您可能需要调整视频大小的原因有很多,在这篇文章中,我将提到几个免费软件应用程序(freeware app),它们可以帮助您轻松更改视频的分辨率。如果您拥有其中一台 1080p 60fps高清(HD video)摄像机,您就会明白需要进行一些认真的转换。随着市场上 4K 摄像机的推出,您需要一台强大的 PC 和一台 4K 显示器才能有机会播放高质量的视频
当前没有内置于Windows中的可用于调整视频大小的默认工具。您可以使用Windows Movie Maker编辑视频和添加转场等,但不能更改实际视频分辨率(video resolution)。
如果您在Google中搜索RESIZE VIDEOS,您将获得一堆商业应用程序的列表,您必须为这些应用程序掏钱!因此,如果您有幸看到这篇文章,我将向您展示几种快速轻松地调整视频大小的免费方法。
HandBrake是我一直以来最喜欢的用于转换和编码视频的实用程序。基本上,它几乎可以将您可以扔给它的任何视频文件作为输入,它为您提供了两种输出选项: (video file)MP4 和 MKV(MP4 and MKV)。您还可以为两个视频容器选择三个视频编解码器: (video codecs)H.264、MPEG-4 和 MPEG-2(MPEG-4 and MPEG-2)。

在HandBrake中,您可以通过单击Toggle Presets 按钮(Toggle Presets button)来选择预设,该按钮将显示在右侧。如果您对这些项目中的任何一个都不感兴趣,可以将其保留为“常规(Regular)”标题下的默认“常规”。(Normal)
要开始,只需单击源(Source)按钮并选择您的视频文件(video file)。如果您愿意,您可以更改目标、格式和视频编解码器(format and video codec),但如果您只对更改视频分辨率感兴趣,则不要理会这些值。现在继续并单击顶部的图片设置按钮。(Picture Settings)

在这里您可以更改视频的宽度,它会自动调整高度以保持纵横比(aspect ratio)。此时,您无需执行任何其他操作,只需单击“开始(Start)”按钮即可。如果要一次转换多个视频文件,可以单击添加(Add)到队列按钮(Queue button),然后再次单击源按钮(Source button)以选择另一个视频。继续添加到队列中,完成后单击开始(Start)。

您将在程序窗口(program window)底部看到转换的进度。时间长短取决于视频的原始大小和编码。(size and encoding)
VirtualDub是一款免费的视频采集和视频处理软件应用程序(video capture and video processing software app)。它没有您在Adobe Premiere中可以找到的许多视频编辑功能,但它经过简化,可以非常快速地对视频执行线性操作。它还具有处理大量视频文件的批处理功能。
您可以使用 VirtualDub 做很多(TON)事情(VirtualDub),包括为您的视频添加特殊效果,例如模糊、黑白、翻转等等。但是,我们只会介绍如何使用它来调整视频大小(resize your videos)。应该注意的是,VirtualDub最适用于AVI文件,并且需要安装额外的编解码器才能处理其他文件类型,如AVCHD、MP4等。
首先下载 VirtualDub(download VirtualDub)(download VirtualDub)并将其解压缩到硬盘上的文件夹中。VirtualDub不需要任何安装;它只是通过 EXE 直接运行!这意味着它不会干扰您(t mess)的注册表或(registry or anything)Windows中的任何其他内容。
安装后,单击VirtualDub 图标(VirtualDub icon)启动程序。您将看到一个空白屏幕,底部有一些控件。现在我假设您已经有了想要调整大小的视频,所以要开始,请单击File并选择Open Video file。




单击确定(Click Ok),您现在将被带到调整大小过滤器(resize filter)选项。如果您从未听说过列出的大部分内容,请不要被此屏幕吓倒,我也没有!您感兴趣的是您选择新尺寸的顶部。您可以选择绝对尺寸并(absolute size and type)根据需要手动输入,也可以指定相(size relative)对于当前尺寸的尺寸。

继续并选择您想要调整视频大小的方式。如果你知道你希望它是 640×480,然后点击Absolute 并(Absolute and type)自己输入,否则选择Relative。我把我的缩小了 50%。列出了许多其他选项,例如添加帧或更改视频的纵横比(changing the aspect ratio of the video),但如果您只想调整大小,则可以保持不变。单击确定(Click Ok),然后再次确定。

现在要保存新调整大小的视频,请单击文件(File)并选择另存为 AVI(Save As AVI)。就是这样!继续播放您的视频,您应该拥有更小或更大的分辨率!就这么简单(Easy)!
Freemake 视频转换器
我会推荐Freemake Video Converter而不是VirtualDub,因为它接受许多不同的视频格式作为输入,但我故意将它列在最后,因为该程序的安装程序有很多垃圾软件。这不是恶意软件或间谍软件,但它只是您不希望在您的系统上出现的垃圾。
安装程序时,您需要确保单击自定义安装单选(Custom Installation radio)按钮并选择不安装多个程序。这也是骗人的,因为他们故意使该单选按钮(radio button)变灰,就好像您无法单击它一样。但是,当您单击单选按钮(radio button)时,它会变为活动状态,所以不要上当。
无论如何,除此之外,该程序运行良好,没有任何广告、恶意软件、间谍软件等。要开始使用,请单击添加视频的大按钮(add video button)以选择要转换的视频文件。(video file)

您会看到视频加载(video load)到主窗口中,此时您可以选择底部的众多选项之一。您还会在右侧看到一个带有绿色播放图标(play icon)和一些剪刀的按钮。如果单击它,您可以进行一些基本的视频编辑,包括剪切和旋转视频。

为了为您的视频选择新的尺寸,您首先必须选择Apple、MP4、WMV、AVI等选项。例如,如果您单击MP4,您会弹出带有一些预设值的窗口,或者您可以通过单击添加您的预设来选择(Add your preset.)自定义值。(custom value)

在这里,您可以再次从一些预设尺寸中选择或单击自定义(Custom),然后输入您自己的宽度和高度(width and height)。您还可以调整帧速率(frame rate)、比特率、视频编解码器(video codec)、音频通道等。

我真的很喜欢这个程序,因为它有很多选项可以让您将视频放到几乎任何您能想到的设备上。我真的只是希望他们不要尝试(t try)将那些垃圾软件与安装程序捆绑在一起!您甚至可以将视频直接发送到YouTube,将其转换为HTML5兼容格式,将其转换为Xbox 和 Playstation 格式(Xbox and Playstation format),甚至可以直接从程序刻录到DVD 或蓝光光盘。(DVD or Blu-ray disc)如果您是Apple 用户(Apple user),您会喜欢到Apple 选项(Apple option),它可以让您选择您想要播放视频的确切设备。

因此,这些是使您的视频达到您的计算机、设备或在线服务可以处理的大小和分辨率的几个不错的选择。(size and resolution)总之,HandBrake最适合转换为Apple友好的设备,VirtualDub可以适用于任何文件,但您需要为某些文件格式安装编解码器,而Freemake适用于一切,但您必须确保在安装时避免使用垃圾软件它。如果您有任何问题,请发表评论。享受!
How to Resize a Video or Change Resolution
There are a lot of reasons why you might need to resizе a video and in this post I’m going to mention a couple of freewarе app that will help you easily change the resolution of уour vіdeоs. If yoυ hаve one of those 1080р 60fps HD νideo cameras, you understand the need for some serious conversion. With the introduction of 4K camcorders on the market, you’ll need a beаst of а PC along with a 4K monitor to even have a chance of playing that high quality
There are currently no default tools built into Windows that you can use to resize videos. You can use Windows Movie Maker to edit videos and add transitions, etc, but not to change the actual video resolution.
If you do a search for RESIZE VIDEOS in Google, you’ll get a list of a bunch of commercial applications that you would have to shell out cash for! So if you’re lucky enough to have run across this post, I’ll show you a couple of free ways to resize videos quickly and easily.
HandBrake is my all time favorite utility for converting and encoding videos. Basically, it can take as input pretty much any video file you can throw at it and it gives you two options for output: MP4 and MKV. You can also pick from three video codecs for the two video containers: H.264, MPEG-4 and MPEG-2.

In HandBrake, you can either choose a preset by clicking the Toggle Presets button, which will show up on the right side. If you’re not interested in any of those items, you can leave it at the default Normal under the Regular heading.
To get started, just click on the Source button and choose your video file. You can change the destination, format and video codec if you like, but if you’re only interested in changing the resolution of the video, then leave the values alone. Now go ahead and click on the Picture Settings button at the top.

Here you can change the width of the video and it will automatically adjust the height to maintain the aspect ratio. At this point, you don’t have to do anything else other than click on the Start button. If you want to convert multiple videos files all at once, you can click the Add to Queue button and then click the Source button again to choose another video. Keep adding to the queue and when you’re done click Start.

You’ll see the progress of the conversion at the bottom of the program window. The amount of time will depend on the original size and encoding of your video.
VirtualDub is a free video capture and video processing software app. It doesn’t have many of the video editing features that you would find in Adobe Premiere, but it is streamlined for performing linear operations on video very fast. It also has batch-processing capabilities for processing large number of video files.
You can do a TON of stuff with VirtualDub, including add special effects to your videos such as blurs, black and white, flipping, and lots more. However, we’ll only going to go over how you can use it to resize your videos. It should be noted that VirtualDub works best on AVI files and will require additional codecs installed in order to work with other files types like AVCHD, MP4, etc.
First download VirtualDub and extract it to a folder on your hard drive. VirtualDub does not require any installation; it simply runs directly via an EXE! That means it doesn’t mess around with your registry or anything else in Windows.
Once installed, launch the program by clicking on the VirtualDub icon. You’ll get a blank screen with some controls across the bottom. Now I’m assuming you already have your video that you would like to resize, so to get going, click on File and choose Open Video file.

Browse to the location of your video and open it. You’ll now see your video appear twice in the main window. This is because the left one is considered your original and the right one is your “processed” or altered version. When you apply a filter to your video, the right one updates and you can watch both at the same time! Cool!

Right now they are both the same since nothing has been done. Ok, so now that the video is imported, go to Video and click on Filters.

Click on the Add button at the right and scroll down till you see resize.

Click Ok and you’ll now be brought to the resize filter options. Do not be intimidated by this screen if you’ve never heard of most of things listed, I haven’t either! What you’re interested in is the top section where you choose a new size. You can choose an absolute size and type that in manually if you like, or you can specify a size relative to the current size.

Go ahead and choose how you want to resize your video. If you know you want it to be 640×480, then click on Absolute and type that in yourself, otherwise choose Relative. I’m making mine 50% smaller. There are a bunch of other options listed, such as adding a frame, or changing the aspect ratio of the video, but you can just leave that all the same if you just want to resize. Click Ok and then Ok again.
You should now see your original video on the left and your processed video on the right, in my case, half the size!

Now to save your newly resized video, click on File and choose Save As AVI. And that’s it! Go ahead and play your video and you should have it in the smaller or larger resolution! Easy as that!
Freemake Video Converter
I would have recommended Freemake Video Converter over VirtualDub because it accepts so many different video formats as input, but I purposely am listing it last because the installer for the program has a lot of junkware. This is not malware or spyware, but it’s just junk that you would not want on your system.
When you install the program, you need to make sure you click the Custom Installation radio button and choose not to install several programs. It’s also deceiving because they purposely make that radio button greyed out as if you could not click on it. However, when you click the radio button, it becomes active, so don’t be fooled.
Anyway, outside of that, the program works fine and doesn’t have any ads, malware, spyware, etc. To get started, click the big add video button to choose the video file you want to convert.

You’ll see the video load into the main window and at this point you can pick one of the many options down at the bottom. You’ll also see a button to the right with a green play icon and some scissors on it. If you click on that, you can do some basic video editing that includes cutting and rotating the video.

In order to choose a new size for your video, you’ll first have to choose an option like to Apple, to MP4, to WMV, to AVI, etc. If you click on MP4, for example, you’ll get a pop up window with some preset values or you can choose a custom value by click on Add your preset.

Here you can pick from some preset sizes again or click on Custom and then enter your own width and height. You can also adjust the frame rate, bitrate, video codec, audio channels and more.

I really like this program because it has a ton of options that will let you get your video onto pretty much any device you can think of. I really just wish they didn’t try to bundle that crapware along with the installer! You can even send the video directly to YouTube, convert it to HTML5 compatible format, convert it to Xbox and Playstation format and even burn to DVD or Blu-ray disc right from the program. If you’re an Apple user, you’ll love the to Apple option, which lets you pick the exact device you want the video to be played on.

So those are a couple of good options for getting your video into a size and resolution that your computer, device or online service can handle. In summary, HandBrake works best for converting to Apple friendly devices, VirtualDub can work for any file, but you’ll need to install the codecs for certain file formats and Freemake works for everything but you have to make sure to avoid the junkware when installing it. If you have any questions, post a comment. Enjoy!