最近,金士顿推出了一款名为(Kingston)KC3000的全新固态硬盘。这是一款支持PCI Express 4.0并承诺高端性能的NVMe M.2 SSD ,具有令人难以置信的高达 7GB/s 的读/写速度。(NVMe M.2 SSD)如果您正在寻找一款速度非常快的SSD,那么这一款可能就是您的选择。阅读我们的评论以了解有关金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)的更多信息、基准测试对它的评价,并了解您对下一款高端SSD的搜索是否刚刚结束:
金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD):它对谁有好处?
金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)固态硬盘是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 那些需要或想要超快速存储的人
- 正在寻找不仅速度非常快而且可靠的SSD的人(SSD)
- 拥有支持PCI Express 4.0的计算机或笔记本电脑的用户(PCI Express 4.0)
关于金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD)有很多积极的方面要说:
Buy now
- 读取和写入数据都非常快
- 它使用高端PCI Express 4.0 x4 控制器(x4 controller)
- 得益于其 3D TLC NAND(TLC NAND)闪存,它可靠耐用
- 石墨烯铝散热器(graphene aluminum heat spreader)纤薄高效
- 它提供五年保修
- 与类似的高级 PCIe 4.0(premium PCIe 4.0)固态驱动器相比具有竞争力的价格
关于金士顿 KC3000 SSD(Kingston KC3000 SSD) ,我们没有想到任何缺点。
金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)是目前商店中最快的固态硬盘之一。它使用PCI Express 4.0并以与其他硬件公司要求的类似驱动器相同或更好的价格提供令人难以置信的速度。我们向任何寻找高端固态硬盘的人推荐它,包括游戏玩家、摄像师或需要或只是想要非常快速的存储设备的专业人士。
金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD)拆箱
金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)是一款紧凑型M.2 NVMe固态硬盘,其封装也相应地很小。在它到达的泡罩上,您可以看到设备本身,以及它的名称和基本规格,例如它的存储容量和它在(storage capacity)PCI Express 4.0上工作的事实。
金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD包装
当您打开金士顿 KC3000 SSD(Kingston KC3000 SSD)的包装箱时,请查看纸板背面,您还会发现Acronis True Image HD的许可证密钥(license key)。您可以下载并使用此软件来克隆您的旧硬盘驱动器或 SSD(disk drive or SSD)。除此之外,您得到的唯一其他东西就是SSD本身,如下图所示。
金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD拆箱
金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD 的拆箱非常简单。我们喜欢这样一个事实,即除了设备本身,该公司还捆绑了 Acronis True Image HD 的许可证,它可以帮助您快速克隆现有驱动器。(Unboxing the Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD is straightforward. We like the fact that, along with the device itself, the company also bundles a license for Acronis True Image HD, which helps you quickly clone your existing drive.)
金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)是一款优质固态硬盘,专为提供高性能而设计和制造。它使用NVMe 1.4 PCI Express Generation 4.0 x4 控制器(x4 controller)(带SLC缓存)并支持极快的顺序读/写速度。4TB 和 2TB 型号 - 后者是我们测试的型号 - 可以达到高达 7000 MB/s速度和高达 1,000,000 IOPS(每秒Input/Output Operations随机 4K(random 4K)读(Second)/写速度。KC3000也有 512GB 和1024GB(KC3000)版本出售,顺序读取速度相同,但写入速度稍慢 3900MB/s和 6000 MB/s分别。此外,随机 4K(random 4K)读/写速度较低:512GB 版本最高 450,000/900,000 IOPS,1024GB 版本最高 900,000/1,000,000 IOPS。
有关金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD的信息(TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD)
为了处理它产生的热量,金士顿 KC3000 PCIe 4.0(Kingston KC3000 PCIe 4.0) x4 固态驱动器使用薄型石墨烯铝散热器(profile graphene aluminum heat spreader),在运行时能够将其温度保持在 70摄氏度(Celsius)(158华氏度(Fahrenheit))以下。在我们对其进行测试时,值得注意的是,它的温度在基准测试期间从未高于 49摄氏度。(Celsius)
金士顿 KC3000 2TB (Kingston KC3000 2TB) SSD采用 3D TLC NAND 内存(TLC NAND memory)构建,不仅提供大量存储容量(storage capacity),而且节能。写入数据时,其功耗(power consumption)最高可达 9.9瓦。(Watts)其他型号有不同的电源需求,具体取决于它们的存储容量:4TB 版本最高可消耗 10.2瓦(Watts maximum),1TB 型号最高可达 6.3瓦(Watts),而 512GB 则保持在 4.1瓦(Watts)以下。此SSD(SSD)的所有版本均提供五年保修。
这款固态硬盘采用M.2 2280 外形尺寸(form factor),这意味着其物理尺寸为 80 毫米 × 22 毫米(大约 3 × ¾ 英寸)。大多数现代计算机和笔记本电脑使用M.2 2280 外形,因此它与包括(form factor)SFF(小型)PC 在内的各种设备的兼容性非常好(form factor)。如果您购买 2TB 或 4TB 版本,SSD仅重 9.7 克(0.34 盎司)。512GB 和 1TB 型号的重量更轻:7 克(0.24 盎司)。
如果您想进一步了解这款固态硬盘的规格和功能,请访问(specs and features)金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD)。
金士顿的 KC3000 的规格使其处于最高水平,是市场上最快的固态硬盘之一。您将获得一个非常快速的 PCI Express 4.0 控制器、NVMe、M.2、持久的闪存和充足的存储容量。(Kingston’s KC3000 has specs that put it right at the top of the ladder, among the fastest solid-state drives on the market. You get a very fast PCI Express 4.0 controller, NVMe, M.2, long-lasting flash memory, and plenty of storage capacity.)
使用金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD)
我们在具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer)上使用并测试了金士顿 KC3000 SSD :(Kingston KC3000 SSD)
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 处理器:AMD 锐龙 9 5900X
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3200MHz)
- 显卡:AMD Radeon RX 5700
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 11 Pro(版本 21H2(Version 21H2),OS Build 22000.282)
首先,我们想看看我们在Windows 11中真正从固态驱动器中获得的实际存储空间(storage space)。正如您在下一张图片中看到的,Windows 11报告金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB SSD在使用默认NTFS 文件(NTFS file)系统格式化时具有 1.86 TB 的存储空间。(storage space)
Windows 11中的金士顿 KC3000 SSD(Kingston KC3000 SSD)
其次,我们想亲自检查一下金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)移动文件的速度。不幸的是,我们没有另一个PCIe 4.0固态驱动器来匹配它的速度。因此,我们不得不使用已经安装在我们测试计算机中的 512 GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD 。这也是一个快速的固态驱动器,但因为它使用PCIe 3.0而不是PCIe 4.0,所以它比金士顿的KC3000 SSD慢得多。尽管如此,当我们将 5.1 GB Windows 11 ISO 文件(ISO file)复制到KC3000上时,我们还是设法达到了超过 2 GB/s惊人速度。
在金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD上复制大文件
将相同的 5.1 GB 文件(GB file)从金士顿 KC3000 移动(Kingston KC3000)到PCIe 3.0固态驱动器的速度也非常快,高于每秒 2 GB。
从金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD复制大文件
我们也很想知道KC3000 SSD加载Windows 11的速度有多快。为了测量启动时间,我们使用了BootRacer,我们发现我们的计算机只需要大约 22 秒就可以准备好使用Windows 11 Pro(Pro ready)。
使用金士顿 KC3000时(Kingston KC3000)Windows启动速度有多快
在一些基本测试中使用金士顿 KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD 后,我们了解到它在现实世界的常见活动中提供了出色的性能。(After using the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD in a few basic tests, we learned that it offers excellent performance in common activities from the real world.)
但是,为了更清楚地了解(clearer idea)金士顿KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD的真正速度,我们需要运行一些专门的基准测试。我们从CrystalDiskMark开始,这是一款可以测试任何SSD的顺序和随机读/写速度的应用程序。使用金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000),我们在所有测试中都获得了一流的结果,非常接近官方规格。顺序读取和写入速度远高于 6000 MB/s,而随机速度也达到了 1,000,000 IOPS左右,正如金士顿(Kingston)所承诺的那样!
金士顿 KC3000 SSD(Kingston KC3000 SSD):CrystalDiskMark 基准测试(CrystalDiskMark benchmark)结果
在PCMark 10的(PCMark 10)System Drive Benchmark中,我们获得了 3131 分的分数,考虑到我们拥有的其他SSD(ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro with PCIe 3.0)仅获得 1704 分,这非常令人印象深刻。这个结果再次证实了KC3000是一款速度非常快的SSD。
(Kingston KC3000 benchmark)PCMark 10中的(PCMark 10)金士顿 KC3000 基准测试结果
最后,我们还运行了BlackMagic 的磁盘速度测试(BlackMagic’s Disk Speed Test),它是一个更全面的软件套件(software suite)的一部分,专为捕捉和播放视频文件而设计。如果您想测试驱动器的速度并且您是一名摄像师,或者只是需要定期处理大文件,那么它是最好的工具之一。正如您在以下屏幕截图中所见,金士顿 KC3000 SSD(Kingston KC3000 SSD)管理着非常快的数据(data read)读写速度。
金士顿 KC3000 2 (Kingston KC3000 2) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD:Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 基准测试(Blackmagic Disk Speed Test benchmark)结果
在我们的基准测试中看到它的表现之后,我们可以说金士顿 KC3000 是我们见过的最快的固态硬盘之一。顺序和随机的读取和写入速度都令人印象深刻,它可能是目前市场上最好的 PCIe 4.0 x4 固态驱动器之一。(After seeing how well it did in our benchmarks, we can say that the Kingston KC3000 is one of the fastest solid-state drives we’ve ever seen. Both the reading and writing speeds, sequential and random, are impressive, and it’s probably one of the best PCIe 4.0 x4 solid-state drives available on the market right now.)
在他们的支持网站上,金士顿提供了一个 SSD 工具箱软件(Kingston offers an SSD toolbox software),您可以使用它来检查固态硬盘的运行状况、更新其固件并收集一些有关它的信息。虽然它看起来有点基础,但它几乎提供了管理SSD所需的一切,因此我们建议您下载并安装它,然后至少不时使用它来检查KC3000 SSD的状态。
金士顿 SSD 管理器
此外,与KC3000 SSD一起,该公司捆绑了 Acronis True Image HD 的许可证(a license for Acronis True Image HD)。您可以使用此应用程序将旧驱动器复制到新的KC3000 SSD上。这当然很有用,尤其是如果您打算用金士顿 KC3000 SSD替换您的(Kingston KC3000 SSD)Windows 系统(Windows system)驱动器,因为您不必重新安装Windows和所有应用程序。
Acronis True Image OEM
我们赞赏金士顿将 SSD 运行状况和监控应用程序以及克隆软件与 KC3000 SSD 捆绑在一起的事实。(We appreciate the fact that Kingston bundles both an SSD health and monitoring app and cloning software with the KC3000 SSD.)
您会购买金士顿 KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD)吗?
如您所见,金士顿 KC3000(Kingston KC3000)是目前市场上最快的固态硬盘之一。你会得到一个吗?您会选择 2 TB 还是 4 TB 版本(TB edition)?或者您会选择 1024 GB 或 512 GB 的较小版本吗?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
Kingston KC3000 review: One of the fastest SSDs! -
Recently, Kіngston launched a brand new solіd-state drive callеd the KC3000. It’s an NVMe M.2 SSD that supports PCI Express 4.0 and promises high-end performance, with some incredіble read/write speeds of up to 7GB/s. If you’re lоoking for a very fast SSD, then this one could be it. Read our review to learn more about the Kingston KC3000, what the benchmarks sаy about it, and to find out whether your search for your next high-end SSD just ended:
Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD: Who is it good for?
The Kingston KC3000 solid-state drive is an excellent choice for:
- Those who need or want ultra-fast storage
- People who are looking for an SSD that’s not only very fast but also reliable
- Users who have computers or laptops with support for PCI Express 4.0
Pros and cons
There are many positive things to say about the Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD:
See price on:
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- It’s extremely fast, both at reading and writing data
- It uses a high-end PCI Express 4.0 x4 controller
- It’s reliable and durable thanks to its 3D TLC NAND flash memory
- The graphene aluminum heat spreader is slim and efficient
- It comes with a five-year warranty
- Competitive price compared to similar premium PCIe 4.0 solid-state drives
There are no downsides we can think of regarding the Kingston KC3000 SSD.
The Kingston KC3000 is one of the fastest solid-state drives available in stores right now. It uses PCI Express 4.0 and delivers incredible speeds at a price that’s as good or better than what other hardware companies are asking for similar drives. We recommend it to anyone looking for a high-end solid-state drive, including gamers, videographers, or professionals who need or just want very fast storage devices.
Unboxing the Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD
The Kingston KC3000 is a compact M.2 NVMe solid-state drive, and its package is accordingly small. On the blister in which it arrives, you can see the device itself, as well as its name and essential specs, such as its storage capacity and the fact that it works on PCI Express 4.0.
The package of the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
When you unbox the Kingston KC3000 SSD, look under the back of the cardboard, and you’ll also find a license key for Acronis True Image HD. You can download and use this software to clone your old hard disk drive or SSD. Other than that, the only other thing you get is the SSD itself, pictured below.
Unboxing the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
Unboxing the Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD is straightforward. We like the fact that, along with the device itself, the company also bundles a license for Acronis True Image HD, which helps you quickly clone your existing drive.
Design and hardware specifications
The Kingston KC3000 is a premium solid-state drive designed and built to deliver high performance. It uses an NVMe 1.4 PCI Express Generation 4.0 x4 controller (with SLC caching) and supports extremely fast sequential read/write speeds. The 4TB and the 2TB models - the latter being the one we tested - can reach speeds of up to 7000 MB/s and random 4K read/write speeds of up to 1,000,000 IOPS (Input/Output Operations per Second). The KC3000 is also sold in 512GB and 1024 GB versions, which have the same sequential reading speeds, but slightly slower writing speeds of 3900 MB/s and 6000 MB/s, respectively. Also, the random 4K read/write speeds are lower: up to 450,000/900,000 IOPS for the 512GB edition, and up to 900,000/1,000,000 IOPS for the 1024GB model.
Information about the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
To handle the heat it produces, the Kingston KC3000 PCIe 4.0 x4 solid-state drive uses a low profile graphene aluminum heat spreader that manages to keep its temperatures under 70 degrees Celsius (158 degrees Fahrenheit) when operating. While we tested it, it’s worth noting that its temperature never went higher than 49 degrees Celsius during benchmarks.
The Kingston KC3000 2TB SSD is built using 3D TLC NAND memory, allowing it not only to offer a lot of storage capacity, but also be energy efficient. Its power consumption goes up to a maximum of 9.9 Watts when writing data. The other models have different power needs, depending on their storage capacities: the 4TB version can consume up to 10.2 Watts maximum, the 1TB model up to 6.3 Watts, and the 512GB stays below 4.1 Watts. All versions of this SSD come with a five years warranty.
This solid-state drive has an M.2 2280 form factor, which means that its physical dimensions are 80 mm × 22 mm (roughly 3 × ¾ in). Most modern computers and laptops use the M.2 2280 form factor, so its compatibility with all kinds of devices, including SFF (small-form factor) PCs, is excellent. The SSD weighs an insignificant 9.7 grams (0.34 oz) if you buy the 2TB or 4TB version. The 512GB and the 1TB models weigh even less: 7 grams (0.24 oz).
If you want to know more about the specs and features of this solid-state drive, visit Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD.
Kingston’s KC3000 has specs that put it right at the top of the ladder, among the fastest solid-state drives on the market. You get a very fast PCI Express 4.0 controller, NVMe, M.2, long-lasting flash memory, and plenty of storage capacity.
Using the Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD
We used and tested the Kingston KC3000 SSD on a desktop computer with the following configuration:
First, we wanted to see what we really get in Windows 11 from the solid-state drive in terms of real storage space. As you can see in the next image, Windows 11 reports that the Kingston KC3000 2 TB SSD has 1.86 TB of storage space when formatted using the default NTFS file system.
The Kingston KC3000 SSD in Windows 11
Secondly, we wanted to check for ourselves just how fast the Kingston KC3000 is at moving files around. Unfortunately, we didn’t have another PCIe 4.0 solid-state drive to match its speed. So, we had to make do with the 512 GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro SSD that was already mounted in our testing computer. This one’s a fast solid-state drive too, but because it uses PCIe 3.0 instead of PCIe 4.0, it’s much slower than Kingston’s KC3000 SSD. Still, when we copied a 5.1 GB Windows 11 ISO file onto the KC3000, we managed to reach some impressive speeds that exceeded 2 GB/s.
Copying a large file on the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
Moving the same 5.1 GB file from the Kingston KC3000 to the PCIe 3.0 solid-state drive was also really fast, higher than 2 GB per second.
Copying a large file from the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD
We were also curious to know how fast the KC3000 SSD is at loading Windows 11. To measure the boot times, we used BootRacer, and we found out that our computer needs only about 22 seconds to have Windows 11 Pro ready to use.
How fast Windows boots when using the Kingston KC3000
After using the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD in a few basic tests, we learned that it offers excellent performance in common activities from the real world.
Performance in benchmarks
But, to get a clearer idea of how fast the Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD really is, we need to run some specialized benchmarks. We started with CrystalDiskMark, an app that can test the sequential and random read/write speeds of any SSD. With the Kingston KC3000, we got top-notch results in all the tests, very close to the official specs. The sequential read and write speeds went well above 6000 MB/s, while the random speeds were also about 1,000,000 IOPS, as promised by Kingston!
Kingston KC3000 SSD: CrystalDiskMark benchmark results
In the System Drive Benchmark from PCMark 10, we got a score of 3131 points, which is very impressive considering that the other SSD we had (ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro with PCIe 3.0) only managed a score of 1704 points. This result again confirms that the KC3000 is a very fast SSD.
Kingston KC3000 benchmark result in PCMark 10
Finally, we also ran BlackMagic’s Disk Speed Test, which is part of a more comprehensive software suite designed for capturing and playing video files. It’s one of the best tools out there if you want to test the speed of your drives and you’re a videographer or simply need to work with large files on a regular basis. As you can see in the following screenshot, the Kingston KC3000 SSD managed very fast data read and write speeds.
Kingston KC3000 2 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD: Blackmagic Disk Speed Test benchmark results
After seeing how well it did in our benchmarks, we can say that the Kingston KC3000 is one of the fastest solid-state drives we’ve ever seen. Both the reading and writing speeds, sequential and random, are impressive, and it’s probably one of the best PCIe 4.0 x4 solid-state drives available on the market right now.
Bundled software
On their support website, Kingston offers an SSD toolbox software that you can use to check the health of your solid-state drive, update its firmware, and gather some information about it. Although it looks a bit basic, it offers practically everything you need to manage your SSD, so we recommend that you download and install it and then use it at least from time to time to check the status of your KC3000 SSD.
Kingston SSD Manager
Also, along with the KC3000 SSD, the company bundles a license for Acronis True Image HD. You use this app to copy your old drive onto your new KC3000 SSD. It’s certainly useful, especially if you intend to replace your Windows system drive with the Kingston KC3000 SSD, as you’ll escape from having to install Windows and all your apps all over again.
Acronis True Image OEM
We appreciate the fact that Kingston bundles both an SSD health and monitoring app and cloning software with the KC3000 SSD.
Will you buy a Kingston KC3000 NVMe PCIe SSD?
As you’ve seen, the Kingston KC3000 is one of the fastest solid-state drives available on the market right now. Will you get one? Will you choose the 2 TB or the 4 TB edition? Or will you go for a smaller version with 1024 GB or 512 GB? Let us know in the comments section below.