Netgear推出了几款支持新的 Wi-Fi 6 无线标准的无线路由器。(wireless router)这个阵容中最实惠的是新的NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4(型号RAX40),与它的兄弟不同,它使用英特尔处理器(Intel processor),而不是博通或高通(Broadcom or Qualcomm)制造的处理器。如果您想了解NETGEAR Nighthawk 夜鹰 AX4 双频(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 dual-band) 无线路由器(wireless router)的功能,以及它是否适合您,请阅读以下评论:
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4:它对谁有好处?
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4是以下类型用户的绝佳选择:
- 想要投资Wi-Fi 6 标准并计划(standard and plan)购买支持该标准的设备的用户
- 想要提供完全控制的高级固件的爱好者
- 想要使用Amazon Alexa 或 Google Assistant控制(Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant)家庭网络的用户(home network)
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4有很多优点:
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- 支持最新的无线标准 - 802.11ax aka Wi-Fi 6
- Netgear的云帐户受两步验证保护
- 借助 ReadySHARE 功能, (ReadySHARE feature)USB设备共享真正实现即插即用
- 您可以将路由器设置为自动更新其固件,无需人工干预
- 它与Amazon Alexa 和 Google Assistant集成(Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant)
- 它可以安装在墙上
- 强大的多语言支持
- USB 3.0端口的速度值得改进
- 2.4 GHz上的WiFi 体验(WiFi experience)可能在某些网络客户端(不是全部)上出现故障
- Netgear的应用程序和服务(apps and services)生态系统令人困惑,需要简化
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4是市场上第一批支持新 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) 标准的无线路由器的一部分。此外,它是支持该技术的最实惠的路由器之一,硬件功能较弱,USB端口较少,高级功能较少。如果您想赶上 Wi-Fi 6 的潮流,又不想花一大笔钱,那么NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4是您应该考虑的路由器。
拆箱NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 无线(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless)路由器
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4采用带有蓝色装饰的黑色盒子。在顶部,您会看到路由器的图片,并提到了它的一些功能。产品命名(product naming)有点混乱,因为制造商将其称为NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4),但也称为AX3000 型号(AX3000 model) RAX40。
在包装盒的侧面,您可以找到有关该产品技术规格及其功能的详细信息。打开包装,里面有以下物品:路由器本身、电源适配器(power adapter)、以太网 CAT5e 电缆(Ethernet CAT5e cable)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修。
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 提供的拆箱体验快速而愉快。在包装中,您可以获得设置和使用无线路由器所需的一切。(The unboxing experience offered by NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is quick and pleasant. In the packaging, you get everything you need to set up and use the wireless router.)
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4是一款现代双频无线路由器(dual-band wireless router),支持Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)无线标准(wireless standard)草案版本(draft version)。其总理论最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 3000 Mbps,拆分如下:使用 Wi-Fi 6 标准时,2.4 GHz 频段为 600 (GHz band)Mbps,5 GHz 频段(GHz band)为2400 Mbps 。
该路由器具有激进的设计,为Nighthawk品牌所熟悉。外置天线只有两根,网(Netgear)件也没有提到任何内置天线的存在。在路由器的顶部,有通风网格、几个指示路由器状态及其功能的LED 灯(LEDs),以及用于控制WiFi 广播(WiFi broadcast)和WPS 功能(WPS feature)的两个按钮。
在路由器的背面,有Internet 端口(Internet port)、四个以 1 Gbps工作的(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)端口、电源插孔(power jack)、重置(Reset)和电源(Power)按钮、一个USB 3.0端口以及一个用于控制顶部LED的按钮。(LEDs)
说到硬件:NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4有一个双核Intel PXB4395 处理器(Intel PXB4395 processor),运行频率为 800 MHz,512 MB RAM和 256 MB存储空间(storage space)用于固件和您在其上安装的应用程序。与其他AX 无线(AX wireless)路由器相比,该型号的硬件要简陋一些。由于规格较低,Nighthawk AX4仅提供 2x2 MU-MIMO 无线传输,而不是像其他具有更强大硬件的无线路由器一样的 4x4 或 8x8。显然,NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4也可以使用较旧的 Wi-Fi 5 和 Wi-Fi 4 标准,因为大多数人没有可以使用新Wi-Fi 6的设备(Wi-Fi 6)标准。
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4是一款中等尺寸的路由器,宽x 深(x depth) x 高(x height)为 13.38 x 8.11 x 2.24 英寸或 340 x 206 x 57mm 。它还重约 1.32 磅或 600 克。
如果您想详细了解这款无线路由器(wireless router)的官方规格,请访问此页面:NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 规格(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 Specifications)。
设置和使用NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 无线(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless)路由器
设置NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 无线(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless)路由器既可以通过 PC 使用Web 浏览器(web browser),也可以通过智能手机使用适用于 iOS 和 Android 的Nighthawk应用(iOS and Android)程序(Nighthawk app)来完成。这次我们决定改变我们的方法并使用移动应用程序而不是传统的基于浏览器的设置。Nighthawk应用程序使用起来并不复杂,它不会在您的移动设备上请求太多权限,这很好。设置向导(setup wizard)会询问您的位置,然后询问您是否要安装新路由器。将智能手机连接到默认WiFi后(WiFi)由路由器发出,您可以设置您正在使用的互联网连接类型,并输入适当的连接详细信息。
然后,您设置家中WiFi的(WiFi)名称和密码(name and password),设置您想要使用的管理员密码(admin password)(如果能够设置用户名,那就太好了),并回答一些您可以用来恢复的安全问题您的密码(当您忘记密码时)。该应用程序会检查固件更新,如果有可用的,它会建议您执行升级。这是一个很好的方法。不幸的是,我们收到的最新更新存在一些降低WiFi 性能(WiFi performance)的错误,因此我们不得不恢复到较旧的固件版本(firmware version)。
固件更新(firmware update)完成后,您可以将路由器连接到您的网件云(Netgear cloud)账号,这样即使您不在家也可以远程管理路由器。一项有用的安全预防措施(security precaution)是Netgear建议用户启用两步验证来保护他们的帐户,这非常棒。其他路由器制造商应该效仿这种方法。然后,您最终可以使用该应用程序来远程控制您的路由器。该应用程序易于使用,但也非常基本。您无法从中执行任何高级配置。
为此,您需要在 PC 上使用Web 浏览器(web browser),并登录到路由器的管理用户界面。此界面分为两个选项卡:基本(Basic)和高级。(Advanced.)基本(Basic)选项卡的选项很少,而且都很容易配置。
真正的乐趣在于“高级(Advanced)”选项卡。在那里,您可以找到适用于您的路由器的所有配置选项。用户界面有多种语言版本,在它们之间切换很容易。此外,如果您对一般技术有所了解,大多数设置都可以轻松理解。但是,“高级(Advanced)”选项卡的组织方式并没有经过深思熟虑,您需要一些时间来适应所有设置的位置。例如,您会在Setup(Setup)和Advanced Setup下获得两组不同的无线设置,这会导致混淆。
帮助(Help)文档以及在线支持(Online Support)选项都很容易访问。但是,与其他品牌的路由器不同,文档是在线提供的,而不是在路由器的固件中。因此,如果您的 Internet 连接不起作用,您将无法访问和使用帮助(Help)文档。
Netgear独有的另一个方面是,要使用Nighthawk AX4的所有高级功能,您需要安装多个应用程序,并在多个地方设置帐户。这种应用程序、功能和服务的生态系统让用户感到困惑,也更难以理解。Netgear应该改进这一点,并像其他制造商一样,直接从其固件中直接访问更高级的功能。然而,作为一个积极的方面,我们喜欢将外部硬盘连接到USB 3.0(USB 3.0)端口并与网络共享的真正即插即用的体验。
完成NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 路由器(NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 router)的设置后,我们将几台设备连接到网络:两台台式电脑、几台笔记本电脑、一台平板电脑、几部智能手机、一台Xbox One控制台、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)、一个智能机器人(robot vacuum)吸尘器和无线打印机。它们都可以轻松连接,我们在通过网络共享文件和文件夹时没有任何问题。但是,当我们使用 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)频段时,我们的体验并不平衡。在我们的智能手机等某些设备上,一切都快速流畅,而在我们的测试笔记本电脑上(test laptop),平均速度低,并且无线传输具有高可变性。为了给您一个视角,请查看在 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)上进行的传输,该房间与路由器相隔一堵墙。这相当令人失望,Netgear应该对此进行调查。我们怀疑这可能是由于与某些无线(wireless network)网卡和特定驱动程序不兼容造成的,与其他品牌的其他AX 无线(AX wireless)路由器一样。
在同一个房间进行的另一次传输,在 5 GHz 频段上,速度快且稳定,正如您对(GHz band)NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4这样的路由器所期望的那样。5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的性能快速而流畅,我们对此没有任何抱怨。
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 review: The more affordable Wi-Fi 6 router!
Netgear has launched several wireless routers with support for the new Wi-Fi 6 wirеless standard. The most affordable in thiѕ line-up is the new NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 (mоdel RAX40), which, unlike its brothers, uses аn Intel processor, insteаd of one made by Broadcom or Qualcomm. Іf yоu want to see what the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 duаl-band wireless router has tо offer, and whether it is a good fit for you, read this review:
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4: Who is it good for?
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is a great choice for the following types of users:
- People who want to invest in the Wi-Fi 6 standard and plan to buy devices with support for it
- Enthusiasts who want advanced firmware that offers complete control
- Users who want to control their home network using Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4:
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- Support for the newest wireless standard - 802.11ax a.k.a Wi-Fi 6
- Netgear's cloud accounts are protected with two-step verification
- Sharing of USB devices is truly plug-and-play, thanks to the ReadySHARE feature
- You can set the router to update its firmware automatically, without manual intervention
- It is integrated both with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
- It can be mounted on walls
- Great multilingual support
There are some negatives to consider as well:
- The speed of the USB 3.0 port deserves improvement
- The WiFi experience on the 2.4 GHz may be faulty on some network clients (not all)
- Netgear's ecosystem of apps and services is confusing and needs to be simplified
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is part of the first wave of wireless routers on the market with support for the new Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) standard. Also, it is one of the most affordable routers with support for this technology, with less powerful hardware, fewer USB ports, and fewer advanced features. If you want to jump on the Wi-Fi 6 bandwagon, and you do not want to spend a crazy amount of money, NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is a router that you should take into consideration.
Unboxing the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless router
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 comes in a black box with blue accents. On the top you see a picture of the router, and a few of its features mentioned. The product naming is a bit confusing, as the manufacturer refers to it as NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 but also as AX3000 model RAX40.
On the sides of the box you find details about the technical specifications of this product and its capabilities. When you open the package, you find the following items inside: the router itself, the power adapter, an Ethernet CAT5e cable, the quick start guide, and the warranty.
The unboxing experience offered by NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is quick and pleasant. In the packaging, you get everything you need to set up and use the wireless router.
Hardware specifications and design
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is a modern dual-band wireless router with support for the draft version of the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) wireless standard. Its total theoretical maximum bandwidth is of 3000 Mbps, split as follows: 600 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band, and 2400 Mbps for the 5 GHz band, when using the Wi-Fi 6 standard.
The router has an aggressive design, familiar to the Nighthawk brand. There are only two external antennas, and Netgear does not mention the existence of any internal antennas. On the top side of the router, there are the ventilation grids, several LEDs that signal the status of the router and its features, as well as two buttons for controlling the WiFi broadcast and the WPS feature.
On the back of the router, there is the Internet port, four Ethernet ports working at 1 Gbps, the power jack, the Reset and the Power buttons, a USB 3.0 port, and a button for controlling the LEDs on the top.
On the bottom of the router, there are two holes for mounting the router on walls, as well as some stickers with information about the product, and more ventilation grids that help cool the hardware inside.
Speaking of hardware: NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 has a dual-core Intel PXB4395 processor, running at 800 MHz, 512 MB of RAM and 256 MB of storage space for the firmware and the apps that you install on it. When compared with other AX wireless routers, the hardware on this model is a bit more modest. Due to is lower specs, Nighthawk AX4 delivers only 2x2 MU-MIMO wireless transfers, instead of 4x4 or 8x8, like other wireless routers, that have more powerful hardware. Obviously, NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 also works using the older Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 4 standards, as most people do not own devices that can use the new Wi-Fi 6 standard.
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 is an average-sized router, with 13.38 x 8.11 x 2.24 inches or 340 x 206 x 57mm in width x depth x height. It also weighs about 1.32 lb or 600 grams.
If you would like to learn more about the official specifications of this wireless router, go to this page: NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 Specifications.
Setting up and using the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless router
Setting up the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 wireless router can be done both from a PC, using a web browser, or from a smartphone, using the Nighthawk app for iOS and Android. This time we decided to change our approach and use the mobile app instead of the traditional browser-based setup. The Nighthawk app is not complicated to use, and it doesn't request many permissions on your mobile device, which is good. The setup wizard asks for your location and then whether you want to install a new router. After you connect your smartphone to the default WiFi emitted by the router, you can set the type of internet connection that you are using, and enter the appropriate connection details.
You then set the name and password for the WiFi in your home, set the admin password that you want to use (it would have been great to be able to set the username too), and answer some security questions that you can use to recover your password (when you forget it). The app checks for firmware updates, and, if any are available, it recommends that you perform the upgrade. It is a good approach. Unfortunately, the latest update that we received had some bugs that lowered WiFi performance, so we had to revert back to an older firmware version.
After the firmware update is finished, you can connect your router to your Netgear cloud account, so that you can remotely manage the router, even when you are not at home. One useful security precaution is that Netgear recommends that users enable two-step verification to protect their accounts, which is great. Other router manufacturers should emulate this approach. Then, you get to finally use the app to remote control your router. The app is simple to use but also very basic. You cannot perform any advanced configuration from it.
For that, you need to use a web browser on your PC, and log in to the router's administration user interface. This interface is split into two tabs: Basic and Advanced. The Basic tab has few options, and all are easy to configure.
The real fun is in the Advanced tab. There you can find all the configuration options that are available for your router. The user interface is available in many languages, and switching between them is easy. Also, most of the settings can be understood with ease, if you have a bit of knowledge about technology in general. However, the way the Advanced tab is organized, is not that well thought out, and you need some time to get used to the location of all the settings. For example, you get two different sets of wireless settings, both under Setup and Advanced Setup, which leads to confusion.
The Help documentation is easily accessible, as well as the Online Support options. But, unlike routers from other brands, the documentation is available online, not in the firmware of the router. Therefore, if your internet connection does not work, you cannot access the Help documentation and use it.
Another aspect that it is unique to Netgear is that, in order to use all the advanced features of the Nighthawk AX4, you need to install several apps, and set up accounts in more than one place. This ecosystem of apps, features and services is confusing to users, and more difficult to understand. Netgear should improve this, and give direct access to more advanced features straight from its firmware, like other manufacturers do. However, as a positive, we loved how truly plug-and-play the experience of connecting an external hard disk to the USB 3.0 port, and sharing with the network is.
After we were done setting up the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4 router, we connected several devices to the network: two desktop PCs, a couple of laptops, one tablet, several smartphones, an Xbox One console, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner, and a wireless printer. They all connected with ease, and we had no problems in sharing files and folders over the network. However, when we used the 2.4 GHz wireless band, we had an uneven experience. On some devices like our smartphones, everything was fast and smooth, while on our test laptop, the average speed was low, and wireless transfers were performed with high variability. To give you a perspective, look at the transfer made on the 2.4 GHz band, in a room separated from the router by one wall. It was rather disappointing, and Netgear should investigate this. We suspect that this may be caused by incompatibilities with some wireless network cards and specific drivers, as it is the case with other AX wireless routers from other brands.
Another transfer, made in the same room, on the 5 GHz band, was fast and stable, as you would expect from a router like the NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4. Performance on the 5 GHz band was fast and smooth, and we have no complaints about it.
If you want to see the details about the wireless performance of this router, and all the features that it has to offer, go to the next page of this review.