如今,大多数现代路由器(routers)都支持两个 Wi-Fi 频段。第一个使用 2.4GHz 信号频率。这个频率非常适合穿透墙壁并在距离路由器更远的地方获得强信号,但速度相对较慢。另一个 5GHz 信号频段要快得多,但信号强度下降得更快,物体更容易阻挡 5GHz 无线电波。

在 Windows 中设置波段首选项
在Windows中,您可以设置 Wi-Fi 适配器应使用的频段。
- 右键单击开始按钮(Start Button)并选择设备管理器(Device Manager)。

- 展开网络适配器(Network Adapters)部分。

- 右键单击您的Wi-Fi 适配器(Wi-Fi adapter)并选择Properties。

- 在Advanced 选项卡(Advanced tab)下,选择Property 标签(Property label)下的Preferred Band。

- 接下来,打开值(Value)下的下拉菜单,然后选择您喜欢的波段。

请注意,根据您使用的Windows(Windows)版本以及特定的网卡,语言似乎略有不同。例如,有时该属性称为“频段”,设置列出“仅 2.4 GHz ”或“仅 5 GHz ”,而不是使用术语“首选”。
在 macOS 中设置频段偏好
- 单击Apple 标志(Apple logo)。
- 选择系统偏好设置。(System Preferences.)

- 选择网络。(Network.)

- 选择高级。(Advanced.)

- 在首选网络下,将已知的 Wi-Fi 网络拖到所需的顺序中。

- 完成后选择确定(OK)。
在 iOS 中设置频段偏好
iOS 设备不提供与 macOS 设备相同类型的网络偏好设置,因此设置网络偏好的选项并不多。
从好的方面来说,iOS 和iPadOS中的两个主要选项足以完成工作。
- 打开设置( Settings)。
- 选择无线网络(Wi-Fi)。

- 在您不想(DON)加入的列出的网络旁边,选择蓝色的“i”图标( blue “i” icon)。

- 现在,要么选择忘记此网络(Forget This Network)以永久阻止您的设备连接到它,要么关闭自动加入(Auto-Join),这样就不会自动切换到该网络。
由于您的 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 网络有不同的名称,这足以确保您的设备只使用其中一个。
在 Android 中设置频段偏好
对于Android设备,事情并不像他们想象的那么简单。某些Android手机具有 Wi-Fi 优先菜单。你可以在下面找到这个:
设置(Settings )>网络和互联网( Network & internet )> Wi-Fi > “溢出菜单”( “Overflow Menu” ) >高级 Wi-Fi( Advanced Wi-Fi ) > Wi-Fi 优先级( Wi-Fi priority)。
使用我们手头的三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra),找不到该设置。我们怀疑许多具有定制的、特定品牌的 Android 版本的 Android 设备都会(Android)出现(Android)这种情况。

根据我们的研究,一个主要的建议是Smart Wi-Fi Selector,这是一个付费应用程序。但是,开发人员确实提供免费试用(free trial),因此您可以确保它适合您。
注意:(Note:) 请(Take)注意仅使用您在Play 商店中找到的经过(Play Store)Play Protect验证的应用程序,并查看我们的Android 防病毒(Android antivirus)列表以测试您安装的任何此类应用程序。还要注意用户评论,以确保应用程序按描述工作。
在路由器设置(Your Router Settings)中禁用频段(Band)
在某些情况下,您可能不希望任何设备连接到路由器提供的频段之一。最简单的方法是完全禁用一个频段或另一个频段。请(Just)记住,一些较旧的设备根本无法连接到 5GHz 网络,因此如果您确实禁用了 2.4GHz 网络,则可能会切断某些设备。
每个路由器或 Wi-Fi 接入点都有其特定品牌的界面和菜单排列。因此,您必须参阅路由器文档以获取确切信息。尽管如此,基本过程或多或少是普遍的。
- 在连接到路由器的设备上打开Web 浏览器。(web browser)
- 输入路由器的IP 地址(IP address)。在这里,它是,但它会在您的路由器手册或设备下方的贴纸上。

- 登录(Log)到路由器。如果您从未设置过自定义用户名或密码,路由器下方贴纸上列出的默认密码应该可以使用。
- 现在查找Wi-Fi 设置(Wi-Fi settings)部分。

- 在该菜单中,应该有一个地方可以禁用各个频段。在此路由器的情况下,设置位于“ Wi-Fi 名称和密码(Wi-Fi Name & Password)”下。

为网络提供不同(Networks Different)的密码

如果您想要限制在特定频段的设备不需要移动,那么以太网电缆可能比乱用Wi-Fi设置更好。如果在墙上铺设电缆和钻孔的想法令人生畏,您还可以选择使用电力线以太网(Ethernet)扩展器,这是一种即插即用的解决方案。查看Wi-Fi 扩展器与电力线适配器(Wi-Fi Extenders vs. Powerline Adapters)了解更多信息。
How to Connect to Only 2.4GHz or 5GHz Wi-Fi Band (Prevent Switching)
Most modern routers these days support two Wi-Fi frequency bands. The first uses a 2.4GHz signal frequency. This frequency is great for penetrating walls and getting strong signals at greater distances from the router, but it’s relatively slow. The other 5GHz signal band is much faster, but signal strength drops off more quickly, and objects block 5GHz radio waves more easily.
Usually, your devices will switch between whichever band works best at the time, but if you have a reason to lock a device to one band or the other, here are the various ways to do it.

Set a Band Preference in Windows
In Windows, you can set which band a Wi-Fi adapter should use.
- Right-click on the Start Button and select Device Manager.

- Expand the Network Adapters section.

- Right-click on your Wi-Fi adapter and select Properties.

- Under the Advanced tab, select Preferred Band under the Property label.

- Next, open the dropdown menu under Value and choose which band you prefer.

Do note that the language seems a little different depending on the version of Windows you’re using as well as the specific network card. For example, sometimes the property is called “band” and the setting lists “2.4 GHz Only” or “5GHz Only” instead of using the term “preferred.”
Set a Band Preference in macOS
If you’re using a Mac and want to make sure that the computer connects to the network of your choice, you’ll need to change the order of preferred networks. Your Mac will try to connect to the network higher up on the list of preferred networks first before falling back on the next available option.
This isn’t quite like forcing the network connection into one band, but as long as your preferred network is available, the Mac will use it over other available options.
- Click the Apple logo.
- Select System Preferences.

- Select Network.

- Select Advanced.

- Under preferred networks, drag your known Wi-Fi networks into your desired order.

- Select OK when done.
If you never want your Mac to join a particular network, you can either remove it from the list or untick the Auto-join option next to that network. Then, it will only connect if you specifically tell it to.
Set a Band Preference in iOS
iOS devices don’t offer the same type of network preference setting as macOS devices, so there aren’t that many options for setting your network preference.
On the bright side, the two main options you have in iOS and iPadOS are sufficient to get the job done.
- Open Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi.

- Next to the listed network you DON’T want to join, select the blue “i” icon.

- Now, either select Forget This Network to permanently stop your device from connecting to it or toggle Auto-Join off so switching to that network won’t happen automatically.
Since your 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks have different names, this should be enough to ensure your device only uses one of them.
Set a Band Preference in Android
When it comes to Android devices, things aren’t as straightforward as they could be. Some Android phones have a Wi-Fi priority menu. You can find this under:
Settings > Network & internet > Wi-Fi > “Overflow Menu” > Advanced Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi priority.
If you didn’t know, the “overflow” menu is usually a button with three horizontal bars. In some cases, it may also be in the menu accessed by tapping the three dots.
Using the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra we had at hand, that setting is nowhere to be found. We suspect that this will be the case for many Android devices with customized, brand-specific versions of Android.
As such, the most reliable solution is to use a Wi-Fi switching app. These apps take over control of which Wi-Fi network you’re connected to. Do note that this does involve giving the app high-level permissions.

Based on our research, a prime suggestion is Smart Wi-Fi Selector, which is a paid application. However, the developer does offer a free trial so you can make sure it works for you.
Note: Take care to only use apps you find on the Play Store that are verified by Play Protect, and have a look at our Android antivirus list to test any such app you install. Pay attention to user reviews as well to ensure the app works as described.
Disable a Band on Your Router Settings
In some cases, you may not want any device to connect to one of the frequency bands that your router offers. The most foolproof method would be to disable one band or the other entirely. Just keep in mind that some older devices cannot connect to a 5GHz network at all, so if you do disable your 2.4GHz network, that’s likely to cut certain devices out.
Every router or Wi-Fi access point has its brand-specific interface and menu arrangement. So you’ll have to refer to your router documentation for exact information. Nonetheless, the basic process is more or less universal.
- Open a web browser on a device that’s connected to the router.
- Enter the router’s IP address. Here, it’s, but it will be in your router’s manual or on a sticker underneath the device.

- Log in to the router. If you’ve never set a custom username or password, the listed default password on a sticker underneath the router should work.
- Now look for the Wi-Fi settings section.

- Within that menu, there should be a place to disable individual bands. In the case of this router, the settings were under “Wi-Fi Name & Password.”

Now that you’ve switched off the band you don’t want, there’s no way any device can connect to it.
Give the Networks Different Passwords
If you want a device locked to one band or the other, then there’s a simple trick to pull it off. All you have to do is open your router settings and then give each band its password.

Then, on the device itself, make sure to forget the network you don’t want it to use. Connect to your desired band, and then it shouldn’t be a problem anymore.
Consider Ethernet
If the device you want to limit to a specific band doesn’t need to be moved around, ethernet cabling may be better than messing around with Wi-Fi settings. If the idea of laying cable and drilling holes in walls is daunting, you also have the option of using powerline Ethernet extenders, which are a plug-and-play solution. Check out Wi-Fi Extenders vs. Powerline Adapters for more information.