
部分混淆是“接入点”是“无线接入点”的缩写。接入点将 Wi-Fi 接入添加到有线网络并有助于扩展其范围。因此,接入点至少有一些 Wi-Fi 硬件和以太网(Ethernet)连接。当然,这是假设它连接的有线网络使用以太网(Ethernet),这在几乎所有情况下都是正确的。
了解您正在使用接入点的一种简单方法是,它具有唯一的 SSID(unique SSID)(服务集标识符(Service Set Identifier))。这是您连接到网络时看到的 Wi-Fi 名称。

路由器就像一个数字邮件分拣室。网络(Network)流量被分成单独的“数据包”。每个数据包都包含一段数据(例如JPEG或流视频的一部分)以及源和目标信息。路由器(Routers)位于两个不同网络的交汇处,具有不同的IP(互联网协议)地址(IP (internet protocol) addresses)集。
例如,您的家庭路由器在连接到更大的网络(您的ISP )时发送和接收数据包。您的ISP有自己的路由器,这些路由器又连接到更广泛的骨干网络,等等。

路由器是智能设备,可以应用复杂的网络流量管理规则(network traffic management rules)来发送数据。例如,路由器可能会优先考虑视频会议和多人视频游戏等实时应用程序,而不是电子邮件或流式视频。
接入(Access)、分布(Distribution)和核心路由器(Core Routers)
核心路由器(Core routers)直接在互联网主干上运行。互联网骨干网由支撑整个互联网的网络连接组成。想想(Think)连接陆地和海底世界的巨大高速电缆,你就会对我们所说的有一个粗略的了解。核心路由器连接这些主要的主干连接和许多子网络,这些子网络形成网络层次结构,一直到您的家庭互联网连接。

分发路由器(Distribution routers)主要由互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Providers)( ISP(ISPs) ) 用于聚合和路由来自其客户的所有网络流量,并通过网络层次结构中位于其上方的核心路由器将它们连接到整个互联网。
接入路由器(Access routers)是世界各地家庭和办公室中的现场路由器。
根据设备的具体功能和网络位置,还有许多其他路由器分类。例如,边缘路由器(edge routers)是位于 ISP 网络边缘的路由器。边缘路由器专门处理 ISP 网络与其他ISP(ISPs)网络之间的通信。

高端(High-end)无线路由器通常还可以运行网络应用程序,允许它们通过 USB 连接的硬盘驱动器作为VPN客户端、媒体服务器和网络附加存储设备工作。
因此,虽然您的无线路由器包含无线接入点和路由器,但它远不止这两个设备。例如,一些无线路由器也有调制解调器,例如多合一电缆调制解调器路由器。尽管如此,这些设备中的大多数还是通过专用的WAN(WAN)(广域网(Wide Area Network))以太网端口(Ethernet Port)连接到外部调制解调器。
例如,光网络终端(Network Terminal)( ONT ) 将通过光纤发送的光脉冲转换为以太网(Ethernet)电信号。同样(Likewise),ADSL调制解调器将铜线电话信号和移动蜂窝调制解调器转换为相同的微波无线电信号。

例如,大多数无线路由器都可以作为简单的接入点(AP 模式(AP Mode))运行,如果您想重新利用旧路由器或辅助路由器,这非常有用。但是,如果您只需要一个接入点,那么为功能齐全的路由器付费就没有多大意义。
如果您有兴趣进一步了解您的网络知识,您应该查看如何使用备用路由器作为 Wi-Fi 扩展器(How to Use a Spare Router as a Wi-Fi Extender)和网状网络与 Wi-Fi 扩展器与接入点:哪个更好?(Mesh Network vs. Wi-Fi Extender vs. Access Points: Which Is Better?).
Access Point vs. Router: What Are the Differences?
Thesе dayѕ everyone hаs to wire up their home with network technology, which means dеalіng with a long list of network jargon. Twо basiс networking terms are “access point” and “router.” These are different devices with different jobs, but the tеrmѕ are (inсorrectly) used interchangeably in some caѕes.
To avoid any confusion (and incorrect purchases), let’s take the time to learn the critical differences when it comes to an access point vs. a router.

What Is an Access Point?
Part of the confusion is that “access point” is short for “wireless access point.” An access point adds Wi-Fi access to a wired network and helps extend its range. So, an access point has at least some Wi-Fi hardware and an Ethernet connection. Of course, that’s assuming the wired network it’s connected to uses Ethernet, which is true in almost all cases.
In turn, the wired connection is connected to another network device, such as a switch, modem, or router.
One easy way to know that you’re working with an access point is that it will have a unique SSID (Service Set Identifier). That’s the Wi-Fi name you see when you connect to the network.

Two different access points can also connect to the same internet connection, even via the same router. But this does not mean all devices on this network can communicate with each other without you configuring the network settings to allow it.
For example, patients waiting in a doctor’s office can use an access point in the waiting room to get internet access. However, they can’t use the office printer or access the doctor’s computer.
What Is a Router?
A router is like a digital mail-sorting room. Network traffic is split into individual “packets.” Each packet contains a piece of data (such as part of a JPEG or a streaming video) and source and destination information. Routers stand at the intersection of two different networks, with different sets of IP (internet protocol) addresses.
For instance, your home router sends and receives packets when it connects to a bigger network—your ISP. Your ISP has its own routers, which are in turn connected to an even more extensive backbone network, and so on.
Your home router takes those internet packets and makes sure they go to the right devices connected to your home network. So, for example, your smart TV shouldn’t receive data meant for your smartphone.

Routers are intelligent devices that can apply sophisticated network traffic management rules to send data. For example, a router might prioritize real-time applications such as video conferencing and multiplayer video games over email or streaming video.
Routers build up “routing tables,” a list of routes between different network devices that describe how best to move data packets around the networks connected to the router.
Access, Distribution, and Core Routers
There are various types of routers, but the three main categories are:
- Access routers
- Distribution routers
- Core routers
Core routers operate directly on the internet backbone. The internet backbone consists of those network connections that underpin the internet as a whole. Think of the massive high-speed cables that connect the world across land and under the sea, and you’ll have a rough idea of what we’re talking about. Core routers connect these major backbone connections and the many sub-networks that form a hierarchy of networks all the way down to your home internet connection.

Distribution routers are mainly used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to aggregate and route all the network traffic from their customers and connect them to the internet at large through core routers above them in the network hierarchy.
Access routers are routers on-site in homes and offices around the world.
There are many other router classifications, depending on the specific function and network location of the device. For example, edge routers are those found at the edge of an ISP’s network. Edge routers specifically handle communication between the ISP’s network and those of other ISPs.
The Wireless Router in Your House
Although they are popularly referred to as “routers” or “wireless routers,” the little box bristling with antennas in your house is more than that.
Home wireless routers are specialized computers. Inside there’s a CPU, RAM, storage, and an operating system. The same core components as a general-purpose computer.
The “brains” of the device coordinate the different hardware components. Typical wireless routers contain a small Ethernet switch, one or more wireless access points, and the software that allows it to act as a network router, DHCP server, and so on.

High-end wireless routers can often also run network applications that allow them to work as VPN clients, media servers, and network-attached storage devices through a USB-connected hard drive.
So while your wireless router contains a wireless access point and a router, it’s far more than those two devices. For example, some wireless routers also have a modem, such as all-in-one cable modem routers. Still, most of these devices connect to an external modem via a dedicated WAN (Wide Area Network) Ethernet Port.
What About “Modems”?
While this article is not about modems, it’s essential to know how a modem is different from an access point or a router. A modem is a device that physically translates network signals from one type to another.
For example, an Optical Network Terminal (ONT) converts light pulses sent through an optical fiber to electrical Ethernet signals. Likewise, an ADSL modem converts copper telephone signals and mobile cellular modems to the same for microwave radio signals.

The term “modem” (modulator-demodulator) originally referred to devices that converted digital binary code to audio waveforms transmitted over the same frequencies used for voice phone calls, but its meaning is now much broader.
Does This Matter to You?
It’s interesting technology, but why should you care? The most important reason is that you have the option of buying an access point or a router, and if you buy the wrong device for the job, you’ll either have wasted your money or have a product that doesn’t do what you need it for.
For example, most wireless routers can operate as simple access points (AP Mode), which is great if you want to repurpose an old or secondary router. However, if all you need is an access point, paying for a fully-featured router doesn’t make much sense.
If you’re interested in taking your networking knowledge further, you should check out How to Use a Spare Router as a Wi-Fi Extender and Mesh Network vs. Wi-Fi Extender vs. Access Points: Which Is Better?.