硬盘(Hard drive)问题在较旧的笔记本电脑中很常见,有时在较新的笔记本电脑中也很常见。虽然硬盘坏了的迹象很容易解释(包括数据损坏、启动/启动时间过长、读写速度慢等),但需要确认它确实是硬盘那是在跑到硬件商店(hardware store)购买新的替换驱动器(replacement drive)之前导致上述问题。
确认硬盘损坏(drive corruption)的一种简单方法是运行大多数制造商提供的预启动系统分析 (PSA)(Pre-boot System Analysis (PSA))诊断测试。戴尔(Dell)计算机上可用的ePSA 或增强的预启动系统分析(ePSA or the Enhanced Pre-boot System Analysis)测试检查所有连接到系统的硬件,包括内存、硬盘驱动器、风扇和其他输入设备等的子测试。在戴尔系统(Dell system)上运行 ePSA 测试,重新启动计算机/笔记本电脑并按住F12 键(F12 key),直到进入一次性启动菜单(boot menu)。最后,突出显示诊断(Diagnostics)并按enter(press enter)。
执行 ePSA 测试的用户经常会遇到一两个错误,指示disk failure/crash。最常见的是“错误代码 0142(Error Code 0142) ”或“ MSG:错误代码 2000-0142(MSG: Error Code 2000-0142) ”。
如果您是遇到2000-0142 诊断错误的不幸(2000-0142 diagnostic error)戴尔(Dell)用户之一,那么您来对地方了。在本文中,我们将解释上述错误的可能原因,并为您提供几种修复戴尔诊断错误 2000-0142 错误的方法。( fix Dell Diagnostic error 2000-0142 error.)
什么导致戴尔诊断错误 2000-0142?(What causes the Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142?)
ePSA 诊断错误代码(error code)2000-0142 表示硬盘驱动器(disk drive)( HDD ) 自检不成功。通俗地说,2000-0142错误代码(error code)意味着测试未能从您的计算机硬盘驱动器中读取信息(disk drive)。由于从HDD读取时出现问题,您的计算机可能无法启动,或者至少在启动时会遇到一些问题。2000-0142 诊断错误的三个最常见原因是:
SATA 连接松动或不正确:(Loose or incorrect SATA connections:) SATA 电缆(SATA cables)用于将硬盘驱动器连接到主板。不正确的连接或故障/损坏的电缆将导致从硬盘读取数据时出错,从而导致 2000-0142 错误。
损坏的 MBR:(Corrupt MBR:) 硬盘驱动器将数据存储在盘片表面(platter surface)上,该盘片表面分为饼形扇区和同心磁道。主引导记录 (MBR)(Master Boot Record (MBR))是包含在HDD的第一个扇区中的信息,它保存着操作系统(operating system)的位置。损坏的MBR意味着 PC 无法找到操作系统,因此您的计算机将遇到困难或根本无法启动(t boot)。
机械损坏:(Mechanical Damage:) 读写头损坏、主轴故障、盘片破裂或硬盘驱动器的任何其他损坏都可能导致 2000-0142 错误,因为无法读取数据。
如何修复诊断错误 2000-0142?(How to fix Diagnostic Error 2000-0142?)
10 次中有 9 次出现诊断错误 2000-0142( diagnostic error 2000-0142)表明您的硬盘驱动器即将用尽。因此,对于用户来说,备份他们的数据以避免在可怕的日子到来时丢失任何数据非常重要。以下(Below)是一些可用于从终端硬盘驱动器中挽救数据的方法(修复MBR并重新安装Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)),最后,如果硬盘驱动器已经停止工作(更换HDD),您应该采取哪些步骤。
在继续使用更高级的方法之前,我们将首先确保问题不是由(problem isn)IDE 或 SATA 电缆(IDE or SATA cables)引起的。打开您的计算机并拔下将硬盘驱动器连接到主板的电缆。将风轻轻吹入电缆的连接端,以清除可能堵塞连接的任何污垢。重新插入电缆和硬盘驱动器,执行 ePSA 测试,并检查 2000-0142 错误是否仍然存在。
您还应该尝试使用SATA电缆连接另一个硬盘驱动器或将可疑硬盘驱动器连接到另一个系统,以查明错误原因。如果您有另一组可用的SATA电缆,请尝试使用它们连接硬盘驱动器并确定根本原因(root cause)是什么。
方法 2:在命令提示符(command prompt)下执行“磁盘检查”以修复MBR
如前所述,有关操作系统(operating system)位置的信息存储在主引导记录(Master Boot Record)中,它有助于计算机知道从何处加载操作系统。如果问题是由于MBR损坏引起的,此方法将帮助您恢复任何数据。
如果可行,我们建议您立即将数据备份到全新的硬盘驱动器,因为您遇到的错误表明即将发生磁盘故障(disk failure)。您将需要一个可启动的Windows 磁盘(Windows disk)才能继续此方法 - 如何创建Windows 10 可启动 USB 闪存驱动器(Bootable USB Flash Drive)
1. 启动电脑前,将Windows 安装(Windows installation)光盘插入光驱(disc drive)。
2. 看到提示后,按所需的键。或者,在启动时,按F8并从启动菜单(boot menu)中选择DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)。
3. 一一选择要安装的语言、时间和货币格式、键盘(select the language to install, time and currency format, and Keyboard)或输入法,然后点击“下一步”(‘Next’)。
4. 会弹出一个“安装Windows”窗口,点击“修复您的计算机”(‘Repair your computer’)。
5. 在“系统恢复选项”(‘System Recovery Options’)中,选择您要修复的操作系统。(operating system)突出显示后,单击“下一步”(‘Next’)。
6. 在以下对话框中(dialogue box),选择“命令提示符”(‘Command Prompt’)作为恢复工具。
7.命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)打开后,键入‘chkdsk /f /r’并按回车键(press enter)。这将修复硬盘盘片(drive platter)上的任何坏扇区并修复损坏的数据。
该过程结束后,取出Windows 安装(Windows installation)光盘并打开您的计算机。检查戴尔诊断错误 2000-0142 是否仍然存在。(Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142 is still persisting or not.)
方法 3:修复启动并重建 BCD(Method 3: Fix boot and rebuild BCD)
1.打开命令提示符(Command prompt)并一一键入以下命令并按Enter:
bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
2. 成功完成每个命令后,键入exit。
3. 重新启动您的 PC 以查看您是否启动到 Windows。
4. 如果您在上述方法(above method)中遇到错误,请尝试以下操作:
bootsect /ntfs60 C: (replace the drive letter with your boot drive letter)
5. 再次尝试之前失败的上述命令。(commands which failed earlier.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复戴尔触摸板(Fix Dell Touchpad)不工作的7种(Ways)方法
方法四:使用小工具分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)备份数据和修复MBR(Backup Data and Repair MBR)
与之前的方法类似,我们将创建一个可启动的 USB 或磁盘驱动器来帮助我们从损坏的硬盘驱动器中检索数据。虽然,我们将为MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)创建可启动媒体驱动器,而不是创建可启动的Windows 驱动(Windows drive)器。该应用程序是硬盘驱动器的分区管理软件(partition management software),广泛用于各种与硬盘驱动器相关的活动。
1. 您首先需要找到一台与包含损坏的硬盘驱动器的问题计算机在同一操作系统上运行的计算机。将空的USB 驱动器(USB drive)连接到工作计算机。
2. 现在,前往Best Free Partition Manager for Windows | MiniTool Partition Wizard Free,在工作电脑上下载并安装所需软件。
3. 安装后,启动应用程序并单击右上角(application and click)的(right corner)可启动媒体(Bootable Media) 功能(feature present)以制作可启动媒体驱动器。可启动媒体驱动器准备好后拔下USB 驱动(USB drive)器,然后将其插入另一台计算机。
4. 出现提示时,点击所需的键进入 BIOS 菜单( required key to enter the BIOS menu)并选择插入的USB 驱动器(USB drive)进行启动。
5. 在MiniTool PE Loader 屏幕(MiniTool PE Loader screen)中,单击列表顶部的分区向导。( Partition Wizard)这将启动MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)的主用户界面。
6. 单击工具栏中的数据恢复(Data Recovery)。
7. 在以下数据恢复窗口(Data Recovery window)中,选择要从中恢复数据的分区,然后单击扫描(Scan)。
8. 选择您要恢复的文件,然后单击“保存(Save )”按钮。
此外,将所需文件保存在单独的外部硬盘驱动器或 USB 驱动器(drive or USB drive)中。
虽然我们打开了MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard),但我们也可以尝试通过它修复MBR。该过程比第一种方法更简单,只需点击几下。
1. 首先在Disk Map中选择(Disk Map)系统磁盘(system disk),然后单击Check disk下左侧面板中的Rebuild MBR选项(option present)。
2. 单击窗口顶部的应用选项开始重建。(Apply )
应用程序完成MBR(MBR)重建后,执行表面测试(surface test)以检查硬盘驱动器盘片(drive platter)上的任何坏扇区。
选择您刚刚为其重建MBR的硬盘驱动器,然后单击左侧面板中的Surface 测试(Surface test)。在以下屏幕上,单击立即开始(Start Now)。结果窗口可能会同时显示绿色和红色方块。红色方块表示有一些坏扇区。要修复它们,请打开MiniTool 分区向导的(MiniTool Partition Wizard)命令控制台(Command Console),键入 chkdsk/f/r并按 Enter。
方法 5:重新安装 Windows
如果以上两种方法都失败了,你应该考虑重新安装windows。一开始可能听起来很极端,但过程一点也不难。当您的Windows运行不正常或运行缓慢时,它也可以提供帮助。重新安装Windows还将更正任何损坏的 Windows 文件以及损坏或丢失的主引导记录数据(Master Boot Record data)。
在开始重新安装过程(reinstallation process)之前,请确保备份所有重要文件,因为重新安装操作系统会格式化所有现有数据。
您将需要具有强大互联网连接(internet connection)的 PC 和至少 8GB 可用空间的USB 闪存驱动器。(USB flash)按照步骤进行Windows 10的全新安装,并将可启动USB 驱动器(USB drive)插入要重新安装 Windows 的计算机。从连接的USB启动并按照屏幕上的提示重新安装Windows。
方法 6:更换硬盘(Hard Drive Disk)
如果执行磁盘检查或重新安装 Windows(disk checkup nor reinstalling windows)都对您不起作用,则您的磁盘可能会出现永久性故障并需要更换。
如果您的系统在保修期内,戴尔的支持将在您联系并告知他们此错误后免费更换驱动器。(drive free)要检查您的系统是否在保修期内,请访问保修和合同(Warranty & Contracts)。如果没有,你可以自己做。
硬盘更换过程(disk replacement process)很简单,但因型号而异,简单的互联网搜索(internet search)将让您知道如何更换您的硬盘。您需要购买硬盘驱动器,我们建议您购买固态驱动器(State Drive)( SSD ) 而不是硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive)( HDD )。HDD具有移动磁头和旋转盘片,这使得它们更容易发生故障,通常在使用 3 到 5 年后。此外,SSD(SSDs)拥有更高的性能,可以改善您的计算机体验。
在开始更换过程(replacement process)之前,请确保您的所有数据都已正确备份。请记住(Remember)从系统上断开所有电话线、USB线或网络。另外,拔下电源线(power cord)。
推荐:(Recommended:)如何在Windows上更改(Windows)主要和次要显示器(Primary & Secondary Monitor)
我们希望您能够在系统上修复戴尔诊断错误 2000-0142( fix Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142)而不会丢失任何重要数据!
How to Fix Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142
Hard drive prоblems are pretty common in older laptops and sometimes in newer ones too. While the signs of a hard drive gone bad arе quite easy to interpret (these inclυde data corruption, extremely long boot/start-up time, slow read-write speeds, etc.), оne needs to confirm that it is indeed the hard drive that is causіng the said problems before running to the hardware store and buying a new replаcement driνe.
An easy way to confirm hard drive corruption is running a Pre-boot System Analysis (PSA) diagnostics test that is provided by most manufacturers. The ePSA or the Enhanced Pre-boot System Analysis test available on Dell computers checks all connected hardware to the system and includes sub-tests for memory, hard drive, fan and other input devices, etc. To run an ePSA test on your Dell system, restart your computer/laptop and keep pressing the F12 key until you enter the One-time boot menu. Finally, highlight Diagnostics and press enter.
Users performing an ePSA test often run into an error or two indicating disk failure/crash. The most common one is ‘Error Code 0142’ or ‘MSG: Error Code 2000-0142’.
If you are one of the unlucky Dell users that ran to the 2000-0142 diagnostic error, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will be explaining the likely reasons for the said error and give you a couple of methods to fix Dell Diagnostic error 2000-0142 error.
What causes the Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142?
The ePSA diagnostic error code 2000-0142 implies that the hard disk drive (HDD) self-test was unsuccessful. In layman’s terms, the 2000-0142 error code means that the test failed to read information off your computer’s hard disk drive. Since there is trouble reading from the HDD, your computer may not start or will at least have some trouble booting up. The three most common reasons for the 2000-0142 diagnostic error are:
Loose or incorrect SATA connections: SATA cables are used to connect your hard drive to your motherboard. An incorrect connection or a faulty/damaged cable will cause errors in reading data off your hard drive and therefore lead to the 2000-0142 error.
Corrupt MBR: Hard drives store data on a platter surface which is divided into pie-shaped sectors and concentric tracks. The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information contained in the very first sector of an HDD and it holds the location of the operating system. A corrupt MBR implies the PC can’t locate the OS and as a result, your computer will have difficulty or won’t boot up at all.
Mechanical Damage: Damage in the form of a broken read-write head, spindle malfunction, cracked platter or any other damage to your hard drive can lead to the 2000-0142 error as data cannot be read.
How to fix Diagnostic Error 2000-0142?
9 out of 10 times, the arrival of the diagnostic error 2000-0142 suggests that your hard drive is nearing its end. So it is important for users to backup their data to avoid losing any of it whenever the dreaded day arrives. Below are a few methods that you can use to salvage your data from a terminal hard drive (repairing MBR and reinstalling Windows OS) and finally, what steps you should take in case the hard drive has already stopped working (replacing the HDD).
Method 1: Check SATA cables
Before moving forward to the more advanced methods, we will first ensure that the problem isn’t caused due to IDE or SATA cables. Open up your computer and unplug the cables connecting the hard drive to the motherboard. Slightly blow wind into the connecting ends of the cable to get rid of any dirt that might be clogging the connection. Plug the cables and the hard drive back in, perform an ePSA test, and check if 2000-0142 the error still persists.
You should also try using the SATA cables to connect another hard drive or connect the suspected hard drive into another system to pinpoint the cause of the error. If you have another set of SATA cables available, try using them to connect the hard drive and make sure what’s the root cause.
Method 2: Perform a ‘Disk Check’ in the command prompt to repair MBR
As mentioned earlier, the information about the location of your operating system is stored in the Master Boot Record and it helps the computer know where to load the OS from. If the issue is caused due to a corrupted MBR, this method will help you recover any data.
If this works, we recommend that you backup your data to a brand new hard drive immediately, since the error you experienced indicates an approaching disk failure. You will need a bootable Windows disk to continue with this method – How to Create Windows 10 Bootable USB Flash Drive
1. Before you start the computer, insert the Windows installation disc in the disc drive.
2. Once you see the prompt, press the required key. Alternatively, on startup, press F8 and choose DVD drive from the boot menu.
3. One by one, select the language to install, time and currency format, and Keyboard or input method, then click on ‘Next’.
4. An ‘Install Windows’ window will pop up, click on ‘Repair your computer’.
5. In the ‘System Recovery Options’, select the operating system that you want to repair. Once it is highlighted, click on ‘Next’.
6. In the following dialogue box, choose the ‘Command Prompt’ as the recovery tool.
7. Once the Command Prompt window opens up, type ‘chkdsk /f /r’ and press enter. This will fix any bad sectors on the hard drive platter and repair the corrupt data.
Once the process ends, remove the Windows installation disc and switch on your computer. Check if the Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142 is still persisting or not.
Method 3: Fix boot and rebuild BCD
1. Open Command prompt and type the following commands one by one & hit enter:
bootrec.exe /rebuildbcd
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
2. After completing each command successfully type exit.
3. Restart your PC to see if you boot to windows.
4. If you get an error in the above method then try this:
bootsect /ntfs60 C: (replace the drive letter with your boot drive letter)
5. And again try the above commands which failed earlier.
Also Read: 7 Ways to Fix Dell Touchpad Not Working
Method 4: Use MiniTool Partition Wizard to Backup Data and Repair MBR
Similar to the previous method, we will be creating a bootable USB or disc drive to help us retrieve data from the corrupt hard drive. Although, instead of creating a bootable Windows drive, we will be creating a bootable media drive for MiniTool Partition Wizard. The application is a partition management software for hard drives and is widely used for various hard drive related activities.
1. You will first need to find a computer running on the same OS as the problematic computer containing the corrupt hard drive. Connect an empty USB drive to the working computer.
2. Now, head over to Best Free Partition Manager for Windows | MiniTool Partition Wizard Free, download and install the required software on the working computer.
3. Once installed, launch the application and click on the Bootable Media feature present at the top right corner to make a bootable media drive. Unplug the USB drive once the bootable media drive is ready and plug it into the other computer.
4. When prompted, tap the required key to enter the BIOS menu and select the plugged in USB drive to boot from.
5. In the MiniTool PE Loader screen, click on Partition Wizard at the top of the list. This will launch the main user interface of MiniTool Partition Wizard.
6. Click on Data Recovery in the toolbar.
7. In the following Data Recovery window, select the partition from which data is to be recovered and click on Scan.
8. Select the files you would like to recover and click on the Save button.
Also, save the required files in a separate external hard drive or USB drive.
While we have the MiniTool Partition Wizard open, we can also try to repair the MBR through it. The process is simpler than the first method and only takes a few clicks.
1. Start by selecting the system disk in the Disk Map and then click on the Rebuild MBR option present in the left panel under Check disk.
2. Click on the Apply option at the top of the windows to start rebuilding.
Once the application finishes rebuilding the MBR, perform a surface test to check for any bad sectors on the hard drive platter.
Select the hard drive that you just rebuild the MBR for and click on the Surface test in the left panel. On the following screen, click on Start Now. It’s likely that the results window will display both green and red squares. Red squares imply that there are a few bad sectors. To repair them, open Command Console of MiniTool Partition Wizard, type chkdsk/f/r and press enter.
Method 5: Reinstall Windows
If both the above methods failed, you should consider reinstalling windows. It may sound extreme at first but the process is not difficult at all. It can also help when your Windows is misbehaving or running slow. Reinstalling Windows will also correct any corrupt windows files and a corrupt or missing Master Boot Record data.
Before you start the reinstallation process, make sure you have all your important files backed up as reinstalling the OS formats all your existing data.
You will require a PC with a strong internet connection and a USB flash drive with at least 8GB of free space. Follow the steps to do a clean installation of Windows 10 and plug the bootable USB drive in the computer on which you wish to reinstall windows. Boot from the connected USB and follow the on-screen prompts to reinstall Windows.
Method 6: Replace your Hard Drive Disk
If neither performing a disk checkup nor reinstalling windows worked for you, your disk may be experiencing permanent failure and needs replacement.
If your system is under warranty, Dell’s support will replace the drive free of cost once you contact and inform them about this error. To check if your system is under warranty, visit Warranty & Contracts. If not, you can do it yourself.
The hard disk replacement process is easy but it differs from model to model, a simple internet search will let you know how to replace yours. You will need to buy a hard drive, we recommend that you buy a Solid State Drive (SSD) instead of a Hard Disk Drive (HDD). HDDs have moving heads and spinning platters, which makes them more prone to failure, usually after 3 to 5 years of use. Moreover, SSDs boast higher performance and may improve your computer’s experience.
Before you start the replacement process, make sure all your data is properly backed up. Remember to disconnect any telephone cables, USB cables, or networks from your system. Also, unplug the power cord.
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We hope you were able to fix Dell Diagnostic Error 2000-0142 on your system without losing any important data!