如果您使用Windows 10 或Windows 8.1 和 Web 浏览器,例如Microsoft Edge 或 Internet Explorer(Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer),您可能遇到过SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)或Windows Defender SmartScreen。这是所有现代Windows操作系统中的一项功能。其目的是引导您远离您在网上找到的恶意和危险网站和文件。这是一个有用的功能,可以提高您的安全性,您应该始终启用它。如果您想了解更多关于它的信息、它的作用和工作原理,请阅读这篇文章:
什么是 SmartScreen 过滤器?
SmartScreen 根据不断更新的安全威胁列表检查您在线访问的内容,例如网络钓鱼站点、恶意文件、应用程序和网站。如果找到匹配项,则会显示警告,通知您尝试访问的资源已被阻止以确保您的安全。

SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)是在Internet Explorer 8推出时首次引入的,其唯一目的是提高您的安全性。在Windows 10中,SmartScreen 筛选器(SmartScreen filter)还设计为与Microsoft Edge 网络浏览器(Microsoft Edge web browser)和Outlook.com电子邮件服务一起使用。

Windows 10 和Windows 8.1还使用文件资源管理(File Explorer)器中的SmartScreen 过滤(SmartScreen filter)器来仔细检查您尝试运行的可执行文件。应用相同的原则,如在Microsoft Edge 和 Internet Explorer(Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer)中。
Microsoft还使用SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)来保护Outlook.com 电子邮件(Outlook.com email)服务的用户免受垃圾邮件、网络钓鱼电子邮件和各种恶意软件的侵害。
在Windows 10中,SmartScreen 筛选器(SmartScreen filter)可以通过Windows Defender 安全中心(Windows Defender Security Center)进行配置。
SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)如何工作?
SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)通过检查您访问的每个网站以及您尝试下载和运行的每个文件来工作。它将一些关于它们的快速信息发送到Microsoft的Windows Defender SmartScreen服务器。
当Microsoft从SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)收到有关特定网站的信息时,它会检查该网站是否属于任何已知网络钓鱼或其他危险网站列表的一部分。如果是,它会警告您或阻止您访问它,并让您知道继续操作不安全。

对于您尝试下载和运行的文件,Microsoft的服务器会检查这些文件是否合法并且不会对您构成任何风险。如果文件有风险,它会通过显示适当的消息让您知道。但是,有时SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)也会认为不常下载的文件是不安全的。在这种情况下,它会警告您,但不会阻止您下载或运行这些文件。

SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)在两个级别上工作:Web浏览器级别(browser level)和操作系统级别(operating system level)。到目前为止,我们所说的所有内容在Microsoft Edge 和 Internet Explorer(Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer)中都是有效的。此外,如果您使用的是Windows 10或Windows 8.1,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)也适用于操作系统级别(operating system level),这意味着它会检查您运行的文件。更重要的是,在Windows 10中,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)还会检查来自Microsoft Store的应用程序。
SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)在您的屏幕上显示什么?
无论(Regardless)您使用的是 Microsoft Edge 还是 Internet Explorer(Edge or Internet Explorer),当您偶然发现一个危险网站时,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)可能会显示不同的消息,具体取决于它认为该网站的威胁程度。例如,您可能会看到以下消息之一:
如果SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)认为您正在访问的网页可疑,您的浏览器会显示一条消息,指出“这可能不是您想要的网站”。("This might not be the site you want.")

如果已知您正在访问的网页是网络钓鱼或托管恶意软件,您的 Web 浏览器(Microsoft Edge 或 Internet Explorer(Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer))会阻止它加载并提醒您前方的危险,告诉您“该网站已被报告为不安全。 "("This website has been reported as unsafe.")

在Windows 10和Windows 8.1中,当您尝试从 Internet 下载可疑文件时,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)会阻止它并告诉您“Windows Defender SmartScreen 阻止了无法识别的应用程序启动。运行此应用程序可能会使您的 PC 处于危险之中。 "("Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.")

此外,如果已知您尝试下载的文件是恶意文件,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen Filter)会阻止它并让您知道“该应用程序可能会损坏您的设备。敏感的个人数据也可能存在风险。”("The application may cause damage to your device. Sensitive personal data may also be at risk.")

在Windows 7中,当您偶然发现危险文件时也会显示这些警报,但它们仅显示在Internet Explorer的下载对话框(download dialog)中:

如何绕过SmartScreen 过滤器在(SmartScreen filter)Windows 10中下载和运行文件,即使它们被认为有风险
当SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)对话框在屏幕上打开时,单击或点击(click or tap) “更多信息”。("More info.")

然后,单击或点击“仍然运行”。("run anyway.")

如何绕过SmartScreen 过滤器在(SmartScreen filter)Windows 7中下载和运行文件,即使它们被认为有风险
在Windows 7上的Internet Explorer中,单击或点击(click or tap)窗口底部弹出对话框(dialog popup)中的“操作(Actions)”按钮。

然后单击SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen Filter)窗口左下角的“更多选项”按钮。("More Options")

最后,单击“仍然运行”。("Run anyway.")

如何绕过SmartScreen 过滤器在(SmartScreen filter)Windows 8.1中下载和运行文件,即使它们被认为有风险
在Windows 8.1中,警告文本下方有一个名为“更多信息”的链接。("More Info.")单击或点击它。

您现在会看到一些关于您将要运行的文件的信息,例如发布者和程序的名称。另外,您还会获得“仍然运行”(Run Anyway")按钮。单击(Click)或点击它,文件将被执行。

如您所知,SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)是一项出色的安全功能(security feature),可帮助您避开可能要从 Internet 下载的有风险的网站和文件。你是否同意这种说法?如果您对SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen filter)有任何疑问或问题,请随时在下方发表评论。
Simple questions: What is the SmartScreen filter and how does it work?
If you use Windows 10, or Windows 8.1 and web browsers such as Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, you may have encountered the SmartScreen filter or the Windows Defender SmartScreen. This is a feature found in all modern Windows opеrating ѕystems. Its purpose is to steer you away from mаlicious and dangerous webѕites and fileѕ that you find online. It is a useful feature that enhances your safety and which you should always keep enabled. If you want to learn more aboυt it, what it doеs and how іt works, read this article:
What is the SmartScreen filter?
SmartScreen checks what you visit online against a continuously updated list of security threats, like phishing sites, malicious files, apps, and websites. If it finds a match, it shows a warning, notifying that the resource you tried to access has been blocked for your safety.

The SmartScreen filter was first introduced with the launch of Internet Explorer 8, with the sole purpose of improving your security. In Windows 10, the SmartScreen filter was also designed to work with the Microsoft Edge web browser and the Outlook.com e-mail service.
If a file you are about to download is known by SmartScreen to be downloaded by a reasonably large number of people and considered to be safe, it lets you download it without any warnings. If a file has not been downloaded much by others or, a small number of people downloaded it, then it warns that it might not be a safe thing to do.

This can be annoying sometimes when downloading less popular files, but it can keep you safe when viruses or other forms of malware are trying to download on your device.
Windows 10 and Windows 8.1 also use the SmartScreen filter in File Explorer, to double-check the executable files you are trying to run. The same principles are applied, as in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer.
Microsoft also uses the SmartScreen filter to protect the users of their Outlook.com email service, from spam messages, phishing emails, and malware of all kinds.
In Windows 10, the SmartScreen filter can be configured through Windows Defender Security Center.
How does the SmartScreen filter work?
The SmartScreen filter works by checking each website you visit and each file you try to download and run. It sends some quick information about them to Microsoft's Windows Defender SmartScreen servers.
When Microsoft receives information from the SmartScreen filter about a particular website, it checks whether that website is part of any list of known phishing or otherwise dangerous websites. If it is, it either warns you or blocks your access to it, and lets you know that it is not safe to continue.

In the case of files you try to download and run, Microsoft's servers check whether those files are legitimate and do not pose any risks to you. If the files are risky, it lets you know by displaying appropriate messages. However, sometimes the SmartScreen filter also considers files that are not commonly downloaded to be unsafe. In that case, it warns you, but it does not block you from downloading or running those files.

The SmartScreen filter works on two levels: on a web browser level and an operating system level. All that we said until now is valid in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer. Additionally, if you are using Windows 10 or Windows 8.1, the SmartScreen filter also works on the operating system level, meaning that it checks the files you run. Even more than that, in Windows 10, the SmartScreen filter also checks the apps from the Microsoft Store.
What does the SmartScreen filter show on your screen?
Regardless of whether you use Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, when you stumble upon a dangerous website, the SmartScreen filter might display different messages depending on how threatening it considers that website. For instance, you might see one of these messages:
If the SmartScreen filter considers the webpage that you are visiting to be suspicious, your browser shows a message that states "This might not be the site you want."

If the webpage you are visiting is known to be phishing or hosting malware, your web browser (Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer) blocks it from loading and alerts you of the danger ahead, by telling you that "This website has been reported as unsafe."

In Windows 10 and Windows 8.1, when you are trying to download a suspicious file from the internet, the SmartScreen filter blocks it and tells you that "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk."

Moreover, if the file you are trying to download is known to be malicious, the SmartScreen Filter blocks it and lets you know that "The application may cause damage to your device. Sensitive personal data may also be at risk."

In Windows 7, these alerts are also shown when you stumble upon dangerous files, but they are displayed only in Internet Explorer's download dialog:

How to bypass the SmartScreen filter to download and run files in Windows 10, even if they are considered risky
SmartScreen may block you from downloading a legitimate file that does not harm your computer. What do you do, if you want to download and use that file?
When the SmartScreen filter dialog opens on your screen, click or tap "More info."

Then, click or tap "run anyway."

How to bypass the SmartScreen filter to download and run files in Windows 7, even if they are considered risky
In Internet Explorer on Windows 7, click or tap on the Actions button from the dialog popup at the bottom of the window.

Then click the "More Options" button from the bottom-left corner of the SmartScreen Filter window.

Finally, click on "Run anyway."

How to bypass the SmartScreen filter to download and run files in Windows 8.1, even if they are considered risky
In Windows 8.1, below the text of the warning, there is a link called "More Info." Click or tap on it.

You are now shown a bit of info about the file that you are about to run, such as the publisher and the name of the program. Plus, you get the "Run Anyway" button. Click or tap on it, and the file is executed.

As you now know, the SmartScreen filter is an excellent security feature that can help you avoid risky websites and files that you might want to download from the internet. Do you agree with this statement? If you have any questions or issues about the SmartScreen filter, do not hesitate to leave a comment below.