您想通过三显示器设置改善您在 Windows 上的游戏或多任务处理体验吗?(Do you want to improve your gaming or multitasking experience on Windows with a triple-monitor setup?)如果是,那么您来对地方了!有时,在单个屏幕上执行多项任务是不可行的。幸运的是,Windows 10支持多显示器。当您需要一次检查大量数据、在电子表格之间切换或在进行研究时撰写文章等时,拥有三个监视器被证明是非常有用的。如果您想知道如何使用笔记本电脑设置多台显示器,请不要担心!按照这个分步指南(step-by-step guide),它将准确地教您如何在Windows 10的笔记本电脑上设置 3 个显示器。同样,无需使用任何第三方应用程序。
如何在 Windows 10 笔记本电脑上设置 3 个显示器(How to Set Up 3 Monitors on a Windows 10 Laptop)
根据系统上的端口数量,您可以连接多个监视器。因为监视器是即插即用的,操作系统(operating system)将可以轻松检测到它们。它也可以极大地提高生产力。多显示器系统(multi-monitor system)只有在正确配置的情况下才会被证明是有益的。因此(Hence),我们建议您执行下面详述的步骤来做同样的事情。
专业提示:(Pro Tip: )虽然您可以更改每台显示器的设置,但在可行的情况下,最好使用具有相同设置的相同品牌和型号的显示器。(brand and model)否则,您可能会遇到困难,并且 Windows 10 可能难以扩展和自定义各种组件。
第 1 步:正确连接端口和电缆
(Step 1: Connect Ports & Cables Correctly
1. 在您的设备上安装多台显示器之前,确保所有连接(ensure all connections),包括通过VGA、DVI、HDMI或显示端口和电缆的(Display Ports & cables)电源和视频信号(power and video signals),都已连接到显示器和笔记本电脑(are linked to the monitors and the laptop)。
注意:(Note: )如果您不确定上述连接,请与制造商网站交叉检查显示器的品牌和型号(brand and model),例如 Intel here(manufacturer website, for instance, Intel here)。
2.使用显卡或主板的接口(Use the ports of graphics card or motherboard)连接多台显示器。但是,如果您的显卡不支持三台显示器,您将需要购买额外的显卡。
注意:(Note: )即使有多个端口,也不意味着您可以一次使用所有端口。要验证这一点,请在制造商网站上(manufacturer website and check)输入显卡的型号(model number)并进行检查。
3. 如果您的显示器支持DisplayPort 多流(DisplayPort multi-streaming),您可以使用DisplayPort电缆连接多台显示器。
注意:(Note: )在这种情况下,请确保您的计算机有足够的空间和插槽(space and slots)。
第(Step)2 步:配置多个监视器( 2: Configure Multiple Monitors)
虽然您可以将显示器连接到显卡上的任何可用视频端口(video port),但也可能以错误的顺序连接它们。它们仍然可以运行,但在正确重新组织它们之前,您可能无法使用鼠标或启动程序。以下是在笔记本电脑上设置和配置 3 个显示器的方法:
1. 同时按 Windows + P keys打开“显示项目”(Display Project)菜单。
2.从给定列表中选择一个新的显示模式:(Display mode)
仅 PC 屏幕(PC screen only) – 它仅使用主显示器。
重复(Duplicate )-Windows 将在所有显示器上显示相同的图像。
扩展(Extend) -多(Multiple)台显示器协同工作以创建更大的桌面。
仅第二个屏幕(Second screen only )- 将使用的唯一监视器是第二个屏幕。
3. 选择扩展选项,如下所示,然后在(Extend)Windows 10上设置您的显示器。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何解决计算机显示器显示问题(Fix Computer Monitor Display Problems)
第(Step)3 步:在显示设置中重新排列监视器( 3: Rearrange Monitors in Display Settings)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,选择系统(System)设置,如图所示。
3. 如果没有自定义显示器(Customize your display)的选项,请单击多显示器部分下的(Multiple displays)检测(Detect)按钮以检测其他显示器。
注意:(Note: )如果其中一台显示器未出现,请确保其已通电并正确连接,然后再按检测(Detect)按钮。
4. 重新排列桌面上的显示,拖放(drag and drop)自定义桌面(Customize your desktop)部分下的矩形框。(rectangle boxes)
注意:(Note:)您可以使用识别(Identify)按钮来确定要选择的显示器。然后,选中标记为Make this my main display(Make this my main display)的复选框,将其中一台连接的监视器设为您的主显示屏(display screen)。
5. 单击应用(Apply)保存这些更改。
现在,Windows 10 将保留物理布局,允许您跨多个显示器工作并运行程序。这是使用笔记本电脑设置多台显示器的方法。接下来,我们将学习如何自定义各种显示。
第(Step)4 步:自定义任务栏和桌面壁纸( 4: Customize Taskbar & Desktop Wallpaper)
在将一台或多台显示器连接到单台 PC 时,Windows 10 在识别和建立最佳设置方面做得非常出色。但是,根据您的需要,您可能需要修改任务栏、桌面和墙纸。请阅读以下内容。
步骤 4A:个性化每个显示器的任务栏
(Step 4A: Personalize Taskbar for Each Monitor
1.同时按Windows + D keys桌面(Desktop)。
2. 然后,右键单击桌面(Desktop )上的任何空白区域,然后单击Personalize,如图所示。
3. 在这里,选择左窗格中的任务栏(Taskbar)。
4. 在多个显示器(Multiple displays)部分下,然后切换在所有显示器上显示任务栏(Show taskbar on all displays)选项。
步骤 4B:为每个显示器自定义壁纸(Step 4B: Customize Wallpaper for Each Monitor)
1.如前所述,导航至Desktop > Personalize
2. 单击左侧窗格中的背景,然后在(Background)背景(Background)下拉菜单下选择幻灯片。(Slideshow )
3. 单击 为您的幻灯片选择专辑下(Choose albums for your slideshows) 的 浏览(Browse)。
4. 将每隔一段时间更换图片(Change picture every)选项设置为从所选相册显示新图像的时间段。(time period)例如,30 分钟(30 minutes)。
5. 切换“随机播放”(Shuffle )选项,如下图所示。
6. 在选择拟合(Choose a fit)下,选择填充(Fill)。
这是如何在笔记本电脑上设置 3 个显示器并自定义任务栏和壁纸。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中校准(Windows 10)显示器显示颜色(Monitor Display Color)
第 5 步:调整显示比例和布局(Step 5: Adjust Display Scale & Layout)
尽管 Windows 10 配置了最佳设置,但您可能需要调整每台显示器的比例、分辨率和方向。
步骤 5A:设置系统规模(Step 5A: Set System Scale)
1. 启动设置(Settings )>系统(System) ,如步骤 3(Step 3)所述。
2.从更改文本、应用程序和其他项目的大小(Change the size of text, apps, and other items)下拉菜单中选择适当的缩放选项。(Scale)
步骤 5B:自定义缩放(Step 5B: Custom Scaling)
1. 选择显示器(Display monitor)并进入Settings > System,如步骤 3 所示。(Step 3.)
2.从缩放和布局(Scale and layout)部分选择高级缩放设置。(Advanced scaling settings)
3.在突出显示的自定义缩放(Custom scaling)部分中将缩放大小(size )设置为 100%- 500%
4. 单击应用(Apply)以应用上述更改。
5.完成上述步骤后,退出您的帐户并重新登录以测试更新的设置。(Sign out of your account)
6. 如果新的缩放配置(scaling configuration doesn)看起来不正确,请使用不同的数字重复该过程,(repeat the process with a different number)直到找到适合您的数字。
步骤 5C:设置正确的分辨率(Step 5C: Set Correct Resolution)
通常,在连接新显示器时, Windows 10会自动建立建议的像素分辨率。(pixel resolution)但是,您可以按照以下步骤手动调整它:
1. 选择您要更改的显示屏幕并导航至(Display screen )Settings > System,如方法 3(Method 3)所示。
2. 使用缩放和布局部分中的(Scale and layout)显示分辨率(Display resolution )下拉菜单选择正确的像素分辨率(right pixel resolution)。
步骤 5D:设置正确的方向(Step 5D: Set Correct Orientation)
1. 像之前一样选择显示(Display )并导航到Settings > System。
2. 从比例和布局(Scale and layout)部分下的显示方向(Display orientation )下拉菜单中选择模式。
第(Step)6 步:选择多显示器查看模式( 6: Select Multiple Displays Viewing Mode)
您可以为您的显示器选择查看模式(viewing mode)。如果您使用第二台显示器,您可以选择:
- 要么拉伸主屏幕以适应额外的显示
- 或镜像两个显示器,这是演示的绝佳选择。
1. 导航至Settings > System,如下所示。
2.在显示(Display) 部分 选择所需的显示监视器。(Display monitor)
3. 然后,使用多显示器(Multiple displays )下的下拉选项选择适当的查看模式(viewing mode):
重复的桌面 -(Duplicate desktop – )相同的桌面显示在两个显示器上。
扩展 -(Extend – )主桌面在辅助显示器上扩展。
断开此显示器 -(Disconnect this display –)关闭您选择的显示器。
4. 重复上述步骤,调整其余显示器的显示模式(display mode)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将两台或多台计算机连接到一台显示器
第(Step)7 步:管理高级显示设置( 7: Manage Advanced Display Settings)
尽管更改高级显示设置并不总是一个好主意,因为并非所有显示器的尺寸都相同,但您可能需要这样做以提高色彩准确性(color accuracy)并消除屏幕闪烁,如本节所述。
步骤 7A:设置自定义颜色配置文件(Step 7A: Set Custom Color Profile)
1.按照方法 3(Method 3)的步骤 1-2( steps 1-2)启动系统设置(System Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击高级显示设置。(Advanced display settings.)
3. 单击 显示器 1 的显示器适配器属性(Display adapter properties for Display 1)。
4. 单击颜色管理选项卡下的颜色( Color Management )管理...(Color Management…)按钮,如下图所示。
5. 在设备(Devices)选项卡下,从设备(Device)下拉列表中选择您的显示器。(Display)
6. 选中标题为为此设备使用我的设置的框。(Use my settings for this device.)
7. 点击添加...(Add… )按钮,如图所示。
8. 单击关联颜色配置文件屏幕上的(Associate Color Profile)浏览..(Browse..)按钮以查找新的颜色配置文件(color profile)。
9. 导航到存储ICC 配置文件(ICC Profile)、设备颜色配置文件(Device Color Profile)或设备型号配置文件(evice Model Profile)的目录。然后,单击添加,(Add,)如下所示。
10. 单击确定(OK) ,然后单击关闭(Close)以退出所有屏幕。
11. 重复步骤 6(steps 6) - 11也为其他显示器创建自定义配置文件。(custom profile)
第(Step)8 步:更改屏幕刷新率( 8: Change Screen Refresh Rate)
要运行计算机,59Hz 或 60Hz 的刷新率就足够了。如果您遇到屏幕闪烁或使用允许更高刷新率的显示器,更改这些设置将提供更好和更流畅的观看体验,尤其是对于游戏玩家。以下是如何在笔记本电脑上设置 3 个具有不同刷新率的显示器:
1. 转到Settings > System > Advanced display settings > Display Adapter Properties 显示器 1(for display 1)的显示适配器属性,如步骤 7A 所示。(Step 7A.)
2. 这一次,切换到监视器选项卡。(Monitor tab.)
3. 使用显示器设置(Monitor Settings)下的下拉菜单选择所需的屏幕刷新率(screen refresh rate)。
4. 单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
5. 如果需要,执行相同的步骤来调整其余显示器的刷新率。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows上更改(Windows)主监视器和辅助监视器(Primary & Secondary Monitor)
第(Step)9 步:跨多个显示器显示任务栏( 9: Show Taskbar Across Multiple Displays)
现在您知道如何使用笔记本电脑设置多台显示器了;然后值得注意的是,在多显示器系统(multi-monitor system)上,默认情况下,任务栏(Taskbar)只会出现在主显示器上。幸运的是,您可以修改设置以在所有屏幕上显示它。以下是如何在笔记本电脑上设置 3 个显示器,每个显示器上显示一个任务栏(Taskbar):
1. 转到Desktop > Personalize,如图所示。
3. 打开多显示器(Multiple displays)部分下的在所有显示器上显示任务栏(Show taskbar on all displays)切换开关。
4. 使用Show taskbar buttons on下拉框选择运行程序的按钮应在任务(Taskbar)栏中显示的位置。列出的选项将是:
- 所有任务栏(All taskbars)
- 主任务栏和打开窗口的任务栏。(Main taskbar and taskbar where the window is open.)
- 打开窗口的任务栏。(Taskbar where the window is open.)
- 如何在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)WiFi Direct
- 如何在Windows 10中更改(Windows 10)启动程序(Startup Programs)
- 如何在Windows 10中将(Windows 10)麦克风静音(Microphone)
- 修复计算机不断崩溃(Fix Computer Keeps Crashing)的7种方法(Ways)
我们希望您发现这篇文章很有用,并学习了如何在 Windows 10 笔记本电脑上设置 3 个显示器(how to setup 3 monitors on a Windows 10 laptop)。如果您能够使用笔记本电脑或台式机(laptop or desktop)定制多台显示器,请告诉我们。并且,请随时在下面的评论框中(comment box)留下任何问题或建议。
How to Setup 3 Monitors on a Laptop
Do you want to improve your gaming or multitasking experience on Windows with a triple-monitor setup? If yes, then you have arrived at the correct location! It is sometimes, just not feasible to multitask on a single screen. Luckily, Windows 10 supports multiple displays. When you need to examine a lot of data at once, juggle between spreadsheets or, write articles while conducting research, and so on, having three monitors proves to be quite useful. If you are wondering how to set up multiple monitors with laptop, then do not worry! Follow this step-by-step guide which will teach you exactly how to setup 3 monitors on a laptop in Windows 10. That too, without using any third-party applications.
How to Set Up 3 Monitors on a Windows 10 Laptop
Depending on the number of ports on your system, you may attach a number of monitors to it. Because monitors are plug-and-play, the operating system will have no trouble detecting them. It can greatly boost productivity as well. A multi-monitor system will prove to be beneficial only when it is configured correctly. Hence, we suggest that you implement the steps detailed below to do the same.
Pro Tip: While you may alter settings per monitor, it is better to utilize the same brand and model of monitors with the same setup, wherever feasible. Otherwise, you could have difficulties, and Windows 10 might have difficulty scaling & customizing various components.
Step 1: Connect Ports & Cables Correctly
1. Before installing multiple displays on your device, ensure all connections, including power and video signals through VGA, DVI, HDMI, or Display Ports & cables, are linked to the monitors and the laptop.
Note: If you are not sure about the said connections, cross-check the brand and model of the monitor with the manufacturer website, for instance, Intel here.
2. Use the ports of graphics card or motherboard to connect numerous displays. However, you will need to purchase an additional graphics card, if your graphics card does not support three monitors.
Note: Even if there are multiple ports, it does not mean you can use them all, at once. To verify this, enter the model number of your graphics card in manufacturer website and check for it.
3. If your display supports DisplayPort multi-streaming, you can connect several monitors with DisplayPort cables.
Note: In this situation, make sure that your computer has adequate space and slots.
Step 2: Configure Multiple Monitors
While you may connect a monitor to any available video port on the graphics card, it is possible to connect them in the wrong sequence. They will still operate, but you could have trouble using the mouse or launching programs until you reorganize them properly. Here’s how to setup and configure 3 monitors on a laptop:
1. Press Windows + P keys simultaneously to open the Display Project menu.
2. Select a new Display mode from the given list:
PC screen only – It just uses the primary monitor.
Duplicate -Windows will show the identical image on all monitors.
Extend – Multiple monitors work together to create a larger desktop.
Second screen only – The only monitor that will be used is the second one.
3. Choose Extend option, as highlighted below, and set up your displays on Windows 10.
Also Read: How to Fix Computer Monitor Display Problems
Step 3: Rearrange Monitors in Display Settings
Follow the given steps to arrange how these monitors should function:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Windows Settings.
2. Here, select System Settings, as shown.
3. If there is no option to Customize your display then, click on Detect button under the Multiple displays section to detect other monitors.
Note: If one of the monitors does not appear, make sure it is powered up and connected properly before pressing the Detect button.
4. Rearrange the displays on your desktop, drag and drop the rectangle boxes under Customize your desktop section.
Note: You can use the Identify button to figure out which monitor to pick. Then, check the box marked Make this my main display to make one of the connected monitors your primary display screen.
5. Click Apply to save these changes.
Now, Windows 10 will preserve the physical arrangement allowing you to work across several displays and run programs. This is how to set up multiple monitors with laptop. Next, we shall learn how to customize the various displays.
Step 4: Customize Taskbar & Desktop Wallpaper
Windows 10 does an excellent job of identifying and establishing the best settings when connecting one or more monitors to a single PC. However, depending on your needs, you may need to modify your taskbar, desktop, and wallpaper. Read below to do so.
Step 4A: Personalize Taskbar for Each Monitor
1. Go to Desktop by pressing Windows + D keys simultaneously.
2. Then, right-click on any empty space on the Desktop and click on Personalize, as shown.
3. Here, select Taskbar in the left pane.
4. Under Multiple displays section, and toggle On the Show taskbar on all displays option.
Step 4B: Customize Wallpaper for Each Monitor
1. Navigate to Desktop > Personalize, as earlier.
2. Click on Background from the left pane and choose Slideshow under Background drop-down menu.
3. Click on Browse under Choose albums for your slideshows.
4. Set the Change picture every option to the time period after which a new image is to be displayed from the selected album. For example, 30 minutes.
5. Toggle On Shuffle option, as depicted below.
6. Under Choose a fit, Choose Fill.
This is how to setup 3 monitors on a laptop & customize taskbar as well as wallpaper.
Also Read: How to Calibrate your Monitor Display Color in Windows 10
Step 5: Adjust Display Scale & Layout
Despite the fact that Windows 10 configures the most optimal settings, you may need to adjust scale, resolution, and orientation for each monitor.
Step 5A: Set System Scale
1. Launch Settings > System as mentioned in Step 3.
2. Select the appropriate Scale option from Change the size of text, apps, and other items drop-down menu.
3. Repeat the above steps to adjust the scale settings on the additional displays as well.
Step 5B: Custom Scaling
1. Select the Display monitor and go to Settings > System as shown in Step 3.
2. Select Advanced scaling settings from the Scale and layout section.
3. Set the scaling size between 100%- 500% in the Custom scaling section shown highlighted.
4. Click on Apply to apply the said changes.
5. Sign out of your account and back in to test the updated settings after you have completed the above steps.
6. If the new scaling configuration doesn’t seem right, repeat the process with a different number until you discover one that works for you.
Step 5C: Set Correct Resolution
Normally, Windows 10 will establish the suggested pixel resolution automatically, when attaching a new monitor. But, you may adjust it manually by following these steps:
1. Select the Display screen you wish to change and navigate to Settings > System as illustrated in Method 3.
2. Use the Display resolution drop-down menu in the Scale and layout section to choose the right pixel resolution.
3. Repeat the above steps to adjust the resolution on the remaining displays.
Step 5D: Set Correct Orientation
1. Select the Display & navigate to Settings > System as earlier.
2. Select the mode from the Display orientation drop-down menu under Scale and layout section.
When you have finished all of the steps, the display will change to the orientation you chose viz Landscape, Portrait, Landscape (flipped), or Portrait (flipped).
Step 6: Select Multiple Displays Viewing Mode
You may select the viewing mode for your displays. If you utilize a second monitor, you may choose to:
- either stretch the main screen to accommodate the additional display
- or mirror both displays, which is a wonderful option for presentations.
You may even, deactivate the main display and utilize the second monitor as your primary if you are using a laptop with an external monitor. Follow the given steps on how to set up multiple monitors with laptop and set viewing mode:
1. Navigate to Settings > System as shown below.
2. Choose the desired Display monitor under Display section.
3. Then, use the drop-down option under Multiple displays to select the appropriate viewing mode:
Duplicate desktop – The identical desktop is displayed on both displays.
Extend – The primary desktop is expanded on the secondary display.
Disconnect this display –Switch off the monitor you have selected.
4. Repeat the above-mentioned steps to adjust the display mode on the remaining displays too.
Also Read: How to Connect two or more Computers to one Monitor
Step 7: Manage Advanced Display Settings
Although changing your advanced display settings is not always a good idea because not all monitors might be equal in size, you may need to do it to enhance color accuracy and eliminate screen flickering as explained in this section.
Step 7A: Set Custom Color Profile
1. Launch System Settings by following steps 1-2 of Method 3.
2. Here, click on Advanced display settings.
3. Click the Display adapter properties for Display 1.
4. Click on Color Management… button under Color Management tab, as depicted below.
5. Under Devices tab, select your Display from the Device drop-down list.
6. Check the box titled Use my settings for this device.
7. Click Add… button, as shown.
8. Click the Browse..button on the Associate Color Profile screen to find the new color profile.
9. Navigate to the directory where ICC Profile, Device Color Profile, or Device Model Profile is stored. then, click on Add, shown highlighted below.
10. Click on OK then, Close to exit all screens.
11. Repeat steps 6– 11 to create a custom profile for additional monitors too.
Step 8: Change Screen Refresh Rate
To run a computer, a refresh rate of 59Hz or 60Hz would suffice. If you are experiencing screen flickering or using displays that allow a higher refresh rate, changing these settings would provide a better and smoother viewing experience, especially for gamers. Here is how to setup 3 monitors on a laptop with different refresh rates:
1. Go to Settings > System > Advanced display settings > Display Adapter Properties for display 1 as shown in Step 7A.
2. This time, switch to the Monitor tab.
3. Use the drop-down menu under Monitor Settings to select the desired screen refresh rate.
4. Click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
5. Implement the same steps to adjust the refresh rate on the remaining displays, if needed.
Also Read: How to Change the Primary & Secondary Monitor on Windows
Step 9: Show Taskbar Across Multiple Displays
Now that your know how to set up multiple monitors with laptop; Then it is worth noting that on a multi-monitor system, the Taskbar will appear only on the primary display, by default. Fortunately, you can modify settings to display it across all screens. Here’s how to setup 3 monitors on a laptop with a Taskbar displayed on each:
1. Go to Desktop > Personalize as depicted.
2. Select Taskbar from the left pane.
3. Turn on the Show taskbar on all displays toggle switch under Multiple displays section.
4. Use the Show taskbar buttons on drop-down box to choose where the buttons for running programs should show in the Taskbar. The listed options will be:
- All taskbars
- Main taskbar and taskbar where the window is open.
- Taskbar where the window is open.
This is how to set up multiple monitors with laptop with a Taskbar displayed on each. You can also customize the taskbar by pinning additional programs or keeping it as simple as possible.
We hope you found this article useful and learned how to setup 3 monitors on a Windows 10 laptop. Please let us know if you were able to customize multiple monitors with your laptop or desktop. And, feel free to leave any questions or recommendations in the comment box below.