众所周知,人是一种社交动物。自古以来,交流一直是人类共存的基本纤维。史前(Prehistoric)人类使用手语进行交流。随着时间的流逝和自我成长,人类进一步发明了字母表,形成了单词,并开始用不同的方言和语言构建句子。然后他利用这些来传达他的想法和表达。今天,借助技术,他通过文字处理器或文字处理软件来做同样的事情。我们在本文中展示了Microsoft Word的 27 种最佳免费替代品。
Microsoft Word 的 27 种最佳替代品(27 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Word)
- 它还可以识别和纠正语法和句法错误(identify and correct grammatical and syntax errors)。
- 此外,如果用户需要,它还提供文档的字数和字符数( provides the word and character count of a document)。
- 在最新版本中,文字处理器允许用户添加音频视频文件和插入网页链接( add audio-video files and insert links to web pages)。
- 只需单击鼠标或按几个键,您就可以编辑任何文档,即添加或删除内容、识别和纠正错误、改进语法和词汇、添加标点符号以及一系列相关活动(edit any document viz add or remove content, identify and correct errors, improve grammar and vocabulary, add punctuations, and a whole host of associated activities)。
- 它还允许您保存文档以供将来使用,甚至可以打印草稿(allows you to save your document for future use and even, print a draft)以供修订和完全编辑的文档。
- 它还可以传输文件,使内容编写和发布(enables transferring of files, making content writing as well as publishing)变得更加容易。
在本文中,我们为我们的读者提供了其中一些最好的、免费下载的文字处理器(Word Processors)的完整列表,尤其是文字处理器。
1.谷歌文档(1. Google Docs)
Google Docs是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- 该文字处理器支持各种平台(supports all kinds of platforms),即网络、iOS、Android、Mac和Windows操作系统。因此,它可以在手机、平板电脑或计算机上使用。
- 这个功能丰富的软件可以在互联网连接的帮助下从任何地方访问;(accessible from anywhere)因此,为任何想要它的人提供支持。
- 除了在线支持外,这款多面文字处理器还支持使用 Chrome 扩展程序进行离线写作。(enables offline writing)
- 此外,它还提供了返回旧文件版本以及将(convert) Google Doc文件转换为Word文件的灵活性,反之亦然。
- 这个免费的文字处理器可以帮助实时(in real-time)更改文档并立即共享它们。
- 自动保存功能(auto-save feature)让您不必担心每次手动保存您正在编写的任何内容。
- 它还可以导出 PDF(export files in PDF)格式的文件。
- 它使用其附加组件协助(assists in)签署文件、创建图表、处理地图等等。
- 它的文字处理器带有免费的语音到文本功能(free voice-to-text feature)。
2.焦点作家(2. FocusWriter)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品是FocusWriter。
- FocusWriter 是一款免费的多语言文字处理器,(free, multilingual word processor)支持 20 多种语言。
- 它支持Windows、Linux和 macOS 操作系统。
- 忠实于它的名字,它使您能够完全专注于您的写作,将所有的干扰都抛诸脑后。
- 它支持粗体、删除线、文本对齐等基本格式(basic formattings),以及拼写检查和更正等高级工具。(advanced tools)
- 使用此软件,您可以打开和保存不同格式(different formats)的文档,例如 DOCX、ODF、RTF 和 TXT。
- 该处理器设置您的日常目标(daily goals),因此您无需担心跟踪字数(word count)。
- 它还通过确定您每天想要投入工作的分钟/小时数来帮助您跟踪和设置时间限制。(track and set time limits)
- 它通过在达到预定义的字数或时间限制时发出 警报来自动触发警报。(triggers an alert)
- 这个文字处理器甚至提供您在文档中进行的更正和编辑次数的实时数据。(live data)
- 它还在文档中提供行距选项。(line spacing options)
- 它可以打开多个具有自定义主题(custom themes )的文档,以提高清晰度和生产力。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Google 文档中添加页面(How to Add a Page in Google Docs)
3.WPS办公(3. WPS Office)
WPS Office是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- WPS Office由位于中国(China)北京(Beijing)的软件公司金山(Kingsoft)软件开发。它是大约 300 MB 的轻量级软件(lightweight software)。
- 它在网络上免费(free)提供,被认为是最容易使用(easiest to use)的文字处理器。
- 它为您的文档提供 1 GB 的云存储空间。(cloud storage)
- 它支持(supports) Word、Mac、Linux和 iOS 操作系统,也可以在手机上灵活使用(Mobile)。
- WPS Office提供(offers)所有三个办公程序,即Word、Spreadsheet和Presentation。
- 几乎与Word(Word)相同的自定式界面可实现更好的文档管理(better document management)。
- 它支持所有文本文件(supports all text files),包括Microsoft旧版和当前版本,可追溯到Office 97。
- 这还可以对齐文本和对象,添加页眉、页脚和水印,使用标题样式等等。
- 您可以在任何文档中插入(insert)常用对象,如中断、表格、形状、图片、艺术字(WordArt)和文本框。
- 您可以使用高级对象格式(advanced object formatting)并修改对象的 3D 效果、深度、方向和照明。
- 它还提供自动拼写检查(auto spell-check)功能。
- WPS Office可以跟踪文档中的任何类型的更改,从而更轻松地查看编辑(easier to review edits)或完全禁用编辑。
4. FreeOffice 文本制作工具(4. FreeOffice TextMaker)
FreeOffice TextMake也是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品。
- 这是一款功能丰富、轻量级(lightweight)、免费使用的(free-to-use)文字处理器,适合家庭和企业使用。
- 它支持PC 的(supports) Linux、Mac 10.10和 Windows 10、8 和 7 操作系统和手机的Android。
- 它可以将(save)您的工作保存为特定于该程序的TMDX和TMD格式。(TMD)
- 它可以以TMV格式保存为将来使用而创建的任何新设计。
- 此外,它可以将您的工作保存为常用文件格式,因为它高度支持DOCX、HTML、TXT和EPUB格式等MS Office 文件格式(supports MS Office file formats),与Office XML具有很强的兼容性。
- 使用这个文字处理器,您可以在几个可用模板(templates)的帮助下创建文档和信件。
- 使用多语言词典(multiple language dictionaries)可以进行更有效的自动拼写检查。
- 它可以在打开文档之前查看和阅读文档。
- 使用此文字处理器,您可以跟踪(track changes)对多个用户正在协作的任何文档所做的更改。
- 该软件可以打开受密码保护的文件,(password-protected files,)甚至可以从MS Word以及TXT、WRI、WPD、SXW、PWD等打开。
- 该程序使您能够打印(print)迄今为止所做的工作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 的 30 个最佳 CSV 编辑器(30 Best CSV Editor for Windows)
5. OpenOffice 作家(5. OpenOffice Writer)
OpenOffice Writer是Microsoft Word的最佳替代品之一。
- Apache OpenOffice Writer是一个非常高效和专业(efficient & professional)的在线文字处理器。
- 它适用于许多流行的基本和高级文件格式(basic and advanced file format)选项、模板和扩展。
- 它还具有便携式使用(portable usage)选项,即借助闪存驱动器,即使在旅行时也可以使用该程序。
- 侧边菜单面板(side menu panel)支持自定义字体、文本大小和样式、箭头、项目符号、行距、书签、内置图片库、键盘快捷键、宏等。
- 使用这款文字处理器,您可以使用其内置的向导(Wizards)工具编写您的日记、信件、传真和程序。
- 您还可以使用其电子表格、演示文稿和数据库程序,但是可以使用自定义设置(custom set-up)禁用这些程序。
- 它启用了预览选项(preview option),以帮助最终确定文档的外观和格式。
- 它在您打字时实时提供自动拼写检查。(automatic spell check)
- 该软件提供自动保存、自动完成、字数计数器(auto-save, auto-completion, word counter)和离线支持(offline support)。
- 它为您的个性化词汇(personalized vocabulary)提供可靠的存储空间,以备将来使用。
- 它不仅允许您以TXT、PDF、HTML、DOCX文件格式(DOCX)下载(download)和编辑(edit)您的作品,甚至还可以使用WordPress和Tumblr与他人(Tumblr)分享(share)。
6. 自由办公室(6. Libre Office)
Libre Office是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品。
- LibreOffice 是一款免费使用、功能丰富(free-to-use, feature-packed)、功能齐全的开源软件。
- 它支持(supports)所有平台,即Windows、Linux和Mac操作系统。
- 它整合(collates)了知名文字处理器的所有功能,使其能够与Microsoft Office Suite紧密结合。
- 正是出于这个原因,最近发布的LibreOffice 7.1更加符合(in) consonance with the DOC/DOCX file format及其功能。
- 如上所述,LibreOffice支持大多数流行的文件格式,它可以轻松地将文档转换为 PDF,(conversion of documents to PDF,)而无需任何额外的软件或在线帮助。
- 该软件包适用于处理任何类型的基于文本的工作。
- 它不允许任何广告(advertisements)或付费订阅(paid subscriptions)。
- 由于其强大的开发团队会定期更新应用程序,因此该文字处理器保持最新状态。(up-to-date)
- 凭借其井井有条的界面(well-organized interface)和庞大的模板(templates)库,它的需求量更大,并拥有可观的用户群。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Microsoft Office 无法在 Windows 10 上打开的问题(Fix Microsoft Office Not Opening on Windows 10)
7.写猴子(7. Write Monkey)
Write Monkey也是Microsoft Word的最佳替代品之一。
- 这个软件的美妙之处在于它是一个不需要安装的便携工具。(portable tool)
- 此功能不仅可以节省磁盘空间(saves disk space),还可以节省您原本用于下载和安装软件的宝贵时间。
- Write Monkey备份(backs up)Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统。
- 其高度集中(highly focused)和最小的界面(minimal interface)使您能够专注于您的工作而不会分心。
- 它使您无需使用任何网络浏览器即可上网。(surf the internet)您可以在Wikipedia(Wikipedia)、Google 图片(Google Images)、Poetry.com、Answers.com和许多其他受支持的网页中搜索任何内容。
- 此功能派上用场,因为它可以防止您滚动浏览Twitter或Facebook提要并浪费您的时间。
8. Zoho 作家(8. Zoho Writer)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品是Zoho Writer。
- 这款文字处理器带有在线和离线(online and offline)桌面版本,完全免费(free of cost)使用。
- 其干净的界面(clean interface)预先配备了编辑文档所需的所有基本工具和必要功能。
- 使用此程序,您可以插入(insert)图像、更改字体并从各种模板(templates)中进行选择。
- 此外,它允许缩进(indentation),即使您能够将文档中的段落与页面侧边距的相等数量的空格对齐。
- Zoho Writer在写作示例的每个阶段都提供了单独的视图,为改进提供了充足的空间。(separate views)
- 因此,与其他用户一起工作变得更容易。(work jointly)您可以实时(in real-time)辩论新想法和观点的接受度。
- 它的特殊引擎在保持原始格式安全的同时,使您能够convert your DOC/DOCX documents。
- 默认情况下,它将您的文档保存在自己的云存储(own cloud storage)Zoho Docs中。
- 它还允许将文档保存到其他云服务(other cloud services),如Google Drive、Dropbox和OneDrive。
- Zoho Writer的高大上无疑给Word Online和Google Docs等其他文字处理器带来了激烈的竞争(stiff competition)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何在 Windows 10 上打开页面文件(How to Open a Pages File on Windows 10)
9. Dropbox 纸(9. Dropbox Paper)
Dropbox 纸张(Dropbox paper)是Microsoft Word的最佳替代品之一。
- Dropbox Paper 也称为Paper,是一种可在互联网上免费下载(free-to-download)和免费使用(free-to-use)的服务。
- Dropbox Paper专注于即时编辑,并通过Markdown 支持实现实时在线文字处理。(real-time online word processing )Markdown是一种HTML转换工具,它使 Web 内容编写者能够生成像纯文本一样易于阅读的 Web 内容。
- 它使您能够将(insert)图像和视频插入到文档中。
- Dropbox Paper 还允许您添加(add)表格、基于待办事项的日历时间表等等。
- 它还支持添加代码片段(addition of code snippets),这是一个用于在文字处理中重复使用文本的程序。
- 它还支持项目符号和编号列表(lists)。
- 它托管协作工具(collaborative tools),其中包括添加形状和对象的软件应用程序以及Excel图表、PowerPoint幻灯片等,以实现共同目标。
- 该软件支持富媒体支持(rich media support),这是一种数字广告形式,包含视频、音频和其他吸引用户注意力并鼓励互动的元素。
10. 苹果页面(10. Apple Pages)
Apple Pages是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品。
- 它是功能丰富的软件,可(available for free)在 Mac OS、iPad 和 iOS 设备上免费使用。
- 如果您没有在这些设备上安装 Pages,您可以从App Store免费下载并开始使用它。
- 由于Apple pages 和 MS word 具有可比性,因此,您也可以使用 Pages 生成具有不同字体样式和大小、配色方案、间距和对齐方式的有吸引力和吸引人的 word 文档(appealing word documents)。
- 您还可以插入(insert)图像、图表、表格、艺术字(WordArt)、形状、图片、视频和音频文件,以创建您独特的文档。
- 或者,您可以直接从主页选择报告、信函、名片、简历和海报的可用模板。(available templates)
- 由于此文字处理器中提供了大量功能,您可以使用此Apple 文字(Apple Word)处理器根据您的方便和要求来个性化文档。(personalize documents)
- 创建并保存文档后,您可以使用 Pages 5 版本将其导出为(export it)DOC DOC/DOCX/EPUB格式或PDF文件。(PDF)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Google 日历与 Outlook 同步(How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook)
11. 语法(11. Grammarly)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品是Grammarly。
- 它是网络上免费提供(available for free)的最好的文字处理器之一。
- 顾名思义,它有助于基本语法语法(grammatical syntax)。
- 它能够通过替换文本中的单词、短语、句子或段落来 检测错误并建议对此类错误的更正。(suggesting corrections)
- 它还有助于单词和短语的逻辑排列(logical arrangement),创建格式良好的句子,同时处理你写作中的语法错误。
- Grammarly 配备了大量的词汇表(massive vocabulary),并确保建议最(best )适合给定上下文的单词。(word which fits)
- 它提供多种写作风格(writing styles)供您选择。
- 它可以帮助您自定义(customize)文学创作中的特定风格、内容或形式,以使主题更具吸引力和吸引力。
- 您可以跨不同网站和平台(across different websites and platforms)对您的内容进行更正,因为它支持所有网络平台和浏览器扩展。
12.姜软件(12. Ginger Software)
Ginger Software是Microsoft Word的最佳替代品之一。
- Ginger是一种较旧的写作改进工具。它本质上是一个高效的语法检查器,可以立即检测拼写错误的单词(detects misspelled words)。
- 此文字处理器支持(supports)所有平台,即Windows、iOS、Mac和网络浏览器。
- 它的标点符号检查器(punctuation checker)对内容中的标点符号错误进行所需的更正,确保在需要时正确使用逗号、句号、感叹号、连字符等。
- Ginger软件使您能够形成个人错误词典,(personal dictionary of errors)从而能够根据其在特定上下文中的使用情况自动更正单词。
- 它可以在您写作时纠正句子(sentence) 结构中的错误。(structuring)
- 它根据主谓一致(subject-verb agreement)检查语法错误。
- 该文字处理器有助于识别文档错误并进行更正。
- 它保留了大量(vast vocabulary)可供选择的词汇,有助于改善内容中的词汇选择。
- 除了语法更正外,它还提供独特的功能,如文本阅读器(text reader)、翻译(translator)器、培训师等。
- 您可以在美国英语和英国英语 之间自由切换。(switch between)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳洪流网站(Top 10 Best Torrent Websites)
13.印象笔记网页(13. Evernote Web)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品是Evernote 网页版(Evernote web)。
- 它可用于各种平台(various platforms),包括Windows、iOS、Android和Mac操作系统。
- 由于此应用程序可用于手机,您不再需要等待回到家中的台式机/笔记本电脑。您可以随时随地(on the go)创建新笔记或编辑现有笔记。
- 此文字处理器使您可以跨多个设备 保存待办事项列表。(to-do list)
- 使用其基本版和高级版(Basic & Premium version),您可以根据您希望链接到您帐户的设备数量来订阅任何一种。
- 它允许您以您选择的颜色突出显示文本的重要部分。(highlight)
- 您可以将文本的特定部分移动到页面上的任何位置或完全删除该部分,即您可以剪切、复制或粘贴(cut, copy or paste)所选文本、注释、形状或内容中的标记。
- 它还允许您更改纸张的设计(design)。
- 它将数据保存在其云存储(cloud storage)中,这样如果您的设备数据丢失,您就不会丢失它。
- 另一个值得注意的功能是,您可以通过Evernote 内部(Internal Evernote)链接或电子邮件链接与他人分享您的笔记。(share your note)
14. Prowritingaid
Prowritingaid是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品。
- 它是一个提供一流语法和样式检查(top-notch grammar and style checking)的工具。
- 它使您可以更快地修改论文。
- 这个应用程序有超过1000 种风格(1000s styles)来帮助你提高你的写作。
- 它使您可以纠正写作风格的问题。
- Prowritingaid突出显示拼写和语法错误。
- 它包含一个单词浏览(word explorer)器,可帮助您发现正确的术语。
- 该程序生成一致的报告,有助于消除错误。
Mac、Web 和 Windows(Mac, Web, and Windows)都是受支持的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Outlook 密码提示再次出现(Fix Outlook Password Prompt Reappearing)
15. 市场缪斯(15. MarketMuse)
MarketMuse是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳替代品。
- MarketMuse 是一种用于创建内容策略的人工智能工具。(AI-powered tool)
- 它使您可以快速评估大量文章。
- 它将帮助您为您的内容进行关键字研究(keyword research)。
- 它有一个实时文本编辑器(live text editor)。
- 该程序可以帮助您查找常见问题。
- MarketMuse 使您能够创建初稿(first draught)和内容简介(content brief)。
- 通过输入URL或标题,您可以优化内容。
- Web 是受支持的平台。
16. 冷静的作家
Calmywriter是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- 这是一款免费的写作软件。
- 该软件设计简单(simple design)。
- 这个在线工具旨在帮助您专注于您的写作能力。
- 它包含一个焦点模式(focus mode)功能,可让您突出显示正在处理的文本。
- 您将能够使用全屏模式(full-screen mode)。
- 它很容易使用。
- 您可以选择打开或关闭打字机声音。
- 标题、粗体、斜体和项目符号都可以使用语法进行格式化。
- 它可以使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcuts)。
- 使用浏览器验证您的拼写。
- 它带有一个单词计数器。
- 您可以将文件另存为 PDF。
Web 和浏览器扩展(Web and browser extensions)是受支持的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何关闭 Outlook 电子邮件已读回执(How to Turn Outlook Email Read Receipt On Off)
17. 记事本 (17. JotterPad )
JotterPad是Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品。
- JotterPad是专为作者(authors)创建的 Android 应用程序。
- 它包含一个纯文本编辑器,可用于制作书籍、诗歌、小说、散文和其他类型的文档。
- 在此应用程序的帮助下,您可以专注于将您的想法转换为纯文本文件。
- 您可以快速搜索术语。
- 它适用于Markdown(文本到 HTML 转换工具)。
- 它允许您计算句子中的单词数。
- 此应用程序允许您跟踪文档的版本。
- 您可以在云端(edit text on the cloud)编写或编辑文本。
- 您可以以PDF格式打印或发布您的作品。
- 它具有可用于查找术语的内置字典。(built-in dictionary)
18. 书记员(18. Scrivener)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品是Scrivener。
- Scrivener是一款非常适合作家的软件。
- 它包括一个文档和元数据管理(document and metadata management)系统。
- 该软件有助于组织和调查材料,以便可以快速访问。
- 它强调了您应该集中精力的条款。
- 您可以添加注释和评论。
- 您可以使用此程序来缩进块配额。
- 您可以使用它来使标题变粗变大。
- 您可以导入简单的文本文件,以及Word 和 PDF 文档(Word and PDF documents)。
Windows、iOS 和 Mac(Windows, iOS, and Mac)都是受支持的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 16 款适用于 Windows 的最佳免费文件重命名软件(16 Best Free File Rename Software for Windows)
19. 可读(19. Readable)
Readable也是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- Readable 是一个文字处理器,可让您检查内容的可读性、语法和拼写。
- 它允许API(API integration)与您的内容管理系统集成。
- 您可以使用此工具粘贴您的内容。
- 它将为您提供即时分析(immediate analysis)。
- 它还提出了改进的方法。
- 它具有评估文本质量的能力。
- 这个免费的文字处理程序可以检查关键字的密度(keyword density)。
可读性通知(Readability notifications)由应用程序提供。
- 它具有团队管理(team management)功能。
- 您可以使用Readable(Readable)交换文本、文件分数和网页。
- Web 是受支持的平台。
20. 龙语音识别(20. Dragon Speech Recognition)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品是Dragon Speech Recognition。
- Dragon Speech Recognition 是一款语音识别(voice recognition)软件。
- 该程序允许您说话并将您的话显示在屏幕上。
- 它可以帮助您创建文档而无需键盘(without the need for a keyboard)。
- 它允许您使用您的声音精确和快速地操作您的 PC。(precision and speed)
- 这个工具比使用键盘输入文本(type text)要快。
- 学生、商业用户和专业人士都可以使用它。
Windows、Android 和 iOS(Windows, Android, and iOS)都是受支持的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 15 个最佳免费 Windows 10 主题(15 Best Free Windows 10 Themes)
21. 斯克里布斯(21. Scribus)
Scribus也是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- Scribus是一个免费和开源(free and open-source)的桌面出版程序。
- 它用于文档的排版、布局和显示。
- 该程序还具有生成PDF 和表格(PDFs and forms)的能力。
- 它有一个易于使用的用户界面。
- 颜色(Color)管理和PDF制作是可以支持的发布功能的示例。
- 你有能力创建矢量图形(create vector graphics)。
(Documentation generation tools such as LaText)该程序支持LaText 、Lilypond等文档生成工具。
- Scribus允许您导入和导出大量文件。
- Windows、Linux、Mac OS X、Solaris、PC-BSD、OpenBSD、NetBSD和Haiku都是支持的平台。
22. iA 作家(22. iA Writer)
Microsoft Word的另一个最佳免费替代品是iA Writer。
- iA writer 提供了一个简单直观的写作环境(simple and intuitive writing environment)。
- 它使您能够在任何程序中修改您的文本文件。
- 该程序中有一个集中模式(concentrate mode),可帮助您留在该区域中。
- 它具有突出语法的能力。
- 可以使用此工具搜索您的文档。
- 它允许模板定制(template customisation)。
- 它具有自动对齐表格的能力。
- 应用程序中有两种模式:明亮和黑暗。
- 它可以帮助您撰写短语和句子。
Mac、Android、iOS 和 Windows(Mac, Android, iOS, and Windows)都是受支持的平台。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Word 转换为 JPEG(How to Convert Word to JPEG)
23. 等宽(23. Monospace)
Monospace是Microsoft Word的最佳免费替代品之一。
- 该软件支持粗体(Bold)、斜体、项目符号和其他格式样式。
- 它具有内置的同步功能(built-in sync feature),可让您跟踪笔记的最新版本。
- 它用于导出文档。
- 它还支持Tumblr 和 WordPress(Tumblr and WordPress)复制和粘贴。
- 您可以将此工具与 Dropbox 结合使用(conjunction with Dropbox)。
- 要排列文档,您可以使用主题标签。
- 它有一个用户友好的触摸界面(user-friendly touch interface)。
- Web、iOS、Android、Mac、Windows和Browser Extension都是支持的平台。
24. 尤利西斯(24. Ulysses)
- 它具有简单且无干扰的界面,可帮助提高生产力。
- 您可以在此文本编辑器中编写任何大小的项目。
- 它具有内置的校对器和编辑助手(built-in proofreader and editing assistant),可确保您的写作没有错误并快速阅读。
- Ulysses 可以将您的文档转换为PDF(PDFs)、Word文档、博客文章、电子书等。
- 最近,它还发布了支持 3rd 方字体(support of 3rd party font)添加的更新。
- 您可以在iPhone、iPad 和 Mac(iPhone, iPad, and Mac)系统上使用此应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Microsoft Teams 的 10 大最佳功能(Best 10 Microsoft Teams Features)
25. Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice是一款多功能软件,具有以下功能:
- 它是用于电子表格、文字处理、演示文稿等的开源办公套件软件。(open-source)
- 它是一款免费且易于使用的软件,适合希望获得与Microsoft Word相同感觉的人。
- 该软件中的一些办公套件(office suites)包括Writer、Math、Draw、Base等。
- 它有多种语言版本(available in various languages),并且会不时增加更多语言支持。
- 您可以将此软件用于教育、私人、商业或政府用途。
(ONLYOFFICE)由于以下属性, ONLYOFFICE确实被认为是Microsoft Word的最佳替代品之一:(Microsoft Word)
- ONLYOFFICE Docs 提供协作文档编辑器(collaborative document editors),以根据您的需要创建高质量的文档。
- 您可以在此文档软件的帮助下创建各种文档、电子表格、表格、演示文稿。
- 它与 MS Office 格式的兼容性最高。(highest compatibility)
- ONLYOFFICE Workspace是一个完整的生产力套件,您可以使用它来运行您的整个业务。
- 它还符合国际安全标准(international security standards)。
- 该软件适用于Windows、macOS、Linux、Android 和 iOS(Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 的 19 个最佳免费文件管理器(19 Best Free File Manager for Windows)
27. AbiWord
- 这个文字处理器有助于帮助日常打字和写作更正工作。
- 它可以阅读和编辑OpenOffice.org、Microsoft Word、富文本格式(Rich Text Format)文档、HTML网页等。
- 借助高级文档布局(Advanced Document Layout)功能,您可以利用表格、列表、项目符号、图像、脚注等来提高文档的质量。
- 它是一种多语言软件,支持希伯来语(Hebrew)、阿拉伯语(Arabic)和所有其他欧洲语言(European languages)。
- 它在Windows、QNX、Linux、FreeBSD 或 Solaris(Windows, QNX, Linux, FreeBSD, or Solaris)上可用。
从上面的讨论中,我们得出结论,Microsoft Word是一个闭源程序,有许多在线和离线的最佳替代品。(best alternatives to Microsoft Word)免费提供,您还可以获得节省宝贵存储空间的额外优势。让我们知道您喜欢哪种文字处理器。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请将其留在下面的评论部分。
27 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Word
Man, as we know іs a social animal. Since time immemorial, communication has been the baѕic fiber of human co-existence. Prehistoric men used to communicate using sign language. With the passage of time and self-growth, man further invented alphabets, formed words, and started framing sentences in different dialects and languages. He then utilizеd these to communicatе his thoughts and exprеssions. Today, with the aid of technolоgy, he does thе same through a word prоcessor or wоrd processing software. We have shown the 27 best free alternatives to Microsoft Word in this article.
27 Best Alternatives to Microsoft Word
These word Processors are not merely text editors, but also help form words, sentences, paragraphs, pages, and even help to write an entire article. The modern word processer developed with the help of computer programming provides features like customization of the font of the text; formatting of the page, the addition of footers, headers, page numbers to each page, inserting tables, etc. Following are some use cases of word processors.
- It can also identify and correct grammatical and syntax errors.
- In addition, it provides the word and character count of a document, if so desired by the user.
- In the latest versions, word processors have allowed users to add audio-video files and insert links to web pages.
- With a simple click of the mouse or pressing of a few keys, you can edit any document viz add or remove content, identify and correct errors, improve grammar and vocabulary, add punctuations, and a whole host of associated activities.
- It further allows you to save your document for future use and even, print a draft for revision and fully edited documents.
- It also enables transferring of files, making content writing as well as publishing, a lot easier.
In this article, we have provided a comprehensive list of some of these best, free to download, Word Processors especially, for our readers.
1. Google Docs
Google Docs is one of best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- This word processor supports all kinds of platforms viz the web, iOS, Android, Mac & Windows operating systems. Thus, it can be utilized on a phone, tablet, or computer.
- This feature-packed software is accessible from anywhere with the help of an internet connection; thereby, providing support to anyone and everyone who wants it.
- In addition to its online support, this mufti-faceted word processor also enables offline writing using Chrome Extension.
- Additionally, it provides the flexibility to return to older file versions and to convert Google Doc files to Word files, and vice versa.
- This free word processor can help make changes in a document in real-time and share them instantly.
- The auto-save feature rids you of the everlasting worry of having to save whatever you’re writing manually, every time you do so.
- It can also export files in PDF format.
- It assists in signing documents, creating charts, taking care of maps, and a lot more, using its add-ons.
- Its word processor comes with a free voice-to-text feature.
2. FocusWriter
Another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word is FocusWriter.
- FocusWriter is a free, multilingual word processor supporting more than 20 languages.
- It supports Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.
- Holding true to its name, it enables you to focus on your writing completely, throwing all distractions to the wind.
- It allows for basic formattings like bold, strikethrough, text alignment, etc., and advanced tools like spelling check & correction, etc.
- Using this software, you can open and save documents in different formats, such as DOCX, ODF, RTF, and TXT.
- This processor sets your daily goals so that you do not need to worry about keeping a track of word count.
- It also helps you track and set time limits by fixing the number of minutes/hours you want to devote to your work each day.
- It automatically triggers an alert by sounding an alarm on reaching the pre-defined word count or time limit.
- This word processor even provides live data of the number of corrections and edits you make in your document.
- It also offers line spacing options in a document.
- It opens multiple documents with custom themes for better clarity and productivity.
Also Read: How to Add a Page in Google Docs
3. WPS Office
WPS Office is one of best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- WPS Office was developed by Kingsoft, a software company based in Beijing, China. It is lightweight software of approximately 300 MB.
- It is available for free on the web and is considered to be the easiest to use a word processor.
- It offers 1 GB of cloud storage space for your documents.
- It supports Word, Mac, Linux, and iOS operating systems giving flexibility of use on Mobile phones too.
- WPS Office offers all three office programs, namely, Word, Spreadsheet, and Presentation.
- A self-styled interface, almost identical to Word, enables better document management.
- It supports all text files, including Microsoft legacy and current versions, dating back to Office 97.
- This also enables the alignment of text and objects, the addition of header, footer and watermarks, use of heading styles, and much more.
- You can insert common objects like breaks, tables, shapes, pictures, WordArt, and text boxes in any document.
- You can use advanced object formatting and modify the 3D effects, depth, direction, and lighting of an object.
- It provides an auto spell-check feature as well.
- WPS Office can track any kind of change in a document making it easier to review edits or disable editing, altogether.
4. FreeOffice TextMaker
FreeOffice TextMake is also another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- This is a feature-packed, lightweight, free-to-use word processor for both, home and business use.
- It supports Linux, Mac 10.10, and Windows 10, 8, and 7 operating systems for PCs and Android for mobile phones.
- It can save your work in TMDX and TMD formats, specific to this program.
- It can save any new designs created for future use, in its TMV format.
- Furthermore, it can save your work in common file formats because it highly supports MS Office file formats like DOCX, HTML, TXT, and EPUB format, with strong compatibility with Office XML.
- Using this word processor, you can create documents and letters with the help of several available templates.
- Using multiple language dictionaries allows for more efficient auto spell checks.
- It can view as well as read documents beforehand i.e. before opening them.
- With this word processor, you can track changes made to any document on which multiple users are collaborating.
- This software can open password-protected files, even from MS Word along with TXT, WRI, WPD, SXW, PWD, etc.
- This program enables you to print the work you have carried out thus far.
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5. OpenOffice Writer
OpenOffice Writer is one of best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Apache OpenOffice Writer is a pretty efficient & professional online word processor.
- It works with a lot of popular basic and advanced file format options, templates, and extensions.
- It also has a portable usage option i.e. With the help of a flash drive which, you can use the program, even while traveling.
- A side menu panel enables custom fonts, text size, and styles, arrows, bullets, line spacing, bookmarks, an in-built image gallery, keyboard shortcuts, macros, etc.
- Using this word processor, you can write your diary, letters, faxes, and programs using its in-built Wizards tool.
- You can also use its spreadsheet, presentation, and database programs, which can however be disabled using custom set-up.
- It enables a preview option to help finalize the look and formatting of your documents.
- It offers automatic spell check in real-time while you’re typing.
- This software provides auto-save, auto-completion, word counter and offline support.
- It provides dependable storage space for your personalized vocabulary of words, for future use.
- It not only allows you to download and edit your work in TXT, PDF, HTML, DOCX files but to even share it with others using WordPress and Tumblr.
6. Libre Office
Libre Office is another best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- LibreOffice is a free-to-use, feature-packed, full-fledged, open-source software.
- It supports all platforms viz Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.
- It collates all the features of well-known word processors which enables it to work cohesively with Microsoft Office Suite.
- It is for this reason that the recently released LibreOffice 7.1 is more in consonance with the DOC/DOCX file format and its features.
- As mentioned above, LibreOffice supports most of the popular file formats, it easily enables conversion of documents to PDF, without requiring any additional software or online help.
- This software package is suitable to process any kind of text-based work.
- It does not allow any advertisements or paid subscriptions.
- This word processor stays up-to-date because of its strong development team which keeps updating the application regularly.
- With its well-organized interface and a vast gallery of templates, it is more in demand and enjoys a considerable user base.
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7. Write Monkey
Write Monkey is also one of best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- The beauty of this software is that it is a portable tool that does not need to be installed.
- This feature not only saves disk space but also, your precious time which would otherwise be spent in downloading and installing software.
- Write Monkey backs up Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
- Its highly focused and minimal interface enables you to concentrate on your work without any distractions.
- It enables you to surf the internet, without using any web browser. You can search for anything in Wikipedia, Google Images, Poetry.com, Answers.com, and many other web pages that are supported.
- This feature comes in handy as it prevents you from scrolling through Twitter or Facebook feed and wasting your time.
8. Zoho Writer
Another best alternatives to Microsoft Word is Zoho Writer.
- This word processor with its online and offline desktop versions, is available for use completely free of cost.
- Its clean interface comes pre-equipped with all the basic tools and necessary features needed to edit a document.
- Using this program, you can insert images, change fonts and choose from a wide range of templates.
- Furthermore, it allows for indentation i.e. enables you to align your paragraphs in your document with an equal number of spaces from the side margins of the page.
- Zoho Writer provides separate views at each stage of the writing sample, providing ample scope for refinement.
- Because of this, it becomes easier to work jointly with other users. You can debate on the acceptance of new ideas and opinions in real-time.
- Its special engine, while keeping your original formatting safe, enables you to convert your DOC/DOCX documents.
- It saves your documents on its own cloud storage, Zoho Docs, by default.
- It also allows documents to be saved onto other cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.
- Zoho Writer, standing tall-in-stature undoubtedly gives stiff competition to other word processors like Word Online and Google Docs.
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9. Dropbox Paper
Dropbox paper is one of best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Dropbox Paper also known as Paper is a free-to-download and free-to-use service available on the internet.
- Dropbox Paper focuses on instantaneous editing and enables real-time online word processing with Markdown support. Markdown is an HTML conversion tool that enables web content writers to produce web content that is as easy to read as plain text.
- It enables you to insert images and videos into your document.
- Dropbox Paper also enables you to add tables, calendar timelines on a to-do basis, and much more.
- It also supports the addition of code snippets which is a program for re-usable text in word processing.
- It also supports bulleted and numbered lists.
- It hosts collaborative tools which include software applications that add shapes and objects as well as Excel charts, PowerPoint slides, etc. to achieve a common objective.
- This software enables rich media support which is a form of digital advertising containing video, audio, and other such elements which attract users’ attention & encourage interaction.
10. Apple Pages
Apple Pages is another best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- It is feature-packed software, available for free on Mac OS, iPad, and iOS devices.
- In case you do not have Pages installed on any of these devices, you can download it for free from the App Store and begin using it.
- Since Apple pages and MS word are comparable, thus, you can generate attractive and appealing word documents in different font styles and sizes, color schemes, spacing & alignment using Pages as well.
- You can also insert images, charts, tables, WordArt, shapes, pictures, video, and audio files, to create your unique document.
- Alternatively, you can choose from available templates for reports, letter, business cards, resume, and posters directly from the home page.
- Due to the availability of a whole slew of features in this word processor, you can use this Apple Word processor to personalize documents as per your convenience & requirements.
- Having created & saved your document, you can export it in DOC/DOCX/EPUB format, or as PDF files, using Pages 5 version.
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11. Grammarly
Another best alternatives to Microsoft Word is Grammarly.
- It is one of the best word processors available for free on the web.
- As the name suggests, it aids in basic grammatical syntax.
- It is capable of detecting mistakes and suggesting corrections for such errors in terms of the replacement of a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph in the text.
- It also helps in the logical arrangement of words and phrases, to create well-formed sentences, while taking care of syntax errors in your write-up.
- Grammarly is equipped with a massive vocabulary and ensures that the word which fits best in the given context is being suggested.
- It offers a variety of writing styles for you to choose from.
- It helps you customize a particular style, content, or form in your literary creations to make the subject more attractive and intriguing.
- You can make corrections in your content across different websites and platforms since it supports all web platforms and browser extensions.
12. Ginger Software
Ginger Software is one of best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Ginger is an older writing improvement tool. It is essentially an efficient grammar checker which instantly detects misspelled words.
- This word processor supports all platforms viz Windows, iOS, Mac, and web browsers.
- Its punctuation checker makes the desired corrections in punctuation mistakes in your content ensuring the correct use of a comma, full-stop, exclamation mark, hyphens, etc. wherever required.
- Ginger software enables you to form a personal dictionary of errors which enables auto-correction of words with respect to their usage in a particular context.
- It corrects mistakes in sentence structuring while you are writing.
- It keeps a check on grammatical errors in terms of the subject-verb agreement.
- This word processor helps in identifying document errors and correcting them.
- It keeps a vast vocabulary of words to choose from which helps improve word selection in your content.
- Besides grammar corrections, it offers on its platter, unique features like text reader, translator, trainer, etc.
- You get the freedom to switch between US English and UK English.
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13. Evernote Web
Another best alternative to Microsoft Word is Evernote web.
- It is available for use on various platforms including Windows, iOS, Android, and Mac operating systems.
- Since this application is available for mobile phones, you no longer have to wait to reach home to your desktop/laptop. You can create new notes or edit existing ones, on the go.
- This word processor enables you to save the to-do list across multiple devices.
- With its Basic & Premium version, you can subscribe to either depending on the number of devices you wish to link to your account.
- It allows you to highlight the important portion of your text in a color of your choice.
- You can move a certain portion of your text anywhere on the page or remove that part completely i.e. you can cut, copy or paste the selected text, notes, shapes, or marks in your content.
- It also allows you to change the design of the paper.
- It saves data on its cloud storage so that you don’t lose it if your device data is lost.
- Another noteworthy feature is that you can share your note with others via Internal Evernote link or through email link.
14. Prowritingaid
Prowritingaid is another best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- It is a tool that provides top-notch grammar and style checking.
- It allows you to modify papers more quickly.
- This app has over 1000s styles to help you enhance your writing.
- It allows you to correct the problem with your writing style.
- Prowritingaid highlights errors in spelling and grammar.
- It contains a word explorer to help you discover the correct term.
- This program generates a consistent report, which helps to eliminate errors.
Mac, Web, and Windows are all supported platforms.
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15. MarketMuse
MarketMuse is another best alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- MarketMuse is an AI-powered tool for creating content strategies.
- It allows you to quickly evaluate a large number of articles.
- It will assist you in conducting keyword research for your content.
- It has a live text editor.
- This program can assist you in locating frequently asked questions.
- MarketMuse enables you to create a first draught as well as a content brief.
- By inputting a URL or a title, you may optimise content.
- The web is the platform that is supported.
16. Calmlywriter
Calmywriter is one of best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- It’s a free piece of writing software.
- This software has a simple design.
- This online tool is intended to assist you in focusing on your writing abilities.
- It contains a focus mode feature that allows you to highlight the text you’re working on.
- You will be able to use full-screen mode.
- It’s quite easy to use.
- You have the option of turning on or off the typewriter sound.
- Headers, bold, italics, and bullets may all be formatted using the syntax.
- It enables the usage of keyboard shortcuts.
- Using a browser, verify your spelling.
- It comes with a word counter.
- You may save the file as a PDF.
Web and browser extensions are supported platforms.
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17. JotterPad
JotterPad is another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- JotterPad is an Android application created specifically for authors.
- It contains a plain text editor that may be used to produce books, poetry, novels, essays, and other types of documents.
- You may concentrate on transforming your thoughts into a plain text file with the help of this application.
- You may search for terms rapidly.
- It works with Markdown (Text to HTML conversion tool).
- It allows you to count the number of words in a sentence.
- This application allows you to keep track of the document’s version.
- You may write or edit text on the cloud.
- You may print or publish your work in PDF format.
- It features a built-in dictionary that may be used to look up terms.
Android is a supported platform.
18. Scrivener
Another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word is Scrivener.
- Scrivener is a fantastic software for writers.
- It includes a document and metadata management system.
- This software aids in the organisation and investigation of the material so that it may be accessed quickly.
- It underlines the terms on which you should focus your efforts.
- You may add annotations and comments.
- You may use this programme to indent block quotas.
- You can use it to make the header bold and big.
- You may import simple text files, as well as Word and PDF documents.
Windows, iOS, and Mac are all supported platforms.
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19. Readable
Readable is also one of the best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Readable is a word processor that allows you to check your content for readability, grammar, and spelling.
- It allows for API integration with your content management system.
- You may use this tool to paste your content.
- It will provide you with an immediate analysis.
- It also suggests ways to improve.
- It has the ability to assess the text’s quality.
- This free word processing programme can check the keyword density.
Readability notifications are provided by the application.
- It has a team management feature.
- You may exchange text, file scores, and web pages using Readable.
- The web is the platform that is supported.
20. Dragon Speech Recognition
Another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word is Dragon Speech Recognition.
- Dragon Speech Recognition is voice recognition software.
- This program allows you to speak and have your words shown on the screen.
- It assists you in creating documents without the need for a keyboard.
- It allows you to operate your PC with precision and speed using your voice.
- This tool is faster than using a keyboard to type text.
- Students, business users, and professionals can all utilize it.
Windows, Android, and iOS are all supported platforms.
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21. Scribus
Scribus is also one of best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Scribus is a desktop publishing program that is both free and open-source.
- It’s made for typesetting, layout, and display of documents.
- This program also has the ability to produce PDFs and forms.
- It has an easy-to-use UI.
- Color management and PDF production are examples of publishing functionality that can be supported.
- You have the ability to create vector graphics.
Documentation generation tools such as LaText, Lilypond, and others are supported by this programme.
- Scribus allows you to import and export a large number of files.
- Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, PC-BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Haiku are all supported platforms.
22. iA Writer
Another best free alternatives to Microsoft Word is iA Writer.
- iA writer provides a simple and intuitive writing environment.
- It enables you to modify your text file in any programme.
- There is a concentrate mode in this programme that helps you to stay in the zone.
- It has the ability to highlight syntax.
- Your document can be searched with this tool.
- It allows for template customisation.
- It has the ability to align tables automatically.
- There are two modes in the app: bright and dark.
- It assists you in composing a phrase and a sentence.
Mac, Android, iOS, and Windows are all supported platforms.
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23. Monospace
Monospace is one of best free alternatives to Microsoft Word.
- Bold, italics, bullets, and other formatting styles are supported by this software.
- It comes with a built-in sync feature that allows you to keep track of the most recent version of your note.
- it is used to export the document.
- It also supports Tumblr and WordPress copy and paste.
- You may use this tool in conjunction with Dropbox.
- To arrange the document, you can use hashtags.
- It has a user-friendly touch interface.
- Web, iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Browser Extension are all supported platforms.
24. Ulysses
Ulysses provides an array of features to the writers to enhance the writing experience and quality for the better.
- It has a simple and distraction-free interface to aid in better productivity.
- You can write any size of projects in this text editor.
- It has a built-in proofreader and editing assistant to keep your writing error-free and swiftly readable.
- Ulysses can convert your documents into PDFs, Word documents, blog posts, ebooks, etc.
- Recently, it has also released an update with the support of 3rd party font additions.
- You can use this application on iPhone, iPad, and Mac systems.
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25. Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice is a multipurpose software with the following features in the bag:
- It is an open-source office suite software used for spreadsheets, word processing, presentations, etc.
- It is a free and easy-to-use software for people who want the same feel as Microsoft Word.
- Some of the office suites in this software include Writer, Math, Draw, Base, etc.
- It is available in various languages, and it continues to add more language support from time to time.
- You can use this software for education, private, commercial, or government use.
ONLYOFFICE is indeed known to be one of the best alternatives to Microsoft Word due to the following attributes:
- ONLYOFFICE Docs provides collaborative document editors to create quality documents as per your need.
- You can create various documents, spreadsheets, forms, presentations with the help of this doc software.
- It has the highest compatibility with MS Office formats.
- ONLYOFFICE Workspace is a complete productivity suite you can use to run your whole business with.
- It is also compliant with international security standards.
- This software is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
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27. AbiWord
AbiWord is a word processing program with some of the best features to look for.
- This word processor helps aid the daily typing and write correction works.
- It can read and edit OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format documents, HTML web pages, etc.
- With the Advanced Document Layout feature, you can make use of tables, lists, bullets, images, footnotes, etc., to augment the quality of your document.
- It is multilingual software with the support of languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, and all other European languages.
- It is available on Windows, QNX, Linux, FreeBSD, or Solaris.
From the above discussion, we conclude that there are numerous online and offline best alternatives to Microsoft Word, which is a closed-source program. Being available at no cost, you get the added advantage of saving valuable storage space as well. Let us know which word processor you prefer. If you have any queries/suggestions, leave them in the comment section below.