最近,互联网上充斥着大量用户报告说他们的 PC 在Windows 11中工作时死机并发出嗡嗡声。如果您在突然工作时也遇到同样的问题,您的屏幕与系统完全冻结并产生音频嗡嗡声,请不要担心!我们为您提供了一份有用的指南,可修复Windows 11中的音频嗡嗡声。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 Windows 11 中的音频冻结和嗡嗡声(How to Fix Audio Freezing & Buzzing Sounds in Windows 11)
如果您正在进行激烈的游戏或高级编辑,您可能会在(gaming or high-level editing)Windows 11上遇到 PC 死机和嗡嗡声。但是,即使是在做一个简单的任务也可能会发生这个问题。通常,这个问题主要是由硬件问题引起的,但由于大多数报告在升级到Windows 11(Windows 11)后都有一个共同点,因此可能有多种因素会导致这些问题,下一节将对此进行解释。
PC 嗡嗡声和冻结问题的原因(Reasons for PC Buzzing and Freezing Issues)
在某些情况下,可能有一些原因及其组合会导致Windows 11中出现嗡嗡声和冻结问题。我们在下面列出了其中一些供您思考:
电脑中的超频(Overclocking )或磨损的冷却(worn-out cooling)风扇会导致嗡嗡声。
过时的 GPU 或显示驱动程序(Outdated GPU or display drivers)影响正常运行。
(Problems in booting)由于软件故障导致系统在正常状态下启动的问题。
(Overheating of the CPU)由于长时间大量使用而导致CPU 过热。
(Entry of dust or foreign particles )RAM芯片上的灰尘或异物进入会影响内存使用(memory usage)的硬件。
电压波动问题(Voltage fluctuation issues )会炸毁 PC 上的电缆连接。
方法 1:更换损坏的音频线(Method 1: Replace Damaged Audio Cables)
有时,设备故障或电缆烧坏是此类问题的唯一原因。长时间或粗暴使用可能会对您的系统造成严重破坏,并且可能对其他正常工作的组件非常危险,尤其是在电力供应(electricity supply)不良的情况下。请遵循这些预防措施来解决上述问题。
检查 CPU 和显示器的主要连接电缆,(Check the main connecting cables to the CPU and the monitor)以确保此类连接不会对 PC 的工作造成压力
Replace the cables or/and devices以避免进一步损坏。
尽管这与升级到Windows 11(Windows 11)后开始面临该问题的用户无关,但巧合定义了自己的方式。让我们继续使用下一个方法来修复Windows 11中的嗡嗡声和冻结问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 未安装音频(No Audio) 设备(Devices)
方法 2:清理 RAM 插槽(Method 2: Clean RAM Slots)
(Dust)进入CPU 机柜的(CPU cabinet)灰尘和其他异物不仅会导致嗡嗡声和冻结问题,而且如果接触,还会导致RAM插槽和棍子被炸毁。(RAM)
- 自己或在技术人员的帮助下打开机柜并清洁 RAM 棒和插槽以及 PC 内部(clean the RAM sticks and slots along with the interiors of the PC)。
- 如有必要,请更改记忆棒的 PCI-e 插槽,因为(change the PCI-e slots for the sticks)RAM有超过 1 个插槽。
- 如果 RAM 棒看起来有问题,( if the RAM stick(s) look(s) problematic, then replacing it instantly)您根本不应该妥协,然后立即更换它可以让您免于在未来花费大量金钱的大量损失。让我们转向另一种方法。
方法 3:关闭不需要的后台进程(Method 3: Close Unwanted Background Processes)
如果您将 PC 与超频处理器和图形卡一起使用并进行激烈的游戏和编辑工作,则CPU 温度(CPU temperature)可能接近阈值,因此过热可能是系统中出现嗡嗡声和冻结问题的主要原因。因此,请按照以下步骤删除占用大量内存(memory usage)的不需要的后台进程。
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开任务管理器。(Task Manager.)
2. 选择不需要的进程( unwanted process )(例如uTorrent)并点击结束任务(End task)。
注意:(Note:)您不应关闭任何Windows 服务(Windows service)进程,因为它们可能会导致系统出错。
超过GPU(GPU)容量的游戏或软件的过多和高端RAM 消耗(RAM consumption)会导致显卡风扇由于温度升高而超速,并且机柜中的这种过热情况会导致高度磨损(wear and tear),因此,通过移除不需要的后台进程可以解决此问题。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 11中的关键进程终止错误(Fix Critical Process Died Error)
方法 4:运行音频疑难解答(Method 4: Run Audio Troubleshooter)
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开 Windows设置(Settings )。
2. 在系统(System)设置中,向下滚动并选择故障排除(Troubleshoot )选项。
3. 单击其他疑难解答(Other troubleshooters )选项。
4.找到播放音频(Playing Audio)选项,然后单击运行(Run )按钮。
5. 现在,选择可能有问题的音频设备,然后选择(audio device)下一步(Next)按钮。
6. 等待故障排除人员检测到问题(troubleshooter to detect the problems)。
7.如果有故障排除人员指示的任何问题,请应用修复程序。(Apply the fix)
8. 最后,重启你的电脑(restart your PC)。
方法 5:在安全模式下卸载冲突的应用程序(Method 5: Uninstall Conflicting Apps in Safe Mode)
这是确定任何导致Windows 11中出现嗡嗡声和冻结问题的错误应用程序或进程(application or processes)的最佳解决方案。首先,您应该启动进入安全模式。阅读我们关于如何(How)以安全模式(Mode)启动 Windows 11的文章(Boot Windows 11)
1. 点击搜索图标(Search icon),输入应用和功能(type apps and features),然后点击打开(Open)。
2.从搜索栏中搜索冲突的应用程序( conflicting apps)(例如截图工具)。(Snipping tool)
3. 然后,单击三点图标(three-dotted icon)并选择卸载(Uninstall)选项,如图所示。
4. 再次单击 确认对话框中的卸载。(Uninstall)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Low Microphone Volume)Windows 11中的低麦克风音量
方法 6:更新或重新安装显卡驱动程序(Method 6: Update or Reinstall Graphics Driver)
有时,GPU驱动程序是需要注意或需要关键更新来修复Windows 11中的 PC 死机和嗡嗡声的驱动程序。
选项 1:更新驱动程序(Option 1: Update Driver)
注意:(Note:)这些步骤对于安装在 PC 上的集成显卡是可行的。
1. 点击搜索图标(Search icon),输入设备管理器(device manager),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters )将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的图形驱动程序(graphics driver)(例如NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)选项。
4. 单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )以自动下载和更新驱动程序。
5A。如果有任何更新可用,Windows 将下载并安装(Windows will download and install)它们。
5B。如果您的驱动程序已更新,您将收到消息The best drivers for your device are already installed。然后,关闭(close)更新向导。
专业提示:更新 NVIDIA GeForce Experience(Pro Tip: Update NVIDIA GeForce Experience)
如果您的系统中安装了NVIDIA显卡。然后,您可以从GeForce Experience 应用(GeForce Experience app)程序更新图形驱动程序。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon),输入geforce experience,然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 切换到驱动(DRIVERS )程序菜单。
3. 在这里,单击检查更新(CHECK FOR UPDATES )以检查可用更新。
4B。如果您的驱动程序已更新,您将收到一条消息,说明您拥有最新的 GeForce Game Ready 驱动程序(You have the latest GeForce Game Ready Driver)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是NVIDIA 虚拟音频设备 Wave 可扩展(NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible)?
方法 7:更新或回滚音频驱动程序(Method 7: Update or Rollback Audio Driver)
如果您的音频驱动程序(audio driver)未更新或更新损坏,您将在Windows 11中面临音频嗡嗡声。请按照以下步骤更新或回滚驱动程序更新。
选项 1:更新驱动程序(Option 1: Update Driver)
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager),如上述方法 6(Method 6)所示。
2. 双击音频输入和输出(Audio inputs and outputs )以展开并查看已安装的驱动程序。
3. 右键单击您的音频驱动程序(audio driver)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)选项。
注意:(Note:)您可以直接从Realtek 音频驱动程序下载页面( Realtek Audio Driver Download page)下载最新的驱动程序。
4. 点击自动搜索(Search automatically for drivers)驱动程序下载并安装驱动程序,如方法 6(Method 6)所示。
5. 现在,通过执行上述步骤更新所有音频设备驱动程序。(update all )
选项 2:回滚驱动程序更新(Option 2: Rollback Driver Updates)
如果您的驱动程序更新(driver update)文件损坏,回滚到先前版本的音频驱动程序应该可以工作。请按照以下步骤回滚驱动程序更新(driver update)。
1. 转到Device Manager > Audio inputs and outputs,如上一个选项所示。
2. 右键单击您的音频驱动程序(audio driver)并选择属性(Properties)。
3. 切换到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡并单击回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)。
注意:(Note:)如果“回滚驱动程序”按钮(Roll Back Driver button)显示为灰色,则您没有为特定驱动程序安装任何更新。
4. 从Why are you rolling back 中选择原因?(Why are you rolling back?) 部分,然后单击 是(Yes)。
5. 最后,重启你的电脑(restart your PC)。
6. 对所有已安装的音频设备驱动程序重复上述步骤。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Windows 11 更新卡住
方法 8:重新安装音频驱动程序(Method 8: Reinstall Audio Driver)
如果更新音频驱动程序(audio driver)无法解决Windows 11上的(Windows 11)音频(Audio)嗡嗡声问题,请在此处按照我们关于如何(How)在Windows 11上重新安装音频驱动程序(audio driver)的详细指南进行操作。
方法 9:运行 SFC、DISM 和 CHKDSK 工具
(Method 9: Run SFC, DISM & CHKDSK Tools
如果系统文件(system file)损坏或损坏或 Windows映像文件(image file)受到影响,SFC扫描和 DISM 扫描将能够检测到并修复它。这可能会修复Windows 11上的(Windows 11)音频(Audio)嗡嗡声。因此,请按照以下步骤运行CHKSDSK、SFC 和 DISM 扫描(SFC and DISM scans)。
第一步:运行 chkdsk 命令(Step I: Run chkdsk Command)
首先,您应该扫描安装了Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)的驱动器,如下所示:
1. 按 Windows 键(key) 并键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如图所示。
2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control) 提示中单击 是。(Yes)
3. 键入 chkdsk X: /r 并按 Enter 键(key) ,将 X替换为安装(X)Windows的 驱动器分区,通常是 驱动器C。(drive C)
4. 如果您收到 无法锁定当前驱动器(Cannot lock current drive)的消息,请键入 Y 并按 Enter 键以在下次引导类型时运行chkdsk 扫描(chkdsk scan)。
5. 最后, 重启(restart) 你的电脑(your PC)。
步骤二:运行 SFC 扫描(Step II: Run SFC Scan)
现在,您可以按照给定的步骤运行系统文件检查器扫描:(System File Checker Scan)
1.以管理员(Command Prompt as administrator)身份启动 命令提示符, 如前所示。
2. 键入 SFC /scannow 并按 Enter,如下图所示。
3. 等待(Wait) 扫描完成并 重新启动(restart) 系统。
第三步:运行 DISM 扫描(Step III: Run DISM Scan)
最后,运行部署映像服务管理(Deployment Image Servicing Management)扫描以修复损坏的系统文件,如下所示:
1.如前所述打开 提升的命令提示符。(Elevated Command Prompt)
2. 键入 DISM /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth 并按 Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 然后,如图所示执行 DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 命令开始修复。
4. 最后, 重新启动(restart) 您的 Windows 11 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用键盘快捷键关闭 Windows 11(Off Windows 11) 摄像头和麦克风(Camera and Microphone Using Keyboard Shortcut)
方法10:访问授权服务中心(Method 10: Visit Authorized Service Center)
如果上述方法都不能解决您的问题,那么可能联系专家来监控系统并完美准确地修复您的PC 嗡嗡声和死机问题是正确的决定。(PC buzzing and freezing problem)前往最近的设备制造商授权(device manufacturer)服务中心(service center)。
- 修复糟糕的 YouTube 应用程序出错了(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong YouTube App)
- 如何在Windows 11中添加(Windows 11)创建还原点上下文菜单(Create Restore Point Context Menu)
- 如何在Windows 11中启用或(Windows 11)禁用用户帐户控制(Disable User Account Control)
- 如何修复音频服务(Audio Service)未运行 Windows 10
我们希望这些方法在修复Windows 11 中的音频嗡嗡声方面(Audio buzzing in Windows 11)确实卓有成效。请在下面的评论部分(comment section)告诉我们哪种方法对您有帮助。不过,如果您仍然遇到困难,请随时与我们联系。
How to Fix Audio Buzzing in Windows 11
Reсently the internet has been flooding by υsers reportіng that their PC freezes and buzzing sound in Windows 11 while working. If yoυ are also facing the same issue while workіng suddenly your screen with the systеm altogether freezeѕ creating audio buzzing sound, then do not worry! We bring to you a helpful guide that will fix audiо buzzing in Wіndows 11. So, continuе reading!
How to Fix Audio Freezing & Buzzing Sounds in Windows 11
If you are doing intense gaming or high-level editing, you may face PC freezes and buzzing sound on Windows 11. However, this issue may happen even if are doing a simple task also. Usually, this issue majorly arises due to hardware problems but since most of the reports have a common pinpoint after upgrade to Windows 11, there can be multiple factors bringing up these problems which are explained in the next section.
Reasons for PC Buzzing and Freezing Issues
There can be a handful of reasons and their combinations in some cases which result in buzzing sounds and freezing issues in Windows 11. We’ve listed some of them below for you to ponder about:
Overclocking or worn-out cooling fans in the PCs result in buzzing sounds.
Outdated GPU or display drivers affecting the normal functioning.
Problems in booting of the system in the normal state due to faulty software.
Overheating of the CPU due to prolonged heavy usage.
Entry of dust or foreign particles on the RAM chips straining the hardware of the memory usage.
Voltage fluctuation issues frying the cable connections on your PC.
Note: Sometimes a simple restart might be the best solution.
Method 1: Replace Damaged Audio Cables
Sometimes faulty devices or burned-out cables are the sole reasons for such issues. Prolonged or rough usage can wreak havoc on your system and can be very dangerous for other components working normally, especially in the cases of a bad electricity supply. Follow these precautions to fix the said issue.
Check the main connecting cables to the CPU and the monitor to assure no such connection is stressing the working of the PC
Replace the cables or/and devices in such a case to avoid any damage further.
Although this wouldn’t be relevant to the users who started facing the issue after upgrading to Windows 11, coincidences define themselves the way they are. Let’s move forward to the next method towards fixing buzzing sounds and freezing issues in Windows 11.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Method 2: Clean RAM Slots
Dust and other foreign particles entering the CPU cabinet can result not only in buzzing and freezing issues but frying out the RAM slots and sticks if coming in contact.
- Open the cabinet yourself or with the help of a technician and clean the RAM sticks and slots along with the interiors of the PC.
Note: This applies mostly for Desktops but if you feel it could be a case for laptops, consider the method.
- If necessary, change the PCI-e slots for the sticks as there are more than 1 slot for the RAM.
- You should not compromise at all if the RAM stick(s) look(s) problematic, then replacing it instantly can save you from a lot of loss in the future costing a cumbersome amount of money. Let’s move to another method.
Method 3: Close Unwanted Background Processes
If you are using your PC with an overclocked processor and graphic cards with intense gaming and editing work, the CPU temperature might be close to the threshold, and hence overheating could be a prime reason for buzzing sound and freezing issues in the system. So, follow these steps to remove unwanted background processes taking high memory usage.
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager.
2. Select the unwanted process (e.g. uTorrent) and click on End task.
Note: You should not close any Windows service processes as they can cause errors in your system.
Excessive and high-end RAM consumption of games or software above the capacity of the GPU results in over speeding of the graphic card fans due to rise in temperatures and this overheating scenario in the cabinet can result in high wear and tear, therefore, by removing the unwanted background processes can fix this issue.
Also Read: Fix Critical Process Died Error in Windows 11
Method 4: Run Audio Troubleshooter
In case the above methods couldn’t fix the sound issues, troubleshooting the audio could fix the problems with the audio. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open Windows Settings by hitting Windows + I keys simultaneously.
2. In the System Settings, scroll down and select the Troubleshoot option.
3. Click on the Other troubleshooters option.
4. Locate the Playing Audio option and click on the Run button with respect to it.
5. Now, select the audio device which can be problematic and select the Next button.
6. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect the problems.
7. Apply the fix if there are any issues as instructed by the troubleshooter.
8. Finally, restart your PC.
Repeat these steps individually to fix all the audio devices you doubt in your system.
This would troubleshoot all the audio devices in your system. If this didn’t work, proceed to the next method.
Method 5: Uninstall Conflicting Apps in Safe Mode
This is the best fix to determine any faulty application or processes which is resulting in buzzing sounds and freezing issues in Windows 11. Firstly, you should boot into safe mode. Read our article on How to Boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode
After the system boots into safe mode follow the given steps to uninstall and check for conflicted apps.
1. Click on the Search icon, type apps and features and click on Open.
2. Search for the conflicting apps (e.g. Snipping tool) from the search bar.
3. Then, click on the three-dotted icon and select Uninstall option, as depicted.
4. Again, click on Uninstall in the confirmation dialog box.
Now, check if the issue persists or not. If the issue is fixed, then the problem was with the particular app.
Also Read: Fix Low Microphone Volume in Windows 11
Method 6: Update or Reinstall Graphics Driver
Sometimes the GPU drivers are the ones requiring attention or needing a critical update that would fix PC freezes and buzzing sound in Windows 11.
Option 1: Update Driver
Follow the given steps to update your graphics drivers.
Note: These steps would be feasible for integrated graphics card installed on your PC.
1. Click on the Search icon, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your graphics driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti) and select the Update driver option.
4. Click on Search automatically for drivers to download and update driver automatically.
5A. If any updates are available, then Windows will download and install them.
5B. If your driver is updated then, you will receive the message The best drivers for your device are already installed. Then, close the update wizard.
Pro Tip: Update NVIDIA GeForce Experience
If you have an NVIDIA graphic card installed in your system. Then, you can update the graphics driver from the GeForce Experience app. Follow these steps to do so.
1. Click on the Search icon, type geforce experience, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Switch to the DRIVERS menu.
3. Here, click on CHECK FOR UPDATES to check for available updates.
4A. If there are any updates available then, click on DOWNLOAD to download and install them.
4B. If your driver is updated then, you’ll get the message stating You have the latest GeForce Game Ready Driver.
Also Read: What is NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device Wave Extensible?
Method 7: Update or Rollback Audio Driver
If your audio driver is not updated or has a corrupt update then, you will face audio buzzing in Windows 11. Follow these steps to update or roll back driver updates.
Option 1: Update Driver
Here are the steps to update your audio driver.
1. Launch Device Manager as shown in the above Method 6.
2. Double click on Audio inputs and outputs to expand and view the installed drivers.
3. Right-click on your audio driver and select Update driver option.
Note: You can directly download latest drivers from Realtek Audio Driver Download page.
4. Download and install the drivers by clicking on Search automatically for drivers as shown in Method 6.
5. Now, update all audio device drivers by performing the above steps.
This should fix the buzzing issues if caused by audio outputs, if this isn’t the case, move to the next method.
Option 2: Rollback Driver Updates
Rolling back to a previous version of the audio driver should work if your driver update files get corrupt. Follow these steps to rollback driver updates.
1. Go to Device Manager > Audio inputs and outputs as illustrated in the previous option.
2. Right-click on your audio driver and select Properties.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and click on Roll Back Driver.
Note: If the Roll Back Driver button is greyed out, then you do not have any updates installed for the particular driver.
4. Select the reason from Why are you rolling back? section and click on Yes.
5. Finally, restart your PC.
6. Repeat the above steps for all the installed audio device drivers.
Also Read: How to Fix Windows 11 Update Stuck
Method 8: Reinstall Audio Driver
If updating the audio driver did not fix Audio buzzing on Windows 11 issue, then follow our detailed guide on How to reinstall audio driver on Windows 11 here.
Method 9: Run SFC, DISM & CHKDSK Tools
In case a system file is corrupted or broken or a Windows image file is affected, the SFC scan and DISM scan would be able to detect it and fix it. This may fix Audio buzzing on Windows 11. So, follow these steps to run CHKSDSK, SFC and DISM scans.
Step I: Run chkdsk Command
Firstly, you should scan your drive where Windows OS is installed as follows:
1. Press the Windows key and type Command Prompt, then click on Run as administrator, as shown.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type chkdsk X: /r and press the Enter key by replacing X with drive partition where Windows is installed, usually drive C.
4. If you receive a message stating Cannot lock current drive, type Y and press the Enter key to run the chkdsk scan at the type of next boot.
5. Finally, restart your PC.
Step II: Run SFC Scan
Now, you can run System File Checker Scan by following the given steps:
1. Launch Command Prompt as administrator as shown before.
2. Type SFC /scannow and hit Enter, as depicted below.
3. Wait for the scan to be completed and restart your system.
Step III: Run DISM Scan
Finally, run the Deployment Image Servicing Management scan to repair corrupt system files as follows:
Note: Your computer must be connected to the internet to execute the DISM commands properly.
1. Open Elevated Command Prompt as earlier.
2. Type DISM /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth & press Enter key.
3. Then, execute DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command as shown to begin repairs.
4. Finally, restart your Windows 11 PC.
Also Read: How to Turn Off Windows 11 Camera and Microphone Using Keyboard Shortcut
Method 10: Visit Authorized Service Center
If none of the above methods fix your issue, probably contacting an expert would be the right decision to monitor the system and fix your PC buzzing and freezing problem perfectly and precisely. Go to the nearest authorized service center of your device manufacturer.
We hope these methods did turn out fruitful to fix Audio buzzing in Windows 11. Do tell us which method helped you in the comment section below. Although, if you’re still stuck, feel free to reach out.