![如何在不添加电话号码的情况下创建 Gmail 帐户](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-e_LdqzS27_Q/Yjdfy5jmOiI/AAAAAAAANec/xAIed2BPiKs3EZNKvGC5rgF0YW31-VV_QCEwYBhgLKvEDABHVOhyU0JW91iiU4HdUNyWpEBsKLTw-6rQ88JJcf3GF8lMk7uR2vURQvSrLKx3HPJ-0bFTSQRDYtFiF0xXMnzMqjkeinj0p4_6R1kO7c7YxY5qQhApZ0W4keaxtQNkUgY3tkRT5-ypFY9VCwWOdWlQjQXqnqqmUhUOHojDHDyRxOdzXgn83uL9cUhyZQAyqoLNXwTuyPI3w7jMVLY_X3G_jMusEXoZHkAYQKZqBgUhPxBxFlPwhH-2DdZDXsVjKZqfavx4quKoI8Dn5vbKBw1fBP2LP-TMONu3R7eOkf34NH9fhPJJ8dtB0a9Nr9Lbun4wsDt2UkPoVWdXK-T5WEyqL8jtJIZzuNmeYS32rgbNJxt2MkVJe0ECNAjwjXY1oCKwCAja-lwWv2MG2WdS5jNcBqq8uNpsf5TXfjQaewupijbNsp_viGHOdMXhU68bv9CYzh3Jg897TZj113lNc9x2yiPm9ZLpb68caNxrHKk6kQvdPMHMRzJzCFsHGdrcsGW8UUQ6Ht3UrJUSKHvNnPH9C-EavJf8LBHVfter4gT7dO0uaIhreDldhomF7fI1DE1HmW7QFlecOcn2MqpmjESsYDZlEqVL_O7bu6l5iDcDGvhsDH0Fhqz9rIOYRCpkWkIV1yugxhdBnKN3LY3H2ntww--XdkQY/s0/uV01sptExdRYI401twQsRWwqY7Y.jpg)
假设(Suppose)您想创建一个Gmail 帐户(Gmail account),但不想共享您的电话号码(phone number)。您可能有一些隐私问题或不想在手机上收到不必要的消息。不想将他/她的号码与他们的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)相关联的原因可能有很多。那你该怎么办?本文将以最好的方式回答您的问题。在本文中,您将了解如何在不添加您的电话号码(phone number)或使用未知或虚拟电话号码的情况下创建您的(phone number)Gmail 帐户(Gmail account),这些都是虚拟的。所以,继续阅读这篇文章。
此外,在本文中,您将找到所有网站的超链接,因此请继续尝试这些网站来创建您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。
让我们来看看如何在不添加您的电话号码(phone number)或使用本质上是虚拟的未知电话号码的情况下创建您的(phone number)Gmail 帐户:(Gmail account)
如何在不添加电话号码的情况下创建 Gmail 帐户(How to create Gmail Account without adding your phone number)
1.如何在Gmail上创建帐户时跳过添加电话号码(How to Skip Adding Phone Number While Creating Account on Gmail)
以下是在不添加电话号码(phone number)的情况下创建帐户所需遵循的步骤:
1.第一步,你必须在你的电脑上打开谷歌浏览器,然后你必须打开新的隐身窗口(New Incognito Window)。您可以通过按Ctrl+Shift+N或单击图标(看起来像三个点)打开它,您将在 chrome 的最右上角看到该图标;点击它后选择New Incognito Window,就完成了。这个窗口是私人的。您将通过此私人窗口打开 Google 帐户。
开设谷歌帐户( Open Google Account)
![填写其中提到的所有详细信息以创建一个帐户。 | 创建 Gmail 帐户而不添加您的电话号码](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2bBgcWkiGfE/YjdiDxDqklI/AAAAAAAAypY/XF1akaoSSIAAgYyhRNlrzLQp_jkhI7tRwCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhwXhoxRfnCMzWoHOZ2642jZ_nuj0EzODXF5t1Q7BvL6a7rrN0krzmheUzsmY-MFPIvNElQtdb00p33blXdN7JKeWt40N8Z0Vjt0E5MzyV5q3K7ry34pqpX8okL7_Y21dPg0-ZjOB9BNW7cIeN7NeCNqh7dU4NQvftqlAepEp8qUf80-MONtpq3m9Tz54R59CdV0sSzvnmgh58TofhWiCd-3XY6S45gXs9apEd7wD9e7eQRv-OlfefiD1J7nhsO-VNpIePZXuYt8wH91-7xNeqMUsNvU8riJ4kEeaOdNAmzHs2vMofp2hexnesEIn4hQ49RORjmXR1EllxdTXA-_mnNBIqgBmt5sVi3ma-ytXDvYiGIu86LJm_BC3FpwKW6cZcBvMvhHvy8-0WwbqbpsqXyJZ5YLV2dWHiLbyifFEMd2GK8QlsVqaUZMn4nvXUyhp57e8xJd31k1YO35UcfL9WGPPd7j_bA0i0uYnC7fJa64Ibqw2Ap1gC7pmjiDzLiwvrkOm49a_jHa1qL7wtyHlrwJwnCAg1GXbJE3SP1tqSPSRxAvQRhkBLcZef3d-lfmexy1KCeGwg7Vp2gvonUpPrdxWONogD5_RueQHuhrQ9djY0v663ay1mkH7t7DID1nzRqWKoC8qdPME3pZMOTl3ZEG/s0/zknEz4wF1atgrt1KfCGFsendEII.png)
3. 现在,在这一步中,您会注意到添加电话号码(phone number)的选项。你不必写你的电话号码(phone number);将其留空,然后单击下面的下一步选项,直到创建帐户。很多人不知道这一点。您可以通过不添加号码来创建您的Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
![不必写你的电话号码; 将其留空,然后单击下面的下一步选项](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yUlx4JUs1AE/YjdSsyEfmII/AAAAAAAAxQE/dePpPsnygUoJgCvP1keLXDiB7n5-IOsAACEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhyA7Kl1nmuuE8YbfjpS9M3y-4uTVj7wwni_pQolcgJ95qTiO-uLPhHKnju5WtDUoCrh2GRhIuYn7H3A46WuR-NxwSiz3saC40lwEhLnEYSN1u049dY0D67l2CYyjg9Y07wRfnE24PF602JMWQ1tdO-7rwnXCbH-aen2ea7CQo1ODnAY1BCnUqtOf3xImHqFiNG3S8Q2NwO2TMd0tE1PbEUe3d5YJbd5HYjzbMmBiGMhVyvwZzVxKv1vF6EyEneYOXYpGLPPH2NpymJra9dKyL2eURnGuZzKwpReiu5BpQLzp-hh87uSJSlyCQ7ayU5pcMdJssGrsEJh5C-WsErMEJ0tE_FqLyDYX9EQ_MunDF7n3WJGQfXpQv5pjBA8MziUg9apzX0jdHDVVZJig8mgsk-81NqKeyDpZur2nn6PNvOlsduvCBq6Pgr51EQrrqOG5FNe5uiW36h5-u_yykFWzomxUoJ5SZkrxNrRvDqgntZvuPVxqE97MLOzC2UMF7kEWnA8HOkgWS4DRgY5vw2HYe0vwyFUDZbgDKOdbw0wn573JdoDAEeF7eTzjYqswz6pOpZDT0yyKKczaWxJPtWMgZ6yH18L_euilSbnLknCwvQX6JL3-DCrNUOD7sWAloZMYvFekGONPDCd4d2RBg/s0/Sd7xKZK8K6g-Ee2HkEkmyxwPBHI.png)
4. 因此,您的最后一步是接受您将在下一页看到的条款和政策,大功告成!
(Also Read:)另请阅读:如何免费获得(Free)Netflix 帐户(Netflix Account)(2020 年)
2. 如何使用匿名号码验证您的 Google 帐户(2. How to Use Anonymous Numbers to Verify for your Google Account)
是的,你没听错;您可以使用未知号码创建您的Google 帐户(Google Account)。
您可以在本网站上找到 7 个可以通过SMS测试检查的虚拟号码。然后,您必须选择任何号码并打开您用于检查任何网站的号码。您可以在收件箱中搜索您的验证码(verification code)。您可以非常轻松地使用本网站。
访问网站( Visit Website)
您可以查看此网站以使用未知号码 创建Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
在本网站的帮助下,您可以查看 22 个电话号码,这些电话号码本质上是虚拟的。您可以使用这些数字进行验证。您可以选择任何号码,然后单击该号码以获取验证码(verification code)。所以,继续尝试这个神奇的网站,使用未知号码创建您的Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
访问网站( Visit Website)
3.免费短信验证(Free SMS Verification)
您可以打开下面提到的链接,使用未知号码创建您的Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
本网站将为您提供 6 个未知号码,这些号码本质上是虚拟的。您可以使用这些数字进行验证。您可以单击您提到的验证过程(verifying process)中的号码以在收件箱中获取验证码(verification code)。
访问网站( Visit Website)
4.在线接收短信(Receive SMS Online)
您可以打开下面提到的链接以使用未知号码 创建您的Gmail 帐户,这些号码本质上是虚拟的。(Gmail account)
这是一个有趣的网站,因为它也提供了一些国际电话号码,例如加拿大和挪威(Canada and Norway),可以免费使用。在这个网站上,你会发现 10 个未知的数字,它们本质上是虚拟的。您可以单击您提到的验证过程(verifying process)中的号码以在收件箱中获取验证码(verification code)。试试这个网站,享受它的酷炫功能。
访问网站( Visit Website)
5.hs3x _(hs3x)
您可以打开下面提到的链接以使用未知号码 创建您的Gmail 帐户,这些号码本质上是虚拟的。(Gmail account)
您将在本网站上看到的电话号码每月都会更新。在这个网站上,你会发现十个电话号码本质上是虚拟的。此外,如上图所示,有些数字是国际数字。您必须选择一个号码,然后单击该号码并刷新页面以查看验证码(verification code)。
访问网站( Visit Website)
您可以打开下面提到的链接来创建您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。
这个网站帮助您呼叫您的客户,在SOAP APIs / HTTP APIs的帮助下自动验证您的交易或操作(transaction or action)。要接收短信,您可以使用其电话和短信(SMS)发送选项(delivery option)。继续尝试这个网站来创建您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。
访问网站( Visit Website)
您可以打开上面提到的链接以使用未知号码 创建您的Gmail 帐户,这些号码本质上是虚拟的。(Gmail account)
本网站将为您提供一些未知的数字,这些数字本质上是虚拟的。您可以使用这些数字进行验证。您可以单击您提到的验证过程(verifying process)中的号码以在收件箱中获取验证码(verification code)。因此,请继续使用未知号码创建您的Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
访问网站( Visit Website)
8.短信免费接收(Sms Receive Free)
创建 Gmail 帐户(Create Gmail Account)而不添加您的电话号码(Number)
在此网站上,您将获得各种虚拟号码,您可以轻松地使用这些号码进行验证。此外,所有这些电话号码都会每月更新一次。这些号码的消息每 24 小时被删除一次。您可以单击您提到的验证过程(verifying process)中的号码以在收件箱中获取验证码(verification code)。因此,请继续使用未知号码创建您的Gmail 帐户。(Gmail account)
访问网站( Visit Website)
推荐:垃圾邮件有多危险?(Recommended: How dangerous are spam emails?)
因此,您可以通过这些方式创建Gmail 帐户(Gmail account),而无需添加电话号码(phone number)并保护您的隐私。因此,请尝试使用这些网站来创建您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account),而不使用电话号码(phone number)或使用未知电话号码(phone number),它们本质上是虚拟的。
How to create Gmail Account without adding your phone number
Suppose you wаnt to create a Gmaіl account but do not want to sharе your phone number. You may have some privacy concerns or don’t want to receive unnecessary messages on your phone. Τherе could be numеrоus reasons why one doеs not want to link his/her number with their Gmail account. So whаt are you supposed to dо thеn? This article will answer your query in the best possible waу. In this аrticle, you will learn aboυt creating your Gmail account without adding your phone number or using unknown or virtual phone numbers, which are dummy in nature. So, go ahead and give this article a read.
Also, in this article, you will find the hyperlink for all the websites, so go ahead and try these websites to create your Gmail account.
Let’s how to create your Gmail account without adding your phone number or by using unknown phone numbers which are dummy in nature:
How to create Gmail Account without adding your phone number
1. How to Skip Adding Phone Number While Creating Account on Gmail
Following are the steps which you need to follow to create an account without adding your phone number:
1. In the first step, you have to open google chrome on your PC, and then you have to open the New Incognito Window. You can open it by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N or click on the icon (it looks like three dots), which you will see on the uppermost right side of chrome; after clicking it select New Incognito Window, and it is done. This window is private. You will open google accounts by this private window.
2. Use the link mentioned below to open google accounts in your private window. Here, you have to fill in all the details mentioned in it to create an account.
Open Google Account
![fill all the details which are mentioned in it to create an account. | create Gmail Account without adding your phone number](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2bBgcWkiGfE/YjdiDxDqklI/AAAAAAAAypY/XF1akaoSSIAAgYyhRNlrzLQp_jkhI7tRwCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhwXhoxRfnCMzWoHOZ2642jZ_nuj0EzODXF5t1Q7BvL6a7rrN0krzmheUzsmY-MFPIvNElQtdb00p33blXdN7JKeWt40N8Z0Vjt0E5MzyV5q3K7ry34pqpX8okL7_Y21dPg0-ZjOB9BNW7cIeN7NeCNqh7dU4NQvftqlAepEp8qUf80-MONtpq3m9Tz54R59CdV0sSzvnmgh58TofhWiCd-3XY6S45gXs9apEd7wD9e7eQRv-OlfefiD1J7nhsO-VNpIePZXuYt8wH91-7xNeqMUsNvU8riJ4kEeaOdNAmzHs2vMofp2hexnesEIn4hQ49RORjmXR1EllxdTXA-_mnNBIqgBmt5sVi3ma-ytXDvYiGIu86LJm_BC3FpwKW6cZcBvMvhHvy8-0WwbqbpsqXyJZ5YLV2dWHiLbyifFEMd2GK8QlsVqaUZMn4nvXUyhp57e8xJd31k1YO35UcfL9WGPPd7j_bA0i0uYnC7fJa64Ibqw2Ap1gC7pmjiDzLiwvrkOm49a_jHa1qL7wtyHlrwJwnCAg1GXbJE3SP1tqSPSRxAvQRhkBLcZef3d-lfmexy1KCeGwg7Vp2gvonUpPrdxWONogD5_RueQHuhrQ9djY0v663ay1mkH7t7DID1nzRqWKoC8qdPME3pZMOTl3ZEG/s0/zknEz4wF1atgrt1KfCGFsendEII.png)
3. Now, in this step, you will notice an option to add a phone number. You do not have to write your phone number; leave it empty and click on the Next option below until the account is created. Many people do not know this. You can create your Gmail account by not adding your number.
![do not have to write your phone number; leave it empty and click on the Next option below](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-yUlx4JUs1AE/YjdSsyEfmII/AAAAAAAAxQE/dePpPsnygUoJgCvP1keLXDiB7n5-IOsAACEwYBhgLKuoDABHVOhyA7Kl1nmuuE8YbfjpS9M3y-4uTVj7wwni_pQolcgJ95qTiO-uLPhHKnju5WtDUoCrh2GRhIuYn7H3A46WuR-NxwSiz3saC40lwEhLnEYSN1u049dY0D67l2CYyjg9Y07wRfnE24PF602JMWQ1tdO-7rwnXCbH-aen2ea7CQo1ODnAY1BCnUqtOf3xImHqFiNG3S8Q2NwO2TMd0tE1PbEUe3d5YJbd5HYjzbMmBiGMhVyvwZzVxKv1vF6EyEneYOXYpGLPPH2NpymJra9dKyL2eURnGuZzKwpReiu5BpQLzp-hh87uSJSlyCQ7ayU5pcMdJssGrsEJh5C-WsErMEJ0tE_FqLyDYX9EQ_MunDF7n3WJGQfXpQv5pjBA8MziUg9apzX0jdHDVVZJig8mgsk-81NqKeyDpZur2nn6PNvOlsduvCBq6Pgr51EQrrqOG5FNe5uiW36h5-u_yykFWzomxUoJ5SZkrxNrRvDqgntZvuPVxqE97MLOzC2UMF7kEWnA8HOkgWS4DRgY5vw2HYe0vwyFUDZbgDKOdbw0wn573JdoDAEeF7eTzjYqswz6pOpZDT0yyKKczaWxJPtWMgZ6yH18L_euilSbnLknCwvQX6JL3-DCrNUOD7sWAloZMYvFekGONPDCd4d2RBg/s0/Sd7xKZK8K6g-Ee2HkEkmyxwPBHI.png)
4. So, the last step for you is to accept the terms and policies you will see on the next page, and it’s done!
Also Read: How to Get Netflix Account For Free (2020)
2. How to Use Anonymous Numbers to Verify for your Google Account
Yes, you heard it right; you can use unknown numbers to create your Google Account.
1. Receive-SMS-Online
You can open the link which is mentioned below. With the help of this link, you will view some of the dummy numbers in nature.
You can find 7 dummy numbers on this website that can be checked by SMS testing. You must then select any number and open the number you used to check any website. And you can search in the inbox for your verification code. You can use this website very easily.
Visit Website
2. Receive-SMS-Now
You can view this website to create a Gmail account by using an unknown number.
With this website’s help, you can view 22 phone numbers, which are dummy in nature. You can use these numbers for the process of verifying. You can choose any number and then click on that number to get the verification code. So, go ahead and try out this amazing website to create your Gmail account using an unknown number.
Visit Website
3. Free SMS Verification
You can open the link which is mentioned below to create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers.
This website will provide you with 6 unknown numbers, which are dummy in nature. You can use these numbers for the process of verifying. You can click on the number you mention for the verifying process to get the verification code in the inbox.
Visit Website
4. Receive SMS Online
You can open the link mentioned below to create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers, which are dummy in nature.
This is an interesting website as it provides some international phone numbers too, like Canada and Norway, which are free to use. On this website, you will find out 10 unknown numbers, which are dummy in nature. You can click on the number you mention for the verifying process to get the verification code in the inbox. Try out this website and enjoy its cool features.
Visit Website
5. hs3x
You can open the link mentioned below to create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers, which are dummy in nature.
The phone numbers which you will see on this website are updated every month. On this website, you will find ten phone numbers that are dummy in nature. Also, some numbers are international, as you can see in the image above. You have to choose one number and then click on that number and refresh the page to look at the verification code.
Visit Website
6. Onverify
You can open the link which is mentioned below to create your Gmail account.
This website helps you call your customer, validate your transaction or action automatically with the help of SOAP APIs/ HTTP APIs. To receive text messages, you can use its phone and SMS delivery option. Go ahead and try this website to create your Gmail account.
Visit Website
7. Sellaite
You can open the link mentioned above to create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers, which are dummy in nature.
This website will provide you with some unknown numbers which are dummy in nature. You can use these numbers for the process of verifying. You can click on the number you mention for the verifying process to get the verification code in the inbox. So, go ahead and create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers.
Visit Website
8. Sms Receive Free
Create Gmail Account without adding your Phone Number
On this website, you will be provided with various virtual numbers that you can easily use to verify. Also, all these phone numbers are updated monthly. The messages of these numbers are deleted after every 24 hours. You can click on the number you mention for the verifying process to get the verification code in the inbox. So, go ahead and create your Gmail account by using unknown numbers.
Visit Website
Recommended: How dangerous are spam emails?
So, these were ways you can create your Gmail account without adding your phone number and maintaining your privacy. So, try these websites to create your Gmail account without using phone numbers or by using unknown phone numbers, which are dummy in nature. Also read Top 30 Best Second Phone Number App for Android.. Also read Top 30 Best Second Phone Number App for Android..