这些天我们测试了过去十年的幽灵之一:诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)!你肯定听说过。它是 2000 年代初期最具标志性的手机之一。很多人还记得这款手机,怀念它统治移动世界的时代。如果你觉得这个介绍是关于恐龙的,那么恭喜,你是对的!诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)在今年被现在拥有诺基亚品牌的(Nokia brand)HMD Global复活之前已经绝迹。开个玩笑(Joking),我们很好奇测试新的诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310). 我们喜欢原始模型,我们对它的现代重新诠释抱有一些希望。在过去几天使用它之后,以下是我们对这个传奇的现代转折的看法:
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的包装、设计和制造质量
诺基亚3310(Nokia 3310)就是你所说的功能手机(feature phone),它只不过是一个花哨的名字,它是一款功能比你想象的要少得多的旧设备。这是一部没有现代功能的“哑巴手机”,但带有很多怀旧之情。
这款手机在2000年进入(year 2000)时光机(time machine),今天就出来了。🙂因此,诺基亚3310(Nokia 3310)采用了一个小方盒(square box),上面画着类似涂鸦的插图。我们觉得有趣的是,视觉效果非常时髦并且明显针对年轻人。我们很确定大多数对这款手机感兴趣的人并不年轻。
在包装的背面,您可以看到诺基亚 3310提供的所有基本“功能”,例如其 2 兆像素摄像头或预装(Nokia 3310)Snake的事实。🙂
打开盒子,你会发现诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)手机、可拆卸电池、充电器、耳机和常用文档(快速入门指南(start guide)和保修卡)。
充电器非常小,使用微型USB 插头(USB plug)输出 5(output 5)伏直流电流,额定功率(power rating)为 550 毫安。电池容量为 1200mAh,对于现代标准来说听起来并不多。但是,如果您考虑到手机运行所需的能量是多么少,它是一个大容量的电池。根据诺基亚(Nokia)的说法,电池应该足以让手机最长通话时间(talk time)长达 22.1 小时,最长待机时间长达 31 天(哇!),最长MP3 播放时间(playback time)长达 51 小时,FM 收音机(FM radio) 播放时间(playback time)最长可达 39 小时。
诺基亚3310(Nokia 3310)有四种不同的颜色可供选择:暖红色(warm red)、黄色、灰色和深蓝色。我们测试的型号是深蓝色,这也是2000 年代最初的诺基亚 3310使用的颜色。(Nokia 3310)同样,颜色非常时髦,面向年轻观众。
如果你因为怀旧而购买诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310),你可能会选择深蓝色或灰色(blue or gray)的,两者都是哑光的。如果你是一个想要复古手机(vintage phone)但外观炫目的潮人,那么你可能更喜欢有光泽的红色或黄色机型。不幸的是,您必须知道封面是不可互换的,因此当您厌倦了一种颜色时,您将无法切换颜色。只能取下后盖。
在大尺寸 6 英寸智能手机时代,诺基亚 3310的(Nokia 3310)长宽(length and width)仅为 4.55 x 2 英寸(115.6 x 51 毫米)。它的厚度为 0.5 英寸(12.8 毫米),重量仅为 2.86 盎司(81 克)。
拿在手里(hand and analyze)仔细分析,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)感觉很便宜。它的制造质量不会给任何人留下深刻印象:制造手机机身的塑料可能是市场上最便宜的塑料。当您将后盖取下并重新安装时,后盖感觉就像它正在撕裂一样,需要比您预期的更多的力量。
设计虽然(design though)相当不错,但与制造质量形成鲜明对比:屏幕略微弯曲,下方的键盘看起来很优雅。使用的颜色令人愉悦,因此在视觉上,这款手机非常漂亮。
不幸的是,键盘上的按钮非常小,任何手和手指大小适中的成年人几乎都无法使用导航键。在我尝试按下顶部、底部、右侧或左侧按钮的一半时间里,我最终都按下了Enter/OK button。
屏幕尺寸为 2.4 英寸,显示分辨率为QVGA ,是(QVGA display)Quarter VGA的简称,等于 320 × 240 像素。
除了顶部边缘的用于充电和数据传输的Micro USB 端口和(Micro USB port)底部边缘(bottom edge)的 3.5 毫米音频插孔外,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的侧面没有任何其他特殊端口或按钮。
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)在其背面有一个 2 兆像素的摄像头和一个LED 闪光灯(LED flash)。附近还有一个扬声器格栅(speaker grille)和诺基亚标志(Nokia logo)。
为了存储您使用其相机拍摄的照片和视频,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)提供了 16 MB 的内部存储空间(storage space),其中您可以使用高达 1.4 MB 的存储空间。🙂 幸运的是,这款手机还支持最大 32 GB 的MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)。该卡可以插入SIM 卡槽(SIM slot)的正下方。说到SIM卡,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)只能使用Micro SIM 卡(Micro SIM)。
这款手机有单卡和双卡两种版本,但它们都不能使用 3G 或 4G 网络。诺基亚 3310 只能连接 2G 网络,这意味着如果您的(Nokia 3310 can only connect to 2G networks)移动运营商(mobile operator)只使用 3G/4G 无线网络,您可能根本无法使用它。这款手机没有 Wi-Fi 连接,只有蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
新的诺基亚 3310 是一款来自另一个时代的简单手机,由廉价组件制成,制造质量相当差。它没有什么特别的捆绑,也没有使它脱颖而出的功能。唯一的主要优点是它看起来比 2000 年的原始版本更好。(The new Nokia 3310 is a simple phone from another era, made from cheap components and with a rather poor build quality. There's nothing special bundled with it, and there's no feature that makes it stand out. The only major positive is that it looks better than the original version from the year 2000.)
如果你老了(像我们一样),你可能还记得以前手机软件(phone software)很简单,使用起来很复杂。如果你还年轻,或许应该买诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)这样的“傻瓜手机”来体验一下当年的手机。如果你这样做,你会更加欣赏你的智能手机。
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)使用最初称为Nokia Series 30+操作系统(operating system),这与我们在不久前评测的诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)手机上看到的操作系统相同。它看起来很旧,但它提供了您对“功能”手机所期望的所有工具。
浏览用户界面,您会发现诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)具有通话记录(Call Log)、联系人(Contacts)、闹钟(Alarm clock)、日历(Calendar)、消息(Messaging)、计算器(Calculator)、便笺(Notes)和录音机(Voice recorder)等工具。还有一个相机应用程序(Camera app)、一个调频收音机应用程序(FM Radio app)、一个内置网络浏览器(web browser)(Opera Mini)、一个天气应用程序(Weather app),甚至还有一个可能应该是诺基亚(Nokia)手机商标的应用程序:贪吃蛇游戏(Snake game)。🙂
怀旧者肯定会喜欢的一件事是蛇游戏(Snake game),至少在几轮中。之后,您可能会注意到玩它是多么令人厌烦。
还有一个“商店” ——Opera 移动商店(Opera Mobile Store)——其中包括一些Java 应用程序和游戏(Java apps and games),但不幸的是,除非您还添加了Micro SD 卡(Micro SD card),否则手机上没有安装空间。即使你这样做了,Opera Mobile Store中也没有什么真正有用的东西。不要指望在那里找到WhatsApp 或 Facebook(WhatsApp or Facebook)。
我们想指出的是,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)在离线使用时运行良好。如果您想在线使用它,打开网络浏览器并(web browser and navigate)在网络(Web)上导航,您会感到失望:当您通过只有 240 x 320 像素的屏幕看到它时,互联网看起来与您习惯的大不相同。
诺基亚 3310 运行在一个非常简单的操作系统上,并具有(The Nokia 3310 runs on a very simple operating system and has )一些基本(some basic )的内置应用程序。尽管它们使用起来并不友好,但它们会按照您的期望去做,并且确实满足了朴实无华的电话用户的所有基本需求。(built-in apps. Although they're not friendly to use, they do what you expect them to do and they do cover all the basic needs of an unpretentious phone user.)
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)上的手机体验(phone experience)
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的主要功能是手机,它也是一款相当平庸的手机。(mediocre phone)我用它与使用不同移动网络以及各种手机和智能手机的其他人进行了很多电话交谈。🙂 几乎总是,诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)在我的耳朵里发出低沉的声音,并向与我交谈的人发出回声。(echoey sound)
关于诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310),我们可以说的唯一好处是它的电池续航时间很长,以至于您很容易忘记何时充电。我们在Digital Citizen已经使用了将近一个星期,当我们拿到它时,我们做的第一件事就是充满电。现在已经 5 天了,它的电池看起来仍然充满了大约 70%。考虑到我们在此期间也在电话交谈中对其进行了测试,这是一个令人印象深刻的自主性。
诺基亚 3310 是一款在电话通话中提供平庸音质的手机,但其持久耐用的电池却给人留下了深刻的印象。(Nokia 3310 is a phone that offers mediocre sound quality in phone conversations, but which manages to impress with its long lasting battery.)
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的拍照(camera experience)体验
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)上的摄像头被宣传为“带LED 闪光灯的 2 (LED flash)MP 摄像头(MP camera),可轻松拍摄”,而事实正是如此。图像传感器(image sensor)非常适中,它拍摄的照片质量超出了您可能习惯的任何东西。照片没有细节,只有在户外光线很好的情况下拍摄时,颜色才接近真实,而且对比度和清晰度(contrast and clarity)都不是你能看到的。您使用诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)拍摄的照片和视频的唯一用途是通过消息发送它们。将它们显示在像计算机显示器(computer monitor)这样的大屏幕上是没有意义的或在您的电视上,我们认为尝试将它们打印在纸上绝对没有意义。最终的结果将是不愉快的。
在下面的图库中,您可以看到相机在拍照方面有多糟糕 - 我们包括室内和室外照片、特写镜头和风景。
拍摄视频和拍摄照片一样糟糕。诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)做的不太好,所以除非你碰巧遇到外星人登陆地球(Earth)这样非常重要的事件,否则尝试没有多大意义。否则(Otherwise),就不要!🙂这是我们在户外拍摄的视频示例,以了解预期的内容:
如果您想拍摄照片和拍摄视频,诺基亚 3310 不是一款值得购买的手机。它根本不是为那种事情而建造的。此外,如果您想将其用于拍照或录像,则必须购买 Micro SD 卡。(The Nokia 3310 is not a phone to buy if you want to shoot photos and film videos. It simply wasn't built for that sort of thing. Also, you must buy a Micro SD card if you want to use it for picture taking or video recording.)
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)有一些积极的方面:
- 从视觉上看,这款手机看起来不错
- 它提供持久的电池寿命
- 营销方面,重振诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)这样的传奇是个好主意
- 构建质量与漂亮的视觉效果形成鲜明对比。这款手机由便宜的材料制成,远不如原厂使用的耐用。
- 它只能在 2G 网络上使用。如果您的移动运营商(mobile operator)仅提供 3G/4G 网络,则无法使用
- 通话音质差
- 这款手机上的应用程序不快,不好用,也没那么有用
- 相机无法用于现代标准
- 这款手机的价格太高了
诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的 2017 版是一款功能手机(feature phone),对于怀旧并记得 2000 年代初“美好时光”的人们来说,这是一个不错的选择。对于那些想要摆脱“智能手机时代”的人来说,它是一款手机,它是一款备用手机(backup phone),您可以在智能手机电池没电时使用它。虽然从外观上看,它看起来像是为年轻人设计的设备,但经常使用智能手机的年轻人会厌恶它。也许一些年轻的潮人会喜欢使用它,但仅此而已。此外,“新”诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)太贵了,它在它的祖先传奇的地方完全失败了:它的制造质量。围绕诺基亚 3310(Nokia 3310)的炒作是不值得的!
Reviewing the Nokia 3310 - How nostalgia sells mediocre phones at a high price
These days we tested one of the ghosts of the last deсade: the Nokia 3310! You surely have heard of it. It is one of the most emblеmatic phones of the early 2000s. There are a lot of people who still remember this phone and who feel nostalgiс about the times when it ruled the mobile world. If you feel like this introduсtion is about dinosaurs, congrats, yоu're right! Τhe Nokia 3310 was extinct υntil it got resυrrected this year by HMD Global, the company that now owns the Nokia brand. Joking aѕide, we were very curious to test the new Nokiа 3310. We loved the original model and we had some hopes for its modern reinterpretation. After using it for the last couple of days, herе's our opіnion about this modern twist on a legend:
Packaging, design and build quality of the Nokia 3310
The Nokia 3310 is what you would call a feature phone, which is nothing else but a fancy name for an otherwise old device with far fewer features than you might expect. It's a "dumb phone" with no modern day features, but with a whole lot of nostalgia taped on it.
This mobile phone entered the time machine in the year 2000 and got out today. 🙂 Therefore, the Nokia 3310 comes in a small square box, with graffiti-like illustrations painted on it. We find it funny that the visuals are very hip and clearly aimed at young people. We're pretty sure that most people that are interested in this phone are not exactly young.
On the back of the package, you can see all the essential "features" offered by Nokia 3310, such as its 2 megapixels camera or the fact that it comes with Snake preinstalled. 🙂
Open the box, and you find the Nokia 3310 phone, the detachable battery, the charger, a headset and the usual documentation (quick start guide and warranty card).
The charger is very small and uses a micro USB plug to output 5 volts DC electrical current with a power rating of 550 mA. The battery has a capacity of 1200mAh which doesn't sound like a lot for modern standards. However, it is a generous battery if you consider how little energy is needed by a mobile phone to function. According to Nokia, the battery should be enough to keep the phone on for a maximum talk time of up to 22.1 hours, a maximum standby time of up to 31 days (wow!), a maximum MP3 playback time of up to 51 hours, and a maximum FM radio playback time of up to 39 hours.
The Nokia 3310 is available in four different colors: warm red, yellow, gray, and dark blue. The model that we tested was the dark blue colored, which is also a color that was used by the original Nokia 3310 from the 2000s. Again, the colors are very hip and aimed at a young audience.
If you buy the Nokia 3310 because of nostalgia, you'll probably choose one that's either dark blue or gray, both matte. If you're a hipster who wants a vintage phone but with a razzle-dazzle look, then you might prefer the glossy red or yellow models. Unfortunately, you must know that the covers are not interchangeable so you cannot switch colors whenever you grow tired of one. Only the back cover can be taken off.
In an age of large 6 inch smartphones, the Nokia 3310 is only 4.55 x 2 inches (115.6 x 51 mm) in length and width. It has a thickness of 0.5 inches (12.8 mm) and it weighs just 2.86 ounces (81 grams).
When you hold it into your hand and analyze carefully, the Nokia 3310 feels cheap. Its build quality is not going to impress anyone: the plastic from which the phone's body is made is probably the cheapest available on the market. The back cover feels like it's tearing apart when you take it off and mounting it back requires a lot more strength than you'd expect.
The design though is quite good, contrasting with the build quality: the screen is slightly curved, and the keypad beneath looks elegant. The colors used are pleasing, so visually, this phone is surprisingly beautiful.
Unfortunately, the buttons on the keypad are very small, and the navigational keys are almost unusable by any adult with average sized hands and fingers. Half the time I tried to press the top, bottom, right or left buttons, I ended up pressing the Enter/OK button instead.
The screen has a size of 2.4 inches and a QVGA display resolution, which is the short version for Quarter VGA and is equal to 320 × 240 pixels.
Except for the Micro USB port used for charging and data transfer found on the top edge and the 3.5mm audio jack found on the bottom edge, the Nokia 3310 doesn't have any other special ports or buttons on its sides.
On its rear, the Nokia 3310 has a 2 megapixels camera and a LED flash. Close by, there's also a speaker grille and the Nokia logo.
To store the photos and videos you shoot with its camera, the Nokia 3310 offers an internal storage space of 16 MB, out of which you can use a whopping 1.4 MB. 🙂 Fortunately, the phone also accepts a MicroSD card of up to 32 GB. The card can be inserted right under the SIM slot. Speaking of SIM cards, Nokia 3310 works only with a Micro SIM.
This phone is available in single and dual-SIM variants, but neither of them can use 3G or 4G networks. Nokia 3310 can only connect to 2G networks, which means that you might not be able to use it at all if your mobile operator only uses 3G/4G radio networks. There's no Wi-Fi connectivity on this phone, only Bluetooth.
The new Nokia 3310 is a simple phone from another era, made from cheap components and with a rather poor build quality. There's nothing special bundled with it, and there's no feature that makes it stand out. The only major positive is that it looks better than the original version from the year 2000.
Software and apps
If you're old (like us), you probably remember the old days when phone software was simple and using it was complicated. If you're young, you probably should buy a "dumb phone" like the Nokia 3310 just to experience how mobile phones were back then. You will appreciate your smartphone more if you do this.
The Nokia 3310 uses a proprietary operating system originally called Nokia Series 30+, which is the same as the one we saw being used on the Nokia 150 phone that we reviewed a while ago. It looks old, but it offers all the tools you'd expect from a "feature" phone.
Browsing through the user interface, you'll find that the Nokia 3310 has tools such as Call Log, Contacts, Alarm clock, Calendar, Messaging, Calculator, Notes, and Voice recorder. There's also a Camera app, an FM Radio app, a built-in web browser (Opera Mini), a Weather app, and even an app that should probably be a trademark of Nokia phones: the Snake game. 🙂
If you're wondering, our experience using all those apps was the opposite of what you'd call spectacular. The user experience is too dated to be enjoyable by modern standards. You will call it anything but "user friendly."
One thing nostalgics will surely enjoy is the Snake game, at least for a few rounds. After which, you'll probably notice just how tiresome it is to play it.
There's also a "store" - Opera Mobile Store - which includes some Java apps and games, but unfortunately, there's no space on the phone to install any unless you also add a Micro SD card. And even if you do, there's nothing truly useful inside the Opera Mobile Store. Don't expect to find WhatsApp or Facebook in there.
We would like to point out that the Nokia 3310 works well when you use it offline. If you want to use it online, open the web browser and navigate on the Web, you will be disappointed: the internet looks a lot different than you're used to, when you see it through a screen that's only 240 x 320 pixels.
The Nokia 3310 runs on a very simple operating system and has some basic built-in apps. Although they're not friendly to use, they do what you expect them to do and they do cover all the basic needs of an unpretentious phone user.
The phone experience on the Nokia 3310
The Nokia 3310 is also a rather mediocre phone when it comes to its main function which is being a phone. I used it for quite a few phone conversations with other people who were using different mobile networks and various phones and smartphones. 🙂 Pretty much always, the Nokia 3310 had a muffled sound in my ear and delivered an echoey sound to the people to whom I was speaking.
The only good thing that we can say about the Nokia 3310 is that its battery lasts so long that you're prone to forgetting when to charge it. We've had it for almost a week now, here at Digital Citizen, and when we got our hands on it, the first thing we did was charge it fully. It's been 5 days now, and it still looks like its battery is about 70% full. Considering that we also tested it in phone conversations during this period, it's an impressive autonomy.
Nokia 3310 is a phone that offers mediocre sound quality in phone conversations, but which manages to impress with its long lasting battery.
The camera experience on the Nokia 3310
The camera found on the Nokia 3310 is advertised as a "2 MP camera with LED flash for simple snaps", and that's exactly what it is. The image sensor is very modest, and the quality of the photos it takes is beyond anything you're probably used to. The photos have no details, the colors are close to reality only when taking pictures outdoors in very good light conditions, and good contrast and clarity are not things you'll get to see. The only good use for the photos and videos you shoot with the Nokia 3310 is for sending them in messages. There's no point in displaying them on a larger screen like that of your computer monitor or on your TV, and we see absolutely no point in trying to print them on paper. The end results will be unpleasant.
In the gallery below you can see just how bad the camera is at taking photos - we've included both indoor and outdoor photos, close-ups and landscapes.
Filming videos is just as bad as shooting photos. The Nokia 3310 can't do it decently, so there's not much point in trying unless you happen to be around a very important event like aliens landing on Earth. Otherwise, just don't! 🙂 Here's a sample of a video we shot outdoors, to get an idea of what to expect:
The Nokia 3310 is not a phone to buy if you want to shoot photos and film videos. It simply wasn't built for that sort of thing. Also, you must buy a Micro SD card if you want to use it for picture taking or video recording.
Pros and cons
There are some positives about the Nokia 3310:
- From a visual perspective, this phone looks good
- It offers long-lasting battery life
- Marketing-wise, resurrecting a legend like a Nokia 3310 is a good idea
However, there are plenty of downsides about this phone:
- The build quality contrasts the nice visuals. This phone is made of cheap materials that are far from being as durable as those used on the original.
- It can be used only on 2G networks. It is unusable if your mobile operator offers only 3G/4G networks
- Poor sound quality in phone calls
- The apps on this phone are not fast, not easy to use and not that useful
- The camera is unusable for modern standards
- This phone costs too much for what it offers
The 2017 version of the Nokia 3310 is a feature phone that's a good choice for people who are nostalgic and remember the "good old days" of the early 2000s. It's a phone for those who want to get away from the "era of smartphones" and it is a backup phone that you can use when your smartphone's battery dies. While visually, it looks like a device that's made for young people, young people who use smartphones regularly will detest it. Maybe some young hipsters will enjoy using it but that's about it. Also, the "new" Nokia 3310 is too expensive and it fails exactly where its ancestor was legendary: at its build quality. The hype around Nokia 3310 is not deserved!