您正处于重要文档的中间,Windows会提示您更新。如果不是因为Windows让您可以控制更新过程,那通常会很不方便。从技术上讲,您无法永远停止Windows 10更新,但可以延迟它。
“ Windows即服务”模型使定期更新成为确保其安全的必要部分。但是大的功能更新也可能带有错误。此外,您可能只是出门在外,不想在移动时对有限的带宽征税。或者,您可能希望在继续更新之前备份您的重要文件。

Windows 10有一个改进的系统来解决这些问题。我们将讨论停止Windows 10更新的方法。但让我们先看看两种主要的更新类型。
功能更新(Feature Updates)
功能更新为 Windows 带来了新功能(new features to Windows)。微软(Microsoft)每年在春季和秋季两次大张旗鼓地推出它。但这也是错误可能使其出错的地方。
某种方式的功能更新是可选的。它们将在幕后下载,但不会自动安装。您必须触发它,您的 PC 将重新启动几次以完成安装。
功能更新获得 18 个月的支持,之后您应该更新到最新版本。
您最多可以将Windows 10 家庭(Home)版中的功能更新延迟35 天(35 days)。在Windows 10 Pro中,您最多可以将它们延迟365 天(365 days)。

质量更新(Quality Updates)
您最多可以停止Windows 10质量更新35 天(days)。之后,您必须安装最新更新才能再次使用该选项。这对于Windows 10 家庭(Home)版和专业版(Pro)用户来说都是一样的。
暂停自动更新 7 天(Pause Automatic Updates For 7 Days)
停止更新 7 天始终是一个很好的预防措施。您可以了解最新更新中的任何问题,或者只是想(want to create a backup)在更新接管系统之前创建备份。Windows 10 家庭用户(Home Users)也可以使用此选项。
Start > Settings > Update & Security > Pause updates for 7 days

您可以从高级(Advanced) 选项(Options)将其配置为更长的时间。
暂停更新长达 35 天(Pause Updates For Up To 35 Days)
Windows 允许您暂停更新最多 35 天。
进入高级选项(Advanced Options)。您可以选择将更新最多推迟 35 天。一旦这些时间段结束,您需要先下载更新,然后才能再次推迟它们。

注意:(Note:)在Windows 10 专业版(Pro)、教育(Education)版或企业版(Enterprise)中,您可以使用高级(Advanced) 选项(Options)将功能更新最多推迟 365 天(一年)。
使用计量连接(Use a Metered Connection)
计量连接有带宽限制(bandwidth limits),超过限制时会产生额外费用。Windows 10 不会通过计量连接下载大型功能更新。即使您不在计量连接上,您也可以使用它来欺骗Windows并停止更新。(Windows)不用担心,您将继续收到较小的安全相关更新。
此 hack 在ethernet-connections(ethernet-connections)上的早期版本的 Windows 中不起作用。但是自从创建者更新(Update)以来,您可以将Wi-Fi和以太网(Ethernet)连接都设置为按流量计费。
- 前往Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi。或以太网( Ethernet)。
- 选择(Select)您当前连接的网络。切换Metered connection > Set as metered connection下的开关。

- 打开设置(Settings)。
- 单击更新和安全(Update & Security)下的Windows 更新(Windows Update)。
- 单击右侧的高级选项。(Advanced options)
- 关闭通过计量连接下载更新(Download updates over metered connections) (可能需要支付额外费用)((extra charge may apply))设置。

禁用服务更新(Disable Updates From Services)
您可以从Windows(Windows)服务列表中禁用自动更新服务。但它只会暂时停止Windows 10累积更新。该服务将在一定时间后或下次重新启动时恢复。
- 同时按下Windows key + R打开运行(Run)框。
- 键入services.msc并按Enter。
- 向下滚动列表到Windows 更新(Windows Update)并双击它。或者右键单击然后打开Properties。
- 在启动类型中,选择已禁用(Disabled)。然后单击应用(Apply)和确定(OK)以保存设置。

设置活动时间(Set Active Hours)
活动时间(Hours)不会停止更新。但是您可以选择将其延迟到您不在 PC 上工作的时间。您的机器不会自动重新启动以在活动时间内应用更新。
- 转到Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Change active hours。
- 选择彼此相距 18 小时以内的开始时间和结束时间。

在 Windows 10 专业版中停止自动更新(Stop Automatic Updates In Windows 10 Professional)
Windows 10专业版(Professional)、企业版(Enterprise)和教育(Education)版附带组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)。组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)允许网络管理员控制任何企业的Windows机器中的高级选项。但是您也可以使用它来管理本地计算机中的设置。
其中之一是选择阻止Windows 10更新自动下载和安装。组策略编辑器将提醒您有关新的更新。
1. 按Windows logo key + R打开运行框 > 键入gpedit.msc。单击确定(OK)。
2. 转到Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update。
3. 双击配置自动更新(Configure Automatic Updates)。
4.在左侧的Configured Automatic Updates中选择(Configured Automatic Updates)Disabled ,然后单击Apply和OK以禁用Windows自动更新功能。

请记住(Remember),上述步骤可以让您对更新进行一些控制,并且不要完全停止它们。您最多只能延迟 365 天。
您无法永远停止 Windows 10 更新(You Cannot Stop Windows 10 Updates Forever)
功能更新带来了您可能想要使用的增强功能和新工具。他们还可以在引入新错误的同时修复旧错误。Windows 更新也可能由于各种原因而卡住(Windows update can also get stuck)。在微软(Microsoft)解决所有问题之前将它们推迟一段时间是有意义的。即使有可以为您下载文件的第三方 Windows 更新软件(third party Windows update software),您最好还是信任Microsoft。
How To Stop a Windows 10 Update
You are right in the middle оf an important document and Windows promptѕ yoυ to update. That would normally be inconvenient were it nоt for the fact that Windows giνes you sоme control over the update рrocess. You can’t technically stop a Windows 10 updatе forever, but you can delay it.
The “Windows as a Service” model makes regular updates a necessary part of keeping it secure. But big feature updates can also carry bugs. Also, you may be just out of the door and don’t want to tax your limited bandwidth while on the move. Or, you may want to back up your important files before you press ahead with the update.

Windows 10 has an improved system in place that covers these odds. We will talk about ways to stop a Windows 10 update. But let’s look at the two main update types first.
Feature Updates
Feature updates bring new features to Windows. Microsoft launches it with a lot of fanfare twice a year during spring and fall. But this is also where bugs can make it go wrong.
Feature updates in a way are optional. They will download behind the scenes but not install automatically. You have to trigger it and your PC will reboot a few times to complete the installation.
A feature update gets support for 18 months and after that you should update to the latest version.
You can delay feature updates in Windows 10 Home for up to 35 days. In Windows 10 Pro, you can delay them for up to 365 days.

Quality Updates
Quality updates are maintenance patches which Windows downloads and installs silently behind the scenes. It is a “cumulative update” that includes the fixes that came before. Typically, it happens once a month.
You can stop Windows 10 quality updates for up to 35 days. After that, you must install the latest update to use the option again. This is the same for both Windows 10 Home and Pro users.
Now, let’s look at the different ways to stop Windows updates temporarily.
Pause Automatic Updates For 7 Days
Stopping an update for seven days can always be a good precaution. You can get to know about any kinks in the latest update or just might want to create a backup before the update takes over the system. This option is available to Windows 10 Home Users too.
Start > Settings > Update & Security > Pause updates for 7 days

You can configure it for a longer period from the Advanced Options.
Pause Updates For Up To 35 Days
Windows allows you to pause updates for a maximum of 35 days.
Go into the Advanced Options. You can choose to defer updates by up to 35 days. Once these periods are up, you’ll need to download updates before you can defer them again.

Note: In Windows 10 Pro, Education, or Enterprise, you can use Advanced Options to defer feature updates for up to 365 days (one year).
Use a Metered Connection
Metered connections have bandwidth limits and extra charges apply when you go over your limit. Windows 10 does not download the big feature updates over a metered connection. You can use this to fool Windows and halt the update even if you are not on a metered connection. Don’t worry, you will continue to receive the smaller security-related updates.
This hack did not work in earlier editions of Windows on ethernet-connections. But since the Creator’s Update, you can set both a Wi-Fi and an Ethernet connection as metered.
Mark your internet connection as metered in two steps.
- Head to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi. Or Ethernet.
- Select the network you’re currently connected to. Toggle the switch under Metered connection > Set as metered connection.

Now, enable the update setting with these steps:
- Open Settings.
- Click on Windows Update under Update & Security.
- Click on Advanced options on the right.
- Toggle off the Download updates over metered connections (extra charge may apply) setting.

Disable Updates From Services
You can disable the automatic update service from the list of Windows services. But it will only stop Windows 10 cumulative updates for a while. The service will resume after a certain amount of time or at the next reboot.
- Press the Windows key + R at the same time to open the Run box.
- Type services.msc and press Enter.
- Scroll down the list to Windows Update and double-click it. Or right-click and then open Properties.
- In Startup type, select Disabled. Then click Apply and OK to save the settings.

Set Active Hours
Active Hours won’t stop the update. But you can choose to delay it to a time when you are not working on the PC. Your machine won’t restart automatically to apply the updates within the active hours.
- Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Change active hours.
- Choose a start and end time that is within 18 hours of each other.

Stop Automatic Updates In Windows 10 Professional
Windows 10 Professional, Enterprise, and Education come with the Group Policy Editor. The Group Policy Editor allows network admins to control advanced options in Windows machines in any enterprise. But you can use it to manage settings in a local computer too.
One of those is the choice to stop Windows 10 updates from automatically downloading and installing. The group policy editor will alert you about new updates instead.
1. Press the Windows logo key + R to open the Run box > Type gpedit.msc. Click OK.
2. Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
3. Double-click on Configure Automatic Updates.
4. Select Disabled in Configured Automatic Updates on the left and click Apply and OK to disable the Windows automatic update feature.

Remember, the above steps give you some control over the updates and do not stop them altogether. You can only delay them for up to 365 days.
You Cannot Stop Windows 10 Updates Forever
Feature updates bring enhancements and new tools you may want to play with. They can also fix the old bugs while letting in new ones. The Windows update can also get stuck for varied reasons. It makes sense to delay them for a while till Microsoft resolves all issues. Even though there are third party Windows update software that can download the files for you, you are better off trusting Microsoft.
The good news is that the Windows update process has become better with time. So, take it slow, but do check for updates and install them when it’s time.