如果您在家工作并且从办公室带来笔记本电脑,则可能需要将第二台显示器连接到它。更大的屏幕和更多的空间绝对可以提高您的工作效率,更不用说拥有两个可以同时工作的屏幕会更好。您(Did)是否问过自己:“如何将显示器连接到笔记本电脑并同时使用两个屏幕?” 无论(Regardless)出于何种原因,如果您想了解如何将第二台显示器连接到装有Windows 10的(Windows 10)笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet),请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 如何使用HDMI将第二台显示器连接到笔记本电脑(HDMI)
HDMI来自High-Definition Multimedia Interface,是一种允许电子设备使用专用电缆将视频和音频流传输到兼容的计算机显示器、电视(TVs)、视频投影仪和其他类似设备的技术。
如果您有一台带HDMI 端口(HDMI port)的笔记本电脑,您可以用它来连接外接显示器,甚至是电视或视频投影仪(TVs or video projectors)。这是最好的方法之一,因为HDMI在性能、(HDMI)视频质量(video quality)和易用性之间提供了极好的平衡。许多现代笔记本电脑上至少有一个可用的HDMI 端口(HDMI port),因此您的笔记本电脑很有可能(chance yours)也有一个。
查看您的笔记本电脑,看看您是否有HDMI 端口(HDMI port)。HDMI接口(HDMI port)是长方形的,有两个直角和两个切掉的角。这是HDMI 端口(HDMI port)的外观:
其次,检查您的外接电脑显示器(computer monitor)上是否有HDMI 端口(HDMI port)。它通常位于背面,但有些侧面也可以有HDMI 端口(HDMI port)。
如果您的笔记本电脑和外接显示器都有HDMI端口,请使用HDMI 电缆(HDMI cable)连接它们。
根据您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑和外接显示器的配置方式,现在您可能会看到显示器已经显示了一些图像。但是,在大多数情况下,您仍然需要配置一些设置才能使外接显示器正常(monitor work)工作。
在您的外接显示器上,查找标有Source的物理按钮。如果找到,请反复推动,直到显示器显示HDMI作为输入源。如果没有此类按钮,请打开显示器的OSD(屏幕显示(On-Screen Display))并浏览菜单以查找输入源(input source)。找到后,选择HDMI。
接下来,您必须配置Windows 10以让您根据自己的喜好使用这两种显示器。调整设置的最简单方法是使用Windows 10的项目(Project)功能。同时按下键盘上的Windows + P键,或打开操作中心(action center),展开(Expand)快速操作,然后单击或点击项目(Project)按钮。
然后,Windows 10 应该为您提供几个如何使用显示器的选项:仅 PC 屏幕、复制、扩展(PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend)和仅第二个屏幕(Second screen only)。通过单击或点击选择您喜欢的一个。如果您想同时使用这两个屏幕,您应该选择Extend或Duplicate。
Extend会增加 Windows 10 桌面的大小以覆盖两个显示器,因此如果您需要更多的屏幕空间来处理,这可能是您想要的。该选项可让您将窗口和应用程序从笔记本电脑屏幕拖放到外接显示器,反之亦然。
如果您想进一步自定义外接显示器与笔记本电脑的协同工作方式,例如调整外接显示器的分辨率或在扩展桌面时设置屏幕顺序,请阅读:更改屏幕分辨率(screen resolution)并使文本和图标(text and icons)更大在Windows 10中。
2. 如何使用其他类型的端口和电缆(USB-C、DisplayPort、DVI、VGA、S-Video)连接外接显示器
如果您的笔记本电脑上没有HDMI,则可能有另一种类型的视频端口(video port)。笔记本电脑制造商包含其他类型视频端口(video port)的原因各不相同(s differ)。有些人选择使用较小的视频端口(video port),例如USB-C或更快、功能更强大的DisplayPort端口。如果您拥有一台旧笔记本电脑,它可能没有我们提到的任何视频端口,而是带有旧类型的端口,例如(video port)DVI、VGA甚至S-Video。
查看笔记本电脑的背面和侧面,检查(laptop and check)以下详细信息,以正确识别笔记本电脑上可用的端口类型:
- DisplayPort:与HDMI类似,但只有一个角是斜切的,而其他三个角都是直角
- Mini DisplayPort:尺寸小得多的DisplayPort ,但在其他方面看起来与常规(DisplayPort)DisplayPort相同(DisplayPort)
- USB-C:是一个矩形和圆角的微型端口
- DVI:比DisplayPort 或 HDMI(DisplayPort or HDMI)大,呈矩形,通常为白色
- VGA:看起来像梯形,通常是蓝色的
- S-Video:圆形,通常为黑色
您可以在笔记本电脑和外接显示器上使用相同的视频端口。(You have the same video ports available on the laptop and external monitor.)在这种情况下,您需要找到与端口匹配的电缆。例如,如果您的显示器和笔记本电脑都有 DisplayPort,您可以使用DisplayPort 电缆(DisplayPort cable)连接它们。这是最好的情况,因为您需要做的就是获得与您的视频端口匹配的电缆,并使用它将外接显示器连接到您的笔记本电脑。
笔记本电脑和外接显示器不共享一个共同的视频端口。(The laptop and the external monitor don't share a common video port.)在这种情况下,将外接显示器连接到笔记本电脑有点棘手,但并非不可能。您需要一个适配器将视频信号从笔记本电脑转换到外接显示器。
根据您的笔记本电脑和显示器(laptop and monitor)上的视频端口,您可能需要DisplayPort转VGA、HDMI转DisplayPort、USB-C转HDMI、VGA转HDMI、DVI转HDMI或Mini DisplayPort转DisplayPort 适配器(DisplayPort adapter)。您可以在电子商店中找到适用于几乎任何类型视频连接的适配器,而且它们相当便宜。获得适配器后,将其插入笔记本电脑上的相应端口。然后在适配器和外接显示器之间插入适当的电缆。
例如,如果您的笔记本电脑有一个旧的VGA 端口(VGA port),而您的显示器有一个HDMI 端口(HDMI port),您可以将VGA到HDMI 适配器(HDMI adapter)插入笔记本电脑的VGA 端口(VGA port),然后在适配器和外接显示器之间插入一根HDMI 电缆。(HDMI cable)
成功将笔记本电脑连接到外接显示器后,您可能会看到显示器已经显示了与笔记本电脑屏幕相同的内容。但是,通常情况下,您仍然需要选择显示器的输入源(input source)。在您的外接显示器上,使用其源(Source)按钮(如果有的话)或它的OSD(屏幕显示(On-Screen Display))来查找输入源(Source)设置并选择与您正在使用的显示器上的端口匹配的那个。例如,如果您使用的是DisplayPort 电缆(DisplayPort cable),请选择具有相同名称的输入(Input)。
如果您使用的是VGA 电缆(VGA cable),请选择VGA 或 PC(VGA or PC)。视频连接(video connection)的名称可能因外接显示器的制造商而异,因此如果您第一次没有正确使用,请尝试其他可用的源(Source)选项。最后,当您获得正确(right one)的视频时,笔记本电脑中的视频应该会出现在您的外部屏幕上。
接下来,您可以选择Windows 10使用屏幕的方式。首先(First),打开项目(Project)工具。您可以在通知面板中执行此操作*:展开(Expand)* 快速操作并按下项目(Project)按钮。或者,您也可以使用Windows + P键盘快捷键。
Windows 10 的项目(Project)功能向您展示了将外接显示器与笔记本电脑屏幕一起使用的几种方式:仅 PC 屏幕、复制、扩展(PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend)和仅第二个屏幕(Second screen only)。选择您喜欢的:如果您想同时使用笔记本电脑的屏幕和外接显示器,请选择扩展(Extend)或复制(Duplicate)。
提示:(TIP:) 您(Did)是否知道,当您使用双显示器设置(dual-monitor setup)时,您还可以并排捕捉Windows应用程序并拆分屏幕?
3. 如何使用无线连接将外接显示器(或电视)连接到笔记本电脑(wireless connection)
一些更高端的外接显示器也支持无线连接,使用一种称为Miracast的技术。我们已经发表了关于Miracast是什么以及如何使用Miracast从Windows 10投影到电视或显示器(TV or monitor)的文章。如果您想要深入的解释,您可以阅读这些内容。但是,如果您没有时间阅读其他材料,以下是在您的笔记本电脑和支持Miracast的外接显示器(或电视)之间建立无线连接所必须执行的操作:
打开支持 Miracast 的外接显示器或智能电视。请记住,在某些显示器(和智能电视(TVs))上,您可能还需要检查它们的设置以确保其上启用了无线连接。这些设置可能具有不同的名称,并且它们也可能出现在您的外接显示器(或智能电视)菜单的不同位置,具体取决于其制造商。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您的外接显示器或电视(monitor or TV)不支持Miracast,您还可以购买和使用Miracast 加密狗(Miracast dongle),例如Microsoft 无线显示适配器(Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter)、Belkin Miracast 视频适配器(Belkin Miracast Video Adapter)或ASUS Miracast 无线显示加密狗(ASUS Miracast Wireless Display Dongle)。在这种情况下,您的外接显示器(或电视)必须有一个可用的HDMI 端口(HDMI port)。Miracast 适配器(Miracast adapter)还必须使用显示器上的USB端口(USB port)或通过常规USB 充电器(USB charger)(如用于智能手机的充电器)进行充电。
确保外接显示器(或电视)已打开并且已启用Miracast功能后,请转到您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑。(Miracast)在其上,打开项目(Project)面板:在通知面板中,展开(, Expand)快速操作,然后按项目(Project)按钮。更快的方法是使用Windows + P键盘快捷键。
Windows 10 的项目(Project)应显示为桌面右侧的面板。在某些情况下,它可能会自动启动“搜索无线显示器和音频设备”。("Searching for wireless displays and audio devices.")如果没有,请单击或点击“连接到无线显示器”("Connect to a wireless display")链接。
当您的笔记本电脑找到外接显示器(或电视)时,它会在“项目”(Project)面板的列表中显示它。单击(Click)或点击它,然后等待建立无线连接。注意。在某些电视(TVs)上,您可能还需要确认您希望使用Miracast将它们连接到您的 Windows 10 笔记本电脑。
建立无线连接(wireless connection)后,外接显示器(或电视)应显示笔记本电脑中的图像。要选择外接显示器(或电视)的工作方式,请单击/点击“更改投影模式”("Change projection mode")或返回“项目”(Project)面板,然后在可用的显示模式之间选择您喜欢的模式:仅 PC 屏幕、复制、扩展(PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend)和仅第二个屏幕(Second screen only)。
如果您想同时使用笔记本电脑的屏幕和外接显示器 (TV),请选择扩展(Extend)或复制(Duplicate)。如果您希望桌面跨越两个显示器,请扩展(Extend)笔记本电脑的屏幕,以便您可以将窗口和应用程序从一个拖放到另一个。如果要将笔记本电脑屏幕镜像到外接显示器(或电视)上,请选择复制。(Duplicate)
您是否(Are)在 Windows 10 笔记本电脑上使用外接显示器?
3 ways to connect an external monitor to a laptop with Windows 10
If you're working from home and you brought your laptop frоm your оffice, you might want to connect a second monitor to it. A larger sсrеen with more space on it can defіnitely improve your productivity, not to mention that іt's bеtter to have two scrеens on which you can work at the same time. Did you ask yourself: "How do yоu connect a monitor to a laptop and usе both screens?" Regardless of your reasons, if you wаnt to learn how to connect a second monitor to a laptoр or tablet with Windows 10, here's how to do it:
1. How to connect a second monitor to a laptop using HDMI
HDMI, which comes from High-Definition Multimedia Interface, is a technology that allows electronic devices to transport both video and audio streams to compatible computer monitors, TVs, video projectors, and other similar devices, using dedicated cables.
If you have a laptop with an HDMI port, you can use it to connect an external monitor and even TVs or video projectors. It's one of the best ways to do it, as HDMI provides an excellent balance between performance, video quality, and ease of use. Many modern laptops have at least one HDMI port available on them, so there's a good chance yours has one too.
Look at your laptop to see if you do have an HDMI port on it. HDMI ports are rectangular, with two right angles and two corners that are cut away. Here's what an HDMI port looks like:
Secondly, check whether your external computer monitor has an HDMI port on it. It's usually found on its back, but some can also have HDMI ports on their sides.
If both your laptop and your external monitor have HDMI ports, use an HDMI cable to connect them.
Depending on how your Windows 10 laptop and your external monitor are configured, now you might see that the monitor already displays some images. However, in most cases, you still need to configure a few settings to make the external monitor work properly.
On your external monitor, look for a physical button that's labeled Source. If you find one, push it repeatedly until the monitor shows HDMI as the source of input. If there is no such button, open the monitor's OSD (On-Screen Display) and navigate through the menus to find the input source. When you find it, select HDMI.
Next, you have to configure Windows 10 to let you use both displays according to your preferences. The easiest way to adjust the settings is to use Windows 10's Project feature. Simultaneously press the Windows + P keys on your keyboard, or open the action center, Expand the quick actions, and click or tap the Project button.
Then, Windows 10 should give you several options for how to use your displays: PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend, and Second screen only. Select the one you prefer by clicking or tapping on it. If you want to use both screens, you should choose either Extend or Duplicate.
Extend increases the size of your Windows 10 desktop to cover both displays, so that's likely what you want if you need more screen estate to work on. This is the option that lets you drag and drop windows and apps from your laptop screen to your external monitor and the other way around.
Duplicate, on the other hand, only mirrors your laptop's screen on the external monitor, which can be useful if you want to show others what you're doing on your laptop.
If you want to further customize the way your external monitor works together with your laptop, like adjust the resolution of the external monitor or set the order of the screens if you extend your desktop, read: Change the screen resolution and make text and icons bigger in Windows 10.
2. How to connect an external monitor using other types of ports and cables (USB-C, DisplayPort, DVI, VGA, S-Video)
If you don't have HDMI on your laptop, you might have another type of video port on it. The reasons for laptop manufacturers to include other types of video ports differ. Some choose to use smaller video ports such as USB-C or faster and more capable DisplayPort ports. If you own an old laptop, it might not have any of the video ports we've mentioned, instead coming with older types of ports such as DVI, VGA, or even S-Video.
Look on the back and the sides of your laptop and check for the following details to correctly identify the type of ports available on your laptop:
- DisplayPort: looks similar to HDMI but only one of its corners is cut diagonally, while the other three corners all have right angles
- Mini DisplayPort: a DisplayPort that's much smaller in size, but otherwise looks the same as a regular DisplayPort
- USB-C: Is a tiny port with a rectangular shape and rounded corners
- DVI: larger than DisplayPort or HDMI, with a rectangular shape and usually colored white
- VGA: looks like a trapezoid and it's usually colored in blue
- S-Video: has a circular shape and usually a black color
Repeat the same process to see what types of video ports are available on your external monitor. After you've identified what video ports are available on both your laptop and external monitor, there are two situations in which you can find yourself:
You have the same video ports available on the laptop and external monitor. In this case, you need to find a cable that matches the ports. For example, if both your monitor and your laptop have DisplayPorts, you can use a DisplayPort cable to connect them. This is the best situation, as all you need to do is get a cable that matches your video ports and use it to connect the external monitor to your laptop.
The laptop and the external monitor don't share a common video port. In this case, connecting the external monitor to your laptop is a bit trickier, but not impossible. What you need is an adapter to convert the video signal from your laptop to the external monitor.
Depending on what video ports you have on your laptop and monitor, you might need a DisplayPort to VGA, HDMI to DisplayPort, USB-C to HDMI, VGA to HDMI, DVI to HDMI, or Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort adapter. You can find adapters in electronics shops for almost any type of video connection, and they're fairly cheap. Once you've got the adapter, plug it into the corresponding port on your laptop. Then plug an appropriate cable between the adapter and the external monitor.
For example, if your laptop has an old VGA port and your monitor an HDMI port, you can plug a VGA to HDMI adapter in your laptop's VGA port, and then an HDMI cable between the adapter and your external monitor.
Once you've managed to connect your laptop to your external monitor, you might see that the monitor already displays the same things as your laptop's screen. However, more often than not, you still have to select the monitor's input source. On your external monitor, use its Source button (if it has one) or its OSD (On-Screen Display) to find the input Source setting and select the one that matches the port on the monitor that you're using. For example, if you're using a DisplayPort cable, select the Input that bears the same name.
If you're using a VGA cable, select VGA or PC. The name of the video connection can differ depending on the manufacturer of your external monitor, so if you don't get it right the first time, try the other Source option available. In the end, when you get the right one, video from your laptop should appear on your external screen.
Next, you can select the way in which Windows 10 uses your screens. First, open the Project tool. You can do that in the notifications panel*: Expand* the quick actions and press the Project button. Alternatively, you can also use the Windows + P keyboard shortcut.
Windows 10's Project feature shows you a few ways in which you can use your external monitor together with your laptop's screen: PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend, and Second screen only. Select what you prefer: if you want to use both your laptop's screen and your external monitor, choose Extend or Duplicate.
Extend expands your desktop so that it spans across both screens. If what you want is more space on your desktop and to be able to drag windows and apps from one screen to the other, select this option. Duplicate mirrors the laptop's screen on the external monitor. In some situations, this can prove useful, like when you want others to be able to watch on the external monitor what you're doing on your laptop.
TIP: Did you know that you can also snap Windows apps side by side and split the screen, when you're using a dual-monitor setup?
3. How to connect an external monitor (or TV) to a laptop using a wireless connection
Some higher-end external monitors also support wireless connections, using a technology called Miracast. We've already published articles on what Miracast is and how to use Miracast to project from Windows 10 to a TV or monitor. You can read those if you want in-depth explanations. However, if you don't have time to read additional material, here's what you have to do to establish a wireless connection between your laptop and an external monitor (or TV) that supports Miracast:
Turn on your Miracast-enabled external monitor or smart TV. Keep in mind that, on some monitors (and smart TVs), you might also have to check their settings to make sure that wireless connections are enabled on it. Those settings might bear different names, and they might also be found in different places in your external monitor (or smart TV) menus, depending on its manufacturer.
NOTE: If your external monitor or TV doesn't have built-in support for Miracast, you can also buy and use a Miracast dongle such as a Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter, Belkin Miracast Video Adapter or an ASUS Miracast Wireless Display Dongle. In this case, your external monitor (or TV) must have an HDMI port available. The Miracast adapter must also be charged using a USB port on your display or via a regular USB charger like those you use for your smartphones.
Once you've made sure that the external monitor (or TV) is on and that the Miracast features are enabled on it, go to your Windows 10 laptop. On it, open the Project panel: in the notifications panel, Expand the quick actions, and then press the Project button. A faster way is to use the Windows + P keyboard shortcut.
Windows 10's Project should show up as a panel on your desktop's right side. In some cases, it might automatically start "Searching for wireless displays and audio devices." If it doesn't, click or tap the "Connect to a wireless display" link.
When your laptop finds the external monitor (or TV), it shows it on a list in the Project panel. Click or tap on it, and then wait for the wireless connection to be established. Note that. On some TVs, you might also have to confirm that you want to connect them to your Windows 10 laptop using Miracast.
Once the wireless connection has been established, the external monitor (or TV) should display images from your laptop. To choose how the external monitor (or TV) works, either click/tap on "Change projection mode" or go back to the Project panel, and select what you prefer between the available display modes: PC screen only, Duplicate, Extend, and Second screen only.
If you want to use both your laptop's screen and the external monitor (TV), select either Extend or Duplicate. Extend your laptop's screen if you want your desktop to span across both displays so that you can drag and drop windows and apps from one to the other. Choose Duplicate if you want to mirror your laptop screen on the external monitor (or TV).
Are you using an external monitor on your Windows 10 laptop?
Now you know how to add a second monitor, or even a TV, to your laptop. Do you find it easier to work on two screens at the same time? Did you encounter any problems when trying to connect your external monitor? We'd love to hear from you and, if you need our help, reach us using the comments below.