《守望先锋》是一款团队合作的多人游戏(multiplayer game),最近非常出名。游戏中有30名英雄,战斗风格独特,整个团队的目标是在比赛中获得控制点(There are 30 heroes in the game with unique fighting styles, and the entire team aims to acquire control points in the match)。您可以在多个平台上访问此游戏,您可以在其中参与竞争激烈的在线战斗。但是,您也可能会在启动过程中遇到守望先锋(Overwatch)崩溃问题,这可以通过本文中讨论的故障排除步骤来解决。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 Windows 10 上的守望先锋崩溃
(How to Fix Overwatch Crashing on Windows 10
以下是解决上述问题的一些故障排除方法。这些方法是根据问题的严重性和影响级别安排的。跟随他们获得最佳结果,以解决守望先锋在(Overwatch)启动(launch problem)时崩溃的问题。
基本故障排除(Basic Troubleshooting)
- 确保您的系统至少满足最低规格(minimum specifications)才能享受《守望先锋》的不间断服务(Overwatch)。请参阅下表。
Minimum Specifications |
Recommended Requirements |
Operating System |
Windows 7/8/ 10; 64-bit (latest Service Pack) |
Windows 7/8/ 10; 64-bit (latest Service Pack) |
At least 4 GB of RAM |
At least 6 GB of RAM |
CPU/Processor |
Intel Core i3/AMD Phenom X3 8650 |
Intel Core i5/AMD Phenom II X3 |
Storage Space |
30 GB or more accessible storage |
30 GB or more free storage |
Display Resolution |
At least 1024 x 768p screen resolution |
At least 1024 x 768p screen resolution |
Intel HD Graphics 4400/ATI Radeon HD 4850/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 |
ATI Radeon HD 7950/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 |
(Run) 以(as)管理员身份(administrator)运行程序(the program) ,因为只有管理权限才能启动很少的游戏功能。
(Close all background applications)使用任务管理器(Task Manager)关闭所有消耗高CPU资源的后台应用程序。
运行防病毒扫描(Run an antivirus scan)以检查是否有恶意软件阻止您启动游戏。
执行内存测试(Perform a memory test)并确保您的RAM(RAMs)工作正常。您可以使用MemTest86工具运行此测试。
- 有时,Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)可能会阻止您访问游戏,认为这是一种威胁。您可以在 Windows 防火墙中允许游戏(allow the game in Windows Firewall)。
(Open your game in) 以窗口模式(Windowed mode)打开游戏并更改桌面屏幕(Desktop screen)的显示分辨率。只需单击几下,这可能会帮助您解决问题。
- 导航(Navigate)至显示游戏设置以关闭 V-Sync、G-Sync 和 FreeSync(turn off V-Sync, G-Sync, and FreeSync)功能并检查问题是否已解决。
- 最后,避免超频(avoid overclocking)以修复《守望先锋(Overwatch)》在启动问题上的崩溃。
- 此外,请将您的 GPU 配置设置为默认设置(set your GPU configurations to default settings),以完全防止出现此问题。
如果您按照这些基本故障排除方法没有得到任何修复,那么您可以跳入下面列出的高级故障排除解决方案来修复Overwatch在(Overwatch)启动(launch problem)时崩溃的问题。
方法 1:使用高性能电源计划(Method 1: Use High-Performance Power Plan)
当您将设置设置为高性能电源计划(high-performance power plan)时,您还可以针对游戏优化计算机。这些电源计划(power plan)旨在管理便携式设置上的电源设置。按照下面提到的说明在系统中使用高性能电源计划(high-performance power plan)设置。
1. 右键单击任务栏上的电池(Taskbar)图标并(Battery icon) 选择电源选项(Power Options)。
2. 现在,选择下图中突出显示的高性能选项。(High performance )
方法 2:禁用全屏优化(Method 2: Disable Fullscreen Optimizations)
1. 右键单击《守望先锋》启动器文件(Overwatch launcher file)并选择属性(Properties)。
2. 转到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。
3. 在这里,选中禁用全屏优化(Disable full-screen optimizations)复选框。
4. 最后,单击应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(OK )以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)适用于 Windows 10 的 5 个最佳 FPS 计数器
方法 3:将守望先锋补丁更新到最新版本(Method 3: Update Overwatch Patches to its Latest Version)
1. 打开暴雪战网(Blizzard Battle.net)应用,进入Overwatch > Options。
2. 现在,单击补丁说明(Patch Notes ),如下所示并检查更新。
3.如果有可用更新,请按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)更新游戏
现在,重新启动游戏以检查是否已解决《守望先锋》在(Overwatch)启动(launch problem)时崩溃的问题。
注意:(Note: )如果没有可更新的补丁,请尝试本文中讨论的其他方法。
方法 4:更新显卡驱动程序(Method 4: Update Graphics Drivers)
1. 单击 开始(Start),键入 设备管理器(device manager),然后按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 双击 显示适配器(Display adapters) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击 视频驱动程序(video driver) (例如 Intel (R) UHD Graphics)并选择 更新驱动程序 (Update driver ),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击 自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers) ,如图所示。
5A。如果驱动程序已经更新,它会显示 您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
5B。如果驱动程序已过时,它们将 自动更新(updated automatically)。最后, 重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
另请阅读:修复在(Also Read:) Windows 10上未检测到显卡(Fix Graphics Card)
方法 5:重置图形驱动程序设置(Method 5: Reset Graphics Driver Settings)
如果您有意或无意更改了显卡驱动程序的设置,更改的显卡设置将干扰守望先锋游戏(Overwatch game),从而导致守望先锋(Overwatch)崩溃问题。因此,请重置您的图形驱动程序设置以解决该问题。
选项 1:适用于英特尔显卡驱动程序(Option 1: For Intel Graphics Driver)
1.首先,右键单击桌面(Desktop)中的空白区域(empty space)。
2. 选择Intel HD Graphics Settings或Graphics Properties...选项。
3. 现在,选择下图中突出显示的3D选项。(3D )
4. 最后,单击恢复默认值(Restore Defaults )选项。
选项 2:对于 AMD Radeon 驱动程序(Option 2: For AMD Radeon Drivers)
1. 右键单击桌面(Desktop )中的空白区域(empty space)并选择AMD Radeon 设置(AMD Radeon Settings)选项。
2. 现在,单击首选项(Preferences )选项。请参考下图。
3. 最后,选中“恢复出厂默认(Restore Factory Defaults)设置”复选框以重置图形设置。
选项 3:对于 NVIDIA 驱动程序(Option 3: For NVIDIA Drivers)
1. 再次,右键单击桌面(Desktop )中的空白区域(empty space)并选择NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel)选项。
2. 现在,单击左侧窗格中的管理 3D 设置(Manage 3D settings)选项。
3. 最后,单击“恢复默认值”(Restore Defaults)选项以重置图形设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是NVIDIA 虚拟音频设备 Wave 可扩展(NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible)?
方法 6:卸载 Razer Chroma SDK(如果适用)(Method 6: Uninstall Razer Chroma SDK (If Applicable))
守望先锋(Overwatch)崩溃问题的主要原因是Razer Chroma SDK。这可以实现 Razer 设备的有效通信,而无需任何额外的驱动程序。然而,为了确保不间断的游戏服务(gaming service),您必须使用下面讨论的步骤卸载Razer Chroma SDK 。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 应用程序和功能(apps and features),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在 搜索此列表(Search this list) 字段中搜索Razer Chroma SDK 。
3. 然后,选择Razer Chroma SDK 并单击突出显示的 卸载 (Uninstall )按钮。
4.再次 单击“卸载”进行确认,然后按照(Uninstall)屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions) 完成卸载过程(uninstallation process)。
5. 最后,重启(restart) 你的电脑(your PC)。
Method 7: Repair or Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
Incorrect Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package可能会导致游戏崩溃。如果您在安装此软件包期间遇到任何冲突,请取消该过程并重新启动它。此外,如果您错误地安装了软件包,请手动修复它们以解决问题。请按照下面列出的给定步骤解决问题。
选项 1:修复包(Option 1: Repair the Package)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(control panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by > Large icons并选择程序和功能(Programs and Features)。
3. 现在,选择Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package 并单击Change as highlighting。
4. 现在,单击修复(Repair)按钮来修复包。
5. 然后,单击“用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”提示中的“是”(Yes)按钮并等待(prompt and wait)修复过程(repair process)完成。
尝试按照上述步骤修复所有其他Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages
现在,重新启动您的 PC 并检查Overwatch崩溃问题是否已修复。
选项 2:卸载软件包(Option 2: Uninstall the Package)
1.如上述方法所示,导航到Control Panel > Programs and Features
2. 选择Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages并点击Uninstall。
3. 单击用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中的是(Yes)按钮。
4. 卸载包后,重启(restart)电脑。
5. 现在,检查您是否修复了《守望先锋》(Overwatch)在启动时崩溃的问题。
如果没有,请尝试按照上述步骤卸载其他Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages
方法 8:扫描驱动器中的错误(Method 8: Scan for Errors in Drive)
1. 同时按下Windows + E keys启动文件资源管理器(File Explorer) 并转到 这台电脑(This PC)。
2. 右键单击安装了《守望先锋》的(Overwatch )本地磁盘驱动器(Local Disk drive),然后选择属性(Properties)。
3. 现在,转到工具(Tools )选项卡并单击检查(Check) 按钮进行错误检查(Error checking)。
4. 现在,在错误检查(Error Checking)提示中选择扫描驱动器(Scan drive )选项。
5. 等待扫描(Scanning)过程完成并排除任何错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Steam(Fix Steam Stuck)在Windows上分配磁盘空间时卡住的问题(Allocating Disk Space)
方法 9:对驱动器进行碎片整理和优化(Method 9: Defragment and Optimize Drives)
如果您不使用SSD,硬盘驱动器上的数据会随着时间的推移而碎片化并导致性能下降(performance loss),从而导致游戏崩溃。因此,建议您至少每月对硬盘进行一次碎片整理以避免此类问题。然后,按照下面提到的步骤来实现它。
注意:(Note: )不建议对SSD(固态驱动器(Solid State Drive))进行碎片整理。执行演示的步骤对硬盘进行碎片整理。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入碎片整理和优化(Defragment and Optimize) 驱动器(Drives),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 现在,选择您的驱动器并单击(drive and click)分析选项(Analyze )以查找是否需要优化。
注意:(Note:)如果分析按钮(Analyze button)显示为灰色,请按照以下步骤优化驱动器。
3. 单击优化(Optimize)选项以优化驱动器。
4.等待优化(optimization) 报告(report),然后关闭窗口并重新启动您的PC(restart your PC)。
方法 10:使用 Windows 内存诊断工具(Method 10: Use Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool)
Windows 内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool)是一个免费的内存测试程序(memory test program),可确保系统内存(system memory)触发守望先锋(Overwatch)崩溃问题的任何问题。该工具使用方便,排错后会重启系统。请按照以下步骤使用Windows 内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostic tool)。
1. 单击 开始(Start),键入 Windows Memory Diagnostic 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 单击 立即重新启动并检查(Restart now and check for problems (recommended)) 突出显示的问题(推荐)选项。
3. 现在,重新启动后,Windows 内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool )将打开。按F1 键(F1 key)打开选项(Options)。
4. 在这里,使用箭头(arrow )键导航到扩展(Extended )选项,然后按F10 键(F10 key )应用并(Apply) 运行测试。
注意:(Note: )扩展测试包括所有标准测试以及MATS+ (cache disabled). Stride38, WSCHCKR, WStride-6. CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6 (Cache disabled), and CHCKRS。
完成记忆测试(memory test)需要几分钟。
5. 如果报告任何错误,请记下错误以进行相应的故障排除,然后按Esc 键(Esc key )退出该(exit)工具。
6.最后,修复Windows内存诊断工具(Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool)报错后。
现在,检查是否已解决Overwatch在(Overwatch)启动(launch problem)时崩溃的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复计算机不断崩溃(Fix Computer Keeps Crashing)的7种方法(Ways)
方法 11:修复损坏的系统文件(Method 11: Repair Corrupt System Files)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control) 提示中单击 是。(Yes)
3. 键入chkdsk C: /f /r /x命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
4. 如果系统提示您,Chkdsk cannot run...the volume is... in use process,然后,键入Y并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
5. 再次键入命令:sfc /scannow 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)运行 系统文件检查器(System File Checker) 扫描。
注意:(Note:) 系统扫描将启动,需要几分钟才能完成。同时,您可以继续执行其他活动,但请注意不要意外关闭窗口。
- Windows 资源保护未发现任何完整性违规。(Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.)
- Windows 资源保护无法执行请求的操作。(Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件并成功修复它们。(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件,但无法修复其中一些。(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.)
6. 扫描完成后,重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
7. 再次以管理员身份启动命令提示符(Command Prompt as administrator) 并依次执行给定的命令:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
注意:(Note:) 您必须具有有效的Internet 连接(internet connection)才能正确执行DISM命令。
方法 12:修复守望先锋游戏文件(Method 12: Repair Overwatch Game Files)
您可以通过修复守望先锋游戏(Overwatch game)文件来清除损坏的游戏文件,如下所示。
1. 启动暴雪战网(Blizzard Battle.net)应用。
2. 选择守望先锋(Overwatch),然后点击选项(Options)。
3. 在下拉菜单中,单击扫描和修复, (Scan and Repair, )如图所示。
4. 按照 屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions) 完成该过程并 重新启动(relaunch the) 游戏 (game )。
方法 13:禁用覆盖设置(对于不和谐)(Method 13: Disable Overlay Settings (For Discord))
覆盖(Overlays)设置将帮助您在游戏期间访问系统中的第三方软件和程序(software and programs)。但是,这些设置有时也会触发崩溃问题。
1. 启动Discord PC 客户端(Discord PC Client) 并单击 Discord用户名(username) 旁边 的设置(Settings) 图标(icon)。
2.向下滚动(Scroll)左侧导航窗格并单击(navigation pane and click)活动设置(ACTIVITY SETTINGS) 部分 下的 游戏 覆盖。(Game Overlay)
3. 关闭(Off)启用游戏内覆盖(Enable in-game overlay) 的切换 开关 以禁用它,如图所示。
注意:(Note:)阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 10中禁用 Steam 覆盖的指南(Disable Steam Overlay)
方法 14:更新 Windows(Method 14: Update Windows)
如果您的操作系统(Operating System)已经过时,那么您在系统中玩游戏时可能会遇到问题。按照下面提到的步骤更新您的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)并修复Overwatch在启动时崩溃的问题。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install Now) 并按照说明进行更新。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示 您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
方法 15:重置游戏设置(Method 15: Reset Game Settings)
注意:(Note: )当您重置游戏设置时,所有游戏内设置都将恢复为默认值。
1. 启动暴雪(Blizzard) 战网(Battle.net)应用。
2. 现在,点击暴雪(Blizzard)徽标并从列表中选择设置(Settings )选项。
3. 在这里,导航到GameSettings并选择Reset In-Game Options,如下所示。
4. 然后,单击完成(Done )以重置设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复守望先锋 FPS 掉落问题
方法 16:联系守望先锋支持(Method 16: Contact Overwatch Support)
如果您没有通过上述方法获得任何修复,那么您应该联系守望先锋支持(Overwatch Support)解决问题。支持团队(support team)将分析问题的确切原因并帮助您解决问题。
专业提示:避免过热(Pro Tip: Avoid Overheating)
(Rest your computer)在长时间的游戏时间之间让您的计算机休息一下。
- 当风扇周围有碎屑凝块时,您的系统将无法适当通风,从而导致过热。因此,您应该保持(you should maintain a) 通风良好的(well-ventilated) 设置(setup)。
- 持续过热不仅会磨损您的显卡,还会磨损您的系统。如果您长时间玩游戏并体验系统的高温,请安装(install) 更好的冷却系统(better cooling systems)。
- 当您的系统加热到最高温度时,风扇将以最高转速旋转。然而,系统可能无法处理热量。在这种情况下,您的GPU将产生大量热量并导致热节流(Thermal Throttling)。您必须使用专用显卡来解决此问题(use a dedicated graphics card to fix this issue)。
- 修复 Netflix 错误代码 M7121-1331-P7 的(Fix Netflix Error Code M7121-1331-P7)6种(Ways)方法
- 如何修复 Origin 无法在Windows 10上(Windows 10)打开(Open)
- 如何修复 Roblox 错误 279
- 如何修复 Kodi(Fix Kodi Keeps Crashing)在启动时不断崩溃(Startup)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复系统中的守望先锋崩溃(Overwatch crashing)问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix Overwatch Crashing
Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer game that hаs been very famous in recent days. There are 30 heroes in the game with unique fighting styles, and the entire team aims to acquire control points in the match. You can access this game on several platforms where you can engage yourself in a competitive online battle. However, you also may face Overwatch crashing issues during launch, which can be resolved by the troubleshooting steps discussed in this article. So, continue reading!
How to Fix Overwatch Crashing on Windows 10
Here are some troubleshooting methods to fix the said problem. The methods are arranged according to the severity and impact level of the issue. Follow them to attain the best results to solve Overwatch crashes on launch problem.
Basic Troubleshooting
Before trying the advanced troubleshooting steps, you are advised to ensure the compatibility of the game and the system by following the basic troubleshooting steps as discussed below.
- Ensure your system meets at least minimum specifications to enjoy the uninterrupted service of Overwatch. Refer to the table listed below.
Minimum Specifications |
Recommended Requirements |
Operating System |
Windows 7/8/ 10; 64-bit (latest Service Pack) |
Windows 7/8/ 10; 64-bit (latest Service Pack) |
At least 4 GB of RAM |
At least 6 GB of RAM |
CPU/Processor |
Intel Core i3/AMD Phenom X3 8650 |
Intel Core i5/AMD Phenom II X3 |
Storage Space |
30 GB or more accessible storage |
30 GB or more free storage |
Display Resolution |
At least 1024 x 768p screen resolution |
At least 1024 x 768p screen resolution |
Intel HD Graphics 4400/ATI Radeon HD 4850/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 |
ATI Radeon HD 7950/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 |
Run the program as administrator since few game features can be launched only with administrative rights.
Close all background applications consuming high CPU resources by using the Task Manager.
Run an antivirus scan to check if any malware is preventing you from launching the game.
Perform a memory test and ensure that your RAMs are working correctly. You can use the MemTest86 tool to run this test.
- Sometimes, an Windows Firewall may prevent you from accessing the game, considering it a threat. You can allow the game in Windows Firewall.
Open your game in Windowed mode and change the display resolutions of your Desktop screen. This may help you fix the issue within a few clicks.
- Navigate to display settings of the game to turn off V-Sync, G-Sync, and FreeSync features and check if the issue is resolved.
- Finally, avoid overclocking to fix Overwatch crashes on the launch issues.
- Also, set your GPU configurations to default settings to prevent the issue altogether.
If you did not get any fix by following these basic troubleshooting methods, then you can jump into the advanced troubleshooting solutions listed below to fix Overwatch crashes on launch problem.
Method 1: Use High-Performance Power Plan
You can also optimize your computer for games when you set your settings to a high-performance power plan. These power plans are developed to manage the power settings on portable settings. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to use high-performance power plan settings in your system.
1. Right-click on the Battery icon on the Taskbar and select Power Options.
2. Now, select the High performance option as highlighted in the pic below.
Now you have optimized your system for games and better performance.
Method 2: Disable Fullscreen Optimizations
If full-screen optimization is enabled in your system, you may encounter game crashes often. Disable the full-screen optimization to prevent the problem and launch the game now.
1. Right-click on the Overwatch launcher file and select Properties.
2. Go to the Compatibility tab.
3. Here, check the box for Disable full-screen optimizations.
4. Finally, click on Apply and then OK to save the changes.
Check if you have fixed the issue.
Also Read: 5 Best FPS Counter For Windows 10
Method 3: Update Overwatch Patches to its Latest Version
Any bugs in the game can be fixed by updating it. Thus to resolve Overwatch crashes on launch issue, follow the below-mentioned steps to its latest version as discussed below.
1. Open the Blizzard Battle.net app and go to Overwatch > Options.
2. Now, click on Patch Notes as shown below and check for updates.
3. If there are updates available, follow the on-screen instructions to update the game
Now, relaunch the game to check if Overwatch crashes on launch problem is solved.
Note: If there are no patches available for update, try the rest of the methods discussed in this article.
Method 4: Update Graphics Drivers
Try updating the drivers to the latest version by following the given steps to fix Overwatch crashing problem.
1. Click on Start, type device manager, and hit the Enter key.
2. Double-click Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on video driver (e.g. Intel (R) UHD Graphics) and choose Update driver as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers as shown.
5A. If the drivers have been updated already, it shows The best drivers for your device are already installed.
5B. If the drivers are outdated, then they will get updated automatically. Lastly, restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10
Method 5: Reset Graphics Driver Settings
If you have changed the settings of the graphics driver intentionally or unknowingly, the altered graphics settings will interfere with the Overwatch game, thus leading to Overwatch crashing issue. Accordingly, reset your graphics driver settings to resolve the same.
Option 1: For Intel Graphics Driver
1. Firstly, right-click on an empty space in your Desktop.
2. Select Intel HD Graphics Settings or Graphics Properties… option.
3. Now, select the 3D option as highlighted in the pic below.
4. Finally, Click on the Restore Defaults option.
Option 2: For AMD Radeon Drivers
1. Right-click on an empty space in your Desktop and select the AMD Radeon Settings option.
2. Now, click on the Preferences option. Refer to the pic below.
3. Finally, check the box for Restore Factory Defaults to reset graphics settings.
Option 3: For NVIDIA Drivers
1. Again, right-click on an empty space in your Desktop and select the NVIDIA Control Panel option.
2. Now, click on the Manage 3D settings option in the left pane.
3. Finally, click on the Restore Defaults option to reset the graphics settings.
Finally, check if you have fixed the issue.
Also Read: What is NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible?
Method 6: Uninstall Razer Chroma SDK (If Applicable)
The primary reason for Overwatch crashing issues is Razer Chroma SDK. This enables effective communications of razer devices without the need for any additional drivers. Yet to ensure uninterrupted gaming service, you have to uninstall Razer Chroma SDK with the help of steps as discussed below.
1. Hit the Windows key, type apps and features, and click on Open.
2. Search for Razer Chroma SDK in Search this list field.
3. Then, select Razer Chroma SDK and click on the Uninstall button shown highlighted.
Note: We have shown uninstalling Origin as an example.
4. Click on Uninstall again to confirm the same and follow the on-screen instructions to finish the uninstallation process.
5. Finally, restart your PC.
Check if the issue persists or not. If it does, try the next solution.
Method 7: Repair or Uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
Incorrect Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package may lead to crashing of the game. If you face any conflicts during the installation of this package, cancel the process and restart it again. Also, if you have installed the package incorrectly, then repair them manually to resolve the issue. Follow the given steps as listed below to fix the issue.
Option 1: Repair the Package
1. Press the Windows key, type control panel, and click on Open.
2. Set View by > Large icons and select Programs and Features.
3. Now, select Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package and click on Change as highlighted.
4. Now, click on the Repair button to repair the package.
5. Then, click on the Yes button in the User Account Control prompt and wait for the repair process to be completed.
Try repairing all other Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages by following the above steps.
Now, restart your PC and check if Overwatch crashing issue is fixed or not.
Option 2: Uninstall the Package
1. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features as shown in the above method to repair packages.
2. Select the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages and click on Uninstall.
3. Click on the Yes button in the User Account Control prompt.
4. After uninstalling the package, restart your PC.
5. Now, check if you have fixed Overwatch crashes on launch issue.
If not then, try uninstalling other Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages by following the above steps.
Method 8: Scan for Errors in Drive
Sometimes, errors in hard disks might also contribute to the issue. Thus, you can perform a scan and sort out any errors, if any. Thus, find where your installation files are stored and scan the corresponding drive as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows + E keys together to launch File Explorer and go to This PC.
2. Right-click on your Local Disk drive where you have installed Overwatch and select Properties.
3. Now, go to the Tools tab and click on the Check button for Error checking.
4. Now, select the Scan drive option in the Error Checking prompt.
5. Wait for the Scanning process to be completed and sort out errors if any.
Finally, check if you have fixed the issue.
If you do not find any errors, follow the rest of the methods discussed in this article.
Also Read: Fix Steam Stuck on Allocating Disk Space on Windows
Method 9: Defragment and Optimize Drives
If you do not use an SSD, the data on your hard drive gets fragmented over time and leads to performance loss and hence the game crashes. Therefore, you are advised to defragment your hard disk at least once a month to avoid such issues. Then, follow the below-mentioned steps to implement the same.
Note: Defragmentation of SSD (Solid State Drive) is not recommended. Perform the demonstrated steps to defrag the hard disk.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Defragment and Optimize Drives, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, select your drive and click on Analyze option to find if it needs to be Optimized.
Note: If the Analyze button is greyed out then, follow the below step to optimize the drive.
3. Click on Optimize option to optimize the drives.
4. Wait for the optimization report, then close the window and restart your PC.
Method 10: Use Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
The Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool is a free memory test program to ensure any issues with the system memory triggering Overwatch crashing issue. This tool is easy to use, and the system will be rebooted after sorting the errors. Follow the below-mentioned steps to use Windows Memory Diagnostic tool.
1. Click on Start, type Windows Memory Diagnostic and press the Enter key.
2. Click on Restart now and check for problems (recommended) option shown highlighted.
3. Now, after a restart, Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool will open up. Hit the F1 key to open Options.
4. Here, use the arrow keys to navigate to the Extended option and hit the F10 key to Apply and run the test.
Note: The Extended tests include all the standard tests plus MATS+ (cache disabled). Stride38, WSCHCKR, WStride-6. CHCKR4, WCHCKR3, ERAND, Stride6 (Cache disabled), and CHCKRS.
Several minutes will take to complete the memory test.
5. If any errors are reported, note down the errors to troubleshoot them accordingly and hit the Esc key to exit the tool.
6. Finally, after fixing the errors reported by Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool.
Now, check if Overwatch crashes on launch problem is solved or not.
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Method 11: Repair Corrupt System Files
If you have any corrupt files in your system, you will face Overwatch crashing issue, and thus to repair them, there are several ways suggested by tech experts. Yet, here is a simple method to repair corrupt Windows files.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type chkdsk C: /f /r /x command and hit Enter key.
4. If you are prompted with a message, Chkdsk cannot run…the volume is… in use process, then, type Y and hit the Enter key.
5. Again, type the command: sfc /scannow and press Enter key to run the System File Checker scan.
Note: A system scan will be initiated and it will take a couple of minutes to finish. Meanwhile, you can continue performing other activities but be mindful of not accidentally closing the window.
After completing the scan, it will show either of these messages:
- Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
- Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
6. Once the scan is finished, restart your PC.
7. Again, launch Command Prompt as administrator and execute the given commands one after the other:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Note: You must have a working internet connection to execute DISM commands properly.
Method 12: Repair Overwatch Game Files
You can clear corrupt gaming files by repairing the Overwatch game files, as shown below.
1. Launch the Blizzard Battle.net app.
2. Select Overwatch, then click on Options.
3. In the dropdown menu, click on Scan and Repair, as shown.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process and relaunch the game again.
Method 13: Disable Overlay Settings (For Discord)
Overlays settings will help you access third-party software and programs in your system during your game. But, these settings will trigger crashing issues too sometimes.
Here, the steps to disable overlays in Discord are explained.
1. Launch Discord PC Client and click on the Settings icon next to your Discord username.
2. Scroll down the left navigation pane and click on Game Overlay under the ACTIVITY SETTINGS section.
3. Switch Off the toggle for Enable in-game overlay to disable it, as shown.
4. Restart your system and open the game to check if Overwatch crashes on launch issue persists or not.
Note: Read our guide on How to Disable Steam Overlay in Windows 10
Method 14: Update Windows
If your Operating System is outdated then, you may have issues while playing games in your system. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update your Windows OS and fix Overwatch crashes on launch issue.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and follow the instructions to update.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Method 15: Reset Game Settings
Unoptimized game settings will trigger more crashing issues, and thus if you did not get any fix by all the above-discussed methods, you could reset game settings as follows.
Note: When you reset the game settings, all the in-game settings will default values.
1. Launch the Blizzard Battle.net app.
2. Now, click on Blizzard Logo and select the Settings option from the list.
3. Here, navigate to GameSettings and select Reset In-Game Options as shown below.
4. Then, click on Done to reset the settings.
Now, relaunch the game and check if you face the issue again. If the issue persists then you can reinstall the game again.
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Method 16: Contact Overwatch Support
If you did not obtain any fix by the above-discussed methods, then you should contact Overwatch Support to solve the problem. The support team will analyze the exact reason for the issue and help you resolve the same.
Pro Tip: Avoid Overheating
Excessive overheating might also contribute to the poor performance of your game and your system. Overheating will damage the internal components and will slow down the performance of the system gradually. Here are some points you can follow to avoid overheating.
Rest your computer in between long gaming hours.
- When there is debris clot around the fan, your system will not be appropriately ventilated, leading to overheating. So, you should maintain a well-ventilated setup.
- Constant overheating will wear down not only your graphics card but also your system. If you play for long hours and experience the high temperature of your system, then install better cooling systems.
- When your system is heated to the maximum temperature, the fans will spin with the highest RPM. Yet, the system may not be able to handle the heat. In this case, your GPU will develop a load of heat and leads to Thermal Throttling. You must use a dedicated graphics card to fix this issue.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Overwatch crashing issue in your system. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.