解决 Windows 10 中的 Internet 连接问题: (Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10: )在当今的数字世界中,一切(world everything)都与 Internet 相关联,您可以使用 Internet 轻松支付账单、充值、购物、通信等。事实上,今天人们尝试在网上做所有事情(everything online),因为甚至不用离开家就可以完成所有工作。但是,要执行上述所有任务,您需要一个有效的互联网连接(internet connection)。
互联网:(Internet: )互联网(Internet)是使用互联网(Internet)协议连接全球设备的互连计算机网络的全球系统。(computer network)它被称为网络的网络。它承载着广泛的信息和服务(information and services)。它是一个由电子、无线和光网络技术连接的本地到全球范围的网络。
现在您知道Internet是一个广泛的网络,它有助于轻松执行许多任务,但这里重要的一件事是 Internet 的速度。例如,假设您正在使用您的卡支付在线服务,为了成功支付您需要输入手机上收到的OTP的服务,但这里的问题是,如果您的互联网连接(internet connection)速度比您的OTP将到达您的手机,但您将无法看到可以输入OTP的页面。因此,拥有良好且快速的Internet 连接(Internet connection)非常重要。
如果您尝试使用互联网(Internet)并且出现上述任何问题(above problem),那么在 90% 的情况下,问题出在您的路由器软件或硬件(router software or hardware),或您的 PC 设置上。因此,在首先向您的ISP(ISP)注册投诉之前,您应该尝试在最终解决Windows 10中的(Windows 10)互联网连接(internet connection)问题,如果问题仍然存在,那么只有您应该就该问题联系您的ISP。
现在进行实际的故障排除,您可以使用许多方法或修复程序来解决 Internet连接问题(connection problem),并且由于我们不知道确切的问题,因此建议您仔细遵循每种方法,直到您解决问题为止。现在,如果您遇到互联网连接问题,您应该做的第一件事是检查(connection problem)路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)是否有任何物理损坏,然后检查是否有任何松动的电缆或连接问题。通过在您朋友家中测试来验证路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)是否正常工作,一旦您确定调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)工作正常,那么只有您应该开始对任何问题进行故障排除。
解决 Windows 10 中的 Internet 连接问题(Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10)
确保(Make)创建一个还原点(restore point) 以防万一(case something)出现问题。
在不浪费任何时间的情况下,让我们深入研究解决Internet 连接(Internet Connection)问题的各种方法:
方法 1:尝试其他设备或网站(Method 1: Try Another Device or Website)
首先(First),检查连接到同一路由器或调制解调器的其他设备(如手机、平板电脑等)上的(router or modem)互联网(Internet)是否正常工作。如果您能够在连接到同一网络的其他设备上使用 Internet 而没有任何问题,则问题与您的 PC 有关,而不是与Internet有关。
此外,请检查您的Wi-Fi是否已启用,并且您是否使用正确的密码连接到正确的SSID 。最重要的一步是测试其他一些网站,因为有时您尝试访问的网站可能存在服务器问题,因此您将无法访问它。但这并不意味着您的PC 或路由器(PC or router)有任何问题。
方法 2:调制解调器或路由器问题( Method 2: Modem or Router issues)
调制解调器(Modem)是与Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP ) 通信的设备,而路由器与您家中的所有计算机和其他设备共享该网络。因此,如果您的Internet 连接(Internet connection)出现问题,那么您的调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)可能无法正常工作。该问题可能有多种原因,例如设备可能已损坏或设备可能已变旧等。
现在您需要实际检查您的调制解调器和路由器(modem & router)。首先(First),您需要确定调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)工作时应该点亮的所有灯当前是否正在闪烁。如果您看到橙色或红色指示灯闪烁,则表明您的设备存在问题。黄色或某些情况下的绿色指示灯表示设备工作正常。如果DSL 灯(DSL light)闪烁或不亮,则问题出在您的ISP而不是您的设备上。
您可以尝试解决路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)的问题,方法是先关闭电源,然后拔下所有电缆,然后再重新插入。再次尝试(Again try)打开设备电源,看看是否能够解决问题。如果问题仍然存在,则您需要将设备恢复出厂设置或尝试升级调制解调器或路由器固件(modem or router firmware)。如果没有任何效果,那么您可能需要用新的调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)更换。
方法 3:检查 WAN 和 LAN 连接( Method 3: Check for WAN & LAN Connections)
检查所有电缆是否紧密连接到路由器或调制解调器(router or modem),并且所有无线接入点(access point)是否正常工作。最后,检查您的以太网(Ethernet)电缆是否正确插入。如果您在Windows 10中遇到(Windows 10)Internet 连接(Internet Connection)问题,那么您应该尝试将以太网(Ethernet)电缆换成新的,并检查您是否使用了正确类型的电缆。
同时检查两端的端口配置,以太网(Ethernet)线是否通电,两端端口(ON and ports)是否开启。
方法四:Ping 命令( Method 4: Ping Command)
如果您的Internet 连接(Internet connection)不能正常工作,那么您应该尝试运行Ping 命令(Ping command)。此命令将告诉您网络连接(network connection)是否存在问题或任何其他问题。Ping 命令(Ping command)为您提供有关数据包发送、接收和丢失的详细信息。如果发送和接收的数据包相同,则这意味着没有丢失的数据包,这表明没有网络问题(network issue)。但是,如果您看到一些丢失的数据包或 Web 服务器花费太多时间来响应某些发送的数据包,那么这意味着您的网络存在问题。
要检查是否有任何网络问题(network issue)或不使用 ping 命令,请按照以下步骤操作:
1.在Windows 搜索中(Windows Search)键入命令提示符(command prompt),然后右键单击(right-clic)命令提示符(Command Prompt)并选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)
2.在命令提示符下输入(command prompt)以下命令(below command)并回车:
ping google.com
方法 5:扫描病毒或恶意软件( Method 5: Scan for Viruses or Malware)
Internet 蠕虫(Internet worm)是一种恶意软件程序(software program),它以极快的速度从一台设备传播到另一台设备。一旦Internet 蠕虫(Internet worm)或其他恶意软件进入您的设备,它会自发地产生大量网络流量,并可能导致 Internet 连接问题。(network traffic)因此,您的 PC 上可能存在一些恶意代码,这些代码也会损害您的Internet 连接(Internet Connection)。要处理恶意软件或病毒(malware or viruses),建议使用知名的防病毒软件(Antivirus software)扫描您的设备。
因此,建议保持更新的防病毒软件可以经常扫描并从您的设备中删除此类Internet 蠕虫和恶意软件。(Internet Worms and Malware)因此,请使用本指南了解有关如何使用Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 的(Malwarebytes Anti-Malware)更多信息。如果您使用的是Windows 10,那么您将拥有很大的优势,因为Windows 10带有一个名为Windows Defender的内置(Windows Defender)防病毒软件(antivirus software),它可以自动扫描并从您的设备中删除任何有害病毒或恶意软件。(virus or malware)
方法 6:检查您的网速( Method 6: Check Your Internet Speed)
有时,您的互联网(Internet)运行良好,但比预期的要慢。要检查您的Internet 连接的(Internet connection)速度和质量(speed and quality),请使用Speedtest.net等网站进行速度测试(speed test)。然后将速度结果与您的预期速度进行比较。确保(Make)在参加考试之前停止任何下载、上传或任何其他繁重的互联网活动。(Internet activity)确保(Make)在参加考试之前停止任何下载、上传或任何其他繁重的互联网活动。(Internet activity)
如果一个Internet 连接(Internet connection)用于运行多台设备,那么某些设备可能会使您的Internet 连接(Internet connection)饱和并减慢所有其他设备的速度。因此,如果发生这种情况,您应该升级您的Internet 软件包(Internet package),或者您应该使用该连接运行有限数量的设备,以便维持您的带宽。
方法 7:( Method 7: )尝试新的 DNS 服务器(Try a New DNS Server)
当您在浏览器中输入任何Url 或地址时,它首先会访问(Url or address)DNS,以便您的设备可以将其转换为计算机友好的IP 地址(IP address)。有时,您的计算机用于转换该地址的服务器会出现一些问题,或者它会完全崩溃。
因此,如果您的默认DNS 服务器(DNS server)有一些问题,请寻找备用DNS 服务器(DNS server),它也会提高您的速度。要更改DNS 服务器(DNS server),请执行以下步骤:
1.打开控制面板,点击网络和互联网。(Network and Internet.)
2.点击网络和共享中心。(Network and Sharing Center.)
3.点击连接的Wi-Fi。(connected Wi-Fi.)
5.选择Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/ IPv4)并单击属性。
6.选择“使用以下DNS服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)”,输入您要使用的DNS服务器地址。(DNS server)
注意:(Note:)您可以使用 Google 的DNS: 和。
方法 8:( Method 8: )停止占用大部分带宽的后台程序(Stop Background Programs taking most of the Bandwidth)
您的Internet可能运行良好,但您计算机上的某些程序正在消耗所有带宽(Bandwidth),因此您可能会遇到 Internet 速度慢或有时网站根本无法加载的情况。您将无法缩小这些程序的范围,因为它们中的大多数都在后台运行,并且在任务栏或通知区域(taskbar or notification area)中不可见。例如,如果某个程序正在更新,那么它可能会占用大量带宽,您必须等到程序更新,或者您必须中止进程才能使用带宽进行工作。
因此,在使用互联网(Internet)之前,请检查在后台运行的程序和应用程序,并停止应用程序在Windows 10上的后台运行。您还可以按照以下步骤检查并结束占用更多带宽的程序:
1.使用此处列出的任何一种方法或使用快捷键Ctrl+Shift+Esc.打开任务管理器。(Task Manager)
2.点击网络栏(Network column),所有的节目都按照网络使用情况(Network usage)进行排序。
3.如果您发现任何程序正在使用更多带宽,那么您可以使用任务管理器(Task Manager)停止或结束该程序(stop or end the program)。只要(Just)确保它不是像 Windows 更新这样的重要程序。(not an important program like Windows Update.)
4.右键单击(Right-click)使用(program utilizing)更多带宽的程序并选择结束任务。 ( End Task. )
方法9:更新路由器固件( Method 9: Update Router Firmware)
现在路由器也是如此,首先访问路由器制造商(router manufacturer)的网站(s website)并为您的设备下载最新的固件。接下来,登录路由器的管理面板并导航到(router and navigate)路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)系统部分(system section)下的固件更新工具。找到固件更新工具后,请仔细按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,并确保安装正确的固件版本。
注意:(Note:)建议不要从任何第三方站点(party site)下载固件更新。
方法 10:重启和恢复路由器设置( Method 10: Reboot & Restore Router Settings)
如果您在Windows 10中遇到(Windows 10)Internet 连接问题,那么您的(Internet Connection Problems)路由器或调制解调器(Router or Modem)可能存在问题。您可以重新启动路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)以检查这是否解决了您的Internet 连接(Internet Connection)问题。
如果重新启动设备(device doesn)不起作用,则某些路由器或调制解调器配置(router or modem configuration)可能会导致问题。此外,如果您最近有意或无意地对路由器设置进行了任何更改,这可能是面临互联网连接问题的另一个可能原因。因此,如果是这种情况,您可以将调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)重置为出厂默认配置(factory default configuration)。您需要按下路由器或调制解调器(router or modem)后面板上的小重置按钮(reset button),然后按住按钮几秒钟LED灯开始闪烁。设备重置后,您可以登录管理面板(Web 界面)并根据您的要求从头开始设置设备。
方法 11:联系您的 Internet 服务提供商( Method 11: Contact Your Internet Service Provider)
现在,如果您已经尝试了所有方法,但仍然面临Windows 10中的(Windows 10)Internet 连接问题(Internet Connection Problem),那么是时候联系您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP )。如果问题出在他们身上,那么他们一定会尽快解决。但是,如果您的连接仍然很慢或经常断开连接,那么您的ISP可能无法正确处理负载,您可能需要寻找新的和更好的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)。
- 什么是DLNA 服务器以及如何在(DLNA Server & How)Windows 10上启用它?
- 如何在Windows 10上创建(Windows 10)本地用户帐户(Local User Account)
- 在Windows 10中检查您的驱动器(Drive)是SSD 还是 HDD(SSD or HDD)
- 修复 Internet Explorer(Fix Internet Explorer)已停止工作
我希望本文对您有所帮助,您现在可以轻松解决 Windows 10 中的 Internet 连接问题(Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10), 但如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10
Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10: In today’s digital world everything is associated with the internet and you can easily pay your bills, recharge, shop, communicate, etc using the internet. In fact, today people try to do everything online as it has become possible to do all the work without even leaving your house. But, to perform all of the above tasks you will need an active internet connection.
Internet: Internet is the global system of interconnected computer network that use Internet protocols to link devices worldwide. It is known as a network of networks. It carries a vast range of information and services. It is a network of local to global scope linked by electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.
Now as you know that the Internet is a wide network which helps in performing so many tasks easily, but one thing which matters here is the speed of the internet. For example, imagine a scenario where you’re paying for an online service using your card, to successfully pay for the service you need to Enter the OTP received on your phone but the problem here is that if you have a slow internet connection than your OTP will arrive on your phone but you won’t be able to see the page where you can enter the OTP. So, it is very important to have a good and fast Internet connection.
If you try to use the Internet and any of the above problem occurs then in 90% cases the issue is with your router software or hardware, or your PC settings. So, before registering a complaint with your ISP first you should try to troubleshoot the internet connection problems in Windows 10 at your end and if the problem still persists then only you should contact your ISP regarding the issue.
Now coming to the actual troubleshooting, there are many methods or fixes which you can use to troubleshoot internet connection problems and as we don’t know the exact issue it is advised you should follow each method carefully until you fix the problem. Now the first thing you should do if you have an internet connection problem is that you should check for any physical damage to your router or modem then check for any loose cables or connection issues. Verify the router or modem is working by testing it on your friend’s house and once you established that the modem or router is working fine, then only you should start troubleshooting any problems at your end.
Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Without wasting any time, let’s dive right into various methods to troubleshoot the Internet Connection problem:
Method 1: Try Another Device or Website
First of all, check if the Internet is working or not on your other devices such as a mobile, tablet, etc connected to the same router or modem. If you’re able to use the internet without any issues on your other devices connected to the same network, then the problem is related to your PC and not with the Internet.
Also, check if your Wi-Fi is enabled and you are connected to proper SSID using the correct password. And the most important step is to test some other websites as sometimes the website you’re trying to access might have a server issue because of which you won’t be able to access it. But that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your PC or router.
Method 2: Modem or Router issues
A Modem is a device that communicates with the Internet Service Provider (ISP) while the router shares that network with all the computers and other devices inside your house. So if there is a problem with your Internet connection then it may be possible that your modem or router is not working correctly. There can be n number of reasons for the issue such as the device may be damaged or the device may have become old etc.
Now you need to physically inspect your modem & router. First, you need to figure out if all the lights which are supposed to lit when the modem or router is working are currently blinking. If you see an orange or red light blinking then this indicates some problem with your device. Yellow or in some cases green light means that the device is working correctly. If the DSL light is blinking or it doesn’t light up then the issue is with your ISP rather than your device.
You can try to resolve issues with your router or modem by powering then off then unplugging all the cables and then plugging them back in. Again try to power on your devices and see if you’re able to fix the issue. If the problem still persists then you need to factory reset your device or try to upgrade your modem or router firmware. If nothing works, then you might need to change your modem or router with a new one.
Method 3: Check for WAN & LAN Connections
Check if all the cables are tightly connected to the router or modem and all the wireless access point are working as they are supposed to. Finally, check if your Ethernet cables are inserted correctly. If you’re facing the Internet Connection problems in Windows 10 then you should try to swap your Ethernet cables with a new one and check whether if you’re using the right type of cable or not.
Also, check the port configurations at both ends and whether or not the Ethernet cables are powered ON and ports on both the end are enabled or not.
Method 4: Ping Command
If your Internet connection doesn’t work properly then you should try to run the Ping command. This command will tell you if there is a problem with your network connection or any other problem. Ping command gives you detailed information about the data packets send, receive and lost. If the data packets sent & receive are same then this means there are no lost packets which indicate that there is no network issue. But if you see some lost packets or web server taking too much time to respond to some of the sent packets then this means there is a problem with your network.
To check if there is any network issue or not using ping command follow the below steps:
1.Type command prompt in the Windows Search then right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
2.Type the below command in the command prompt and hit Enter:
ping google.com
3.As soon as you hit Enter, you see the detailed results about the packets.
Once the result is displayed you can easily check the information about packets sent, received, lost, and time taken by each packet to figure out if there is an issue with your network or not.
Method 5: Scan for Viruses or Malware
An Internet worm is a malicious software program that spreads at a very fast speed from one device to another. Once Internet worm or other malware enters your device, it creates heavy network traffic spontaneously and can cause internet connection problems. So it is possible that there is some malicious code on your PC which can harm your Internet Connection as well. To deal with malware or viruses it is advised to scan your device with reputed Antivirus software.
So, it is advised to keep an updated anti-virus which can frequently scan and remove such Internet Worms and Malware from your device. So use this guide to learn more about how to use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. If you are using Windows 10, then you have a great advantage as Windows 10 comes with a built-in antivirus software called Windows Defender which can automatically scan and remove any harmful virus or malware from your device.
Method 6: Check Your Internet Speed
Sometimes, your Internet is working fine but is slower than expected. To check the speed and quality of your Internet connection, take the speed test by using a website like Speedtest.net. Then compare the speed results with your expected speed. Make sure to stop any downloads, uploads or any other heavy Internet activity before taking the test. Make sure to stop any downloads, uploads or any other heavy Internet activity before taking the test.
If one Internet connection is used to run multiple devices, so it may be possible that some devices are saturating your Internet connection and slowing it down for all other devices. So, if such case occurs you should upgrade your Internet package or you should run a limited number of devices using that connection so that your bandwidth will be maintained.
Method 7: Try a New DNS Server
When you enter any Url or address in your browser, first it visits DNS so that your device can convert it into a computer-friendly IP address. Sometimes, the servers your computer uses to convert that address have some issues or it goes down entirely.
So, if your default DNS server has some issues then look for an alternate DNS server and it will improve your speed too. To change the DNS server perform below steps:
1.Open Control Panel and click on Network and Internet.
2.Click on Network and Sharing Center.
3.Click on connected Wi-Fi.
4.Click on Properties.
5.Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/ IPv4) and click on Properties.
6.Select “Use the following DNS server addresses”, enter the address of DNS server you want to use.
Note: You can use Google’s DNS: and
7.Click Apply followed by OK.
Method 8: Stop Background Programs taking most of the Bandwidth
It is possible that your Internet is working perfectly fine but some programs on your computer are consuming all the Bandwidth due to which you may experience a slow internet or sometimes the website doesn’t load at all. You won’t be able to narrow down these programs as most of them run the background and are not visible in the taskbar or notification area. For example, if some program is updating then it might occupy a lot of bandwidth and you will have to wait till the program gets updated or you have to abort the process in order to use the bandwidth for your work.
So, before using the Internet, check for programs and applications running in the background and stop apps from running in the background on Windows 10. You can also check and end the programs that are consuming more bandwidth by following the below steps:
1.Open Task Manager by using any one of the methods listed here or by using shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc.
2.Click on the Network column so that all the programs are sorted according to the Network usage.
3.If you find out any program is using more bandwidth then it should then you can stop or end the program using the Task Manager. Just make sure that it is not an important program like Windows Update.
4.Right-click on the program utilizing more bandwidth and select End Task.
If you can’t find any programs which are using more bandwidth then you need to check for the same on other devices connected to the same network and follow the above steps in order to stop or end those programs.
Method 9: Update Router Firmware
Firmware is a low level embedded system that helps in running Router, Modem, and other Networking devices. The firmware of any of the device needs to be updated from time to time for the proper functioning of the device. For most of the networking devices, you can easily download the latest firmware from the manufacturer’s website.
Now the same goes for the router, first head over to the router manufacturer’s website and download the latest firmware for your device. Next, log in to the admin panel of the router and navigate to the firmware update tool under the system section of the router or modem. Once you find the firmware update tool, follow the on-screen instructions carefully and make sure you’re installing the correct firmware version.
Note: It is advised never to download firmware updates from any third party site.
Method 10: Reboot & Restore Router Settings
If you’re facing Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10 then there might be an issue with your Router or Modem. You can reboot your router or modem to check if this fixes the issue with your Internet Connection.
If rebooting the device doesn’t work then certain router or modem configuration might be causing the problem. Also, if you have made any recent changes in the router settings knowingly or unknowingly might be another possible reason for facing internet connection issues. So if this is the case then you can reset your modem or router to its factory default configuration. You need to press the small reset button available at the rear panel on your router or modem, then hold the button for few seconds the LED lights begin flashing. Once the device is reset, you can log in to the admin panel (web interface) and set the device from scratch according to your requirements.
Method 11: Contact Your Internet Service Provider
Now, if you have tried everything and still facing the Internet Connection Problem in Windows 10 then it is time to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If the problem is on their end then they will surely fix it as soon as possible. But if your connection is still slow or frequently disconnects then it may be possible that your ISP is not able to handle the load properly and you may require to find a new & better Internet Service Provider.
I hope this article was helpful and you can now easily Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.