谷歌浏览(Google Chrome)器在全球安装最多的浏览器列表中排名第一。这不是运气或错误。它值得被认可,因为它是最容易使用且界面出色的浏览器版本。由于(Due)多种原因,Windows 10用户更喜欢将Chrome更改为默认浏览器(default browser)。许多Windows 10计算机都将Microsoft Edge作为默认浏览器(default browser),但由于响应延迟,它们可能会浪费您的宝贵时间。如果您不知道如何将Chrome设置为Windows 10 的默认浏览器(default browser Windows 10),那么本指南将是您的完美选择。本指南将帮助您制作(Chrome)在您的Windows 10 PC上Chrome您的默认浏览器。(default browser)你还在等什么?继续(Continue)阅读文章。

如何将 Chrome 更改为默认浏览器(How to Change Chrome as Default Browser)
在进一步了解如何将Chrome更改为默认浏览器(default browser)之前,您必须在 PC 上安装Google Chrome 。您可以从Google 的网站(Google’s website)安装Chrome并确保它已更新到最新版本。执行此操作的步骤因您使用的操作系统而异。(System)
但是为什么你想知道如何将谷歌(Google)设置为Windows 10的默认浏览器呢?(default browser)这里有几个正当的理由。
- 与其他浏览器相比,最令人信服的功能。
- 如果与您的帐户同步,则可以在新设备上恢复所有已保存的数据,例如浏览历史记录、书签、地址、密码。即使您将 Windows PC 更新到另一个版本(从Windows 10到 11),也可以轻松恢复所有数据。
- 比其他人难以置信的浏览速度。它在 0.19 秒内提供搜索结果。
- 附加组件和扩展支持。
- 定期更新版本使浏览器摆脱错误和问题。
- 广泛(Wide scope)的安全性和数据隐私(security and data privacy)。
- 您可以快速搜索最新消息、最新站点和任何新站点。
- 更复杂的算法提供了令人难以置信的数字行为。
- 市场份额(Market share)和广泛的品牌服务使其成为主导公司。
- 令人惊叹的Google 合作伙伴和客户服务支持(Google partner and customer service support)。
你已经来到了这篇文章的最佳部分。在本节中,您将学习如何将Chrome设置为Windows 10 的默认浏览器(default browser)。有多种方法可以将Chrome更改为默认浏览器(default browser)。所有这些都在下面列出,以便您更好地理解。
方法一:通过设置(Method 1: Through Settings)
这是将Chrome设置为(Chrome)默认浏览器(default browser)的最简单方法。您只需在 Windows 10 计算机上启动设置(Settings ),然后在接下来的部分中更改默认应用程序。这里有更详细的步骤。
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)。
2. 现在,点击应用程序(Apps)。

3. 然后,切换到左窗格中的默认应用程序(Default apps )部分。向下滚动(Scroll)右侧屏幕并导航到Web 浏览器(Web browser )菜单。

4. 然后,单击Web 浏览器(Web browser)菜单的下拉选项,并在选择应用程序(Choose an app )弹出菜单中选择 Google Chrome ,如图所示。(Google Chrome )

注意(Note):如果您想轻松打开Chrome ,请在任务栏中添加快捷方式。(Chrome)启动Chrome。在Windows Taskbar中,右键单击Chrome,然后选择Pin to taskbar,如图所示。

方法二:通过控制面板(Method 2: Through Control Panel)
如何将Google设置为Windows 10的默认浏览器?(default browser)您可以在控制面板(Control Panel)中进行此更改。有一个部分,您可以从其设置中添加或设置默认程序。如果您在控制面板(control panel)设置中进行任何更改,它将自动反映在所有应用程序中。按照(Follow)指示进行。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key )并键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。

2. 将查看方式(View by)设置为类别(Category)。如图所示点击程序(Programs )。

3. 现在,单击默认程序(Default Programs),如图所示。

4. 然后,单击突出显示的设置您的默认程序(Set your default programs )链接。

5. 在设置(Settings )窗口中,向下滚动右侧屏幕至Web 浏览器(Web browser )菜单。

6. 现在,单击Web 浏览器的下拉选项,然后在(Web browser)选择应用程序(Choose an app.)的以下下拉列表中 选择Google Chrome 。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复(Fix DHCP Lookup)Chromebook中的DHCP 查找失败错误(Error)
方法三:通过浏览器设置(Method 3: Through Browser Settings)
如果您在从系统设置中将(System Settings)Chrome更改为默认浏览器(default browser)时遇到任何困难,这里是从浏览器设置中更改它的另一种方法。这里有一些说明。
1. 在搜索菜单中键入Chrome,然后单击打开(Open ),如图所示。

2. 然后,点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon )。
3.从下拉列表中选择设置选项,如下所示。(Settings )

4. 现在,单击左窗格中的默认浏览器(Default browser )菜单,如图所示。

5. 然后,在右窗格中,单击如图所示的设为默认(Make default )按钮。

6. 在设置(Settings )窗口中,单击Web 浏览器(Web browser )部分的下拉选项。

7. 现在,从选择应用程序(Choose an app )下拉列表中选择Google Chrome 。

因此,这是如何通过浏览器设置将Chrome更改为默认浏览(default browser)器。
方法四:通过命令提示符(Method 4: Through Command Prompt)
您还可以通过在命令提示符(command prompt)中执行命令将Chrome设置为默认浏览器(default browser)。这里有一些说明。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key )并键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。

2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3. 然后,键入以下命令(command)并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
explorer.exe shell:::{17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966} -Microsoft.DefaultPrograms\pageDefaultProgram

4. 在设置(Settings )窗口中,单击Web 浏览器(Web browser )部分的下拉选项。

5.在选择应用(Choose an app.)的下拉列表中选择谷歌浏览器。(Google Chrome)

另请阅读:在(Also Read:)Chrome 中修复 NET::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
为什么我不能将 Chrome 更改为默认浏览器?(Why Can’t I Change Chrome as Default Browser?)
如果在尝试了所有这些有关如何将Chrome设置为默认浏览(default browser)器 Windows 10(default browser Windows 10)的方法后,您仍无法将Chrome设为默认浏览器,这里有一些方法可以帮助您解决问题。遵循相同的方法并检查是否可以进行更改。
选项 1:更新 Chrome(Option 1: Update Chrome)
过时的浏览器可能不支持临时版本的网页,从而阻止您更改默认的网络(default web)浏览器。要修复错误和问题,请按照以下说明更新Google Chrome。
1.从 Windows 搜索菜单中打开 Google Chrome 。

2. 您也可以输入chrome://settings/help 直接启动关于 Chrome 页面(the About Chrome page)。

3A。如果谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)更新到最新版本,那么它会显示Chrome 是最新的(Chrome is up to date)。

3B。如果有新的更新可用,浏览器会自动将浏览器更新到最新版本。单击(Click) 重新启动(Relaunch)以重新启动浏览器。
4. 最后,使用最新版本重新启动浏览器。(relaunch)
选项 2:删除缓存和 Cookie(Option 2: Delete Cache & Cookies )
您浏览器中的临时缓存和 cookie会(cache and cookies)存储(browser store)您的浏览数据。如果本地存储有任何可疑数据,或者数据损坏或不兼容,您不得将Chrome设置为默认浏览器(default browser)。因此(Hence),请清除浏览数据、缓存和收集的 cookie 以解决问题。
1. 启动Chrome浏览器。
注意:(Note: )您可以通过在搜索栏中输入chrome://settings/clearBrowserData直接导航页面以删除Chrome中的浏览历史记录。(Chrome)
2. 现在,点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon)。

3. 在这里,单击更多工具(More tools)选项,如下图所示。

4.接下来,点击清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data… )

5.如果要删除整个数据,请选择(data and click)所有时间(All Time),然后单击清除数据。(Clear data.)
注意(Note):确保在从浏览器中清除数据之前选中Cookie 和其他站点数据框(Cookies and other site data box )和缓存(Cached images and files)的图像和文件框。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在Google Chrome中全屏显示(Full-Screen)
选项 3:重置 Chrome(Option 3: Reset Chrome)
重置Chrome会将浏览器恢复为默认设置,并且您可以更改默认浏览器(default browser)的机会更大。请按照以下步骤重置Google Chrome。
1. 启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome ),点击上述方法中的三点图标。(three-dotted )
注意:(Note: )您也可以输入chrome://settings/reset来启动重置 Chrome 页面(Reset Chrome page)。
2. 现在,选择设置(Settings )选项。

3. 在这里,单击左窗格中的(left pane)高级(Advanced )设置,然后选择重置和清理(Reset and clean up )选项。

4. 现在,选择将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults )选项,如下图所示。

5. 现在,通过选择重置设置(Reset settings )按钮确认提示,如图所示。

6. 现在,重新启动设置(Settings)并进行更改。
选项 4:切换到新的 Chrome 配置文件(Option 4: Switch to New Chrome Profile)
如果您的Chrome 配置文件(Chrome profile)有任何冲突,您不能将Chrome设置为默认浏览器(default browser)。尝试创建一个新的配置文件并检查是否可以这样做。
1. 启动Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser )并单击您的个人资料图标(Profile icon)。
2. 现在,在“其他人”菜单中选择(Other people )齿轮图标(gear icon ),如下图所示。

3. 现在,单击添加( Add)图标。

4. 点击无账户继续(Continue without an account)。
注意(Note):单击登录(Sign in)以使用您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)登录。

5. 在这里,通过添加您想要的名称、(desired name,) 头像和主题颜色来自定义您的个人资料(profile picture, and theme color)。
6. 现在,点击完成,(Done, )如下图所示。
注意:(Note: )如果您不想要此用户的桌面快捷方式(desktop shortcut),请取消选中为此用户创建桌面快捷方式(Create a desktop shortcut for this user)框。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复多个正在运行的 Google Chrome 进程(Fix Multiple Google Chrome Processes Running)
选项 5:创建新用户配置文件(Option 5: Create a New User Profile)
删除您的用户配置文件(user profile)将删除与您的帐户关联的所有损坏的程序和文件。以下是删除您的用户配置文件(User Profile)并在您的 PC 上重新创建它的几个步骤。
1.在搜索栏中键入命令提示符并按(Command Prompt )Enter。然后,点击以管理员身份运行,(Run as administrator, )如下图所示。

2. 然后,输入control userpasswords2命令并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。

3. 在“用户帐户(User Accounts)” 窗口中,单击 “用户”选项卡中的“(Users)添加...”(Add…) 按钮 。

4. 选择 不使用 Microsoft 帐户登录(不推荐)(Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended)) 选项,然后单击 下一步(Next)。

5. 然后,单击本地帐户(Local account) 按钮。

6. 输入您的登录凭据,即 用户名和密码(User name & Password)。在 确认密码(Confirm password) 字段中重新输入密码并留下 密码提示(Password hint) 。然后,单击 下一步(Next)。

7. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。最后,单击 完成(Finish) 以创建本地帐户。
8. 现在,选择 属性(Properties) 选项。

9. 在Group Membership 选项卡下,选择Administrator 选项。
10. 单击 应用(Apply) ,然后 单击确定(OK) 以保存更改。

11. 现在,导航到您的旧用户配置文件(user profile)。 C: > Users > Old_Account.
注意:(Note:) 这里, C: 是您安装Windows 版本(Windows version)的驱动器,Old_Account是您的旧用户帐户。
12. 同时按下 Ctrl + C 键(keys) 复制文件夹中的所有文件, 除了(except):
- Ntuser.dat.log
- ntuser.ini
- Ntuser.dat
13. 现在,导航到您的新用户配置文件(user profile)。 C: > Users > New_Account.
注意: (Note: )这里,C: 是您安装新Windows 版本(Windows version)的驱动器,New_Account是您的新用户帐户。
14. 同时按 Ctrl + V keys 将所有文件粘贴到您的新用户帐户中。
15. 接下来, 从搜索菜单启动控制面板,如图所示。(Control Panel)

16. 将 查看方式(View by) 选项设置为 大图标( Large icons) ,然后单击 用户帐户( User Accounts)。

17. 接下来,点击 Manage Another Account,如图所示。

18. 选择 旧用户帐户(old user account) 并单击删除帐户(Delete the account) 选项,如下所示。

19. 现在,使用您的新帐户登录,您可以将Chrome设置为默认浏览器(default browser)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome(Fix Chrome)无法连接到Internet
专业提示:如何删除现有用户配置文件(Pro Tip: How to Delete Existing User Profile)
要删除预先存在的用户配置文件(user profile),请按照以下说明操作。
1. 再次点击您的个人资料图标(profile icon ),然后点击齿轮图标(gear icon)。
2. 将鼠标悬停在要删除的用户配置文件上,然后单击(user profile)三点图标(three-dotted icon)。

3. 现在,选择删除(Delete )选项,如下图所示。

4. 现在,您将收到一个提示显示(prompt displaying),这将永久删除您在此设备上的浏览数据。(This will permanently delete your browsing data from this device. )单击删除(Delete)继续。

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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您已学会将Chrome 更改为默认浏览器(change Chrome as default browser)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
How to Change Chrome as Default Browser
Google Chrome stands first in the lіst of most installed browsers аcross the world. This іѕ not by luck or by mistake. It deserves its recognition since it is thе easiest to use browser version with an outstanding interface. Dυe to several reasons, Windows 10 users prefer to change Chrome as default browѕer. Many Windows 10 comрuters come with Microsoft Edge as default browser, yet they may waste your valuable timе due to а delay in response. If you are not aware of how to set Chrome as default browser Windows 10, this guide will be your perfect choice. This guide will help уou make Chromе your default browser on your Windows 10 PC. Ѕo, what are you waiting for? Continue rеading the article.

How to Change Chrome as Default Browser
Before you go further to learn how to change Chrome as default browser, you must have Google Chrome installed on your PC. You can install Chrome from Google’s website and make sure it is updated to its latest version. The steps to do so vary according to the Operating System you use.
But why do you want to know how to set Google as default browser Windows 10? Here are a few valid reasons.
- Best convincing features when compared to other browsers.
- All the saved data like browsing history, bookmarks, addresses, passwords can be recovered on a new device if synced with your account. Even when you update your Windows PC to another version (from Windows 10 to 11), all the data can be recovered easily.
- Incredible browsing speed than others. It delivers search results within 0.19 seconds.
- Add-ons and extensions support.
- Regular update releases make browser out of bugs and problems.
- Wide scope of security and data privacy.
- You can search the latest news, latest sites, and any new sites quickly.
- A much more sophisticated algorithm gives incredible digital behavior.
- Market share and wide branding services make it the dominant company.
- Amazing Google partner and customer service support.
You have come to the best part of the article. In this section, you will learn how to set Chrome as default browser Windows 10. There are multiple methods to change Chrome as default browser. All of them are listed below for your better understanding.
Method 1: Through Settings
This is the simplest way to make Chrome your default browser. You can simply launch Settings on your Windows 10 computer and then change the defaults apps in the upcoming sections. Here are more elaborated steps.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Windows Settings.
2. Now, click on Apps.

3. Then, switch to the Default apps section in the left pane. Scroll down the right-screen and navigate to the Web browser menu.

4. Then, click on the dropdown option of the Web browser menu and select Google Chrome in the Choose an app pop-up menu as shown.

Note: If you want to open Chrome easily, add a shortcut in your Taskbar. Launch Chrome. In the Windows Taskbar, right-click on Chrome and then select Pin to taskbar as shown.

Method 2: Through Control Panel
How to set Google as default browser Windows 10? You can make this change in your Control Panel. There is a section where you can add or set default programs from its settings. If you make any changes in the control panel settings, it will be automatically reflected for all applications. Follow as instructed.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel and click on Open.

2. Set View by as Category. Click on Programs as shown.

3. Now, click on Default Programs as shown.

4. Then, click on the Set your default programs link as highlighted.

5. In the Settings window, scroll down the right screen to the Web browser menu.

6. Now, click on the dropdown option for Web browser and select Google Chrome in the following drop-down list of Choose an app.

Also Read: How to Fix DHCP Lookup Failed Error in Chromebook
Method 3: Through Browser Settings
If you face any difficulties to change Chrome as default browser from System Settings, here is an alternative way of changing it from browser settings. Here are a few instructions to do it.
1. Type Chrome in the search menu and click on Open as shown.

2. Then, click on the three-dotted icon at the top right corner.
3. Select the Settings option from the drop-down list as highlighted below.

4. Now, click on the Default browser menu in the left pane as shown.

5. Then, in the right pane, click on the Make default button as shown.

6. In the Settings window, click on the dropdown option of the Web browser section.

7. Now, select Google Chrome from the Choose an app drop-down list.

Hence, this is how to change Chrome as default browser via browser settings.
Method 4: Through Command Prompt
You can also set Chrome as default browser by executing a command in the command prompt. Here are a few instructions.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.

2. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Then, type the following command and hit Enter key.
explorer.exe shell:::{17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966} -Microsoft.DefaultPrograms\pageDefaultProgram

4. In the Settings window, click on the dropdown option of the Web browser section.

5. Select Google Chrome in the drop-down list of Choose an app.

Why Can’t I Change Chrome as Default Browser?
If you cannot make Chrome your default browser after trying all these methods on how to set Chrome as default browser Windows 10, here are some methods that will help you fix the problem. Follow the same and check if you can make the change.
Option 1: Update Chrome
Outdated browsers might not support improvised versions of webpages and thus prevent you from changing the default web browsers. To fix the bugs and problems, update Google Chrome as instructed below.
1. Open Google Chrome from Windows search menu.

2. You can also type chrome://settings/help to launch the About Chrome page directly.

3A. If Google Chrome is updated to its latest version, then it will show Chrome is up to date.

3B. If a new update is available, the browser will automatically update the browser to the latest version. Click Relaunch to restart the browser.
4. Finally, relaunch the browser with its latest version.
Option 2: Delete Cache & Cookies
The temporary cache and cookies in your browser store your browsing data. If there is any suspicious data stored locally, or if the data is corrupt or incompatible, you may not set Chrome as your default browser. Hence, clear the browsing data, cache, and collected cookies to fix the problem.
1. Launch the Chrome browser.
Note: You can directly navigate the page to delete browsing history in Chrome by typing chrome://settings/clearBrowserData in the search bar.
2. Now, click on the three-dotted icon at the top right corner.

3. Here, click on the More tools option as depicted below.

4. Next, click on Clear browsing data…

5. Select All Time if you want to delete the entire data and click on Clear data.
Note: Ensure that the Cookies and other site data box and Cached images and files box are checked before clearing the data from the browser.

Also Read: How to Go Full-Screen in Google Chrome
Option 3: Reset Chrome
Resetting Chrome will restore the browser to its default settings, and there are more chances that you can change your default browser. Follow the below-mentioned steps to reset Google Chrome.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on the three-dotted icon as said in the above method.
Note: You can also type chrome://settings/reset to launch the Reset Chrome page.
2. Now, select the Settings option.

3. Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select the Reset and clean up option.

4. Now, select the Restore settings to their original defaults option as depicted below.

5. Now, confirm the prompt by selecting the Reset settings button as depicted.

6. Now, relaunch the Settings and make the change.
Option 4: Switch to New Chrome Profile
If there are any conflicts in your Chrome profile, you cannot set Chrome as default browser. Try creating a new profile and check if you can do so.
1. Launch the Chrome browser and click on your Profile icon.
2. Now, select the gear icon in the Other people menu, as shown in the below picture.

3. Now, click on the Add icon.

4. Click Continue without an account.
Note: Click Sign in to log in using your Gmail account.

5. Here, customize your profile by adding your desired name, profile picture, and theme color.
6. Now, click on Done, as shown in the below picture.
Note: If you do not want a desktop shortcut for this user, uncheck the Create a desktop shortcut for this user box.

Also Read: Fix Multiple Google Chrome Processes Running
Option 5: Create a New User Profile
Deleting your user profile will remove all the corrupt programs and files associated with your account. Here are a few steps to delete your User Profile and recreate it on your PC.
1. Type Command Prompt in the search bar and hit Enter. Then, click on Run as administrator, as shown below.

2. Then, type control userpasswords2 command and hit Enter key.

3. In the User Accounts window, click on Add… button in the Users tab.

4. Choose Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) option and click on Next.

5. Then, click on the Local account button.

6. Enter your login credentials, namely User name & Password. Retype the password in Confirm password field and leave a Password hint too. Then, click on Next.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions. Lastly, click on Finish to create a local account.
8. Now, select the Properties option.

9. Under the Group Membership tab, choose the Administrator option.
10. Click Apply and then OK to save changes.

11. Now, navigate to your old user profile. C: > Users > Old_Account.
Note: Here, C: is the drive where you have installed your Windows version, and Old_Account is your old user account.
12. Press Ctrl + C keys together to copy all the files in the folder except:
- Ntuser.dat.log
- Ntuser.ini
- Ntuser.dat
13. Now, navigate to your new user profile. C: > Users > New_Account.
Note: Here, C: is the drive where you have installed your new Windows version, and New_Account is your new user account.
14. Press Ctrl + V keys together to paste all the files into your new user account.
15. Next, launch Control Panel from the search menu, as shown.

16. Set View by option to Large icons and click on User Accounts.

17. Next, click on Manage Another Account, as shown.

18. Select the old user account and click on the Delete the account option, as highlighted below.

19. Now, sign in with your new account, and you can make Chrome as default browser.
Also Read: Fix Chrome not Connecting to the Internet
Pro Tip: How to Delete Existing User Profile
To delete the pre-existing user profile, follow the below instructions.
1. Again, click on your profile icon followed by the gear icon.
2. Hover over the user profile which wanted to be deleted and click on the three-dotted icon.

3. Now, select the Delete option as depicted below.

4. Now, you will receive a prompt displaying, This will permanently delete your browsing data from this device. Proceed on by clicking Delete.

We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned to change Chrome as default browser. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know what you want to learn next.