Discord自 2015 年推出以来已经积累了庞大的用户群,该公司预计到(user base)2020 年 6 月(June 2020)将拥有 3 亿个注册账户。这个应用程序的流行可能是因为它使用简单,同时通过文本和语音(text and voice)进行交谈,建立个人频道等等。虽然应用程序冻结确实时有发生,但持续存在的困难也表明存在潜在的问题。换句话说,冻结等不良行为有时可以追溯到损坏的Discord 客户端(Discord client)、应用内设置问题或配置不当的键绑定。在这篇文章中,我们将研究解决Discord(Discord)无响应 问题的所有解决方案。
如何修复不和谐不断冻结(How to Fix Discord Keeps Freezing)
Discord是一种VoIP 工具(VoIP tool),允许用户与他们的游戏同伴交谈。它是专门为游戏玩家创建的,用于组织游戏会话并在玩游戏时进行交流,但目前几乎每个人都在使用它。这是美国VoIP、短信和复杂拨款的网络建设阶段。客户通过电话、视频通话、短信、媒体和文档(via phone calls, video calls, text messaging, media, and documents)参与个人聊天或作为称为服务器的网络的一部分。服务器由无数的访客室和语音通信(voice communication)通道组成。
为了正常运行,Discord 软件(Discord software) 可以处理数百万个必须正确排序的文件(works on millions of files that must be sequenced correctly)。然而,故障有时可能会发生。最近,有几位用户报告说Discord 软件(Discord software)被卡住了。当Discord冻结时,它是最常见的错误之一,可能会毁掉你的游戏。
是什么导致 Discord 应用程序无响应?(What causes the Discord app to become unresponsive?)
- 用户声称他们的语音通信(voice communication)突然结束,软件停止响应每个输入,让他们别无选择,只能重新启动(reboot)。
- 在某些情况下,即使尝试使用任务管理器关闭它(shut it down using Task Manager)也会失败,需要用户重新启动机器。
- 许多用户表示,Discord无响应问题与 Discord 应用程序有关(tied to the Discord app),因为它仅在使用该应用程序时发生。
- 如果启用了硬件加速(Hardware acceleration)功能,则可能会导致此问题。
- 这可能是由Discord应用程序兼容性问题引起的。Discord中的默认键绑定(default key bindings)已在最近的版本中进行了修改,这可能会导致程序停止。
基本故障排除(Basic Troubleshooting)
Discord可能因多种原因冻结,包括硬件或软件问题(hardware or software issues)。
- 建议在针对此特定问题执行以下故障排除过程之前重新启动计算机。(restart your computer)
- 虽然您可能会在PC 级别遇到此问题,但(PC level)Discord 冻结(Discord freezing)的传统解决方案是使用任务管理器终止进程。(terminate the process)
1. 启动任务管理器(Task Manager),同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc 键(keys)。
2.在列表中找到Discord 进程(process)并点击它,
3. 然后,点击结束任务(End task),如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何更新 Discord
方法一:清除浏览器缓存(Method 1: Clear Browser Cache)
Discord可作为应用程序和通过网站使用。如果您在Web 浏览器(web browser)中遇到Discord 程序(Discord program)冻结问题,则对网站进行修改可能会有所帮助,反之亦然(vice versa)。清除浏览器缓存(browser cache),如下所示:
注意:(Note:)下面给出的步骤可能会因您的网络浏览器而异。我们已经解释了Google Chrome的步骤。
1. 打开铬(Chrome)。
2. 点击三点图标(three dots icon)并选择更多工具(More tools),如图所示。
3. 在这里,点击清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data…)
4. 现在,调整时间范围(Time range)并检查以下选项(options)。
- 浏览记录(Browsing history)
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
5. 最后,点击清除数据(Clear data)。
方法二:删除 Discord 缓存文件夹(Method 2: Delete Discord Cache Folder)
客户偏好和其他此类数据使用存储的文档保存在Discord中。(Discord)在一次调用中,应用程序保留段(application reserve segment)会被多次使用。如果您的Discord 保留(Discord reserve)记录被破坏或降级,它们可能会导致您的Discord 服务器(Discord server)冻结。可以通过删除Discord 缓存文件来修复(Discord cache)Discord冻结问题,如下所示:
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys),调出运行(Run )对话框窗口。
2. 在运行(Run)对话框中,输入%appdata% 并按Enter。
3.在AppData Roaming 文件夹中找到(AppData Roaming folder)Discord文件夹。
4. 右键单击 Discord文件夹并选择删除(Delete )它,如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何删除 Discord
方法三:在兼容模式下运行(Method 3: Run in Compatibility Mode)
Discord 应用程序(Discord app)冻结的另一个原因是与您的Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)的兼容性问题。在应用程序属性中,可以选择以兼容模式(compatibility mode)运行软件以修复Discord无响应问题。
第 I 步:选择以兼容模式运行此程序(Step I: Choose Run this program in compatibility mode)
1.在文件资源管理器中转到Discord的文件位置(Discord)。(File Explorer.)
2. 然后,右键单击Discord 应用程序(Discord app)并选择Properties,如下图所示。
3. 切换到兼容性(Compatibility)选项卡。
4. 勾选以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for)选项。
5. 然后,选择之前兼容 Discord的Windows 版本。(Windows version)
6. 单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK )以保存这些更改。
您可以尝试各种Windows版本并检查Discord无响应问题是否仍然存在。如果这不能解决问题,请尝试运行兼容性疑难解答(compatibility troubleshooter)。
第二步:选择兼容性疑难解答(Step II: Choose Compatibility Troubleshooter)
1. 在Discord 属性兼容性(Discord Properties Compatibility)选项卡中,单击突出显示的运行兼容性疑难解答(Run compatibility troubleshooter )按钮。
2. 单击尝试推荐设置(Try recommended settings )或疑难解答程序(Troubleshoot program)以运行疑难解答程序。
3.单击测试程序...(Test the program… )按钮并检查您的不和谐无响应问题是否已解决。
4.然后点击下一步(Next )继续
5A。如果此设置解决了您的问题,请选择是,保存此程序的这些设置(Yes, save these settings for this program )
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复不和谐通知(Fix Discord Notifications)不起作用
方法四:关闭硬件加速(Method 4: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration)
硬件加速(Hardware acceleration)是计算机软件(computer software)将一些计算任务卸载到系统内的专用硬件组件的过程。与在单个通用CPU上运行的应用程序相比,这可以提高效率。虽然这可以提高计算机的性能,但有时也可能会导致问题。如果您在玩游戏时使用此选项,则可能会导致Discord冻结,因为显卡过度使用。由于硬件加速(hardware acceleration)通常是导致此问题的原因,因此停用它通常也可以解决此问题。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows Key )并输入Discord,单击Open。
2. 单击左窗格中的设置图标(Settings icon)。
3. 转到高级(Advanced)选项卡并关闭(Off)硬件加速(Hardware acceleration,)的切换开关,如下图所示。
4.在更改硬件加速(Change Hardware Acceleration)窗口中单击确定。(Okay )
5. Discord应用程序将自行重启。重复步骤 1-3(steps 1-3)以检查硬件加速(Hardware acceleration )是否已关闭。
方法 5:删除键绑定(Method 5: Delete Keybinds)
键绑定是Discord(Discord)继续冻结的主要原因之一。键绑定在游戏玩家中很受欢迎,因为它们使游戏更加方便。如果您在以前版本的Discord 客户端(Discord client)中使用了键绑定,这很可能是问题的根源。幸运的是,通过删除先前的键绑定可以轻松解决此问题,如下所述:
1. 启动Discord应用程序并单击设置图标(Settings icon),如图所示。
2. 转到左窗格中的键绑定选项卡。(Keybinds )
3. 选择一个。将出现一个列表,每个键绑定旁边都有一个红十字图标。(cross icon)单击红色十字符号(red cross symbol)以删除键绑定(key bind),如下图所示。
4. 对每个重复相同的操作并重新启动您的 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Discord Go Live 未出现
方法 6:重新安装 Discord(Method 6: Reinstall Discord)
如果之前的替代方案都不起作用,最后一个选择是重新安装Discord 应用程序(Discord application)。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开 Windows 设置(Settings)。
3. 在应用程序和功能(Apps & features )选项卡中,找到并单击Discord。然后,单击卸载(Uninstall )按钮。
4. 按照屏幕上显示的说明完成卸载。(directions)
5. 现在转到Discord 网站(Discord website),然后单击Download for Windows按钮。
6. 打开下载的DiscordSetup.exe文件并安装程序。
7. 每次启动应用程序时它都会自动更新。
另请阅读(Also Read): PC 游戏的最佳外置硬盘(Hard Drive)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么 Discord 经常让我的电脑崩溃?(Q1. Why is Discord crashing my PC so frequently?)
答。(Ans. )由于一些不同的原因,Discord不断在您的 PC 上崩溃。(Discord)这可能是Discord 更新(Discord update)中的问题,导致崩溃。对其奇怪行为的另一种解释是您的游戏/应用程序/缓存文件可能已损坏。
Q2。是否可以删除 Discord 缓存?(Q2. Is it possible to remove the Discord cache?)
答。(Ans. )在Android上,无需查找缓存文件夹(cache folder)。安装在您的Android 设备(Android device)上的任何应用程序都包含一个方便的按钮,可让您清除其缓存。
Q3。什么是 Discord 硬件加速?(Q3. What is Discord hardware acceleration?)
答。(Ans. )硬件加速(Hardware acceleration)是在硬件中执行计算机活动以减少延迟和提高吞吐量(latency and boost throughput)。Discord 硬件(Discord hardware)加速利用GPU(图形(Graphics) 处理单元(Processing Unit))来帮助应用程序运行得更快。
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我们希望我们解决了Discord 一直冻结(Discord keeps freezing )或Discord 没有响应(Discord not responding)的问题。请让我们知道哪种技术对您最有益,并在下面的评论部分分享您的问题或建议。
How to Fix Discord Keeps Freezing
Discord has amassed a sizeablе user base since its launch in 2015, with the company expecting to haνe 300 million registered accounts by June 2020. The popularity of this app may be explained by its simplicity of use while conversing by text and voice, bυilding personal channels, and so on. While аpplication freezes do occur from time to time, persistent difficulties suggest underlying conсerns as well. To put it another way, unwanted behavior like freezes can sometimes be tracеd back to corrupt Discord client, in-app sеttings issue, or poorly configured keybinds. In this post, we wіll look at all of the solutіons to resolve the issue of Discord not responding.
How to Fix Discord Keeps Freezing
Discord is a VoIP tool that allows users to talk with their gaming peers. It was created specifically for gamers to organize gaming sessions and communicate while playing, but it is currently used by almost everyone. This is a network-building stage for American VoIP, texting, and sophisticated appropriation. Clients engage in individual chats or as part of networks known as servers via phone calls, video calls, text messaging, media, and documents. Servers are made up of an endless number of visitor rooms and voice communication channels.
To function properly, Discord software works on millions of files that must be sequenced correctly. Yet, faults may occur at times. Recently, several users have reported that the Discord software has been stuck. When Discord freezes, it is one of the most common blunders that may ruin your game.
What causes the Discord app to become unresponsive?
We received the following feedback from our readers:
- Users claimed that their voice communication ends abruptly and the software stops responding to every input, leaving them with no choice but to reboot.
- Even attempting to shut it down using Task Manager fails in some situations, requiring users to restart the machine.
- Many users said that Discord not responding issue is tied to the Discord app because it only occurs when using the app.
- If your Hardware acceleration functionality is enabled, it might cause this issue.
- It might be caused by Discord app compatibility issues. The default key bindings in Discord have been modified in recent releases, which might be causing the program to stop.
Basic Troubleshooting
Discord may freeze for a multitude of causes, including hardware or software issues.
- It is advised to restart your computer before performing the following troubleshooting procedures for this specific problem.
- Although you may experience this issue on a PC level, the traditional solution for Discord freezing is to terminate the process using Task Manager.
1. Launch Task Manager, press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time.
2. Locate the Discord process in the list and click on it,
3. Then, click End task, as shown highlighted.
Also Read: How to Update Discord
Method 1: Clear Browser Cache
Discord is available as an app and via website. If you are having trouble with Discord program freezing in your web browser, making modifications to the website may help, and vice versa. Clear your browser cache as follows:
Note: The steps given below may differ according to your web browser. We have explained the steps for Google Chrome.
1. Open Chrome.
2. Click on the three dots icon and select More tools, as shown.
3. Here, click on Clear browsing data…
4. Now, adjust the Time range and check the following options.
- Browsing history
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
5. Finally, click Clear data.
Method 2: Delete Discord Cache Folder
Client preferences and other such data are saved in Discord using stored documents. In a single call, an application reserve segment is used several times. If your Discord reserve records are destroyed or degraded, they might cause your Discord server to freeze. The Discord freezing issue can be fixed by deleting the Discord cache files, as follows:
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to bring up the Run dialog window.
2. In the Run dialog box, type %appdata% and hit Enter.
3. Locate the Discord folder in the AppData Roaming folder.
4. Right-click on the Discord folder and choose to Delete it as shown.
Also Read: How to Delete Discord
Method 3: Run in Compatibility Mode
Another reason for the Discord app to freeze is compatibility difficulties with your Windows operating system. In the app properties, there is the option to run the software in compatibility mode in order to fix Discord not responding issue.
Step I: Choose Run this program in compatibility mode
1. Go to the file location of Discord in File Explorer.
2. Then, right-click on the Discord app and choose Properties, as depicted below.
3. Switch to the Compatibility tab.
4. Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for option.
5. Then, choose the previous Windows version which is compatible with Discord.
6. Click Apply and then OK to save these changes.
You can try various Windows versions and check if Discord not responding issue persists or not. If this does not fix the issue, then try running the compatibility troubleshooter.
Step II: Choose Compatibility Troubleshooter
1. In Discord Properties Compatibility tab, click the Run compatibility troubleshooter button shown highlighted.
2. Click Try recommended settings or Troubleshoot program to run the troubleshooter.
3. Click Test the program… button and check your discord not responding issue is resolved or not.
4. Then click Next to continue
5A. If this setting fixes your issue, choose Yes, save these settings for this program
5B. Alternatively if the issue persists then, report your problem to Microsoft.
Also Read: Fix Discord Notifications Not Working
Method 4: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration
Hardware acceleration is the process of a computer software offloading some computing tasks to specialized hardware components inside the system. This allows for more efficiency than would be feasible with apps operating on a single general-purpose CPU. While this improves performance of your computer, it might occasionally cause problems too. This option may cause Discord to freeze if you use it while playing games as graphics card is overworked. Because hardware acceleration is frequently the cause of this problem, deactivating it generally resolves it as well.
1. Press Windows Key and type Discord, click on Open.
2. Click on the Settings icon in the left pane.
3. Go to the Advanced tab and switch Off the toggle for Hardware acceleration, as depicted below.
4. Click Okay in the Change Hardware Acceleration window.
5. The Discord application will restart itself. Repeat steps 1-3 to check if Hardware acceleration is turned off.
Method 5: Delete Keybinds
The key bindings are one of the main reasons why Discord continues freezing. Key bindings are popular among gamers since they make gaming much more convenient. If you utilized key bindings in a previous version of the Discord client, this is most likely the source of the problem. Fortunately, this problem may be readily resolved by erasing prior key bindings, as explained below:
1. Launch the Discord app and click on Settings icon as shown.
2. Go to the Keybinds tab in the left pane.
3. Choose one. A list will emerge, with a red cross icon next to each keybind. Click the red cross symbol to remove the key bind, as illustrated below.
4. Repeat the same for each and restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix Discord Go Live Not Appearing
Method 6: Reinstall Discord
If none of the previous alternatives worked, the last option is to reinstall the Discord application.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Windows Settings.
2. Click on Apps from the given tiles
3. In the Apps & features tab, locate and click Discord. Then, click on Uninstall button.
4. Follow the directions displayed on the screen to complete the uninstallation.
5. Now go to the Discord website and click on Download for Windows button.
6. Open the downloaded DiscordSetup.exe file and install the program.
7. It will automatically update itself every time you launch the app as well.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is Discord crashing my PC so frequently?
Ans. Discord keeps crashing on your PC for a few different causes. It might be a problem in a Discord update, resulting in crashes. Another explanation for its strange behavior is that your game/app/cache files may be corrupt.
Q2. Is it possible to remove the Discord cache?
Ans. On Android, there is no need to look for the cache folder. Any app installed on your Android device includes a convenient button that allows you to erase its cache.
Q3. What is Discord hardware acceleration?
Ans. Hardware acceleration is the implementation of computer activities in hardware to reduce latency and boost throughput. Discord hardware acceleration exploits the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to help the app run faster.
We hope we fixed the issue of Discord keeps freezing or Discord not responding. Please let us know which technique was the most beneficial for you and share your questions or recommendations in the comments section below.