您(Are)是否发现您的 Wi-Fi 速度较慢并且最近断开连接?(dropping connections)您的 Wi-Fi 路由器可能与其他人或多个人在同一频道上广播。
就像收音机一样,Wi-Fi 广播使用频道。想象一下两个(Imagine two)本地广播电台,在同一个频道上。那将如何运作?它没有,这是检查并可能更改您的 Wi-Fi 频道的一个很好的理由。

不仅要考虑其他 Wi-Fi 路由器。任何发射无线电频率的东西都会造成干扰。微波炉(Microwave)、无绳电话,甚至蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备都可以使用相同的频道。
什么是 Wi-Fi 频道?(What is a Wi-Fi Channel?)
Wi-Fi 路由器(Wi-Fi routers)以两个不同的频段广播:2.4 GHz和 5 GHz。GHz表示千兆赫兹(Gigahertz)。赫兹是每秒显示周期或波的单位。Wi-Fi 信号以波的形式在空气中传播。千兆(Giga)意味着十亿。路由器每秒广播 24 亿或 50 亿个周期。
在这些频段内,路由器的广播频率略有不同。对于 2.4 GHz,频率范围可以从 2.400 GHz到 2.499 GHz。每个通道与其最近的相邻通道相差0.005 GHz 。您将在下面的一些说明中看到这一点。在 5 GHz范围内,相邻通道之间存在 0.010 GHz的差异。

为什么呢?较低的频率意味着信号传播得更远,但质量不太好。更高的频率意味着质量好的信号,但没有那么大的范围。通过拥有这两个频段,您可以获得更大的 Wi-Fi 覆盖范围和更靠近路由器的信号。
当靠近路由器时,设备将跳转到 5 GHz频率。当远离路由器并且 5 GHz频率的质量下降时,设备将跳转到 2.4 GHz频率,以便保持连接。
我如何知道是否应该更改我的 Wi-Fi 频道?(How Do I Know If I Should Change My Wi-Fi Channel?)
不要无缘无故更改您的 Wi-Fi 频道。让我们先检查一下您的 Wi-Fi 问题是否与频道有关。为此,您需要一个好的 Wi-Fi 分析器应用程序(good Wi-Fi analyzer app)。在本文中,我们在 Android 上使用 Wi-Fi Analyzer(Wi-Fi Analyzer on Android)。
在接下来的两张图片中,白线帮助我们了解正在使用哪些通道。每条弧线代表一个Wi-Fi 路由器(Wi-Fi router)。在 2.4 GHz图中,正在使用通道 1、6、9 和 11。每个通道都被多个路由器使用。所以这些频道上没有人能得到最好的信号。

在 5 GHz图中,通道 132 和 149 上有多个路由器。我们想要的一个在通道 149 中,与其他 3 个路由器共享。

如何更改路由器上的 Wi-Fi 频道(How to Change Wi-Fi Channels on Routers)
我们将看看如何在几个最好的 Wi-Fi 路由器(best Wi-Fi routers)上做到这一点。首先(First)是华硕(Asus),然后是Linksys,然后是D-Link,最后是 Netgear Wi-Fi 路由器。如果你有不同的路由器,那没关系。步骤将类似。另请记住,如果您有此处列出的制造商的路由器,则步骤可能仍然不同。
更改华硕路由器上的频道(Change Channel on Asus Routers)
- 登录到路由器。在左侧查找高级设置并选择(Advanced Settings)无线(Wireless)。
- 找到控制频道(Control Channel)下拉菜单并选择不同的频道。
- 选择应用(Apply)以提交更改。

在 Linksys 路由器上更改频道(Change Channel on Linksys Routers)
- 登录(Log)到Linksys路由器。寻找无线功能(Wireless functions)并选择它。

- 在这些位置中的任何一个或所有位置更改频道。
- 选择应用(Apply )以提交更改。

更改 D-Link 路由器上的频道(Change Channel on D-Link Routers)
- 登录(Log)D-Link路由器。选择设置(Setup)。
- 选择无线设置(Wireless Settings)。
- 滚动到底部并选择手动 Internet 连接设置(Manual Internet Connection Setup)。

- 滚动到新页面的底部并选择手动无线网络设置(Manual Wireless Network Setup)。

- 如果选中了启用自动频道扫描(Enable Auto Channel Scan )框,请取消选中它。
- 在无线频道(Wireless Channel )下拉菜单中选择一个频道。
- 然后选择保存设置(Save Settings)以提交更改。

在 NetGear 路由器上更改频道(Change Channel on NetGear Routers)
- 登录到路由器。它将打开到配置(Configuration )选项卡。
- 选择无线(Wireless )选项。
- 查找Channel / Frequency字段。它可能设置为Auto。选择您附近无人使用的频道。
- 选择应用(Apply )以使更改生效。

这需要 2.4 GHz频段,现在要更改 5 GHz频段中的频道。选择802.11a/na选项卡并执行相同的步骤。
确认 Wi-Fi 频道已更改(Confirm the Wi-Fi Channel Has Changed)
返回Wi-Fi Analyzer并确认更改。在 2.4 GHz频段,我们的路由器现在单独在通道 5 上。

在 5 GHz频段上,我们是频道 48 上唯一的路由器。

所以,我们改变了我们的频道,Wi-Fi 性能会更好……直到有人跳上我们的频道。
How to Change Your Wi-Fi Channel (And Improve Performance)
Are you finding your Wi-Fi slower and dropping connections lately? Chances are your Wi-Fi router is broadcasting on the same channel as someone else, or maybe several people.
Just like radio, Wi-Fi broadcasts use channels. Imagine two local radio stations, being on the same channel. How would that work? It doesn’t and that’s a good reason to check, and possibly change your Wi-Fi channel.

It’s not just other Wi-Fi routers to consider. Anything that emits a radio frequency can cause interference. Microwave ovens, cordless phones, even Bluetooth devices could be using the same channel.
Changing your Wi-Fi channel can mean better download speeds, less lag when gaming, and greater range. If you want to learn more about Wi-Fi channels, read on. If you just want to change the channel on your router, keep scrolling.
What is a Wi-Fi Channel?
Wi-Fi routers broadcast at two different frequency bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. GHz means Gigahertz. A hertz is the unit to show cycles, or waves, per second. The Wi-Fi signal moves through the air as a wave. Giga means billion. The router broadcasts at 2.4 billion or 5 billion cycles per second.
Within those bands, the router broadcasts at slightly different frequencies. For 2.4 GHz, the frequencies can range from 2.400 GHz to 2.499 GHz. Each channel is 0.005GHz different from its closest neighbors. You’ll see this in some instructions below. In the 5GHz range, there’s a 0.010 GHz difference between neighboring channels.

Why, though? A lower frequency means the signal travels farther, but the quality isn’t as good. A higher frequency means good quality signal, but not as much range. By having both bands, you have greater Wi-Fi coverage and a better signal closer to the router.
When closer to the router, the device will jump to the 5 GHz frequency. When further away from the router and the quality of the 5 GHz frequency drops, the device will jump to the 2.4 GHz frequency so it can stay connected.
How Do I Know If I Should Change My Wi-Fi Channel?
Don’t change your Wi-Fi channel for no reason. Let’s check and see if your Wi-Fi problems might be channel-related first. To do that, you’ll need a good Wi-Fi analyzer app. For this article, we’re using Wi-Fi Analyzer on Android.
In the next two images, the white lines help us see what channels are being used. Each arc represents a Wi-Fi router. In the 2.4 GHz graph, channels 1, 6, 9, and 11 are being used. Each channel is being used by multiple routers. So no one on those channels is getting the best signal.

In the 5 GHz graph, there are multiple routers on channels 132 and 149. The one we want is in channel 149, sharing with 3 other routers.

So, yes, the Wi-Fi service could improve by changing the channels. Let’s do that.
How to Change Wi-Fi Channels on Routers
We’ll look at how to do this on several of the best Wi-Fi routers. First is Asus, then Linksys, then D-Link, and finally a Netgear Wi-Fi router. If you have a different router, that’s alright. The steps will be similar. Also keep in mind that if you have a router from the manufacturers listed here, the steps could still be different.
Change Channel on Asus Routers
- Login to the router. Look for Advanced Settings on the left side and select Wireless.
- Find the Control Channel drop-down menu and select a different channel.
- Select Apply to commit the change.

Change Channel on Linksys Routers
- Log in to the Linksys router. Look for Wireless functions and select that.

- Change the channel in any, or all, of these spots.
- Select Apply to commit the change.

Change Channel on D-Link Routers
- Log in to the D-Link router. Select Setup.
- Select Wireless Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom and select Manual Internet Connection Setup.

- Scroll to the bottom of the new page and select Manual Wireless Network Setup.

- If the Enable Auto Channel Scan box is checked, uncheck it.
- Select a channel in the Wireless Channel drop-down.
- Then select Save Settings to commit the change.

Change Channel on NetGear Routers
- Login to the router. It will open to the Configuration tab.
- Select the Wireless option.
- Look for the Channel / Frequency field. It’s probably set to Auto. Select a channel that no one near you is using.
- Select Apply to make the change stick.

That takes care of the 2.4GHz band, now to change the channel in the 5 GHz band. Select the 802.11a/na tab and do the same steps.
Confirm the Wi-Fi Channel Has Changed
Go back to the Wi-Fi Analyzer and confirm the changes. In the 2.4 GHz band, our router is now alone on channel 5.

On the 5 GHz band, we’re the only router on channel 48.

So, we have changed our channels and the Wi-Fi performance will be better… until someone jumps on our channels.