每当您在Instagram 上(Instagram)搜索某人或某物时,此信息都会保存在您的搜索历史记录中。这可能既有用又烦人。
Instagram 搜索(Instagram Search) 建议(Suggestions)和历史记录(History)
如何清除Instagram 搜索历史(Instagram Search History)和建议(Suggestions)
假设(Suppose)您想摆脱所有搜索建议并清除搜索历史记录。使用以下技术删除存储在Instagram应用程序上的所有数据和缓存。Android和 iOS 用户
1. 删除单个 Instagram 搜索建议(Single Instagram Search Suggestion)
如果您不想删除Instagram 上(Instagram)的整个搜索历史记录,而是想删除一个搜索建议怎么办?要从您的Instagram搜索历史中删除特定帐户或主题标签,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 在智能手机上打开 Instagram。
- 选择主页按钮旁边的“搜索”图标以打开“(Search)搜索”(Search)选项卡。
- 选择屏幕顶部的搜索栏。(Search)您会看到最近的Instagram建议列表。
- 选择(Select See)右上角的“查看全部”以查看整个建议列表。
- 找到要删除的建议,然后选择它旁边的 X 图标将其从列表中删除。
- 打开智能手机上的Instagram应用程序。
- 选择屏幕右下角的个人资料图标以打开您的Instagram个人资料页面。
- 打开菜单(Menu)并选择您的活动。
- 向下滚动(Scroll)并选择最近的(Recent)搜索。然后Instagram(Instagram)会将您带到搜索(Search)页面,其中包含最近搜索的列表。
- 在右上角,选择全部清除(Clear)。
- 在弹出窗口中,选择全部清除(Clear)以确认。
3.清除桌面(Desktop)上的搜索建议(Search Suggestions)
如果您更喜欢在桌面上浏览 Instagram(browsing Instagram on your desktop),您还可以使用该应用程序的网络浏览器版本来清除搜索建议。为此,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 在您的计算机上打开Instagram网页。
- 从左侧的菜单中,选择搜索(Search)。
- 在Recent(Recent)旁边,选择Clear all 以删除所有最近的搜索建议。
4.在Instagram 上(Instagram)屏蔽(Block)推荐帐户
(Instagram)即使您已多次从搜索历史记录中清除某些帐户,Instagram 仍可能会推荐它们。当您开始在搜索栏中输入内容时,Instagram会立即建议您之前搜索过的帐户。
阻止这种情况的一种方法是阻止此帐户(block this account),然后再解除阻止。转到用户的页面,然后从菜单中选择“阻止”。(Block)然后您可以立即取消阻止它们。现在,当您在Instagram 上(Instagram)搜索时,该应用不会建议您刚刚屏蔽和解除屏蔽的帐户。
5. 清除 Instagram 缓存和数据
有时, Instagram(Instagram)存储的数据和缓存不允许您从Instagram帐户中完全删除搜索建议。如果无论您删除了多少次特定的搜索建议都会重新出现在您的搜索中,请尝试清除应用的数据和缓存。
6. 重新安装 Instagram 应用
让您的Instagram 搜索历史远离(Instagram Search History Away)窥探之眼
某些Instagram设置可能会令人困惑,尤其是如果您是初学者(you’re a beginner)。本指南将帮助您了解Instagram搜索建议和历史记录的工作原理,以及您可以随时使用的不同技术来清除它们。
Top 6 Ways to Clear Instagram Search Suggestions/History
Whenever you search for sоmeone or somеthing on Instagram, this information is saved in your search history. This could be both useful and annoying.
On the one hand, Instagram gives you quick and easy access to all the recent searches in case you need to revisit that profile or a hashtag again. On the other hand, if you happen to use your Instagram search bar in front of a friend or a colleague, they’ll see your entire search history.
Follow this tutorial to learn how to clear Instagram search suggestions using your mobile and web app.
Instagram Search Suggestions and History
Instagram search history comprises accounts, places, and hashtags you had searched for. Based on this history, Instagram organizes an algorithm to create personalized ads for you and show you more similar accounts and content.
However, this information can quickly turn into a threat to your privacy. For example, when someone else accesses your Instagram search and sees the entire list of the profiles you’ve recently visited on the Instagram app.
How to Clear Instagram Search History and Suggestions
Like with any social media app, you can clear your search history, but it won’t always get rid of all Instagram search suggestions. Instagram will still suggest certain accounts based on your activity and interactions on the app.
Suppose you want to get rid of all search suggestions and clear your search history. Use the following techniques to delete all data and cache stored on the Instagram application. The instructions are the same for both Android and iOS users.
1. Delete a Single Instagram Search Suggestion
What if you don’t want to erase your entire search history on Instagram but instead want to delete a single search suggestion? To remove a particular account or hashtag from your Instagram search history, follow the steps below.
- Open Instagram on your smartphone.
- Select the Search icon next to the home button to open the Search tab.
- Select the Search bar on top of the screen. You’ll see a list of recent Instagram suggestions.
- Select See all in the top right corner to see the entire suggestions list.
- Find the suggestion you want to delete, and select the X icon next to it to remove it from the list.
You can use the same method to remove more suggestions from your Instagram search history. It works with account suggestions, as well as Tags and Places.
2. Remove Entire Search History
If you want to clear all previous searches from your Instagram account, follow the steps below.
- Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
- Select your profile icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen to open your Instagram profile page.
- Open the Menu and select Your activity.
- Scroll down and select Recent searches. Instagram will then take you to the Search page with a list of recent searches.
- In the upper-right corner, select Clear all.
- In the pop-up, select Clear all to confirm.
This will empty your entire Instagram search history.
3. Clear Search Suggestions on the Desktop
If you prefer browsing Instagram on your desktop, you can also use the web browser version of the app to clear the search suggestions. To do that, follow the steps below.
- Open Instagram web on your computer.
- From the menu on the left side, select Search.
- Next to Recent, select Clear all to delete all recent search suggestions.
As you continue using the app, the Search page will again populate with new recent searches. Make sure to clear them every once in a while if you don’t want other people to accidentally see what you’ve searched for recently.
4. Block Suggested Accounts on Instagram
Instagram may suggest certain accounts even after you’ve cleared them from your search history multiple times. When you start typing something in the search bar, Instagram will immediately suggest an account you had previously searched for.
One way to stop this is to block this account and then unblock them. Go to the user’s page, and select Block from the menu. You can then unblock them straight away. Now when you search on Instagram, the app won’t suggest the account you just blocked and unblocked.
Note that this method only works with accounts you don’t already follow.
5. Clear Instagram Cache and Data
Sometimes the data and cache that Instagram stores won’t allow you to remove the search suggestions from your Instagram account altogether. If specific search suggestions reappear in your search no matter how many times you remove them, try clearing your app’s data and cache.
This technique is more effective for Android phones since you can delete your data and cache right in your phone’s settings.
From the apps list, select Instagram and choose an option to clear all data and cache.
After that, quit the Instagram app and run it again. Then check the Search page to see if it solved the problem.
6. Reinstall the Instagram app
Another way to remove the data and cache is to reinstall the Instagram app on your smartphone. If you don’t want to manually remove your search suggestions, you can uninstall the app and install the latest version from the app store.
To uninstall the app, long-press on the Instagram icon on your home screen and select Remove application from device or Remove.
Once you reinstall the app, log into your account and check the Search page to see if the old search suggestions disappeared.
Keep Your Instagram Search History Away from Prying Eyes
Some Instagram settings can be confusing, especially if you’re a beginner. This guide should help you understand how Instagram search suggestions and history work and the different techniques you can use to clear them any time you want.