由Electronic Arts开发的 Origin是一个很棒的平台,您可以在其中找到、购买和玩Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac)上的各种流行 PC 游戏。然而,与其他应用程序一样,Origin也有其优点和缺点。但是,在打开Origin应用程序时,您可能会遇到Origin在(Origin)Windows 10中没有响应的问题。如果是这种情况,请阅读以下内容以修复Origin无法打开问题。Origin的一些显着特点包括:
- 许多流行的在线游戏,如FIFA 19、战地 V(FIFA 19, Battlefield V)等,都在Origin Store中提供。
- 它允许提供配置文件管理、游戏内覆盖和云存储(profile management, in-game overlays, and cloud storage)。
- 您还可以享受社交网络功能,如聊天(chatting)、游戏邀请和直播(game invites, and live streaming)功能。
如何修复 Origin 无法在 Windows(How to Fix Origin Won’t Open on Windows ) 10上打开
- 当您的 Origin Client从服务器端更新时,您将面临一个无响应的页面(unresponsive page),因为Origin Updater正忙于更新它。如果你遇到同样的情况,你别无选择,只能等待。
- 有时,Origin中(Origin)损坏的缓存和游戏文件(corrupt cache and game files)会阻止Origin响应。清除所有损坏的文件以解决问题。
临时文件可能会随着时间的推移而损坏(Temp files may get corrupt over time)并阻止 Origin 响应。删除这些可能会有所帮助。
Origin 核心文件可能会损坏(Origin core files may get corrupt),解决问题的唯一方法是重新安装Origin。
- 第三方防病毒程序可能会阻止(third-Party antivirus program might block)Origin应用程序(Origin application),您可能会遇到此类问题。
同样(Likewise),您 PC 中的防火墙程序可能会将(firewall program)Origin视为威胁并阻止(threat and prevent)您启动Origin。
在本节中,我们整理了一系列方法来解决Origin 启动器(Origin launcher)启动时面临的问题。这些方法是根据严重性和影响级别排列的。按照本文中所示的相同顺序进行操作。
方法一:以管理员身份运行 Origin(Method 1: Run Origin as Administrator)
您需要管理权限才能访问Origin中的一些文件和服务。如果您没有授予Origin 启动器(Origin launcher)的管理权限,它可能会因反应迟钝而行为不端。但是,很少有用户建议以管理员身份运行程序时可以解决问题,如下所示:
1. 按 Windows 键(key) 并输入 Origin,单击以管理员(administrator)身份运行(Run as) 。
注意:(Note:)如果您无法查看以管理员身份(administrator option)运行(Run)选项,请单击向下箭头图标(down arrow icon)以展开右侧窗格中的所有选项。
2. 在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)重新启动程序以查看问题是否已解决。
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方法二:重启原始进程(Method 2: Restart Origin Process)
通常,您可能会遇到Origin没有响应的问题。因此,您应该在任务管理器中重新启动(Task Manager)Origin 进程(Origin process),如下所述:
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc键(keys)启动 任务管理器(Task Manager )。
2. 在Processes选项卡下,找到并选择Origin process group。
3. 然后,单击 突出显示的结束任务(End task)按钮。
4. 现在,按照方法(Method)1中的说明以管理员身份启动 Origin(Origin as administrator)。
注意:(Note:)此外,后台运行的大量应用程序会增加 CPU 和内存空间(background increase CPU and memory space),从而影响系统和游戏的性能。重复相同的操作以关闭此类不需要的后台进程。
方法 3:删除原始缓存文件(Method 3: Delete Origin Cache Files)
如果您的系统有任何损坏的临时缓存文件,您可能会遇到Origin无响应问题。但是,您可以通过从AppData 文件夹(AppData folder)中删除数据来删除缓存文件,如下所示:
1. 点击 Start,输入 %appdata%,然后按 Enter 键(Enter key) 打开 AppData Roaming 文件夹。(AppData Roaming folder.)
2. 右键单击 Origin 文件夹并选择 删除 (Delete )选项,如下图所示。
3. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 %programdata%,然后单击 打开(Open) 以转到 ProgramData 文件夹。(ProgramData folder.)
4. 现在,找到 Origin 文件夹并删除除 LocalContent 文件夹之外的所有文件,因为它包含所有游戏数据。
5. 最后, 重启(restart) 你的电脑(your PC)。
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方法4:以兼容模式运行程序并运行兼容性疑难解答(Method 4: Run Program in Compatibility Mode & Run Compatibilty Troubleshooter)
如果您的 PC 与Origin PC 客户端(Origin PC client)有任何与兼容性相关的问题,运行兼容性疑难解答(compatibility troubleshooter)应该有助于修复Windows 10上的(Windows 10)Origin无法打开问题。
第 1 步:选择以兼容模式运行此程序(Step 1: Choose Run this program in compatibility mode)
1.在 文件资源管理器中转到 Origin的文件位置(Origin)。(File Explorer.)
2. 然后,右键单击 Origin 应用程序(Origin app) 并选择 Properties,如下图所示。
3. 切换到 兼容性(Compatibility) 选项卡。
4. 勾选 以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for) 选项。
5. 然后,选择之前 兼容 Origin的Windows 版本。(Windows version)
6. 单击 应用 (Apply ),然后 单击确定 (OK )以保存这些更改。
注意:(Note:)您可以尝试各种 Windows 版本(try various Windows versions)并检查Origin无响应问题是否仍然存在。
第 2 步:运行兼容性疑难解答(Step 2: Run Compatibility Troubleshooter)
1. 按照上述步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3)转到Origin Properties Compatibility 选项卡(tab)。
2. 单击突出显示的运行兼容性疑难解答 (Run compatibility troubleshooter )按钮。
3. 单击尝试推荐的设置 (Try recommended settings )或 疑难解答程序(Troubleshoot program) 以运行疑难解答程序。
4. 单击测试程序... (Test the program… )按钮并检查Origin无响应问题是否已解决。
5.然后点击下一步 (Next )继续
6A。如果此设置解决了您的问题,请选择是,保存此程序的这些设置(Yes, save these settings for this program)
6B。或者,如果问题仍然存在,请将此问题报告给 Microsoft(report this problem to Microsoft)。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10中的(Windows 10)Steam 错误代码 e502(Fix Steam Error Code e502) l3
方法 5:清除 DNS 缓存(Method 5: Clear DNS Cache)
很少有用户报告他们可以通过重置DNS 缓存来解决(DNS cache)Origin无法打开问题或(Origin)Origin无响应问题。
1. 按Windows 键( Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as an administrator)。
2. 键入ipconfig /flushDNS命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
方法六:开启应用管理服务(Method 6: Enable Application Management Service)
禁用应用程序管理服务(Application Management Service)后,无法为任何应用程序安装更新。这可能会导致Origin无响应问题。因此(Therefore),请确保按照以下步骤在您的 PC 上启用该服务:
1. 按Windows + R keys.运行(Run) 对话框 。
2. 输入services.msc,然后按 Enter 键(Enter key) 启动 服务(Services) 窗口。
3. 在这里,双击 应用程序管理 (Application Management )服务。
4. 然后,在 常规 (General )选项卡中,将 启动类型 (Startup type )设置为 自动 (Automatic ),如图所示。
5. 如果服务停止,单击 开始 (Start )按钮。
6. 最后,单击Apply > OK 以保存更改。
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方法 7:在防火墙中添加排除项(Method 7: Add Exclusion in Firewall)
如果Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)没有与Origin发生冲突,则您系统上的防病毒软件(antivirus software)可能会阻止Origin,反之亦然(Origin or vice-versa)。您可以为Origin(Origin)添加排除项以修复Origin无法打开的问题。
选项 1:通过 Windows 安全性(Option 1: Through Windows Security)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 病毒和威胁防护(virus and threat protection),然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 现在,点击 管理设置(Manage settings)。
3. 向下滚动并单击 添加或删除排除 (Add or remove exclusions )项,如下所示。
4. 在 排除(Exclusions) 选项卡中,选择 添加排除(Add an exclusion) 选项并单击 文件 (File ),如图所示。
5. 现在,导航到 安装程序的 文件目录,( file directory)然后选择(program and select) Origin 文件。
6. 等待(Wait)工具添加到安全套件(security suite)中,就可以玩了!
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选项 2:通过第三方防病毒软件(Option 2: Through Third-party Antivirus)
注意:(Note:) 我们以 Avast Free Antivirus 的步骤为例。
1. 启动 Avast Antivirus 并单击右上角的 菜单(right corner)选项 (Menu ),如突出显示的那样。
2. 在这里,从下拉列表中单击 设置 。(Settings )
3. 在常规菜单中,转到 阻止和允许的应用程序(Blocked & Allowed apps)。
4. 然后,点击 允许(ALLOW APP)应用列表下的允许 (List of allowed apps ) 应用 。参考下图
5A。现在,点击 添加, (ADD, )对应于Origin 应用程序路径( Origin app path ),将其添加到 白名单(whitelist)。
注意:(Note:) 我们在下面显示 了App Installer 作为排除项添加。
5B。或者,您也可以通过选择SELECT APP PATH 选项浏览(SELECT APP PATH )Origin应用程序,然后单击 ADD 按钮。
方法 8:更新 Windows(Method 8: Update Windows)
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新的更新可用,请单击立即安装(Install now)并按照说明进行更新。重新启动您的 PC 以实施相同的操作。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
方法 9:(Method 9: )在安全模式下卸载冲突的应用程序(Uninstall Conflicted Apps in Safe Mode)
可能有一些应用程序会导致Origin没有响应的问题。要解决此问题,您需要删除那些冲突的应用程序。首先,您需要在Windows 10中(Windows 10)启动(Boot)到安全模式(Safe Mode)。启动到安全模式(Safe Mode)后,按照给定的步骤卸载冲突的应用程序并修复(apps and fix)Origin无法打开问题。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 点击有 冲突的应用程序(conflicting app) (例如 Roblox Player)并选择 卸载 (Uninstall )选项,如下图所示。
3. 再次单击 卸载(Uninstall)以确认如上所示。
4. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions) 完成卸载过程(uninstallation process)。
5.最后,重新启动(restart) 您的PC(your PC) 并检查错误代码(error code)是否仍然存在。如果是这样,请尝试下一个解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 PC 上玩 3DS 游戏
方法 10:重新安装 Origin(Method 10: Reinstall Origin)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您,请尝试卸载软件并重新安装。当您从系统中完全卸载应用程序并重新安装时,可以解决与软件程序(software program)相关的任何常见故障。以下是重新安装Origin以修复Origin无法打开问题的几个步骤。
1. 如方法 9(Method 9)所示,从Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)启动应用程序和功能(Apps & features)。
2. 在 搜索此列表(Search this list)字段中搜索来源。(Origin)
3. 然后,选择Origin并单击突出显示的卸载 (Uninstall )按钮。
4. 再次点击卸载(Uninstall) 确认。
5. 现在,单击Origin 卸载(Origin Uninstall)向导中的卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
6. 等待Origin 卸载过程( the Origin Uninstallation process)完成。
7. 最后,单击完成(Finish)以完成卸载过程(uninstallation process),然后重新启动(restart)系统。
8.点击下载 Windows(Download for Windows)按钮,从其官方网站下载 Origin,如图所示。(official website)
9. 等待下载完成,然后双击运行下载的文件。(downloaded file)
10. 在这里,单击如图所示的Install Origin。
11. 选择安装位置...(Install location…)并根据您的要求修改其他选项。
12. 接下来,检查最终用户许可协议(End User Licence Agreement)以接受它,然后单击继续(Continue),如下图所示。
13.如图所示,将安装最新版本的Origin 。
14.登录( Sign in)您的EA 帐户(EA account),享受游戏吧!
- 18 种最佳黑客工具
- 如何修复Windows 10 中的Origin 错误 9:0(Fix Origin Error 9:0)
- 如何修复 Steam无法在(Fix Steam)Windows 10上打开
- 如何通过Steam流式传输 Origin 游戏(Stream Origin Games)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复Origin 不会(Origin won’t open)在您的系统中打开问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix Origin Won't Open on Windows 10
Origin, developed by Electronic Arts, is a great platform where you can find, buy and play various popular PC games on Windows and Mac. Yet, like other applications, Origin also has its pros and cons. However, while opening the Origin app you may face the problem of Origin not responding in Windows 10. If this is the case, read below to fix Origin won’t open issue. Some remarkable features of Origin include:
- Many popular online games like FIFA 19, Battlefield V, etc. are available in the Origin Store.
- It allows provides profile management, in-game overlays, and cloud storage.
- You can also enjoy social networking features like chatting, game invites, and live streaming features.
How to Fix Origin Won’t Open on Windows 10
The scope of the reasons that cause Origin won’t open problem starts from a buggy update to a server-side issue.
- When your Origin Client is updated from the server-side, you will face an unresponsive page since the Origin Updater is busy updating it. If you encounter the same, you have no other options than to wait.
- Sometimes, corrupt cache and game files in Origin will stop Origin from responding. Clear all corrupt files to fix the problem.
Temp files may get corrupt over time and stop Origin from responding. Deleting these may help.
Origin core files may get corrupt, and the only way to resolve the problem is to reinstall Origin.
- A third-Party antivirus program might block the Origin application, and you may face such issues.
Likewise, firewall program in your PC may consider Origin a threat and prevent you from launching Origin.
In this section, we have compiled a list of methods to tackle the issues faced with the start-up of the Origin launcher. The methods are arranged according to the severity and impact level. Follow them in the same order as illustrated in this article.
Method 1: Run Origin as Administrator
You need administrative privileges to access a few files and services in Origin. If you haven’t granted administrative rights to the Origin launcher, it might misbehave by becoming irresponsive. However, few users have suggested that the problem can be resolved when running the program as an administrator as follows:
1. Press the Windows key and type Origin, click on the Run as administrator.
Note: If you cannot view the Run as administrator option, click on the down arrow icon to expand all the options in the right pane.
2. Click Yes in the User Account Control prompt. Relaunch the program to see if the issue is fixed.
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Method 2: Restart Origin Process
Often, you may face the problem of Origin not responding. So, you should restart the Origin process in Task Manager, as explained below:
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time.
2. Under Processes tab, locate and select the Origin process group.
3. Then, click End task button shown highlighted.
4. Now, launch Origin as administrator as instructed in Method 1.
Note: Moreover, plenty of applications running in the background increase CPU and memory space, thereby affecting the performance of the system & the game. Repeat the same to close such unwanted background processes.
Method 3: Delete Origin Cache Files
If your system has any corrupt temporary cache files, you might encounter Origin not responding issue. However, you can delete the cache files by deleting data from the AppData folder as follows:
1. Click on Start, type %appdata%, and hit the Enter key to open AppData Roaming folder.
2. Right-click on Origin folder and select Delete option, as depicted below.
3. Hit the Windows key, type %programdata%, and click on Open to go to ProgramData folder.
4. Now, locate the Origin folder and delete all the files except the LocalContent folder since it contains all the game data.
5. Lastly, restart your PC.
Now, you have successfully deleted temporary cache files of Origin from your system. Now check if the issue Origin won’t open is fixed.
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Method 4: Run Program in Compatibility Mode & Run Compatibilty Troubleshooter
If your PC has any compatibility-related issues with Origin PC client, running a compatibility troubleshooter should help fix Origin won’t open issue on Windows 10.
Step 1: Choose Run this program in compatibility mode
1. Go to the file location of Origin in File Explorer.
2. Then, right-click on the Origin app and choose Properties, as depicted below.
3. Switch to the Compatibility tab.
4. Check the Run this program in compatibility mode for option.
5. Then, choose the previous Windows version which is compatible with Origin.
6. Click Apply and then OK to save these changes.
Note: You can try various Windows versions and check if Origin not responding issue persists or not.
Step 2: Run Compatibility Troubleshooter
1. Follow Steps 1-3 explained above to go to Origin Properties Compatibility tab.
2. Click the Run compatibility troubleshooter button shown highlighted.
3. Click Try recommended settings or Troubleshoot program to run the troubleshooter.
4. Click Test the program… button and check if Origin not responding issue is resolved or not.
5. Then click Next to continue
6A. If this setting fixes your issue, choose Yes, save these settings for this program
6B. Alternatively if the issue persists then, report this problem to Microsoft.
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Method 5: Clear DNS Cache
Few users have reported that they could fix Origin won’t open issue or non-responsive Origin by resetting the DNS cache.
1. Press the Windows key, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as an administrator.
2. Type ipconfig /flushDNS command and hit the Enter key.
Method 6: Enable Application Management Service
When Application Management Service is disabled, updates cannot be installed for any application. This may cause Origin not responding issue. Therefore, ensure that the service is enabled on your PC by following the below-mentioned steps:
1. Launch the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys.
2. Type services.msc, and hit the Enter key to launch Services window.
3. Here, double-click on the Application Management service.
4. Then, in the General tab, set the Startup type to Automatic as shown.
5. If the service is stopped, click on the Start button.
6. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
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Method 7: Add Exclusion in Firewall
If Windows Firewall is not causing conflict with Origin, the antivirus software on your system is likely blocking the Origin or vice-versa. You can add an exclusion for Origin to fix Origin won’t open issue.
Option 1: Through Windows Security
1. Hit the Windows key, type virus and threat protection, and press the Enter key.
2. Now, click on Manage settings.
3. Scroll down and click Add or remove exclusions as depicted below.
4. In the Exclusions tab, select the Add an exclusion option and click on File as shown.
5. Now, navigate to the file directory where you have installed the program and select Origin file.
6. Wait for the tool to be added to the security suite, and you are ready to play!
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Option 2: Through Third-party Antivirus
Note: We have shown the steps for Avast Free Antivirus as an example.
1. Launch Avast Antivirus and click on the Menu option from the top right corner, as highlighted.
2. Here, click on Settings from the drop-down list.
3. In the General menu, go to Blocked & Allowed apps.
4. Then, click on ALLOW APP under the List of allowed apps section. Refer to the pic below
5A. Now, click on ADD, corresponding to the Origin app path to add it to the whitelist.
Note: We have shown App Installer being added as an exclusion below.
5B. Alternately, you may also browse for the Origin app by selecting the SELECT APP PATH option then, click on the ADD button.
Method 8: Update Windows
Microsoft releases updates periodically to fix the bugs in your system. Hence, always ensure that you use your system in its updated version. Otherwise, the system files will not be compatible with the Origin files leading to Origin won’t open issue.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install now and follow the instructions to update. Restart your PC to implement the same.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Method 9: Uninstall Conflicted Apps in Safe Mode
There may be apps that are creating the issue of Origin not responding. To fix this issue, you need to remove those conflicting apps. Firstly, you need to Boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10. After booting into Safe Mode follow the given steps to uninstall conflicting apps and fix Origin won’t open issue.
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features, and click on Open.
2. Click on the conflicting app (e.g. Roblox Player) and select Uninstall option, as depicted below.
3. Click on Uninstall again to confirm the same as shown above.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the uninstallation process.
5. Finally, restart your PC and check if the error code persists or not. If it does, try the next solution.
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Method 10: Reinstall Origin
If none of the methods have helped you, then try uninstalling the software and reinstalling it again. Any common glitches associated with a software program can be resolved when you uninstall the application entirely from your system and reinstall it. Here are a few steps to reinstall Origin to fix Origin won’t open issue.
1. Launch Apps & features from the Windows search bar as shown in Method 9.
2. Search for Origin in Search this list field.
3. Then, select Origin and click on the Uninstall button shown highlighted.
4. Again, click on Uninstall to confirm.
5. Now, click on Uninstall button in the Origin Uninstall wizard.
6. Wait for the Origin Uninstallation process to be completed.
7. Finally, click on Finish to complete the uninstallation process and then restart your system.
8. Download Origin from its official website by clicking on Download for Windows button, as shown.
9. Wait for the download to be completed and run the downloaded file by double-clicking on it.
10. Here, click on Install Origin as depicted.
11. Select the Install location… and modify other options as per your requirement.
12. Next, check the End User Licence Agreement to accept it and click on Continue as illustrated below.
13. The latest version of Origin will be installed as shown.
14. Sign in to your EA account and enjoy gaming!
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Origin won’t open issue in your system. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.