黑色星期五(Black Friday)和圣诞节购物(Christmas shopping)季即将到来,您可能想为自己、您的朋友和家人或同事(family or co-workers)购买一些礼物。如果您需要可在 2017 年底购买的科技产品的新奇创意,我们为您准备了完美清单。它包括您可能没有考虑购买的智能手机(但它们非常棒)、令人印象深刻的迷你电脑(Mini PCs)、游戏笔记本电脑、键盘、鼠标和耳机(mice and headsets)、一些出色的无线路由器和一些价格不高的有用小工具。继续阅读并查看我们对科技礼品的建议:
智能手机:华为 P10(Huawei P10)、华硕 ZenFone 4 (ASUS ZenFone 4) Max 5.5和华为 P10 lite(Huawei P10 lite)
华为 P10(Huawei P10) - 实惠又迷人的旗舰
每个人都在谈论最新的iPhone X 或三星 Galaxy S8(iPhone X or Samsung Galaxy S8)。虽然它们是出色的智能手机,但它们也非常昂贵。如果您想要一款价格合理、相机出色、外观优雅的旗舰智能手机(flagship smartphone),您应该看看华为(Huawei)。
我们回顾了华为 P10(Huawei P10),我们很喜欢它。虽然它并不完美,但它确实有很多魅力,它是送给你欣赏的人的理想礼物。您可以在Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上找到它。
ASUS ZenFone 4 Max 5.5 - 对于那些想要持久电池寿命的人来说是一个不错的选择(battery life)
有一些智能手机用户对电池容量(battery capacity)的兴趣胜过一切。他们不想要一部必须每天充电的智能手机。问题在于,大多数配备大电池的智能手机往往很丑,而且性能低下。ASUS ZenFone 4 Max 5.5是一款脱颖而出并提供良好用户体验(user experience)以及超长电池寿命(battery life)的智能手机。您可以在Amazon.com(Amazon.com)和Amazon.co.uk上找到一些很棒的优惠。
华为 P10(Huawei P10) lite - 预算用户的最佳智能手机
不是每个人都想在智能手机上花很多钱。大多数用户希望在使用Facebook(Facebook)、WhatsApp、Messenger、YouTube、Spotify等常用应用时能够快速运行。对于此类任务,您不需要旗舰。今年华为 P10 lite(Huawei P10 lite)给我们留下了非常深刻的印象:一款非常实惠的智能手机,具有中等性能和功能,可与(performance and features)价格高出 50(cost 50) %的智能手机相媲美。阅读我们的评论并查看Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上提供的优惠。
迷你(Mini)电脑:华硕 VivoPC X 和华硕 VivoMini UN65U(ASUS VivoPC X and ASUS VivoMini UN65U)
ASUS VivoPC X -客厅(living room)VR 就绪
微软(Microsoft)在其最新的 Windows 10 Fall Creators Update中为(Update)VR 和(VR and support)对混合现实(Mixed Reality)技术的支持投入了大量资金。华硕(ASUS)还为 VR 体验开发了一款出色的迷你 PC,它在您的客厅(living room)中占用的空间很小,并提供出色的用户体验。作为奖励,它经过认证可以与Oculus Rift一起使用。阅读我们的ASUS VivoPC X 评论(ASUS VivoPC X review)并查看您可以在Amazon.com上获得的优惠。
华硕 VivoMini UN65U(ASUS VivoMini UN65U) -处理能力(processing power)小,价格实惠
MiniPC 非常适合对游戏不感兴趣并希望拥有可以在其上工作的 PC、外形(form factor)小巧、具有大量连接选项和性能且价格实惠的用户。华硕 VivoMini UN65U(ASUS VivoMini UN65U)是钱可以买到的最好的迷你电脑之一。您应该在Amazon和Amazon UK上查看。
Lenovo Legion Y520 - 经济实惠的游戏笔记本电脑(gaming laptop)
今年我们测试了几款游戏(gaming laptop)本,大部分都没有给我们留下深刻印象,只有一个例外:联想军团Y520(Lenovo Legion Y520)。这是一款价格实惠的游戏笔记本电脑(gaming laptop),是送给喜欢玩游戏的人的完美礼物。阅读我们的评论并查看Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上的优惠。
键盘:HyperX Alloy FPS 和 Logitech K810(HyperX Alloy FPS and Logitech K810)
HyperX Alloy FPS:非常适合游戏,非常适合打字,价格实惠
使用机械键盘后,您将不再需要其他类型的键盘。至少如果您是认真地在计算机上打字,尤其是如果您喜欢玩游戏,则不会。今年我们爱上了HyperX Alloy FPS。这是一款简约的键盘,具有出色的制造质量(build quality)、背光和合理的价格。在Amazon.com(Amazon.com)和Amazon.co.uk上查看。
罗技K810:最好的便携式蓝牙键盘(Bluetooth keyboard)
这款键盘并不新鲜,但它是钱能买到的最好的移动键盘之一。如果您需要一个可以连接到各种设备(平板电脑、智能手机、智能电视(Smart TVs)、迷你电脑(Mini PCs))的灵活键盘,您可以在上面舒适地打字,这就是您要购买的型号。你不会后悔你做了。在Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上搜索Logitech K810。
鼠标:Razer DeathAdder Elite
Razer DeathAdder Elite 和 Chroma(Razer DeathAdder Elite and Chroma):难以匹敌的经典之作
这款鼠标也不是新的,它是针对游戏爱好者的。但是,对于任何惯用右手的计算机用户(computer user)来说,它都是一个不错的选择。它非常快速、精确,并具有令人愉悦的照明系统(lighting system)。阅读我们对旧款Razer DeathAdder Chroma的评论,或在Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上查看最新的 Razer DeathAdder Elite。
耳机:HyperX Cloud Alpha
HyperX Cloud Alpha:出色的游戏和多媒体体验音效(gaming and multimedia experiences)
游戏耳机的问题在于,它们在玩游戏时提供了出色的体验,但在听音乐或看视频时却往往非常普通。HyperX Cloud Alpha是为数不多的所有功能正确的耳机之一。它采用新的双腔设计(chamber design),使其成为许多用户的绝佳选择。去亚马逊(Amazon)买。
无线路由器:华硕RT-AC86U和TP-Link Archer C120(ASUS RT-AC86U and TP-Link Archer C120)
TP-Link Archer C1200 - 今年经济实惠的WiFi路由器之王
负担得起的无线路由器市场竞争非常激烈,今年只有一款型号能够在价格、性能和功能之间取得平衡。TP-Link Archer C1200具有成熟的固件(mature firmware)、良好的WiFi 覆盖(WiFi coverage)和5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频率上的快速WiFi 。它在亚马逊(Amazon)和亚马逊英国(Amazon UK)也有无与伦比的价格。
ASUS RT-AC86U -内置安全功能的高端网络(high-end networking)
华硕(ASUS)在高级无线路由器(wireless router)方面大放异彩。今年,他们推出了一款新型号,该型号采用了最新的WiFi技术,以及您可以在家用无线路由器上获得的最佳安全性。(wireless router)阅读我们对华硕 RT-AC86U的评论,并在(ASUS RT-AC86U and look)Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上寻找它。
(Geeky)极客小玩意:金士顿 DataTraveler (Kingston DataTraveler)microDuo 3C、TP-Link UP525 快速 USB 充电器(TP-Link UP525 Fast USB Charger)和索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker)
金士顿 DataTraveler(Kingston DataTraveler) microDuo 3C - USB Type C的完美记忆棒(memory stick)
USB Type C在移动领域的应用越来越广泛。您可以在智能手机、平板电脑和超极本上看到它。但是,PC 用户仍然坚持使用台式机和笔记本电脑上的旧USB端口。如果您想在计算机和移动设备之间轻松传输数据,这款双记忆棒(memory stick)是一个不错的选择。阅读我们对金士顿 DataTraveler(Kingston DataTraveler) microDuo 3C 的评论,并在Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上查看。
TP-Link UP525 快速 USB 充电器(TP-Link UP525 Fast USB Charger):一个插头一次最多可为五个移动设备充电
TP-Link UP525对于旅行时必须携带两个以上移动设备的任何人来说都是一份很棒的礼物。随身携带大量充电器很麻烦。使用TP-Link UP525,您可以在一个电源插座上一次为多达五台设备充电。它还为拥有这项技术的智能手机提供快速充电。这是一个很棒的礼物创意(gift idea),不会花费很多钱。前往Amazon.com(Head)和Amazon.co.uk(Amazon.com)并查看。(Amazon.co.uk)我们推荐 40W 版本。它甚至比我们测试的 25W 版本还要好。
索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker):非常适合旅途中的聚会
你家里有喜欢聚会的年轻人吗?他或她想改善各种地点的派对,从游泳池到海边还是山区?在这种情况下,您应该考虑使用索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙音箱(Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker)。它提供了大量的低音、响亮的声音和华丽的色彩。它非常适合在即兴派对上聆听电子音乐流派和嘻哈音乐。您可以在Amazon.com和Amazon.co.uk上找到它。
您想为黑色星期五和圣诞节(Black Friday and Christmas)购买哪些科技产品?
We hope that you have enjoyed our roundup of tech gift ideas and that you found some inspiration. Before closing this article, let us know what tech gifts did you decide to make at the end of 2017. What do you want to buy for yourself and your loved ones?
Tech gadgets - Gift ideas for Black Friday and Christmas shopping (2017)
Black Friday and the Christmas shоpping season are coming, and you may want to buy somе gifts for yourself, уour friends and family or co-workers. If you need fresh cool ideas for tech gadgets that you can buy at thе end of 2017, we have the perfect list for you. It includes smartрhones you might not have considerеd buying (but they rock), impressive Mini PCs, gaming laptops, keyboards, mice and headsets, a few remarkable wireleѕs routers and some useful gadgets that don't cost much. Rеad on and see our suggestions for tech gifts:
Smartphones: Huawei P10, ASUS ZenFone 4 Max 5.5, and Huawei P10 lite
Huawei P10 - the affordable, charming flagship
Everybody talks about the latest iPhone X or Samsung Galaxy S8. While they are great smartphones, they are also extremely expensive. If you want a flagship smartphone at a reasonable price, with a great camera and elegant looks, you should look at Huawei.
We reviewed Huawei P10, and we loved it. While it is not perfect, it does have a lot of charm, and it makes for an ideal gift to a person you appreciate. You can find it both on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
ASUS ZenFone 4 Max 5.5 - a great choice for those that want long-lasting battery life
There are some smartphone users who are interested in battery capacity more than everything else. They don't want a smartphone that they have to charge every day. The trouble is that most of the smartphones with big batteries tend to be ugly and they offer low performance. One smartphone that stands out and offers a good user experience, alongside great battery life is ASUS ZenFone 4 Max 5.5. You can find some great offers for it on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Huawei P10 lite - the best smartphone for budget users
Not everyone wants to spend a lot of money on their smartphone. Most users want something that works fast when using common apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, YouTube, Spotify and so on. For such tasks, you don't need a flagship. We were very impressed this year by Huawei P10 lite: a very affordable smartphone with mid-range performance and features that match smartphones that cost 50% more. Read our review and check the offers that are available on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Mini PCs: ASUS VivoPC X and ASUS VivoMini UN65U
ASUS VivoPC X - VR-Ready for the living room
Microsoft has invested a lot into VR and support for Mixed Reality technologies, in their latest Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. ASUS has also developed a great mini PC for VR experiences, that takes little space in your living room and offers a great user experience. As a bonus, it is certified to work with Oculus Rift. Read our ASUS VivoPC X review and see the offers that you can get on Amazon.com.
ASUS VivoMini UN65U - processing power in a small package, at an affordable price
MiniPCs are perfect for users who are not interested in gaming and desire a PC that they can work on, in a small form factor, with lots of connectivity options and performance, all at an affordable price. ASUS VivoMini UN65U is one of the best mini PCs that money can buy. You should check it out on Amazon and Amazon UK.
Gaming laptop: Lenovo Legion Y520
Lenovo Legion Y520 - affordable gaming laptop
We tested a few gaming laptops this year, and most of them did not impress us, with only one exception: Lenovo Legion Y520. This is an affordable gaming laptop and a perfect gift for someone who enjoys playing games. Read our review and see the offers on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Keyboards: HyperX Alloy FPS and Logitech K810
HyperX Alloy FPS: great for gaming, great for typing at an excellent price
Once you use a mechanical keyboard, you won't want other types of keyboards. At least not if you are serious about typing on your computer and especially not if you are into gaming. This year we fell in love with HyperX Alloy FPS. It is a minimalist keyboard, with excellent build quality, backlighting, and a reasonable price. Check it out on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Logitech K810: the best portable Bluetooth keyboard
This keyboard is not new, but it is one of the best mobile keyboards that money can buy. If you need a flexible keyboard that you can connect to all kinds of devices (tablets, smartphones, Smart TVs, Mini PCs), on which you can type comfortably, this is the model to buy. You won't be sorry you did. Search for Logitech K810 on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Mouse: Razer DeathAdder Elite
Razer DeathAdder Elite and Chroma: a classic that is hard to outmatch
This mouse is not new either and it is aimed at gaming enthusiasts. However, it is a great choice for any right-handed computer user. It is incredibly fast, precise and it features a pleasant lighting system. Read our review of the older Razer DeathAdder Chroma or check the latest Razer DeathAdder Elite on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Headset: HyperX Cloud Alpha
HyperX Cloud Alpha: great sound for gaming and multimedia experiences
The trouble with gaming headsets is that they offer a great experience when playing games but they tend to be very average when listening to music or watching videos. HyperX Cloud Alpha is one of the few headsets that does everything right. It features a new dual chamber design that makes it an excellent choice for many users. Go to Amazon and buy it.
Wireless routers: ASUS RT-AC86U and TP-Link Archer C120
TP-Link Archer C1200 - this year's king of affordable WiFi routers
The market for affordable wireless routers is a very competitive one, and this year, only one model has managed to impress with its balance between price, performance, and features. TP-Link Archer C1200 features a mature firmware, good WiFi coverage, and fast WiFi on the 5 GHz wireless frequency. It also has an unbeatable price on Amazon and Amazon UK.
ASUS RT-AC86U - high-end networking with awesome built-in security
ASUS shines when it comes to advanced wireless routers. This year, they launched a new model that features the latest WiFi technologies and also the best security you can get on a wireless router for the home. Read our review of the ASUS RT-AC86U and look for it on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Geeky gadgets: Kingston DataTraveler microDuo 3C, TP-Link UP525 Fast USB Charger, and Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker
Kingston DataTraveler microDuo 3C - the perfect memory stick for USB Type C
USB Type C is enjoying increased adoption in the mobile space. You see it on smartphones, tablets, and ultrabooks. However, PC users are still stuck to the old USB ports on their desktops and laptops. If you want to transfer data between computers and mobile devices with ease, this dual memory stick is a great choice. Read our review of the Kingston DataTraveler microDuo 3C and check it out on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
TP-Link UP525 Fast USB Charger: charge up to five mobile devices at once, with one plug
TP-Link UP525 is a great gift for any person who has to carry more than two mobile devices when they travel. Having lots of chargers with you is a drag. With TP-Link UP525, you can charge up to five devices at once, on a single electrical outlet. It also offers fast-charging for smartphones that have this technology. This is a great gift idea that doesn't cost a lot of money. Head over to Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk and check it out. We recommend the 40W version. It is even better than the 25W version that we tested.
Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker: perfect for parties on the go
Do you have a youngster in your family who likes to party? He or she wants to improve parties in all kinds of locations, from pools to the seaside or the mountains? In this case, you should consider the Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker. It delivers plenty of bass, loud sound, and flashy colors. It is perfect for listening to electronic music genres and hip-hop at an improvised party. You can find it both on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.
Disclaimer: Our Amazon links are affiliate links. If you make any purchases by clicking on them, we will get a small commission from your purchase. We would like to thank those of you that use them.
What tech gadgets do you want to buy for Black Friday and Christmas?
We hope that you have enjoyed our roundup of tech gift ideas and that you found some inspiration. Before closing this article, let us know what tech gifts did you decide to make at the end of 2017. What do you want to buy for yourself and your loved ones?