由于Windows 10现在是世界上使用最广泛的操作系统之一,我们认为仔细研究它如何使用Microsoft帐户将是有用且信息丰富的。众所周知,当您将用户帐户添加到Windows 10时,您可以在使用本地离线帐户(offline account)或Microsoft 在线(Microsoft online)帐户之间进行选择。此设置背后的想法是,如果您想利用所有新的Windows 10功能和现代应用程序,您需要使用Microsoft 在线(Microsoft online)帐户。这在两种类型的用户体验之间造成了裂痕,这对于喜欢并想要使用本地离线帐户的人来说是令人沮丧的(offline account)s 并且不想受制于在线帐户。然而,微软(Microsoft)似乎并没有对用户的需求和期望充耳不闻。因此(Hence),包括 Creators Update在内的最新版本的Windows 10对用户帐户提供了更宽松的政策。让我们尝试了解这两种类型的Windows帐户之间的区别。
什么是Windows 10中的本地脱机帐户(offline account)?
本地帐户是您用于登录任何旧版Windows 操作系统(operating system)的用户名和密码组合。它授予您访问系统资源的权限,并允许您根据自己的设置和偏好对其进行自定义。Windows 10中的本地用户帐户(user account)将允许您安装传统桌面应用程序(desktop apps)、个性化设置并以老式方式使用操作系统。(operating system)当然,可以为单个系统创建本地离线帐户,因此如果您有多个设备,则需要为每个设备使用不同的本地帐户。虽然不一定推荐,但这种类型的离线帐户允许您删除密码保护(password protection)如果你不想要它。
您可以访问Windows 应用商店(Windows Store),但如果您使用的是 Windows 10家庭版(Home),则您无法在没有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)的情况下下载和安装应用程序。但是,如果您使用 Windows 10专业版(Pro)、企业版或教育版,则可以从(Enterprise or Education)Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)下载和安装应用程序,但前提是它们是免费的。如果他们已付费,您必须使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录,以便他们的许可证与您相关联。最后,如果您在Windows 10中使用本地离线帐户(offline account),您的设置将不会在您通常使用的所有计算机和设备上同步。
什么是 Microsoft 帐户?
Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)是对任何以前的Microsoft产品(Microsoft)帐户的更名。因此,如果您曾经使用过Hotmail、Outlook.com、Skype等服务或Xbox(Xbox game)游戏机或Windows智能手机等设备,那么您肯定已经拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。通过重新命名和组合所有这些不同的帐户,Microsoft允许将其所有服务完全集成到一个在线帐户(online account)中。这意味着您可以使用它来访问与Microsoft 生态系统(Microsoft ecosystem)相关的所有内容。有关如何创建Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)以及为什么要这样做,请阅读这篇文章:简单问题:什么是Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)(Outlook、Xbox、Skype)?。
与本地帐户的最大区别在于您使用电子邮件地址(email address)而不是用户名登录操作系统(operating system)。因此,您可以使用Microsoft 绑定的(Microsoft bound) 电子邮件地址(email address)(hotmail.com、live.com 或 outlook.com(live.com or outlook.com))或Gmail甚至ISP特定的电子邮件地址(email address)来创建您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。这种类型的登录过程意味着您无法取消密码保护(password protection)。你只能改变它。
此外,Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)还允许您在每次登录时配置身份的两步验证系统(verification system)。这要求您每次登录不在受信任列表中的设备时输入安全代码。(security code)有关如何使用此两步验证过程(verification process)的更多信息,请参阅本文:如何使用Google Authenticator为您的(Google Authenticator)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)设置两步验证。
为什么要使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)?
当您在Windows 10中使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)时,您可以在各种计算机和设备之间同步您的设置。这个想法是,当您第一次设置计算机时,您可以调整系统设置,以便完全按照您的喜好进行定制。这意味着选择背景、设置家庭组和网络选项(Homegroup and networking options)、配置设备,甚至选择您的时间和语言设置(time and language settings)。以您想要的方式设置所有内容需要花费大量时间并且无法绕过。此外,每次您购买新计算机或设备(computer or device)或需要重新安装操作系统(operating system)时,都需要这样做很麻烦。
正如我们所说,有效的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)只会帮助您完成这个复杂的过程一次。配置与您的Microsoft 帐户相关联的(Microsoft account)Windows 10 计算机或设备(computer or device)后,您可以登录任何连接到 Internet 的Windows 10计算机或设备(computer or device),您的设置将在它们之间自动同步。您甚至可以在设备之间同步网站、应用程序和网络的密码,只要它们在您的信任列表中即可。使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)最明显的好处包括能够从Windows 应用商店下载、安装和恢复现代(Windows Store)UWP 应用程序(UWP apps)。
如果您有其他Microsoft 设备(Microsoft device),例如Windows 智能手机(Windows smartphone)或 Xbox,那么Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)将帮助您访问统一的应用程序和游戏(apps and games)。这意味着,如果您在任何Microsoft 设备(Microsoft device)上购买了一次应用程序,则该应用程序将可用于您的所有设备,因为它使用相同的许可证。显然,您的设置和数据也将跨设备同步。这也意味着您在购买应用程序时会节省很多钱,因为您不必为您拥有的每台计算机或设备(computer or device)购买相同的应用程序。
Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)可以帮助您使用 OneDrive,因为您(OneDrive)可以访问、保存、共享和同步所有 Windows 10 计算机或设备上的所有音乐、视频、文档和照片。不过,这只是您可以利用Microsoft云服务的其中一种方式。
Windows 10的另一个功能是Cortana ,只有在您使用(Cortana)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)访问时才能充分利用它。Cortana是Microsoft开发的一款出色的程序,可充当您的个人数字助理(digital assistant)。它与您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)深度集成,它需要访问您的日历、电子邮件、联系人甚至浏览历史记录来响应您的需求。因此,如果您希望她帮助您安排约会、设置提醒,甚至找个好地方吃饭,您需要使用您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录。否则,她将只能为您进行基本的网络搜索。
- 如何在Windows 10中首次设置Cortana
- 如何在Windows 10 PC、笔记本电脑或平板电脑上使用(Notebook or Tablet)Cortana
- 如何在Windows 10中通过本地用户帐户使用(user account)Cortana
最后,在Windows 10中,您可以允许家庭成员在与您的Microsoft 家庭相关联的(Microsoft family)儿童或成人帐户(child or adult account)的帮助下登录计算机。这是您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)特权的一部分,它是一项服务,其中包含用于管理您的家人和孩子(family and kids)的在线生活的选项,所有这些都来自一个地方。有了它,您可以单独控制每个孩子设备的设置;您可以监控他们的活动、他们在网上花费的时间、他们使用的应用程序和游戏(apps and games)。如果您想了解有关如何为您的孩子创建Windows 10用户帐户的更多信息,请阅读这份(user account)简明指南(concise guide) :如何通过 3 个步骤将儿童帐户(child account)添加到您的Windows 10 PC。
此外,如果您想在 Windows 10计算机或设备上创建新的(computer or device)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),请阅读本指南:如何将Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)添加到您的 Windows 10 PC。
为什么要使用本地离线帐户(offline account)?
在Windows 10中,与(Windows 10)操作系统(operating system)捆绑在一起的应用程序,如邮件和日历(Mail and Calendar)应用程序,可以在没有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft Account)的情况下运行。如果您拥有Windows 10 专业版(Pro)、企业(Enterprise)版或教育版(Education edition),您甚至可以从Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)下载和安装应用程序,而无需使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。本地离线帐户(offline account)就足够了。但是,这仅适用于免费应用程序和游戏(apps and games)。如果您想下载付费应用程序,您必须使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),因为他们的许可证与您的在线帐户相关联。
微软(Microsoft)关于Windows 10本地帐户的政策最近发生了积极的变化,尤其是在Creators Update中。Windows 10试图在微软(Microsoft)账户和普通用户的期望之间找到一个平衡点,并试图为喜欢使用本地账户的用户提供尽可能多的功能。此策略针对的用户是拥有一台计算机且同步服务(computer and synchronization services)对他们毫无用处的用户。对于那些喜欢在不同计算机上拥有单独帐户的人来说,本地帐户也是一个可以考虑的选项。
当您使用本地帐户时,无法从Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)安装应用程序似乎不是一个严重的问题,尤其是对于对它们不感兴趣的用户。此外,您始终可以选择中间立场,即在您的 Windows 10 PC 上使用本地离线帐户(offline account),但使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)以下载和安装您想要的应用程序。最后,本地离线用户(offline user)帐户是最吸引旧用户的选择。
Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)并不是每个人都(something everybody)想要的。在Windows 10中,Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)使您能够同步个性化选项、密码或设置等内容。另一方面,Windows 10允许您在(Windows 10)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)和本地离线用户帐户(offline user account)之间进行选择时有更多选择,因此您可以自行决定两者中的哪一个适合您。如果您对此事有任何疑问或意见,请随时在下方发表评论。
Should you use a local or a Microsoft account in Windows 10?
Since Windows 10 іs nоw one of the most used operating systems in the world, we thought it would be useful and informаtive tо take а closer look at how it uses Microsoft accounts. Aѕ we аll know, when you add a user account to Windowѕ 10, you get to choose between υsing a local offlinе accоunt or a Microsoft online account. The idea behind this setup is that if you want to take advantage of all the new Windows 10 features and modern apps, you аre required to use a Microѕoft online account. This creates a rift between the two types of user experiences and it's frustrating for thе people who like and want to use local offline accounts and don't wаnt to be beholden to an online account. It seemѕ howeνer that Microsoft is not thаt deaf tо users' needs and expectations. Hence the latest versions of Windows 10, including Creators Update, come with a more relaxed policy on user aсcоunts. Let's try to understand what the differences are between these two types of accounts in Windows.
What is a local offline account in Windows 10?
A local account is a username and password combination that you have used to log into any of the legacy Windows operating systems. It grants you access to the system's resources and allows you to customize it to your settings and preferences. A local user account in Windows 10 will allow you to install traditional desktop apps, personalize settings and use the operating system the old fashioned way. Of course, local offline accounts can be created for a single system, so if you have multiple devices, you will need to use a different local account for each of them. And although it is not necessarily recommended, this type of offline account allows you to remove password protection if you don't want it.
You can access the Windows Store but, if you use Windows 10 Home, you cannot download and install apps without a Microsoft account. If, however, you use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education, you can download and install apps from the Windows Store, but only if they're free. If they're paid, you must sign in using a Microsoft account so that their licenses are associated with you. Lastly, if you use a local offline account in Windows 10, your settings will not be synchronized across all of the computers and devices you typically use.
What is a Microsoft account?
A Microsoft account is a rebranding of any of previous accounts for Microsoft products. As such, if you have ever used services like Hotmail, Outlook.com, Skype, or devices like Xbox game consoles or Windows smartphones, then you are sure to have a Microsoft account already. By rebranding and combining all these different accounts, Microsoft allows for complete integration of all their services into a single online account. This means that you can use it to get access to everything connected to the Microsoft ecosystem. For more help on how to create a Microsoft account and why you should do it, read this article: Simple questions: What is a Microsoft account (Outlook, Xbox, Skype)?.
The big difference from a local account is that you use an email address instead of a username to log into the operating system. So you can use either a Microsoft bound email address (hotmail.com, live.com or outlook.com) or Gmail and even an ISP specific email address to create your Microsoft account. This type of sign in the process means that you cannot remove the password protection. You can only change it.
Also, a Microsoft account also allows you to configure a two-step verification system of your identity each time you sign in. This requires you to enter a security code each time you sign into a device that is not on your trusted list. More about how to use this two-step verification process can be found in this article: How to set up two-step verification for your Microsoft account with Google Authenticator.
Why would you use a Microsoft account?
When you use a Microsoft account in Windows 10, you can synchronize your settings between your various computers and devices. The idea is that when you first set up a computer, you tweak system settings so that it's customized exactly how you like it. It means choosing a background, setting the Homegroup and networking options, configuring devices and even selecting your time and language settings. Getting everything set up the way you want it takes a lot of time and cannot be bypassed. Plus, it's a hassle to do it every time you either buy a new computer or device or when you need to reinstall the operating system.
As we said, a valid Microsoft account will help you go through this elaborate process only once. After configuring a Windows 10 computer or device that is linked to your Microsoft account, you can log into any Windows 10 powered computer or device that is connected to the internet, and your settings will be automatically synced between them. You can even synchronize passwords for websites, apps, and networks between devices, as long as they are on your trusted list. The most obvious benefits of using a Microsoft account include the ability to download, install and restore modern UWP apps from the Windows Store.
If you have other Microsoft devices, like a Windows smartphone or an Xbox, then a Microsoft account would help you access unified apps and games. It means that if you purchase an app once, on any Microsoft device, it will be available for all your devices because it uses the same license. Obviously, your settings and data will also be synced across devices. It also means that you'll save you a lot of money when purchasing applications because you will not have to buy the same app for each computer or device you own.
A Microsoft account would help you with using, for example, OneDrive because you can access, save, share and synchronize all of your music, videos, documents, and photos on all of your Windows 10 computers or devices. Nevertheless, this is just one of the ways you will be able to take advantage of Microsoft's cloud services.
Another feature of Windows 10 that you can only use to its fullest if you access it with a Microsoft account is Cortana. Cortana is a great program developed by Microsoft that acts as your personal digital assistant. It is deeply integrated with your Microsoft account, and it needs access to your calendar, email, contacts and even browsing history to respond to your needs. So, if you want her to help you schedule appointments, set a reminder or even find a good place to eat you need to sign in with your Microsoft account. Otherwise, she'll only be able to do basic web searches for you.
For more information about how you can start using Cortana, you can read these articles:
Finally, in Windows 10, you can allow family members to sign into the computer with the help of a child or adult account that is linked to your Microsoft family. This is a part of your Microsoft account's perks, and it's a service that contains options for managing the online life of your family and kids, all from a single place. With it, you can control the settings of each of your children's devices separately; you can monitor their activity, the time they spend online, the apps and games they use. If you'd like to know more about how to create a Windows 10 user account for your child, read this concise guide: How to add a child account to your Windows 10 PC, in 3 steps.
Also, if you want to create a new Microsoft account, on your Windows 10 computer or device, read this guide: How to add a Microsoft account to your Windows 10 PC.
Why would you use a local offline account?
In Windows 10, the apps that come bundled with the operating system, like the Mail and Calendar app, can work without a Microsoft Account. If you own a Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education edition, you can even download and install apps from the Windows Store without having to use a Microsoft account. A local offline account will suffice. However, that works only for free apps and games. If you want to download paid apps, you must use a Microsoft account, as their licenses are tied to your online account.
Microsoft's policy about local accounts in Windows 10 changed in a positive way lately, especially in Creators Update. Windows 10 tries to find a balance between Microsoft accounts and regular users' expectations, and attempts to offer as many features as possible to users who prefer using local accounts. This policy is aimed at users who, for example, have a single computer and synchronization services are useless for them. Local accounts are also an option to consider for those of you who like the idea of having separate accounts on different computers.
The inability to install apps from the Windows Store when you are using a local account doesn't seem such a serious problem, especially for users who are not interested in them. Plus you always have the option of the middle ground, which is to use a local offline account on your Windows 10 PC, but use a Microsoft account to sign into Windows Store to download and install the apps you want. In the end, the local offline user accounts are the choice that appeals the most to legacy users.
Microsoft accounts aren't something everybody wants. In Windows 10, a Microsoft account gives you the ability to sync things like personalization options, passwords or settings. On the other hand, Windows 10 allows you to have more options when it comes to choosing between a Microsoft account and a local offline user account, so it remains for you to decide which one of the two is right for you. If you have questions or opinions you'd like to share on this matter, feel free to leave a comment below.