Kodi是一个流行的开源媒体中心,与Mac OS、Windows PC、Android、Linux、Amazon Fire Stick和Chromecast兼容。您可以使用Kodi上传您的电影收藏(movie collection),从程序中观看直播电视,并安装附加组件以访问各种内容。NBA比赛也可以使用Kodi进行流式传输。今天,我们将看看经过验证可以在Kodi上观看(Kodi)NBA比赛的最佳附加组件。
如何观看 Kodi NBA 比赛(How to Watch Kodi NBA Games)
NBA联盟传球(NBA League Pass)是捕捉勒布朗詹姆斯(LeBron James)的每一个投篮和斯蒂芬库里(Stephen Curry)的每一个动作的绝妙方法。由于特定游戏的地理限制,NBA游戏并非随处可用。
为什么使用 Kodi 观看 NBA 比赛?(Why Use Kodi for Watching NBA Games?)
- Kodi的实际力量来自其非官方的第三方插件(third-party add-ons),尤其是那些允许直播的插件。使用正确的工具,您几乎可以在任何设备上流式传输来自世界各地的电视节目和体育赛事。
- 此外,这些地理限制(geo-restrictions)可能会导致加拿大(Canada)和美国(United) 的(States)区域性停电。幸运的是,您可以借助Nord VPN等 VPN 从(Nord VPN)Kodi应用程序观看NBA比赛。
但是,如果您想保持合法和光明正大,则需要每月支付流媒体或 OTT 服务(streaming or OTT services)的会员费。
注意:(Note:)虽然Kodi 软件(Kodi software)是开源、免费且合法的,但某些附加组件可能不是。您当地的ISP尤其可能会监控直播、电视和电影插件并向政府和商业机构(government and business authorities)报告。每次您上网在Kodi 上流(Kodi)式传输时,这可能会让您暴露在外。因此,您可以使用虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)来保护自己免受对服务提供商的监视,因为它们作为您与下载内容之间的屏障。在此处阅读有关如何(How)在Windows 10上设置VPN的指南。
观看 NBA 比赛的最佳附加组件列表(List of Best Add-ons to watch NBA Games)
(Install Kodi)在您的台式机/笔记本电脑上安装 Kodi,或在SmartTV 上安装(SmartTV)Kodi(Install Kodi),设置VPN,并安装所需的附加组件以享受您选择的流媒体内容。这是观看NBA(NBA)比赛(Games)的一些附加组件的列表。
1. NBA联赛通行证(1. NBA League Pass)
支付NBA League Pass的会员费是最简单(如果不是最便宜的话)的选择。只需(Simply)安装他们的官方插件并输入您的信息,您就可以立即访问所有Kodi NBA游戏。
- 它可以在 Kodi 默认存储库(found in the Kodi default repository)中找到,只需单击几下即可安装,因为它是官方附加组件。
- 在当前NBA 赛季期间(NBA season),您可以观看现场报道(watch live coverage) 以及存档和编辑的比赛(as well as archived and edited games)。
- 还包括可追溯到 2012 年(dating back to 2012)的精彩片段、最佳比赛和其他篮球镜头。(basketball footage)
对于整个常规赛(regular season),联赛通行证会员(League Pass membership)费用USD$46.99, or USD$23.99,如果您想关注一支球队,则为 23.99 美元。NBA联盟(NBA league)通行证的缺点如下:
- 如果游戏是在本地电台进行的,它可能会被黑屏(blacked out)。
- 此外,由于地理限制(geographical constraints),居住在美国(United) 以外(States)的人可能无法连接到它。
- 不幸的是,Team Pass客户只能通过音频收听(only listen)季后赛和决赛。
要观看视频,您需要获得League Pass 或有线电视订阅(League Pass or cable subscription),或者您可以使用下面列出的NBA游戏附加组件之一。
2. 现在的体育网(2. Sportsnet Now)
如果您有一个可以以$149.99 billed annually购买的Sportsnet 帐户(Sportsnet account),则可以在Kodi上观看Sportsnet。Sportsnet Now 可能是体育迷的圣杯,因为它转播了大量NHL、MLB和英超联赛(Premier League)的比赛。
- 由于该插件与加拿大网络相关联,因此它拥有最多40 个常规 NBA 赛季的(40 regular NBA seasons)广播许可证(broadcasting license)。
- 但是,您将只能观看多伦多猛龙队(only be able to watch the Toronto Raptors)和季后赛。
1. 按照我们关于如何(How)安装Kodi 附加组件(Kodi Add Ons)的指南进行操作。
2. 要开始使用,请在安装插件后输入您的Sportsnet Now 凭据。( Sportsnet Now credentials)
3. 将您的帐户详细信息(account details)添加到插件中,就像在Kodi上享受观看(Kodi)NBA比赛的其他付费服务一样。
3. ESPN 播放器(3. ESPN Player)
在官方的Kodi插件存储库中,您将找到可用于观看NBA比赛的ESPN Player 插件。(ESPN Player add-on)如果您不想为NBA League Pass付费,但又想在Kodi上观看每场比赛,ESPN Player 插件(ESPN Player add-on)是必不可少的,因为:
- ESPN Player 提供点播和直播(both on-demand and live streaming)服务。
- 这是附加组件类别中具有成本效益的(cost-effective)竞争对手,还允许您合法观看Kodi NBA比赛。(Kodi NBA)
每日通行证(Daily passes)也可用。
- 但是,如果您计划观看超过几天,则每月会员(monthly membership)价格更具成本效益,价格为卢比。756.
- 值得注意的是,这只会为您提供 ESPN 游戏(only provide you with ESPN games),而不是TNT 或 ABC(TNT or ABC)。因此,此附加组件无法提供与此列表中其他附加组件相同级别的好处。
它也是您的Kodi 存储库(Kodi repository)中可用的官方附加组件。按照如何(How)安装Kodi插件指南进行操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Kodi 中添加收藏夹
4. 云电视(4. CCloud TV)
CCloud TV是一种流行的IPTV Kodi插件,也可用于观看NBA比赛。体育、新闻、纪录片、娱乐、家庭、音乐等等。它提供搜索功能(search function),但不按原产国组织。
- 在几秒钟内,您可以找到我们最喜欢的运动。
- 该路线将列在搜索结果的左侧窗格中,因此您将来可以使用它来查找您喜欢的流。
5.体育恶魔(5. SportsDevil)
SportsDevil可能是(SportsDevil)Kodi最著名的免费直播体育附加组件,它是为体育网络(unauthorized streams for sports networks)发现未经授权的流的另一个不错的选择。
- 这个插件提供了各种直播和亮点选择(streaming and highlights choices)。
- 由于有多种流媒体网站可供选择,用户通常可以在这里找到几个适用于OTA游戏的转播流。(OTA)
6. 英国土耳其人播放列表(6. UK Turk Playlists)
UK Turk是最古老的存储库提供商之一,它提供了大量的材料,包括但不限于范围广泛的体育提要。虽然范围很广,但主要由非法广播组成。我们不提倡使用UK Turk 播放列表(UK Turk Playlists)来观看任何材料,尤其是NBA比赛。我们建议您坚持使用文章中提到的更可靠的来源。
- UK Turk 播放列表提供来自世界各地的各种流媒体,(variety of streams from across the world,)重点是(United Kingdom)美国(United) 和英国(States)。
- 由于它是第三方插件,因此它经常切换存储库位置(often switches repository locations)以避免被发现。这使得设置更加困难。
- UK Turk Playlists以其提供的盗版内容而闻名。
- 这里没有列出合法的流(no legal streams)。
- 虽然它免费提供这些东西,但它在未经内容创建者同意的情况下(without the content creators’ consent)这样做。
7.爆米花电视(7. PopcornTV)
Popcorn TV是一种流行的附加组件,它使用户可以访问大量的互联网资料,包括点播电影、电视剧(TV series)、体育节目和直播频道等。强烈推荐这种观看点播电影、音乐视频(music videos)和体育节目的合法且免费的方法。( legal and free method)因为内容库是不断更新(content library is constantly updated)的,所以体育赛事可能并不总是对所有用户可用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Hulu 令牌错误 3
专业提示:如何从未知来源安装附加组件(Pro Tip: How to Install Add-ons from Unknown Sources)
如果您选择使用第三方插件,如CCloud TV、Sports Devil 和 Popcorn TV(Sports Devil & Popcorn TV) ,则应执行这些步骤。按照以下步骤安装第三方插件以观看Kodi NBA比赛。
1. 打开Kodi应用程序并单击设置(Settings )图标,如图所示。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)您使用的是最新的Kodi 版本(Kodi version)(v18 Leia 或 Kodi(Leia or Kodi) 19.x – 预览版)。
2. 单击系统(System )设置。
3. 在左侧窗格中,从列表中选择加载项(Add-ons ),如下所示。
4. 在常规(General )部分下切换标记为未知来源的选项。(Unknown sources)
5. 出现警告(Warning)提示时,单击是(Yes)按钮,突出显示。
6.再次单击设置(Settings)图标,然后从给定的图块中选择文件管理器。(File manager)
7. 单击添加源(Add source),突出显示以安装附加组件以观看Kodi NBA比赛。
8. 键入第三方URL并输入此媒体源的名称(Enter a name for this media source)。点击OK,如下图所示。
9. 在加载项(Add-ons )页面上,单击加载项浏览器图标(Add-on browser icon)。
10. 单击从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,突出显示。
11. 选择zip 文件(zip file)并安装(install)它以在 Kodi 上使用它。
- 如何在 Kodi 上观看 NFL
- 如何使用VLC在Windows 10中剪切(Windows 10)视频(Video)
- 15 个顶级免费体育流媒体网站
- 如何修复(Fix Error Code 775)DirecTV 上的错误代码 775
我们希望您发现这些信息很有用,并且能够学习如何观看(how to watch) Kodi NBA 比赛(Kodi NBA games)。让我们知道您最喜欢哪些附加组件。(Add-ons)此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
Kоdi iѕ a popular open-source mеdia center that is comрatible with Mac OS, Windows PC, Android, Linux, Amazon Fire Stick, & Chromecast. You can use Kodi to upload your moνiе collection, watch live ΤV from within the program, and inѕtall add-ons to get access to a variety of content. NBA games may be ѕtrеamed using Kodi as well. Today, we will take a look at the finest add-оns to watch NBA games on Kodi that have been verified to operate.
How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
The NBA League Pass is a fantastic method to capture every shot LeBron James makes and every move Stephen Curry makes. Due to geo-restrictions on specific games, NBA games are not available everywhere.
Why Use Kodi for Watching NBA Games?
- The actual power of Kodi comes from its unofficial third-party add-ons, especially those that allow live streaming. With the right tools, you can stream television shows and sports from all around the world on virtually any device.
- Furthermore, these geo-restrictions may result in regional blackouts in Canada and the United States. Fortunately, you can watch NBA games from the Kodi app with the help of VPNs like Nord VPN.
However, if you want to stay legal and above-board, you will need to pay the streaming or OTT services monthly membership fees.
Note: While Kodi software is open-source, free, and legal, some add-ons might not be. Your local ISP is especially likely to monitor and report live streaming, TV, and movie plug-ins to the government and business authorities. This may leave you exposed every time you go online to stream on Kodi. Thus, you may use a Virtual Private Network to shield yourself from spying on service providers as they operate as a barrier between you and the downloaded content. Read our guide on How to set up a VPN on Windows 10 here.
List of Best Add-ons to watch NBA Games
Install Kodi on your desktop/laptop, or Install Kodi on SmartTV, set up VPN, and install desired add-ons to enjoy streaming content of your choice. Here is the list of some add-ons to watch NBA Games.
1. NBA League Pass
Paying for membership to NBA League Pass is the easiest, if not the cheapest, option. Simply, install their official add-on and enter your information, and you will have instant access to all of Kodi NBA games.
- It can be found in the Kodi default repository and installed with a few clicks because it is an official add-on.
- During the current NBA season, you may watch live coverage as well as archived and edited games.
- Highlights, best plays, and other basketball footage dating back to 2012 are also included.
For the whole regular season, a League Pass membership costs USD$46.99, or USD$23.99, if you want to follow one team. The drawbacks of the NBA league pass are listed below:
- If the game is carried on a local station, it may be blacked out.
- Furthermore, because of geographical constraints, those residing outside the United States may not be able to connect to it.
- Unfortunately, Team Pass customers may only listen to the playoffs and finals on audio.
To watch the video, you will need a League Pass or cable subscription, or you can use one of the add-ons for NBA games listed below.
2. Sportsnet Now
You can easily add IMDB on Kodi . However, you can only watch Sportsnet on Kodi if you have a Sportsnet account that can be purchased for $149.99 billed annually. Sportsnet Now may be a holy grail for sports fans because it broadcasts a large number of NHL, MLB, and Premier League games.
- Because the add-on is linked to a Canadian network, it has a broadcasting license for up to 40 regular NBA seasons.
- However, you will only be able to watch the Toronto Raptors and the playoffs.
Here’s how to watch NBA games on Kodi,
1. Follow our guide on How to Install Kodi Add Ons.
2. To get started, enter your Sportsnet Now credentials after installing the add-on.
3. Add your account details to the add-on, just as with the other paid services to enjoy watching NBA games on Kodi.
3. ESPN Player
In the official Kodi add-on repository, you will find the ESPN Player add-on which you can use to watch NBA games. If you do not want to pay for NBA League Pass but yet want to watch every game on Kodi, the ESPN Player add-on is a must-have because:
- ESPN Player offers both on-demand and live streaming services.
- This is a cost-effective rival in the add-ons category that also allows you to watch Kodi NBA games legally.
Daily passes are available as well.
- However, if you plan on viewing for more than a few days, a monthly membership is more cost-effective priced at Rs. 756.
- It is worth noting that this will only provide you with ESPN games, not TNT or ABC. As a result, this add-on does not provide the same level of benefit as the other ones in this list.
It is also an official add-on available on your Kodi repository. Follow the How to install Kodi addons guide to do so.
Also Read: How to Add Favorites in Kodi
4. CCloud TV
CCloud TV is a popular IPTV Kodi add-on that can also be used to watch NBA games. Sports, news, documentaries, entertainment, family, music, and much more. It offers a search function, but it is not organized by country of origin.
- In a couple of seconds, you can locate our favorite sports.
- The route will be listed in the left pane of the search results, so you may use it in the future to find your favorite streams.
5. SportsDevil
SportsDevil is maybe the most well-known free live streaming sports add-on for Kodi, and it is another good option for discovering unauthorized streams for sports networks.
- This add-on offers a variety of live streaming and highlights choices.
- Users can usually find several working rebroadcast streams for OTA games here, thanks to a variety of streaming site alternatives.
6. UK Turk Playlists
UK Turk, one of the oldest repository providers, offers a massive amount of material, including but not limited to a wide range of sports feeds. Although extensive, it is mostly comprised of illegal broadcasts. We do not advocate using UK Turk Playlists to watch any material, especially NBA games. We recommend that you stick to the more reliable sources mentioned in the article.
- UK Turk Playlists offer a variety of streams from across the world, with a focus on the United States and the United Kingdom.
- Since it is a third-party add-on, it often switches repository locations to avoid discovery. This makes it a little more difficult to set up.
- UK Turk Playlists is notoriously-known for the pirated stuff it offers.
- There are no legal streams listed here.
- Although it provides this stuff for free, it does so without the content creators’ consent.
7. PopcornTV
Popcorn TV is a popular add-on that gives users access to a wealth of internet material, including on-demand movies, TV series, sports, and live channels, among other things. This legal and free method to watch on-demand movies, music videos, and sports is highly recommended. Because the content library is constantly updated, athletic events may not always be available to all users.
Also Read: How to Fix Hulu Token Error 3
Pro Tip: How to Install Add-ons from Unknown Sources
These steps should be implemented if you choose to use a third-party add-on like CCloud TV, Sports Devil & Popcorn TV. Follow these steps to install third-party add-ons to watch Kodi NBA games.
1. Open the Kodi application and click on the Settings icon, as shown.
Note: Make sure you are using the most recent Kodi version (v18 Leia or Kodi 19. x – preview version).
2. Click on the System settings.
3. In the left pane, choose Add-ons from the list, as depicted below.
4. Toggle on the option marked Unknown sources under General section.
5. When the Warning prompt appears, click on the Yes button, shown highlighted.
6. Click on the Settings icon once again and choose File manager from the given tiles.
7. Click on Add source, as highlighted for installing add-ons to watch Kodi NBA games.
8. Type the third-party URL and Enter a name for this media source. Click on OK, as depicted below.
9. On the Add-ons page, click on the Add-on browser icon.
10. Click the Install from zip file option, shown highlighted.
11. Choose the zip file and install it to use it on Kodi.
We hope you found this information useful and were able to learn how to watch Kodi NBA games. Let us know which Add-ons are your favorite. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.