除非你是专业摄影师,否则很多时候一张好照片会因为模糊而毁掉!无论是因为某些东西移动得非常快,还是因为相机晃动(camera shaking),一张模糊的照片都毫无用处。
然而,有很多时候,您根本无法重现模糊图片中捕捉到的瞬间(moment caught),并使其更清晰或锐化图像值得一试。幸运的是,有很多工具可以用来解决这个问题。
(Picture enhancement software)Adobe Photoshop等(Adobe Photoshop)图片增强软件程序具有出色的工具来帮助使模糊图片清晰,但不是免费的。在这篇文章中,我将讨论Photoshop中可以帮助您对照片进行模糊处理的几种方法。如果图片对你来说真的很重要,那么Photoshop会给你最好的结果。
此外,如果您的计算机上没有安装Adobe Photoshop ,我还将提及其他几个可以使用的程序。如果您对其他程序感兴趣,请跳至(Skip)过去的方法 1和 2。(method 1)我提到的其他程序也不是免费的,因为我发现所有免费的照片编辑程序基本上都有一个锐化选项(sharpen option),几乎总是表现得很糟糕。
Photoshop 方法 1(Photoshop Method 1) – 使用额外图层(Extra Layer)

首先,在Photoshop(Photoshop and press) 中打开图像,然后按CTRL + J复制背景层(background layer)。确保(Make)单击“图层(Layers)”面板中的“图层1 ”。(Layer 1)

接下来,转到Filter,然后是Other,然后选择High Pass。您设置的值越高,您的图像将变得越清晰。但是,如果将其设置得非常高,图像会变得粗糙。我将我的设置为 10 像素。

如果您的图像看起来像是被黑色木炭覆盖,请不要担心,我们还没有完成!仍然选择新图层,将混合模式(blending mode)设置为强光,并将(Hard Light)不透明度(Opacity)调整为您认为使图像看起来(image look)最好的任何值。默认设置为 100%,但在 50 % or something其他值时您可能会获得更好的结果,所以只需使用该值即可。

最好的结果是当图像完全失焦时,因为相机聚焦在错误的物体或(object or something)类似物体上。这是我使用此方法测试的前后图像:

Photoshop 方法 2 (Photoshop Method 2) - 防抖滤镜(– Shake Reduction Filter)
上述方法是在Photoshop中锐化照片的简单方法。先进的方法是使用新的防抖过滤器(Shake Reduction Filter)。要开始使用此过滤器,请继续单击过滤器(Filter),然后单击锐化(Sharpen),然后单击减少抖动(Shake Reduction)。


这称为模糊跟踪(blur trace),默认情况下只有一个。理想情况下,模糊轨迹(blur trace)应该是图像中具有最大边缘对比度的部分。因此,如果图像的一部分是亮的而另一部分是暗的,则模糊痕迹(blur trace)应该包括边缘。在上面的示例中,默认框(default box)在她的脸周围,这还可以,但并不理想。
您可以通过拖动角并更改大小来调整框。您也可以单击中间的圆圈来移动它。如果你的图像真的很大,你也可以创建多个blur trace以防图像不同部分的模糊效果(blurring effect)不同。要创建另一个模糊轨迹(blur trace),只需单击并拖动(click and drag)即可开始绘制另一个框。我创建了两个blur trace来看看结果是否会更好。


这是方法 2(method 2)的最终图像,我认为它看起来比方法 1 的结果要好一些。这显然远非理想,但模糊的图像很少能再次变成晶莹剔透的照片。
Blurity是一个Windows 或 Mac 程序(Windows or Mac program),专为去模糊照片而设计。在我的测试中,它做得非常好,我明白他们为什么要收费 79 美元!如果图像对您来说真的很重要,或者如果您有很多模糊的照片要修复,那么绝对值得花那么多钱。
无论如何,一旦你过去了,只需单击“打开图像”(Open Image)按钮,然后单击图像上的任何地方,其中有一个很好的主题模糊实例。

选择区域后,只需单击“处理(Process)”按钮,它将生成固定模糊图像的预览。这是我的测试图像(test image)上的结果,图像上仍有水印。

另一个只为模糊照片设计的好程序是SmartDeblur。这个会让你回到 49 美元,但同样,它做得很好。下载并安装程序后,您必须单击底部的“打开”按钮来选择您的图像。(Open)

然后,您可以调整一些设置,例如模糊大小(Blur Size)或蓝色类型(失焦(Out of Focus)模糊或高斯(Gaussian)模糊),但我建议您先使用默认值来查看程序的功能。如果您愿意,您也可以选择一个区域,或者您只需单击分析模糊( Analyze Blur),它将分析整个图像。
之后您可能需要增加平滑度选项,因为我发现默认设置会使图像变得非常粗糙。这是我使用 100×100模糊大小(blur size)并分析整个图像的相同测试图像的结果:(test image)

How to Make Blurry Pictures Clear
Unless you are a professional photographer, there arе many times when a greаt piсture іs ruined because it’s blurry! Whether it’s becаuse something was moving really fast or because of camera shaking, a blurry рicture is pretty useless.
However, there are many times when you simply cannot recreate the moment caught in that blurry picture and making it clearer or sharpening the image is worth a shot. Luckily, there are a ton of tools that can be used to fix this problem.
Picture enhancement software programs like Adobe Photoshop have excellent tools to help make blurry pictures sharp, but aren’t free. In this post, I am going to talk about a couple of methods in Photoshop that can help you unblur a photograph. If the picture is really important to you, then Photoshop will give you the best results.
In addition, I’ll also mention a couple of other programs you can use in case you don’t have Adobe Photoshop installed on your machine. Skip down to past method 1 and 2 if you are interested in the other programs. The other programs I mention are also not free because I found that all free photo editing programs basically have a single sharpen option, which almost always perform terribly.
The programs below are specifically designed with custom algorithms to create sharper images with the least amount of degradation.
Photoshop Method 1 – Using an Extra Layer
This method is fairly simple and works very well for sharpening images. For example, take a look at this photo with one side blurred and the other sharpened.

Take a look at the right side (sharpened) and the left side. Can you see the difference in the trees and in the person walking down? Here’s how to do it.
First, open the image in Photoshop and press CTRL + J to duplicate the background layer. Make sure to click on Layer 1 in the Layers panel.

Next, go to Filter, then Other, and choose High Pass. The higher the value you set it to, the sharper your image will become. However, if you set it really high, the image will become grainy. I set mine to 10 pixels.

Don’t worry if your image looks like dark charcoal has been thrown all over it, we haven’t finished yet! With the new layer still selected, set the blending mode to Hard Light and adjust the Opacity to whatever you think makes the image look best. It’s set to 100% by default, but you may get better results at 50% or something else, so just play around with that value.

That’s it! Your image should now be much sharper looking! Unfortunately, if your image is very blurry or the blurriness is caused by really fast motion, you probably won’t see any major difference.
The best results are when the image is simply out of focus because the camera focused on the wrong object or something similar. Here is the before and after image that I tested using this method:

Photoshop Method 2 – Shake Reduction Filter
The above method was the simple way to sharpen a photo in Photoshop. The advanced method is to use the new Shake Reduction Filter. To start using this filter, go ahead and click on Filter, then Sharpen and then Shake Reduction.

A window will pop up with the image on the left with a few options on the right. Photoshop will automatically try to figure out which part of the image to look at in order to correct the blur. You’ll see this section on the image as dotted lines.

This is called a blur trace and there is only one by default. The blur trace should ideally be part of the image that has the most edge contrast. So if one part of the image is bright and another part is dark, the blur trace should include the edge. In the above example, the default box is around her face, which is OK, but not ideal.
You can adjust the box by dragging the corners and changing the size. You can also click on the circle in the middle to move it around. If your image is really large, you can also create multiple blur traces in the case the blurring effect is different in different parts of the image. To create another blur trace, just click and drag to start drawing another box. I created two blur traces to see if the results would be better.

In my tests, I found that sometimes the default options resulted in better results than when I changed the blur traces. In other instances, I felt adjusting the blur traces made the images better, so you’ll have to really play around with all the options to get the best results.

Here is the final image from method 2, which I think looks a little better than the results from method 1. It’s obviously far from ideal, but blurry images can rarely be turned into crystal clear shots again.
Blurity is a Windows or Mac program that is designed only for de-blurring photos. In my tests, it did an excellent job and I can see why they charge $79! It’s definitely only worth spending that much if the image really means a lot to you or if you have a lot of blurry photos you want to fix.
I also ran the program through VirusTotal and it came out clean, so you don’t have to worry about any spyware, etc. The only annoying thing about this program is that after you install it, it forces you to go through this tutorial that you MUST complete before you can actually start using the program.
Anyway, once you get past that, just click the Open Image button and then click anywhere on the image where there is a good instance of blur on a subject.

Once you select the region, just click on the Process button and it will generate a preview of the fixed blurred image. Here is the result on my test image with the watermark still on the image.

Discounting the watermark, the program actually does a very good job of correcting the blur in the image and it better since it costs a quite a bit. For good results and a slightly cheaper price, check out the program below.
Another good program designed only for blurry photos is SmartDeblur. This one will set you back $49, but again, it does a very good job. Once you download and install the program, you have to click the Open button at the bottom to choose your image.

You can then adjust a couple of settings like Blur Size or the type of blue (Out of Focus blur or Gaussian blur), but I recommend just going with the defaults first to see what the program does. You can also select a region if you like or you can just click Analyze Blur and it will analyze the entire image.
You might have to increase the smoothness option afterwards because I found the default settings make the image pretty grainy. Here is my result for the same test image using 100×100 for blur size and analyzing the whole image:

So there you have a couple of methods to correct blurry images using software. As I mentioned, all the free tools I tried performed terribly and that’s why I didn’t even bother mentioning them. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment. Enjoy!