Niantic(Pokémons)基于 AR 的奇幻奇幻游戏(fiction fantasy game) Pokémon Go中最有趣的神奇宝贝之一是Eevee。它经常被称为进化神奇宝贝(Pokémon),因为它能够进化成八种不同的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。这些神奇(Pokémons)宝贝中的每一个都属于不同的元素组(element group),如水、电、火、暗等。正是伊布(Eevee)的这种独特特性使其在神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师中备受追捧。
现在,作为一名神奇宝贝训练师(Pokémon trainer),您一定很想知道所有这些Eevee进化(也称为Eeveelutions)。好吧,为了解决您的所有好奇心,我们将在本文中讨论所有Eeveelutions并回答一个大问题,即“如何在Pokémon Go中进化(Pokémon Go)Eevee?” 我们将为您提供重要提示,以便您可以控制您的Eevee将演变成什么。所以,事不宜迟,让我们(ado let)开始吧。
如何在 Pokémon Go 中进化 Eevee?
Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions有什么不同?(What are the different Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions?)
Eevee共有八种不同的进化,然而,在Pokémon Go中只引入了其中的七种。所有的Eevee解决方案都不是同时引入的。它们在不同的世代中逐渐显露出来。下面给出了按其生成顺序给出的不同Eevee进化的列表。
第一代宝可梦(First Generation Pokémons)
1. 火炬(1. Flareon)
初代精灵宝(Pokémon)可梦三只之一,Flareon,顾名思义是火系(fire type) 精灵宝(Pokémon)可梦。由于其糟糕的统计数据和磨坊动作,它在培训师中不是很受欢迎。如果您打算在战斗中使用它,则需要花费大量时间来训练它。
2.乔尔顿(2. Jolteon)
由于与皮卡丘(Pikachu)有相似之处,所以很受欢迎的电动宝可梦。Jolteon在许多其他神奇宝贝中享有元素优势(advantage),并且难以在战斗中击败。它的高攻击和速度数据(attack and speed stats)使其成为具有激进游戏风格的教练的可行选择。
3. Vaporeon
Vaporeon可能是所有(Vaporeon)Eeveelution中最好的。它被有竞争力的玩家积极用于战斗。凭借 3114 的潜在Max CP以及高 HP 和出色的防御,这款Eeveelution无疑是头把交椅的竞争者。通过适当的训练,您甚至可以为Vaporeon解锁一些不错的动作,从而使其用途广泛。
第二代宝可梦(Second Generation Pokémons)
1. 安布伦(1. Umbreon)
2.埃斯佩恩(2. Espeon)
Espeon是与Umbreon一起在第二代发布的通灵宝可梦。(Pokémon)心灵宝(Pokémon)可梦可以通过迷惑敌人并减少对手造成的伤害(damage dealt)来赢得战斗。除此之外,Espeon还拥有 3170 的出色最大 CP(Max CP)和高达 261 的攻击数据(attack stat)。这使其成为喜欢激进游戏的玩家的绝佳选择。
第四代宝可梦(Fourth Generation Pokémons)
1. 叶子(1. Leafeon)
想必大家已经猜到Leafeon是草系宝可梦(Pokémon)了。在数量和统计数据方面,Leafeon可以让所有其他 Eeveelutions 为他们的钱而竞争。凭借良好的攻击力、令人印象深刻的最大 CP、相当不错的防守、高速和一套好的动作,Leafeon似乎已经掌握了一切。唯一的缺点是草型(grass type) 神奇宝贝(Pokémon),它很容易受到许多其他元素(尤其是火)的影响。
2. 冰晶(2. Glaceon)
第六代宝可梦(Sixth Generation Pokémons)
这个第六代神奇(Pokémon)宝贝尚未在Pokémon Go中推出,但它的统计数据和移动设置(move set)确实令人印象深刻。Sylveon是仙女属性的宝可梦(Pokémon),它拥有免疫 4 种类型并且只对 2 种类型易感的元素优势。由于其标志性的可爱魅力(Cute charm)招式,它在战斗中非常有效,可将对手成功打击的几率降低50%。
如何在 Pokémon Go 中进化 Eevee?(How to Evolve Eevee in Pokémon Go?)
现在,最初在第一代中,所有Eevee的进化都是随机的,最终出现Vaporeon、Flareon或Jolteon的可能性相同。然而,随着更多Eevee解决方案的推出,人们发现了一些特殊的技巧来获得所需的进化。让随机算法决定你心爱的(randomizing algorithm)Eevee的命运是不公平的。因此(Therefore),在本节中,我们将讨论一些可以控制Eevee进化的方法。
昵称技巧(The Nickname Trick)
Pokémon Go中最酷的复活节彩蛋之一是,您只需设置一个特定的昵称即可确定您的 Eevee 将进化成什么。这个技巧被称为昵称技巧(Nickname trick),Niantic 希望您了解这一点。每个 Eeveelution 都有一个与之相关的特殊昵称。如果你把你的Eevee的昵称改成这个特定的名字,那么进化后你一定会得到相应的Eeveelution。
以下是 Eeveelutions 列表和相关昵称:
- Vaporeon – 雷纳
- Flareon – 火焰兵
- Jolteon – Sparky
- Umbreon – Tamao
- Espeon – 樱花
- Leafeon – Linnea
- Glaceon – 雷亚
关于这些名称的一个有趣事实是它们不仅仅是随机单词。这些名字中的每一个都与动漫中的一个流行角色相关联。例如,Rainer、Pyro 和 Sparky(Rainer, Pyro, and Sparky)是分别拥有Vaporeon、Flareon和Jolteon的训练员的名字。他们是拥有不同种类伊布(Eevee)的三兄弟。这些角色是在流行动画的第 40 集中介绍的。
Sakura在节目的后半部分还获得了一个 Espeon,Tamao是拥有(show and Tamao)Umbreon的五个和服(Kimono)姐妹之一的名字。至于Leafeon 和 Glaceon(Leafeon and Glaceon),他们的昵称来源于在Pokémon Sun & Moon的(Pokémon Sun & Moon)Eevium Z任务中使用这些 Eeveelutions的NPC角色。
虽然这个昵称技巧(nickname trick)有效,但您只能使用一次。之后,您要么必须使用诱饵和模块等特殊物品,要么将事情留给机会。甚至还有一个特殊的技巧可以用来获得Umbreon 或 Espeon(Umbreon or Espeon)。所有这些都将在后面的部分中讨论。遗憾的是,只有Vaporeon、Flareon、Jolteon的情况,除了(Jolteon)昵称的招数(nickname trick)之外,并没有什么方法可以触发特定的进化。
如何获得 Umbreon 和 Espeon(How to Get Umbreon and Espeon)
如果您想将您的Eevee进化为Espeon 或 Umbreon(Espeon or Umbreon),那么有一个巧妙的小技巧。您需要做的就是选择Eevee作为您的步行伙伴,并(walking buddy and walk)与它一起步行10公里。完成 10 公里后,继续进化您的Eevee。如果你在白天进化,它就会进化成Espeon。同样,如果您在夜间进化,您将获得 Umbreon。
请务必(Make sure)根据游戏检查时间。黑屏代表黑夜,亮屏代表白昼。此外,由于可以使用此技巧获得Umbreon 和 Espeon ,因此请勿使用(Umbreon and Espeon)昵称技巧(nickname trick)。这样您就可以将其用于其他神奇宝贝。
如何获得 Leafeon 和 Glaceon(How to get Leafeon and Glaceon)
Leafeon 和 Glaceon(Leafeon and Glaceon)是第四代神奇宝贝,可以通过使用Lure模块等特殊物品获得。对于Leafeon,您需要购买Mossy 诱饵(Mossy lure),对于Glaceon,您需要 Glacial 诱饵。这两种物品都可以在Pokéshop 购买,价格为(Pokéshop and cost)200 Pokécoins。购买后,请按照以下步骤获取Leafeon 或 Glaceon(Leafeon or Glaceon)。
1.您需要做的第一件事是启动游戏(launch the game)并前往Pokéshop。
2. 现在根据您想要的Eeveelution使用(Eeveelution)Mossy/Glacial
3.旋转Pokéstop(Spin the Pokéstop),你会看到Eevee会出现在它周围。
4. 抓住这个Eevee,这个 Eevee 会进化成 Leafeon 或 Glaceon。(evolve into either Leafeon or Glaceon.)
5.如果你有25个Eevee Candy,你( if you have 25 Eevee Candy.)现在可以继续进化。
6. 选择最近捕获的 Eevee(recently caught Eevee),您会注意到对于进化选项(evolve option),Leafeon 或 Glaceon的轮廓将出现而不是问号。(silhouette of Leafeon or Glaceon will appear instead of the question mark.)
7. 这证实进化会奏效。(evolution is going to work.)
8. 最后,点击进化按钮(Evolve button),你会得到一个Leafeon 或 Glaceon。(Leafeon or Glaceon.)
如何获得西尔文(How to get Sylveon)
如前所述,Sylveon(Sylveon hasn)尚未添加到Pokémon Go中。它将在即将推出的第六代中推出。所以,你需要再等一会儿。我们希望Pokémon Go将添加一个类似的特殊Lure 模块(Lure module)(如Leafeon 和 Glaceon(Leafeon and Glaceon)的情况)以将Eevee演变为Sylveon。
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我们希望您发现此信息有用。Eevee是一个有趣的神奇宝贝,拥有其广泛的进化。我们建议您在做出选择之前研究并详细阅读每种Eevee 解决方案。(Eevee)这样你就不会得到不适合你风格的神奇宝贝。
然而,最近,Pokémon Go要求你将Eevee进化成它的每一个不同的进化,以便超过40 级(level 40)。因此,请确保始终拥有足够的Eevee 糖果(Eevee candy),并毫不犹豫地抓住多个Eevee,因为您迟早会需要它们。
Pokemon Go Guide: How to evolve Eevee in Pokémon Go?
One of the most interesting Pokémons in Nіantic’s AR-based fiction fаntasy game Pokémon Go is Eevee. It is often dubbed as the evolution Pokémon for its ability to evolve into eight differеnt Pokémons. Each of these Pokémons belongs to a differеnt element group like water, electric, fire, dark, etc. It is this unique characteristic of Eeνee that makes it highly sought after among Pokémon trainers.
Now as a Pokémon trainer you must be intrigued to know about all these Eevee evolutions (also known as Eeveelutions). Well, to address all your curiosity we will be discussing all the Eeveelutions in this article and also answer the big question, i.e. “How to evolve Eevee in Pokémon Go?” We will provide you with crucial tips so that you can control what your Eevee will evolve into. So, without any further ado let’s get started.
How to evolve Eevee in Pokémon Go?
What are the different Pokémon Go Eevee Evolutions?
There are a total of eight different evolutions of Eevee, however, only seven of them have been introduced in Pokémon Go. All the Eeveelutions were not introduced at the same time. They were gradually revealed in different generations. Given below is a list of the different Eevee evolutions given in the order of their generation.
First Generation Pokémons
1. Flareon
One of the three first-generation Pokémons, Flareon, as the name suggests is a fire type Pokémon. It isn’t very popular among trainers owing to its poor stats and run of the mill moves. You need to spend a good deal of time training it if you are planning to use it in battles competitively.
2. Jolteon
This is an electric-type Pokémon that is quite popular owing to its similarities with Pikachu. Jolteon enjoys an elemental advantage over a number of other Pokémons and is difficult to beat in battles. Its high attack and speed stats make it a viable choice for trainers with an aggressive playstyle.
3. Vaporeon
Vaporeon is probably the best Eeveelutions of all. It is used actively by competitive players for battles. With the potential Max CP of 3114 coupled with high HP and great defence, this Eeveelution is surely a contender for the top spot. With proper training you can even unlock a couple of nice moves for Vaporeon, thus making it quite versatile.
Second Generation Pokémons
1. Umbreon
For those who love dark type Pokémons, Umbreon is the perfect Eeveelution for you. In addition to being super cool, it fares pretty well against some legendary Pokémons in battle. Umbreon is in true sense a tank owing to its high defense of 240. It can be used to tire out the enemy and absorb damage. With training, you can teach some good attack moves and thus use it effectively for all scenarios.
2. Espeon
Espeon is a psychic Pokémon that was released along with Umbreon in the second generation. Psychic Pokémons can win you battles by confusing the enemy and reduce the damage dealt by the opponent. In addition to that Espeon has an excellent Max CP of 3170 and a whopping 261 attack stat. This makes it an excellent choice for players who love to play aggressively.
Fourth Generation Pokémons
1. Leafeon
You must have already guessed that Leafeon is a grass-type Pokémon. In terms of numbers and stats, Leafeon can give all other Eeveelutions a run for their money. With the good attack, impressive max CP, fairly decent defense, high speed, and a good set of moves, Leafeon seems to have got it all. The only drawback is being a grass type Pokémon it is vulnerable against a lot of other elements (especially fire).
2. Glaceon
When it comes to Glaceon, experts are really divided in their opinion as to whether or not this Pokémon is any good. Although it has good stats, its moveset is pretty basic and unsatisfactory. Most of its attacks are physical. Lack of indirect non-contact moves coupled with slow and sluggish speed has made Pokémon trainers rarely pick Glaceon.
Sixth Generation Pokémons
This sixth generation Pokémon has not been introduced in Pokémon Go yet but its stats and move set surely is pretty impressive. Sylveon is a fairy type Pokémon which makes it enjoy the elemental advantage of being immune to 4 types and only vulnerable against two. It is really effective in battles owing to its signature Cute charm move which reduces the chance of the opponent making a successful strike by 50%.
How to Evolve Eevee in Pokémon Go?
Now, originally in the first generation, all Eevee evolutions were meant to be random and there was an equal chance of ending up with a Vaporeon, Flareon, or Jolteon. However, as and when more Eeveelutions were introduced, special tricks were discovered to get the desired evolution. It wouldn’t be fair to let a randomizing algorithm determine the fate of your beloved Eevee. Therefore, in this section, we are going to discuss some of the ways in which you can control the evolution of Eevee.
The Nickname Trick
One of the coolest Easter eggs in Pokémon Go is that you can determine what your Eevee will evolve into simply by setting a specific nickname. This trick is known as the Nickname trick and Niantic wants you to find out about this. Every Eeveelution has a special nickname associated with it. If you change your Eevee’s nickname to this particular name then you will definitely get the corresponding Eeveelution after evolving.
Given below is a list of Eeveelutions and the associated nickname:
- Vaporeon – Rainer
- Flareon – Pyro
- Jolteon – Sparky
- Umbreon – Tamao
- Espeon – Sakura
- Leafeon – Linnea
- Glaceon – Rea
One interesting fact about these names is that they aren’t just random words. Each of these names is linked to a popular character from the anime. For example, Rainer, Pyro, and Sparky are names of the trainers who owned a Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon respectively. They were three brothers who owned a different kind of Eevee. These characters were introduced in episode 40 of the popular anime.
Sakura also acquired an Espeon in the latter part of the show and Tamao is the name of one of the five Kimono sisters who had an Umbreon. As for Leafeon and Glaceon, their nicknames are derived from the NPC characters who used these Eeveelutions in the Eevium Z quest of Pokémon Sun & Moon.
Although this nickname trick works, you can use it only one time. After that, you will either have to use special items like Lures and modules or leave things to chance. There is even a special trick that you can use to get Umbreon or Espeon. All of this will be discussed in the later section. Unfortunately, only in the case of Vaporeon, Flareon, and Jolteon, there is no way to a certain way to trigger the specific evolution apart from the nickname trick.
How to Get Umbreon and Espeon
If you want to evolve your Eevee into either Espeon or Umbreon, then there is a neat little trick for it. All that you need to do is to pick Eevee as your walking buddy and walk for 10kms with it. Once you have completed 10kms, proceed to evolve your Eevee. If you evolve during the day then it will evolve into Espeon. Similarly, you will get an Umbreon if you evolve at night.
Make sure to check what time it is according to the game. A dark screen represents night and a light one represents day. Also, since Umbreon and Espeon can be acquired using this trick, do not use the nickname trick for them. This way you can use it for other Pokémons.
How to get Leafeon and Glaceon
Leafeon and Glaceon are fourth-generation Pokémons that can be acquired by using special items like Lure modules. For a Leafeon you need to purchase a Mossy lure and for Glaceon you need a Glacial lure. Both of these items are available in the Pokéshop and cost 200 Pokécoins. Once you have made the purchase follow the steps given below to get a Leafeon or Glaceon.
1. The first thing that you need to do is launch the game and go to a Pokéshop.
2. Now use the Mossy/Glacial lure depending on which Eeveelution you want.
3. Spin the Pokéstop and you will see that Eevee will appear around it.
4. Catch this Eevee and this one will evolve into either Leafeon or Glaceon.
5. You can now proceed to evolve if you have 25 Eevee Candy.
6. Choose the recently caught Eevee and you will notice that for the evolve option the silhouette of Leafeon or Glaceon will appear instead of the question mark.
7. This confirms that evolution is going to work.
8. Finally, tap on the Evolve button and you will get a Leafeon or Glaceon.
How to get Sylveon
As mentioned earlier, Sylveon hasn’t yet been added to Pokémon Go. It will be introduced in the sixth generation which is due shortly. So, you need to wait a little while longer. We are hoping that Pokémon Go will add a similar special Lure module (as in the case of Leafeon and Glaceon) to evolve Eevee into Sylveon.
We hope that you find this information useful. Eevee is an interesting Pokémon to own to its wide range of evolutions. We would recommend you to research and read up in detail about each of these Eeveelutions before making a choice. This way you will not end up with a Pokémon that does not suit your style.
In recent times, however, Pokémon Go requires you to evolve Eevee into each of its different evolutions in order to progress beyond level 40. Therefore make sure to have enough Eevee candy at all times and do not hesitate to catch multiple Eevee as you will need them sooner or later.