电源单元(Power Supply Unit)是所有服务器的重要组件,用于 IT 基础设施的正常功能。今天,几乎每个系统在购买时都附带一个PSU 。PSU不会直接向您的计算机供电,因为它使用其内部组件将交流电( AC)(Alternating Current (AC) )转换为直流电 (DC) 。(Direct Current (DC) )如果您的计算机没有获得足够的电源或PSU失败,您可能会面临多种后果,例如系统可能变得不稳定或您的计算机可能无法从开始菜单启动。在这种情况下,您必须使用测试方法来分析其工作状态。如果您正在尝试这样做,那么您来对地方了!我们提供了一个完美的指南,将帮助您学习如何使用万用表测试PSU 。因此,请继续阅读以详细了解所有内容。
如何用万用表测试 PSU(How to Test PSU with Multimeter)
在了解如何使用万用表测试PSU之前,以下是您在(PSU)电源单元(Power Supply Unit)出现故障时面临的一些迹象。
PC根本无法启动(PC won’t boot at all):当电源单元(Power Supply Unit)出现问题时,您的PC将无法正常启动。结果,系统将无法启动,通常被称为死机(dead computer)。
PC随机重启或关机(PC restarts randomly or Shuts Down):如果您的PC在启动过程中随机重启或关机,则表明PSU故障。
蓝屏死机(Blue Screen of Death):如果您的 PC 屏幕变蓝,则PSU状态不佳的可能性更大。
冻结(Freezing):当您的 PC 屏幕无缘无故冻结而没有蓝屏或黑屏时,这里可能存在硬件问题。
卡顿和卡顿(Lag and Stuttering):突然卡顿和卡顿是最常见的问题,您可以通过测试方法来确认。
屏幕故障:这是表明(Screen Glitches)电源单元(Power Supply Unit)即将失效的最常见原因之一。
来自风扇的噪音(Noise from the Fan):如果您的 PC 处于空闲状态并且您听到很大的噪音,并且风扇以最高 RPM 运行,请检查系统是否过热。如果不是,则表明电源单元(Power Supply Unit)出现故障。确保系统不会无故过热。
过热(Overheating):过热也可能是电源装置(Power Supply Unit)性能不佳的标志。
冒烟或有烧焦味(Smoke or burning smell):如果电源单元(Power Supply Unit)完全没电,它可能会冒烟并伴有烧焦味。
预防措施(Precautionary Steps)
方法 1:删除 USB 设备和光盘(Method 1: Remove USB Devices & Disc)
如果您有任何DVD(DVDs)、CD(Compact Discs)或USB设备连接到您的 PC,请断开(disconnect)它们并重新启动(reboot )计算机。建议您小心移除外部设备,以避免任何数据丢失。
1. 导航并找到任务栏上的安全删除硬件并弹出媒体(Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media )图标。
2. 现在,右键单击图标(icon )并选择(select )要从 PC 中删除的外部设备。
3. 同样,从系统中安全移除所有其他外部设备并(external devices )重新启动(reboot )您的 PC。
方法 2:移除新硬件(Method 2: Remove New Hardware)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何测试电源(How to Test Power Supply)
方法 3:断开所有电缆(Method 3: Disconnect all Cables)
1. 从配电盘上拔下电源线,然后尝试将系统连接到墙上插座。这在大多数情况下都有效。
2. 断开所有其他电缆与计算机的连接。例如,您可能有一个
VGA 电缆(VGA cable)– 用于将显示器的VGA端口连接到计算机的电缆,
DVI 电缆(DVI cable)- 用于将显示器的DVI端口连接到计算机的电缆,
HDMI 电缆(HDMI cable)– 用于将显示器的HDMI端口连接到计算机的电缆,(HDMI)
PS/2 cablePS/2端口上连接键盘和鼠标的电缆),
以太网电缆(Ethernet cable )– 将网络连接到系统的电缆,
- 其他音频(audio)和USB 电缆(USB cables)。
3.请(Please)稍等片刻后再重新连接(connect)。确保在重新启动 PC 时听到典型的哔声。
方法四:断开所有扩展卡(Method 4: Disconnect All Expansion Cards)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何判断您的显卡是否正在死机(How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying)
方法 5:给 PC 通风(Method 5: Ventilate PC)
当您开始在高温下使用它时,您的 PC 的寿命将会缩短。持续的过热也会磨损内部组件和系统。当系统加热到最高温度时,风扇将以最高转速旋转。然而,系统可能无法冷却到所需的水平。在这种情况下,GPU会产生大量热量,导致热节流(Thermal Throttling)。在这里,风扇和系统将无法降低热量。
因此(Hence),扩展卡将降低其性能以产生更少的热量。这将导致您的 PC 性能最差,在极端情况下,如果温度不降低,扩展卡将被杀死。因此(Hence),
1. 始终确保保持系统冷却(keep the system cool)并保持适当的通风(maintain proper ventilation)。
2.系统过热或连续使用后,请让系统闲置一段时间。(Leave the system idle for some time)
3.如果您的计算机有损坏的气流电缆和灰尘堆积,请添加更好的冷却系统。(Add better cooling systems)
方法六:保持清洁通风的环境(Method 6: Maintain Clean and Ventilated Ambience)
不干净的环境也可能导致系统性能下降,因为灰尘堆积会阻碍计算机的通风。它会增加系统的温度,从而可能会损坏包括电源单元在内的所有内部组件,从而导致系统有时崩溃。(Power Supply Unit)
1.清洁(Clean the vents)显示器的通风口并确保有足够的空间进行适当的通风。
2. 避免将电脑放在枕头等柔软的表面上。(soft surface)它将使系统沉入表面并阻碍空气流通。
3. 您可以使用压缩空气清洁器(compressed air cleaner)清洁系统中的通风口。小心不要损坏其中的任何内部组件。
如果上述故障排除方法均无效,请继续阅读以了解如何使用万用表测试PSU 。
方法 7:断开并连接 RAM 和 CPU(Method 7: Disconnect and Connect RAM and CPU)
如果以上方法都不起作用,请尝试从主板上断开CPU和RAM 。另外,请检查RAM是否与您的 PC 兼容。
1. 断开CPU并从主板上移除RAM 。
2. 几分钟后,连接CPU并将RAM插回主板。
3. 检查内存(RAM)、CPU和主板是否工作正常。如果有任何相关问题,请联系专业维修中心或在必要时进行更换。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 需要多少 RAM(How Much RAM Do I Need for Windows 10)
用万用表执行 PSU 测试(Perform PSU Test with Multimeter)
如果您正确执行了用万用表测试PSU的步骤,您可以确认(PSU)电源单元(Power Supply Unit)是否有问题,如果需要更换它。
注意:(Note: )下面提到的步骤是使用标准 ATX 电源(standard ATX power supply)演示的。
注意:(Note: )请勿跳过此步骤,因为您正在处理高压电。
2.关闭(Shut down)您的 PC,拔下所有电缆。(cables. )确保(Make)您已从系统断开所有连接。
3. 将您的计算机放在一个非静电的平面上(non-static flat surface)。打开计算机机箱并关闭PSU(PSU)背面的开关。
4. 现在,断开连接到内部组件的所有电源连接器。(power connectors)
5. 断开连接器后,将它们与电源线一起分组,以有效地继续测试。
6. 取一根电线,将针脚 15 和 16 连接到24 针主板电源连接器(24-pin motherboard power connector)。使用该表作为参考。
Pin |
Name |
Wire Color |
Description |
1 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
2 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
3 |
Black |
Ground |
4 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
5 |
Black |
Ground |
6 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
7 |
Black |
Ground |
8 |
Gray |
Power Good |
9 |
+5VSB |
Purple |
+5 VDC Standby |
10 |
+12V1 |
Yellow |
+12 VDC |
11 |
+12V1 |
Yellow |
+12 VDC |
12 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
13 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
14 |
-12V |
Blue |
-12 VDC |
15 |
Black |
Ground |
16 |
PS_ON# |
Green |
Power Supply On |
17 |
Black |
Ground |
18 |
Black |
Ground |
19 |
Black |
Ground |
20 |
NC |
White |
-5 VDC (Optional – Removed in TX12V v2.01) |
21 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
22 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
23 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
24 |
Black |
Ground |
7.您可以通过阅读世界各地的电压和频率(Hz)列表,(list of voltages and frequencies (Hz) around the world)根据您所在国家/地区在PSU背面设置电源电压。
8. 现在,将电源(Power supply )插入墙壁插座。
9. 拨动PSU(PSU)背面的开关将其打开。现在,检查风扇是否开始旋转,如果是,则继续执行以下步骤。如果风扇不转,则说明PSU有故障,您应该更换它。
注意:(Note: )某些电源装置(Power Supply Units)的背面可能没有按钮。因此(Hence),在这种情况下,只要将设备插入墙壁以使用万用表测试PSU ,风扇就会开始旋转。(PSU)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上使用性能监视器(详细指南)(How to Use Performance Monitor on Windows 10 (Detailed GUIDE))
10. 拿起万用表(multimeter ),将设置转到VDC (Volts DC)。
注意:(Note: )如果万用表没有自动量程功能,则将量程固定为10.00V。
11. 万用表中有两个探头。黑色探针(Black probe )为负极探针,红色探针(red probe )为正极探针。将黑色探头与任何黑色接地引脚连接。
12. 现在,将正极探针插入24 针主板电源连接器(24-pin motherboard power connector. )上带有电压的每个针脚。确保这些引脚上的电压供应将确认每个引脚上是否有电源。
注意:(Note: ) +3.3 VDC、+5 VDC、-5 VDC(可选)、+12 VDC和-12 VDC电压线内置于引脚内。
13. 记下万用表读数(multimeter readings)并确保这些值低于公差水平,如下表所示。
Voltage Rail |
Tolerance |
Minimum Voltage |
Maximum Voltage |
+3.3VDC |
± 5% |
+3.135 VDC |
+3.465 VDC |
+5VDC |
± 5% |
+4.750 VDC |
+5.250 VDC |
+5VSB |
± 5% |
+4.750 VDC |
+5.250 VDC |
-5VDC (if used) |
± 10% |
-4.500 VDC |
-5.500 VDC |
+12VDC |
± 5% |
+11.400 VDC |
+12.600 VDC |
-12VDC |
± 10% |
-10.800 VDC |
– 13.200 VDC |
15. 拨动PSU(PSU)背面的开关将其关闭并断开其与墙壁的连接。
16. 拆下插入4 针主板电源连接器的(4-pin motherboard power connector)电线( wire )。
17. 现在,重新连接所有内部组件。(internal components. )
18. 接下来,通过翻转电源装置(Power Supply Unit )背面的开关打开电源装置并打开 PC 电源。
注意:(Note: )您可以在没有外壳的情况下打开 PC。在没有电脑机箱的情况下操作是完全安全的。但是,如果您的 PC 在没有机箱的情况下无法开机,则必须将其相应的跳线移到主板上。
19. 对其他电源连接器重复11-13步骤( Steps from 11-13),确保记录的电压值在允许范围内(参见(Refer)步骤13( Step 13)中的表格)。如果记录值与容许限值相差太远,则必须更换PSU。
20. 更换故障电源(PSU)或电源(PSU)没有问题后,关闭电脑并用机箱盖住电脑。
21. 现在,打开您的 PC 并检查问题是否仍然存在,如果是,则尝试排除问题,因为PSU现在不是导致问题的原因。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了如何使用万用表测试 PSU(how to test PSU with multimeter)以及如何解决与 PSU 相关的问题。所以让我们知道这篇文章是如何帮助的。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Test PSU with Multimeter
The Power Supply Unit is аn essential comрonent of all servers for the normаl functionality of the IT infrastructure. Today, almost every system cоmеs with a PSU during purchase. The PSU does not deliver dіrect powеr to your computer, as it converts Alternating Current (AC) to Direct Current (DC) by using its internal components. If your computer does not obtain an adequate power supply or the PSU fails, you might face several consequences, like the system may become unstable or your computer might not boot from the start menu. In this case, you have to go for testing methods to analyze its working state. If you are trying to do so, then you are at the right place! We bring a perfect guide that will help you learn how to test PSU with multimeter. So, continue reading to know everything in detail.
How to Test PSU with Multimeter
Before getting to know how to test PSU with multimeter, here are some of the signs you face when the Power Supply Unit fails.
PC won’t boot at all: When there is a problem with Power Supply Unit, your PC will not boot normally. As a result, the system will fail to start, and it is often termed a dead computer.
PC restarts randomly or Shuts Down: If your PC restarts randomly or shuts down during the start-up, it indicates a PSU failure.
Blue Screen of Death: If your PC screen turns blue, there are more chances that the PSU is not in good condition.
Freezing: When your PC screen freezes for no reason without a blue or black screen, there might be a hardware problem over here.
Lag and Stuttering: Sudden lag and stuttering is the most common problem, which you can confirm through the testing methods.
Screen Glitches: This is one of the most common reasons that indicates soon to be dead Power Supply Unit.
Noise from the Fan: If your PC is idle and you hear high noise, and the fan is running at the highest RPM, check if the system is overheated. If not, then it indicates the Power Supply Unit is failing. Ensure the system is not overheated without any reason.
Overheating: Excessive overheating might also be a sign of the poor performance of the Power Supply Unit.
Smoke or burning smell: If the Power Supply Unit is entirely dead, it might expel smoke along with a burning smell.
Precautionary Steps
When you can confirm you have an error with PSU and want to know how to test PSU with multimeter, then continue reading this section to troubleshoot it before following the testing methods.
Method 1: Remove USB Devices & Disc
If you have any DVDs, Compact Discs, or USB devices connected to your PC, then disconnect them and reboot your computer. You are advised to remove the external devices with intense care to avoid any data loss.
1. Navigate and locate the Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media icon on the taskbar.
2. Now, right-click on the icon and select the external device you want to remove from your PC.
3. Likewise, remove all other external devices safely from the system and reboot your PC.
Method 2: Remove New Hardware
You can try disconnecting any new external or internal hardware and peripheral devices you got recently. If you find your computer working well after removing the hardware devices, then the new hardware may not be compatible with the system.
Also Read: How to Test Power Supply
Method 3: Disconnect all Cables
If the computer does not have enough power supply, you might face several difficult conflicts to resolve. Even if there are power interruptions during your work, the original functionality of the system is disturbed. Also, if you use an old, damaged, or unreliable cable, the connection will keep disconnecting from the device.
Even if the system speed is very high, you will not get uninterrupted service when the wires are broken. Ensure the wires are not damaged and if they are not in optimum condition, then replace them with a new one before knowing how to test PSU with multimeter.
1. Plug out the power cables from the power strip and try connecting the system to a wall outlet. This will work in most cases.
2. Disconnect all the other cables from the computer. For example, you may have a
VGA cable – the cable that is used to connect the VGA port of the monitor to your computer,
DVI cable – the cable that is used to connect the DVI port of the monitor to your computer,
HDMI cable – the cable that is used to connect the HDMI port of the monitor to your computer,
PS/2 cable – cables that connect keyboards and mouse on PS/2 ports of the system),
Ethernet cable – cable that brings network connection to the system,
- Other audio and USB cables.
3. Please wait for some time and then connect them back. Ensure you hear a typical beep sound while restarting the PC.
Likewise, connectors are essential components of cables that are required for proper network connectivity. You should always ensure that all the connectors in the system are tightly held up with the cable and are in good condition. Replace them if they are damaged. Then, disconnect all the cables.
Method 4: Disconnect All Expansion Cards
An expansion card is also an adapter card or accessory card used to add functions to the system through the expansion bus. Examples of expansion cards include sound cards, graphics cards, network cards, etc. All these expansion cards are used to improve the functionalities of their specific functions.
For instance, a graphics card is used to enhance the video quality of your games, movies, etc. Sometimes, these expansion cards might trigger a problem in the system. Hence, disconnect all the expansion cards from the system. If this method didn’t fix the issue, then it is better to try other methods mentioned below before knowing how to test PSU with multimeter.
Also Read: How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying
Method 5: Ventilate PC
The lifespan of your PC will be reduced when you start using it at high temperatures. Constant overheating will wear down the internal components and the system as well. When the system is heated to the maximum temperature, the fans will spin at the highest RPM. Yet, the system may not cool down to the required level. In this case, the GPU will develop a load of heat, leading to Thermal Throttling. Here, the fans and the system will become incapable of lowering the heat.
Hence, the expansion cards will reduce their performance to generate less heat. It will lead to the worst performance in your PC, and in extreme cases, the expansion cards will get killed if the temperature does not decrease. Hence,
1. Always ensure to keep the system cool and maintain proper ventilation.
2. Leave the system idle for some time when it is subjected to overheating or after continuous usage.
3. Add better cooling systems if your computer has damaged air flow cables and dust build-up.
Method 6: Maintain Clean and Ventilated Ambience
Unclean surroundings might also contribute to the poor performance of the system since the accumulation of dust will block the ventilation to the computer. It will increase the temperature of the system, and thereby all the internal components, including the Power Supply Unit might get damaged, causing the system to crash sometimes.
1. Clean the vents of the monitor and ensure there is enough space for proper ventilation.
2. Avoid placing your PC on a soft surface like pillows. It will make the system sink into the surface and block the air ventilation.
3. You can use a compressed air cleaner to clean the vents in the system. Be careful not to damage any internal components in it.
If none of the above troubleshooting methods worked, continue reading to learn how to test PSU with multimeter.
Method 7: Disconnect and Connect RAM and CPU
If none of the above methods work, try disconnecting the CPU and RAM from the motherboard. Also, check if the RAM is compatible with your PC.
1. Disconnect the CPU and remove RAM from the motherboard.
2. After a few minutes, connect the CPU and insert RAM back into the motherboard.
3. Check if the RAM, CPU, and motherboard are working well. If there are any associated issues, contact a professional repair center or replace them if necessary.
Also Read: How Much RAM Do I Need for Windows 10
Perform PSU Test with Multimeter
If you correctly execute the steps to test PSU with multimeter, you can confirm if there is a problem with the Power Supply Unit and replace it if needed.
Note: The below-mentioned steps are demonstrated using a standard ATX power supply.
1. Take all the above precautionary methods before you manually test PSU with multimeter.
Note: Don’t skip this step since you are dealing with high voltage electricity.
2. Shut down your PC, and unplug all the cables. Make sure you have disconnected everything from the system.
3. Place your computer on a non-static flat surface. Open the computer case and flip the switch off at the back of the PSU.
4. Now, disconnect all the power connectors that are connected to the internal components.
5. After you disconnect the connectors, group them along with the power cables to continue the test efficiently.
6. Take a wire and connect the pins 15 and 16 to the 24-pin motherboard power connector. Use the table for your reference.
Pin |
Name |
Wire Color |
Description |
1 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
2 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
3 |
Black |
Ground |
4 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
5 |
Black |
Ground |
6 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
7 |
Black |
Ground |
8 |
Gray |
Power Good |
9 |
+5VSB |
Purple |
+5 VDC Standby |
10 |
+12V1 |
Yellow |
+12 VDC |
11 |
+12V1 |
Yellow |
+12 VDC |
12 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
13 |
+3.3V |
Orange |
+3.3 VDC |
14 |
-12V |
Blue |
-12 VDC |
15 |
Black |
Ground |
16 |
PS_ON# |
Green |
Power Supply On |
17 |
Black |
Ground |
18 |
Black |
Ground |
19 |
Black |
Ground |
20 |
NC |
White |
-5 VDC (Optional – Removed in TX12V v2.01) |
21 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
22 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
23 |
+5V |
Red |
+5 VDC |
24 |
Black |
Ground |
7. You can set the power supply voltage according to your country at the back of the PSU by reading the list of voltages and frequencies (Hz) around the world.
8. Now, plug the Power supply into the wall socket.
9. Flip the switch at the back of the PSU to turn it on. Now, check if the fan starts to spin, if it does, then continue with the following steps. If the fan doesn’t spin, then the PSU is faulty, and you should replace it.
Note: Some Power Supply Units might not have a button at the back of them. Hence, in this case, the fan begins to spin as soon as you plug the unit into the wall to test PSU with multimeter.
Also Read: How to Use Performance Monitor on Windows 10 (Detailed GUIDE)
10. Take the multimeter and turn the setting to VDC (Volts DC).
Note: If there isn’t an auto-ranging feature on the multimeter, then fix the range to 10.00V.
11. You have two probes in the multimeter. The Black probe is the negative probe, and the red probe is the positive probe. Connect the black probe with any black ground pins.
12. Now, plug in the positive probe with every pin that carries a voltage on the 24-pin motherboard power connector. Ensuring voltage supply across these pins will confirm if there is a power supply across each pin.
Note: +3.3 VDC, +5 VDC, -5 VDC (optional), +12 VDC, and -12 VDC voltage lines are inbuilt within the pins.
13. Note down the multimeter readings and make sure these values come under the tolerance level, as tabulated below.
Voltage Rail |
Tolerance |
Minimum Voltage |
Maximum Voltage |
+3.3VDC |
± 5% |
+3.135 VDC |
+3.465 VDC |
+5VDC |
± 5% |
+4.750 VDC |
+5.250 VDC |
+5VSB |
± 5% |
+4.750 VDC |
+5.250 VDC |
-5VDC (if used) |
± 10% |
-4.500 VDC |
-5.500 VDC |
+12VDC |
± 5% |
+11.400 VDC |
+12.600 VDC |
-12VDC |
± 10% |
-10.800 VDC |
– 13.200 VDC |
14A. If the voltage values do not come under the tolerable range, it indicates a PSU failure, and you have to replace it.
14B. If the voltage values come under the tolerable range, then you can continue testing with the load.
15. Flip the switch at the back of the PSU to turn it off and disconnect it from the wall.
16. Remove the wire you have plugged into the 4-pin motherboard power connector.
17. Now, reconnect all the internal components.
18. Next, turn on the Power Supply Unit by flipping the switch at the back of it and power on the PC.
Note: You can turn ON the PC without its case. It is entirely safe to operate without the computer case. However, if your PC does not turn on without its case, you have to move its appropriate jumper on the motherboard.
19. Repeat Steps from 11-13 with other power connectors and ensure that the voltage values recorded come under the tolerable range (Refer to the table in Step 13). If the recorded value falls too far away from the tolerable limit, you have to replace the PSU.
20. After you replace the faulty PSU or if the PSU had no problem, then turn off the PC and cover the computer with its case.
21. Now, turn on your PC and check if the problem still exists, if yes, then try troubleshooting the problem as the PSU is not causing the issue now.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned how to test PSU with multimeter and how to troubleshoot PSU-related problems. So let us know how this article helped. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.