当您第一次安装或使用 Windows 8.1 时,操作系统(operating system)将引导您完成的第一个过程是创建您的主用户帐户。在大多数情况下,这将是您将使用的主要帐户。但是,在某些情况下,您需要为其他家庭成员或朋友配置其他用户帐户。创建(Creating)其他用户帐户并不是一项复杂的任务,但对于 Windows 8.1 的新手来说,这可能会有点令人困惑。让我们深入了解如何添加或创建新用户帐户!
无论(Regardless)您是要使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)还是本地帐户登录,都需要先进入PC 设置(PC Settings),然后才能开始。使用本教程中描述的方法之一打开PC 设置:(PC Settings)访问 PC 设置的(Access PC Settings)六种(Six)方法。
当PC 设置(PC Settings)窗口加载时,选择帐户(Accounts)部分。

接下来,选择其他帐户(Other accounts)。

单击或点击“添加帐户”("Add an account")按钮。

如何使用现有Microsoft 帐户添加(Microsoft Account)用户帐户(User Account)
使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录Windows 8.1后,您可以享受从Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)下载应用程序以及在链接到同一帐户的多台计算机和设备之间同步设置和应用程序等功能。阅读本文以了解有关Microsoft帐户必须提供的更多信息:您应该使用本地(Local)帐户还是Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft Account)?
按下“添加帐户”("Add an account")按钮后,您将看到一个提示:“此人将如何登录?” ("How will this person sign in?"). 在专用字段(field and click)中输入新用户帐户(user account)的电子邮件地址(email address),然后单击或点击下一步(Next)。

下一个屏幕将通知您成功添加了用户帐户(user account)。当您添加的用户首次连接到Windows 8.1 时,他或她将需要(Windows)访问 Internet(Internet access)才能登录,以便Windows可以验证该帐户的密码并确认(account and confirm)密码是否正确。
如果您已经为您的孩子创建了此帐户,现在您还可以通过选中相应的复选框(check box)来打开家庭安全(Family Safety)功能。

单击完成(Finish)以完成帐户添加过程(account addition process)。您现在可以在可用帐户列表中看到新添加的用户帐户(user account)。

如何在Windows 8.1中创建(Windows 8.1)新的 Microsoft 帐户(New Microsoft Account)
如果新用户还没有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),您可以通过单击或点击“注册新电子邮件地址”("Sign up for a new email address")链接来创建一个。

输入新Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account and press) 所需的信息,然后按Next。

现在,系统会要求您输入安全信息(security information),这些信息将用于帮助您恢复密码(在需要时)以及用于双重身份验证(如果您稍后选择启用它)。您可以在此处阅读更多相关信息:如何为您的Microsoft 帐户设置(Microsoft Account)两步验证(Two-Step Verification)。
填写(Fill)安全信息,然后单击(security information and click)或点击下一步(Next)。


Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)已创建并添加为您的 Windows 8.1 设备上的用户。如果您已经为您的孩子创建了此帐户,现在您还可以通过选中相应的复选框(check box)来打开家庭安全(Family Safety)功能。按完成(Finish),您将返回PC 设置(PC Settings),您可以在其中看到新添加的用户帐户(user account)。

如果您对在多台计算机之间同步您的设置不感兴趣,并且不想尝试来自Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)的新应用程序,您可能只需要一个常规的旧本地帐户,就像您习惯的那样。Windows 8.1也有该选项。
在“此人将如何登录?”("How will this person sign in?")中按“不使用 Microsoft 帐户登录”开始。("Sign in without a Microsoft account")屏幕。

帐户创建向导会提醒您(account creation wizard)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)和本地帐户之间的区别。如果要创建本地帐户,请单击或点击(click or tap) 本地帐户(Local account)。


下一个屏幕将通知您成功创建了用户帐户(user account)。如果您已经为您的孩子创建了此帐户,现在您还可以通过选中相应的复选框(check box)来打开家庭安全(Family Safety)功能。

按完成(Finish)完成帐户创建过程(account creation process)。您现在可以在列表中看到新帐户。

这就是本地用户帐户设置(user account setup)。
现在您的 Windows 8.1 设备有多个用户帐户,您可以选择每次登录时使用的帐户。
如果要在帐户之间切换,请转到“开始(Start)”屏幕,然后在屏幕右上方按您的帐户名称。(account name)然后,从列表中选择要切换到的帐户。

您也可以按“退出”("Sign Out"),然后使用另一个用户帐户(user account)登录。
如您所见,在Windows 8.1中创建新(Windows 8.1)用户帐户(user account)相当简单。通过集成创建Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)甚至创建新电子邮件地址(email address)的过程,Windows 8.1可帮助您在管理帐户时节省大量时间。
Introducing Windows 8.1: How to Add, Create & Switch User Accounts
When уou install or use Windows 8.1 for the first time, the first procedυre the operating system will walk you through is the one of creating your primary usеr account. In most cases, this will be the main account that you will use. There are, however, cаses when you need to configure additional user accounts, for other family members or friends for instance. Creating additional user accounts iѕ not a complicated task, but for someone new to Windows 8.1 it might be a bit confusing. Let's dig іn and see how to add or сreate new user acсounts!
How to Access the Accounts Panel
Regardless of whether you want to use a Microsoft account to log in or a local account, you'll need to get to PC Settings before you can get started. Open PC Settings using one of the methods described in this tutorial: Six Ways to Access PC Settings.
When the PC Settings window loads, select the Accounts section.

Next, select Other accounts.

Click or tap the "Add an account" button.

How to Add a User Account with an Existing Microsoft Account
Signing into Windows 8.1 using a Microsoft account allows you to enjoy features like downloading apps from the Windows Store and synchronize settings and apps across multiple computers and devices linked to the same account. Read this article to understand more about what Microsoft accounts have to offer: Should You Use a Local or a Microsoft Account?.
Once you press the "Add an account" button, you will see a prompt asking: "How will this person sign in?". Type the email address for the new user account in the dedicated field and click or tap Next.

The next screen informs you of the successful addition of the user account. When the user you have added connects to Windows 8.1 for the first time, he or she will need to have Internet access in order to sign in, so that Windows can verify the password for that account and confirm if it is correct or not.
If you've created this account for your children, now you also have the option to turn on the Family Safety feature by selecting the corresponding check box.

Click Finish to complete the account addition process. You can now see the newly added user account in the list of available accounts.

How to Create a New Microsoft Account in Windows 8.1
If the new user does not have a Microsoft account yet, you can create one by clicking or tapping the "Sign up for a new email address" link.

Type in the required information for the new Microsoft account and press Next.

Now you are asked to enter security information that will be used to help you recover your password (when needed) and for two-factor authentication, if you choose to enable it later on. You can read more about that here: How to Set Up Two-Step Verification for Your Microsoft Account.
Fill in the security information and click or tap Next.

Next, validate that you are a real person by typing in the garbled characters. If you're unable to distinguish them, you can either click New to generate a new set of characters or Audio to hear them out loud.
You can also sign up for promotional offers from Microsoft if you want. Click or tap Next to continue.

The Microsoft account has been created and added as a user on your Windows 8.1 device. If you've created this account for your children, now you also have the option to turn on the Family Safety feature by selecting the corresponding check box. Press Finish and you are back to PC Settings where you can see the newly added user account.

How to Add a Local User Account
If you aren't interested in syncing your settings across multiple computers and you don't want to try out new apps from the Windows Store, you probably just need a regular old local account like those you're used to. Windows 8.1 has that option as well.
Start out by pressing "Sign in without a Microsoft account" in the "How will this person sign in?" screen.

The account creation wizard reminds you of the differences between a Microsoft account and a local account. If you want to create a local account, click or tap Local account.

Fill in the required local account credentials and press Next.

The next screen informs you about the successful creation of the user account. If you've created this account for your children, now you also have the option to turn on the Family Safety feature by selecting the corresponding check box.

Press Finish to complete the account creation process. You can now see the new account in the list.

That's it for the local user account setup.
How to Switch Between User Accounts
Now that your Windows 8.1 device has multiple user accounts, you'll be able to select which account to use each time you log in.
If you want to switch between accounts, go to the Start screen and press your account name in the upper right side of the screen. Then, select the account that you want to switch to from the list.

You can also press "Sign Out" and then sign in using another user account.
As you can see, creating a new user account in Windows 8.1 is rather simple. By integrating the procedure for creating a Microsoft account and even creating a new email address, Windows 8.1 helps you save a lot of time while managing your accounts.
We'd like to hear if you have had any difficulties creating or managing your user accounts. Drop us a comment below and we'll gladly help you out!