事实上,加载速度非常慢的网站可能会导致排名不佳。没错。您可能没有耐心处理加载缓慢的网页,这就是您来这里的原因!当您尝试访问浏览器中的任何网页时,有时可能会被禁止访问。当您被拒绝访问此类网页(由于权限)或您尝试访问任何无效网页时,可能会发生这种情况。如果您想了解如何修复Google Chrome上的 403 错误,那么您来对地方了!我们提供了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您了解如何修复Google Chrome上的 403 禁止错误。
如何修复 Google Chrome 403 错误(How to Fix Google Chrome 403 Error)
403 Forbidden 错误(Forbidden error)是一个HTTP 状态(HTTP status)代码,表示您被禁止访问该站点。当网站所有者(site owner)为网页设置了适当的权限时,如果您没有权限,您可能会面临同样的情况。另一方面,如果网站所有者(site owner)没有正确设置权限,您将面临同样的错误。您可能会遇到其他一些格式的错误,例如
- 403 禁止(403 Forbidden)
HTTP 403禁止(Forbidden)
- HTTP 错误 403 – 禁止(HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden)
- HTTP 错误 403.14 – 禁止( HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden)
- 错误 403(Error 403)
- 禁止访问:您无权访问此服务器上的 [目录](Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access [directory] on this server)
- 错误 403 - 禁止(Error 403 – Forbidden)
在大多数情况下,您无能为力来解决问题。然而,如果这是一个暂时的故障,这里有一些事情可以帮助您了解如何修复 403 错误。
什么导致 403 禁止错误?(What Causes 403 Forbidden Error?)
如果您从客户端有任何错误配置的访问权限,那么您更有可能自己解决问题。由文件夹/文件属性产生的文件或文件夹的(file or folder)正确读取(Proper read)、写入、执行权限可能是问题背后的原因。除了这些因素之外,几乎没有其他 403 Forbidden error的来源。它们在下面列出。
- 需要足够权限的私人内容。
- 用户限制的内容。
- 访问受地理限制的网页。
- 存在恶意软件/病毒。
- IP 地址无效或被阻止。
- 网址拼写错误。
- 浏览器中的缓存损坏(Corrupt cache)、不兼容的扩展或加载项。
现在,进入下一部分,了解如何修复Google Chrome上的 403 禁止错误。
基本故障排除步骤(Basic Troubleshooting Steps)
重新加载网页:(Reload Webpages: )对任何常见的浏览器相关错误的主要修复是重新加载网页以解决任何内部故障。您可以通过按重新加载按钮(reload button)或在相应网页中按Ctrl + RChrome中重新加载网页。(Chrome)
确保 URL 正确:(Make sure URL is Correct: )确保URL完美无误。检查扩展名.html或.com是否可靠。请注意,常规URL将以.com、.html、.org、 .in 、.php等结尾,而目录URL将具有“/”后缀。
尝试不同的设备:(Try Different Device: )检查问题是否出在您的设备或网站上。连接(Connect)到不同的设备并尝试访问其中的相同网页。如果您在其他设备上遇到相同的错误 403(error 403),则该网站可能存在问题。另一方面,如果您在其他设备上没有遇到问题,那么问题出在您的 PC 上。
重启路由器:(Restart Router: )如果您使用的是 Wi-Fi 连接而不是以太网(Ethernet),则路由器中的任何配置问题都可能导致问题的可能性很小。
注意:(Note:)要重新启动网络连接(network connectivity),请按照以下说明重新启动路由器。
1. 找到路由器背面的ON/OFF 按钮。按一下按钮关闭路由器。
2. 断开电源线(power cable ),等待电容器完全耗尽电力。现在,您的路由器完全没电了。
3.等待(Wait)一分钟再恢复供电,并等待(power and wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立。
检查您是否已注销:(Check if you are Logged Out: )如果您尝试从浏览历史记录中访问该网页,您现在可能已从该网页/应用程序中注销。因此,请检查您是否已登录,然后确保您不会再次遇到错误。
稍后再试:(Try again later: )耐心很重要。重新启动您的PC 并(PC and try)在一段时间后尝试访问该网站。检查您是否再次遇到问题。
如果您通过实施上述说明的基本故障排除方法没有获得任何修复,那么是时候尝试高级故障排除选项以了解如何修复 403 错误。以下是按时间顺序排列的一些简单有效的方法,可帮助您了解如何修复 403 错误。以相同的顺序跟随它们以获得完美的结果。
方法 1:同步日期和时间(Method 1: Sync Date and Time)
每当您尝试访问Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中的任何网页时,服务器都会确保您PC(PC correlate)的日期和时间是否与位于该特定地理位置的服务器的日期(date and time)和时间相关。(date and time)许多用户似乎没有注意到此功能,但它主要是为了避免数据窃取或数据滥用(steal or data misuse)。当您在Windows 10 PC中的日期和时间设置不正确(incorrect date and time settings)时,您也可能会收到 403 Google 错误。(Google error)按照以下步骤确保计算机上的(Make)日期和时间正确无误。(date and time)
1.在Windows搜索栏中输入(search bar)日期和时间设置(Date & time settings)
2. 检查并从下拉列表中选择时区,并确保它是否是您当前的地理区域。(Time zone )
3. 然后,确保时间和日期与通用时间和(Universal time and date.)日期匹配。(time and date match)
方法 2:使用隐私浏览(Method 2: Use Private Browsing)
如果您由于安全和隐私原因(security and privacy reasons)而面临Forbidden 403错误,那么您可以尝试隐身模式(Incognito mode)。在这里,您的搜索历史或最近的页面将不会被监控或记录,因此它隐藏了所有损坏的 cookie 和负责 403 Google 错误(Google error)的缓存。按照下面提到的步骤以私密模式打开网页。
1. 打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
2. 点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
3. 选择新的隐身窗口(New Incognito window )选项或按住Ctrl + Shift + N keys 在 chrome 中启动它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Chrome(Fix Chrome)无法连接到Internet
方法 3:删除缓存和 Cookie(Method 3: Remove Cache & Cookies )
(Cache and Cookies)您浏览器中的缓存和 Cookie会存储(browser store)您的浏览数据。如果本地存储有任何可疑数据,或者数据损坏或不兼容,您可能会面临 403 Google 错误(Google error)。因此(Hence),请清除浏览数据、缓存和收集的 cookie 以解决问题。
1. 打开Chrome浏览器。
注意:(Note: )您可以通过在搜索栏中输入chrome://settings/clearBrowserData直接导航页面以删除Chrome中的浏览历史记录。(Chrome)
2. 点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
3. 点击更多工具(More tools)选项,如下图所示。
4. 点击清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data… )
5. 在这里,选择要完成的操作的时间范围。(Time range)例如,如果要删除整个数据,请选择所有时间(All time)并单击清除数据。(Clear data.)
注意(Note):在从浏览器中清除数据之前,请确保选中Cookie(Cookies)和其他站点数据框和缓存的图像(box and Cached images)和文件框。
方法 4:禁用扩展(如果适用)(Method 4: Disable Extensions (If Applicable))
1. 启动谷歌 Chrome 浏览器。(Google Chrome browser.)
注意:(Note: )要跳过进入扩展页面的步骤,请在搜索栏中输入chrome://extensions/Enter。
2. 点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon )。
3. 选择更多工具(More tools )选项。
4. 单击扩展。(Extensions.)
5. 最后,关闭(turn off )您要禁用的扩展程序。如果您在禁用任何特定扩展程序后没有遇到任何错误,请单击“删除(Remove )”选项将其从浏览器中删除。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome 错误(Fix ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome error)
方法 5:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 5: Run Malware Scan)
由于您的 PC 上的恶意软件攻击,可能会出现Forbidden 403错误。(Forbidden 403)侵入 PC 的错误可能会感染和破坏基本程序文件,从而导致所讨论的错误。为避免冲突,请使用可以监控您的 PC 或扫描整个 PC 的防病毒软件,如下所示。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开 Windows设置(Settings)。
2.点击更新和安全(Update & Security)
3. 单击Windows 安全(Windows Security )并选择病毒和威胁防护。(Virus & threat protection.)
4. 单击扫描选项(Scan Options)。
5. 根据您的喜好选择扫描选项,然后单击(preference and click)立即扫描。(Scan Now.)
6A。所有的威胁都将在这里列出。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下的开始操作(Start Actions )。
6B。如果您的系统中没有任何威胁,系统将显示无当前威胁。(No current threats.)
扫描过程(scanning process)完成后,Windows Defender(Windows Defender)将删除所有病毒和恶意软件程序。(virus and malware programs)
方法 6:更新 Windows(Method 6: Update Windows )
微软(Microsoft)正在尝试改进其所有版本的Windows,以使浏览器没有任何错误。您可以通过更新来修复Windows 10 计算机中的错误和更新问题。请按照以下步骤更新您的Windows PC。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install Now) 并按照说明进行更新。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示 您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Google Chrome 错误(Fix Google Chrome error)他死了(Dead),吉姆(Jim)!
方法 7:更新 Chrome(Method 7: Update Chrome)
过时的浏览器可能不支持临时版本的网页,导致Forbidden error 403。要修复错误和问题,请按照以下说明更新Google Chrome。
1. 启动 谷歌 Chrome(Google Chrome) 浏览器。
2. 单击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) 以展开 “设置”( the Settings) 菜单。
3. 然后,选择 Help > 关于谷歌浏览器 (About Google Chrome ),如下图所示。
4. 允许 谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome )搜索更新。屏幕将显示 检查更新(Checking for updates) 消息,如图所示。
5A。如果有可用更新,请单击 更新 (Update )按钮。
5B。如果Chrome已经更新, 则会显示Google Chrome 是最新消息。(Google Chrome is up to date)
6. 最后,使用最新版本重新启动浏览器并检查您是否已修复(Relaunch)Forbidden 403错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复(Fix DHCP Lookup)Chromebook中的DHCP 查找失败错误(Error)
方法 8:查找有害软件(Method 8: Find Harmful Software )
如果您的计算机有任何不兼容的程序及其文件会干扰特定网页(web page),您可能会遇到 403 Forbidden 错误(Forbidden error)。您可以按照以下步骤删除它们。
1. 启动 Google Chrome 并单击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) > 设置 (Settings ),如突出显示所示。
2.在这里,单击 左窗格中的(left pane and select)高级 (Advanced )设置,然后选择重置和清理 (Reset and clean up )选项。
3. 现在,选择 清理计算机 (Cleanup computer )选项,如下图所示。
4. 在这里,单击 查找 (Find )按钮以使 Chrome 能够 在您的计算机上查找有害软件。(find harmful software)
5. 等待(Wait) 该过程完成并 删除 (remove )谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)检测到的有害程序。
方法 9:修改 LAN 设置(Method 9: Modify LAN Settings)
一些网络连接(network connectivity)问题可能会导致Google出现(Google)Forbidden 404错误,您可以通过重置本地网络设置来修复它们,如下所述。
1.通过在Windows搜索栏中键入来打开控制面板。( Control Panel )
2. 现在,将查看方式(View by )选项设置为类别(Category )并选择网络和 Internet(Network and Internet )链接。
3. 单击Internet 选项(Internet Options)。
4. 在Internet 属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到连接(Connections )选项卡并选择LAN 设置(LAN settings)。
5.选中自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings )框并确保未选中为您的LAN使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server for your LAN )框(除非您需要它)。
6. 最后,点击OK保存更改并检查您是否能够修复Google Chrome上的 403 禁止错误。
另请阅读:在(Also Read:)Chrome 中修复 NET::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
方法 10:禁用 VPN 和代理(Method 10: Disable VPN and Proxy)
如果您的网络连接(network connection)阻止您访问Google客户端,您可以尝试使用其他连接或禁用VPN/proxy。然后,按照相同的步骤来修复Google Chrome中的 403 禁止错误。
1. 退出Google Chrome并确保从任务管理器中关闭所有与(Task Manager)Chrome相关的应用程序。
2. 点击Windows按钮并输入Proxy。
3.从搜索结果中打开代理设置。(Proxy settings)
4. 在这里,关闭以下设置。
- 自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings)
- 使用设置脚本(Use setup script)
- 使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server)
5. 现在,再次启动Google Chrome并尝试是否可以访问网页。
6. 如果没有,请使用VPN 客户端(VPN client)并检查您的问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试将您的 PC 连接到其他网络,例如Wi-Fi或移动热点(mobile hotspot)。
方法 11:使用谷歌 DNS 地址(Method 11: Use Google DNS Address)
一些用户报告说,通过更改您的Internet 服务提供商提供的(Internet Service Provider)DNS 地址(DNS address)可以修复Forbidden 403错误。您可以使用Google DNS 地址来修复(Google DNS address)Google Chrome上的 403 禁止错误,这里有一些更改PC的DNS 地址的说明。(DNS address)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys 运行(Run)对话框。
2. 现在,输入ncpa.cpl并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 右键单击您的活动网络适配器(network adapter)(例如Wi-Fi)并选择属性(Properties)。
4. 现在,将弹出Wi-Fi 属性窗口。(Wi-Fi Properties window)单击(Click)Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) ,然后单击属性。(Properties.)
注意:(Note:)您也可以双击Internet 协议版本 4(Internet Protocol Version 4) ( TCP/IPv4 ) 打开“属性(Properties)”窗口。
5. 选择图标使用以下 DNS 服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)。然后,在首选 DNS 服务器(Preferred DNS server )和备用 DNS 服务器(Alternate DNS server.)字段中输入以下值。
6. 选择退出时验证设置,(Validate settings upon exit)然后单击确定(OK)。
7. 关闭窗口,此方法将修复Forbidden error 403。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在Google Chrome中全屏显示(Full-Screen)
方法 12:在防病毒和防火墙中将 URL 列入白名单(Method 12: Whitelist URL in Antivirus and Firewall )
如果您的 PC 在恶意软件扫描后没有威胁并且您的操作系统是最新的,但您仍然面临Chrome中的(Chrome)Forbidden 错误(Forbidden error),那么超级安全套件(super-security suite)可能会阻止您访问任何内容特定的(content specific)URL . 以下是在防病毒程序中将(antivirus program)URL(URLs)列入白名单的一些说明。
选项一:白名单网址(Option I: Whitelist URL)
注意:(Note: )这里以Avast Antivirus为例。请按照您的防病毒程序(Antivirus program)的步骤进行操作。
1. 进入搜索菜单,输入Avast并点击右上角的菜单(Menu )选项。
2. 点击设置(Settings)。
3. 在General 选项卡中,(General tab, )切换到Exceptions选项卡,然后单击Exceptions字段下的ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION 。
4. 在新窗口中,单击Website/Domain
5. 现在,在Type in url path 中(Type in url path)输入 URL 。接下来,单击添加例外(ADD EXCEPTION)选项。
6. 如果要从Avast 白名单中删除(Avast whitelist)URL,请转到 Settings > General > Exceptions并单击垃圾箱(Trash)图标。
选项二:Windows Defender 防火墙中的白名单 URL(Option II: Whitelist URL in Windows Defender Firewall)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key )并键入Windows Defender 防火墙。(Windows Defender Firewall. )
2. 在弹出窗口中,单击 允许应用程序或功能通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall)。
3. 单击 更改设置(Change settings)。最后,检查Chrome是否允许通过防火墙。
4. 如果列表中不存在所需的应用程序或程序(application or Program),您可以使用允许其他应用程序...(Allow another app… )浏览您的程序。(Program)
5. 最后,单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
方法 13:联系互联网服务提供商(Method 13: Contact Internet Service Provider)
如果这不起作用,请尝试重置Chrome或在必要时重新安装它,并检查您是否再次遇到错误。不过,如果您在Google Chrome中没有解决 403 Forbidden 错误(Forbidden error),最好联系您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP ) 或网站所有者寻求帮助。
- 如何删除 Netflix 个人资料
- (Fix Microsoft Edge ERR NETWORK CHANGED)修复Windows 10(Windows 10)中的Microsoft Edge ERR 网络更改
- 如何自动刷新谷歌浏览器
- 适用于Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了如何修复Google Chrome中的403 错误(how to fix 403 erro)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix Google Chrome 403 Error
There is a faсt that a very slow loading site might lead to a poor ranking faсtor. Yes, true. You may not havе any patience to handle slow loading webpages and that’s the reason you are here! When you аre trying to access any webpage in your browser, you may be sometimeѕ forbidden from accessing it. Thіs might happen when you are deniеd to acceѕs suсh web pages (due to permission rights) or when you try to access аny void web pages. If you wаnt to learn how to fix 403 error on Google Chrome, you are at the right place! We bring a perfect guide that will help you υnderstand how to fix 403 forbidden error on Google Chrome.
How to Fix Google Chrome 403 Error
The 403 Forbidden error is an HTTP status code that indicates that you are forbidden from accessing the site. When site owners have set proper permission rights for the webpages and if you do not have them, you may face the same. On the other hand, if the site owner has not properly set the permissions, you will face the same error. You may face the error in some other formats like
- 403 Forbidden
HTTP 403 Forbidden
- HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden
- HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden
- Error 403
- Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access [directory] on this server
- Error 403 – Forbidden
In most cases, there is nothing much you can do from your side to solve the problem. Yet, if it is a temporary glitch, here are some things that will help you know how to fix 403 error.
What Causes 403 Forbidden Error?
If you have any misconfigured access rights from the client-side, then you can more likely solve the issue by yourself. Proper read, write, execute permissions of the file or folder resulting from folder/file properties could be the reason behind the issue. Other than these factors, there are few other sources of 403 Forbidden error. They are listed below.
- Private content that requires adequate permissions.
- User restricted contents.
- Accessing geographically restricted web pages.
- Presence of malware/virus.
- IP address is not valid or blocked.
- URL typo errors.
Internet connectivity errors.
- Corrupt cache, incompatible extensions, or add-ons in the browser.
Now, move ahead to the next section to find out how to fix 403 forbidden error on Google Chrome.
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
Follow these basic troubleshooting steps to fix the said error.
Reload Webpages: The primary fix to any common browser-related error is to reload the web pages to resolve any internal glitches. You can directly reload webpages in Chrome by pressing the reload button or simply pressing Ctrl + R keys in the corresponding webpage.
Make sure URL is Correct: Ensure the URL is perfect without typo errors. Check the extensions .html or .com and whether it is reliable or not. Make a note that a regular URL will end in .com, .html, .org, .in, .php etc, whereas a directory URL will have a suffix of “/”.
Try Different Device: Check if the problem is with your device or the website. Connect to a different device and try to access the same webpage in it. If you face the same error 403 on a different device, then there might be a problem with the website. On the other hand, if you did not face the issue on some other device, then the problem is with your PC.
Restart Router: If you are using a Wi-Fi connection rather than Ethernet, there are few possibilities that any configuration problems in the router may lead to the problem.
Note: To re-initiate the network connectivity, please reboot your router as instructed below.
1. Find the ON/OFF button at the back of your router. Press the button once to turn OFF your router.
2. Disconnect the power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors. Now, your router is completely drained out of power.
3. Wait for a minute before restoring the power and wait until the network connection is re-established.
Check if you are Logged Out: If you try to access the webpage from the browsing history, you might have been logged out of the webpage/ application now. So, check if you are logged in and then ensure you do not face the error again.
Try again later: Patience matters. Reboot your PC and try to access the website after some time. Check if you face the problem again.
If you did not attain any fix by implementing the above instructed basic troubleshooting methods, then it’s time to try advanced troubleshooting options to learn how to fix 403 errors. Here are a few simple and effective methods arranged in chronological order that will help you understand how to fix 403 error. Follow them in the same order to attain perfect results.
Method 1: Sync Date and Time
Whenever you try to access any web pages in Google Chrome, the server ensures if the date and time of your PC correlate with the date and time of the server located in that particular geographic location. This feature might seem unnoticed by many users, but it is primarily intended to avoid data steal or data misuse. You may also get 403 Google error when you have the incorrect date and time settings in Windows 10 PC. Make sure the date and time on your computer are correct by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Type Date & time settings in the Windows search bar
2. Check and select the Time zone from the drop-down list and ensure if it is your current geographic region.
3. Then, make sure the time and date match with the Universal time and date.
If there is any variation, fix it and check if you have resolved the problem.
Method 2: Use Private Browsing
If you are facing Forbidden 403 error due to security and privacy reasons, then you can try Incognito mode. Here, your search history or recent pages will not be monitored or recorded and thus it hides all the corrupt cookies and cache responsible for 403 Google error. Follow the below-mentioned steps to open web page in private mode.
1. Open Google Chrome.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon at the top right corner.
3. Select the New Incognito window option or press and hold Ctrl + Shift + N keys in the chrome to launch it.
Also Read: Fix Chrome not Connecting to the Internet
Method 3: Remove Cache & Cookies
Cache and Cookies in your browser store your browsing data. If there are any suspicious data stored locally, or if the data is corrupt or incompatible you may face 403 Google error. Hence, clear the browsing data, cache, and collected cookies to fix the problem.
1. Open Chrome browser.
Note: You can directly navigate the page to delete browsing history in Chrome by typing chrome://settings/clearBrowserData in the search bar.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon at the top right corner.
3. Click on the More tools option as depicted below.
4. Click on Clear browsing data…
5. Here, select the Time range for the action to be completed. For example, if you want to delete the entire data, select All time and click on Clear data.
Note: Ensure that the Cookies and other site data box and Cached images and files box are checked before clearing the data from the browser.
Now, check if you have fixed the issue.
Method 4: Disable Extensions (If Applicable)
You can enjoy a wide range of third-party extensions and add-ons in Chrome by adding them to your browser. If they are downloaded from a reliable source, you have no problem dealing with them. Yet, if any extensions or add-ons interfere with the functionality of Chrome, then you have to temporarily disable them all to fix the errors. Here is how to do that.
1. Launch the Google Chrome browser.
Note: To skip the steps to reach the extensions page, type chrome://extensions/ in the search bar and hit Enter.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon at the top right corner.
3. Select the More tools option.
4. Click on Extensions.
5. Finally, turn off the extension you want to disable. If you did not face any error after disabling any particular extension, then click on the Remove option to delete it from your browser.
Also Read: Fix ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Chrome error
Method 5: Run Malware Scan
The Forbidden 403 error may occur due to malware attacks on your PC. The bugs that intruded in the PC might infect and corrupt the essential program files leading to the discussed error. To avoid conflicts, use antivirus software that could monitor your PC or scan the whole PC as instructed below.
1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open Windows Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security
3. Click on Windows Security and select the Virus & threat protection.
4. Click on Scan Options .
5. Choose a scan option as per your preference and click on Scan Now.
6A. All the threats will be enlisted here. Click on Start Actions under Current threats.
6B. If you do not have any threats in your system, the system will show No current threats.
The Windows Defender will remove all the virus and malware programs once the scanning process is complete.
Method 6: Update Windows
Microsoft is trying to improve all of its versions of Windows to bring a browser without any errors. You can fix the bugs and update problems in your Windows 10 computer by updating it. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update your Windows PC.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and follow the instructions to update.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Also Read: Fix Google Chrome error He’s Dead, Jim!
Method 7: Update Chrome
Outdated browsers might not support improvised versions of webpages, leading to Forbidden error 403. To fix the bugs and problems, update Google Chrome as instructed below.
1. Launch the Google Chrome browser.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon to expand the Settings menu.
3. Then, select Help > About Google Chrome as illustrated below.
4. Allow Google Chrome to search for updates. The screen will display Checking for updates message, as shown.
5A. If updates are available, click on the Update button.
5B. If Chrome is already updated then, Google Chrome is up to date message will be displayed.
6. Finally, Relaunch the browser with its latest version and check if you have fixed the Forbidden 403 error.
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Method 8: Find Harmful Software
If your computer has any incompatible programs and its files that interfere with a specific web page, you may face the 403 Forbidden error. You can remove them by following these steps.
1. Launch Google Chrome and click on three-dotted icon > Settings as shown highlighted.
2. Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select Reset and clean up option.
3. Now, select the Cleanup computer option as depicted below.
4. Here, click on the Find button to enable Chrome to find harmful software on your computer.
5. Wait for the process to be completed and remove the harmful programs detected by Google Chrome.
Method 9: Modify LAN Settings
Several network connectivity issues may lead to Forbidden 404 error Google, and you can fix them by resetting local network settings as discussed below.
1. Open Control Panel by typing it in the Windows search bar.
2. Now, set the View by option to Category and select the Network and Internet link.
3. Click on Internet Options.
4. In the Internet Properties window, switch to the Connections tab and select LAN settings.
5. Check the box Automatically detect settings and ensure Use a proxy server for your LAN box is unchecked (unless you need it).
6. Finally, click on OK to save the changes and check if you are able to fix 403 forbidden error on Google Chrome.
Method 10: Disable VPN and Proxy
If your network connection blocks you from accessing Google clients, you can try using another connection or disable VPN/proxy. Then, follow the steps to implement the same to fix 403 forbidden error in Google Chrome.
1. Exit from Google Chrome and make sure you close all the applications related to Chrome from Task Manager.
2. Hit the Windows button and type Proxy.
3. Open Proxy settings from the search results.
4. Here, toggle OFF the following settings.
- Automatically detect settings
- Use setup script
- Use a proxy server
5. Now, launch Google Chrome again and try if you can visit web pages.
6. If not, use a VPN client and check if your problem is fixed. If not, try connecting your PC to another network like Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot.
Method 11: Use Google DNS Address
Several users have reported that Forbidden 403 error will be fixed by changing the DNS address provided by your Internet Service Provider. You may use Google DNS address to fix 403 forbidden error on Google Chrome and here are a few instructions to change the DNS address of your PC.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Now, type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter key.
3. Right-click on your active network adapter (e.g. Wi-Fi) and select Properties.
4. Now, the Wi-Fi Properties window will pop up. Click on Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties.
Note: You can also double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) to open the Properties window.
5. Select the icon Use the following DNS server addresses. Then, enter the below-mentioned values in the field of Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server.
6. Select Validate settings upon exit and click on OK.
7. Close the window, and this method will fix Forbidden error 403.
Also Read: How to Go Full-Screen in Google Chrome
Method 12: Whitelist URL in Antivirus and Firewall
If your PC is threat-free after a malware scan and if your OS is up to date, yet still you face the Forbidden error in Chrome, then there are some chances that the super-security suite might prevent you from accessing any content specific URL. Here are some instructions to whitelist URLs in the antivirus program.
Option I: Whitelist URL
Note: Here Avast Antivirus is taken as an example. Do follow the steps according to your Antivirus program.
1. Go to the search menu, type Avast and click on the Menu option at the top right corner.
2. Click on Settings.
3. In the General tab, switch to the Exceptions tab and click on ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION under the Exceptions field.
4. In the new window, click on Website/Domain
5. Now, type the URL in the Type in url path. Next, click on ADD EXCEPTION option.
6. If you want to remove the URL from the Avast whitelist, then go to Settings > General > Exceptions and click on the Trash icon.
Option II: Whitelist URL in Windows Defender Firewall
1. Press the Windows key and type Windows Defender Firewall.
2. In the pop-up window, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
3. Click on Change settings. Finally, check for Chrome to allow through the Firewall.
4. You can use Allow another app… to browse your Program if your desired application or Program does not exist in the list.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Method 13: Contact Internet Service Provider
If this doesn’t work, try to reset Chrome or reinstall it if necessary and check if you face the error again. Still, if you did not attain any fix for 403 Forbidden error in Google Chrome, it’s better to contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the website owners to seek some help.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned how to fix 403 error in Google Chrome. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.