我们的钱包里有各种各样的卡:借记卡、信用卡、礼品卡等等。我们使用信用卡进行网上购物。当我们在商店购物时,我们偶尔会使用信用卡。如今,数字钱包越来越受欢迎,因为它们允许通过手机进行简单支付,同时仍然提供全面的安全性。您不仅可以使用钱包发送和接收现金或支付账单,还可以使用优惠券、门票和通行证。在本文中,我们列出了 10 大最佳Android移动数字钱包。所以,继续阅读!
前 10 名最佳 Android 移动数字钱包(Top 10 Best Android Mobile Digital Wallet)
1. 谷歌支付(1. Google Pay)
列表中最完整的应用程序可能是Google Pay。它不仅仅是一个虚拟钱包。
- 它还具有支付机制的作用,使其成为个人和公司运营(both personal and corporate operations)必不可少的。
- 美国和其他(United) 国家(States)的许多主要银行都提供此应用程序,该应用程序与各种移动银行应用程序集成。
- 您很有可能可以使用您的卡并将您的银行帐户链接(link your bank account)到此应用程序。
- 下载应用程序后,开始(Start)为个人或商业交易提供或索取资金。
- 使用此应用程序,您可以将钱转入您的银行、保留登机牌和机票、在线购买等等。
- 由于其多层高级保护(multi-layers of superior protection),您的帐户可以免受恶意企图和其他欺诈行为的侵害。
- 该软件将以多种方式使普通用户、消费者和零售商受益。
- 您可以使用此软件在网上和商店购买,而无需使用您的真实卡片。
- 它目前在(currently available in) 28 个国家(28 countries)/地区可用,并得到主要金融机构的支持。
- 它适用于各种Android智能手机,并被数百万接受(accept) NFC 支付(NFC payments)的企业所接受,因此您几乎可以在任何地方使用它。
- 只需您的手机,您就可以在线、店内或应用内购物。
2.三星支付(2. Samsung Pay)
如果您拥有三星(Samsung)设备,您可能听说过Samsung Pay。它是最好的安卓(Android)手机钱包之一。
- 此数字钱包应用程序适用于与其兼容的三星智能手机。(Samsung)
- 但是,它不接受直接的互联网支付。您必须使用 Visa Checkout(have to use Visa Checkout)来执行此操作。
- 但是,与Google Pay(Google Pay)不同,它不允许您向朋友汇款或分期付款。
- 然而,它是汇款和支付的理想选择。
- 每次购买还可以获得积分,您可以使用积分来获得特别折扣或减少礼品卡。
- 与 Google Pay 相比,它的兼容性范围更小。(smaller range of compatibility)
- 检查您的手机是否兼容Samsung Pay 。
- (Check)如果您有兴趣,请检查是否以及如何使用非三星Android手机。(Android)虽然它具有许多与Google Pay(Google Pay)相同的功能,但它的优势在于不仅兼容NFC,还兼容MST 终端。(MST terminals.)
- 它现在在更多的地点或机构中被接受。
- 您手机上的这个软件允许您链接您的信用卡、借记卡或银行账户。
- 您也可以链接您的 PayPal 帐户(link your PayPal account)。
- 付款时只需(Simply)按付款(Pay)并选择您喜欢的付款方式。
- 使用此卡在无线接触终端、应用内购买或互联网购买中支付。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 解决 Google Pay 无法正常工作问题的 11 条提示(11 Tips To Fix Google Pay Not Working Issue)
3.文莫(3. Venmo)
- 当您想以有趣的方式分摊账单并付款(divide the bill and pay money)时,这是一个很棒的工具。当您与家人或朋友外出就餐并分摊费用时,请使用此应用程序。
- 与其他钱包相比,这是列表中最简单的数字钱包。
- 它缺乏三星支付(Samsung Pay)和谷歌支付(Google Pay)所见的深度功能。
- 这是一款非常棒的软件,可以向一群朋友或亲戚提供小额资金。
- 当您支付月租(paying your monthly rent)时,这也是向室友汇款的好方法。
- 您可以使用此应用程序来结算您的帐户或购买音乐会门票等。
- 您也可以使用Venmo卡付款。
- 要获得您的资金,请使用即时转账功能。( Instant Transfer function.) 简单地(Simply)说,您需要将钱存入银行。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何删除 Venmo 帐户(How to Delete Venmo Account)
4.泽尔(4. Zelle)
- 如果您想进行网上购物或进行店内购买,这不是您要搜索的软件。
- 这仅适用于在美国(States)拥有银行账户的人( available to people who have a bank account in the United) 。
- 它用于从您的联系人(即其他Zelle用户)转移和接收资金。
- 使用起来非常简单。
- 要汇款,只需使用收款人的电话号码或电子邮件地址。输入金额后汇款。
- 它甚至更好,因为它不收取交易费用(doesn’t charge a transaction fee)。
- 您可以使用Zelle(Zelle)快速轻松地从一家银行汇款到另一家银行。
- 您可以将此应用程序与与(use this app with a Mastercard or) 美国(United)银行账户关联的万事达卡或(card)维萨卡一起使用(Visa) 。(States)
5. 贝宝手机(5. PayPal Mobile)
PayPal是许多人都熟悉的一项服务。它通常被称为支付机制。但它也是另一个最好的 Android 移动数字钱包。
- PayPal 移动(PayPal Mobile)应用程序可让您快速从您的PayPal账户(PayPal)汇款到您的银行账户。
- 使用(Use)您的银行账户、信用卡或PayPal余额向朋友和家人汇款或收款。
在美国境内,交易是免费的(Within the United States, the transaction is free)。
- 您还可以使用此应用程序支付服务和物品的费用。
- 该软件可以保护您的财务信息(safeguards your financial information)。
- 它使用强大的加密技术(strong encryption technology)保护您的帐户免受欺诈和其他恶意行为的侵害。
- 这是一个世界各地都在使用的著名的数字钱包和支付系统程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何访问您的 Apple 帐户(How to Access Your Apple Account)
6. 沃尔玛(6. Walmart)
沃尔玛(Walmart)是一家总部位于美国的全球性(United) 公司(States),拥有Walmart Pay钱包,允许用户直接从钱包中存钱和购买物品。
- 由于具有多种安全级别,交易是安全可靠的。
- 对于在沃尔玛进行的每笔购买,online shopping earns you 5% cash and 2% cash。
(Payments by barcode and) 支持条码和二维码(QR code)支付。
- 沃尔玛(Walmart)应用程序会保存您的购买商品收据,您可以使用该收据将商品退还给商店工作人员。
- 在Android上,它完全免费使用。
- 信用卡(Credit)信息不与沃尔玛(Walmart)商店共享。
7. 现金应用(7. CashApp)
CashApp也是最好的Android移动数字钱包之一。它有时被称为Square Cash ,是由(Square Cash)Square , Inc.开发的一种钱包支付服务,可在美国(United Kingdom)和(United) 英国使用(States)。
- 它规定monthly spending of $25,000,每周消费 10,000 美元,每日消费 7,000 美元,交易支出 5,000 美元。
- 该平台的投资组件允许用户交易股票。
- (CashApp)当您买卖比特币时,CashApp 会针对美国交易所的市场活动收取交易服务费和额外费用。
- 信用卡交易收取(charged at a rate of) 3%的费率。
- 设置(Set)直接存款以利用免费的ATM取款;否则,使用带有现金卡的(Cash Card)ATM将花费您 $2。
- 交易过程是免费的。
- 每个使用您的推荐代码注册的用户可以获得$5 incentive
8. 沃达丰 M-Pesa(8. Vodafone M-Pesa)
Vodafone M-Pesa是Vodafone提供的移动货币支付服务。它是一个全球数字钱包。
- 该应用程序主要用于肯尼亚和非洲(mostly used in Kenya and Africa),适用于Android和 iOS 设备。
- 只需call *400# or dial 55400从您注册的Vodafone手机号码拨打 55400 即可进入交易菜单。
- 使用起来很简单。
- 无需互联网连接或GPRS即可访问帐户。
- M-Pesa 的用户可以毫不费力地汇款和收款(effortlessly send and receive money)、支付账单、购买东西,甚至获得短期贷款。
- 允许将钱存入虚拟账户并向公司和商家付款。
- 每笔交易都是完全安全的,因为它是由用户当前的电话号码和PIN触发的。
- 允许在服务之间以及在某些市场(例如肯尼亚(Kenya))进行资金转移。
- 允许使用二维码在合作商户付款( used to make payments at partner merchants)。
- 从ATM 取款(ATMs)很简单,合作商店的二维码让取款更加容易。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何删除 PayPal 帐户(How to Delete PayPal Account)
9.支付宝(9. Alipay)
- 此应用程序允许您向朋友汇款或收款。
- 您可以在数百万商户进行无卡支付(perform card free payment)。
- 它允许在淘宝和天猫下订单和跟踪(place and track orders in Taobao and) 订单(TMall)。
- 它还允许使用 QR 码在您当地的商店进行扫描和支付。
10. 沃尔玛支付(10. Walmart Pay)
Walmart Pay是最佳Android移动数字钱包列表中的另一个应用程序。
- 它允许从当地商店购买新鲜杂货、家庭必需品和送货服务。
- 它允许您从您的设备跟踪您的订单状态。
- 这个应用程序允许您在Sam's Club 燃油中心(Sam’s Club fuel centers)获得会员燃油价格。
- 在 Walmart 和 Murphy 站,您可以每加仑节省 5 美分(save 5¢ per gallon at Walmart and Murphy stations)。
我们希望本指南对最好的 Android 手机钱包(best Android mobile wallet)有所帮助。让我们知道您觉得哪种工具对您来说很容易。继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很酷的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。
Top 10 Best Android Mobile Wallet
We cаrry a variety of cards in our wallets: debit, credit, gift cards, and so on. We use our credit cards to make internet purchases. When we shop in a store, we occasionally use oυr credit cards. These dаys, digital wallets are increasingly popular since they allow for simple payments via cell phones while ѕtill provіding total security. You may use wallets to not only send and receіve cash or pay bills, but also to take advantage of coupons, tickets, and paѕses. In this article, we have listed the toр 10 best Android mobile digital wallet. So, contіnue reading!
Top 10 Best Android Mobile Digital Wallet
The top Android mobile wallets are listed here, along with their most popular features and website connections. This list of the top Android mobile wallets includes both open-source (free) and commercial (for a fee) applications.
1. Google Pay
Perhaps the most complete app on the list is Google Pay. It’s a lot more than a virtual wallet.
- It also functions as a payment mechanism, making it indispensable for both personal and corporate operations.
- Many major banks in the United States and other countries offer this app, which is integrated with a variety of mobile banking apps.
- It’s quite likely that you’ll be able to utilize your card and link your bank account to this app.
- Start giving or requesting money for personal or commercial transactions after downloading the app.
- With this app, you may transfer money to your bank, keep boarding cards and tickets, purchase online, and much more.
- Because of its multi-layers of superior protection, your account is protected against hostile attempts and other fraudulent actions.
- This software will benefit ordinary users, consumers, and retailers in a variety of ways.
- You can purchase online and in stores without using your real cards using this software.
- It’s currently available in 28 countries and is backed by major financial institutions.
- It works with a wide range of Android smartphones and is accepted by millions of businesses that accept NFC payments, so you can use it almost everywhere.
- With just your phone, you may shop online, in-store, or in-app.
2. Samsung Pay
If you own a Samsung device, you’ve probably heard about Samsung Pay. It is one of best Android mobile wallet.
- This digital wallet app is intended for Samsung smartphones that are compatible with it.
- It does not, however, accept direct internet payments. You’ll have to use Visa Checkout to do so.
- It does not, however, allow you to send money to pals or divide a payment, unlike Google Pay.
- It is, nevertheless, ideal for money transfers and payments.
- Every purchase also earns you points, which you may use to gain special discounts or reduced gift cards.
- It has a smaller range of compatibility than Google Pay.
- Check to see if your phone is Samsung Pay compatible.
- Check whether and how you can use your non-Samsung Android phone if you’re intrigued. While it has many of the same capabilities as Google Pay, it has the advantage of being compatible not only with NFC but also with MST terminals.
- It is now accepted in a greater number of locations or establishments.
- This software on your phone allows you to link your credit card, debit card, or bank account.
- You may also link your PayPal account.
- Simply press Pay and choose your preferred payment option when making a payment.
- Pay with this card at wireless contact terminals, in-app purchases, or internet purchasing.
Also Read: 11 Tips To Fix Google Pay Not Working Issue
3. Venmo
Venmo is the digital wallet software for you if you want something different.
- When you want to divide the bill and pay money in a fun way, this is a terrific tool to have. When you’re eating out with your family or friends and sharing the cost, use this app.
- This is the most simple digital wallet on the list when compared to the others.
- It lacks the depth of capabilities seen in Samsung Pay and Google Pay.
- It’s terrific software for giving money to a group of friends or relatives in tiny sums.
- When you’re paying your monthly rent, it’s also a terrific method to send money to your housemates.
- You may use this app to settle your account or purchase a concert ticket, among other things.
- You may also pay using a Venmo card.
- To get your money, use the Instant Transfer function. Simply said, you’ll need to place money in the bank.
Also Read: How to Delete Venmo Account
4. Zelle
Not every Android mobile digital wallet app can be used to make payments. But using Zelle you can send and receive money.
- This isn’t the software you’re searching for if you want to do internet shopping or make in-store purchases.
- This is only available to people who have a bank account in the United States.
- It’s for transferring and receiving money from your contacts, which are other Zelle users.
- It is quite simple to use.
- To send money, simply use the recipient’s phone number or email address. Send the money when you’ve entered the amount.
- It’s even better because it doesn’t charge a transaction fee.
- You may send money from one bank to another quickly and easily with Zelle.
- You can use this app with a Mastercard or Visa card linked to a bank account in the United States.
5. PayPal Mobile
PayPal is a service that many people are acquainted with. It is commonly referred to as a payment mechanism. But it’s also another best Android mobile digital wallet.
- The PayPal Mobile app allows you to send money from your PayPal account to your bank account fast.
- Use your bank account, credit card, or PayPal balance to send or receive money from friends and family.
Within the United States, the transaction is free.
- You may also pay for services and items with this app.
- This software safeguards your financial information.
- It protects your account from fraud and other nefarious efforts using strong encryption technology.
- It’s a well-known digital wallet and payment system program that’s used all over the world.
Also Read: How to Access Your Apple Account
6. Walmart
Walmart is a global corporation based in the United States that features a Walmart Pay wallet that allows users to store money and purchase items straight from the wallet.
- Transactions are safe and secure thanks to many levels of security.
- For each purchase made at Walmart, online shopping earns you 5% cash and 2% cash.
Payments by barcode and QR code are supported.
- The Walmart app saves your purchase item receipt, which you may use to return an item to a shop worker.
- On Android, it is completely free to use.
- Credit card information is not shared with Walmart shops.
7. CashApp
CashApp is also one of best Android mobile digital wallet. It is sometimes known as Square Cash, is a wallet payment service developed by Square, Inc. and available in the United States and the United Kingdom.
- It provides for monthly spending of $25,000, weekly spending of $10,000, daily spending of $7,000, and transaction expenditure of $5,000.
- The platform’s investing component allows users to trade equities.
- CashApp charges a transaction service fee and an extra cost for market activity across US exchanges when you buy and sell bitcoin.
- Credit card transactions are charged at a rate of 3%.
- Set up direct deposit to take advantage of free ATM withdrawals; otherwise, using an ATM with a Cash Card will cost you $2.
- The transaction process is free of charge.
- You can receive a $5 incentive for each user that signs up using your referral code.
8. Vodafone M-Pesa
Vodafone M-Pesa is a mobile money payment service provided by Vodafone. It is a global digital wallet.
- This app is mostly used in Kenya and Africa, and it is available for both Android and iOS devices.
- Simply call *400# or dial 55400 from your registered Vodafone mobile number to go to the transaction menu.
- It’s simple to use.
- There is no need for an internet connection or GPRS to access an account.
- Users of M-Pesa may effortlessly send and receive money, pay bills, buy things, and even acquire a short-term loan.
- Allow for money to be saved in a virtual account and payments to be made to companies and merchants.
- Every transaction is completely safe since it is triggered by the user’s current phone number and PIN.
- Allow money to be transferred between services and in some markets, such as Kenya.
- Allow QR codes to be used to make payments at partner merchants.
- Withdrawals from ATMs are simple, and QR codes at partner shops make it even easier.
Also Read: How to Delete PayPal Account
9. Alipay
Alipay is also one of best Android mobile digital wallet.
- This app allows your to send or receive money from your friends.
- You can perform card free payment at millions of merchants.
- It allows to place and track orders in Taobao and TMall.
- It also allows to scan and pay at your local stores using the QR code.
10. Walmart Pay
Walmart Pay is another app in the list of the best Android mobile digital wallet.
- It allows to buy fresh groceries, household essential and delivery from your local store.
- It allows you to track your order status from your device.
- This app allows you to get member prices on fuel at Sam’s Club fuel centers.
- You can save 5¢ per gallon at Walmart and Murphy stations.
We hope that this guide was helpful about the best Android mobile wallet. Let us know which tool you find easy for you. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.