在我们深入寻找最好的风扇速度控制器软件之前,让我们试着了解一下为什么CPU、GPU和 PC 的其他组件会产生过多的热量。我们知道游戏和编辑软件会消耗更多的电量,因此会产生过多的热量。除此之外,还有其他问题,例如驱动器故障和损坏的文件会影响主板的功能,从而导致您的系统变热。但是为了改变风扇速度以控制 PC 中的温度升高,您需要风扇(Fan)速度控制器软件。我们的最佳风扇控制软件列表是开始寻找软件的好地方。
前 18 名最佳风扇速度控制器软件(Top 18 Best Fan Speed Controller Software)
如果您的风扇速度不规律,则系统温度可能会升高。这称为热节流(Thermal Throttling)。在 PC 中可以有多个风扇,即:
- 排气扇(exhaust fan)和进气扇(intake fan)位于 PC 的正面和背面。
- 第三是散热风扇(heatsink fan),也称为电源风扇(power supply fan),通常位于计算机背面,可让您轻松排出热空气并保持系统凉爽。
在系统正常工作时保持系统凉爽的最佳选择是控制 PC 或笔记本电脑的风扇速度(by controlling your PC or laptop fan speed)。这可以手动完成,但手动选项既麻烦又棘手。
因此(Hence),更好的选择是使用自动风扇速度控制器软件进行自动 PC 风扇速度控制,该软件:
监控(monitors temperatures)来自多个来源的温度。
使您能够(enables you to modify fan speeds)在需要时修改机器的风扇速度。
市场上有许多风扇速度控制器软件,其中一些与笔记本电脑兼容,而另一些则用于台式电脑。还有其他混合软件(hybrid software)可用,与两种系统兼容,即台式机和笔记本电脑。我们在下面详细讨论了一些适用于 PC 和笔记本电脑的最佳风扇控制软件,即使是新手也可以轻松使用。
1.速度风扇(1. Speed Fan)
(SpeedFan)顾名思义,SpeedFan是一款功能极其强大的软件(extremely powerful software),在这场竞赛中名列最佳风扇速度控制器软件的榜首。它被认为是最好的风扇控制软件之一,因此它具有各种令人兴奋的功能,详情如下:
- 它可以监控来自多个来源的温度。
- 它是易于使用的界面,可以通过估计存储在设备内部的数字传感器的温度来更改、调整或控制 PC 风扇速度。(change, adjust, or control PC fan speed)
- 除了 PC 风扇速度外,它还可以管理机箱风扇速度,甚至可以解决最具挑战性的 PC 问题。
- 它使您能够根据您的要求以摄氏度和华氏度(both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales)测量 PC 温度。
- 它还可以在系统托盘中显示系统变量,例如图表和指标
- 它利用SMART 信息(S.M.A.R.T. info)并显示HDD的性能(HDD)
- 它是高度可定制的、组织完善的、清晰的界面,使您能够在硬盘(HDD)上运行健康测试并监控各种其他参数,如电压读数、温度读数、风扇转速读数等。
- 它还跟踪 PWM,即脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation),使用集成电路来监控PWM风扇的速度,这有助于控制您的 PC 或笔记本电脑的CPU、GPU和其他组件的温度。
- 它支持 SCSI 磁盘(supports SCSI disks),这是一种标准接口,可在计算机与其外围设备之间进行物理连接和传输数据。
- 它与Windows 64位以及支持各种Windows版本的任何品牌和型号的 PC 兼容,例如Windows 9x、ME、NT、2000、2003、2008、Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10、和Windows Server 2012。
- 您可以从其官方SpeedFan Software Fan Controller(SpeedFan Software Fan Controller)网站免费下载此软件
学习曲线高,不建议初学者使用,仅供专业人士和专家(for professionals and experts)使用。总而言之,它是最好的风扇控制软件,具有各种令人兴奋的功能,如上所述,用于更改或控制 PC风扇速度(Fan Speed)。
2. 阿格斯监视器(2. Argus Monitor)
Argus Monitor是由一家德国公司开发的可靠且轻便的程序。它在后台运行并控制风扇速度以及监控硬盘运行状况。由于以下提到的显着功能,它被认为是社区喜爱的风扇速度控制器软件之一:
- 它可以根据来自不同温度源的可用数据,平稳、快速地控制(smooth and speedy control)主板和GPU的风扇速度(GPU)
- 这款智能Argus Monitor官方网站(Website)仅提供 30 天免费试用,但一次性支付 19.95 美元即可下载长期使用。
- 它利用了SMART。属性和数字传感器来监控健康状态和调节硬盘(HDD)温度。
- 它还可以使用图形显示器和数字传感器监控 GPU、CPU 和硬盘驱动器的温度(monitoring of GPU, CPU, and hard drive temperatures)
- 它在后台自动运行,控制 PC 风扇速度,而不会中断您的工作。
- 它可以检查电源管理系统是否正常工作。
- 它使用户能够在硬盘驱动器发生故障之前保存多达 70% 的基本数据。
- 它支持所有 Windows 版本(supports all Windows versions),即 Windows 7、8、8.1 和 10。
- 它易于使用、用户友好的界面,可通过电子邮件通知温度问题(notifies temperature issues via emails)。
- 首先,该软件不能(cannot be customized)根据您的需要和要求进行定制。
- 其次,如果硬件中没有内置传感器(built-in sensor),它将无法运行。
- 最后,它仅提供 30 天的免费试用许可证,为了进一步使用,您必须购买许可证密钥。
但请记住其强大的功能,它被评为迄今为止最出色、最智能、最可靠的Windows 10 风扇控制(Fan Control)软件之一,可用于更改(Change)或控制 PC 风扇速度(Control PC Fan Speed)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 CPU 风扇不旋转的 7 种方法(7 Ways to Fix CPU Fan Not Spinning)
3. EasyTune/ EasyTune 5
(EasyTune 5)技嘉的(Gigabyte)EasyTune 5被认为是最好的风扇速度控制器软件之一,并被评为最适合Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)的工具列表,因为它具有以下令人惊叹的功能,详情如下:
- 它使您能够跟踪和验证您的 PC 或笔记本电脑的健康状况
- 它利用北桥芯片组散热器(North-Bridge Chipset heat-sink)管理智能风扇速度,以保持计算机主板上的芯片组凉爽,保护它免受因过热而造成的任何损坏。
- 它使您可以根据不同的RPM在不同的温度下配置(RPMs)CPU冷却风扇的速度,并建议将风扇设置为60°C全速。
- 它使您能够监控所有类型的风扇(monitor all types of fans),无论是CPU风扇、机箱风扇、笔记本电脑风扇还是HDD风扇,它都可以管理它们。
- 它使用户能够在不同模式之间切换,(switch between different modes)即 SmartFan 自动或高级模式
- 它使您可以在高级模式下检查PC散热器风扇的超频参数设置,以提高系统性能
- 可以对其进行微调以管理 Windows 操作系统中的系统电压和内存时钟(manage system voltages and memory clocks)。
- 它使用MIB(M.I.B)启用性能监控。即管理信息库(Management Information Base)功能,它是一个ASCII数据文本文件,在列表中详细说明了简单网络管理协议(Simple Network Management Protocol)( SNMP ) 的特性,用于管理设备,例如在这种情况下控制 PC 风扇的速度。
- 它还使用CIA功能监控 PC 风扇性能,其中三个字母代表机密性、完整性和可用性,特别强调机密性,概述了防御恶意软件/基于 Web 的攻击、数据泄露、网络钓鱼等的目标和目标。 ,同时兼顾风扇调速系统的信息安全。
- 它支持所有版本的Windows(supports all versions of Windows)
- 它可以从Gigabyte(Gigabyte)官方Easy tune 5网站(Website)免费下载并安装在您的 PC/笔记本电脑上运行。
该软件的唯一缺点是它的使用有限,并且不适合在Linux或Mac OS上运行的系统。其次,超频功能有时会出现故障(over-clocking feature can sometimes turn faulty),影响系统性能。
4.打开硬件监视器(4. Open Hardware Monitor)
Open Hardware Monitor是一款强大的风扇速度控制器软件工具,具有许多有助于提高系统性能的惊人功能,如下所列:
- 它是一个免费使用的开源程序(free-to-use, open-source),任何人都可以出于任何目的学习、使用、更改和与其他任何人共享软件及其源代码。
- 它支持大多数最新的硬件监控芯片以及系统的时钟速度、电压或温度等其他功能
- 它借助其核心温度传感器检查和监控CPU温度,并在系统托盘或可自定义桌面的主窗口中显示数据(CPU)
- 它的数字温度读数测量磁盘温度,避免CPU或笔记本电脑主板过热。
- 其组织清晰的用户界面可在32 位和 64 位系统上运行。(32-bit and 64-bit systems.)
- 它还可以使用SMART。访问硬盘温度的属性
- 其高度可定制的界面还显示ATI 和 NVIDIA(ATI and NVIDIA) 视频卡传感器(video card sensors)。
- 它不需要安装在您的PC/laptop上,但是,如果需要,您可以从其官方网站下载它。
- 它与Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 和任何基于x86的Linux 操作系统兼容(Linux OS)
- 除了是最好的风扇速度控制软件之一,它还可以监控其他设备的温度,如OPAMPS、稳压器、晶体管、时钟电路等。
唯一的缺点是它没有为温度控制设置任何固定的默认值(does not set any fixed default values for temperature control),因此需要不断检查最大安全温度水平。但是通过使用数字温度监控设备,可以跟踪磁盘温度并避免笔记本电脑的CPU或主板过热。其次,它不适合普通计算机用户使用。
这款 PC风扇速度(Fan Speed)控制软件的主要优点是使用简单,并不断更新(constantly keeps on updating)其硬件以满足其需要和要求。因此,它在更改或控制 PC风扇速度(Fan Speed)的最佳软件列表中占有一席之地,这给Speedfan软件带来了激烈的竞争。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中检查 CPU 温度(How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10)
5. 笔记本风扇控制(5. Notebook Fan Control)
笔记本风扇控制(Notebook Fan Control)软件旨在提供控制计算机风扇速度的能力,并由于以下原因进入我们的最佳风扇控制软件列表:
- 它有一个简单、免费、用户友好的(free to use, user-friendly)界面,计算机新手也可以轻松使用
- 它使用热传感器实时监控 CPU 温度(monitors CPU temperature in real-time)并相应地调节风扇速度
- 它还允许您禁用风扇控制服务,并允许您使用主菜单中心的简单滑块手动控制 PC 风扇速度。但是,最好只在自动控制下运行,以避免由于不必要的过热而损坏主板。
- 它与使用Windows 7、8(Windows 7)或 10 的所有品牌笔记本电脑兼容,并在您打开系统时自动开始运行。
- 它从设置中修改系统托盘符号的颜色,并在系统托盘中启用CPU温度显示
- 可以直接从笔记本风扇控制(Notebook Fan Control)网站下载使用。(can be downloaded for use)
注意:(Note:)访问Github 官方网站(Github official website)并检查此风扇速度控制器是否支持您的系统。如果是这样,您可以按照上面的说明进行下载。
6. 硬件监控(6. HW Monitor)
HW Monitor是一个值得信赖的风扇速度监控程序,由于以下特点,它被列入最佳风扇速度控制器软件列表:
- 它是免费的、精心设计的(free of cost, well designed)、精确且易于使用的软件来更改(Change)或控制 PC 风扇速度(Control PC Fan Speed)
- 它监控实时速度并完整记录所有三个风扇的最小和最大风扇速度,即保持主板冷却的CPU风扇和另外两个机柜风扇一个用于冷空气入口,另一个用于热空气排出目的。
- 它还跟踪和记录主板电压(tracks and records Motherboard voltage)、处理器电压、处理器温度(以摄氏度(Celsius)或华氏度(Fahrenheit)为单位)、系统功耗(以瓦特(Watts)为单位)等等。
- 它使您能够将完整的接口数据保存在TXT文件中。
- 它可在32 位和 64 位版本上运行。(both 32-bit & 64-bit versions.)
- 它与所有版本的Windows兼容,包括最新的Windows 11。
- 它使您能够连接到另一个网络(connect to another network)或您需要使用的任何特定 IP 地址。
- 它甚至拥有ITE® IT87系列、大多数Winbond® IC(Winbond® ICs)等常见的传感器芯片。
- 它使用最少的资源为每个实时会话自动生成图表(uses minimal resources to automatically generate graphs),并使您能够在系统托盘中包含分析值。
- 它支持新硬件并快速更新数据。
- 其升级版本(upgraded versions)的价格为 22.40 美元起。
虽然它是更改(Change)或控制 PC 风扇(Control PC Fan)速度的最佳软件之一,但该软件的主要弱点是它不会生成警报,您必须定期自行检查和监督。其次,该软件(Software)仅适用于Windows PCs/laptops,但不适用于使用Mac或Linux OS的小工具。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何删除或重置 BIOS 密码(How to Remove or Reset the BIOS Password)
7.海盗船链接(7. Corsair Link)
Corsair Link是一款出色的软件,因其一些令人惊叹的功能而被列入最佳风扇速度控制器软件列表,详情如下:
- 此 PC 风扇控制器软件是一款免费实用程序,可使用Hydro 系列液体 CPU冷却器(Hydro Series liquid CPU)自动调节冷却(automatically adjusts cooling)。
- 其用户友好的界面可以完全控制Windows PC(Windows PCs)或笔记本电脑的风扇,并可以改变计算机的CPU风扇速度,根据 PC 的过热情况将风扇速度调整为 100% 或更低。
- 它检查CPU温度、硬盘(HDD)温度和任何速度波动,并在其仪表板上实时显示CPU/GPU并发出警告通知(giving warning notifications)。
- 它具有完美的游戏界面,应该安装在每个游戏玩家的PC上。
- 除了风扇速度显示外,它还显示主机电压读数、电力负载和DRAM(动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory))频率,DRAM(动态随机存取存储器)是一种具有随机存取功能的半导体存储器,可以将每一位数据存储在一个单元中。
- 它支持几乎所有的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),可以从 Corsair Link 的官方网站下载。
- 它使您可以选择和更改任何自定义图像( select and change any custom image),并在背景中显示 PC 机箱的图像
虽然它是一种非常有效的硬件,有助于防止 PC 错误,但它对用户不是很友好。它被认为是针对具有有限兼容性( limited compatibility)的 PC的品牌特定风扇控件(Brand Specific Fan Control),在Windows 10操作系统中存在问题。
8.TPFan控制(8. TPFan Control)
TPFan Control是免费、简单、轻量级的开源(lightweight, open-source)实用程序,被认为是最好的风扇速度控制器软件之一,由于以下特性而在列表中占据第 8 位:
- 它可以在后台运行时控制CPU和GPU温度以及风扇速度。
- 它可以选择温度控制风扇的七速设置,以实现高效冷却。(choice of seven-speed settings)
- 它显示指示CPU、GPU和主板温度的通知图标。(notification icon)
- 除了控制风扇速度外,它还有助于控制风扇噪音。(helps control fan noise)
- 它支持所有Windows 32位和 64 位系统。
- 可以根据需要选择在手动模式、智能模式或 BIOS 模式下运行(Manual mode, Smart mode, or BIOS mode)。
该软件的缺点是首先它会显示不需要的可疑广告。 (displays unwanted fishy ads. )此外,由于界面有限且严格,它仅适用于专业用户,对于新手来说可能有点复杂。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 的 CPU 和磁盘使用率过高问题(Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10)
9.索泰火风暴(9. Zotac FireStorm)
Zotac FireStorm是另一个已知的硬件监视器,由于以下特性,它被列入最佳风扇速度控制器软件列表:
- 它有一个简单易懂的(straightforward, easy-to-understand)用户界面,可帮助您查看、修改和有效控制风扇速度它有一个专门的监控(Monitoring)部分,利用Nvidia 显卡(Nvidia Graphic)查看实时时钟速度、温度、风扇速度、等等
- 由于每种类型的所需信息都很容易获得,因此在其用户界面上,它可以更灵活(enables better flexibility)地控制硬件设备的温度和风扇速度。
- 它可以控制多个时钟速度,例如其时钟部分中的(Clock)GPU时钟速度、内存时钟速度、着色器时钟速度和VDDC值。
- 这款风扇速度监视器支持Windows 7、Windows 8以及Windows 10软件。
- 它支持多种其他控制,如风扇(Fan)控制、CPU控制等。
- 除了风扇速度控制,它还提供由红、绿、蓝三种基本颜色组成的RGB控制,并将它们混合生成任何特定的颜色,使电脑机箱看起来既漂亮又时尚。(also provides RGB control)因此,在性能方面,RGB控制除了外观上的外观改进之外并没有增加任何额外的东西。
它也有其缺点。最大的缺点是它无法检查和监控除NVIDIA(NVIDIA)以外的其他显卡。其次,由于存在小错误,有时可能会不一致(inconsistent, at times)。
10. HWiNFO
- 它可以轻松、快速、即时地调整 CPU 和机柜风扇速度(easy, fast, and immediate adjustment of CPU and cabinet fan speeds)。
- 它可以监控其他几个系统组件,例如CPU、主板、硬盘(HDD)温度、CPU封装功率、GPU功率、核心(Core)时钟等等
- 它还提供有关系统CPU和GPU代码名称、RAM 类型(RAM type)的信息,并提供有关CPU涡轮频率、BIOS信息、传感器信息(Sensors info)等的多个报告
- 它将包含上述不同参数的完整值的所有报告存储在( stores all the reports)CSV文件中
- 它支持适用于 32 位和 64 位系统的最新技术和标准
- 它与所有 Windows 操作系统兼容,(compatible with all Windows OS)如Windows Vista、Windows XP、Windows 7、Windows 8和(Windows 8)Windows的最新版本,即Windows 10。
这款可定制的软件还提供便携式版本(portable version),即使在移动中也可以使用。该软件仅提供所需参数的报告,给出分隔参数的空白详细信息。除了是寻找免费版本的人的理想选择外,它还提供升级的 HWiNFO Pro 版本(upgraded HWiNFO Pro version),具有附加功能,使用 3rd 方附加组件或工具,售价 24.94 美元,适合对更多选项感兴趣的人。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Windows 10 中检查 CPU 温度(How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10)
11. Mac 风扇控制(11. Mac Fan Control)
Mac Fan Control是Mac电脑用户使用的另一个风扇速度控制器软件,原因如下:
- 它可以使用SMART(S.M.A.R.T)即时监控GPU、CPU和其他第三方硬盘驱动器的温度。技术
- 其用户友好的界面可修复因更换 iMac(fixes any noise)硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive)而引起的任何噪音
- 它易于使用,在一侧显示所有风扇,在另一侧显示其他组件。
- 通过使用滑块更改其CPU风扇RPM,然后单击“自定义(Custom)”按钮上的“确定”,它可以轻松防止( prevents overheating)MacBook Pro过热。
- 它不仅兼容Mac OS,还兼容所有版本的Windows OS,即 Windows 10/8/7、Windows Vista以及Windows XP
- 它可以使用 Boot Camp 免费下载(free to download using Boot Camp),它是一种多功能软件,可让Apple Macintosh PC(Apple Macintosh PCs)和笔记本电脑同时运行Windows 和 Mac OS(both Windows and Mac OS)。
- 此免费软件程序可从Mac Fan Control网站以30 多种不同的语言(30 different languages)下载。
与其他同类产品一样,它也有一些缺点。它缺乏自动通知(lacks automatic notifications)和明确哪个风扇由哪个传感器控制。然而,凭借上面列出的一些最令人惊叹的功能,毫无疑问,它被认为是Mac用户最好的风扇速度控制软件之一。(software for Mac)
12. smcFanControl
- 它使您可以独立调节( independently adjust the speed)CPU风扇和主计算机风扇的速度
- 它会自动增加最低风扇速度设置以避免过热。
- 可免费(free of cost)下载、安装和设置此CPU风扇控制器软件。
- 它与台式机和笔记本电脑风扇兼容,不会对系统硬件造成压力。
- Desktop/Laptop过热问题提供了可靠的答案,即使是初学者也很容易使用
- 可以使用smcFanControl链接轻松地从 Web 下载它。
此应用程序的缺点是它仅适用于 Mac 用户( available only for Mac users),不适用于在Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)上运行的系统。其次,错误(slow in error) 跟踪速度慢。(tracking.)
13. 华硕人工智能套件 3(13. ASUS AI Suite 3)
Asus AI Suite 3是一款天赐的风扇速度控制器软件,适合那些拥有ASUS主板的用户,因为它具有以下多项功能:
- 它可以免费下载,以控制冷却 PC/笔记本电脑的风扇速度。
- 此软件中的Fan Xpert4 功能(Fan Xpert4 feature)有助于控制与华硕(ASUS)主板连接的风扇的速度。
- 它跟踪CPU温度并相应地自定义风扇速度
- 该软件还可以轻松访问华硕硬件(easy access to ASUS hardware)。
- 它根据当前系统负载使用其专有的自适应风扇调整算法计算所需的最低风扇速度,以提供不折不扣的有效冷却,将风扇噪音降至最低
- 其额外的音频实用程序功能可减少背景麦克风噪音(reduces background microphone noise)、不必要的键盘咔嗒声和鼠标点击,让您在游戏或接听来电时享受水晶般清晰的听觉。
激活此软件后,它会覆盖所有手动风扇控制以启用自动监控,并被认为是Windows用户最好的ASUS PC/laptop风扇控制实用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何测试电源(How to Test Power Supply)
14.微星加力控制(14. MSI Afterburner Control)
MSI Afterburner Control是游戏玩家和电脑爱好者中广为人知的风扇速度控制器软件之一。您可以在下面找到有关该软件的更多信息:
- 它是完全免费的(completely free of charge),可以在屏幕上实时监控您的硬件。
- 它具有自动超频扫描仪(OC Scanner)功能,可为您的卡找到最高稳定的超频设置,以检查超频情况。
- PC/laptopCPU温度和GPU温度上下波动,从而控制风扇速度以避免过热( avoid overheating)。
- 它与所有品牌的显卡兼容,( compatible with graphic cards from all brands)不仅限于任何一种类型。
- 它可以通过调整风扇速度选项卡下的栏来更改或控制 PC 风扇速度,以将CPU(CPU)和GPU的核心风扇速度设置的任何更改保存在 5 个配置文件中,从而更有效地冷却其CPU和GPU和防止您的 PC 过热。
- 它还可以检查GPU电压、内存使用情况、频率和FPS
总而言之,它被认为是控制Windows 10的(Windows 10)CPU和GPU风扇的最佳软件之一。
15. TG 临
(15. TG Pro
许多人推荐TG Pro(TG Pro)温度监控和风扇控制软件,因为:
- 它很容易设置和使用,尤其是在它的教程(tutorial)的帮助下。
- 除了温度,您还可以检查Macbook的电池健康状况。( battery health)
- 您可以选择手动更改风扇速度或允许其自动控制。
- TG Pro最有趣的功能是它的电子邮件通知(Email notifications)。
- 由于它仅适用于 Mac 设备( available exclusively for Mac devices),因此可以将其定为唯一的缺点。
16.明智的系统监视器(16. Wise System Monitor)
- 它允许您监控 CPU 和 RAM 使用情况(monitor CPU & RAM Usage)以及温度。
- 它的进程监视器(Process Monitor)密切关注前台和后台运行的进程。
- 它提供用户指南(User Guide)以及多语言支持(Multi-lingual support)。
- 它消耗很少的内存空间和CPU资源。因此,它出现在我们的最佳风扇速度控制软件列表中。
- 您可以选择免费试用并购买产品。它的独特之处在于60 天退款保证(60-day moneyback guarantee)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Android 上检查电池健康状况(How to Check Battery Health on Android)
17.艾达64(17. AIDA64)
AIDA64 by Finalwire在其(Finalwire)官方网站(official website)上拥有海量产品列表,即AIDA64 Extreme、AIDA64 Engineer、AIDA64 Business和AIDA64 Network Audit。此外,它还为移动设备(AIDA64 for mobile devices)托管AIDA64 。它的一些值得注意的功能包括:
- 它通过密切监视所有组件来提供有关硬件的详细信息。(provides detailed information)
- 它可以帮助用户提前诊断问题并采取先发制人的行动。
- Engineer 工具(Engineer tool)适合 IT 技术人员,而Network Audit(Network Audit)版本适合 IT 公司。
- 对于办公室,其商业模式(Business model)倾向于通过一个统一的应用程序管理和监控所有设备。
18. NZXT 凸轮(18. NZXT CAM)
NZXT Cam声称自己是最好的游戏 PC 监控应用程序,因为它具有以下属性:
- 它是最快、最高效(quickest & most efficient)的风扇控制软件之一。
- 您可以轻松跟踪CPU、GPU、RAM和带宽消耗。
- 凭借其智能调度功能(Smart Scheduling feature),您可以根据一天中的时间和使用目的安排设置照明和风扇。
- 同样,您可以在游戏期间启用颜色和风扇速度更改。(enable color & fan speed change)
- 除了温度和电池电量,您还可以在游戏期间检查FPS 和游戏持续时间(FPS and game duration)。很酷,对吧!
我们已尝试提供一些最佳和最有效的风扇速度控制器软件的详细列表,并解决您在( Fan speed controller software)Windows和Mac台式机和笔记本电脑上控制或更改风扇速度的所有问题。以上所有实用程序都易于使用,即使是新手也可以运行这些应用程序。随时(Feel)在下面的评论部分中提出您的问题或建议。
Top 18 Best Fan Speed Controller Software
Before we delve into the search for the beѕt fan speed controller software, let us try to understand why the CPU, GPU, аnd other components of a PC generate excess heat. We know that games and editing software consume more power and therefore genеrate excess heat. Besides this, therе are other рroblems like drive failure and corrupted files that affect the functіoning of the motherboard, reѕulting in your system getting hot. But in ordеr to change the fan speed to control the temperaturе buildup in the PC, yoυ neеd Fan speed controller software. And our list of best fan control software is a great plаce to start looking for one.
Top 18 Best Fan Speed Controller Software
If you have irregular fan speed then the temperature of your system can increase. This is termed Thermal Throttling. In a PC there can be multiple fans namely:
- The exhaust fan and intake fan are in the front and back of the PC.
- Third is the heatsink fan also known as the power supply fan generally at the back of the computer that enables you to easily throw out the hot air and keep your system cool.
The best and your go-to option to keep your system cool when it is working hard is by controlling your PC or laptop fan speed. This can be done manually, but the manual option is cumbersome and tricky.
Hence, the better option is to go in for the auto PC fan speed control using automatic fan speed controller software which:
monitors temperatures from numerous sources.
enables you to modify fan speeds of your machine as and when required.
There are a number of fan speed controller software available in the market, some being compatible with laptops while others are made for use with desktop PCs. There are other hybrid software also available, compatible with both systems, i.e., desktops as well as laptops. We discuss below in detail, a few of the best fan control software for PCs and laptops that can be easily used even by a newbie.
1. Speed Fan
SpeedFan, as the name suggests, is extremely powerful software that tops the list in this race for the best fan speed controller software. It is considered to be one of the best fan control software so due to the various exciting features it harbors as detailed below:
- It enables monitoring of the temperature from multiple sources.
- It is easy to use interface that can change, adjust, or control PC fan speed by estimating the temperature from the digital sensor stored inside the device.
- Besides PC fan speed, it manages the case fan speed and troubleshoots even the most challenging PC issues.
- It enables you to measure the PC temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales, depending on your requirement.
- It also enables the display of the system variables such as charts & indicators, in the system tray
- It makes use of the S.M.A.R.T. info and displays the performance of the HDD
- It is highly customizable, perfectly organized, and clear interface that enables you to run a fitness test on your HDD and monitor various other parameters like voltage reading, temperature reading, fan speed reading, etc., etc.
- It also keeps track of PWMs, i.e., Pulse Width Modulation using integrated circuits to monitor the speed of PWM fans that help in keeping the temperature of the CPU, GPU, and other components of your PC or laptop in check.
- It supports SCSI disks, which are a standard interface that physically connects and transfers data between a computer and its peripheral devices
- It is compatible with Windows 64 bit and with PCs of any brand and model that support various versions of Windows like Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2012.
- You can download this software free of cost from its official SpeedFan Software Fan Controller site
With a high learning curve, it is not recommended for use of beginners but only for professionals and experts. All-in-all, it is the best fan control software that comes with various exciting features, as detailed above, to change or control PC Fan Speed.
2. Argus Monitor
Argus Monitor is a reliable and light program that is made by a German company. It runs in the background and controls fan speeds as well as monitors hard disk health. It is considered one of the community loved fan speed controller software due to the below mentioned remarkable features:
- It enables smooth and speedy control of the fan speed of the mainboard and GPU based on data available from different temperature sources
- This smart Argus Monitor official Website offers only 30 days free trial but can be downloaded for long-term use on making a one-time payment of $19.95.
- It makes use of the S.M.A.R.T. attributes and digital sensors to monitor health status and regulate HDD temperature.
- It also enables monitoring of GPU, CPU, and hard drive temperatures using a graphical display and digital sensors
- It runs automatically in the backdrop, controlling the PC fan speed, without interrupting your work.
- It enables to check whether the power management system is working properly.
- It enables users to save up to 70% of their essential data prior to the failure of the hard drive.
- It supports all Windows versions i.e., Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10.
- It’s easy to use, user-friendly interface that notifies temperature issues via emails.
Like any other software, it also has some shortcomings.
- Firstly, this software cannot be customized, as per your needs and demands.
- Secondly, it won’t be able to function without a built-in sensor in its hardware.
- Lastly, it offers only a 30-day free trial license and for further use, you have to buy the license key.
But keep in mind its robust features, it is rated as one of the excellent and most smart and reliable Windows 10 Fan Control software to Change or Control PC Fan Speed as of today.
Also Read: 7 Ways to Fix CPU Fan Not Spinning
3. EasyTune/ EasyTune 5
EasyTune 5 by Gigabyte is considered one of the best fan speed controller software and is rated to be in the list of the most suitable tools for Windows OS due to the following amazing features as detailed below:
- It enables you to track and verify the health of your PC or laptop
- It makes use of the North-Bridge Chipset heat-sink managing the smart fan speed to keep the chipset on your computer’s motherboard cool, protecting it from any damage due to overheating.
- It enables you to configure the CPU cooling fan speed as per different temperatures at different RPMs and suggest setting the fan at full speed at 60°C.
- It enables you to monitor all types of fans whether it be a CPU fan, case fan, laptop fan, or HDD fan, it manages them all.
- It enables users to switch between different modes viz SmartFan Auto or Advanced Mode
- It enables you to keep a check on the overclocking parameter setting of the PC heat sink fan in advanced mode to improve the performance of your system
- It can be fine-tuned to manage system voltages and memory clocks in the Windows OS.
- It enables performance monitoring using the M.I.B. i.e. the Management Information Base feature, which is an ASCII data text file detailing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) characteristics in a list to manage a device for example controlling the speed of your PC fan, in this case.
- It also monitors PC fan performance using the C.I.A features in which the three letters stand for confidentiality, integrity, and availability with special emphasis on confidentiality outlining the goals and objectives to defend against malware/web-based attacks, data breaches, phishing, etc., while keeping in view the fan speed control system’s information security.
- It supports all versions of Windows
- It can be downloaded free of cost and installed to run on your PC/laptop from the Gigabyte official Easy tune 5 Website.
The only drawback of this software is that it has limited usage and does not cater to systems working on Linux or Mac OS. Secondly, the over-clocking feature can sometimes turn faulty, affecting your system’s performance.
4. Open Hardware Monitor
Open Hardware Monitor is a powerful tool to fan speed controller software has many more amazing features that help to enhance your system performance as listed below:
- It is a free-to-use, open-source program whereby anyone can study, use, change, and share the software and its source code with anyone else and for any purpose.
- It supports most of the latest hardware monitoring chips along with other features like clock speed, voltage, or temperature of the system
- It checks and monitors the CPU temperature with the help of its core temperature sensors and displays the data in the system tray or the main window in a customizable desktop
- Its digital temperature readings measure the disk temperature avoiding the superheating of the CPU or the motherboard of the laptop.
- Its organized and clear user interface runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
- It also enables the use of S.M.A.R.T. attributes to access the hard drive’s temperature
- Its highly customizable interface displays ATI and NVIDIA video card sensors as well.
- It does not require to be installed on your PC/laptop, however, if desired, you can download it from its official website.
- It is compatible with Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 and any x86 based Linux OS
- Besides being one of the best fan speed control software, it can also monitor the temperature of other devices like the OPAMPS, voltage regulators, transistors, clock circuits, and so on.
The only drawback is that it does not set any fixed default values for temperature control, so one needs to constantly keep a check on the max safe temperature level. But with the use of a digital temperature monitoring device, one can keep track of the disk temperature and avoid the superheating of the CPU or motherboard of the laptop. Secondly, it is not meant for the use of an average computer user.
The major advantage of this PC Fan Speed control software is that it is simple to use and constantly keeps on updating its hardware to meet its needs and requirements. As such, it holds its place to remain on the list of the best software to change or control PC Fan Speed, giving tough competition to Speedfan software.
Also Read: How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
5. Notebook Fan Control
Notebook Fan Control software is designed to offer the ability to control the computer fan speed and made its way to our list of best fan control software due to the below-mentioned reasons:
- It has a straightforward, free to use, user-friendly interface that can easily be used by computer novices too
- It monitors CPU temperature in real-time using thermal sensors and regulates the fan speed accordingly
- It also allows you to disable the fan control service and enables you to manually control the PC fan speed using a simple slider present in the center of the main menu. However, it is best left to run on auto-control only to avoid damage to the motherboard due to unwanted overheating.
- It is compatible with all brands of laptops using Windows 7, 8, or 10 and automatically starts functioning as you switch on your system.
- It modifies the color for the system tray symbol from the settings and enables the display of the CPU temperature in the system tray too
- It can be downloaded for use directly from the Notebook Fan Control website.
Note: Visit Github official website and check whether this fan speed controller supports your system or not. If it does, you can download as indicated above.
6. HW Monitor
HW Monitor is a trusted fan speed monitoring program and is considered in the list of the best fan speed controller software due to the following traits:
- It is free of cost, well designed, precise, and easy-to-use software to Change or Control PC Fan Speed
- It monitors real-time speed and keeps a complete record of the minimum and maximum fan speed of all three fans namely the CPU fan that keeps the motherboard cool and the other two cabinet fans one for cool air inlet and the other meant for hot air exhaust purposes.
- It also tracks and records Motherboard voltage, processor voltage, processor temperature both in Celsius or Fahrenheit scale, system power consumption in Watts, and much more.
- It enables you to save the complete interface data in a TXT file.
- It is available to run on both 32-bit & 64-bit versions.
- It is compatible with all versions of Windows including the latest Windows 11.
- It enables you to connect to another network or any specific IP address you require engaging with.
- It even possesses common sensor chips like ITE® IT87 series, most Winbond® ICs, & others.
- It uses minimal resources to automatically generate graphs for each live session and enables you to include analyzed values in the system tray.
- It supports new hardware and speedily updates data.
- Its upgraded versions come at a cost at Prices starting from $22.40.
Though it is one of the best software to Change or Control PC Fan Speed the major weakness of this software is that it does not generate alerts and you have to regularly keep a check and supervise things by yourself. Secondly, this Software is only available for Windows PCs/laptops but is not available for gadgets using Mac or Linux OS.
Also Read: How to Remove or Reset the BIOS Password
7. Corsair Link
Corsair Link is a good software that is considered in the list of the best fan speed controller software due to some of its amazing features as detailed below:
- This PC fan controller software is a free utility that automatically adjusts cooling using Hydro Series liquid CPU coolers.
- Its user-friendly interface offers complete control over fans for Windows PCs or laptops and enables changes in the computer’s CPU fan speed, adjusting fan speed at 100% or less, depending upon the overheating of your PC.
- It checks the CPU temp, HDD temp, and any speed fluctuations and displays the CPU/GPU fan speed data on its dashboard in real-time, giving warning notifications.
- It has a perfect game-oriented interface and should be installed on the PC of every gamer.
- In addition to the fan speed display, it also indicates the mainframe voltage reading, electric load, and the DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) frequency which is a semiconductor memory with random access that enables storing each bit of data in a cell.
- It supports almost all Windows OS and can be downloaded from Corsair Link’s official website.
- It enables you to select and change any custom image and shows that image of the PC case in the background
Though it is very efficient hardware that helps prevent PC errors, it is not very user-friendly. It is considered to be a Brand Specific Fan Control for PCs with limited compatibility, having issues with the Windows 10 OS.
8. TPFan Control
TPFan Control is free, simple, lightweight, open-source utility that is considered one of the best fan speed controller software, occupying 8th position on the list due to the following features:
- It enables control of CPU and GPU temperature and fan speed while running in the background.
- It enables a choice of seven-speed settings of the temperature control fans for efficient cooling.
- It displays the notification icon indicating CPU, GPU, and the mainboard temperatures.
- It also helps control fan noise in addition to controlling fan speeds.
- It supports all Windows 32 bit and 64 bit systems.
- It can be chosen to run in either Manual mode, Smart mode, or BIOS mode, as required.
The drawback of this software is that firstly it displays unwanted fishy ads. In addition, due to the limited and strict interface it is meant for professional users only and may be a bit complicated for novices.
Also Read: Fix High CPU and Disk usage problem of Windows 10
9. Zotac FireStorm
Zotac FireStorm is another known hardware monitor that is considered in the list of the best fan speed controller software due to the following features:
- It has a straightforward, easy-to-understand user interface that helps you view, modify and effectively control the fan speeds It has a dedicated Monitoring section that makes use of Nvidia Graphic cards to view real-time clock speeds, temperature, fan speeds, etc.
- Due to the ease of availability of every type of required information, on its user interface, it enables better flexibility in controlling your hardware device’s temperature and fan speeds.
- It enables control of several clock speeds like the GPU clock speed, memory clock speed, shader clock speed, & VDDC values in its Clock section.
- This fan speed monitor supports Windows 7, Windows 8 & also the Windows 10 software.
- It enables multiple other controls like Fan control, CPU control, etc., etc.
- In addition to fan speed control, it also provides RGB control consisting of the three basic colors of red, green, and blue, and mixes them to generate any specific colors making the computer case look awesome and stylish. Therefore, performance-wise, RGB control does not add anything additional other than mere cosmetic improvement in looks.
It also has its share of drawbacks. The biggest drawback is its inability to examine and monitor other graphics cards other than NVIDIA. Secondly, due to the presence of minor bugs, it may be inconsistent, at times.
Though this software application does not have lots of bells and whistles like other software on the list but is effective enough to provide the flexibility to monitor and control fan speeds to regulate and maintain hardware temperatures.
10. HWiNFO
HWiNFO is also very useful and amazing software for Windows that allows you to do various tasks on your computer enabling it to maintain its place in the list of best fan speed controller software. Provided below are several excellent features of this PC fan controller software for your ready reference and use:
- It enables easy, fast, and immediate adjustment of CPU and cabinet fan speeds.
- It enables monitoring of several other system components like CPU, motherboard, HDD temperature, CPU package power, GPU power, Core clock, and a lot more
- It also provides information about system CPU and GPU code names, RAM type, and offers several reports on CPU turbo frequency, BIOS information, Sensors info, & much more
- It stores all the reports containing the entire values of different parameters mentioned above in a CSV file
- It supports the latest technologies and standards that work with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems
- It is compatible with all Windows OS like Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 & the last version of Windows i.e., Windows 10.
This customizable software also has a portable version on offer which you can use even when on the move. This software provides a report of only the desired parameters giving blank details of the delimited parameters. Besides being an ideal choice for those looking for the free version, it also has on offer an upgraded HWiNFO Pro version with additional features, using 3rd party add-ons or tools, and is available for $24.94, for those interested in more options.
Also Read: How to Check Your CPU Temperature in Windows 10
11. Mac Fan Control
Mac Fan Control is another fan speed controller software that is used by Mac computer users due to following reasons:
- It enables immediate monitoring of GPU, CPU, and other third-party hard drive temperatures using S.M.A.R.T. technology
- Its user-friendly interface fixes any noise caused by the replacement of the iMac Hard Disk Drive
- It is easy to use, showing all fans on one side and other components on the opposite side.
- It easily prevents overheating of the MacBook Pro by changing its CPU fan RPM using a slider and then clicking ‘ok’ on the Custom button.
- It is compatible not only with Mac OS but also with all versions of Windows OS i.e. Windows 10/8/7, Windows Vista as well as Windows XP
- It is free to download using Boot Camp, which is multi-utility software that enables Apple Macintosh PCs and laptops to run both Windows and Mac OS.
- This freeware program is available for download from the Mac Fan Control website in more than 30 different languages.
Like its other counterparts, it also has some drawbacks. It lacks automatic notifications and clarity on which fan is governed by which sensor. However, with some of the most amazing features under its belt as listed above, it is without any iota of doubt considered as one of the best fan speed control software for Mac users.
12. smcFanControl
As modern Mac devices overheat more quickly, this fan speed controller software is one of the fan favourites, especially for Mac users due to the amazing features detailed below:
- It enables you to independently adjust the speed of CPU fans and main computer fans
- It automatically increases the minimum fan speed setting to avoid overheating.
- It is available to download, install and set up this CPU fan controller software free of cost.
- It is compatible with both desktop as well as laptop fans causing no stress on the system hardware.
- It provides a solid answer to counter your Desktop/Laptop overheating issues and is easy to use even by beginners
- It can be easily downloaded from the web, using the smcFanControl link.
The drawback of this application is that it is available only for Mac users and is not meant for systems running on Windows OS. Secondly, it is slow in error tracking.
13. ASUS AI Suite 3
Asus AI Suite 3 is a godsend fan speed controller software for those users who got ASUS motherboard due to the following multiple functions:
- It is available to download free of cost to control the speeds of fans cooling your PC/laptop.
- The Fan Xpert4 feature in this software helps to control the speeds of fans connected with the ASUS motherboard.
- It keeps track of the CPU temperature and customizes fan speed accordingly
- This software also enables easy access to ASUS hardware.
- It calculates the lowest fan speed required, using its proprietary self-adaptive fan tuning algorithm based on the current system load, to provide uncompromised effective cooling, keeping fan noise to the minimum
- Its additional audio utility feature reduces background microphone noise, unwanted keyboard clatter, and mouse clicks, enabling you to enjoy crystal clear hearing while gaming or when listening to incoming calls.
Once this software is activated, it overrides all manual fan controls to enable auto-monitoring and is considered the best ASUS PC/laptop fan control utility for Windows users.
Also Read: How to Test Power Supply
14. MSI Afterburner Control
MSI Afterburner Control is one of the well-known fan speed controller software among gamers and computer enthusiasts alike. You can find more about the software down below:
- It is available completely free of charge to monitor your hardware in real-time, on-screen.
- It has an automated OC Scanner function that will find the highest stable overclock settings for your card keeping a check on over-clocking.
- It enables a graphical display, watching the up and down fluctuating CPU temp and GPU temp of your PC/laptop and thereby keeping control on the fan speeds to avoid overheating.
- It is compatible with graphic cards from all brands and is not restricted to any one type only.
- It enables to change or control the PC fan speed by adjusting the bar under the fan speed tab to save in 5 profiles any changes to the core fan speed settings of the CPU and GPU, providing more effective and efficient cooling of its CPU and GPU and preventing your PC from overheating.
- It also keeps a check on GPU voltage, memory usage, frequency, and FPS
All in all, it is considered to be one of the best software to control the CPU and GPU fans for Windows 10.
15. TG Pro
TG Pro temperature monitoring and fan control software and recommended by many because:
- It is quite easy to set up and use especially with the help of its tutorial.
- Apart from temperatures, you can also check for the battery health of your Macbook.
- You can choose to manually change fan speeds or allow it to control it automatically.
- The most interesting feature of TG Pro is its Email notifications.
- Since it is available exclusively for Mac devices, this can be slated as its only con.
16. Wise System Monitor
Wise is a free and easy-to-use Windows resource & hardware monitor with the following advantages:
- It allows you to monitor CPU & RAM Usage along with temperatures.
- Its Process Monitor keeps an eye on running processes in the foreground & the background.
- It offers User Guide as well as Multi-lingual support.
- It consumes very little memory space & CPU resources. Thus, it appears on our list of the best fan speed control software.
- You can opt for a free trial and buy the product. What makes it unique is the 60-day moneyback guarantee.
Also Read: How to Check Battery Health on Android
17. AIDA64
AIDA64 by Finalwire boasts a huge list of products on its official website, namely, AIDA64 Extreme, AIDA64 Engineer, AIDA64 Business, and AIDA64 Network Audit. Additionally, it hosts AIDA64 for mobile devices as well. Some of its noteworthy features include:
- It provides detailed information about hardware by monitoring all components closely.
- It helps users to diagnose issues & take pre-emptive action beforehand.
- The Engineer tool caters to IT technicians while the Network Audit version caters to IT companies.
- For offices, its Business model is apt to manage & monitor all devices via a single unified app.
NZXT Cam claims itself to be the best gaming PC monitoring app because of the following attributes:
- It is one of the quickest & most efficient fan control software.
- You can easily track CPU, GPU, RAM & bandwidth consumption.
- With its Smart Scheduling feature, you can schedule to set lighting & fans according to the time of day & purpose of use.
- Likewise, you can enable color & fan speed change during Gaming.
- Apart from temperatures & battery level, you can also check for FPS and game duration during gaming. Pretty cool, right!
We have tried to provide a detailed list of some of the best and most effective Fan speed controller software and solve all your queries to control or change the fan’s speed for Windows and Mac desktops and laptops. All the above utilities are easy to use and even a newbie can run these applications. Feel free to drop your questions or suggestions in the comment section below.