很少有关于未知进程的报告,ApntEX.exe在任务管理器(Task Manager)中运行,而其他Elara 软件正在阻止 Windows 关闭(Elara software is preventing Windows from Shutting Down)。如果您也遇到此问题,那么您可能会认为它可能是病毒,因为该进程不知从何而来。尽管最初的Elara 应用程序 Windows 10(Elara app Windows 10)没有恶意,但其后台进程(background process)可能已损坏或被恶意软件替换。感染的第一个指标是它会减慢您的 PC 并最终破坏机器。因此,确定恶意软件是否感染了Elara应用程序进程至关重要。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍Elara 软件如何(Elara software)有效,为什么它会阻止Windows 关机(Windows shutdown),以及如何修复它。
如何修复 Elara 软件在 Windows 10 上阻止关机
(How to Fix Elara Software Preventing Shutdown on Windows 10
所有 PC 制造商都在其系统中使用来自数百个不同小型制造商的数百个小组件。由于许多制造商在其产品中使用这些组件,因此可以在各种不同的品牌中找到它们,包括 HP、Samsung和Dell。Elara 软件(Elara software)用于控制其中一个组件,该组件与笔记本电脑上的触摸板相连。
- 因为它的主要目的是方便触摸板操作(facilitate touchpad operation),所以它只在笔记本电脑上可用(only available on laptops)。
- 它是预装在(pre-installed on)戴尔、东芝和索尼 PC 上的应用程序。
- 该程序与PC 触摸板驱动程序一起(PC touchpad driver)安装在(installed in) Program Files 文件夹(Program Files folder)中。它可以作为PC 触摸板驱动程序(PC touchpad driver)的一部分,而不是单独的驱动程序或软件(driver or software)。
ApntEX.exe是可以在任务管理器(Task Manager)中找到的进程。
在您的 PC 上安装Elara 软件(Elara software)后尝试关闭或注销时,您可能会遇到以下错误:
- Elara 应用程序 Windows 10(Elara app Windows 10)阻止Windows关闭。
- 该软件会阻止Windows恢复。
- (Windows)Elara 程序阻止(Elara program)Windows注销。
其他 PC 问题,例如无法执行合法程序、PC 普遍运行缓慢(PCslowness)、安装不熟悉的应用程序、互联网连接(Internet connection)缓慢等,通常会出现这些错误。
为什么 Elara App 会阻止 Windows 关机?(Why does Elara App Prevent Windows from Shutting Down?)
Elara App Windows 10在后台持续运行,可能会阻止Windows关闭。当Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)关闭时,它会终止所有后台进程。但是,如果操作系统(operating system)确定某个进程是敏感的,它会取消关闭并通知(shutdown and notifies)您存在敏感的后台任务(background task)。如果Apntex.exe 进程(Apntex.exe process)没有被感染,不建议删除Elara 软件。(Elara software)移除Elara可能会导致触控板出现故障。相反,您可以使用我们在本指南中讨论的Windows 注册表修复。(Windows registry)
方法一:通过任务管理器结束 Apntex.exe(Method 1: End Apntex.exe via Task Manager)
Elara 应用程序(Elara app) Windows经常启动一个名为Apntex.exe的(Apntex.exe)后台进程(background process)。此过程与避免关机(Shutdown avoidance)无关。不过,可以想象,该应用程序(App)已被恶意软件取代。这可能发生在您 PC 上执行的任何软件上。使用防病毒或反恶意软件程序开始扫描是个好主意。
但是,如果您只想暂时解决此问题,请使用任务管理器(Task Manager)终止此进程。
1.同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开任务管理器(Task Manager)
2. 转到详细信息(Details)选项卡,向下滚动并从列表中找到Apntex.exe进程
3. 右键单击 Apntex.exe 进程(process)并选择End task,如下图所示。
该进程将短暂关闭,检查(Check)Elara软件(Elara software)防止关机问题是否已纠正。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Windows 10 中结束任务
方法 2:创建 AutoEndTasks 注册表项(Method 2: Create AutoEndTasks Registry Key)
有时在关闭时,您的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)会提示您关闭所有应用程序以继续进行。它将显示强制关闭(orce Shut down)按钮以请求您这样做。如果我们启用 AutoEndTasks,您的所有应用程序将自动关闭,而不会出现提示窗口(Window)征求您的许可。这也将关闭和终止Elara 软件(Elara software)。以下是创建AutoEndTask 注册表(AutoEndTask registry)项以解决此问题的方法:
1. 同时按 Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入 regedit并单击OK,如图所示,启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
3.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
注意: (Note: )首先备份您的注册表,以便在出现问题时轻松恢复它。
4. 单击文件(File )并选择导出(Export )以创建备份,如下所示。
5. 现在,导航到注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)中的HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop。
6. 在这里,右键单击右窗格中的空白区域,然后选择(empty space)New > DWORD(32 位)值(DWORD (32 bit) Value ),如下图所示。
7. 将Value data:设置为1并键入Value name: as AutoEndTasks。
8. 要保存更改,请单击确定(OK)并重新启动您的 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复注册表编辑器(Registry editor)已停止工作
方法 3:更新设备驱动程序(Method 3: Update Device Drivers)
如果上述方法对您不起作用,请尝试更新您的设备驱动程序并检查您的Elara 软件(Elara software)防止关机问题是否已修复。按照给定的步骤更新网络适配器(Network adapter)驱动程序:
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入设备管理器(device manager),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 双击设备部分(device section)(例如网络适配器(Network adapter))将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的设备驱动程序(device driver)(例如WAN Miniport (IKEv2) )并从菜单中选择更新驱动程序。(Update driver)
4. 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)以自动更新驱动程序。
5A。如果找到新的驱动程序,系统会自动安装并提示您重新启动 PC。
5B。如果显示已安装设备(best drivers for your device are already installed )的(The) 最佳驱动程序的通知,请单击在 Windows 更新上搜索更新的驱动程序(Search for updated drivers on Windows Update)选项。
6. 在Windows 更新(Windows Update)窗口中,单击右窗格中的查看可选更新(View optional updates)。
7. 选中您需要安装的驱动程序(Drivers)旁边的框,然后单击突出显示的下载并安装(Download and install )按钮。
8. 对图形(Graphics)驱动程序也重复相同的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Wi-Fi 适配器在(Fix Wi-Fi Adapter)Windows 10中不起作用
方法 4:更新 Windows 操作系统
(Method 4: Update Windows OS
确保(Make)您的 PC 安装了最新的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)升级。提醒一下,Microsoft会定期发布Windows更新以提高(Windows)系统可靠性(system reliability)并解决其他错误。
1. 同时按Windows key + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 选择更新和安全(Update & security)设置。
3. 在Windows 更新(Windows Update )菜单中,单击右窗格中的检查更新(Check for updates)。
4A。如果没有任何更新,它将显示消息:您是最新的( You’re up to date)。
4B。如果有可用更新,请单击立即安装(Install now)按钮以安装更新并重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。是否可以从我的设备中删除 Elara?(Q1. Is it possible to remove Elara from my device?)
答。(Ans. )不应卸载Elara 应用程序。(Elara application)因为,如前所述,它不是恶意软件。它是负责笔记本电脑鼠标触摸板功能的(in charge of the functioning of laptop mouse touchpad)设备驱动程序(device driver)。也可以想象,从您的笔记本电脑上卸载它会导致一些操作上的麻烦。但是,它在关闭 PC 时仅发生 2-3 次。我们建议您尝试上面列出的解决方案。
Q2。Elara 应用程序是病毒吗?(Q2. Is Elara application a virus?)
答。(Ans. )另一方面,最初的Elara 应用程序(Elara application)不是病毒(is not a virus)。当您从第三方来源下载可执行文件时,仍有可能将恶意软件引入或替换应用程序。
Q3。为什么应用程序阻止 Windows 10 关闭?(Q3. Why is an app blocking Windows 10 from shutting down?)
答。(Ans. )当未保存数据的程序在(programs with unsaved data)Windows上仍处于活动状态时,会显示此应用程序阻碍关机框。然后,您可以选择保存并关闭程序或关闭程序(program or closing)而不保存任何内容。因此,在关闭Windows之前,您必须结束所有打开了未保存数据的应用程序。
Q4。如何卸载 Elara Windows 10 应用程序?(Q4. How can I uninstall Elara Windows 10 app?)
答:(Ans: )首先在“开始”菜单中查找“控制面板”。(Control Panel)单击“程序”部分中的“卸载(Uninstall a Program)程序”。在已安装程序列表中查找Elara软件或任何其他可疑条目。一个一个地卸载,直到出现(Uninstall)OK 按钮(OK button)。
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我们希望此信息对有关Windows 10中(in Windows 10)Elara 软件(Elara software) 的问题有所帮助。让我们知道哪些技术对您有用。在评论部分中删除您的查询/建议。
How to Fix Elara Software Preventing Shutdown
Τhere are few reports of an unknown process, ApntEX.exe running in Task Manager, while others of Elara software is preventing Windows from Shutting Down. If you too are encountering this problem, then you may assume that it is possibly a virus as the process has popped out of nowhere. Although the original Elara app Windows 10 is not malicious, its background process might be corrupted or replaced by malware. The first indicator of an infection is that it slows down your PC and finally destroys the machine. As a result, it is critical to figure out if malware has infected Elara app process. In this post, we will go over how Elara software works, why it prevents Windows shutdown, and how to fix it.
How to Fix Elara Software Preventing Shutdown on Windows 10
Hundreds of little components from hundreds of different small manufacturers are used by all PC manufacturers in their systems. Because many manufacturers employ these components in their products, they are found in a variety of different brands, including HP, Samsung, and Dell. Elara software is used to control one of these components, which is linked to the touchpad on a laptop.
- Because its primary purpose is to facilitate touchpad operation, it is only available on laptops.
- It is an application that comes pre-installed on Dell, Toshiba, and Sony PCs.
- This program is installed in Program Files folder with the PC touchpad driver. It may be incorporated as part of your PC touchpad driver rather than being a separate driver or software.
ApntEX.exe is the process that may be found in the Task Manager.
When attempting to shut down or log out after installing Elara software on your PC, your may face the following errors:
- Elara app Windows 10 stops Windows from shutting down.
- The software stops Windows from resuming.
- Windows is prevented from logging off by Elara program.
Other PC issues, such as inability to execute legitimate programs, general PCslowness, installation of unfamiliar apps, sluggish Internet connection, and so on, are commonly followed by these errors.
Why does Elara App Prevent Windows from Shutting Down?
Elara App Windows 10, which is constantly running in the background, may prevent Windows from shutting down. When Windows OS shuts down, it terminates all background processes. However, if the operating system determines that a process is sensitive, it cancels the shutdown and notifies you that a sensitive background task exists. If the Apntex.exe process is not infected, it is not recommended that Elara software be removed. It is possible that removing Elara will cause the touchpad to malfunction. Instead, you may use the Windows registry repair we have discussed in this guide.
Method 1: End Apntex.exe via Task Manager
Elara app Windows often starts a background process called Apntex.exe. This procedure has nothing to do with Shutdown avoidance. It is conceivable, though, that the App has been replaced with malware. This might happen to any software executing on your PC. It is a good idea to start scanning with an antivirus or anti-malware program.
However, if you only want to solve this problem temporarily, use Task Manager to terminate this process.
Note: This may cause your touchpad to malfunction, so make sure you have a mouse available as a backup.
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager
2. Go to the Details tab, scroll down and locate the Apntex.exe process from the list
3. Right-click on the Apntex.exe process and choose End task, as depicted below.
The process will be closed for a brief period, Check whether Elara software preventing shutdown issue is rectified or not.
Also Read: How to End Task in Windows 10
Method 2: Create AutoEndTasks Registry Key
Sometimes when shutting down, your Windows OS will prompt you to close all the applications to proceed further. It will display the Force Shut down button to ask for your permission to do so. If we enable AutoEndTasks, all your applications will be closed automatically without the prompting Window asking for your permission. This will close and terminate Elara software as well. Here’s how to create AutoEndTask registry key in order to fix this issue:
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open Run dialog box.
2. Type regedit and click OK, as shown, to launch Registry Editor.
3. Click on Yes, in the User Account Control prompt.
Note: Back up your registry first so that you can easily restore it if something goes wrong.
4. Click File and choose Export to create a backup, as depicted below.
5. Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop in the Registry Editor.
6. Here, right-click on the empty space in the right pane and select New > DWORD (32 bit) Value as illustrated below.
7. Set the Value data: to 1 and type the Value name: as AutoEndTasks.
8. To save changes, click OK and Restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix The Registry editor has stopped working
Method 3: Update Device Drivers
If the above method did not work for you, try updating your device drivers and check your Elara software preventing shutdown issue is fixed or not. Follow the given steps to update Network adapter drivers:
1. Hit the Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on the device section (e.g. Network adapter) to expand it.
3. Right-click on your device driver (e.g. WAN Miniport (IKEv2)) and choose Update driver from the menu.
4. Select Search automatically for drivers to update the driver automatically.
5A. If a new driver is found, the system will automatically install it and prompt you to restart your PC.
5B. If a notification stating The best drivers for your device are already installed is displayed, click on Search for updated drivers on Windows Update option.
6. In the Windows Update window, click View optional updates in the right pane.
7. Check the boxes next to Drivers that you need to install and then, click on the Download and install button shown highlighted.
8. Repeat the same for Graphics drivers as well.
Also Read: Fix Wi-Fi Adapter Not Working in Windows 10
Method 4: Update Windows OS
Make sure your PC has the most recent Windows OS upgrades installed. As a reminder, Microsoft releases Windows updates regularly to improve the system reliability and resolve other bugs.
1. Press Windows key + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Choose the Update & security settings.
3. In the Windows Update menu, click on Check for updates in the right pane.
4A. If there is not any update it will show the message: You’re up to date.
4B. If there is update available, click on Install now button to install the update and restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is it possible to remove Elara from my device?
Ans. Elara application should not be uninstalled. Because, as previously said, it is not malicious software. It is a device driver that is in charge of the functioning of laptop mouse touchpad. It is also conceivable that uninstalling it from your laptop can cause some troubles with the operation. However, it only occurs 2-3 times while closing down the PC. We recommend that you attempt the solutions listed above.
Q2. Is Elara application a virus?
Ans. The original Elara application, on the other hand, is not a virus. There is still a chance that malware will be introduced into or replace the application, which may happen when you download the executable file from a third-party source.
Q3. Why is an app blocking Windows 10 from shutting down?
Ans. When programs with unsaved data are still active on Windows, this app obstructing shutdown box is displayed. Then, you get the option of saving and closing the program or closing it without saving anything. As a result, before shutting down Windows, you must end all apps that have unsaved data open in them.
Q4. How can I uninstall Elara Windows 10 app?
Ans: Start by looking for Control Panel in the Start menu. Click Uninstall a Program in the Programs section. Look for Elara software or any other suspicious entries in the list of installed programs. Uninstall each one by one until the OK button appears.
We hope that this information was helpful with the issue regarding Elara software in Windows 10. Let us know which of these techniques worked for you. Drop your queries/suggestions in the comments section.