Windows 10是一个不断变化的操作系统(operating system),微软(Microsoft)会定期推出新功能。Windows 10的最新主要更新称为2018 年 10 月(October 2018) 更新(Update),于10 月 2 日(October 2nd)推出。尽管新的2018 年 10 月(October 2018) 更新(Update)并未向操作系统(operating system)添加大量新功能,但仍有一些令人兴奋或至少很有趣。它们是您应该尽快在Windows 10 计算机或设备(computer or device)上安装更新的原因。如果您想详细了解Windows (Windows 10) 2018 年10 月 10 日(October 2018) 更新中的新增功能(Update),阅读这篇文章:
1. 更多黑暗模式(Mode),包括文件资源管理器(File Explorer)
暗模式(Dark Mode)是一项功能,可让您更改Windows 10用户界面的外观。它会更改某些界面元素的外观,例如窗口背景、文本或链接。虽然默认设置是在应用程序窗口中使用白色(ish)背景和黑色或深灰色文本,但深色模式(Dark Mode)会将其更改为黑色(深色)背景和白色文本。这使人们更容易在光线不足的条件下(夜间)使用Windows 10及其应用程序,但如果您喜欢深色,它也可以使您的桌面看起来更好看。
尽管Windows 10自周年更新(Anniversary Update)以来提供了暗模式(Dark Mode),但它并非通过用户界面随处可用。在2018 年 10 月(October 2018)更新(Update)中,文件资源管理器(File Explorer)和右键菜单也可以使用暗模式。(Dark Mode)在本指南中阅读有关暗模式(Dark Mode)以及如何启用它的更多信息:如何在Windows 10中启用或禁用(Windows 10)暗模式(Dark Mode)。

2.更好的剪贴板(Better Clipboard),与云集成和同步(integration and synchronization)
剪贴板获得了许多新功能和改进,并且变得比以往更强大。Windows 10 October 2018 更新(Update)的新剪贴板允许您查看存储在其中的项目的历史记录。它还允许您从其历史记录中粘贴旧项目、固定项目或删除不再需要的项目。此外, (Furthermore)Windows 10 2018 年10 月(October 2018) 更新(Update)中最好的新功能之一是新剪贴板还可以将您放置在其中的一些项目上传到云端,并将其与您使用的其他Windows 10设备同步相同的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。
如果您想详细了解Windows 10 October 2018 Update中的新剪贴板功能,请阅读以下教程:
- 如何在Windows 10中使用(Windows 10)剪贴板(Clipboard):粘贴旧项目、固定项目、删除项目等。
- 如何将Windows 10剪贴板与其他计算机和设备同步。

3. 更好的搜索,更好的预览
到目前为止,您的任务栏中的搜索字段(search field)(您也用于Cortana的那个)仅显示网络搜索的预览。但是,在Windows 10 October 2018 Update中,Microsoft增强了搜索功能,现在它可以向您显示 Web 结果和本地结果的预览。例如,如果搜索结果(search result)是一个应用程序,它的预览窗格(preview pane)为您提供启动、固定或取消固定到“开始”菜单(Start Menu)或任务栏、更改设置、评价或卸载应用程序的选项。

4. 您的手机可让您访问智能手机
Windows 10 October 2018 Update引入了一个名为Your Phone的新应用。此应用程序旨在帮助您将Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)或 iPhone 连接到 Windows 10 PC。例如,您的手机可让您使用 Windows 10 设备访问(Your Phone)Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上的短信、照片和通知。如果您使用的是 iPhone,则此应用程序允许您做的唯一一件事就是将网页发送到您的 Windows 10 PC。
尽管Your Phone应用程序处于早期开发阶段,并且仅提供一些功能,但它是智能手机和Windows 10 PC之间无缝连接的良好起点。(starting point)如果您想了解更多信息,请阅读本指南:使用适用于 Windows 10 的您的(Windows 10)手机应用程序(Your Phone app)查看来自Android的照片,或发送短信。

5.用于截取和编辑屏幕截图的Snip & Sketch
微软(Microsoft)决定终止Snipping Tool的生命,并创建一个新的截图应用程序,称为Snip & Sketch。此应用程序充分利用了Snipping Tool所提供的功能,并为其添加了新功能,其中一些以前在Windows Ink Workspace的(Windows Ink Workspace)Screen Sketch中可用。这意味着我们获得了一个应用程序,可以让我们截取屏幕截图并进行编辑。此外,由于Snip & Sketch是一个通用应用程序,它也出现在任务视图中,并且在(Task View)操作中心(Action Center)有它的屏幕截图(Screen snip)按钮。如果您想了解更多关于Snip & Sketch的信息(Snip & Sketch)以及如何使用它,请阅读以下文章:
- 如何在Windows 10中使用(Windows 10)Snip & Sketch截取屏幕截图
- 如何使用Snip & Sketch编辑屏幕截图和图像(Snip & Sketch)

6. 改进的游戏栏(Game Bar)具有更多控件
Windows 10 October 2018 更新(Update)带来了新的游戏栏(Game Bar)。与之前的迭代相比, Microsoft(Microsoft)对其进行了重新设计,使其更大并提供更多功能。新的Game Bar包括主要声音设备(sound device)的音频控件,以及 Windows 10 PC 上运行的其他应用程序的音频控件。

Windows 10 October 2018 更新(Update)还在“设置”应用(Settings app)中引入了新控件。添加到其中的一些最令人兴奋的事情是:
- 连接到 Windows 10 PC的蓝牙设备会显示它们的(Bluetooth)电池百分比(battery percentage)。
- (Focus Assist)玩游戏时,专注辅助会自动开启。
- 声音设备的属性现在显示在“设置”(Settings)应用程序中。
- 您可以在Windows中设置(Windows)文本大小(text size),而无需更改显示比例(display scaling)。
- 有一个新的Windows HD 颜色部分(Windows HD Color section),您可以在其中调整您的设备如何使用高动态范围 ( HDR ) 和广色域(color gamut)( WCG ) 显示功能。

这些(Are)足以让您安装Windows 10 October 2018 更新(Update)吗?
我们分享的功能和改进是您应该尽快下载并安装Windows 10 (Windows 10) October 2018 更新(Update)的主要原因。你喜欢新的东西,还是觉得微软(Microsoft)添加的东西太少而无法打扰?在下面的评论部分告诉我们您的想法。
7 reasons why you should get Windows 10 October 2018 Update
Windows 10 is an ever-changing opеrating ѕystem, and Microsoft introduces new features periodically. The latest major update for Windows 10 is called October 2018 Update, and it was launched on October 2nd. Although the new Octоber 2018 Uрdate does not add tons of new features to the operating system, there are a few that are exciting or at least interesting. They are reasons for why you should install the update aѕ soon as possible on your Windows 10 computer or device. If you want to lеarn more about what is new in Windows 10 Oсtober 2018 Uрdate, read this article:
1. More Dark Mode, including for File Explorer
The Dark Mode is a feature that lets you change how the user interface of Windows 10 looks. It changes the appearance of some of the interface elements such as windows backgrounds, text, or links. While the default is to have white(ish) backgrounds in app windows and black or dark gray text, the Dark Mode changes that that to black (dark) backgrounds and white text. That makes it easier for people to work with Windows 10 and its apps in low-light conditions (during the nighttime), but it also can make your desktop better looking if you fancy dark colors.
Although Windows 10 has offered the Dark Mode since its Anniversary Update, it was not available everywhere through the user interface. In October 2018 Update, the Dark Mode is also available for File Explorer and the right-click menus. Read more about the Dark Mode and how to enable it, in this guide: How to enable or disable the Dark Mode in Windows 10.

2. Better Clipboard, with cloud integration and synchronization
The clipboard gets many new features and improvements and becomes more powerful than it ever was. The new clipboard from Windows 10 October 2018 Update allows you to see the history of items that you stored in it. It also lets you paste older items from its history, pin items, or delete items that you no longer need. Furthermore, one of the best new features in Windows 10 October 2018 Update is that the new clipboard can also upload to the cloud some of the items you have placed in it, and sync it with your other Windows 10 devices, on which you use the same Microsoft account.
If you want to learn more about the new clipboard features from Windows 10 October 2018 Update, read these tutorials:

3. Better search, with better previews
Up until now, the search field from your taskbar (the one which you also use for Cortana), only showed previews for web searches. However, in Windows 10 October 2018 Update, Microsoft enhanced the search, and now it can show you previews both for the web results and local results. For example, if the search result is an app, its preview pane gives you options to launch, pin or unpin it to the Start Menu or the taskbar, change the settings, rate or uninstall the app.

4. Your Phone gives you access to your smartphone
Windows 10 October 2018 Update introduces a new app called Your Phone. This app is designed to help you connect your Android smartphone or your iPhone to your Windows 10 PC. For example, Your Phone lets you use your Windows 10 device to get access to the text messages, photos, and notifications on your Android smartphone. If you are using an iPhone, the only thing this app lets you do is send web pages to your Windows 10 PC.
Although the Your Phone app is in early development stages and it only has a few features to offer, it is a good starting point for seamless connectivity between smartphones and Windows 10 PCs. If you would like to know more about it, read this guide: Use the Your Phone app for Windows 10 to view photos from Android, or send text messages.

5. The Snip & Sketch for taking and editing screenshots
Microsoft decided to end the life of the Snipping Tool and create a new screenshots-taking app, called Snip & Sketch. This app takes the best of what Snipping Tool had to offer and adds new features to it, some of which were previously available in the Screen Sketch from Windows Ink Workspace. This means that we get a single app that lets us take screenshots and also edit them. Also, because Snip & Sketch is a universal app, it also appears in Task View and has its Screen snip button in the Action Center. If you want to know more about Snip & Sketch and how to use it, read these articles:

6. Improved Game Bar with more controls
The Windows 10 October 2018 Update brings a new Game Bar. Microsoft redesigned it to be larger and to offer additional features compared to its previous iteration. The new Game Bar includes audio controls for the primary sound device and also for the other apps that are running on your Windows 10 PC.

7. More controls in Settings
Windows 10 October 2018 Update also introduces new controls within the Settings app. Some of the most exciting things that are added to it are:
- The Bluetooth devices connected to your Windows 10 PC show their battery percentage.
- Focus Assist turns on automatically when you play a game.
- The properties of sound devices are now displayed in the Settings app.
- You can set the text size in Windows without having to change the display scaling.
- There is a new Windows HD Color section in which you can adjust how your device uses high dynamic range (HDR) and wide color gamut (WCG) display features.

Are these enough reasons for you to install Windows 10 October 2018 Update?
The features and improvements we shared are the main reasons why you should download and install Windows 10 October 2018 Update as soon as it is available. Do you like what is new, or do you feel that Microsoft adds too little to bother? Tell us what you think, in the comments section below.