Xbox 是由Microsoft开发的流行(Microsoft)游戏机(gaming console)。现在,数百万用户喜欢使用这款游戏机玩多种游戏。您可能会因为Xbox one 不断退出我(Xbox one keeps signing me out)而感到恼火,并且您可能因此无法玩游戏或使用其他服务。当您遇到网络问题、您的帐户被黑客入侵或控制台中的缓存已损坏时,您可能会遇到Xbox 360 不断退出的问题。( Xbox 360 keeps signing me out)无论出于何种(Regardless)原因,您都可以按照下面讨论的方法轻松解决此问题。
How to Fix Xbox One/Xbox 360 Keeps Signing Me Out
几乎所有 Xbox 设备(如 Xbox One、Xbox One S 和 Xbox 360)都报告了此问题。(Xbox)在本文(Xbox One)中,(Xbox One S)我们展示(Xbox)了一些可能的方法来解决此问题并确保您的帐户更安全。
Method 1: Restart Your Xbox One/360 Console
当您重新启动或重启 Xbox 主机(restart or power cycle your Xbox console)时,主机的所有临时问题都将得到解决。有多种方法可以做到这一点,例如从电源面板(power panel)重新启动、从指南重新启动、从控制台物理重新启动以及重新连接电源线。最简单的方法如下所示:
1. 找到手柄(controller)中央的Xbox 按钮(Xbox button )。按住它一段时间以打开电源中心(Power Center)。
2. 现在,选择重启控制台(Restart console ),如下图所示。
3. 最后,选择重新启动(Restart )以开始该过程。
Method 2: Restart Your Router/Modem
如果您的互联网连接(internet connection)不稳定,您通常无法登录Xbox。重新启动路由器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity),并且很少有用户报告配置设置中标记的所有更改将在您重新启动路由器时生效。阅读路由器(Router)和调制解调器(Modem)有什么区别(Difference Between)?这里。
1. 找到路由器背面的ON/OFF button。
2. 按一下按钮将其关闭。(turn it off. )
3. 现在,断开(disconnect the) 电源线(power cable)并等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
4. 等待一分钟,然后重新连接电源线( reconnecting the power cable)并打开电源。
5.等待(Wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立,然后再次尝试登录(try signing in again)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Xfinity路由器登录(Router Login):如何登录Comcast Xfinity 路由器(Router)
方法 3:重置您的 Wi-Fi 路由器(Method 3: Reset Your Wi-Fi Router)
如果重新启动路由器不能解决Xbox One 一直让我退出的(Xbox One keeps signing me out)问题,则应该重置它。
注意 1:(Note 1:)所有设置和设置,如转发端口、黑名单连接、凭据等,都将被删除。因此,在继续执行下面讨论的说明之前,请务必记下这些内容。
注2:(Note 2:)重置(Reset)后,路由器将切换回默认设置和认证密码(authentication password)。因此,重置后使用其默认凭据登录。
1.使用 默认网关IP地址(default gateway IP address. )打开 路由器设置。( router settings)然后,使用您的凭据登录,(L)如图(ogin)所示。
2. 记下所有 配置设置(configuration settings)。重置路由器后您将需要它们,因为如果您使用P2P协议(Internet 上的点对点协议) ,您可能会丢失(Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet))ISP凭据(ISP)
3. 按住路由器上的 重置按钮(Reset button) 10-30 秒。
注意:(Note:) 您必须使用 大头针 (pin, )或 牙签 (toothpick )等指点设备来按下 RESET 按钮。
4. 路由器会自动 关机再开机(turn off and turn back on)。 当 指示灯开始闪烁( lights begin to blink)时,您可以 松开按钮(release the button)。
5. 在网页上重新输入路由器的(Re-enter) 配置详细信息。(configuration details)
注意:(Note:) 这次一定要设置一个强密码,以避免Xbox One一直(Xbox One)让(Make)我退出问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何找到我的路由器的IP 地址(IP Address)?
Method 4: Power Cycle Xbox One/360 Console
重启和重启(Restart and Power Cycle)是两个不同的过程。重新启动 Xbox 将关闭控制台并在一段时间后再次打开它。相反,电源循环(power cycle)是从控制台中取出电源并再次打开它。许多用户报告说t Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out问题可以通过重启(power cycling) Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)来解决,如下所示:
1. 找到手柄(controller)中央的Xbox 按钮(Xbox button )。按住它一段时间以打开电源中心(Power Center)。
2. 在这里,如图所示选择关闭控制台(Turn off console )选项。
3. 现在,等待您的控制台完全关闭。移除(Remove) 连接到控制台的所有外围设备(all peripheral devices)和电缆,包括(cables)电源线(power cable)。
4. 然后,将所有(reconnect all the) 线缆(cables)和设备(devices)(包括电源线)重新连接到控制台(console)。
5. 现在,打开(turn on) 您的控制台(your console)并检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix Origin Error 9:0)Windows 10 中的Origin 错误 9:0
方法 5:重置 Xbox 密码(Method 5: Reset Xbox Password)
当黑客侵入您的系统时,您将随机退出您的Xbox 控制台。(Xbox console)在这种情况下,请通过重置密码立即采取措施。
注意(Note):您不能直接从Xbox One重设密码,也不能从与(Xbox One)Xbox 主机(Xbox console)绑定的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)重设密码。您必须至少知道与该帐户关联的密码或手机号码和其他登录凭据,才能在Xbox中重置密码。
以下是重置Xbox 密码和修复(Xbox password and fix) Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out问题的方法:
1. 导航到Xbox控制台中的登录(Sign-in )菜单。
2. 键入您的Microsoft帐户的(account)电子邮件地址(email address )或电话号码(phone number )。
3. 接下来,选择突出显示的我忘记了密码(I forgot my password )选项。
4. 在这里,验证验证码(CAPTCHA) 文本(text)并选择屏幕键盘上的Enter按钮。(Enter )
5. 然后,选择下一步(Next )按钮接收验证码(verification code)。
6A。输入(Enter security code)您收到的安全码。
注意:如果(Note: I)您使用手机号码登录,您将通过短信收到验证码,(SMS,)如果您使用电子邮件登录,您将通过电子邮件(email)收到验证码。
6B。如果您没有收到代码,请单击我没有收到代码(I didn’t get the code )选项以尝试不同的方法来接收相同的代码。
7. 选择一个新密码(new password),现在,您可以使用这个新密码登录Xbox One 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Xbox One 耳机无法正常工作
方法 6:(Method 6: )重新下载(Re-download )Xbox 档案(Xbox Profile)
如果上述方法都没有帮助您,请尝试按照以下步骤重新下载Xbox 档案:(Xbox profile)
1. 导航到Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)中的设置(Settings)并选择系统(System )选项,如下图所示。
2. 现在,如图所示选择存储。(Storage)
注意:(Note: )如果您尚未将任何外部存储设备连接到控制台,请选择Hard Drive,否则选择All Devices。
3. 在这里,选择配置文件(Profiles)并选择您要删除的配置文件。(profile)
4. 然后,选择删除(Delete )选项。
5. 接下来,选择以下任一选项:
仅删除个人资料:(Delete Profile Only: )仅删除您的Xbox 个人资料(Xbox profile)。
删除个人资料和项目:(Delete Profile and Items: )所有已保存的游戏和成就将与个人资料一起删除。
6. 然后,选择控制器上的指南(Guide )按钮。
7. 现在,选择下载配置文件(Download Profile)。
注意:(Note: )在此步骤中,如果您没有看到“下载个人资料(Download Profile )”选项,则表示您已登录另一个个人资料。在这种情况下,
- 单击控制器上的X按钮
- 退出帐户(account)并使用正确的个人资料(correct profile)登录( sign in)
- 然后,单击下载配置文件(Download Profile)
8. 再次选择屏幕底部的下载配置文件。(Download Profile )
9. 输入您的Microsoft 帐户的(Microsoft account)登录凭据( login credentials)。
注意:(Note:)在这里,如果您在主机上使用外部存储设备(storage device),请选择您要保存Xbox 档案的(Xbox profile)存储设备(storage device)。如果您不使用外部存储设备(storage device),您的个人资料(profile)将自行开始下载。
10. 下载您的个人资料后,您可以根据需要选择是否记住密码(Remember the Password )。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Xbox 上的高丢包率
专业提示:启用双重身份验证以增加安全性(Pro Tip: Enable Two-Factor Authentication for Added Security)
为避免黑客攻击并避免Xbox one 或 360 不断出现注销(Xbox one or 360 keeps signing me out)问题,建议您为 Xbox 主机启用 2FA(双重身份验证(Two-Factor Authentication))以利用以下优势:
- 万一黑客知道了您的密码,他们将无法访问您的控制台,因为您将收到一条警报消息或安全代码(message or security code)以供进一步访问。
- 此外,只有输入访问代码(access code)才能访问Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)。因此(Hence),您也可以避免 Xbox 登录问题。
1.使用您的Microsoft 帐户凭据登录(Microsoft Account Credentials.)Xbox Live 。
2. 单击配置文件徽标(Profile logo)并选择我的 Microsoft 帐户(My Microsoft account),如下图所示。
3. 切换到安全(Security )选项卡。
4. 接下来,选择两步验证(Two-Step Verification )选项。
5. 然后,为突出显示的Microsoft 帐户选择(Microsoft Account)两步验证的(Two-step verification)管理(Manage)选项。
6.在这里,选择下一步(Next)设置两步验证(Set up two-step verification)。
7. 选择任何一个选项(option)验证我的身份:(Verify my identity with:)部分。
注意:(Note:)我们选择了用于两步验证的Microsoft Authenticator 应用选项作为示例。(app option)
8. 最后,选择立即获取(Get it now)按钮以设置两步验证。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Xbox One 错误代码 0x87dd0006(Fix Xbox One Error Code 0x87dd0006)
如何解决其他相关问题(How to Fix Other Associated Problems)
在使用Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)时,您可能还会遇到一些其他问题。但是,您也可以使用本文中讨论的方法来解决这些相关问题:
Xbox One 不断让我退出并断开连接:(Xbox One Keeps Signing Me Out And Disconnecting:)当您遇到此问题时,请重置您的Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)的密码(eset the password),同时启用双重身份验证以提高安全性和隐私性(security and privacy)。不过,如果您遇到问题,请重启(power cycle)设备以解决问题。
Xbox 随机退出我:(Xbox Randomly Signing Me Out: )当您遇到此问题时,黑客可能会侵入您的 PC 并让您随机退出。在这种情况下,请重置您的密码或尝试使用不同的登录凭据创建一个新帐户。( reset your password or try creating a new account)另外,请检查您的网络是否稳定。
Xbox 不断让我退出 YouTube:(Xbox Keeps Signing Me Out Of YouTube: )当您遇到此问题时,请在您的主机上重新安装 YouTube 。(reinstall YouTube)检查您的应用是否已更新到最新版本;如果没有,请相应地更新它。
Xbox 自动关闭:(Xbox Keeps Turning Off By Itself: )检查电源线是否损坏。用足够的空气流通为(air circulation)您的 Xbox 控制台通风(Ventilate your Xbox console)。确保电源装置(power supply unit)工作正常。
Xbox 不断与 Wi-Fi 断开连接:(Xbox Keeps Disconnecting From Wi-Fi: )检查您的路由器并在必要时重新启动/重置它。不过,如果您遇到任何问题,请联系您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)以获得进一步的支持。另外,检查网络的频率和带宽(frequency and bandwidth of the network)是否符合要求。
Xbox 不断崩溃:(Xbox Keeps Crashing: )当您的 Xbox 崩溃时,请多次重启您的控制台(power-cycle your console multiple times)并删除Xbox 缓存(Xbox cache)以避免出现问题。
- 什么是亚马逊招聘流程?
- 如何在 PC 上玩 3DS 游戏
- 修复 Xbox One(Fix Xbox One) 过热和关机问题(Overheating and Turning Off)
- 如何在Windows 11中禁用 Xbox(Windows 11)游戏栏(Game Bar)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以解决Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out问题。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。在评论部分中删除您的查询和建议。
How to Fix Xbox One Keeps Signing Me Out
Xbox is a popular gaming console dеveloped by Microsoft. Now, millions of υsers enjoy playing multiple games with this console. You may be annoyed that Xbox one keeps signing me out and you may not be able to play games or use other services due to it. You may face Xbox 360 keeps signing me out problem when you face network issues, your account gets hacked or cache memory in the console is corrupt. Regardless of the reason, you can easily tackle this problem by following the methods discussed below.
How to Fix Xbox One/Xbox 360 Keeps Signing Me Out
This issue is reported in almost all devices of Xbox like Xbox One, Xbox One S, and Xbox 360. In this article, we have shown some possible methods to fix this issue and keep your account more secure.
Method 1: Restart Your Xbox One/360 Console
All the temporary issues of the console will be resolved when you restart or power cycle your Xbox console. There are various ways of doing so such as, restarting from the power panel, from guide, physically from the console, and by reconnecting the power cables. The simplest way is demonstrated below:
1. Locate Xbox button in the center of its controller. Hold it for some time to open the Power Center.
2. Now, choose Restart console as depicted below.
3. Finally, select Restart to start the process.
Method 2: Restart Your Router/Modem
If you have an unstable internet connection, you cannot sign into Xbox typically. Restarting the router will re-initiate the network connectivity, and few users have reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective in action when you restart the router. Read What is the Difference Between a Router and a Modem? here.
Thereafter, follow the below-mentioned steps to restart your router:
1. Find the ON/OFF button at the back of your router.
2. Press the button once to turn it off.
3. Now, disconnect the power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
4. Wait for a minute before reconnecting the power cable & switching it on.
5. Wait until the network connection is re-established and try signing in again.
Also Read: Xfinity Router Login: How to Login to a Comcast Xfinity Router
Method 3: Reset Your Wi-Fi Router
If restarting the router does not fix Xbox One keeps signing me out issue, resetting it should.
Note 1: All the settings and setups like forwarded ports, black-listed connections, credentials, etc., will be erased. So, make sure to keep an account of these before proceeding to the instructions discussed below.
Note 2: After Reset, the router will switch back to its default settings and authentication password. So, use its default credentials to log-in after the reset.
1. Open the router settings using the default gateway IP address. Then, use your credentials to Login as shown.
2. Note down all the configuration settings. You will require them after resetting the router as you may lose your ISP credentials if you use a P2P protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet)
3. Press and hold the Reset button on your router for 10-30 seconds.
Note: You have to use pointing devices like a pin, or toothpick to press the RESET button.
4. The router will automatically turn off and turn back on. You can release the button when the lights begin to blink.
5. Re-enter configuration details for the router on the webpage.
Note: Make sure to set a strong password this time around to avoid Xbox One keeps signing me out issue.
Also Read: How to Find My Router’s IP Address?
Method 4: Power Cycle Xbox One/360 Console
Restart and Power Cycle are two different processes. Restarting Xbox is turning off the console and turning it on again after a while. In contrast, the power cycle is pulling out power from the console and turning it on again. Many users have reported that Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out issue can be resolved by power cycling Xbox console as follows:
1. Locate Xbox button in the center of its controller. Hold it for some time to open the Power Center.
2. Here, select the Turn off console option as depicted.
3. Now, wait for your console to be completely shut down. Remove all peripheral devices & cables connected to the console, including the power cable.
4. Then, reconnect all the cables and devices, including the power cable to the console.
5. Now, turn on your console and check if the issue is resolved.
Also Read: How to Fix Origin Error 9:0 in Windows 10
Method 5: Reset Xbox Password
When hackers intrude into your system, you will be signed out of your Xbox console randomly. In this case, take immediate action by resetting your password.
Note: You cannot directly reset your password from Xbox One and do so from the Microsoft account you have tied up with the Xbox console. You must know at least the password or mobile number & other login credentials associated with the account to reset the password in Xbox.
Here’s how to reset the Xbox password and fix Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out issue:
1. Navigate to the Sign-in menu in your Xbox console.
2. Type the email address or phone number for your Microsoft account.
3. Next, select I forgot my password option shown highlighted.
4. Here, verify the CAPTCHA text and select the Enter button on the on-screen keyboard.
5. Then, select the Next button to receive a verification code.
6A. Enter security code that you have received.
Note: If you have signed in using a mobile number, you will receive a code via an SMS, and if you have signed in using email, you will receive a code via email.
6B. If you did not receive a code, click on I didn’t get the code option to try a different method for receiving the same.
7. Pick a new password, and now, you can sign in to Xbox One with this new password.
Also Read: Fix Xbox One Headset Not Working
Method 6: Re-download Xbox Profile
If none of the above-mentioned methods have helped you, then try re-downloading the Xbox profile by following the below-mentioned steps:
1. Navigate to Settings in your Xbox console and select the System option, as depicted below.
2. Now, select Storage as shown.
Note: If you have not connected any external storage devices to your console, select Hard Drive, else select All Devices.
3. Here, select Profiles and choose the profile you want to delete.
4. Then, select the Delete option.
5. Next, choose any one of the following options:
Delete Profile Only: only your Xbox profile will be deleted.
Delete Profile and Items: all the saved games and achievements will be deleted along with the profile.
6. Then, select the Guide button on the controller.
7. Now, select Download Profile.
Note: In this step, if you do not see the Download Profile option, it means you have signed into another profile. In this case,
- Click on the X button on the controller
- Sign out of the account and sign in with the correct profile
- Then, click Download Profile
8. Again, choose the Download Profile at the bottom of the screen.
9. Enter the login credentials of your Microsoft account.
Note: Here, if you use an external storage device on your console, choose the storage device where you intend to save your Xbox profile. If you do not use an external storage device, your profile will begin downloading on its own.
10. Once your profile is downloaded, you can choose to Remember the Password or not, as needed.
Also Read: Fix High Packet Loss on Xbox
Pro Tip: Enable Two-Factor Authentication for Added Security
To avoid hacking attempts and avoid Xbox one or 360 keeps signing me out problems, you are advised to enable 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) for your Xbox console to avail following advantages:
- In case hackers come to know of your password, they cannot access your console since you will receive an alert message or security code for further access.
- Furthermore, the Xbox console can be accessed only if the access code is typed in. Hence, you can avoid Xbox sign-in issues too.
Here’s how you can do so:
1. Log in to Xbox Live by using your Microsoft Account Credentials.
2. Click on the Profile logo and select My Microsoft account as illustrated below.
3. Switch to the Security tab.
4. Next, select the Two-Step Verification option.
5. Then, select the Manage option for Two-step verification for your Microsoft Account shown highlighted.
6. Here, select Next to Set up two-step verification.
7. Select any one option for Verify my identity with: section.
Note: We have selected the Microsoft Authenticator app option for two-step verification as an example.
8. Finally, select the Get it now button to set up two-step verification.
Also Read: How to Fix Xbox One Error Code 0x87dd0006
How to Fix Other Associated Problems
You may also face some other problems while using the Xbox console. Yet, you can use the methods discussed in this article to solve these related issues as well:
Xbox One Keeps Signing Me Out And Disconnecting: When you face this problem, reset the password of your Xbox console, also enable two-factor authentication for additional security and privacy. Still, if you face the problem, power cycle your device to resolve it.
Xbox Randomly Signing Me Out: When you face this issue, there are more chances that hackers may intrude into your PC and keep you signing out randomly. In this case, reset your password or try creating a new account with different login credentials. Also, check if your network is stable or not.
Xbox Keeps Signing Me Out Of YouTube: When you face this issue, reinstall YouTube on your console. Check if your app is updated to the latest version; if not, update it accordingly.
Xbox Keeps Turning Off By Itself: Check your power cables if they are damaged. Ventilate your Xbox console with enough air circulation. Ensure that the power supply unit is working well.
Xbox Keeps Disconnecting From Wi-Fi: Check your router and restart/reset it if necessary. Still, if you face any issues, contact your Internet Service Provider for further support. Also, check if the frequency and bandwidth of the network are up to the mark.
Xbox Keeps Crashing: When your Xbox crashes, power-cycle your console multiple times and remove the Xbox cache to avoid the issues.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you could solve Xbox One/360 keeps signing me out problem. Let us know which method worked for you. Drop your queries & suggestions in the comments section.