts of the world also offer support for Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n but only on the 2.4GHz networks.
The smartphone also benefits from the information it gathers from the built-in sensors: fingerprint (on the back of the phone), accelerometer, gyro, and proximity sensor.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a large smartphone, but it is also relatively light: 6.08 inches in length (154.4 mm), 2.84 inches in width (72.2mm), 0.35 inches in thickness (9 mm), and it weighs about 6.17 ounces (175 grams).
For more details about Motorola Moto G6 Play's hardware specifications and features, visit its official webpage: Motorola Moto G6 Play Specs.
The Motorola Moto G6 Play is a smartphone that costs less than 200 US dollars, and for this price, its hardware specifications look solid.
Check the next page to find out more about the smartphone experience offered by the Motorola Moto G6 Play, its cameras, bundled apps, and performance in benchmarks.