可以通过移除然后重新插入电池来修复冻结的Android 。另一方面,Apple设备配有不可拆卸的内置电池。因此,如果您的(Hence)iOS 设备(iOS device)死机,您将不得不寻找替代解决方案。
当您的 iPhone 冻结或锁定时,建议您强制关闭它。此类问题通常是由于安装了未知和未经验证的软件而引起的。因此,强制重启您的iOS 设备(iOS device)是摆脱它们的最佳方法。如果您也想这样做,我们将为您带来这份完美的指南,帮助您解决 iPhone 屏幕锁定问题。

如何修复 iPhone(Fix iPhone) 冻结(Frozen)或锁定
如果您的iPhone 屏幕(iPhone screen)对触摸没有响应或卡在其功能中,请尝试将其关闭。如果它不起作用(t work),请选择强制重启(force restart)。
方法 1: 关闭你的 iPhone 设备(Method 1: Turn Off your iPhone Device)
要修复iPhone 屏幕(iPhone screen)锁定或冻结问题,请关闭您的设备,然后再将其打开。这个过程类似于 iPhone 的软重置。
以下是关闭 iPhone 的两种方法:
1A。仅使用主页按钮(1A. Using only the Home button)
1. 按住home/sleep按钮约十秒钟。它位于手机底部或右侧,具体取决于设备型号(device model)。
2. 发出嗡嗡声,然后屏幕上出现滑动关机选项,如下图所示。(slide to power off)

3. 向右滑动以关闭(shut off)您的 iPhone。
1B. Using the Side + Volume button
1. 同时按住Volume up/Volume down + Side按钮。
2. 滑出弹出窗口以关闭(turn off)您的 iPhone 10 及更高版本。
注意:(Note:)要打开 iPhone,只需按住侧边按钮(side button)一会儿。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将播放列表复制到 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod
方法 2:如何强制重启 iPhone(Method 2: How to Force Restart iPhone)
强制重启 iPhone(Force restarting your iPhone)不会影响或删除设备中的内容。如果您的屏幕冻结或变黑,请尝试按照下面列出的步骤修复iPhone 屏幕锁定问题。(iPhone screen)
2A。没有 Home 键的 iPhone 机型(2A. iPhone Models Without a Home Button)
1. 快速按下音量调高(Volume up )按钮并松开。
2. 同样,快速按下降低音量(Volume down )按钮并松开。
3. 现在,按住电源(侧面)按钮(Power (Side) button),直到您的 iPhone 重新启动。
2B。如何强制重启 iPhone 8 或更高版本(2B. How to Force Restart iPhone 8 or Later)
1.按下音量调高(Volume up )按钮并快速离开。
2. 使用降低音量(Volume down )按钮重复相同操作。
3. 接下来,长按侧边(Side )按钮,直到Apple 标志(Apple logo)出现在屏幕上。
4. 如果您的设备上启用了密码,请输入密码继续。(passcode)
2C。如何强制重启 iPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus(第 7 代)(2C. How to Force Restart iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus (7th generation))
要强制重启iPhone 7或iPhone 7 Plus 或 iPod touch(第 7 代)设备,
1. 按住 降低音量( Volume down )按钮和 Sleep/Wake button至少十秒钟。
2. 按住上述按钮,直到您的 iPhone 显示Apple 标志并重新启动(Apple logo and restarts)。
如何修复 iPhone 在启动过程中卡住(How to Fix iPhone Gets Stuck During Start-Up)
如果您的 iPhone 在启动过程中卡住显示Apple 标志(Apple logo)或出现红/蓝屏,请阅读下文。
1.使用电缆将iPhone插入计算机。(iPhone )
2. 打开iTunes。
3.在系统上找到(Find )iPhone,验证设备是否连接正常。
请按照以下步骤修复 iPhone 在启动期间卡住。
3A。没有 Home 键的 iPhone 机型(3A. iPhone Models Without a Home Button)
1. 快速按下音量调高按钮(Volume up button)并松开。
2. 同样,快速按下降低音量按钮(Volume down button)并松开。
3. 现在,按住侧边(Side )按钮,直到您的 iPhone 重新启动。
4. 按住侧边(Side)按钮,直到您看到手机上出现连接电脑(connect to computer)屏幕,如下图所示。

5. 按住按钮直到您的 iOS 设备进入恢复模式(recovery mode)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何硬重置 iPad Mini
3B。iPhone 8 或更新机型(3B. iPhone 8 or Later)
1. 按下音量调高(Volume up )按钮并离开。
2.现在,按下降低音量(Volume down )按钮并放开它。
3.接下来,长按侧面(Side )按钮,直到您的设备进入恢复模式(recovery mode),如前所述。
3C。iPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus 或 iPod touch(第 7 代)(3C. iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus or iPod touch (7th generation))
同时按住降低音量(Volume down )按钮和Sleep/Wake button,直到您看到您的设备进入恢复模式(recovery mode)。
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够解决iPhone 屏幕(iPhone screen)锁定问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix iPhone Frozen or Locked Up
A frozen Android can be fixed by remоving and then reinѕerting the battery. On the other hand, Apple devicеs come with a built-in battery that is non-remоvable. Hence, you will have to find alternative solutions іn case уour iOS device freezes.
When your iPhone is frozen or locked, you are recommended to force shut it off. Such issues usually arise due to the installation of unknown & unverified software. Therefore, force restarting your iOS device is the best way to get rid of them. If you, too, are looking to do so, we bring to you this perfect guide that will help you fix the iPhone screen-locked issue.

How to Fix iPhone Frozen or Locked Up
If your iPhone screen is not responding to touch or is stuck in its function, try to turn it off. If it doesn’t work, opt for a force restart.
Method 1: Turn Off your iPhone Device
To fix the iPhone screen locked or frozen issue, turn off your device and then turn it on. This process is similar to the soft reset of the iPhone.
Here are two ways to turn off your iPhone:
1A. Using only the Home button
1. Press and hold the home/sleep button for about ten seconds. It will either be on the bottom or on the right side of the phone, depending on the device model.
2. A buzz emanates, and then the slide to power off option appears on the screen, as shown below.

3. Slide it towards the right to shut off your iPhone.
1B. Using the Side + Volume button
1. Press and hold the Volume up/Volume down + Side buttons simultaneously.
2. Slide off the pop-up to turn off your iPhone 10 & higher.
Note: To turn ON your iPhone, simply press and hold the side button for a while.

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Method 2: How to Force Restart iPhone
Force restarting your iPhone will not affect or delete the contents present in your device. If your screen has frozen or turned black, try to fix the iPhone screen locked issue by following the steps listed below.
2A. iPhone Models Without a Home Button
1. Quick press the Volume up button and release it.
2. Likewise, quickly press the Volume down button and release it.
3. Now, press and hold the Power (Side) button until your iPhone undergoes a restart.
2B. How to Force Restart iPhone 8 or Later
1. Press the Volume up button and leave it quickly.
2. Repeat the same with the Volume down button.
3. Next, long-press the Side button until the Apple logo appears on the screen.
4. If you have a passcode enabled on your device, then proceed by entering the passcode.
2C. How to Force Restart iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus (7th generation)
To force restart iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus or iPod touch (7th generation) devices,
1. Press and hold the Volume down button and the Sleep/Wake button for at least ten seconds.
2. Keep pressing the said buttons until your iPhone displays the Apple logo and restarts.
How to Fix iPhone Gets Stuck During Start-Up
If your iPhone gets stuck displaying the Apple logo or a red/blue screen appears during start-up, read below.
1. Plug your iPhone with your computer using its cable.
2. Open iTunes.
3. Find the iPhone on the system and verify if the device is connected properly.
Follow these steps to fix iPhone gets stuck during start-up.
3A. iPhone Models Without a Home Button
1. Quick press the Volume up button and release it.
2. Likewise, quickly press the Volume down button and release it.
3. Now, press and hold the Side button until your iPhone undergoes a restart.
4. Keep holding the Side button until you see the connect to computer screen appear on the mobile, as shown below.

5. Keep the button pressed till your iOS device enters recovery mode.
Also Read: How to Hard Reset iPad Mini
3B. iPhone 8 or Later
1. Press the Volume up button and leave it.
2. Now, press the Volume down button and let it go.
3. Next, long-press the Side button until your device enters recovery mode, as mentioned earlier.
3C. iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus or iPod touch (7th generation)
Press and hold the Volume down button and Sleep/Wake button simultaneously until you see your device entering into recovery mode.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix the iPhone screen locked issue. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries/comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.