McAfee是一家由硬件巨头英特尔支持的(Intel)安全公司(security firm),因此,他们的安全产品捆绑在大多数Windows笔记本电脑、超极本和其他配备英特尔(Intel)处理器的设备上。他们的高级安全解决方案(security solution)称为McAfee Total Protection,它是一款承诺保护您免受各种安全威胁的产品,从恶意软件和网络攻击(malware and network attacks)到危险网站和网络钓鱼尝试。在其产品的最新版本中,McAfee对用户界面(user interface)和其他功能进行了大量改进。我们想看看他们最新的安全产品有多好(security product)是的,所以我们试了一下,我们测试了几天。如果您想知道这是否是一次积极的体验,请阅读以下评论:
McAfee Total Protection 擅长(McAfee Total Protection good)什么?
McAfee Total Protection是一个安全套件(security suite),擅长:
- 保护您免受恶意软件的侵害,只要它不是非常新的恶意软件(零日)
- 在连接到公共无线网络时保护您的计算机
- 通过在加载恶意网站之前阻止它们来保护您的在线体验
- 对初学者和知识较少的用户友好
McAfee Total Protection与McAfee LiveSafe
您从McAfee Total Protection获得的主要功能包括:
- 杀毒软件
- 安全的网页浏览
- 防火墙
- 免费支持
- 密码管理器
- 文件锁
- 多设备许可
McAfee LiveSafe拥有(McAfee LiveSafe)McAfee Total Protection所拥有的一切,而且还在公司的服务器上提供 1GB 的安全云存储(Secure Cloud Storage)空间。它也往往比Total Protection稍微贵一些。除非您需要额外的云存储(cloud storage),否则我们认为McAfee Total Protection比McAfee LiveSafe更划算。然而,选择权在你。
McAfee Total Protection有其优点:
- 安全套件(security suite)对您计算机的性能和速度(performance and speed)几乎没有负面影响
- 当连接到公共WiFi(WiFi)网络时,防火墙可以很好地保护您
- Web 保护模块Net Guard和 Web 浏览器扩展WebAdvisor 运行(WebAdvisor)良好,可有效保护您免受在线威胁
- 用户界面(user interface)“明亮而闪亮”。它看起来不错,而且易于使用,这与过去相比是一个可喜的变化
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)在扫描文件方面非常快
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)确实设法识别并删除了我们在测试中使用的大部分恶意软件样本,但仍有一些未受影响
- 防病毒软件不会自动扫描可移动驱动器,也不会询问您是否愿意这样做
- 此 Total Protection 套件(Protection suite)中不包含VPN 服务(VPN service)
与过去的版本相比,今年的McAfee Total Protection 安全套件(security suite)比以前好很多。它已经从我们审查过的最糟糕的安全产品之一变成了一个不错的(security product)安全产品(security product)。它的新用户界面看起来好多了,而且更加实用和友好,尤其是对于初学者。当您连接到公共Wi-Fi网络时,防火墙的工作非常出色,您获得的Web 浏览器保护(web browser protection)非常有效,防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)的扫描速度比以前快了很多,并且系统资源的消耗已经下降。但是,McAfee Total Protection似乎在识别非常新的恶意软件样本时遇到了一些麻烦,并且它处理可移动驱动器的方式并不是最好的。总而言之,最新的McAfee Total Protection是一个值得尝试的安全套件(security suite),如果您是初学者并且不是在面临许多安全威胁的危险环境中工作。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的Windows 计算机上(Windows computer)试用 McAfee Total Protection(a trial of McAfee Total Protection) ,您只需下载并运行名为mcafee_trial_setup_[some-numbers]_key.exe的可执行文件。它的大小很小,只有 5.01MB,但在安装过程中,它会从(installation process)McAfee的服务器下载另外 534 MB 的数据。这是相当多的,所以如果您使用的是计量互联网连接(internet connection),请记住这一点。
好消息是,要在您的计算机上启动和运行试用版,您必须提供的唯一个人信息是有效的电子邮件地址(email address)。
当我们启动安装文件(setup file)时,安装向导(installation wizard)会检查我们的测试计算机(test computer)是否与McAfee Total Protection兼容。安装过程(installation process)顺利完成,几分钟后安全套件(security suite)加载了其用户界面并准备好使用,无需重新启动。
值得一提的是,McAfee Total Protection在安装过程中不会询问您任何事情。您无法选择所需的保护模块,甚至无法选择将其安装在计算机上的哪个位置。
McAfee Total Protection 易于安装,因为安装向导简单明了。它不需要个人信息这一事实增加了积极的第一印象。(McAfee Total Protection is easy to install, as the installation wizard is simple and straightforward. The fact that it does not require personal information adds to a positive first impression.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
安装几分钟后,McAfee Total Protection会使用新的病毒定义更新其数据库。但是,有点奇怪的是,安全套件(security suite)要求您在执行第一次更新时关闭其用户界面。(user interface)然后您还必须重新启动计算机,这感觉像是不必要的要求。
McAfee Total Protection会自动禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)和Windows Defender,这是一件好事,因为它可以确保您不必处理因同时使用两种类似的安全产品而引发的意外冲突或减速。
McAfee在与(McAfee)Windows的网络功能集成方面做得很好。当我们创建或加入本地家庭组、访问共享文件和文件夹或通过本地网络流式传输媒体文件时,我们没有遇到任何问题。使用通用Windows 应用程序(Windows apps)也是一种轻松的体验。
我们注意到McAfee的防火墙模块(firewall module)会检测到您在Windows 10中设置的(Windows 10)网络位置(network location),并相应地自动更改其安全配置文件(security profile)。如果您在 Windows 中将网络位置(network location)设置为Public,则McAfee Total Protection 也会(McAfee Total Protection)如此。如果将其设置为Private,则McAfee防火墙会再次调整。我们赞赏这种行为。
McAfee Total Protection使用其Net Guard引擎扫描Internet 流量并保护(internet traffic and protect)您免受恶意网站和在线威胁的侵害。尽管当您偶然发现危险的Web 资源(web resource)时,您会从防病毒软件收到桌面通知,但当它识别出威胁时,它不会在您的Web 浏览器中显示易于理解的消息。(web browser)
网络浏览器(web browser)只是告诉您它无法加载该网站。但是,如果您希望获得更好的浏览器内体验,您可以安装Web Advisor插件。不幸的是,此插件仅适用于Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox和旧版Internet Explorer。不支持Microsoft Edge 和 Opera 。(Microsoft Edge and Opera)
我们还想了解McAfee Total Protection是否会对我们(McAfee Total Protection)测试计算机(test computer)的速度和整体性能产生有意义的负面影响。我们首先检查保持所有进程运行需要多少 RAM。我们发现,当一切正常时,它在我们的测试笔记本电脑上很少超过 150MB 的限制。(test laptop)在我们安装McAfee Total Protection后,我们检查了测试计算机的启动时间(test computer)是否(boot time)增加。BootRacer没有测量到启动所需的平均时间有任何显着差异。
安全套件(security suite)不会影响互联网速度(internet speed)或本地网络(network speed)速度。我们使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test运行的测试在安装(LAN Speed Test)安全套件(security suite)之前和之后的平均互联网和本地网络速度相同。
McAfee Total Protection 是一个与 Windows 及其网络功能完美集成的安全套件。我们赞赏它的防火墙模块会根据您在 Windows 中设置的网络配置文件自动调整其保护级别。我们还喜欢它不会消耗很多系统资源并且不会减慢您的网络连接的事实。(McAfee Total Protection is a security suite that integrates well with Windows and its networking features. We appreciate the fact that its firewall module automatically adjusts its protection level according to the network profile you set in Windows. We also like the fact that it is not consuming many system resources and it doesn't slow down your network connection. )
McAfee Total Protection的用户界面从一个仪表板开始,该仪表板看起来比我们迄今为止在McAfee产品上看到的任何用户界面都要好得多。它是一个轻量级的界面,带有蓝色和柔和的灰色。
打开McAfee Total Protection时出现的“主页”(Home)选项卡显示您的计算机是否安全,以及其他信息,例如受您的安全套件(security suite)保护的设备、运行安全扫描的选项、安全报告以及用于启用或配置的链接套房的各种功能。
用户界面(user interface)分为五个不同的选项卡:主页、PC 安全、身份、隐私(Home, PC Security, Identity, Privacy)和帐户(Account)。这些选项卡中的每一个都允许您访问属于其各自类别的功能、选项和控件。例如,PC 安全(PC Security)选项卡可让您访问实时扫描(Real-Time Scanning)引擎、防火墙(Firewall)、自动更新(Automatic updates)设置和计划扫描(Scheduled scans)。
同样,“身份(Identity)”选项卡可让您访问反垃圾邮件(Anti-Spam)模块和McAfee WebAdvisor插件,“隐私(Privacy)”选项卡可让您配置“家长控制(Parental Controls)”,“帐户(Account)”选项卡会显示有关订阅的信息,但还提供您可以访问可用的支持选项。
您可以从用户界面(user interface)中的专用区域访问每个模块和每个功能的设置,也可以使用窗口右上角的“设置”菜单。(Settings)这可能是获得配置选项的更快方法。
用户界面(user interface)的另一个好处是它的通知系统(notification system):在窗口的右上角,有一个小铃铛图标,显示(bell icon)McAfee发送的通知数量。单击(Click)它,您可以看到它们全部列出。
如果您在了解特定功能、模块或设置的作用方面需要帮助,McAfee Total Protection非常友好。用户界面充满了描述其工具的少量信息,当您调整设置时,您可以使用McAfee支持网站上的(support website)了解更多(Learn more)链接在线查看它们的功能。此外,如果您只想快速浏览界面,只需单击右上角的灯泡图标。
此外,关于帮助,McAfee Total Protection还提供在线文档、常见问题解答(FAQs)、知识库和社区论坛(knowledge base and community forums),以及实时聊天和电话支持选项(chat and phone support options)。您可以通过单击“帮助(Help)”按钮从“帐户(Account)”选项卡访问所有内容。
在日志和历史记录方面,McAfee Total Protection包括可让您查看计算机上发生的事情的日志、详细的文本日志和一些可视报告。
在我们测试McAfee Total Protection期间,我们看到它显示有关受恶意软件感染的文件的警报,但我们没有看到任何防火墙通知。
McAfee Total Protection 是一款安全产品,提供轻量级、友好且美观的用户界面。看起来迈克菲终于聘请了一个用户体验设计师团队。在经历了多年糟糕的用户界面之后,这一次他们设法创造了值得现代防病毒产品的东西。(McAfee Total Protection is a security product that offers a lightweight, friendly, and beautiful user interface. It looks like McAfee finally hired a team of user experience designers. After many years of poor user interfaces, this time they managed to create something worthy of a modern antivirus product.)
在本评论的下一页,您可以了解McAfee Total Protection在保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件攻击方面的有效性。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review McAfee Total Protection
McAfee is a security firm backed by the hardware giant Intel and, as a result, their security products are bundled on most Windows laptops, ultrabooks and other devices with Intel processors. Their premium security solution is called McAfee Total Protection, and it is a product that promises to protect you against various security threats, ranging from malware and network attacks to dangerous websites and phishing attempts. In recent versions of their products, McAfee improved the user interface and other features a lot. We wanted to see how good their latest security product is, so we took it for a spin, and we tested it for a couple of days. If you want to know whether it was a positive experience, read this review:
What is McAfee Total Protection good at?
McAfee Total Protection is a security suite that is good at:
- Protecting you against malware, as long as it is not very new malware (zero-day)
- Protecting your computer while you connect to public wireless networks
- Securing your online experience by blocking malicious websites before you load them
- Being friendly with beginners and less knowledgeable users
McAfee Total Protection vs. McAfee LiveSafe
The main features you get from McAfee Total Protection are:
- AntiVirus
- Safe Web Browsing
- Firewall
- Free Support
- Password Manager
- File Lock
- Multi-Device licensing
McAfee LiveSafe has everything that McAfee Total Protection has too, but also offers a Secure Cloud Storage space of 1GB, on the company's servers. It also tends to be slightly more expensive than Total Protection. Unless you need the additional cloud storage, we consider McAfee Total Protection a better deal than McAfee LiveSafe. However, the choice is yours.
Pros and cons
McAfee Total Protection has its good parts:
- The security suite has little negative effect on the performance and speed of your computer
- The firewall does a good job at protecting you when connected to public WiFi networks
- The web protection module, Net Guard, and the web browser extension, WebAdvisor, work well and protect you efficiently against online threats
- The user interface is "bright and shiny." It looks good, and it is easy to use, which is a welcome change from the past
- The antivirus engine is pretty fast at scanning files
Unfortunately, this product also has its problems:
- The antivirus engine did manage to identify and remove most of the malware samples that we used in our tests, but a few remained untouched
- The antivirus does not automatically scan removable drives, nor does it ask whether you would like to do that
- There is no VPN service included in this Total Protection suite
Comparing it with past versions, the McAfee Total Protection security suite from this year is a lot better than it used to be. It has changed from being one of the worst security products that we had reviewed, to a decent security product. Its new user interface looks a lot better, and it is more usable and friendly, especially for beginners. The firewall does an excellent job when you are connected to public Wi-Fi networks, the web browser protection you get is efficient, the antivirus engine is a lot faster at scanning than before, and the consumption of system resources has gone down. However, McAfee Total Protection seems to have some troubles identifying very new malware samples and the way it handles removable drives is not the best. All in all, the latest McAfee Total Protection is a security suite that is worth trying, if you are a beginner and if you do not work in a hazardous environment where you are exposed to many security threats.
The download and installation experience
To get a trial of McAfee Total Protection on your Windows computer, all you have to do is download and run an executable file called mcafee_trial_setup_[some-numbers]_key.exe. It has a small size of 5.01MB, but during the installation process, it downloads another 534 MB of data from McAfee's servers. It is quite a lot, so keep that in mind if you are using a metered internet connection.
The good thing is that the only personal information you must provide for getting the trial up and running on your computer is a valid email address.
When we launched the setup file, the installation wizard checked whether our test computer was compatible with McAfee Total Protection. The installation process went through without any issues, and in a couple of minutes the security suite loaded its user interface and was ready to use, no reboot required.
It is worth mentioning that McAfee Total Protection does not ask you about anything during its installation. You do not get to choose what protection modules you want, and you do not even get to choose where to install it on your computer.
McAfee Total Protection is easy to install, as the installation wizard is simple and straightforward. The fact that it does not require personal information adds to a positive first impression.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
A couple of minutes after installing it, McAfee Total Protection updates its database with new virus definitions. However, a thing that is a bit curious is that the security suite requires you to close its user interface when it performs its first update. And then you also have to reboot your computer, which feels like an unnecessary requirement.
McAfee Total Protection automatically disables Windows Firewall and Windows Defender, which is a good thing because it makes sure that you do not have to handle unexpected conflicts or slowdowns triggered by the use of two similar security products at the same time.
McAfee does well regarding integration with Windows' networking features. We had no problems when we created or when we joined a local homegroup, when we accessed shared files and folders or when we streamed media files over the local network. Working with universal Windows apps was also a pain-free experience.
We noticed that McAfee's firewall module detects the network location you set in Windows 10 and automatically changes its security profile accordingly. If you set your network location to Public, in Windows, so does McAfee Total Protection. If you set it to Private, the McAfee firewall adjusts again. We appreciate this behavior.
McAfee Total Protection uses its Net Guard engine to scan internet traffic and protect you from malicious websites and online threats. Although you get a desktop notification from the antivirus when you stumble on a dangerous web resource, it does not display an easy to understand message in your web browser, when it identifies a threat.
The web browser just tells you that it cannot load that website. However, if you prefer having a nicer in-browser experience, you can install the Web Advisor add-on. Unfortunately, this add-on is available only for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and the old Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge and Opera are not supported.
We also wanted to see if McAfee Total Protection has a meaningful negative effect on the speed and overall performance of our test computer. We began by checking how much RAM it needs to keep all its processes running. We found that it rarely goes over the limit of 150MB on our test laptop when everything is all right. We checked if the boot time of our test computer increased after we installed McAfee Total Protection on it. BootRacer did not measure any significant difference in the average time needed for boot.
The security suite does not hurt the internet speed or the local network speed. The tests that we ran with and LAN Speed Test resulted in the same average internet and local network speeds before and after installing the security suite.
McAfee Total Protection is a security suite that integrates well with Windows and its networking features. We appreciate the fact that its firewall module automatically adjusts its protection level according to the network profile you set in Windows. We also like the fact that it is not consuming many system resources and it doesn't slow down your network connection.
Ease of use & configuration
The user interface of McAfee Total Protection starts with a dashboard that looks a lot better than any user interface we have seen so far on McAfee's products. It is a lightweight interface with blue and soft gray colors.
The Home tab that you meet when you open McAfee Total Protection shows whether your computer is safe or not, and other information like the devices that are protected by your security suite, options for running security scans, security reports, and links for enabling or configuring various features of the suite.
The user interface is split into five different tabs: Home, PC Security, Identity, Privacy, and Account. Each of these tabs gives you access to features, options, and controls that are part of their respective category. For instance, the PC Security tab lets you access the Real-Time Scanning engine, the Firewall, the Automatic updates settings, and the Scheduled scans.
On the same note, the Identity tab gives you access to the Anti-Spam module and the McAfee WebAdvisor add-ons, the Privacy tab allows you to configure the Parental Controls, and the Account tab shows you information about your subscription, but also gives you access to the support options that are available.
You can access the settings of each module and each feature from its dedicated area in the user interface, as well as by using the Settings menu from the top-right corner of the window. This is probably the faster way to get to the configuration options.
Another nice thing about the user interface is its notification system: on the top-right corner of the window, there is a small bell icon that shows the number of notifications sent by McAfee. Click on it, and you can see them all listed.
If you need help with understanding what specific features, modules or settings do, McAfee Total Protection is quite friendly. The user interface is filled with small bits of information describing its tools, and when you are fiddling with the settings, you can use the Learn more links to go online and see what they do, on McAfee's support website. Also, if you just want a quick tour of the interface, just click on the lightbulb icon from the top-right.
Also regarding help, McAfee Total Protection offers online documentation, FAQs, a knowledge base and community forums, as well as live chat and phone support options. You can access all that from the Account tab, by clicking on the Help button.
When it comes to logs and history, McAfee Total Protection includes journals that let you see what happened on your computer, both detailed text logs, and some visual reports.
During the time in which we tested McAfee Total Protection, we saw it display alerts about malware infected files, but we did not see any firewall notifications.
McAfee Total Protection is a security product that offers a lightweight, friendly, and beautiful user interface. It looks like McAfee finally hired a team of user experience designers. After many years of poor user interfaces, this time they managed to create something worthy of a modern antivirus product.
On the next page of this review, you can see how effective McAfee Total Protection is at protecting your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.