您很有可能在YouTube 上(YouTube)看到了一个非常有趣的视频,然后您决定阅读评论,看看其他人对此有何感受。您还可以选择在播放视频之前阅读评论,以决定观看哪些视频以及跳过哪些视频。但是,在评论部分,你看到的不是有趣和有趣的评论,而是一片空白。或者更糟的是,你得到的只是加载符号。需要修复未显示的YouTube评论?阅读(Read)下文!
如何修复 YouTube 评论未加载(How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading)
方法一:登录你的账户(Method 1: Sign in to your account)
许多用户报告说,只有当他们登录到他们的Google 帐户时,才会为他们加载(Google account)YouTube评论部分。如果您已经登录,请转到下一个方法。
1. 点击右上角的(right corner)登录(Sign-in)按钮。
2. 然后,从与您的设备关联的帐户列表中选择(select)您的Google 帐户(Google account)。
如果您的帐户未显示在屏幕上,请单击使用另一个帐户。(Use another account, )为清楚起见,请参阅给定的图片。
3. 最后,输入您的电子邮件 ID(e-mail ID)和密码(password)以登录您的 Google 帐户。
方法 2:重新加载您的 YouTube 网页(Method 2: Reload your YouTube Webpage)
尝试使用此方法重新加载您当前的 YouTube 页面。
1. 转到您正在观看的视频(video)。
2. 只需单击Web 浏览器上主页(Home)图标旁边的重新加载按钮。(Reload button)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)YouTube 上(YouTube)突出显示的评论是什么意思(comment mean)?
方法 3:加载另一个视频的评论部分(Method 3: Load Comments Section of Another Video)
方法 4:在不同的浏览器中启动 YouTube(Method 4: Launch YouTube in a Different Browser)
如果您当前的浏览器没有加载YouTube评论,请在其他网络浏览器上打开(web browser)YouTube。要修复YouTube评论未加载问题,请使用Microsoft Edge 或 Mozilla Firefox(Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox)作为Google Chrome的替代品。
方法 5:将评论排序为最新的优先(Method 5: Sort Comments as Newest First)
1. 向下滚动未加载的评论部分。(Comments Section)
2. 接下来,单击“排序(Sort By)依据”选项卡。
3. 最后,首先单击最新,(Newest first, )突出显示。
方法 6:使用隐身模式
(Method 6: Use Incognito Mode
cookie、浏览器缓存(browser cache)或浏览器扩展可能会遇到问题,可能会阻止加载YouTube 评论(YouTube comment)部分。您可以通过在网络浏览器(web browser)的隐身模式(Incognito Mode)下启动YouTube来消除此类问题。此外,使用隐身模式可帮助您在(Incognito Mode)YouTube或其他流媒体应用程序上浏览视频时保护您的隐私。
阅读下文,了解如何在各种网络浏览器上为Windows 和 Mac 用户启用(Windows and Mac users)隐身模式(Incognito Mode)。
如何在 Chrome 上打开隐身模式(How to Open Incognito Mode on Chrome)
1. 同时按下键盘上的 Ctrl + Shift + N 键(keys)打开隐身窗口(Incognito window)。
1. 点击浏览器右上角的三点图标。(three-dotted icon)
2. 在这里,单击新的隐身窗口(New incognito window ),如突出显示的那样。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Google Chrome中禁用(Google Chrome)隐身模式(Incognito Mode)?
在 Microsoft Edge 上打开隐身模式(Open Incognito Mode on Microsoft Edge)
使用 Ctrl + Shift + N keys 快捷键。
1. 点击浏览器右上角的三点图标。( three-dotted icon )
2. 接下来,单击下拉菜单中的新建 InPrivate 窗口选项。(New InPrivate window)
在 Safari Mac 上打开隐身模式(Open Incognito Mode on Safari Mac)
同时按Command + Shift + N键在Safari上打开隐身窗口(Incognito window)。
进入隐身模式后,(Incognito Mode,)在地址栏中(address bar)输入youtube.com以访问YouTube。现在,确认未显示问题的YouTube评论已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Android上使用(Android)隐身模式(Incognito Mode)
方法 7:执行 YouTube 硬刷新(Method 7: Perform YouTube Hard Refresh)
您是(Are)YouTube的常客吗?如果是,那么很有可能已经积累了大量的缓存。这可能会导致各种技术问题,包括无法加载YouTube评论。硬刷新(Refresh)将删除浏览器缓存(browser cache)并重新加载YouTube 站点(YouTube site)。
以下是执行硬刷新(Hard Refresh)以删除Web 浏览器缓存(web browser cache)的步骤:
1.在您的网络浏览器上打开YouTube 。
2A。在Windows计算机上,同时按键盘上的 CTRL + F5键以启动硬刷新(Hard Refresh)。
2B。如果您拥有Mac ,请按Command + Option + R键执行硬刷新。(Hard Refresh)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何恢复旧的 YouTube 布局(Old YouTube Layout)
方法 8:删除浏览器缓存和 Cookie(Method 8: Delete Browser Cache and Cookies)
下面列出了清除和删除存储在各种 Web 浏览器上的所有浏览器缓存的步骤。(browser cache)此外,本节还说明了从智能手机中删除App Cache的步骤。(App Cache)这应该有助于修复未显示错误的YouTube评论。
在谷歌浏览器上(On Google Chrome)
1. 同时按住CTRL + H键打开历史记录(History)。
2. 接下来,单击左侧窗格中可用的历史记录选项卡。( History tab )
3. 然后,点击清除浏览数据( Clear browsing data),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,从时间范围(Time range)下拉菜单中选择所有时间。(All time)
注意:(Note:) 如果您不想删除浏览历史记录( Browsing history)旁边的复选框,请记住取消选中它。(Remember)
5. 最后,点击清除数据,(Clear data, )如下图所示。
在 Microsoft Edge 上(On Microsoft Edge)
1. 转到Microsoft Edge窗口顶部的URL 栏。(URL bar)然后,键入edge://settings/privacy.
2. 从左侧窗格中选择隐私和服务。(Privacy and services.)
3 . 接下来,单击选择要清除的内容,(Choose what to clear, )并将时间范围(Time rang)设置设置为所有时间。(All time.)
注意:(Note:) 如果您希望保留浏览历史记录( Browsing history)旁边的复选框,请记住取消选中它。(Remember)
4. 最后,点击立即清除。( Clear now.)
在 Mac 上(On Mac Safari)
1. 启动Safari浏览器,然后从菜单栏中单击Safari 。
2. 接下来,单击首选项(Preferences)。
3. 转到高级选项卡并选中菜单栏中的(Advanced)显示开发菜单(Show Develop menu) 旁边的框。(in menu bar.)
4. 从开发(Develop)下拉菜单中,单击清空缓存(Empty Cache )以清除浏览器缓存。
6.此外, (Additionally, )要清除浏览器 cookie、历史记录和其他站点数据,请切换到历史记录(History )选项卡。
8. 最后,从下拉列表中单击清除历史记录以确认删除。(Clear History)
方法 9:禁用浏览器扩展(Method 9: Disable Browser Extensions)
您的浏览器扩展程序可能会干扰YouTube并导致YouTube评论不显示错误。请按照以下步骤单独禁用浏览器扩展,以确定导致此问题的原因。此后(Thereafter),删除故障扩展(malfunctioning extension)以修复YouTube评论未显示问题。
在谷歌浏览器上(On Google Chrome)
1. 启动Chrome并在 URL 栏中输入:chrome://extensions。然后,按 Enter(Enter)。
2.关闭(Turn off)扩展程序,然后检查 YouTube 评论是否正在加载。
3. 通过分别禁用每个扩展检查每个扩展,然后加载YouTube评论。
4. 找到有故障的扩展程序(faulty extension)后,单击删除(Remove)以删除所述扩展程序。为清楚起见,请参阅(Refer pic)下面的图片。
在 Microsoft Edge 上(On Microsoft Edge)
1.在 URL 栏中输入 edge://extensions按回车键。
(Enter key.
2.对Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser)重复上述步骤 2-4(Steps 2-4)。
在 Mac 上(On Mac Safari)
1. 启动Safari并按照前面的说明转到首选项。(Preferences )
2. 在打开的新窗口中,单击屏幕顶部可见的扩展。(Extensions)
3. 最后,取消选中(uncheck)每个扩展(each extension)旁边的框,一次一个,然后打开YouTube评论部分。
4. 一旦您发现禁用有问题的扩展程序(faulty extension)可以修复YouTube评论未加载错误,请单击卸载(Uninstall)以永久删除该扩展程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何禁用不和谐通知(Discord Notifications)
方法 10:禁用广告拦截器(Method 10: Disable Ad Blockers)
在谷歌浏览器上(On Google Chrome)
1.在Chrome浏览器的(Chrome)URL 栏中(URL bar)输入:chrome://settings. 然后,按 Enter。( Enter.)
2. 接下来,点击隐私和安全(Privacy and Security)下的站点设置(Site Settings),如图所示。
3. 现在,向下滚动并单击其他内容设置。(Additional content settings.)然后,点击广告(Ads),如图所示。
4. 最后,关闭切换开关(toggle OFF )以禁用Adblocker,如图所示。
在 Microsoft Edge 上(On Microsoft Edge)
1.在URL 栏中输入(URL bar) edge://settings。按Enter。
2. 从左侧窗格中,单击Cookies 和站点权限。( Cookies and site permissions.)
3. 向下滚动并点击所有权限(All Permissions)下的广告(Ads )。
4. 最后,关闭切换(toggle) 开关(OFF )以禁用广告拦截器。
在 Mac 上(On Mac Safari)
1. 启动Safari并单击首选项。(Preferences.)
2. 点击扩展(Extensions),然后点击AdBlock。
3.关闭(off)AdBlock(AdBlock and return)的开关并返回YouTube 视频(YouTube video)。
方法 11:关闭代理服务器设置(Method 11: Turn off Proxy Server Settings)
如果您在计算机上使用代理服务器(proxy server),可能会导致YouTube评论无法加载问题。
按照给定的步骤禁用Windows 或Mac PC上的(Mac PC)代理服务器(proxy server)。
在 Windows 10 系统上
(On Windows 10 systems
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入代理设置。(Proxy settings)然后,单击打开。(Open.)
2.关闭(toggle off)自动检测设置( Automatically detect settings )的切换,如下所示。
3. 另外,请关闭( turn off)您使用的任何第三方VPN软件,以消除可能的冲突。
在 Mac 上(On Mac)
1.单击Apple 图标打开(Apple icon)系统偏好设置(System Preferences )。
2. 然后,点击网络(Network)。
3. 接下来,单击您的Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network ),然后选择高级。(Advanced.)
4. 现在,单击代理(Proxies)选项卡,然后取消选中(uncheck)此标题下显示的所有框。
5. 最后,选择OK确认更改。
方法 12:刷新 DNS(Method 12: Flush DNS)
DNS 缓存(DNS cache)包含有关您访问过的网站的 IP 地址和主机名的信息。因此,DNS 缓存(DNS cache)有时会阻止页面正确加载。按照下面列出的步骤从系统中清除DNS 缓存(DNS cache)。
在 Windows 上(On Windows)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
2.从右侧面板中选择以管理员身份运行。( Run as administrator )
3.如图所示,在命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)中键入ipconfig /flushdns然后,按 Enter(Enter)。
4.成功清除DNS 缓存(DNS cache)后,您将收到一条消息,提示“已成功刷新 DNS 解析器缓存”(Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache)。
在 Mac 上(On Mac)
1.点击终端(Terminal )启动它。
2. 在终端窗口(Terminal window)中复制粘贴以下命令,然后按 Enter。(Enter.)
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
3. 输入您的Mac 密码(Mac password)进行确认,然后再次按Enter 。
方法 13:重置浏览器设置
(Method 13: Reset Browser Settings
如果上述方法都不起作用,您最后的选择是重置网络浏览器(web browser)。以下是通过将所有设置恢复为默认模式来解决YouTube评论未加载问题的方法:(YouTube)
在谷歌浏览器上(On Google Chrome)
1.在URL 栏中输入(URL bar ) chrome://settings ,然后按Enter。
2.在搜索栏中搜索重置(Reset),打开重置和清理(Reset and clean-up)屏幕。
3. 然后,单击将设置恢复为原始默认值,(Restore settings to their original defaults,)如下所示。
4. 在弹出窗口中,单击重置设置(Reset settings)以确认重置过程。
在 Microsoft Edge 上(On Microsoft Edge)
1. 键入edge://settings按照前面的说明打开设置。
3. 现在,选择将设置恢复为默认值。(Restore settings to their default values.)
4. 最后,在对话框中选择重置进行确认。(Reset)
在 Mac 上(On Mac Safari)
1. 按照方法7(Method 7)中的说明,在Safari上打开偏好设置。(Preferences)
2. 然后,单击隐私(Privacy)选项卡。
3. 接下来,选择管理网站数据。(Manage Website Data.)
4 . 在下拉菜单中选择全部删除。(Remove All )
5. 最后,点击立即移除(Remove Now )进行确认。
- 如何修复YouTube一直让我退出?
- 如何检查是否有人在(Someone Blocked)Instagram 上(Instagram)屏蔽了你
- Twitter 上没有4种(Ways)修复这条推文的方法(Tweet)
- 修复 Windows(Fix Windows)无法自动检测此网络的代理(Proxy)设置
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以解决 YouTube 评论未加载问题。( fix the YouTube comments not loading issue.)让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分(comment section)。
How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading
The chances are that you came across a reаlly interesting videо on YouTube and then, you decided to read comments to sеe what other peоple felt about it. You may also choоse to read comments before playing а video to decide which videos to watch and which to skip. Bυt, in the comments sectiоn, instead of interesting and funny comments, all you saw was а blank space. Or worsе, all you got waѕ the loading symbol. Need to fix YouTube comments not showing? Read below!
How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading
Even though there are no fixed reasons as to why YouTube comments are not showing on your browser. Thankfully for you, in this guide, we have curated a list of solutions so that you can fix the YouTube comments not showing issue.
Method 1: Sign in to your account
A lot of users reported that the YouTube comments section loads for them only when they are signed in to their Google account. If you are already logged in, move to the next method.
Follow these steps to sign in to your account:
1. Click on the Sign-in button that you see in the top right corner.
2. Then, select your Google account from the list of accounts associated with your device.
Click on Use another account, if your account is not displayed on the screen. Refer given pic for clarity.
3. Lastly, enter your e-mail ID and password to sign in to your Google account.
Once logged in, open a video and go to its comments section. If the YouTube comments not showing issue persists, read ahead to know how to fix YouTube comments not loading.
Method 2: Reload your YouTube Webpage
Try this method to reload your current YouTube page.
1. Go to the video that you were watching.
2. Just click on the Reload button that you find next to the Home icon on your web browser.
After the page has reloaded, check if the YouTube comments section is loading.
Also Read: What does a highlighted comment mean on YouTube?
Method 3: Load Comments Section of Another Video
Since there is a possibility that the comments section that you are trying to view has been disabled by the creator, try to access the comments section of another video and check if it is loading.
Method 4: Launch YouTube in a Different Browser
If YouTube comments are not loading on your current browser, open YouTube on a different web browser. To fix YouTube comments not loading issue, use Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox as an alternative to Google Chrome.
Method 5: Sort Comments as Newest First
Many users observed that changing how the comments are sorted helped fix the issue of the loading icon continuously showing up. Follow these steps to alter how the comments in the comments section are sorted:
1. Scroll down the Comments Section which is not loading.
2. Next, click on the Sort By tab.
3. Lastly, click on Newest first, as highlighted.
This will arrange comments in a chronological order.
Now, check if the comments section is loading and if you can view others’ comments. If not, move to the next solution.
Method 6: Use Incognito Mode
The cookies, browser cache, or browser extensions might be encountering problems that may prevent the YouTube comment section from loading. You can eliminate such issues by launching YouTube in the Incognito Mode of your web browser. In addition, using Incognito Mode helps you protect your privacy while surfing videos on YouTube or other streaming applications.
Read below to learn how to enable Incognito Mode on various web browsers for both, Windows and Mac users.
How to Open Incognito Mode on Chrome
1. Press the Ctrl + Shift + N keys together on the keyboard to open the Incognito window.
1. Click on the three-dotted icon as seen in the top-right corner of the browser.
2. Here, click on New incognito window as shown highlighted.
Also Read: How to Disable Incognito Mode in Google Chrome?
Open Incognito Mode on Microsoft Edge
Use the Ctrl + Shift + N keys shortcut.
1. Click on the three-dotted icon in the top-right corner of the browser.
2. Next, click on the New InPrivate window option in the drop-down menu.
Open Incognito Mode on Safari Mac
Press the Command + Shift + N keys simultaneously to open an Incognito window on Safari.
Once in the Incognito Mode, type youtube.com in the address bar to access YouTube. Now, confirm that YouTube comments not showing the issue is resolved.
Also Read: How to use Incognito Mode on Android
Method 7: Perform YouTube Hard Refresh
Are you a frequent user of YouTube? If yes, then there is a probability that a high quantity of cache has gotten accumulated. This can cause various technical issues, including YouTube comments not loading. A Hard Refresh will delete the browser cache and will reload the YouTube site.
Here are the steps to perform a Hard Refresh to delete the web browser cache:
1. Open YouTube on your web browser.
2A. On Windows computers, press the CTRL + F5 keys together on your keyboard to initiate a Hard Refresh.
2B. If you own a Mac, perform a Hard Refresh by pressing the Command + Option + R keys.
Also Read: How to Restore the Old YouTube Layout
Method 8: Delete Browser Cache and Cookies
The steps to clear and delete all of the browser cache stored on various web browsers are listed below. Moreover, the steps to delete App Cache from your smartphone are also explained in this section. This should help fix YouTube comments not showing error.
On Google Chrome
1. Hold the CTRL + H keys together to open History.
2. Next, click on the History tab available in the left pane.
3. Then, click on Clear browsing data as shown below.
4. Next, select All time from the Time range drop-down menu.
Note: Remember to uncheck the box next to Browsing history if you do not want to delete it.
5. Lastly, click on Clear data, as depicted below.
On Microsoft Edge
1. Go to the URL bar on the top of the Microsoft Edge window. Then, type edge://settings/privacy.
2. From the left-hand pane select Privacy and services.
3. Next, click on Choose what to clear, and set the Time range setting to All time.
Note: Remember to uncheck the box next to Browsing history if you wish to retain it.
4. Finally, click on Clear now.
On Mac Safari
1. Launch Safari browser and then click on Safari from the menu bar.
2. Next, click on Preferences.
3. Go to the Advanced tab and check the box next to the Show Develop menu in menu bar.
4. From the Develop drop-down menu, click on Empty Cache to clear the browser cache.
6. Additionally, to clear browser cookies, history, and other site data, switch to the History tab.
8. Lastly, click on Clear History from the drop-down list to confirm the deletion.
Now, check if the YouTube comments not loading issue is sorted.
Method 9: Disable Browser Extensions
Your browser extensions could be interfering with YouTube and causing YouTube comments not showing error. Follow these steps to disable the browser extensions individually to determine the one causing this issue. Thereafter, remove the malfunctioning extension to fix YouTube comments not showing issue.
On Google Chrome
1. Launch Chrome and type this in the URL bar: chrome://extensions. Then, hit Enter.
2. Turn off an extension and then check if YouTube comments are loading.
3. Check every extension by disabling each one separately and then loading YouTube comments.
4. Once you find the faulty extension(s), click on Remove to remove the said extension(s). Refer pic below for clarity.
On Microsoft Edge
1. Type edge://extensions in the URL bar. Press Enter key.
2. Repeat Steps 2-4 as written above for the Chrome browser.
On Mac Safari
1. Launch Safari and go to Preferences as instructed earlier.
2. In the new window that opens, click on Extensions visible on the top of the screen.
3. Lastly, uncheck the box next to each extension, one at a time, and open the YouTube comments section.
4. Once you find that disabling the faulty extension could fix YouTube comments not loading error, click on Uninstall to remove that extension permanently.
Also Read: How to Disable Discord Notifications
Method 10: Disable Ad Blockers
Ad blockers can sometimes interfere with steaming websites like YouTube. You can disable adblockers to possibly, fix YouTube comments not showing issue.
Follow the steps below to disable adblockers in different web browsers.
On Google Chrome
1. Type this in the URL bar in Chrome browser: chrome://settings. Then, hit Enter.
2. Next, click on Site Settings under the Privacy and Security, as shown.
3. Now, scroll down and click on Additional content settings. Then, click on Ads, as highlighted in the picture.
4. Lastly, turn the toggle OFF to disable the Adblocker as depicted.
On Microsoft Edge
1. Type edge://settings in the URL bar. Press Enter.
2. From the left pane, click on Cookies and site permissions.
3. Scroll down and click on Ads under All Permissions.
4. Lastly, turn the toggle OFF to disable the ad blocker.
On Mac Safari
1. Launch Safari and click on Preferences.
2. Click on Extensions and then, AdBlock.
3. Turn off the toggle for AdBlock and return to the YouTube video.
Method 11: Turn off Proxy Server Settings
If you are using a proxy server on your computer, it might be causing YouTube comments not loading issues.
Follow the given steps to disable the proxy server on your Windows or Mac PC.
On Windows 10 systems
1. Type Proxy settings in the Windows search bar. Then, click on Open.
2. Turn toggle off for Automatically detect settings as depicted below.
3. Also, turn off any third-party VPN software you use, to eliminate possible conflicts.
On Mac
1. Open System Preferences by clicking on the Apple icon.
2. Then, click on Network.
3. Next, click on your Wi-Fi network and then select Advanced.
4. Now, click the Proxies tab and then uncheck all the boxes displayed under this heading.
5. Lastly, select OK to confirm the changes.
Now, open YouTube and check if the comments are loading. If the issue persists, try the next method to flush DNS.
Method 12: Flush DNS
The DNS cache contains information about the IP addresses and hostnames of the websites you have visited. As a result, the DNS cache can sometimes prevent pages from loading correctly. Follow the steps listed below to clear the DNS cache from your system.
On Windows
1. Search for Command Prompt in the Windows search bar.
2. Select Run as administrator from the right panel.
3. Type ipconfig /flushdns in the Command Prompt window as shown. Then, hit Enter.
4. When the DNS cache is successfully cleared, you will get a message stating Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.
On Mac
1. Click on Terminal to launch it.
2. Copy-paste the following command in the Terminal window and hit Enter.
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
3. Type in your Mac password to confirm and press Enter once again.
Method 13: Reset Browser Settings
If none of the above-mentioned methods work, your last option is to reset the web browser. Here’s how to fix YouTube comments not loading issue by restoring all settings to default mode:
On Google Chrome
1. Type chrome://settings in the URL bar and press Enter.
2. Search for Reset in the search bar to open Reset and clean-up screen.
3. Then, click on Restore settings to their original defaults, as shown below.
4. In the pop-up, click on Reset settings to confirm the reset process.
On Microsoft Edge
1. Type edge://settings to open settings as instructed previously.
2. Search reset in the settings search bar.
3. Now, select Restore settings to their default values.
4. Lastly, select Reset in the dialogue box to confirm.
On Mac Safari
1. As instructed in Method 7, open Preferences on Safari.
2. Then, click on the Privacy tab.
3. Next, select Manage Website Data.
4. Choose to Remove All in the drop-down menu.
5. Finally, click Remove Now to confirm.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix the YouTube comments not loading issue. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.