在注册阶段,Skype允许您使用您的电子邮件地址或电话号码。如果您使用电话号码或电子邮件地址而不是您的Skype名称登录,那么您拥有的是Microsoft 帐户,而不是 Skype 名称。

不过,您可以使用您的 Skype 用户名和密码登录,这就是为什么您需要选择一个易于记忆且对您来说独一无二的名称和密码。
什么是 Skype 名称?(What Is a Skype Name?)
您的Skype名称或Skype ID是您首次加入Skype时创建的用户名,而不是您的电话号码或电子邮件地址。
在2011 年微软收购 Skype之前,用户可以使用用户选择的(Microsoft acquired Skype)Skype名称创建一个新的Skype帐户。在 2011 年收购之前注册Skype帐户的用户拥有一个非基于电子邮件的用户名,带有 @name 句柄,也无法更改。
获取后,您看到的Skype名称或句柄采用 live: name的形式,其中名称是您的用户名或您用于登录Skype的电子邮件地址的第一部分。

例如,如果您的电子邮件是 [email protected],那么您的Skype名称将读取为live:spoiledsly,而不是之前的 @spoiledsly 格式。当您想与您的联系人共享您的 Skype 名称而不是透露您的完整电子邮件地址时,您可以使用此功能。
如果您使用您的电话号码创建帐户,您的句柄将采用 live:alphanumericcharacters 的形式。
这在您搜索新用户时也很有帮助。您可以使用他们的电子邮件地址或电话号码,但使用 live:username 搜索也可以。
- 要查找您的Skype名称,请点击或单击您的个人资料图片(profile picture)。

- 在弹出窗口中,如果您输入了任何这些详细信息,您将看到您的Skype帐户详细信息,例如您的Skype名称、电子邮件、位置和出生日期。如果您想查看更多信息,请单击或点击个人资料图片右侧的三个点。

为什么我不能更改我的 Skype 名称?
您的 Skype 用户名是您的帐户名称,通常以 live(username) 开头,并且无法更改,因为它是根据您使用的电子邮件生成的。
您唯一的选择是更改您帐户的显示名称和其他详细信息,而不是您的 Skype 名称。
但是,您可以创建一个新的 Microsoft 帐户(create a new Microsoft account)以在Skype上使用,但这意味着放弃所有联系人,因为它不会同步或移动旧Skype帐户上的联系人和对话历史记录。

如果您选择这样做,请创建一个(create an email account)您想用作Skype用户名的电子邮件帐户,并始终使用您要使用的帐户的登录凭据登录。
您可以设置多个帐户(set up multiple accounts),但挑战在于确保您正确登录每个帐户并管理每个单独的帐户。
如何更改Skype 显示(Skype Display)名称
如果您仍想使用相同的Skype帐户,而不是创建一个新帐户只是为了获得您想要的用户名(get the username you want),您可以更改您的显示名称。
- 为此,请启动Skype并单击或点击您的个人资料图片。

- 单击或点击弹出窗口中的Skype 个人资料(Skype profile)。

- 更新Skype(Skype)个人资料上的显示名称。单击(Click)或点击复选标记(check mark)以保存更改。您可以根据需要随时多次更改显示名称,但更新和显示在您的个人资料上需要一些时间。

无论您是在Windows、Mac、Android还是 iOS上使用Skype ,都无法更改(Skype)Skype名称,但您可以在不同设备上更改显示名称。
Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac)
- 要在 Windows PC 或Mac(Mac)上更改您的显示名称,请打开Skype并单击您的个人资料图像或屏幕左上角的显示名称。
- 单击Skype 个人资料(Skype profile)。

- 单击(Click)显示名称文本框右侧的复选标记以完成该过程。

Change Skype on Mobile (Android/iPhone)
- 为此,请在智能手机上打开Skype 应用程序(Skype app),然后点击顶部的Skype 个人资料图片。(Skype profile picture )

- 点击Skype 档案(Skype Profile)。

- 接下来,点击您的Skype显示名称或点击旁边的编辑图标。(Edit )

- 输入要显示 的新名称。(new name)
- 点击智能手机键盘上的完成(Done )或点击显示名称右侧的复选标记以保存更改。(check mark)

- 如果您使用的是 iPad,请登录网络版 Skype(Skype),然后单击编辑个人资料(Edit Profile)。点击页面上的显示名称(display name)并将其重命名为当其他人看到您的名称时您希望显示的名称。
商务版 Skype(Skype For Business)

Microsoft Teams现在是 Microsoft 的专业在线会议解决方案,而不是Skype for Business Online。它是一款集视频会议、即时消息、通话和文档协作于一体的集成应用程序。
如果您使用的是Skype for Business,则无法更改您的用户名(Skype名称)或显示名称。这是因为您的雇主已经为您创建了用户帐户,雇主为每个员工分配了一个工作电子邮件地址和一个姓名。
要更改您的Skype for Business名称或 ID,您必须联系您的老板或 IT 部门的相关人员。
在网络上更改 Skype 名称

- 为此,请登录网络版Skype,然后单击屏幕右上角的您的姓名。

- 单击下拉菜单上的我的帐户,然后转到(My Account)Contact details>Edit Profile。

- 单击Edit profile,键入新的显示名称并单击Save,然后单击OK确认并保存更改。
How To Change Your Skype Name
While yоu can change your username оn other online plаtforms, Skype dоesn’t allow you to change it. But, therе are other options you can use to change your Skype name.
At the sign-up stage, Skype allows you to use your email address or your phone number. If you sign in with your phone number or email address instead of your Skype name, what you have is a Microsoft account, not a Skype name.

You can sign in with your Skype name and password though, which is why you need to pick one that’s easy to remember and unique to you.
Follow along to find out the options you can use instead to change your Skype name.
What Is a Skype Name?
Your Skype name or Skype ID is the username you created the first time you joined Skype, other than your phone number or email address.
Before Microsoft acquired Skype in 2011, users could create a new Skype account with a user-selected Skype name. Users who signed up for a Skype account prior to the 2011 acquisition have a non-email based username with the @name handle, which can’t be changed as well.
After the acquisition, the Skype name or handle you see takes the form of live:name, where the name is your username or the first part of the email address you use to sign into Skype.

This is because the requirements were revised so you’ll need a Microsoft account to sign up for Skype. Consequently, you can only change your Skype name by changing the email address associated with your Microsoft account and your Skype profile.
For example, if your email is [email protected], then your Skype name will read as live:spoiledsly, not the previous @spoiledsly format. You can use this when you want to share your Skype name with your contacts instead of disclosing your full email address.
If you use your phone number to create the account, your handle will be in the form of live:alphanumericcharacters.
This also helps when you’re searching for new users. You can either use their email address or phone number, though searching with live:username also works.
- To find your Skype name, tap or click on your profile picture.

- In the popup window, you’ll see your Skype account details such as your Skype Name, email, location and date of birth if you had entered any of these details. If you want to see more information, click or tap the three dots to the right of your profile picture.

Why Can’t I Change My Skype Name?
Your Skype username is the name of your account, which generally starts with live(username), and this cannot be changed as it’s generated based on the email you use.
The only option you have is to change your account’s display name and other details, but not your Skype name.
However, you could create a new Microsoft account to use on Skype, though this means forgoing all your contacts as it won’t sync or move your contacts and conversation history on the old Skype account.

If you choose to go that way, create an email account that you’d like to use as your Skype username, and always sign in with the login credentials of the account you want to use.
You can set up multiple accounts, but the challenge lies in ensuring you sign in correctly for each and you manage each individual account.
How To Change The Skype Display Name
If you still want to use the same Skype account, instead of creating a new one just to get the username you want, you can change your display name instead.
- To do this, launch Skype and click or tap your profile picture.

- Click or tap Skype profile in the popup window.

- Next, select Edit (displayed as a pencil icon)

- Update the display name on your Skype profile. Click or tap the check mark to save your changes. You can change the display name anytime and as many times as you want, but it takes some time to update and display on your profile.

Can I Change a Skype Name On Different Devices?
Whether you’re using Skype on Windows, Mac, Android or iOS, there’s no way of changing the Skype name, but you can change your display name on different devices though.
Windows and Mac
- To change your display name on a Windows PC or Mac, open Skype and click on your profile image or display name at the upper left side of the screen.
- Click Skype profile.

- Click the Edit button next to your display name.

- Click the check mark at the right of your display name’s text box to complete the process.

Change Skype on Mobile (Android/iPhone)
- To do this, open the Skype app on your smartphone and tap the Skype profile picture at the top.

- Next, tap your Skype display name or tap the Edit icon next to it.

- Enter the new name you want to be displayed.
- Tap Done on your smartphone’s keyboard or tap the check mark at the right side of your display name to save the changes.

- If you’re using an iPad, sign into Skype on the web and click Edit Profile. Tap the display name on the page and rename it to what you want displayed when others see your name.
Skype For Business

Microsoft Teams is now Microsoft’s professional online meeting solution instead of Skype for Business Online. It’s an integrated app that combines video conferencing, instant messaging, calling, and document collaboration.
If you’re using Skype for Business, you can’t change your username (Skype name) or your display name. This is because the user accounts are already created for you by your employer, who assigns every employee an email address for work, and a name.
To change your Skype for Business name or ID, you have to contact your boss or the relevant person in your IT department.
Change a Skype Name On The Web

- To do this, sign in to Skype on the web, and click on your name at the upper right side of the screen.

- Click My Account on the drop-down menu and go to Contact details>Edit Profile.

- Click Edit profile, type your new display name and click Save, and then click OK to confirm and save the changes.
Were you able to change your Skype name using the steps above? Share with us in a comment below.